Compare commits
No commits in common. "master" and "fvtt-ecryme-v11.0.9" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
name: Release Creation
types: [published]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo "💡 The ${{ gitea.repository }} repository will cloned to the runner."
#- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: RouxAntoine/checkout@v3.5.4
ref: 'master'
# get part of the tag after the `v`
- name: Extract tag version number
id: get_version
uses: battila7/get-version-action@v2
# Substitute the Manifest and Download URLs in the module.json
- name: Substitute Manifest and Download Links For Versioned Ones
id: sub_manifest_link_version
uses: microsoft/variable-substitution@v1
files: 'system.json'
version: ${{steps.get_version.outputs.version-without-v}}
# Create a zip file with all files required by the module to add to the release
- run: |
apt update -y
apt install -y zip
- run: zip -r ./ system.json template.json LICENSE.txt fonts/ images/ lang/ modules/ packs/ styles/ templates/ translated/
- name: setup go
go-version: '>=1.20.1'
- name: Use Go Action
id: use-go-action
files: |-
api_key: '${{secrets.RELEASE_TOKEN_UBERWALD}}'
@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
Copyright 2023 Open Sesame Games
Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
@ -1,43 +1,6 @@
# Ecryme v2 system for FoundryVTT (French RPG, Open Sesam Games, Official)
# Système Foundry pour Ecryme v2 (French RPG, Open Sesam Games, Official)
# Developmement
This is a base game system with functionnal character sheets for the game Ecryme, powered by the Engrenage system.
You can join the kickstarter and obtain the base books here :
# System overview
The game system in Foundry offers the following features :
- PC/NPC sheet
- Skill rolls
- Cephaly rolls (with Anency support)
- Confrontation management, with detailed result in the chat card
- Weapon rolls
- Trait management, with Spleen and Ideal also.
- Compendiums of items for the game

# Contributions
- Original code realised by Uberwald (
# English translation
English translation by Conal Longden and Ian McClung
# Copyright mentions
Copyright 2023 Open Sesame Games
All rights reserved
Ecryme is a game written by Alexandre Clavel and Samuel Metzener, in a universe created by Mathieu gaborit. All of the aforementionned authors retain there moral rights regarding this work in both print and digital formats.
# Requests or Problems
Please report any requests or problems you have at
@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
- Support Foundry v11/v12
- Correction sur le niveau de jeu par défaut
- Modification sur la prise en compte des traits en bonus/malus
- Correction sur les images de l'aide intégrée FR
- Corrections sur les champs background/notes/equipement libre
- Taduction des répertoires
- Ajout de 2 landing pages
- Enable deletion specialization
- Custome bonus for specializations
- Specialization direct rolls
Add profession, fix equipment tab and add missing translation
Snapshot and more detailed README
Initial release
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 208 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 55 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 63 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 171 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 353 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 100 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 68 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 388 KiB |
Before Width: | Height: | Size: 248 KiB |
@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
"TYPES": {
"Actor": {
"pc": "Player Character",
"npc": "Non-Player Character",
"annency": "Annency"
"Personnage": "PC"
"Item": {
"trait": "Trait",
@ -18,8 +16,7 @@
"cogs": "Cogs",
"cephaly": "Cephaly",
"boheme": "Boheme",
"amertume": "Amertume",
"gamelevel": "Game level"
"amertume": "Amertume"
"chat": {
"formula": "Formula",
@ -33,9 +30,7 @@
"traitbonus": "Bonus trait",
"traitmalus": "Malus trait",
"bonusmalustraits": "Traits Bonus/Malus",
"spectranscend": "Self-Transcend : ",
"confrontselect": "Selected for confrontation",
"sentogm": "Confrontation has been sent to GM"
"spectranscend": "Self-Transcend : "
"rule": {
"cephaly-success-2": "Duration : 1 scene - Impact : Superficial - Bonus : 1 - Elegy : 1",
@ -53,7 +48,6 @@
"notenoughdice": "Execution and Preservation must have 2 dices allocated"
"ui": {
"equipmentfree": "Equipments (free input)",
"traitType": "Trait type",
"niveauTrait": "Trait level",
"weight": "Weight",
@ -151,24 +145,7 @@
"psyche": "Psyche",
"scoria": "Scoria",
"cephalydifficulty": "Set Cephaly difficulty",
"maneuvers": "Maneuvers",
"annency": "Annency",
"iscollective": "Collective",
"ismultiple": "Multiple",
"description": "Description",
"location": "Location",
"characters": "Characters",
"enhancements": "Enhancements",
"oniricform": "Oniric shape (Boheme)",
"ideals": "Ideals",
"politic": "Political ideal",
"boheme": "Boheme",
"annencybonus": "Annency bonus",
"bornplace": "Born place",
"residence": "Residence",
"origin": "Origin",
"childhood": "Childhood",
"bonus": "Bonus"
"maneuvers": "Maneuvers"
@ -1,9 +1,7 @@
"TYPES": {
"pc": "Personnage Joueur",
"npc": "Personnage Non Joueur",
"annency": "Anence"
"Personnage": "PJ"
"Item": {
"trait": "Trait",
@ -18,8 +16,7 @@
"cogs": "Engrenages",
"cephaly": "Céphalie",
"boheme": "Bohême",
"amertume": "Amertume",
"gamelevel": "Niveau de jeu"
"amertume": "Amertume"
"chat": {
"formula": "Formule",
@ -33,16 +30,14 @@
"traitbonus": "Trait bonus",
"traitmalus": "Trait malus",
"bonusmalustraits": "Bonus/Malus des Traits",
"spectranscend": "Dépassement de soi : ",
"confrontselected": "Confrontation selectionnée",
"sentogm": "La confrontation a été envoyée au MJ"
"spectranscend": "Dépassement de soi : "
"rule": {
"cephaly-success-12": "Durée : 1 scène - Impact : Superficiel - Bonus : 1 - Elegie : 1",
"cephaly-success-4": "Durée : 1 semaine - Impact : Léger - Bonus : 2 - Elegie : 2",
"cephaly-success-6": "Durée : 1 mois - Impact : Grave - Bonus : 3 - Elegie : 3",
"cephaly-success-8": "Durée : 1 année - Impact : Majeur - Bonus : 4 - Elegie : 4",
"cephaly-success-10": "Durée : Permanent - Impact : Mort - Bonus : 5 - Elegie : 5",
"cephaly-success-34": "Durée : 1 semaine - Impact : Léger - Bonus : 2 - Elegie : 2",
"cephaly-success-56": "Durée : 1 mois - Impact : Grave - Bonus : 3 - Elegie : 3",
"cephaly-success-78": "Durée : 1 année - Impact : Majeur - Bonus : 4 - Elegie : 4",
"cephaly-success-910": "Durée : Permanent - Impact : Mort - Bonus : 5 - Elegie : 5",
"cephaly-failure-2": "Durée : 1 scène - Impact : Superficiel - Malus : 1 - Symptôme non visible et sans gravité - Altération bégigne difficilement repérable",
"cephaly-failure-4": "Durée : 1 semaine - Impact : Léger - Malus : 2 - Symptôme visible non incapacitant - Altération repérable",
"cephaly-failure-6": "Durée : 1 mois - Impact : Grave - Malus : 3 - Symptôme incapacitant - Altération repérable et fâcheuse",
@ -54,7 +49,6 @@
"notenoughdice": "L'Accomplissement et la Préservation doivent avoir 2 dés chacun"
"ui": {
"equipmentfree": "Equipements (saisie libre)",
"traitType": "Type de trait",
"niveauTrait": "Niveau du trait",
"effect": "Incidence",
@ -152,24 +146,7 @@
"psyche": "Psyché",
"scoria": "Scorie",
"cephalydifficulty": "Difficulté de la Céphalie",
"maneuvers": "Manoeuvres",
"annency": "Anence",
"iscollective": "Collective",
"ismultiple": "Multiple",
"description": "Description",
"location": "Lieu",
"characters": "Personnages",
"enhancements": "Améliorations",
"oniricform": "Forme Onorique (Bohême)",
"ideals": "Idéaux",
"politic": "Idéaux politiques",
"boheme": "Bohême",
"annencybonus": "Bonus d'Anence",
"bornplace": "Lieu de naissance",
"residence": "Résidence",
"origin": "Origine",
"childhood": "Enfance",
"bonus": "Bonus"
"maneuvers": "Manoeuvres"
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ export class EcrymeActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["fvtt-ecryme", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/actors/actor-sheet.hbs",
width: 860,
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ export class EcrymeActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
system: foundry.utils.duplicate(this.object.system),
system: duplicate(this.object.system),
@ -41,21 +41,18 @@ export class EcrymeActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
impacts: this.object.getImpacts(),
config: foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config),
config: duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config),
archetype: foundry.utils.duplicate(,
archetype: duplicate(,
hasCephaly: EcrymeUtility.hasCephaly(),
hasBoheme: EcrymeUtility.hasBoheme(),
hasAmertume: EcrymeUtility.hasAmertume(),
subActors: foundry.utils.duplicate(,
description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.biodata.description, { async: true }),
notes: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.biodata.notes, { async: true }),
equipementlibre: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.equipmentfree, { async: true }),
subActors: duplicate(,
description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.description, { async: true }),
notes: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.notes, { async: true }),
equipementlibre: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.object.system.equipementlibre, { async: true }),
options: this.options,
owner: this.document.isOwner,
editScore: this.options.editScore,
@ -80,19 +77,10 @@ export class EcrymeActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
if (e.keyCode === 13) return false;
html.find('.open-annency').click(ev => {
let actorId = $(ev.currentTarget).data("annency-id")
const actor = game.actors.get(actorId)
// Update Inventory Item
html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item")
let itemId ="item-id")
if (!itemId) {
itemId = $(ev.currentTarget).data("item-id")
const item = itemId );
@ -132,12 +120,6 @@ export class EcrymeActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
let skillKey = $(event.currentTarget).data("skill-key")
||||, skillKey)
html.find('.roll-spec').click((event) => {
let categKey = $(event.currentTarget).data("category-key")
let skillKey = $(event.currentTarget).data("skill-key")
let specId = $(event.currentTarget).data("spec-id")
||||, skillKey, specId)
html.find('.roll-skill-confront').click((event) => {
let categKey = $(event.currentTarget).data("category-key")
let skillKey = $(event.currentTarget).data("skill-key")
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
if (data instanceof Array) {
return super.create(data, options);
// If the created actor has items (only applicable to foundry.utils.duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic
// If the created actor has items (only applicable to duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic
if (data.items) {
let actor = super.create(data, options);
return actor;
@ -54,18 +54,6 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
super._preUpdate(changed, options, user);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _preCreate(data, options, user) {
await super._preCreate(data, options, user);
// Configure prototype token settings
const prototypeToken = {};
if (this.type === "pc") Object.assign(prototypeToken, {
sight: { enabled: true }, actorLink: true, disposition: CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.FRIENDLY
this.updateSource({ prototypeToken });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getMoneys() {
let comp = this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'money');
@ -73,39 +61,13 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
return comp;
getArchetype() {
let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.find(item => item.type == 'archetype') || { name: "Pas d'archetype" })
let comp = duplicate(this.items.find(item => item.type == 'archetype') || { name: "Pas d'archetype" })
if (comp?.system) {
comp.tarot = EcrymeUtility.getTarot(comp.system.lametutelaire)
return comp;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
buildAnnencyActorList() {
let membersFull = {}
for(let id of this.system.base.characters) {
let actor = game.actors.get(id)
membersFull[id] = { name:, id:, img: actor.img }
return membersFull
/* ----------------------- --------------------- */
addAnnencyActor(actorId) {
let members = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.base.characters)
this.update({ 'system.base.characters': members })
async removeAnnencyActor(actorId) {
let members = this.system.base.characters.filter(id => id != actorId)
this.update({ 'system.base.characters': members })
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getAnnency() {
let annency = game.actors.find(a => a.type == 'annency' && a.system.base.characters.includes(
return annency || {}
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getConfrontations() {
return this.items.filter(it => it.type == "confrontation")
@ -136,7 +98,7 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
prepareSkills() {
let skills = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.skills)
let skills = duplicate(this.system.skills)
for (let categKey in skills) {
let category = skills[categKey]
for (let skillKey in category.skilllist) {
@ -148,22 +110,22 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCephalySkills() {
let skills = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.cephaly.skilllist)
let skills = duplicate(this.system.cephaly.skilllist)
return skills
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getImpacts() {
let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'impact') || [])
let comp = duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'impact') || [])
return comp;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getWeapons() {
let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'weapon') || [])
let comp = duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'weapon') || [])
return comp;
getManeuvers() {
let comp = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'maneuver') || [])
let comp = duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'maneuver') || [])
return comp;
@ -171,7 +133,7 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
getItemById(id) {
let item = this.items.find(item => == id);
if (item) {
item = foundry.utils.duplicate(item)
item = duplicate(item)
return item;
