10 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

1Scorenormalmagicmithrilholy armsslaying
201-05Weapon shatters on foe's solid form. +12HYou fumble your weapon (roll on the fumble table). +15HYour weapon bites hard, but you move poorly. Lose initiative. +18HGlancing blow shakes you up. You suffer a -10 penalty next round. +20HBlade touches foe's exposed skin. Your weapon hisses. +5H
306-10Solid, but futile. +3HBlow to foe's side. Pretty sparks. +4HYour weapon glances off foe's side and leaves a measurable wound. +5HYour swing lands lightly. You had hoped for better. +9HYour blow is solid, but lands on a well protected area. +10H
411-20Hardly enough for victory. Weak side strike. +6HYour blade guides itself in, but you miss the opportunity. +8HBlow shoulder. It's well placed, but you'll need a lucky shot at this pace. +9HYour strike lands solid and righteous. You wish it had landed a little more. +12HA mortal blow poorly placed. Maybe you're holding it wrong? +15H
521-30Strong blow to foe's forearm yields its measure. +9HYou give out an epic strike, but foe is an epic creature. +10HYou strike is solid, but your grip fails on impact. +12HYou trip foe and slam his shin with your weapon. You are not being noble. +15HBruise to foe's shoulder is made worse by your weapon's strong enchantment. +20H
631-40Strike to beast's chest. Some unseen piece of protection blocks your attack. +12HHard strike to foe's thigh. It glances off. You really wish that had landed better. +15HYour strike lands in a critical spot on foe's abdomen. You are unable to mortally wound him, for the moment. +20HYour weapon sparks against the beast's hide and he realizes its mighty blessing. +25HYour weapon strikes foe like a clap of thunder, clawing at his very essence. +30H
741-50Strike lands upon foe's side. He responds by leaping back away from you. +15HYour blade bites into foe's skin with a hiss. Foe roars out at you. You ready yourself for what comes next. +18HHack at foe's neck, landing on his shoulder. He moves before the strike bites deeper. +25HHeavy blow with all of your weight behind it hits foe in his side. +30HYour weapon drives deep into foe's abdomen. Blood pours out of foe. He looks looks like a statue in a fountain. +12H 5∫
851-65Blow crashes into foe's leg. The damage is obvious by the look on his face. +20HBlow to foe's back. It concerns him greatly. Good luck. +5H Grip foe's hide for leverage, before you strike. Blow lands solid, but he throws you clear. +30HStrike lands lightly against foe's shoulder. You have the initiative for 3 rounds. Foe's blood gets all over you. +10H π 2∫Cave in the side of foe's head. Foe is down and dies in 2 rounds. Your foot is pinned under him for a round. —
966Well placed strike to foe's neck severs the jugular vein. Foe falls and dies in 6 rounds. —Vicious strike to abdomenal region destroys a variety of organs. Foe falls over with a crash. He dies in 3 rounds. +30HStrike to foe's heart. He dies instantly. You hit him one more time to make sure he is dead. Very clean kill. —Drive home your attack right between your foe's eyes. He dies instantly. You have half the round left. +20HChest wound knocks foe down. +10H 2∑∏
1067-70Foe's leg catches your failing strike at the right moment. The leg is bruised badly. +25HBlow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Foe almost falls over on you. You leap clear. +30HStrike to foe's thigh. Despite his size, it sends him back. Your Mithril bites deep and leaves a painful wound. +15H 2∑ (-20) (+10)Foe loses his footing with your solid strike. He takes time to gain his balance. You are in good position. +20H 2∑∏ (+10)Plunge weapon into foe's heart. Your weapon seems to know the way. The wound is instantly mortal. He dies. +20H (+10)
1171-80Arm strike gives foe a bruise. +30HMinor forearm wound. The beast's guard is down for an instant. Press your attack. +13H 3∑∏Tear him up! Your strike lands along foe's arm. The wound is bleeding everywhere. It's all over you, as well. +20H 2∑∏ 3∫Tear open foe's leg with a brutal side swing. Foe is unbalanced and bleeding. His guard goes down. +9H ∑∏ 3∫ (-10)Strike comes up under foe's arm. Blow breaks bones in upper arm. Arm is useless. Foe stumbles back. +15H 3∑
1281-90Strong blast to foe's stomach staggers foe. His guard drops for a moment. You have a chance. +20H 2∑∏ (+10)Hard blow to foe's back. If foe has wings they are damaged. If not, foe has broken ribs. +22H 3∑ Reverse your strike to catch foe in his lower leg. He stumbles back out of reach. +15H 2∑ 2∫ (-20)With a mighty cross swing you strike foe's head. If he has a helm (or hard head) you knock him out. If he has no helm, you behead him and he dies.You see the opportunity you have needed. A legendary strike to foe's chest destroys heart and other vital organs. He drops and dies instantly.
