Sync en->fr

This commit is contained in:
LeRatierBretonnien 2020-03-24 09:08:31 +01:00
parent debc3e1d0d
commit 8af38741b7

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@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
{ {
"WFRP4E.system.title" : "Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4th Edition", "WFRP4E.system.title" : "Warhammer 4ième édition",
"WFRP4E.system.description" : "A comprehensive system for running grim and perilious games of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay in the Foundry VTT environment.", "WFRP4E.system.description" : "Un système de jeu pour Warhammer 4 dans l'environnemenbt de Foundry VTT.",
"SETTINGS.InitRule" : "Initiative Rules", "SETTINGS.InitRule" : "Règles d'initiative",
"SETTINGS.InitHint" : "Configure which method is used to determine who acts first in combat.", "SETTINGS.InitHint" : "Configurez quelle méthode appliquer pour l'ordre d'initiative.",
"SETTINGS.InitDefault" : "Default (Highest to Lowest Initative, Agility Tiebreaks)", "SETTINGS.InitDefault" : "Default (Highest to Lowest Initative, Agility Tiebreaks)",
"SETTINGS.InitSL" : "Roll an Initiative test, higher SL goes first", "SETTINGS.InitSL" : "Roll an Initiative test, higher SL goes first",
"SETTINGS.InitD10" : "Roll a d10 and add Initiative, higher goes first", "SETTINGS.InitD10" : "Roll a d10 and add Initiative, higher goes first",
@ -37,18 +37,18 @@
"SETTINGS.PlayerBrowser" : "Player access to browser", "SETTINGS.PlayerBrowser" : "Player access to browser",
"SETTINGS.PlayerBrowserHint" : "Allow players to access the Item browser.", "SETTINGS.PlayerBrowserHint" : "Allow players to access the Item browser.",
"SHEET.Close" : "Close", "SHEET.Close" : "Fermer",
"SHEET.Configure" : "Configure Sheet", "SHEET.Configure" : "Configurer la feuille",
"SHEET.Token" : "Configure Token", "SHEET.Token" : "Configurer le Token",
"SHEET.Import" : "Import", "SHEET.Import" : "Importer",
"SHEET.Post" : "Post to chat", "SHEET.Post" : "Envoyer au tchat",
"SHEET.NestedWarning" : "Cannot add container past the 4th nested container.", "SHEET.NestedWarning" : "Cannot add container past the 4th nested container.",
"SHEET.LocationWarning" : "Remove the container before changing its location", "SHEET.LocationWarning" : "Remove the container before changing its location",
"SHEET.SkillMissingWarning" : "You don't have this skill", "SHEET.SkillMissingWarning" : "You don't have this skill",
"SHEET.AddSkillTitle" : "Add Career Skill", "SHEET.AddSkillTitle" : "Ajouter une compétence de carrière",
"SHEET.AddSkillPrompt" : "Do you want to add this skill?", "SHEET.AddSkillPrompt" : "Do you want to add this skill?",
"SHEET.AddTalentTitle" : "Add Career Talent", "SHEET.AddTalentTitle" : "Ajouter un Talent de carrière",
"SHEET.AddTalentPrompt" : "Do you want to add this Talent? (Costs 100 Exp)", "SHEET.AddTalentPrompt" : "Do you want to add this Talent? (Costs 100 Exp)",
"SHEET.RefundXPTitle" : "Add XP Back?", "SHEET.RefundXPTitle" : "Add XP Back?",
"SHEET.RefundXPPrompt" : "Do you want to refund the experience?", "SHEET.RefundXPPrompt" : "Do you want to refund the experience?",
@ -56,24 +56,24 @@
"SHEET.CareerSkillPrompt" : "You are changing the specialization of a skill in your current career. Do you want to apply this change to the career as well?", "SHEET.CareerSkillPrompt" : "You are changing the specialization of a skill in your current career. Do you want to apply this change to the career as well?",
"SHEET.MeleeWeaponHeader" : "Melee Weapon(s)", "SHEET.MeleeWeaponHeader" : "Melee Weapon(s)",
"SHEET.RangedWeaponHeader" : "Ranged Weapon(s)", "SHEET.RangedWeaponHeader" : "Ranged Weapon(s)",
"SHEET.ArmourAP" : "Armour AP", "SHEET.ArmourAP" : "PA d'armure",
"SHEET.ShieldAP" : "Shield AP", "SHEET.ShieldAP" : "PA Bouclier",
"SHEET.TB" : "Toughness Bonus", "SHEET.TB" : "Toughness Bonus",
"SHEET.CreateItem" : "Create Item", "SHEET.CreateItem" : "Créer un item",
"SHEET.PostItem" : "Post Item to chat", "SHEET.PostItem" : "Envoyer l'Item au tchat",
"SHEET.EditItem" : "Edit Item", "SHEET.EditItem" : "Editer l'item",
"SHEET.Dropdown" : "Dropdown Item", "SHEET.Dropdown" : "lacher l'Item",
"SHEET.DeleteItem" : "Delete Item", "SHEET.DeleteItem" : "Supprimer l'Item",
"SHEET.RemoveItem" : "Remove Item", "SHEET.RemoveItem" : "Enlever l'Item",
"SHEET.EncCount" : "Encumbrance Counter", "SHEET.EncCount" : "Encombrement",
"SHEET.MaxEnc" : "Max Encumbered", "SHEET.MaxEnc" : "Encombrement Max",
"SHEET.VeryEnc" : "Very Encumbered", "SHEET.VeryEnc" : "Très encombré",
"SHEET.Encumbered" : "Encumbered", "SHEET.Encumbered" : "Encombré",
"SHEET.UnEnc" : "Unencumbered: No Modifiers", "SHEET.UnEnc" : "Encombrement OK : pas de modificateurs",
"SHEET.EncAbbrev" : "Enc", "SHEET.EncAbbrev" : "Enc",
"SHEET.QtyAbbrev" : "Qty", "SHEET.QtyAbbrev" : "Quant.",
"SHEET.CountEncOn" : "Click to not count encumbrance of this container (such as a cart)", "SHEET.CountEncOn" : "Cliquer pour ne pas compter l'encombrement de ce conteneur (chariot par exemple)",
"SHEET.CountEncOff" : "Click to count encumbrance of this container (such as a backpack you are carrying)", "SHEET.CountEncOff" : "Cliquer pour compter l'encombrement de ce conteneur (sac à dos porté sur soi par exemple)",
"SHEET.CountEncTT" : "Add this encumbrance to character's encumbrance (uncheck if not carried around e.g. a cart)", "SHEET.CountEncTT" : "Add this encumbrance to character's encumbrance (uncheck if not carried around e.g. a cart)",
"SHEET.PettySpell" : "Petty Spell", "SHEET.PettySpell" : "Petty Spell",
"SHEET.LoreSpell" : "Lore Spell", "SHEET.LoreSpell" : "Lore Spell",