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# Rolemaster Standard System for Foundry VTT
# Rolemaster Standard System for Foundry VTT
## Introduction
## Introduction
This is an in-development implementation of the Rolemaster Standard System for FoundryVTT. All rights to the system remain property of Iron Crown Enterprises ( This system will not include any of the book content and aims to provide only what is on the character sheet.
If you need access to the Rolemaster Standard System you may be out of luck as the system has been out of print for some time. However it's successor Rolemaster Fantasy Roleplaying is broadly compatible and can be purchased as a PDF via Drive Thru RPG here:
This repo is an independant fork from from Cynicide, in order to implement a fully playable Rolemaster FRP system in FoundryVTT.
All rights to the system remain property of Iron Crown Enterprises ( This system will not include any of the book content and aims to provide only what is on the character sheet.
## How to Use
## How to Use
Download the latest release from this repository and then extract the rmss folder. Drag it into the systems folder of your FoundryVTT Data Directory. More detailed instructions can be found [here](docs/ in the docs directory.
Download the latest release from this repository and then extract the rmss folder. Drag it into the systems folder of your FoundryVTT Data Directory. More detailed instructions can be found [here](docs/ in the docs directory (to be updated).
If you are using this system I highly recommend the "Simple Dice Roller" module which will allow you to roll dice easily while this feature is in development. You can install it in the Foundry Modules section or you can visit the following link for more instructions:
Further information on how the system works can be found [here](docs/ (to be updated)
Further information on how the system works can be found [here](docs/
## Goals/ToDo
## Goals/ToDo
Project goals include:
Project goals include:
@ -20,13 +19,11 @@ Project goals include:
I maintain a public Trello board here where I log my work items:
I maintain a public Trello board here where I log my work items:
## About Me
My name is Anthony, I'm a DevOps Engineer who has been playing Roleplaying Games since the mid 80's. I've been involved in numerous small programming projects. This system is by far the largest thing I've done. If the code here is awful it's because I'm learning CSS/Javascript as I go.
## Credits
## Credits
This system is based on:
This system is based on:
- The Foundry VTT Boilerplate system by Asacolips. (
- The Foundry VTT Boilerplate system by Asacolips. (
- The video tutorials by Cédric Hauteville you can watch them here:
- The video tutorials by Cédric Hauteville you can watch them here:
- The Rolemaster FRP is derivated from the RMSS system from Cynicide, available here
Icons used in this system have been sourced from
Icons used in this system have been sourced from
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<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-4" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-0" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">7</flowPara>
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<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-3" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-61" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">8</flowPara>
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<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-2">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-0" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-9" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">9</flowPara>
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<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-6" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-01" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">10</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-6" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 1149.3 316.56)">
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<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-7" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-5" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">11</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-4" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 471.39 382.49)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-1">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-2" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-00" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">12</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-1" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 554.35 382.19)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-46">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-07" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-1" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">13</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-7-7" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 637.66 450.97)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-4-7">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-27-7" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-7-7" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">40</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-9-3" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 720.62 