@ -201,12 +163,12 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
/* ------------------------------------------- */
getEquipments() {
return this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'equipment')
return this.items.filter(item => item.type == 'equipement')
/* ------------------------------------------- */
async buildContainerTree() {
let equipments = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == "equipment") || [])
let equipments = duplicate(this.items.filter(item => item.type == "equipment") || [])
for (let equip1 of equipments) {
if (equip1.system.iscontainer) {
equip1.system.contents = []
@ -301,13 +263,13 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
getSubActors() {
let subActors = [];
for (let id of this.system.subactors) {
return subActors;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async addSubActor(subActorId) {
let subActors = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.subactors);
let subActors = duplicate(this.system.subactors);
await this.update({ 'system.subactors': subActors });
@ -349,7 +311,7 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
modifyConfrontBonus( modifier ) {
let newBonus = this.system.internals.confrontbonus + modifier
let newBonus = this.system.internals.confrontbonus + bonus
this.update({'system.internals.confrontbonus': newBonus})
@ -378,10 +340,9 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
rollData.actorId =
rollData.img = this.img
rollData.isReroll = false
rollData.config = game.system.ecryme.config
rollData.traits = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.getRollTraits())
rollData.spleen = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.getSpleen() || {})
rollData.ideal = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.getIdeal() || {})
rollData.traits = duplicate(this.getRollTraits())
rollData.spleen = duplicate(this.getSpleen() || {})
rollData.ideal = duplicate(this.getIdeal() || {})
rollData.confrontBonus = this.getBonusList()
return rollData
@ -389,30 +350,14 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCommonSkill(categKey, skillKey) {
let skill = this.system.skills[categKey].skilllist[skillKey]
let rollData = this.getCommonRollData()
// Specific NPC case
let skill
if (skillKey == "rawnpc") {
skill = {
name: "ECRY.ui." + categKey,
max: 10,
value: this.system.skills[categKey].pnjvalue,
spec: []
} else {
skill = this.system.skills[categKey].skilllist[skillKey]
skill = foundry.utils.duplicate(skill)
skill.spec = this.getSpecializations(skillKey)
rollData.skillLevelOptions = [];
for (let i=0; i<=skill.value; i++) {
rollData.skillLevelOptions[i] = `${i}`
skill = duplicate(skill)
skill.categKey = categKey
skill.skillKey = skillKey
skill.spec = this.getSpecializations(skillKey)
rollData.skill = skill
rollData.img = skill.img
rollData.impactMalus = this.getImpactMalus(categKey)
@ -428,17 +373,6 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
this.startRoll(rollData).catch("Error on startRoll")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
rollSpec(categKey, skillKey, specId) {
let rollData = this.getCommonSkill(categKey, skillKey)
let spec = this.items.find(it => it.type == "specialization" && == specId)
rollData.mode = "skill"
rollData.selectedSpecs = []
rollData.forcedSpec = foundry.utils.duplicate(spec)
rollData.title = game.i18n.localize(
this.startRoll(rollData).catch("Error on startRoll")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollSkillConfront(categKey, skillKey) {
let rollData = this.getCommonSkill(categKey, skillKey)
@ -447,9 +381,8 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
rollData.executionTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.preservationTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.applyTranscendence = "execution"
rollData.traitsBonus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsMalus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
console.log("ROLLDATA", rollData)
rollData.traitsBonus = duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsMalus = duplicate(rollData.traits)
let confrontStartDialog = await EcrymeConfrontStartDialog.create(this, rollData)
@ -457,16 +390,16 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
async rollCephalySkillConfront(skillKey) {
let rollData = this.getCommonRollData()
rollData.mode = "cephaly"
rollData.skill = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.cephaly.skilllist[skillKey])
rollData.annency = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.getAnnency())
rollData.skill = duplicate(this.system.cephaly.skilllist[skillKey])
rollData.img = rollData.skill.img
rollData.skill.categKey = "cephaly"
rollData.skill.skillKey = skillKey
//rollData.impactMalus = this.getImpactMalus(categKey)
rollData.title = game.i18n.localize("ECRY.ui.cephaly") + " : " + game.i18n.localize(
rollData.executionTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.preservationTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.traitsBonus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsMalus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsBonus = duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsMalus = duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.applyTranscendence = "execution"
let confrontStartDialog = await EcrymeConfrontStartDialog.create(this, rollData)
@ -482,12 +415,10 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
rollData = this.getCommonSkill("physical", "shooting")
rollData.mode = "weapon"
rollData.weapon = foundry.utils.duplicate(weapon)
rollData.weapon = duplicate(weapon)
rollData.title = game.i18n.localize("ECRY.ui.confrontation") + " : " + game.i18n.localize(
rollData.executionTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.preservationTotal = rollData.skill.value
rollData.traitsBonus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.traitsMalus = foundry.utils.duplicate(rollData.traits)
rollData.applyTranscendence = "execution"
let confrontStartDialog = await EcrymeConfrontStartDialog.create(this, rollData)
@ -497,12 +428,12 @@ export class EcrymeActor extends Actor {
rollWeapon(weaponId) {
let weapon = this.items.get(weaponId)
if (weapon) {
weapon = foundry.utils.duplicate(weapon)
weapon = duplicate(weapon)
let rollData = this.getCommonRollData()
if (weapon.system.armetype == "mainsnues" || weapon.system.armetype == "epee") {
rollData.attr = { label: "(Physique+Habilité)/2", value: Math.floor((this.getPhysiqueMalus() + this.system.attributs.physique.value + this.system.attributs.habilite.value) / 2) }
} else {
rollData.attr = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.attributs.habilite)
rollData.attr = duplicate(this.system.attributs.habilite)
rollData.mode = "weapon"
rollData.weapon = weapon
@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet}
import { EcrymeUtility } from "../common/ecryme-utility.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class EcrymeAnnencySheet extends ActorSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["fvtt-ecryme", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/actors/annency-sheet.hbs",
width: 640,
height: 600,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "annency" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: null }],
editScore: true
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() {
let formData = {
title: this.title,
editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
system: foundry.utils.duplicate(this.object.system),
config: foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config),
hasCephaly: EcrymeUtility.hasCephaly(),
hasBoheme: EcrymeUtility.hasBoheme(),
hasAmertume: EcrymeUtility.hasAmertume(),
options: this.options,
owner: this.document.isOwner,
editScore: this.options.editScore,
isGM: game.user.isGM
this.formData = formData;
console.log("Annency : ", formData, this.object);
return formData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return;
html.bind("keydown", function (e) { // Ignore Enter in actores sheet
if (e.keyCode === 13) return false;
html.find('.actor-edit').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item")
let actorId ="actor-id")
const actor = game.actors.get(actorId)
html.find('.actor-delete').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item")
let actorId ="actor-id")
// Update Inventory Item
html.find('.item-edit').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item")
let itemId ="item-id")
const item =;
// Delete Inventory Item
html.find('.item-delete').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item")
EcrymeUtility.confirmDelete(this, li).catch("Error : No deletion confirmed")
html.find('.item-add').click(ev => {
let dataType = $(ev.currentTarget).data("type")
||||'Item', [{ name: "NewItem", type: dataType }], { renderSheet: true })
html.find('.subactor-edit').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item");
let actorId ="actor-id");
let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
html.find('.subactor-delete').click(ev => {
const li = $(ev.currentTarget).parents(".item");
let actorId ="actor-id");
html.find('.update-field').change(ev => {
const fieldName = $(ev.currentTarget).data("field-name");
let value = Number(ev.currentTarget.value);
||||{ [`${fieldName}`]: value });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _onDropActor(event, dragData) {
const actor = fromUuidSync(dragData.uuid)
if (actor) {
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Actor not found")
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
setPosition(options = {}) {
const position = super.setPosition(options);
const sheetBody = this.element.find(".sheet-body");
const bodyHeight = position.height - 192;
sheetBody.css("height", bodyHeight);
return position;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
_updateObject(event, formData) {
// Update the Actor
return this.object.update(formData);
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export class EcrymeCharacterSummary extends Application {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
template: "systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/dialogs/character-summary.hbs",
popOut: true,
resizable: true,
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ export const ECRYME_CONFIG = {
"melee": "ECRY.ui.melee",
"ranged": "ECRY.ui.ranged"
traitLevel: {
"-3":{value: "-3", text: "-3"},
"-2":{value: "-2", text: "-2"},
"-1":{value: "-1", text: "-1"},
"+1":{value: "+1", text: "+1"},
"+2":{value: "+2", text: "+2"},
"+3":{value: "+3", text: "+3"}
traitLevel: [
{value: -3, text: "-3"},
{value: -2, text: "-2"},
{value: -1, text: "-1"},
{value: +1, text: "+1"},
{value: +2, text: "+2"},
{value: +3, text: "+3"}
impactTypes: {
physical: "ECRY.ui.physical",
mental: "ECRY.ui.mental",
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ export const ECRYME_CONFIG = {
major: "ECRY.ui.major"
difficulty: {
"-1": {difficulty: "ECRY.ui.none", frequency: "ECRY.ui.none", value: "-1"},
"-1": {difficulty: "ECRY.ui.none", frequency: "ECRY.ui.none", value: "-"},
"8": { difficulty: "ECRY.ui.troublesome", frequency: "ECRY.ui.occasional", value: 8 },
"10": { difficulty: "ECRY.ui.difficult", frequency: "ECRY.ui.uncommon", value: 10 },
"12": { difficulty: "ECRY.ui.verydifficult", frequency: "ECRY.ui.rare", value: 12 },
@ -57,19 +57,6 @@ export const ECRYME_CONFIG = {
"lige": {name: "ECRY.ui.lige", value: 100 },
"hurle": {name: "ECRY.ui.hurle", value: 10 },
"coin": {name: "ECRY.ui.coin", value: 1 }
transcendanceOptions: {
"execution": "ECRY.ui.execution",
"preservation": "ECRY.ui.preservation"
bonusMalusPersoOptions: {
"-3": {value: "-3", label: "-3"},
"-2": {value: "-2", label: "-2"},
"-1": {value: "-1", label: "-1"},
"0": {value: "0", label: "0"},
"+1": {value: "1", label: "+1"},
"+2": {value: "2", label: "+2"},
"+3": {value: "3", label: "+3"}
@ -97,7 +97,6 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
"level_b": game.i18n.localize("ECRY.settings.boheme"),
"level_a": game.i18n.localize("ECRY.settings.amertume"),
default: "level_a",
restricted: true
@ -110,24 +109,14 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let level = game.settings.get("fvtt-ecryme", "ecryme-game-level")
return level != "level_e"
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static hasBoheme() {
let level = game.settings.get("fvtt-ecryme", "ecryme-game-level")
return level == "level_b" || level == "level_a"
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static hasAmertume() {
let level = game.settings.get("fvtt-ecryme", "ecryme-game-level")
return level == "level_a"
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static buildSkillConfig() {
game.system.ecryme.config.skills = {}
for (let categKey in {
let category =[categKey]
for (let skillKey in category.skilllist) {
let skill = foundry.utils.duplicate(category.skilllist[skillKey])
let skill = duplicate(category.skilllist[skillKey])
skill.categKey = categKey // Auto reference the category
game.system.ecryme.config.skills[skillKey] = skill
@ -216,13 +205,13 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
confront.impactPreservation = this.getImpactFromEffect(Math.abs(confront.effectPreservation))
if (confront.marginPreservation > 0) {
confront.bonus1 = confront.marginPreservation
confront.bonus1 = -confront.marginPreservation
let msg = await this.createChatWithRollMode(this.confrontData1.alias, {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/chat/chat-confrontation-result.hbs`, confront)
await msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", confront)
msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", confront)
console.log("Confront result", confront)
this.lastConfront = confront
@ -276,7 +265,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let message = game.messages.get(li.attr("data-message-id"))
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "rolldata")
//console.log(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Menu !!!!", rollData)
if (rollData.skill && rollData.skill.value >= i && !rollData.transcendUsed && rollData.spec) {
if (rollData.skill && i <= rollData.skill.value && !rollData.transcendUsed && rollData.spec) {
return true
return false
@ -301,7 +290,6 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let messageId = EcrymeUtility.findChatMessageId(event.currentTarget)
let message = game.messages.get(messageId)
let rollData = message.getFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata")
|||| game.i18n.localize(""))
