Typo & wrong translation #72

ghostin77 merged 1 commits from master into master 2020-04-19 16:48:23 +02:00
ghostin77 commented 2020-04-19 15:41:52 +02:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

Just a few changes to see if it works well

Just a few changes to see if it works well
LeRatierBretonnien (Migrated from gitlab.com) approved these changes 2020-04-19 15:41:52 +02:00
LeRatierBretonnien commented 2020-04-19 16:48:18 +02:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

approved this merge request

approved this merge request
LeRatierBretonnien commented 2020-04-19 16:48:23 +02:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)

mentioned in commit ce162cd792

mentioned in commit ce162cd7922a2aee44f3a24a315ebbfbc6f797a1
LeRatierBretonnien commented 2020-04-19 16:48:23 +02:00 (Migrated from gitlab.com)


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Reference: public/foundryvtt-wh4-lang-fr-fr#72
No description provided.