450.56)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-3-3">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-1-5" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-9-9" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">50</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-8-9" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 803.58 450.67)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-6-8">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-5-1" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-0-8" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">60</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-2-2" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 886.54 451.08)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-8-6">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-6-6" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-02-0" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">70</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-4-3" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 969.5 450.44)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-86-8">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-50-0" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-90-1" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">80</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-0-2" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 1052.5 450.49)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-61-5">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-38-0" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-93-9" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">90</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-44-4" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 1138.5 450.78)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-60-7">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-66-8" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-1-3" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold"> 0</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-4-5" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 471.74 451.19)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-1-1">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-2-2" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-00-0" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">00</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-1-1" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 554.7 450.89)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-46-6">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-07-4" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-1-0" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">30</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-7-6" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 558.19 623.85)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-4-1">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-27-8" y="-1200.4" width="374.07" x="-691.32" height="303.05"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-7-9" style="font-size:300px;font-weight:bold">*</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-8-3" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 487.23 618.05)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-6-9">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-5-8" y="-1200.4" width="288.84" x="-691.32" height="250.96"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-0-80" style="font-size:220px;font-weight:bold">X</flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-4-9" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 466.81 522.55)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-1-6">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-2-8" ry="0" height="298.31" width="255.7" y="-1205.2" x="-691.32"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-00-3" style="font-size:300px;font-weight:bold"> - </flowPara>
<flowRoot id="flowRoot3329-1-2-8-7-34-1-4" xml:space="preserve" style="letter-spacing:0px;color:#000000;word-spacing:0px;line-height:125%;fill:#000000" transform="matrix(.25983 0 0 .25983 539.31 524.4)">
<flowRegion id="flowRegion3331-4-2-5-9-11-46-8">
<rect id="rect3333-2-1-7-5-3-07-49" y="-1200.4" width="303.05" x="-691.32" height="307.78"/>
<flowPara id="flowPara3611-8-1-9" style="font-size:300px;font-weight:bold">+</flowPara>
<metadata id="metadata241">
<dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:license rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:Agent rdf:about="">
<cc:License rdf:about="">
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB |
@ -1,22 +1 @@
# Installing the Rolemaster FoundryVTT System
Install from manifest link
## Download the System
As the system has not been officially released yet you won't be able to download it via the in game System browser. To install it you must download the System from the github repository and extract it to the right place in your FoundryVTT Data Directory.
Go to and click the green "Code" button from there click "Download Zip".

## Extract and install the System
Using your favorite ZIP extractor (or Windows Explorer if you have none) you must find and extract the "rmss" directory and place it in the "systems" directory in your FoundryVTT Data Directory. As you are free to place this folder anywhere you want I can't tell you where it is. It's the same folder your Worlds go to when you create them in Foundry.


## Checking you have installed properly
If you have installed the folder properly you should see Rolemaster under the Systems tab when you start Foundry.

## Create a World
When you create a world you can now select Rolemaster Standard System from the System dropdown.