html.on("click", '.button-apply-cephaly-difficulty', event => {
@ -405,21 +393,16 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let id = rollData.rollId
let oldRollData = this.rollDataStore[id] || {}
let newRollData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(oldRollData, rollData)
let newRollData = mergeObject(oldRollData, rollData)
this.rollDataStore[id] = newRollData
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async onSocketMesssage(msg) {
console.log("SOCKET MESSAGE", msg)
if ( == "msg_gm_chat_message") {
let rollData =
if ( game.user.isGM ) {
let chatMsg = await this.createChatMessage(rollData.alias, "blindroll", {
content: await renderTemplate(, rollData),
chatMsg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", rollData)
console.log("SOCKET MESSAGE",
if ( == "msg-draw-card") {
if (game.user.isGM && game.system.ecryme.currentTirage) {
@ -499,7 +482,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
rollData.margin = - rollData.difficulty
if ( > rollData.difficulty) {
rollData.isSuccess = true
let maxMargin = rollData.skill.value + ((rollData.spec) ? 2 : 0)
let maxMargin = rollData.skill.value + (rollData.spec) ? 2 : 0
rollData.margin = Math.min(rollData.margin, maxMargin)
@ -523,7 +506,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
if (rollData.selectedSpecs && rollData.selectedSpecs.length > 0) {
rollData.spec = actor.getSpecialization(rollData.selectedSpecs[0])
diceFormula += "+" + (String(rollData.spec.system?.bonus) || "2")
diceFormula += "+2"
rollData.bonusMalusTraits = 0
if (rollData.traitsBonus && rollData.traitsBonus.length > 0) {
@ -532,7 +515,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let trait = actor.getTrait(id)
console.log(trait, id)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits += Math.abs(trait.system.level)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits += trait.system.level
if (rollData.traitsMalus && rollData.traitsMalus.length > 0) {
@ -540,15 +523,12 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
for (let id of rollData.traitsMalus) {
let trait = actor.getTrait(id)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits -= Math.abs(trait.system.level)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits -= trait.system.level
diceFormula += "+" + rollData.bonusMalusTraits
diceFormula += "+" + rollData.bonusMalusPerso
diceFormula += "+" + rollData.impactMalus
if (rollData.annency) {
diceFormula += "+" + rollData.annencyBonus
rollData.diceFormula = diceFormula
return diceFormula
@ -558,7 +538,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId)
// Fix difficulty
if (!rollData.difficulty || rollData.difficulty == "-1") {
if (!rollData.difficulty || rollData.difficulty == "-") {
rollData.difficulty = 0
rollData.difficulty = Number(rollData.difficulty)
@ -566,9 +546,9 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let diceFormula = this.computeRollFormula(rollData, actor)
// Performs roll
let myRoll = await new Roll(diceFormula).roll()
let myRoll = new Roll(diceFormula).roll({ async: false })
await this.showDiceSoNice(myRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
rollData.roll = foundry.utils.duplicate(myRoll)
rollData.roll = duplicate(myRoll)
|||| =
rollData.diceSum = myRoll.terms[0].total
@ -577,7 +557,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let msg = await this.createChatWithRollMode(rollData.alias, {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/chat/chat-generic-result.hbs`, rollData)
await msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", rollData)
msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", rollData)
console.log("Rolldata result", rollData)
@ -594,7 +574,7 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
let msg = await this.createChatWithRollMode(rollData.alias, {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/chat/chat-generic-result.hbs`, rollData)
await msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", rollData)
msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", rollData)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -638,10 +618,12 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static blindMessageToGM(chatData) {
chatData.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatData);
game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-ecryme", { name: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatData });
static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) {
let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions);
chatGM.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatGM.content = "Blinde message of " + + "<br>" + chatOptions.content;
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM);
game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-ecryme", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM });
@ -661,14 +643,18 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
return array;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async createChatMessage(name, rollMode, chatOptions) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": // GM only
if (!game.user.isGM) {
chatOptions.whisper = [];
} else {
chatOptions.content = "Message only to the GM";
else {
chatOptions.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
@ -683,20 +669,19 @@ export class EcrymeUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getBasicRollData() {
let rollData = {
rollId: foundry.utils.randomID(16),
rollId: randomID(16),
type: "roll-data",
bonusMalusPerso: "0",
bonusMalusPerso: 0,
bonusMalusSituation: 0,
bonusMalusDef: 0,
annencyBonus: 0,
bonusMalusPortee: 0,
skillTranscendence: 0,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
difficulty: "-1",
difficulty: "-",
useSpleen: false,
useIdeal: false,
impactMalus: 0,
config: foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config)
config: duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config)
return rollData
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async create(actor, rollData) {
let options = foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
let options = mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["fvtt-ecryme ecryme-confrontation-dialog"],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".confront-dice-container", dropSelector: null }],
width: 620, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
let msg = await EcrymeUtility.createChatMessage(this.rollData.alias, "blindroll", {
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/chat/chat-confrontation-pending.hbs`, this.rollData)
EcrymeUtility.blindMessageToGM( { rollData: this.rollData, template: "systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/chat/chat-confrontation-pending.hbs" })
console.log("MSG", this.rollData)
msg.setFlag("world", "ecryme-rolldata", this.rollData)
@ -83,24 +82,13 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
let button = this.buttonDisabled
setTimeout(function () { $(".launchConfront").attr("disabled", button) }, 180)
/* ------------------ -------------------------- */
_canDragStart(selector) {
console.log("CAN DRAG START", selector, super._canDragStart(selector) )
return true
_canDragDrop(selector) {
console.log("CAN DRAG DROP", selector, super._canDragDrop(selector) )
return true
/* ------------------ -------------------------- */
_onDragStart(event) {
console.log("DRAGSTART::::", event)
let dragType = $(event.srcElement).data("drag-type")
let diceData = {}
console.log("DRAGTYPE", dragType)
//console.log("DRAGTYPE", dragType)
if (dragType == "dice") {
diceData = {
dragType: "dice",
@ -123,7 +111,7 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
let data = JSON.parse(dataJSON)
if ( data.dragType == "dice") {
let idx = Number(data.diceIndex)
console.log("DATA", data, event, event.srcElement.className)
//console.log("DATA", data, event, event.srcElement.className)
if (event.srcElement.className.includes("execution") &&
this.rollData.availableDices.filter(d => d.location == "execution").length < 2) {
this.rollData.availableDices[idx].location = "execution"
@ -163,9 +151,9 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
// Apply Transcend if needed
if (this.rollData.skillTranscendence > 0) {
if (this.rollData.applyTranscendence == "execution") {
this.rollData.executionTotal += Number(this.rollData.skillTranscendence)
this.rollData.executionTotal += this.rollData.skillTranscendence
} else {
this.rollData.preservationTotal += Number(this.rollData.skillTranscendence)
this.rollData.preservationTotal += this.rollData.skillTranscendence
@ -192,7 +180,7 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
if (rollData.selectedSpecs && rollData.selectedSpecs.length > 0) {
rollData.spec = foundry.utils.duplicate(actor.getSpecialization(rollData.selectedSpecs[0]))
rollData.spec = duplicate(actor.getSpecialization(rollData.selectedSpecs[0]))
rollData.specApplied = true
rollData.executionTotal += 2
rollData.preservationTotal += 2
@ -212,19 +200,19 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
for (let id of rollData.traitsBonusSelected) {
let trait = rollData.traitsBonus.find(t => t._id == id)
trait.activated = true
rollData.bonusMalusTraits += Number(trait.system.level)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits += trait.system.level
if (rollData.traitsMalusSelected && rollData.traitsMalusSelected.length > 0) {
for (let id of rollData.traitsMalusSelected) {
let trait = rollData.traitsMalus.find(t => t._id == id)
trait.activated = true
rollData.bonusMalusTraits -= Number(trait.system.level)
rollData.bonusMalusTraits -= trait.system.level
rollData.executionTotal += Number(rollData.bonusMalusTraits) + Number(rollData.bonusMalusPerso)
rollData.preservationTotal += Number(rollData.bonusMalusTraits) + Number(rollData.bonusMalusPerso)
rollData.executionTotal += rollData.bonusMalusTraits + rollData.bonusMalusPerso
rollData.preservationTotal += rollData.bonusMalusTraits + rollData.bonusMalusPerso
@ -234,7 +222,7 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
html.find('#bonusMalusPerso').change((event) => {
this.rollData.bonusMalusPerso = event.currentTarget.value
this.rollData.bonusMalusPerso = Number(event.currentTarget.value)
html.find('#roll-specialization').change((event) => {
@ -257,9 +245,7 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontDialog extends Dialog {
this.rollData.applyTranscendence = $('#roll-apply-transcendence').val()
html.find('#annency-bonus').change((event) => {
this.rollData.annencyBonus = Number(event.currentTarget.value)
@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ export class EcrymeConfrontStartDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollConfront( diceFormula ) {
// Do the initial roll
let myRoll = await new Roll(diceFormula).roll()
let myRoll = new Roll(diceFormula).roll({async: false})
await EcrymeUtility.showDiceSoNice(myRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
// Fill the available dice table
let rollData = this.rollData
rollData.roll = foundry.utils.duplicate(myRoll)
rollData.roll = duplicate(myRoll)
rollData.availableDices = []
for (let result of myRoll.terms[0].results) {
if ( !result.discarded) {
let resultDup = foundry.utils.duplicate(result)
let resultDup = duplicate(result)
resultDup.location = "mainpool"
@ -58,7 +58,6 @@ export class EcrymeRollDialog extends Dialog {
$(function () { onLoad(); });
html.find('#bonusMalusPerso').change((event) => {
console.log("DIFF", event.currentTarget.value)
this.rollData.bonusMalusPerso = Number(event.currentTarget.value)
html.find('#roll-difficulty').change((event) => {
@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
import { EcrymeActor } from "./actors/ecryme-actor.js";
import { EcrymeItemSheet } from "./items/ecryme-item-sheet.js";
import { EcrymeActorSheet } from "./actors/ecryme-actor-sheet.js";
import { EcrymeAnnencySheet } from "./actors/ecryme-annency-sheet.js";
import { EcrymeUtility } from "./common/ecryme-utility.js";
import { EcrymeCombat } from "./app/ecryme-combat.js";
import { EcrymeItem } from "./items/ecryme-item.js";
@ -59,15 +58,15 @@ Hooks.once("init", async function () {
// Register sheet application classes
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet);
Actors.registerSheet("fvtt-ecryme", EcrymeActorSheet, { types: ["pc"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet("fvtt-ecryme", EcrymeActorSheet, { types: ["npc"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet("fvtt-ecryme", EcrymeAnnencySheet, { types: ["annency"], makeDefault: false });
//Actors.registerSheet("fvtt-ecryme", EcrymeNPCSheet, { types: ["pnj"], makeDefault: false });
Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet);
Items.registerSheet("fvtt-ecryme", EcrymeItemSheet, { makeDefault: true });
console.log("Babele INIT!")
@ -83,13 +82,28 @@ function welcomeMessage() {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async function importDefaultScene() {
let exists = game.scenes.find(j => == "Landing page 1");
if (!exists) {
const scenes = await EcrymeUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-ecryme.scenes")
let newDocuments = scenes.filter(i => == "Landing page 1");
await game.scenes.documentClass.create(newDocuments);
game.scenes.find(i => == "Landing page 1").activate();
// Register world usage statistics
function registerUsageCount(registerKey) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
game.settings.register(registerKey, "world-key", {
name: "Unique world key",
scope: "world",
config: false,
default: "",
type: String
let worldKey = game.settings.get(registerKey, "world-key")
if (worldKey == undefined || worldKey == "") {
worldKey = randomID(32)
game.settings.set(registerKey, "world-key", worldKey)
// Simple API counter
let regURL = `"${registerKey}"&worldKey="${worldKey}"&version="${game.release.generation}.${}"&system="${}"&systemversion="${game.system.version}"`
//headers: { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*' }
@ -98,9 +112,6 @@ async function importDefaultScene() {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
Hooks.once("ready", function () {
// Load trranslations
// User warning
if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {
||||"Attention ! Aucun personnage relié au joueur !");
@ -110,17 +121,10 @@ Hooks.once("ready", function () {
import("").then(moduleCounter => {
console.log("ClassCounter loaded", moduleCounter)
}).catch(err =>
console.log("No stats available, giving up.")
