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201-05Dubious strike.You throw up some dust.You're not very good, are you?Get it right next time! +0HYou did very poorly.
306-10Zip. Less than effective.You leap. Foe moves. You land. It had good form. +0HLook over there! Baby eagles!Your slash tears off a piece of fur or cloth. +1HStrike is not solid or well placed.
411-15Feeble.You almost got a real grip.You really tear up foe's garments. Try his skin next time. +1HSlash to neck, pulls off any necklaces foe is wearing. +1HEntangle your claws in foe's clothes. You struggle to pull free.
516-20Victory to the oppressed!Your lunge for foe's throat was blocked by his arm. +1HGlance off foe and grip the air. He steps out of your strike. +1HSolid chest strike yields a bruise. +2HLight cutting strike. It has a little effect, but you taste blood. +2H
621-35Jolly deadly attack.You get in close, but foe kicks you clear before your strike turns deadly. +2HStrike catches foe in waist. His equipment blocks some damage.The recoil from a missed strike lands against foe's back. It is a mild scratch. +3HScratch foe in calf. It turns into a bleeder and you are very pleased. +2H
736-45Cruel blow for nature.Attempt to disembowel falls short. Foe guards his stomach well.Light grip. Foe breaks free, damaging himself. You are pleased. +2H Strike to foe's lower leg. If foe has no leg armor, you cause him pain. w/o leg greaves: +5H Solid shot to leg. Foe watches you break the skin on his thigh. +3H
846-50Poor follow through. You lose a claw. Your attack is dubious. +4H 2(-5)Slash to foe's side does no cut deep. He turns to avoid the worst. +3HSolid strike to side does not break the skin. Foe turns to face you better. +4HUnexpected puncture in foe's side. You are pleased. Foe grips his side. +3H You bring a powerful blow around against foe's back. He leaps back away. +5H π
951-55Leaping chest strike yields some measurable damage. +3HGood little gash, produces an effective wound. +3H Mild strike to chest catches in a soft spot. You are surprised at its effect. +4H 2∫Slash foe's stomach. If foe's has no metal armor, you tear him open badly. w/o abdomen armor: +5H 3∫Grip to foe's shield arm garments. Foe is unable to use his shield arm for 1 round. +6H 1∫
1056-60Light wound to thigh. Garments are torn. Promises are made. +1H Scratch foe's skin, but you do not break the skin.Your original strike misses, but foe's thigh is available as a consolation. +4H 2∫Your strike catches the back of foe's thigh. Foe is unbalanced for a moment. +6H 2∫You rip open foe's thigh. The look on his face tells you victory is near. +7H 3∫
1161-65Mild forearm wound. You are doing very well, keep it up. +2H 2∫Raking forearm strike leaves a nasty scar. It bites deep enough to bleed. +3H 2∫Foe blocks you with his arm and you tear it up as payment. The damage is substantial, before foe breaks free. +3H 2∫Grip to foe's forearm. Foe flails his arm around trying to shake you off. You let go and move to a better position. +5H 2∫ (+10)Slash across foe's chest and upper arm. Strike causes a bruise and then opens up a gaping wound on foe's shield arm. +6H 2∑ 3∫
1266You find a nice vulnerable spot to rip open. Foe leaps back from your cluches. He unbalances himself to escape your assault.Your strike grips foe's calf. He pulls away from you violently. His actions further damage the wound. You do your best, before he breaks free.Violent move assaults foe's arm, wrist and shoulder. Foe is shaken by the vicious strike. He drops his weapon and leaps back 10 feet. You stay with your quarry looking for an advantage.Astounding head strike. If foe has no helm, you make a bloody mess of foe's scalp. To further your advantage you push foe's head sideways.Bizarre strike to eyes destroys 1 eye and leaves the other blind for 2 days. Foe is down and helpless for an hour. He will need assistance to even stand. His appearance is modified by -20.
