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201-05Not very impressive. +0HYour grip fails you. +0HPractice this one. +1HStrike blunted by clothing. +2HDestroy one of foe's silly decorations. +3H
306-10The strike lost something in the translation. +0HThud. +2HYou should have swung much harder. +3HFoe steps right, then left, and almost evades your blow. +4HBlow is forceful, not hard. Foe is unbalanced. You have initiative. +6H
411-15Foe evades your much of your swing. You have initiative. +3HFoe evades frantically. You have the initiative next round. +3HReally solid strike to foe's shield side. You have initiative. +7HShot close to foe's throat. He seeks to avoid your next strike. +5H (π-10)Foe raises an arm to block your strike. He does himself harm. You profit. +6H (+5)
516-20Foe steps back 5 feet. He is out of position. +2H πFoe is concerned with his own preservation. He steps back 5 feet. +4H (π-10)Blow to foe's waist. He spins sideways. +6H (π-20)Glancing blow takes skin with it. You have initiative next round. +5H (-5)Strong blow breaks foe's guard. He is unbalanced. ∑∏ (+10)
621-35Foe tries to duck under your strike. You knock him back. +3H π (+5)Foe loses some resolve from your solid strike. +4H (π-20)Disorient foe with a tricky shot. He is at a loss for words. +5H Foe goes airborne to evade your strike. He is stumbling back. +4H ∑∏Solid shot breaks foe's ribs. You have initiative next round. +6H (-10)
736-45Bust foe's shin. You have initiative. with leg greaves: +9H w/o leg greaves: +6H (-5)Blow to foe's left calf. You gain initiative. with leg greaves: +9H 2π w/o leg greaves: +6H 2(-20)Catch foe in lower leg. You gain initiative, while foe regains footing. +9H 2(-25)Light swing to foe's leg. Foe's calf is bruised. You have the initiative. +10H (-10)Blow to upper leg. Minor fracture. You have initiative. +12H (-10)
846-50Foe steps under your blow. You catch him in the back. +4H (π-25)Solid blow to back. Foe seeks to avoid this attack again. He has lost his way. +6H (π-25)He leans to your shield side and you hit him in the back. You have the initiative for 2 rounds. +5H ∑∏Catch foe in shoulder blade. Foe drops his guard and reels from your blow. +10H ∑∏Glancing strike to lower back. Foe turns away to avoid the damage. Foe uses his weapon for balance. +15H ∑∏
951-55Blow to foe's chest. Foe leans sideways in pain. +5H (π-25)Foe recoils before your blow impacts. He steps back 5 feet to defend himself. +6H Hard strike to chest, armor does not help. +5H (-10)Blow to foe's ribs. It hurts him to raise his arms. Foe cannot lean over. +10H (-15)Blow to chest. He seeks to regain his wind and survive your onslaught. +15H 2∑ (-15)
1056-60Blow to foe's waist sends a piece of equipment flying. Foe recoils. +5H (π-25)Strike passes under shield arm and lands on foe's thigh. Big bruise. +6H π (-5)Strike grazes across left thigh and lands on right. It lands solid. +6H π (-5) (+10)Miss foe's arm and strike his thigh. He stumbles and drops something. +6H (-10)Blow to foe's thigh causes his right leg to falter for a moment. +10H ∑∏ (-10)
1161-65Strike to weapon forearm. with arm greaves: +8H π w/o arm greaves: +5H Blow to foe's forearm. The strike is solid. The pain is certain. +9H (-10)Catch foe in mid-swing and disarm him. His weapon tumbles behind you. +8H Blow to forearm. Blow tears clothing, but not skin. Arm is bruised. +10H ∑∏ (-10)Strike foe's weapon arm with a titanic blow. Foe drops his weapon and reels. +10H (-15)
1266Shatter shoulder in foe's shield arm. Arm is quite useless. Foe drops shield, if he has one. +8H 2∑∏Drive elbow backwards and break it. Arm is useless. Foe drops weapon, leans way over, and yells out. 3∑∏That does it for him. Your strike lands on foe's knee. The knee buckles and foe goes down hard. +9H 3∑∏ (-90)Masterful strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he is dead. If he has a helm, he is knocked out for 4 hours. +20HCrush what was once foes head; he dies instantly. If foe has a helm, it is destroyed also. You are speckled with blood. +15H (+10)
1367-70Solid strike to foe's chest. Knocks the breath out of foe. +8H 3∑ Bloom! Shot strikes foe's upper chest. Foe stumbles. +10H 2∑∏ (-10)Strike to chest causes a host of trouble. +10H 3∑ 2∏ (-10)Blow to shoulder. with shoulder armor: +6H ∑∏ w/o shoulder armor: 2∑∏ (-20)Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it is broken. If not, arm is broken.