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ export class EcrymeItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["fvtt-ecryme", "sheet", "item"],
template: "systems/fvtt-ecryme/templates/item-sheet.hbs",
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: null, dropSelector: null }],
@ -56,8 +56,8 @@ export class EcrymeItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
system: foundry.utils.duplicate(this.object.system),
config: foundry.utils.duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config),
system: duplicate(this.object.system),
config: duplicate(game.system.ecryme.config),
options: this.options,
owner: this.document.isOwner,
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ export class EcrymeItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
postItem() {
let chatData = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.item)
let chatData = duplicate(this.item)
if ( {
|||| = { id: };
Normal file
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.691022 7f24c57fa6c0 Recovering log #182
2025/03/11-23:44:54.761305 7f24c57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #180
2025/03/11-23:44:54.761368 7f24c57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #182
2025/03/11-23:45:54.472551 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.472575 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.479092 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #185
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491718 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!1GrTlI1xWvaxdKRI' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:40:52.194999 7f95c2bff6c0 Recovering log #7
2023/07/29-09:40:52.214284 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=3 #4
2023/07/29-09:40:52.214320 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=0 #7
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.501703 7f24c5ffb6c0 Recovering log #178
2025/03/11-23:33:32.511734 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #176
2025/03/11-23:33:32.511785 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #178
2025/03/11-23:44:47.591299 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.591363 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.624590 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #181
2025/03/11-23:44:47.748676 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!1GrTlI1xWvaxdKRI' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:21:50.805512 7f95c13fc6c0 Recovering log #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.805734 7f95c13fc6c0 Level-0 table #5: started
2023/07/29-09:21:50.827401 7f95c13fc6c0 Level-0 table #5: 26243 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:21:50.938004 7f95c13fc6c0 Delete type=0 #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.938074 7f95c13fc6c0 Delete type=3 #2
2023/07/29-09:40:48.262273 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: started
2023/07/29-09:40:48.262287 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: 0 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:40:48.269214 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=0 #6
2023/07/29-09:40:48.279470 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!1GrTlI1xWvaxdKRI' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 127 : 1
2023/07/29-09:40:48.279481 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2023/07/29-09:40:48.283626 7f95c0bfb6c0 Generated table #9@0: 174 keys, 26243 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.283652 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 26243 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.289868 7f95c0bfb6c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2023/07/29-09:40:48.289934 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=2 #5
2023/07/29-09:40:48.296265 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 127 : 1 .. '!items!zs7krgXhDRndtqbl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.948819 7f24c67fc6c0 Recovering log #119
2025/03/11-23:44:55.014909 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=3 #117
2025/03/11-23:44:55.015006 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=0 #119
2025/03/11-23:45:54.515413 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #124: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.515443 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #124: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.522097 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #122
2025/03/11-23:45:54.522287 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT.xhc7hqoL8kdW6lrD' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/11-23:45:54.522303 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT.xhc7hqoL8kdW6lrD' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.552584 7f24c6ffd6c0 Recovering log #115
2025/03/11-23:33:32.563351 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #113
2025/03/11-23:33:32.563398 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #115
2025/03/11-23:44:47.842166 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #120: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.842227 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #120: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.879285 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #118
2025/03/11-23:44:47.922462 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT.xhc7hqoL8kdW6lrD' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/11-23:44:47.974424 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!wooTFYjEwh83FwgT.xhc7hqoL8kdW6lrD' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.883993 7f24c5ffb6c0 Recovering log #182
2025/03/11-23:44:54.946077 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #180
2025/03/11-23:44:54.946154 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #182
2025/03/11-23:45:54.498184 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.498223 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.505537 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #185
2025/03/11-23:45:54.522269 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!13IYF6BPUTivFZzB' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:40:52.216200 7f95c2bff6c0 Recovering log #7
2023/07/29-09:40:52.237129 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=3 #4
2023/07/29-09:40:52.237181 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=0 #7
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.540154 7f24c67fc6c0 Recovering log #178
2025/03/11-23:33:32.549680 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=3 #176
2025/03/11-23:33:32.549720 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=0 #178
2025/03/11-23:44:47.624705 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.624728 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.667991 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #181
2025/03/11-23:44:47.748692 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!13IYF6BPUTivFZzB' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:21:50.959485 7f95c2bff6c0 Recovering log #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.959571 7f95c2bff6c0 Level-0 table #5: started
2023/07/29-09:21:50.995185 7f95c2bff6c0 Level-0 table #5: 9793 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:21:51.096415 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=0 #3
2023/07/29-09:21:51.096494 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=3 #2
2023/07/29-09:40:48.296275 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: started
2023/07/29-09:40:48.296293 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: 0 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:40:48.302965 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=0 #6
2023/07/29-09:40:48.312703 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!13IYF6BPUTivFZzB' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 15 : 1
2023/07/29-09:40:48.312718 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2023/07/29-09:40:48.316507 7f95c0bfb6c0 Generated table #9@0: 15 keys, 6584 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.316535 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 6584 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.323224 7f95c0bfb6c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2023/07/29-09:40:48.323333 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=2 #5
2023/07/29-09:40:48.323429 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 15 : 1 .. '!items!oSutlbe9wyBZccmf' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.826302 7f24c67fc6c0 Recovering log #66
2025/03/11-23:44:54.878873 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=3 #64
2025/03/11-23:44:54.879033 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=0 #66
2025/03/11-23:45:54.479218 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #71: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.479246 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #71: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.485312 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #69
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491727 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!scenes!YYBr138LR7ntGFdo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!wJJTdzEVyJpkUXaM' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491756 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!scenes!YYBr138LR7ntGFdo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!wJJTdzEVyJpkUXaM' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.527497 7f24c6ffd6c0 Recovering log #62
2025/03/11-23:33:32.537450 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #60
2025/03/11-23:33:32.537513 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #62
2025/03/11-23:44:47.879398 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #67: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.879423 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #67: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.922234 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #65
2025/03/11-23:44:47.922483 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!scenes!YYBr138LR7ntGFdo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!wJJTdzEVyJpkUXaM' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2025/03/11-23:44:47.974443 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!scenes!YYBr138LR7ntGFdo' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!scenes!wJJTdzEVyJpkUXaM' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.615643 7f24c6ffd6c0 Recovering log #182
2025/03/11-23:44:54.688425 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=3 #180
2025/03/11-23:44:54.688509 7f24c6ffd6c0 Delete type=0 #182
2025/03/11-23:45:54.466489 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.466525 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.472451 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #185
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491700 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!00Hn2nNarlL7b0DR' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:40:52.194936 7f95c1bfd6c0 Recovering log #7
2023/07/29-09:40:52.211393 7f95c1bfd6c0 Delete type=3 #4
2023/07/29-09:40:52.211511 7f95c1bfd6c0 Delete type=0 #7
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.488591 7f24c57fa6c0 Recovering log #178
2025/03/11-23:33:32.499216 7f24c57fa6c0 Delete type=3 #176
2025/03/11-23:33:32.499268 7f24c57fa6c0 Delete type=0 #178
2025/03/11-23:44:47.713953 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.713983 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.748547 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #181
2025/03/11-23:44:47.748713 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!00Hn2nNarlL7b0DR' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:21:50.805563 7f95c2bff6c0 Recovering log #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.805808 7f95c2bff6c0 Level-0 table #5: started
2023/07/29-09:21:50.843484 7f95c2bff6c0 Level-0 table #5: 14920 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:21:50.957433 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=0 #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.957497 7f95c2bff6c0 Delete type=3 #2
2023/07/29-09:40:48.256475 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: started
2023/07/29-09:40:48.256500 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: 0 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:40:48.262226 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=0 #6
2023/07/29-09:40:48.269398 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!00Hn2nNarlL7b0DR' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 55 : 1
2023/07/29-09:40:48.269412 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2023/07/29-09:40:48.273371 7f95c0bfb6c0 Generated table #9@0: 113 keys, 14920 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.273390 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 14920 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.279249 7f95c0bfb6c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2023/07/29-09:40:48.279362 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=2 #5
2023/07/29-09:40:48.296255 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 55 : 1 .. '!items!yozTUjNuc2rEGjFK' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,3 @@
2025/03/11-23:44:54.764214 7f24c5ffb6c0 Recovering log #182
2025/03/11-23:44:54.823309 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=3 #180
2025/03/11-23:44:54.823390 7f24c5ffb6c0 Delete type=0 #182
2025/03/11-23:45:54.485457 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: started
2025/03/11-23:45:54.485489 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #187: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491568 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #185
2025/03/11-23:45:54.491736 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!DiwHbtGAkTYxtshX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:40:52.213843 7f95c1bfd6c0 Recovering log #7
2023/07/29-09:40:52.233833 7f95c1bfd6c0 Delete type=3 #4
2023/07/29-09:40:52.234058 7f95c1bfd6c0 Delete type=0 #7
@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
2025/03/11-23:33:32.514118 7f24c67fc6c0 Recovering log #178
2025/03/11-23:33:32.524830 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=3 #176
2025/03/11-23:33:32.525025 7f24c67fc6c0 Delete type=0 #178
2025/03/11-23:44:47.668164 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: started
2025/03/11-23:44:47.668203 7f24c4bff6c0 Level-0 table #183: 0 bytes OK
2025/03/11-23:44:47.713809 7f24c4bff6c0 Delete type=0 #181
2025/03/11-23:44:47.748703 7f24c4bff6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!DiwHbtGAkTYxtshX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2023/07/29-09:21:50.940886 7f95c13fc6c0 Recovering log #3
2023/07/29-09:21:50.940981 7f95c13fc6c0 Level-0 table #5: started
2023/07/29-09:21:50.975963 7f95c13fc6c0 Level-0 table #5: 7833 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:21:51.079915 7f95c13fc6c0 Delete type=0 #3
2023/07/29-09:21:51.079983 7f95c13fc6c0 Delete type=3 #2
2023/07/29-09:40:48.290005 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: started
2023/07/29-09:40:48.290023 7f95c0bfb6c0 Level-0 table #8: 0 bytes OK
2023/07/29-09:40:48.296185 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=0 #6
2023/07/29-09:40:48.303065 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!DiwHbtGAkTYxtshX' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 24 : 1
2023/07/29-09:40:48.303074 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2023/07/29-09:40:48.306318 7f95c0bfb6c0 Generated table #9@0: 25 keys, 3580 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.306337 7f95c0bfb6c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 3580 bytes
2023/07/29-09:40:48.312428 7f95c0bfb6c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2023/07/29-09:40:48.312551 7f95c0bfb6c0 Delete type=2 #5