1467-70Slash to foe's shoulder. It's not deadly, but it is a start. +3H π –∫Claw scratches acrossed a piece of metal. That screeching sound! +4H Pull foe off balance with a grasp to his shoulder. He steps away and stumbles. +5H 2∫ 1(-20)Graceful slash to foe's shoulder sweeps blood onto foe's face. Foe is unsteady. +6H ∑∏ 2∫Inspired shoulder strike sends foe reeling. You tear tendons and cause pain. +7H 2∑∏ (-20)
1571-75You attempt to assault foe's lower leg. You have the initiative. with leg armor: +4H w/o leg armor: +1H 2∫Assault foe's shin. If foe has no armor, you tear his shin up. Foe struggles to throw you off.You slash into a muscle on foe's calf. You have the initiative next round. 2∑ 2∫ (-20)Lower leg strike. If foe has no leg armor, heavy bruise. Foe stumbles back to avoid you.with leg armor: +3H ∑ w/o leg armor: 2∑ Vicious leg wound bleeds hard. Foe's attempt to stop the bleeding gets it all over his hands. +5H 3∑ 4∫
1776-80Weak, but precise strike to foe's arm. Foe shakes you off, but you do some damage anyway. +3H Strong, but imprecise arm strike. The wound is of moderate size. You are proud to have created it. +5H 2∫ (-15)You take a shot at foe's forearm. It lands well. A muscle and tendon are slashed. He holds on to his weapon. +5H 2∑ 2∫ (-25)Grab foe's arm. Foe struggles violently to make you let go. You rend his arm without mercy. He gets free and stumbles back. You win this round. +5H 3∑ 2∫ (-25)Sly arm strike gives foe a troublesome wound. What looks like a tiny wound is producing much blood. Foe does not fall down, but he stumbles much. +5H 3∑ 2∫ (-25)
1881-85Strike at foe's face. He panics and stumbles back 5 feet. You fall clear and prepare for another strike. +4H 2∫Flying face strike. with facial armor: +3H π w/o facial armor: 3∑ 3∫Head strike. Foe's helm is knocked off. If foe has no helm, he has a vicious cut. with helmet: +3H ∑ w/o helmet: +2H 3∫ (-40) to his scalp.Acrobatic face strike. If foe has no facial armor he will get some, when his nose heals. with facial armor: +5H w/o facial armor: 3∑ 3∫ (-40)Slash between foe's fingers. If foe has a metal gauntlet on, he is fine. +8H 9∑ 3∫
1986-90Sudden well placed blow makes you feel you are mighty in battle. Your foe is convinced. +6H 2∑Slash foe's neck. He thinks you just killed him. The wound is not mortal. Foe stumbles away fearful of death. +5H 3∑ 2∫Shoulder strike unbalances foe and spins him around. He is frantic to turn around and face you. You move the other direction to prolong the effect. +6H 2∑∏Strong grip to foe's weapon arm. He tries to throw you clear, but cannot. He finally drops his weapon . You lose your grip on him at the same time. +5H Rend open foe's lower back with a quick double slash. Both wounds are deep and nasty. Blood pours out all over you and foe, making the combat seem brutal. +4H 3∑ 3∫ (-40)
2091-95Leaping head stike. If foe has no helm, face and left ear is slashed. +3H 2∑ (-30)Foe blocks your attack with his arm so you slash it in place of your original target. Foe realizes his mistake. +5H 3∑∏ 2∫Strike lands near neck and cheek. Foe is disoriented and recoils from your onslaught. +3H 2∑∏ 2∫ (-20)Clean strike, you cleave the thumb on foe's weapon arm. His arm is less than useful. Foe drops his weapon. 2∑∏ (-50)Dazzling leap knocks foe down. Foe hits on his back. Foe is disarmed and unconscious. +9H
2196-99Insulting strike to foe's nose. If foe has no nose guard, his nose is shredded. Foe reels from your onslaught. 9∑ 3∫Strike to foe's forehead. Foe is blinded, until the bleeding is stopped. Foe is off guard trying to stop the bleeding. Now is your chance. 3∑∏ 3∫ (-40)Epic slash to foe's Achilles tendon. Foe falls down. He is almost helpless. His attempts to crawl away fail. You have him now. +5H 6∑∏ (-75)Strike foe in face. If foe has a visored helm, he is blinded and helpless for a week while the swelling lasts. If foe does not have a visored helm, he loses 1 eye and is blind in the other. -100Head strike is deadly. Slash open foe's head and send him down. He hits hard. The shock of your strike and the concussion of the fall is too much for him to handle. He dies in 9 rounds. —
22100Strike at foe's eyes. Without a visored helm, foe loses one of his eyes. +15H 3∑∏ (-75)Foe leaps back to avoid a slash to the throat, too late. He falls down. You expose some muscle and make a mess. 6∑∏ 3∫ (-50)Severe head strike. If foe has a helm he is unconscious for 1-10 days. Without a helm, foe is dead. +25H Strike to foe's eyes. Foe is blinded permanently. Foe is at your mercy. +10H 6∑∏ 2∫ (-95)Unbelievable strike to foe's neck. Vein and artery severed. Foe dies after 6 rounds of inactivity. 20∫