13+30H+25H (+15)
1491-95Strong blow to foe's leg yields a gaping wound. If foe has blood, you see a lot of it. +18H 3∑ 5∫ (-10)You strike at foe's face. It hits and causes him some difficulty. +5H 3∫ (-25) (+20)Weapon impacts upon foe's head with unmatched force. Foe comes over and is knocked out. +30H (+10)Your victory strike. Your weapon crashes into foe's chest and downs him for 2 rounds. He dies in 6 rounds. —Blow to foe's leg slashes an artery open. Foe falls gripping his leg. He is inactive for 12 sad rounds and then dies. —
1596-98Plunge your weapon into foe's heart. Foe dies instantly, and falls on you. You are pinned for 6 rounds and +20H!Your weapon plunges into foe's chest. He drops and dies in 3 rounds. Your weapon is stuck in him for 12 rounds. +25HStrike foe in his head and destroy his brain. If that's not power, what is? You have half the round left to act. —Strike foe in his ear. He dies next round. You are very confident in your combat skills. +15H (+25)True to its name, your weapon slays foe by crushing his skull. Parts of bone fly in all directions. Not a pretty sight. Foe drops instantly to the ground.
1899- 100Strike through foe's lungs. Foe falls down and dies after 6 rounds. Allies get a bonus! +24H (+20)Hard but flat strike. Your weapon takes much of the impact. In addition to his wound, your weapon is broken. +35H ∑∏You find a weak point and hammer foe's neck. Your weapon sticks in foe for 2 rounds, while he struggles to breathe. He dies in 6 rounds.Your precision surgery blinds foe. He quickly loses his direction and is in trouble. +5H 2∑∏ (-100)Strike foe in his face. His cheek bones collapse. His neck is a bloody pulp. He dies a round later. Your weapon is lodged in foe.
20+20H 6∑∏
21101- 150Awesome strike to shoulder sends foe stumbling. He has trouble getting his balance back. +50H 3∑∏ (-35)Strike foe in the side of his head. Foe stumbles back a few feet before he falls to the ground. He is out for 3 hours. +20H (+10)Catch foe in chin with all your weight behind the weapon. Head snaps back and chin shatters. Foe is knocked out for 30 days.You miss foe's weapon arm, but the strike lands on foe's knee. The results are acceptable. +3H 2∑ 2∫ (-30)Sever a vein in foe's forelimb. He falls to his knees. Blood is everywhere. He dies in 6 rounds. +20H 6∑∏ 12∫
23151- 175Strike drives bone into kidneys and liver. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds. What a pity. —Strike shatters foe's jaw and sends it up into his brain. Foe is dead before he hits the ground. Half round left to act. —Strike foe in the abdomen. The wound is mortal. A variety of important organs are destroyed on impact. Foe drops and dies after 6 rounds.Smooth strike to foe's cheek. Just as he was about to deal you a deadly blow, you crush the side of his head. He dies. You have half the round left.You almost sever foe's head, with a mighty blow to his neck. Foe is inactive and dies in 5 rounds. (+20)
25176 - 200Strike to bowels destroys foe's abdomenal areas. Foe's blood is all over you. Foe dies in 12 rounds. +35H (+15)Shot along side foe's head penetrates his ear and he dies in 3 rounds. You are mighty in battle. +10H (+20)Death comes swiftly! Your strike severs an artery in foe's leg. Foe fights for 2 rounds, then drops and dies in 6 rounds.Strike penetrates to foe's spine. Spine is broken and foe is paralyzed from the waist down. You will not have trouble killing him.Strike to abdomen damages a variety of organs. Internal bleeding will kill foe in 4 rounds. You have half the round to act. (+20)
26+5H 2(-20)+20H
27201- 250Blow to foe's forearm severs a vein. Foe dies in 7 rounds from shock and blood loss. He is still standing. +15H 6∑ (-30)Strike to foe's back. Hit severs spine. Foe is paralyzed from the neck down. Sadly, your weapon is broken. +15HHeart strike. Your foe dies in true epic form. He tumbles backwards and lands with a thunderous sound. Your strike knocks you to your knees. Foe is dead.Your weapon swings out and hammers foe's evil heart. He expires and your sword sings a joyful note. All who see your mighty deed are inspired by it.Snap foe's head and break his neck. Foe drops and dies. You may direct another attack at anything you can reach. —
28+20H 2(+15)+25H 3(+20)
29251+You grapple your foe and deal him a mighty blow. You are knocked out. Foe is also impaired. +35H 3∑∏Strike through foe's eye proves fatal. He dies immediately. You avoid his fall. +20H (+25)You blind foe with a vicious crossing strike to the eyes. He grips his face and falls to his kness. +10H 6∑ (-100)Strike to foe's ribs puntures a lung. Foe is knocked out. Your weapon is stuck in foe for 6 rounds. Good luck. —Drive foe's eyes back into his skull, with a cross strike. Foe is blind and prone. Foe is in pain. He does not even try to get up. +6H 24∑∏