2023/07/29-09:40:48.323419 7f95c0bfb6c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 24 : 1 .. '!items!zgNI2haxhBxBDBdl' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Normal file
@ -1265,7 +1265,6 @@ ul, li {
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@ -1276,16 +1275,6 @@ ul, li {
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@ -1339,21 +1321,12 @@ ul, li {
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min-width: 12rem;
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@ -1256,16 +1255,6 @@ ul, li {
max-width: 6rem;
min-width: 6rem;
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.item-name-label-long2 {
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@ -1278,17 +1267,10 @@ ul, li {
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.item-field-label-medium {
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@ -1319,21 +1301,12 @@ ul, li {
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@ -3,10 +3,8 @@
"esmodules": [
"grid": {
"distance": 2,
"units": "m"
"gridDistance": 1,
"gridUnits": "m",
"languages": [
"lang": "fr",
@ -64,18 +62,6 @@
"label": "Scenes",
"type": "Scene",
"name": "scenes",
"path": "packs/scenes",
"system": "fvtt-ecryme",
"flags": {},
"ownership": {
"label": "Maneuvers",
"type": "Item",
@ -87,25 +73,13 @@
"label": "Help/Aides",
"type": "JournalEntry",
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"path": "packs/help",
"system": "fvtt-ecryme",
"flags": {},
"ownership": {
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"manifest": "",
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"minimum": "10",
"verified": "11"
"id": "fvtt-ecryme",
"primaryTokenAttribute": "",
@ -114,18 +88,9 @@
"styles": [
"relationships": {
"requires": [
"id": "babele",
"type": "module",
"compatibility": {}
"title": "Ecryme, le Jeu de Rôles",
"url": "",
"version": "12.0.3",
"download": "",
"url": "",
"version": "11.0.9",
"download": "",
"background": "systems/fvtt-ecryme/images/assets/ecryme_extract_panel_01.webp"
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"Actor": {
"types": [
"pc","annency", "npc"
"templates": {
"biodata": {
@ -24,38 +24,31 @@
"core": {
"subactors": [],
"equipmentfree": "",
"skills": {
"physical": {
"name": "ECRY.ui.physical",
"pnjvalue": 0,
"skilllist": {
"athletics": {
"key": "athletics",
"name": "ECRY.ui.athletics",
"max": 0,
"value": 0
"driving": {
"key": "driving",
"name": "ECRY.ui.driving",
"max": 0,
"value": 0
"fencing": {
"key": "fencing",
"name": "ECRY.ui.fencing",
"max": 0,
"value": 0
"brawling": {
"key": "brawling",
"name": "ECRY.ui.brawling",
"max": 0,
"value": 0
"shooting": {
"key": "shooting",
"name": "ECRY.ui.shooting",
"max": 0,
"value": 0
@ -64,34 +57,28 @@
"mental": {
"name": "ECRY.ui.mental",
"pnjvalue": 0,
"skilllist": {
"anthropomecanology": {
"key": "anthropomecanology",
"name": "ECRY.ui.anthropomecanology",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"ecrymology": {
"key": "ecrymology",
"name": "ECRY.ui.ecrymology",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"traumatology": {
"key": "traumatology",
"name": "ECRY.ui.traumatology",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"traversology": {
"key": "traversology",
"name": "ECRY.ui.traversology",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"urbatechnology": {
"key": "urbatechnology",
"name": "ECRY.ui.urbatechnology",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
@ -100,34 +87,28 @@
"social": {
"name": "",
"pnjvalue": 0,
"skilllist": {
"quibbling": {
"key": "quibbling",
"name": "ECRY.ui.quibbling",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"creativity": {
"key": "creativity",
"name": "ECRY.ui.creativity",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"loquacity": {
"key": "loquacity",
"name": "ECRY.ui.loquacity",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"guile": {
"key": "guile",
"name": "ECRY.ui.guile",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
"performance": {
"key": "performance",
"name": "ECRY.ui.performance",
"value": 0,
"max": 10
@ -192,35 +173,8 @@
"npccore": {
"npctype": "",
"description": ""
"annency": {
"base": {
"iscollective": false,
"ismultiple": false,
"characters": [],
"location": {"1": "", "2": "", "3":"", "4":"", "5":"" },
"description": "",
"enhancements": ""
"boheme": {
"name": "",
"ideals": "",
"politic": "",
"description": ""
"annency": {
"templates": [
"npc": {
"templates": [
"pc": {
"templates": [
@ -234,6 +188,9 @@
"templates": {
@ -285,7 +242,6 @@
"effect": 0
"specialization": {
"bonus": 2,
"templates": [
@ -15,40 +15,27 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<li class="flexrow item" data-item-id="{{}}">
<label class="item-field-label-short">Spleen :</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Spleen :</label>
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{}}</label>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
{{#if spleen}}
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed-full">
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Create Trait"><i
class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-edit" data-type="trait" title="Edit Item"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Delete Item"><i
class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Delete Item"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
<li class="item flexrow" data-item-id="{{}}">
<label class="item-field-label-short">Ideal :</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Ideal :</label>
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{}}</label>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
{{#if ideal}}
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed-full">
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Create Trait"><i
class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-edit" data-type="trait" title="Edit Item"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Delete Item"><i
class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="trait" title="Delete Item"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
<li class="item flexrow flexrow-no-expand flexrow-start ">
<label class="item-name-label-short">Traits :</label>
{{#each traits as |trait key|}}
<label class="item-name-label-free"><a data-item-id="{{trait._id}}" class="item-edit">{{}}</a>, </label>
@ -85,29 +72,10 @@
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item items-title-bg">
<span class="item-name-label-header impact-title">
{{#if (eq @root.type "npc")}}
<a class="roll-skill-confront" data-category-key="{{categkey}}" data-skill-key="rawnpc">
<i class="fa-regular fa-swords"></i>
<a class="roll-skill" data-category-key="{{categkey}}" data-skill-key="rawnpc">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-d6"></i>
<label class="items-title-text">{{localize}} ({{valueAtIndex @root.impactsMalus
{{#if (eq @root.type "npc")}}
<select class="item-field-label-short-header" type="text"
name="system.skills.{{categkey}}.pnjvalue" value="{{category.pnjvalue}}"
{{selectOptions @root.config.skillLevel selected=category.pnjvalue}}
<h3><label class="items-title-text">{{localize}} ({{valueAtIndex @root.impactsMalus
{{#each category.skilllist as |skill skillkey|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-long">
@ -121,23 +89,26 @@
<select class="item-field-label-short" type="text"
name="system.skills.{{categkey}}.skilllist.{{skillkey}}.value" value="{{skill.value}}"
{{selectOptions @root.config.skillLevel selected=skill.value}}
{{#select skill.value}}
{{#each @root.config.skillLevel as |level key| }}
<option value="{{level}}">{{level}}</option>
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<ul class="ul-level1">
{{#each skill.spec as |spec idx|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item" data-item-id="{{spec._id}}" data-item-type="specialization">
<a class="roll-spec" data-category-key="{{categkey}}" data-skill-key="{{skillkey}}"
<a class="roll-spec" data-spec-id="{{spec._id}}">
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-d6"></i>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-edit" data-type="specialization" title="Edit Item"><i
class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-delete" data-type="specialization" title="Delete Item"><i
class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="specialization" title="Delete Item"><i
class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
@ -154,12 +125,8 @@
{{#if hasCephaly}}
{{!-- Cephaly Tab --}}
<div class="tab cephaly" data-group="primary" data-tab="cephaly">
<div class="grid grid-2col">
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.cephaly"}}</h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
{{#each cephalySkills as |skill skillkey|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
@ -168,33 +135,19 @@
<i class="fa-solid fa-dice-d6"></i>
<select class="item-field-label-short" type="text" name="system.cephaly.skilllist.{{skillkey}}.value"
value="{{skill.value}}" data-dtype="Number">
{{selectOptions @root.config.skillLevel selected=skill.value}}
<select class="item-field-label-short" type="text"
name="system.cephaly.skilllist.{{skillkey}}.value" value="{{skill.value}}"
{{#select skill.value}}
{{#each @root.config.skillLevel as |level key| }}
<option value="{{level}}">{{level}}</option>
{{#if annency}}
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.annency"}} : <a class="open-annency"
data-annency-id="{{}}">{{}}<i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a></h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-long">
@ -284,7 +237,7 @@
<a class="item-edit item-name-img" title="Edit Item"><img class="sheet-competence-img"
src="{{maneuver.img}}" /></a>
<span class="item-name-label-long2">
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
@ -299,22 +252,57 @@
{{!-- Equipement Tab --}}
<div class="tab equipements" data-group="primary" data-tab="equipements">
<div class="tab equipment" data-group="primary" data-tab="equipment">
<span class="item-name-label-header items-title-bg">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">{{localize "ECRY.ui.equipmentfree"}}</label></h3>
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Equipements (saisie libre)</label></h3>
<div class="form-group small-editor">
{{editor equipementlibre target="system.equipmentfree" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}
{{editor equipementlibre target="system.equipementlibre" button=true owner=owner editable=editable}}
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item items-title-bg">
<span class="item-name-label-header">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">{{localize ""}}s</label></h3>
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Armes</label></h3>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">
<label class="item-field-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.weight"}}</label>
<label class="item-field-label-medium">Normaux</label>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">
<label class="item-field-label-medium">Particulier</label>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">
<label class="item-field-label-medium">Critique</label>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="weapon" title="Create Item"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
{{#each armes as |arme key|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item list-item-shadow" data-item-id="{{arme._id}}">
<a class="item-edit item-name-img" title="Edit Item"><img class="sheet-competence-img"
src="{{arme.img}}" /></a>
<span class="item-name-label">{{}}</span>
<span class="item-field-label-medium"><label>{{arme.system.dommagenormale}}</label></span>
<span class="item-field-label-medium"><label>{{arme.system.dommagepart}}</label></span>
<span class="item-field-label-medium"><label>{{arme.system.dommagecritique}}</label></span>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-delete" title="Delete Item"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item items-title-bg">
<span class="item-name-label-header">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Equipements (Items)</label></h3>
<span class="item-field-label-long">
<label class="short-label">Q.</label>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
@ -322,12 +310,11 @@
{{#each equipments as |equip key|}}
{{#each equipements as |equip key|}}
<li class="item list-item flexrow list-item-shadow" data-item-id="{{equip._id}}">
<a class="item-edit item-name-img" title="Edit Item"><img class="sheet-competence-img"
src="{{equip.img}}" /></a>
<span class="item-name-label">{{}}</span>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">{{equip.system.weight}}</span>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
@ -337,6 +324,36 @@
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item items-title-bg">
<span class="item-name-label-header">
<h3><label class="items-title-text">Sortilèges</label></h3>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">
<label class="short-label">Seuil</label>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-add" data-type="equipment" title="Create Item"><i class="fas fa-plus"></i></a>
{{#each sorts as |sort key|}}
<li class="item list-item flexrow list-item-shadow" data-item-id="{{sort._id}}">
<a class="item-edit item-name-img" title="Edit Item"><img class="sheet-competence-img"
src="{{sort.img}}" /></a>
<span class="item-name-label">{{}}</span>
<span class="item-field-label-medium">
<label class="short-label">{{sort.system.seuil}}</label>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control item-delete" title="Delete Item"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
@ -348,7 +365,7 @@
<ul class="item-list alternate-list">
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.bornplace"}}</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Lieu de naissance</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.lieunaissance" value="{{system.biodata.lieunaissance}}"
data-dtype="String" />
@ -357,27 +374,22 @@
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.age" value="{{system.biodata.age}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Profession</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.profession" value="{{system.biodata.profession}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.residence"}}</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Résidence</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.residence" value="{{system.biodata.residence}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.origin"}}</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Nationalité</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.nationalite" value="{{system.biodata.nationalite}}"
data-dtype="String" />
<li class="item flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.childhood"}}</label>
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Enfance</label>
<input type="text" class="" name="system.biodata.enfance" value="{{system.biodata.enfance}}"
data-dtype="String" />
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
<form class="{{cssClass}}" autocomplete="off">
{{!-- Sheet Header --}}
<header class="sheet-header">
<div class="header-fields">
<div class="flexrow">
<div class="profile-img-container">
<img class="profile-img" src="{{img}}" data-edit="img" title="{{name}}" />
<div class="flexcol">
<h1 class="charname margin-right"><input name="name" type="text" value="{{name}}" placeholder="Name" /></h1>
<div class="flexrow">
<li class="flexrow item" data-item-id="{{}}">
<label class="item-name-label-medium">Description :</label>
<textarea class="textarea-default" rows="3" name="system.base.description">{{system.base.description}}</textarea>
{{!-- Sheet Tab Navigation --}}
<nav class="sheet-tabs tabs" data-group="primary">
{{#if hasCephaly}}
<a class="item" data-tab="annency">{{localize "ECRY.ui.annency"}}</a>
{{#if hasBoheme}}
<a class="item" data-tab="boheme">{{localize "ECRY.ui.boheme"}}</a>
{{!-- Sheet Body --}}