1471-75Shot takes foe in lower leg. He fails to jump over it. +5H 2∑∏ (-20)Strike to foe's right achilles tendon. Oh that hurts ya know! +10H 2∑ (-35)Strike twists foe's knee. +10H 2∑∏ (-40)Blow lands with a crack. Leg bone is broken. Major cartilage damage. +12H 2∑∏ (-50)Blow to foe's hip bonebreaks it. Help! Foe has fallen and cannot get up. +15H 3∑ (-75)
1676-80Blow to foe's shield arm destroys shield. If no shield, arm is broken.Blow to foe's shield arm breaks wrist. Hand is useless. Foe drops shield. +6H Blow to foe's weapon arm. A metal armguard is bent and the arm is useless until until the armor is removed. +9H ∑∏ (-50)Blow breaks foe's weapon arm. Sling foe's weapon to the right 5 feet. Foe's arm is useless. Tendon damage. +8H ∑∏Slap foe's arm and elbow around like string. Joint is shattered. Arm is useless. Foe should have stayed in bed. +9H 2∑∏
1881-85Blow to foe's side sends him stumbling 5 feet to your right. +10H 2∑∏ (-20)Blow thunders as it connects. Foe's ribs crackle in response. It hurts. +12H 2∑∏ (-25)Foe yells out before the impact and is silenced by the blow. Ribs crack. +12H 3∑∏ (-40)Blow lands on foe's side. He goes down hard. Victory is close. +15H 3∑∏ (+10)Blow to foe's armpit. Crush ribs and destroy organs. Foe dies in 3 rounds. +30H
1986-90Strike foe in lower back. Muscles and cartilege are damaged. +12H 3∑∏ (-25)Foe makes a mistake and pays. You send him prone with a fell strike. Tendons are smashed. 4∑∏ (-30)Powerful blow sweeps foe onto his back. Bones break and muscles tear. +20H 6∑ (-50)Blow to foe's neck. If foe has a throat protector, he is paralyzed from the neck down. If not, he dies in two rounds. +25HNeck strike shatters bone and severs an artery. Foe cannot breath. Foe is inactive and suffocates in 12 rounds. —
2091-95Break foe's nose. with nose guard: +10H 2∑∏ w/o nose guard: +15H 3∑∏Strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he falls into a coma for 3 weeks. +20H 12∑Blow to thigh. Compound fracture severs an artery. Foe goes down hard and dies in 12 rounds. +9HStrike comes down on the shield shoulder of foe. Arm shatters. Foe dies from shock and blood loss in 9 rounds. —Blast to foe's back. A bone is driven into vital organs. Foe is down and dies in six rounds. +25H
2196-99Blow to foe's head. If foe has no helm, he is dead. If foe has a helm, he is knocked down. +20H 6∑Blast foe's chest. Send ribcage into heart. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds. (+20)Blow to foe's abdomen. Strike destroys a variety of organs. Poor fool expires after 6 rounds of inactivity. —Crush foe's chest cavity. He grips your arm, looks into your eyes, then drops and dies in 3 rounds. (+25)Blow to foe's face. If visored, the visor is driven into his face and foe dies in 10 rounds. Without a visor, he dies instantly. You have half the round left. +30H (+20)
22100Crush foe's jaw. Drive bone through brain. Foe dies instantly. +50H (+20)Blow snaps neck. Foe is paralyzed from the shoulders down. +25H 15∑Strike to forehead. Destroy foe's eyes. Send his helm flying. Foe is spun about. +30H 24∑∏Blast to foe's heart. It stops. He dies. You consider yourself to be deadly. Fine work. You are ready to slay. +25HBlow turns hip to dust. Foe falls down. Attempts to stand. Falls again and dies in 6 rounds. +35H 2∑ 6(-30)