<section class="sheet-body">
{{#if hasCephaly}}
{{!-- Cephaly Tab --}}
<div class="tab annency" data-group="primary" data-tab="annency">
<div class="grid grid-2col">
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.annency"}}</h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-short">
{{localize "ECRY.ui.iscollective"}}
<input type="checkbox" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.base.iscollective"
value="{{system.base.iscollective}}" {{checked system.base.iscollective}} />
<span class="item-name-label-short">
{{localize "ECRY.ui.ismultiple"}}
<input type="checkbox" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.base.ismultiple"
value="{{system.base.ismultiple}}" {{checked system.base.ismultiple}} />
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.characters"}}</h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
{{#each characters as |character id|}}
<li class="item flexrow " data-actor-id="{{}}" >
<img class="item-name-img" src="{{character.img}}" />
<span class="item-name-label competence-name">{{}}</span>
<div class="item-filler"> </div>
<div class="item-controls item-controls-fixed">
<a class="item-control actor-edit" title="Edit Actor"><i class="fas fa-edit"></i></a>
<a class="item-control actor-delete" title="Delete Actor"><i class="fas fa-trash"></i></a>
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.location"}}</h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
{{#each system.base.location as |location index|}}
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">
{{localize "ECRY.ui.location"}} {{index}}
<textarea class="textarea-default" rows="3" name="system.base.location.{{index}}">{{location}}</textarea>
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">
{{localize "ECRY.ui.enhancements"}}
<textarea class="textarea-default" rows="3" name="system.base.enhancements">{{system.base.enhancements}}</textarea>
{{#if hasBoheme}}
<div class="tab boheme" data-group="primary" data-tab="boheme">
<h3>{{localize "ECRY.ui.oniricform"}}</h3>
<ul class="stat-list alternate-list item-list">
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize ""}}</span>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-long" name="" value="{{}}" data-dtype="String"/>
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.ideals"}}</span>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-long" name="system.boheme.ideals" value="{{system.boheme.ideals}}" data-dtype="String"/>
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.politic"}}</span>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-long" name="system.boheme.politic" value="{{system.boheme.politic}}" data-dtype="String"/>
<li class="item flexrow list-item">
<span class="item-name-label-medium">{{localize "ECRY.ui.description"}}</span>
<textarea class="textarea-default" rows="3" name="system.boheme.description">{{system.boheme.description}}</textarea>
@ -16,21 +16,14 @@
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.cephaly"}} : {{localize}}</li>
{{#if annency}}
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.annencybonus"}} {{}}: {{annencyBonus}}</li>
{{#if (gt marginExecution 0)}}
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.execution"}} {{executionTotal}} vs {{difficulty}} : {{marginExecution}}</li>
<li>{{localize cephalySuccess}}</li>
{{#if (gt marginPreservation 0)}}
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.preservation"}} {{preservationTotal}} vs {{difficulty}} : {{marginPreservation}}</li>
<li>{{localize cephalyFailure}}</li>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<li>{{localize}}: {{skill.value}} </li>
{{#if spec}}
<li>{{localize ""}} {{}} (+{{spec.system.bonus}}) </li>
<li>{{localize ""}} {{}} (+2) </li>
{{#each traitsBonus as |trait idx|}}
@ -40,14 +40,7 @@
<li>{{localize ""}}: {{bonusMalusTraits}} </li>
{{#if (isGM)}}
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.execution"}} : {{executionTotal}}</li>
<li>{{localize "ECRY.ui.preservation"}} : {{preservationTotal}}</li>
{{#if (isGM)}}
{{#if (eq mode "cephaly")}}
@ -62,10 +55,6 @@
<button class="button-select-confront">{{localize "ECRY.ui.selectconfront"}}</button>
{{localize ""}}
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
{{#if skill}}
<li>{{localize}}: {{skill.value}} </li>
{{#if spec}}
<li>{{localize ""}} {{}} (+{{spec.system.bonus}}) </li>
<li>{{localize ""}} {{}} (+2) </li>
@ -55,13 +55,20 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.skilltranscendence"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-select-transcendence" data-type="Number">
{{selectOptions config.skillLevel selected=skillTranscendence}}
{{#select skillTranscendence}}
{{#for 0 skill.value 1}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.transcendapply"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-apply-transcendence" data-type="String">
{{selectOptions config.transcendanceOptions selected=applyTranscendence localize=true}}
{{#select applyTranscendence}}
<option value="execution">{{localize "ECRY.ui.execution"}}</option>
<option value="preservation">{{localize "ECRY.ui.preservation"}}</option>
@ -93,29 +100,19 @@
{{#if annency}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.annency"}} : {{}}</span>
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{annency.system.base.description}}</span>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.annencybonus"}}</span>
<select class="" id="annency-bonus" name="annencyBonus" data-type="String">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">+1</option>
<option value="2">+2</option>
<option value="3">+3</option>
<option value="4">+4</option>
<option value="5">+5</option>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">Bonus/Malus : </span>
<select id="bonusMalusPerso" name="bonusMalusPerso" type="text" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.bonusMalusPersoOptions selected=bonusMalusPerso labelAttr="label"}}
<select id="bonusMalusPerso" name="bonusMalusPerso">
{{#select bonusMalusPerso}}
<option value="-3">-3</option>
<option value="-2">-2</option>
<option value="-1">-1</option>
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">+1</option>
<option value="2">+2</option>
<option value="3">+3</option>
@ -14,25 +14,22 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.skilltranscendence"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-select-transcendence" data-type="Number">
{{selectOptions config.skillLevel selected=skillTranscendence}}
{{#select skillTranscendence}}
{{#for 0 skill.value 1}}
<option value="{{this}}">{{this}}</option>
{{#if forcedSpec}}
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.spec"}} : </span>
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{}} (+{{forcedSpec.system.bonus}})</span>
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">{{localize "ECRY.ui.spec"}} : </span>
<select class="" id="roll-specialization" data-type="String" multiple>
{{#each skill.spec as |spec idx|}}
<option value="{{}}">{{}} (+{{spec.system.bonus}})</option>
<option value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
{{#if spleen}}
<div class="flexrow">
@ -71,8 +68,16 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">Bonus/Malus : </span>
<select type="text" id="bonusMalusPerso" name="bonusMalusPerso" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.bonusMalusPersoOptions selected=bonusMalusPerso labelAttr="label"}}
<select id="bonusMalusPerso" name="bonusMalusPerso">
{{#select bonusMalusPerso}}
<option value="-3">-3</option>
<option value="-2">-2</option>
<option value="-1">-1</option>
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">+1</option>
<option value="2">+2</option>
<option value="3">+3</option>
@ -12,8 +12,13 @@
<div class="flexrow">
<span class="roll-dialog-label">Difficulté : </span>
<select class="" type="text" id="roll-difficulty" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.difficulty selected=difficulty localize=true labelAttr="difficulty"}}
<select class="" type="text" id="roll-difficulty" value="{{difficulty}}" data-dtype="Number">
{{#select difficulty}}
{{#each config.difficulty as |diffData value| }}
<option value="{{diffData.value}}">{{localize diffData.difficulty}} / {{localize diffData.frequency}}
@ -22,14 +22,22 @@
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.impactType"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.impacttype" value="{{system.impacttype}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.impactTypes selected=system.impacttype localize=true }}
{{#select system.impacttype}}
{{#each config.impactTypes as |type key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{localize type}}</option>
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.impactLevel"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.impactlevel" value="{{system.impactlevel}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.impactLevels selected=system.impactlevel localize=true }}
{{#select system.impactlevel}}
{{#each config.impactLevels as |level key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{localize level}}</option>
@ -22,15 +22,14 @@
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.skill"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.skillkey" value="{{system.skillkey}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.skills selected=system.skillkey localize=true valueAttr="key" labelAttr="name"}}
{{#select system.skillkey}}
{{#each config.skills as |skill key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{localize}}</option>
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.bonus"}}</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.bonus" value="{{system.bonus}}" data-dtype="Number"/>
@ -22,14 +22,23 @@
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.traitType"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.traitype" value="{{system.traitype}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.traitTypes selected=system.traitype}}
{{#select system.traitype}}
{{#each config.traitTypes as |type key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{type}}</option>
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.niveauTrait"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.level" value="{{system.level}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.traitLevel selected=system.level labelAttr="text"}}
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.level" value="{{system.level}}" data-dtype="Number">
{{#select system.level}}
{{#each config.traitLevel as |level key| }}
<option value="{{level.value}}">{{level.text}}</option>
@ -22,7 +22,11 @@
<li class="flexrow">
<label class="item-name-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.weapontype"}}</label>
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.weapontype" value="{{system.weapontype}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.weaponTypes selected=system.weapontype localize=true}}
{{#select system.weapontype}}
{{#each config.weaponTypes as |type key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{localize type}}</option>
@ -8,7 +8,11 @@
<label class="item-field-label-long">{{localize "ECRY.ui.cost"}}</label>
<input type="text" class="item-field-label-short" name="system.cost" value="{{system.cost}}" data-dtype="Number" />
<select class="item-field-label-medium" type="text" name="system.costunit" value="{{system.costunit}}" data-dtype="String">
{{selectOptions config.costUnits selected=system.costunit localize=true labelAttr="name"}}
{{#select system.costunit}}
{{#each config.costUnits as |unit key| }}
<option value="{{key}}">{{localize}}</option>
@ -1,35 +1,20 @@
"label": "Equipement",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"folders": {
"Armor": "Armure",
"Weapons": "Armes",
"Clothing": "Vêtements",
"Food": "Nourriture",
"Lighting": "Eclairage",
"Miscellany" : "Divers",
"Musical instruments": "Instruments de musique",
"Reading, writing, recording": "Lecture, écriture, enregistrement",
"Travel equipment": "Equipement de voyage",
"Vehicle": "Véhicule"
"entries": {
"Absinthe": {
"name": "Absinthe",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Accordion": {
"name": "Accordéon",
"name": "Accordion",
"description": ""
"Airship": {
"name": "Dirigeable",
"name": "Airship",
"description": ""
"Animal skin parchment": {
"name": "Parchemin de peau",
"name": "Animal skin parchment",
"description": ""
"Automobile": {
@ -37,75 +22,75 @@
"description": ""
"Axe": {
"name": "Hache",
"name": "Axe",
"description": ""
"Bag": {
"name": "Sac",
"name": "Bag",
"description": ""
"Ball of string": {
"name": "Pelote de ficelle",
"name": "Ball of string",
"description": ""
"Bar of base metal (1 kg)": {
"name": "Lingot de vil métal (1 kg)",
"name": "Bar of base metal (1 kg)",
"description": ""
"Bare hand": {
"name": "Mains nues",
"name": "Bare hand",
"description": ""
"Barrel organ": {
"name": "Orgue",
"name": "Barrel organ",
"description": ""
"Battleaxe": {
"name": "Hache de bataille",
"name": "Battleaxe",
"description": ""
"Beer (1 glass)": {
"name": "Bière (1 verre)",
"name": "Beer (1 glass)",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Beet stein": {
"name": "Chope (étain)",
"name": "Beet stein",
"description": ""
"Bicycle": {
"name": "Vélo",
"name": "Bicycle",
"description": ""
"Blacksmith's toolkit": {
"name": "Outils de forgeron",
"name": "Blacksmith's toolkit",
"description": ""
"Blanket": {
"name": "Couverture",
"name": "Blanket",
"description": ""
"Blowpipe": {
"name": "Sarbacane",
"name": "Blowpipe",
"description": ""
"Blunderbuss": {
"name": "Tromblon",
"name": "Blunderbuss",
"description": ""
"Book (printed)": {
"name": "Livre (imprimé)",
"name": "Book (printed)",
"description": ""
"Bow": {
"name": "Arc",
"name": "Bow",
"description": ""
"Bower hat": {
"name": "Chapeau melon",
"name": "Bower hat",
"description": ""
"Box camera": {
"name": "Appareil photographique (boîtier)",
"name": "Box camera",
"description": ""
"Bracelet": {
@ -117,27 +102,27 @@
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Brooch": {
"name": "Broche",
"name": "Brooch",
"description": ""
"Butter": {
"name": "Beurre",
"name": "Butter",
"description": ""
"Butterfly net": {
"name": "Filet à papillons",
"name": "Butterfly net",
"description": ""
"Cake": {
"name": "Gâteau",
"name": "Cake",
"description": ""
"Candle": {
"name": "Bougie",
"name": "Candle",
"description": ""
"Cane": {
"name": "Canne",
"name": "Cane",
"description": ""
"Cape": {
@ -145,23 +130,23 @@
"description": ""
"Carriage": {
"name": "Carriole",
"name": "Carriage",
"description": ""
"Cestus": {
"name": "Ceste",
"name": "Cestus",
"description": ""
"Chain": {
"name": "Chaîne",
"name": "Chain",
"description": ""
"Chain mail": {
"name": "Chemise de maille",
"name": "Chain mail",
"description": ""
"Chestpplate": {
"name": "Cuirasse",
"name": "Chestpplate",
"description": ""
"Cigarettes": {
@ -169,11 +154,11 @@
"description": ""
"Coffee, tea": {
"name": "Café, thé",
"name": "Coffee, tea",
"description": ""
"Compass": {
"name": "Boussole",
"name": "Compass",
"description": ""
"Corset": {
@ -181,155 +166,155 @@
"description": ""
"Crowbar": {
"name": "Pied de biche",
"name": "Crowbar",
"description": ""
"Crude oil (1 l)": {
"name": "Huile lourde (1 l)",
"name": "Crude oil (1 l)",
"description": ""
"Cudgel": {
"name": "Gourdin",
"name": "Cudgel",
"description": ""
"Dagger": {
"name": "Dague",
"name": "Dagger",
"description": ""
"Dirk": {
"name": "Poignard",
"name": "Dirk",
"description": ""
"Disk": {
"name": "Disque",
"name": "Disk",
"description": ""
"Dissection kit": {
"name": "Nécessaire de dissection ",
"name": "Dissection kit",
"description": ""
"Dress, skirt": {
"name": "Robe, jupe",
"name": "Dress, skirt",
"description": ""
"Drum": {
"name": "Tambour",
"name": "Drum",
"description": ""
"Earrings (pair)": {
"name": "Boucles d'oreille (paire)",
"name": "Earrings (pair)",
"description": ""
"Egg": {
"name": "Oeuf",
"name": "Egg",
"description": ""
"Evening dress": {
"name": "Robe de soirée",
"name": "Evening dress",
"description": ""
"Evening shirt": {
"name": "Chemise de soirée",
"name": "Evening shirt",
"description": ""
"Film": {
"name": "Pellicule, développement et tirage",
"name": "Film",
"description": ""
"Flail": {
"name": "Fléau",
"name": "Flail",
"description": ""
"Flat cap": {
"name": "Casquette gavroche",
"name": "Flat cap",
"description": ""
"Glasses": {
"name": "Lunettes",
"name": "Glasses",
"description": ""
"Grappling hook": {
"name": "Grapin",
"name": "Grappling hook",
"description": ""
"Halberd": {
"name": "Hallebarde",
"name": "Halberd",
"description": ""
"Hammer and chisel": {
"name": "Marteau et burin",
"name": "Hammer and chisel",
"description": ""
"Handbag": {
"name": "Sac à main",
"name": "Handbag",
"description": ""
"Handheld crossbow": {
"name": "Arbalète de poing",
"name": "Handheld crossbow",
"description": ""
"Handheld lamp": {
"name": "Lampe tempête",
"name": "Handheld lamp",
"description": ""
"Harpsichord": {
"name": "Clavecin",
"name": "Harpsichord",
"description": ""
"High heels shoes": {
"name": "Escarpins",
"name": "High heels shoes",
"description": ""
"Horse-drawn cart": {
"name": "Chariot",
"name": "Horse-drawn cart",
"description": ""
"Hot air balloon": {
"name": "Ballon",
"name": "Hot air balloon",
"description": ""
"Illustrated manuscript (cheap)": {
"name": "Manuscrit enluminé (bon marché) ",
"name": "Illustrated manuscript (cheap)",
"description": ""
"Illustrated manuscript (rich)": {
"name": "Manuscrit enluminé (cher)",
"name": "Illustrated manuscript (rich)",
"description": ""
"Improvised weapon": {
"name": "Armes improvisées",
"name": "Improvised weapon",
"description": ""
"Inkpot": {
"name": "Encrier",
"name": "Inkpot",
"description": ""
"Iron flask": {
"name": "Flasque de fer",
"name": "Iron flask",
"description": ""
"Jar (glass)": {
"name": "Conserve (verre)",
"name": "Jar (glass)",
"description": ""
"Jaw harp": {
"name": "Guimbarde",
"name": "Jaw harp",
"description": ""
"Kettle": {
"name": "Bouilloire",
"name": "Kettle",
"description": ""
"Knife": {
"name": "Couteau",
"name": "Knife",
"description": ""
"Lamp oil": {
"name": "Huile (lamp)",
"name": "Lamp oil",
"description": ""
"Lantern": {
"name": "Lanterne",
"name": "Lantern",
"description": ""
"Leather boots (pair)": {
@ -337,27 +322,27 @@
"description": ""
"Leather chest piece": {
"name": "Gilet de cuir",
"name": "Leather chest piece",
"description": ""
"Leather overcoat": {
"name": "Manteau de conduite en cuir ",
"name": "Leather overcoat",
"description": ""
"Lighter": {
"name": "Briquet",
"name": "Lighter",
"description": ""
"Loaf of bread": {
"name": "Miche de pain",
"name": "Loaf of bread",
"description": ""
"Log": {
"name": "Bûche",
"name": "Log",
"description": ""
"Lute": {
"name": "Luth",
"name": "Lute",
"description": ""
"Lyre": {
@ -365,179 +350,179 @@
"description": ""
"Mace": {
"name": "Masse d'armes",
"name": "Mace",
"description": ""
"Magnifying glass": {
"name": "Lunette, télescope",
"name": "Magnifying glass",
"description": ""
"Mander parchment": {
"name": "Parchemin de mandre",
"name": "Mander parchment",
"description": ""
"Mandolin": {
"name": "Mandoline",
"name": "Mandolin",
"description": ""
"Meat (beef, horse, chicken)": {
"name": "Viande (boeuf, cheval, poulet)",
"name": "Meat (beef, horse, chicken)",
"description": ""
"Meat (fullige, snake, pigeon) (Copy)": {
"name": "Viande (fulige, serpent, pigeon)",
"name": "Meat (fullige, snake, pigeon) (Copy)",
"description": ""
"Meat (rat)": {
"name": "Viande (rat)",
"name": "Meat (rat)",
"description": ""
"Messenger bag": {
"name": "Besace",
"name": "Messenger bag",
"description": ""
"Metal crossbow": {
"name": "Arbalète métallique",
"name": "Metal crossbow",
"description": ""
"Metal cutlery": {
"name": "Couverts en métal",
"name": "Metal cutlery",
"description": ""
"Metal plaque": {
"name": "Plaque de métal",
"description": "<p>(+8 de caution)</p>"
"name": "Metal plaque",
"description": "<p>+8 coins as deposit</p>"
"Mushroom bread": {
"name": "Pain de champignons",
"name": "Mushroom bread",
"description": ""
"Mushroom spirit": {
"name": "Eau-de-vie de champignons",
"description": "<p>Les bouteilles vides sont consignées, 5 sous par bouteille</p>"
"name": "Mushroom spirit",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Musical saw": {
"name": "Scie musicale",
"name": "Musical saw",
"description": ""
"Musket": {
"name": "Mousquet",
"name": "Musket",
"description": ""
"Necklace": {
"name": "Collier",
"name": "Necklace",
"description": ""
"Organ": {
"name": "Orgue",
"name": "Organ",
"description": ""
"Overcoat": {
"name": "Manteau",
"name": "Overcoat",
"description": ""
"Pack of cards": {
"name": "Jeu de cartes",
"name": "Pack of cards",
"description": ""
"Petticoat": {
"name": "Jupon",
"name": "Petticoat",
"description": ""
"Phonographic recorder": {
"name": "phonoéditeur",
"name": "Phonographic recorder",
"description": ""
"Pike": {
"name": "Pique",
"name": "Pike",
"description": ""
"Pistol": {
"name": "Pistolet",
"name": "Pistol",
"description": ""
"Pocket watch": {
"name": "Montre à gousset",
"name": "Pocket watch",
"description": ""
"Poor quality stilts": {
"name": "Chaussures à talons-aiguille de basse qualité",
"name": "Poor quality stilts",
"description": ""
"Port, wine": {
"name": "Porto, vin",
"description": "<p>Les bouteilles vides sont consignées, 5 sous par bouteille</p>"
"name": "Port, wine",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Portable first aid kit": {
"name": "Trousse médicale de voyage ",
"name": "Portable first aid kit",
"description": ""
"Portable phonographic recorder": {
"name": "Phonoenregistreur de voyage",
"name": "Portable phonographic recorder",
"description": ""
"Portable stove": {
"name": "Réchaud à alcool",
"name": "Portable stove",
"description": ""
"Pot of jam": {
"name": "Pot de confiture",
"name": "Pot of jam",
"description": ""
"Quill": {
"name": "Plume",
"name": "Quill",
"description": ""
"Rapier": {
"name": "Rapière",
"name": "Rapier",
"description": ""
"Razor blade": {
"name": "Lame de rasoir",
"name": "Razor blade",
"description": ""
"Recorder": {
"name": "Flûte à bec",
"name": "Recorder",
"description": ""
"Revolver": {
"name": "Révolver",
"name": "Revolver",
"description": ""
"Riding boots (pair)": {
"name": "Botte de cavalier (paire)",
"name": "Riding boots (pair)",
"description": ""
"Ring": {
"name": "Anneau",
"name": "Ring",
"description": ""
"Rope (hemp)": {
"name": "Corde (chanvre)",
"name": "Rope (hemp)",
"description": ""
"Rum": {
"name": "Rhum",
"description": "<p>Les bouteilles vides sont consignées, 5 sous par bouteille</p>"
"name": "Rum",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Scarf, shawl": {
"name": "Echarpe, châle",
"name": "Scarf, shawl",
"description": ""
"Shoes": {
"name": "Chaussures",
"name": "Shoes",
"description": ""
"Sighted rifle": {
"name": "Fusil à lunette",
"name": "Sighted rifle",
"description": ""
"Silk stockings": {
"name": "Bas de soie",
"name": "Silk stockings",
"description": ""
"Silver bar": {
"name": "Lingot d’argent ",
"name": "Silver bar",
"description": ""
"Skis": {
@ -545,59 +530,59 @@
"description": ""
"Sleeping bag": {
"name": "Sac de couchage",
"name": "Sleeping bag",
"description": ""
"Sling": {
"name": "Fronde",
"name": "Sling",
"description": ""
"Soft brimmed hat": {
"name": "Chapeau mou",
"name": "Soft brimmed hat",
"description": ""
"Spear": {
"name": "Lance",
"name": "Spear",
"description": ""
"Spirit": {
"name": "Liqueur",
"description": "<p>Les bouteilles vides sont consignées, 5 sous par bouteille</p>"
"name": "Spirit",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Staff": {
"name": "Bâton",
"name": "Staff",
"description": ""
"Stylus for wax plaque": {
"name": "Stylet pour plaque de cire",
"name": "Stylus for wax plaque",
"description": ""
"Sword": {
"name": "Epée",
"name": "Sword",
"description": ""
"Tambourine": {
"name": "Tambourin",
"name": "Tambourine",
"description": ""
"Telescope": {
"name": "Télescope",
"name": "Telescope",
"description": ""
"Telescopic stilts": {
"name": "Échasses télescopiques",
"name": "Telescopic stilts",
"description": ""
"Thief's toolkit": {
"name": "Outils de voleur",
"name": "Thief's toolkit",
"description": ""
"Top hat": {
"name": "Haut-de-forme",
"name": "Top hat",
"description": ""
"Torch": {
"name": "Torche",
"name": "Torch",
"description": ""
"Train (locomotive)": {
@ -609,67 +594,67 @@
"description": ""
"Trumpet": {
"name": "Trompette",
"name": "Trumpet",
"description": ""
"Truncheon": {
"name": "Matraque",
"name": "Truncheon",
"description": ""
"Underwear": {
"name": "Sous-vêtements",
"name": "Underwear",
"description": ""
"Uniform": {
"name": "Uniforme",
"name": "Uniform",
"description": ""
"Viol": {
"name": "Viole",
"name": "Viol",
"description": ""
"Violin": {
"name": "Violon",
"name": "Violin",
"description": ""
"Walking stick": {
"name": "Bâton de marche",
"name": "Walking stick",
"description": ""
"Watch": {
"name": "Montre",
"name": "Watch",
"description": ""
"Wax plaque": {
"name": "Plaque de cire",
"description": "<p>+3 de caution</p>"
"name": "Wax plaque",
"description": "<p>+3 coins as deposit</p>"
"Whiskey": {
"name": "Whisky",
"description": "<p>Les bouteilles vides sont consignées, 5 sous par bouteille</p>"
"name": "Whiskey",
"description": "<p>A 5 pence deposit is paid for bottles. This sum is paid back if the empty bottle is returned.</p>"
"Whistle": {
"name": "Sifflet",
"name": "Whistle",
"description": ""
"White shirt": {
"name": "Chemise blanche",
"name": "White shirt",
"description": ""
"Wooden crossbow": {
"name": "Arbalète en bois",
"name": "Wooden crossbow",
"description": ""
"Wooden sedan chair": {
"name": "Chaise à porteurs (bois)",
"name": "Wooden sedan chair",
"description": ""
"Wooden trunk": {
"name": "Malle de bois",
"name": "Wooden trunk",
"description": ""
"Writing material": {
"name": "Matériel d’écriture",
"name": "Writing material",
"description": ""
@ -1,68 +1,65 @@
"label": "Manoeuvres",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Coup de Jarnac": {
"name": "Coup de Jarnac",
"description": "<p>Marge de 4 en Accomplissement </p>\n<p>Ce coup violent, déloyal et pernicieux, a été rendu célèbre par Guy Chabot de Jarnac, qui l’a porté pour la première fois lors d’un duel judiciaire, à Éole, en 954. Il consiste à blesser la jambe ou le tendon d’Achille de l’adversaire, l’empêchant de se déplacer normalement. En plus de l’Impact, la victime se voit affublée du Trait <em>Estropié -1</em>.</p>"
"description": "<p>Execution Margin of 4</p>\n<p>This is a violent, treacherous, and wicked blow made famous by Guy Chabot de Jarnac, who used it for the first time in a judiciary duel in Aeolus in 954. It involves wounding the opponent’s leg or Achilles tendon, which prevents them from being able to move normally. As well as the Impact, the victim also receives the Trait: <em>Lame -1</em>.</p>"
"Doesn’t even hurt": {
"name": "Même pas mal",
"description": "<p>Par le contrôle de sa respiration et une volonté inébranlable, le combattant apprend à faire fi de ses blessures. Non seulement il ne souffre d’aucun malus dû aux Impacts subis mais, mieux encore, ces derniers lui permettent de se surpasser et deviennent des bonus proportionnels. Ainsi, au lieu de subir un malus de -4 pour un Impact majeur, le personnage bénéficiera d’un bonus de +4. Il peut dépasser la Marge autorisée par sa Compétence.</p>"
"name": "Doesn’t even hurt",
"description": "<p>Through breathing control and unshakable willpower, the combatant learns to ignore their injuries. Not only do they not receive any penalty from Impacts inflicted upon them, but even better, those Impacts allow them to unlock their inner strength and become bonuses. Therefore, instead of suffering from a penalty of -4 for a major Impact, the character receives a bonus of +4. they may surpass the Margin limit set by their Skill level.</p>"
"Double impact": {
"name": "Double impact",
"description": "<p>Aggressif</p>\n<p>deux armes sont nécessaires</p>\n<p>Cette botte demande une extrême célérité au maître d’armes qui augmente sa cadence de frappe. Durant un même échange de coups, il est ainsi capable d’infliger son Impact deux fois (deux Impacts graves au lieu d’un par exemple). Le retour de flamme est cependant périlleux, car, par son agressivité, le maître d’armes se découvre. Lui aussi subit des Impacts doublés.</p>"
"description": "<p>Aggressive</p>\n<p>Two weapons needed</p>\n<p>This technique requires extreme speed on the user’s part, increasing the number of attacks they can deliver. In a single exchange of blows, they can inflict an Impact twice (two serious Impacts rather than one for example). However, this can turn against them and be very dangerous, since due to their excessive aggressiveness, the character exposes themself. They also suffer from double Impacts.</p>"
"It's the winning, not the taking part that counts": {
"name": "L’important n’est pas de participer mais de gagner",
"description": "<p>impossibilité d’utiliser cette botte en duel</p>\n<p>L’escrimeur a appris à tirer profit de toutes les occasions, privilégiant l’efficacité au style. Il se sert de tout ce qui lui tombe sous la main pour en tirer avantage. Entre ses mains, un élément improvisé utilisé pour se battre est doté d’une Incidence de +3, mais il se brise après usage.</p>"
"name": "It's the winning, not the taking part that counts",
"description": "<p>Impossible to use this technique in a duel</p>\n<p>The sword fighter has learned to take advantage of all situations, by prioritizing efficiency over style. They use whatever they have at hand to gain an advantage. Any improvised weapon they use has an Effect of +3, but breaks after use.</p>"
"Perforation": {
"name": "Perforation",
"description": "<p>Cette manœuvre est particulièrement usitée au sein des seigneuries traversières, où les armures demeurent courantes. D’un coup précis, le maître d’armes cible le point faible de la protection de son opposant et s’y engouffre, faisant fi du bonus de cette dernière.</p>"
"description": "<p>This maneuver is particularly favored on stitch estates where it is still common to wear armor. The sword fighter uses a precise blow to target the weak point of their opponent’s protection and runs through it, discarding any bonus granted by the armor.</p>"
"Point blank": {
"name": "À bout portant",
"description": "<p>nécessite Spécialization <em>Mousquet</em></p>\n<p>Le maître d’armes est un artiste martial, capable de faire feu avec son mousquet lors d’un combat au corps à corps. Durant un même échange de coups, il peut porter un coup de baïonnette (Incidence du poignard) et faire feu avec le mousquet (Incidence d’arme à feu).</p>"
"name": "Point blank",
"description": "<p>Requires <em>Musket</em> Specialization</p>\n<p>The combatant is a martial artist able to use their musket in close range combat. In a single exchange of blows, they can deliver a bayonet blow (Effect of a dagger) and fire with the musket (Effect of a firearm).</p>"
"Ribbon Dance": {
"name": "Danse des rubans",
"description": "<p>Agressif</p>\n<p>Par tranche de 2, nécessite une Spécialisation en arme articulée (fouet, chaînes, fléaux, rubans lestés de plomb ou lames métalliques), de réussir son test de Préservation et d’avoir suffisamment de place pour se battre – En effectuant de longues et complexes arabesques, le maître d’armes produit une sphère mortelle tournoyante autour de lui. Il peut alors ajouter sa Marge de Préservation, par tranche de 2, à sa Marge d’Accomplissement. La Marge d’Accomplissement produit alors de nombreuses blessures superficielles (1 par Marge de 2).</p>"
"name": "Ribbon Dance",
"description": "<p>Aggressive</p>\n<p>Requires a Specialization with a non rigid weapon (whip, chain, flail, ribbons lined with lead or metal blades), succeeding one’s Preservation test, and enough space to fight–By spinning around with long, skilled movements, the combatant creates a deadly rotating sphere around themself. they can then add their Preservation Margin to their Execution Margin 2 points at a time. The Execution Margin then causes many superficial injuries (1 for each Margin of 2).</p>"
"The Chimeric Defense": {
"name": "Défense chimérique",
"description": "<p>“Défensif uniquement ”–par tranches de 2–</p>\n<p>Pour réussir cette manœuvre, le personnage doit obtenir une Marge d’au moins 4 en Accomplissement ET en Préservation. En cas de réussite, elle permet d’ajouter tout ou partie de sa Marge de Préservation, par tranches de 2, à sa Marge d’Accomplissement. Alors qu’il esquive ou pare, le défenseur en profite pour porter un coup à l’aide d’un membre, d’un élément improvisé, d’un bouclier, etc. Cela demande une réflexion tactique, car augmenter son Accomplissement en recourant à cette botte affaiblit sa Préservation. Le combattant peut dépasser la Marge autorisée par sa Compétence.</p>"
"name": "The Chimeric Defense",
"description": "<p>“Defensive moves only”–by blocks of 2–</p>\n<p>To successfully carry out this maneuver, the character must obtain a Margin of at least 4 in both Execution and Preservation. If it succeeds, it allows the character to add all or part of their Preservation Margin to their Execution Margin in blocks of 2. while dodging or parrying the defender simultaneously lands a blow with a limb, an improvised weapon, or a shield etc. This requires tactical thinking, because using this technique weakens Preservation. The combattant may exceed the normal Margin limit set by Skill level.</p>"
"The Dead man’s Hold": {
"name": "L’étreinte de l’homme mort",
"description": "<p>L’escrimeur choisit de subir des blessures en optant pour un score de Préservation bas. En acceptant ces Impacts, il est en retour capable de déjouer la garde de son adversaire et lui fait subir en retour des dégâts identiques, en plus de ceux qu’il a infligés normalement durant cette passe d’armes, pour un total pouvant dépasser sa Marge autorisée de Compétence.</p>"
"name": "The Dead man’s Hold",
"description": "<p>The sword fighter allows themself to take attacks by opting for a low Preservation score. By accepting these Impacts, they can take advantage of their opponent’s lowered guard to inflict identical damage on them, in addition to normal damage inflicted during that turn, for a total which can surpass the normal Margin limit set by their Skill level.</p>"
"The jeering master": {
"name": "Maître persifleur",
"description": "<p>Cette technique permet de provoquer son adversaire, voire de l’humilier, avant de l’achever. Par ses piques et ses railleries, le maître d’armes impose à son adversaire de placer son plus haut score possible en Accomplissement, ce qui dégarnit grandement sa Préservation (pour les seconds rôles, faites +4/-4 par défaut). </p>"
"name": "The jeering master",
"description": "<p>This technique can be used to provoke the opponent, and even humiliate them, before finishing them off. Using mockery, the combattant forces the opponent to use their highest score in Execution, which greatly reduces their Preservation (for minor characters, it becomes +4/-4 by default).</p>"
"The Madman’s step": {
"name": "Le pas de l’homme fou",
"description": "<p>Le style Rojo n’est pas enseigné par dans les écoles d’avocats-duellistes, mais dans les caravanes traversières. L’escrimeur adopte un style fait de mouvements erratiques et imprévisibles, désorientant son adversaire et le rendant plus difficile à toucher. Le bretteur ajoute +4 à sa Préservation et peut dépasser la Marge autorisée par sa Compétence.</p>"
"name": "The Madman’s step",
"description": "<p>Rojo style is not taught in judi-duelist schools, but in traverser caravans. The sword fighter employs a style made up of erratic and unpredictable movements that disorient the opponent and make the user difficult to touch. The swordfighter adds +4 to their Preservation and can surpass the normal Margin limit set by their Skill level.</p>"
"The Nevers Attack": {
"name": "La botte de Nevers",
"description": "<p>Marge de 4 en Accomplissement et l’adversaire ne doit pas posséder de protection à la tête</p>\n<p>Inventée par Philippe de Nevers, un sabreur parisien, cette botte exige une extrême précision mais se révèle dévastatrice. En cas de réussite, l’épéiste élimine son adversaire sur le coup en lui infligeant une blessure entre les deux yeux (équivalent d’un Impact majeur).</p>"
"name": "The Nevers Attack",
"description": "<p>Execution Margin of 4 and the opponent’s head must be unprotected</p>\n<p>Invented by Parisian swordfighter Philippe de Nevers, this attack requires extreme precision but is absolutely devastating. If it succeeds, the user eliminates their opponent instantly by inflicting an injury between their eyes (equivalent to a major Impact).</p>"
"The partner switch": {
"name": "Changement de partenaire",
"description": "<p>Cette botte peut être employée par un escrimeur confronté à plusieurs adversaires. Ce dernier a la possibilité d’engager une cible supplémentaire au dernier moment (avant le calcul des Incidences). Il peut demander au conteur de l’orienter vers un personnage à portée de fleuret ou de désigner son opposant avec le plus faible ou le plus fort score en Préservation. Le score de Préservation de l’escrimeur s’applique aux deux adversaires désignés.</p>"
"name": "The partner switch",
"description": "<p>This technique can be used by a sword fighter facing multiple opponents. The attacker can include an extra target at the last second (before Effects are calculated). They may ask the storyteller to direct the attack on a character within range of their blade or choose the opponent with the highest or lowest Preservation score. The swordfighter’s own Preservation score applies to both of the targeted opponents.</p>"
"The Scarlet Dance": {
"name": "La danse écarlate",
"description": "<p>Cette botte est l’invention de la duelliste Bramon d’Éole. Véritable némésis de Marcel Rubempré, maître d’armes des anciens nobles avant qu’ils ne soient chassés sur les traverses, sa technique entra dans la légende lors de la révolution industrielle. Elle combine un mélange de pas de danse et de coups d’estoc et de taille. Se laissant aller au rythme de sa musique intérieure, l’épéiste finit dans un état de transe lui permettant d’ajouter son score d’Athlétisme à son Incidence. Il peut dépasser la Marge autorisée par sa Compétence.</p>"
"name": "The Scarlet Dance",
"description": "<p>This move was invented by the duelist Bramon of Aeolus. The nemesis of Marcel Rubempré, and fencing instructor for the old nobility before they were chased out onto the traverses, Bramon’s technique became legendary during the industrial revolution. It is a combination of dance steps, thrusts, and slashes. The swordfighter lets themself be taken away by their own inner music, and enters into a trance like state which allows them to add their <em>Athletics </em>score to the Effect. They can exceed the normal Margin limit set by their Skill level.</p>"
"Two-handed attack": {
"name": "À deux mains",
"description": "<p>Porter le coup avec les deux mains sur le pommeau de l’arme, avoir un score d’Accomplissement supérieur à celui de Préservation – Le combattant frappe de toutes ses forces afin de percer la défense de son adversaire. Il peut remplacer l’Incidence de son arme par son score en <em>Athlétisme</em>.</p>"
"name": "Two-handed attack",
"description": "<p>Blow delivered with both hands grasping the sword's hilt, Execution score higher than one’s Preservation score required–The combatant strikes with all their strength to break through the opponent’s defense. This move allows characters to replace the Effect with their <em>Athletics</em> score.</p>"
@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
"label": "Spécialisation",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"folders": {
"Mental": "Mentale",
"Physical": "Physique",
"Spocial": "Sociale"
"entries": {
"Aircraft": {
"name": "brûleur d’aérostat",
"description": ""
"Airplane": {
"name": "Aéroplane",
"description": ""
"Airship": {
"name": "Dirigeable",
"description": ""
"Amputation": {
"name": "Amputation",
"description": ""
"Architecture": {
"name": "Architecture",
"description": ""
"Armlock": {
"name": "Clef de bras",
"description": ""
"Automobile": {
"name": "Automobile",
"description": ""
"Axe": {
"name": "Hache",
"description": ""
"Bartering": {
"name": "Marchander",
"description": ""
"Blowpipe": {
"name": "Sarbacane",
"description": ""
"Bow": {
"name": "Arc",
"description": ""
"Boxing": {
"name": "Boxe",
"description": ""
"Camouflage": {
"name": "Camouflage",
"description": ""
"Carriage": {
"name": "Calèche",
"description": ""
"Carrying": {
"name": "Porter",
"description": "<p>Le personnage a la force et l'habitude de porter des charges lourdes.</p>"
"Cavalry saber": {
"name": "Sabre de cavalerie",
"description": ""
"Charm": {
"name": "Charmer",
"description": ""
"Chemystry": {
"name": "Chimie",
"description": ""
"Clarinet": {
"name": "Clarinette",
"description": ""
"Climbing": {
"name": "Escalader",
"description": "<p>Le personnage a appris à escalader différents types de surfaces.</p>"
"Clocks": {
"name": "Horloges",
"description": ""
"Collecting gossip": {
"name": "Collecter des ragots",
"description": ""
"Communication": {
"name": "Communication",
"description": ""
"Dagger": {
"name": "Dague",
"description": ""
"Decoction": {
"name": "Décoction",
"description": ""
"Dosage of medicine": {
"name": "Posologie",
"description": ""
"Electric": {
"name": "Electric",
"description": ""
"Environment (Alley)": {
"name": "Environnement (ruelle)",
"description": ""
"Environment (traverse)": {
"name": "Environnement (traverse)",
"description": ""
"Escape": {
"name": "Filer",
"description": ""
"Foil": {
"name": "Fleuret",
"description": ""
"Giving commands": {
"name": "Commander",
"description": ""
"Glider": {
"name": "Cerf-volant",
"description": ""
"Halberd": {
"name": "Hallebarde",
"description": ""
"Herbalism": {
"name": "Herbalisme",
"description": ""
"History": {
"name": "Histoire",
"description": ""
"Horse": {
"name": "Cheval",
"description": ""
"Hot air balloon": {
"name": "Ballon",
"description": ""
"Hydrocryme production": {
"name": "Production d'hydrocryme",
"description": ""
"Hydropower": {
"name": "Hydraulique",
"description": ""
"Impressing people": {
"name": "Impressionner",
"description": ""
"Improvised combat": {
"name": "Combat improvisé",
"description": ""
"Interrogation": {
"name": "Interrogation",
"description": ""
"Intervention": {
"name": "Intervention",
"description": ""
"Intimidation": {
"name": "Intimidation",
"description": ""
"Investigation": {
"name": "Investigation",
"description": ""
"Iron work": {
"name": "Ferronnerie",
"description": ""
"Jumping": {
"name": "sauter",
"description": "<p>Le personnage a la dextérité et la coordination pour sauter loin, haut, et atterrir sur ses pieds.</p>"
"Kickboxing": {
"name": "Savate",
"description": ""
"Lock picking": {
"name": "Crocheter",
"description": ""
"Lock systems": {
"name": "Serrures",
"description": ""
"Locomotive": {
"name": "Locomotive",
"description": ""
"Locomotives": {
"name": "Locomotives",
"description": ""
"Lying": {
"name": "Mentir",
"description": ""
"Making a good impression": {
"name": "Faire une bonne impression",
"description": ""
"Making mushroom paper": {
"name": "Fabriquer du papier à base de champignons",
"description": ""
"Milieu knowledge": {
"name": "Connaissance du milieu (...)",
"description": ""
"Music": {
"name": "Musique",
"description": ""
"Musical composition": {
"name": "Composition musicale",
"description": ""
"Musket": {
"name": "Mousquet",
"description": ""
"Neighborhood knowledge": {
"name": "Connaissance du quartier",
"description": ""
"Opera": {
"name": "Opéra",
"description": ""
"Organ": {
"name": "Orgue",
"description": ""
"Painting": {
"name": "Peinture",
"description": ""
"Pharmacology": {
"name": "Pharmacologie",
"description": ""
"Playwriting": {
"name": "Ecriture théâtrale",
"description": ""
"Pottery": {
"name": "Poterie",
"description": ""
"Rapier": {
"name": "Rapière",
"description": ""
"Religion": {
"name": "Religion",
"description": ""
"Rhetoric": {
"name": "Rhétorique",
"description": ""
"Running": {
"name": "Courir",
"description": "<p>Le personnage peut courir vite et longtemps.</p>"
"Sculpture": {
"name": "Sculpture",
"description": ""
"Sleight of hand": {
"name": "Escamoter",
"description": ""
"Sling": {
"name": "Fronde",
"description": ""
"Spear": {
"name": "Lance",
"description": ""
"Spreading false information": {
"name": "Propager de fausses informations",
"description": ""
"Strangling": {
"name": "Etrangler",
"description": ""
"Streetcar": {
"name": "Tramway",
"description": ""
"Surgery": {
"name": "Chirurgie",
"description": ""
"Swordstick": {
"name": "Canne-épée",
"description": ""
"Theater": {
"name": "Théâtre",
"description": ""
"Thermal": {
"name": "Thermique",
"description": ""
"Threatening": {
"name": "Menacer",
"description": ""
"Throwing knife": {
"name": "Couteau de lancer",
"description": ""
"Traverse architecture": {
"name": "Architecture des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverse geography": {
"name": "Géographie des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverse History": {
"name": "Histoire des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverse mapmaking": {
"name": "Cartographie des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverse mythology": {
"name": "Mythologie des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverse sociology": {
"name": "Socilogie des traverses",
"description": ""
"Traverser flute": {
"name": "Flute des traverses",
"description": ""
"Tripping": {
"name": "Croc-en-jambe",
"description": ""
"Wind power": {
"name": "Eolien",
"description": ""
"Wrestling": {
"name": "Lutte",
"description": ""
"Writing": {
"name": "Ecriture",
"description": ""
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
"label": "Traits",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"folders": {
"Maneuvers": "Manoeuvres"
"entries": {
"Ability to stay calm": {
"name": "Facilité à rester calme",
"description": ""
"Comfortable on airships": {
"name": "A l'aise en dirigeable",
"description": ""
"Comfortable using a mapmaker's helmet": {
"name": "Virtuose du casque de cartographe",
"description": ""
"Comfortable walking on stilts": {
"name": "A l'aise en échasses",
"description": ""
"Cultured": {
"name": "Cultivé",
"description": ""
"Deaf": {
"name": "Sourd",
"description": "<p>Le personnage a grandi dans une usine, et le vacarme permanent des machines l'a rendu sourd. (-3).</p>"
"Disregard for death": {
"name": "Ne craint pas la mort",
"description": ""
"Excellent glider pilot": {
"name": "Excellent pilote de cerf-volant",
"description": ""
"Extremely good eyesight": {
"name": "Excellente vue",
"description": "<p>La vue de ce personnage est si développée qu'elle lui permet de “lire” les disques </p>"
"Famous with (...)": {
"name": "Connu dans le milieu des (...)",
"description": ""
"Foremimes language": {
"name": "Connait le langage des contremimes",
"description": ""
"Guild member": {
"name": "Membre de la guilde (...)",
"description": ""
"Guild member (high rank)": {
"name": "Membre de haut rang de la guilde (...)",
"description": ""
"Intuitively feels the damage on their vehicle": {
"name": "Sent intuitivement les dommages sur son véhicule",
"description": ""
"Keen intellect": {
"name": "Intellect affûté",
"description": ""
"Knowledge of upper classes of their city": {
"name": "Connaissance des classes huppées de la ville (...)",
"description": ""
"Knows how to encircle a target": {
"name": "Sait encercler une cible",
"description": ""
"Lipreading": {
"name": "Lit sur les lèvres",
"description": ""
"Preacher": {
"name": "Prêcheur",
"description": ""
"Preacher (great)": {
"name": "Prêcheur (excellent)",
"description": ""
"Rational mind": {
"name": "Rationnel",
"description": ""
"Rich": {
"name": "Riche",
"description": ""
"Sharpshooter": {
"name": "Tireur d'élite",
"description": "<p>Le personnage sait tirer partie d'un fusil à lunette.</p>"
"Skilled with explosives": {
"name": "Manieur d'explosifs",
"description": ""