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
var gulp = require('gulp');
var gulp = require('gulp');
var less = require('gulp.less');
var less = require('gulp-less');
gulp.task('less', function (cb) {
gulp.task('less', function (cb) {
@ -15,4 +15,4 @@ gulp.task(
|||||||'less/*.less', gulp.series('less'));
|'less/*.less', gulp.series('less'));
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
"rmss": {
"rmfrp": {
"player_character": {
"player_character": {
"name": "Name:",
"name": "Name:",
"level": "Level:",
"level": "Level:",
@ -43,7 +44,8 @@
"equipment": "Equipment",
"equipment": "Equipment",
"spells": "Spells",
"spells": "Spells",
"status_record": "Status Record",
"status_record": "Status Record",
"experience_points": "Experience Points"
"experience_points": "Experience Points",
"background": "Background"
"pc_sheet_fixed_info": {
"pc_sheet_fixed_info": {
"race": "Race:",
"race": "Race:",
@ -202,7 +204,18 @@
"breakage_range": "B#s",
"breakage_range": "B#s",
"strength": "Str",
"strength": "Str",
"fumble_range": "Fumble",
"fumble_range": "Fumble",
"equipped": "Equipped"
"equipped": "Equipped",
"skill": "Skill",
"hits_multiplier": "Hits Multiplier",
"attack_table": "Attack Table",
"max_rank_size": "Max Rank Size",
"critical_table": "Critical Table",
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<metadata id="metadata241">
<dc:type rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:license rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:Agent rdf:about="">
<cc:License rdf:about="">
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
<cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 31 KiB |
@ -11,4 +11,14 @@
height: 100%
height: 100%
.long-input {
width: 100%;
max-width: 100%;
min-width: 100%;
.short-input {
width: 50px;
max-width: 50px;
min-width: 50px;
@ -16,5 +16,9 @@
@import "./skillcat-sheet/skillcat-sheet.less";
@import "./skillcat-sheet/skillcat-sheet.less";
@import "./skillcat-sheet/applicable-stats-grid.less";
@import "./skillcat-sheet/applicable-stats-grid.less";
@import "./tools/dice-roller.less";
// Generics
// Generics
@import "./item-sheet.less";
@import "./item-sheet.less";
@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
//.skillcat-icons {
// display: flex;
// justify-content: space-around;
// flex-direction: row;
// align-items: center;
.skillcat-name, .skill-name, .item-name, .spell-name, .equipable-name {
.skillcat-name, .skill-name, .item-name, .spell-name, .equipable-name {
font-family: Signika, sans-serif;
font-family: Signika, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-size: 12px;
@ -20,4 +27,7 @@
font-family: Signika, sans-serif;
font-family: Signika, sans-serif;
font-size: 12px;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: center;
text-align: center;
.select-fixed-width {
width: 100px;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
.dice-roller-options {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.dice-roller-item {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
.dice-roller-item div {
flex: 1;
.roll-button-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
justify-content: flex-start;
.roll-button {
margin-top: 2px;
width: 96px;
max-width: 96px;
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import {RMFRP_CRITICALS} from "./rmfrp-critical-tables.js";
import {RMFRP_FUMBLES} from "./rmfrp-fumble-tables.js";
export const rmfrp = {};
rmfrp.criticals = RMFRP_CRITICALS;
rmfrp.fumbles = RMFRP_FUMBLES;
rmfrp.currency_type = {
mp: "",
pp: "rmfrp.curreny_type.pp",
gp: "",
sp: "rmfrp.curreny_type.sp",
bp: "rmfrp.curreny_type.bp",
cp: "rmfrp.curreny_type.cp"
rmfrp.difficulties = {
routine: {key: "routine", label:"Routine (+30)", value: 30},
easy: {key: "easy", label:"Easy (+20)", value: 20},
light: {key: "light", label:"Light (+10)", value: 10},
medium: {key: "medium", label:"Medium (0)", value: 0},
hard: {key: "hard", label:"Hard (-10)", value: -10},
very_hard: {key: "very_hard", label:"Very Hard (-20)", value: -20},
extremely_hard: {key: "extremely_hard", label:"Extremely Hard (-30)", value: -30},
sheer_folly: {key: "sheer_folly", label:"Sheer Folly (-50)", value: -50},
absurd: {key: "absurd", label:"Absurd (-70)", value: -70},
rmfrp.gameSystems = [
{key: "common", label:"Common"},
{key: "merp", label:"Middle Earth Role Playing (MERP)"},
{key: "rmfrp", label:"Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing (RMFRP)"},
rmfrp.combatSituations = [
{key: "none", label:"None (0)", modifier: 0},
{key: "melee", label:"Melee environment (-20)", modifier: -20},
{key: "missile", label:"Under missile fire (-10)", modifier: -10},
rmfrp.rankBonusProgressionList = [
{key: "standard", label:"Standard"},
{key: "limited", label:"Limited"},
{key: "combined", label:"Combined"},
{key: "race", label:"Linked to Race"},
rmfrp.lightOrDarknessModifiers = [
{key: "none", label:"None", modifierLight: 0, modifierDark: 0},
{key: "noshadows", label:"No shadows", modifierLight: 10, modifierDark: -30},
{key: "lightshadows", label:"Light shadows", modifierLight: 5, modifierDark: -20},
{key: "mediumshadows", label:"Medium shadows", modifierLight: 0, modifierDark: 0},
{key: "heavyshadows", label:"Heavy shadows", modifierLight: -10, modifierDark: 10},
{key: "dark", label:"Darkness", modifierLight: -25, modifierDark: 30},
{key: "pitchblack", label:"Pitch black", modifierLight: -40, modifierDark: 40},
rmfrp.hitsPerRound = [
{key: "none", label:"None", modifier: 0},
{key: "one", label:"One", modifier: -5},
{key: "two", label:"Two", modifier: -10},
{key: "three", label:"Three", modifier: -20},
{key: "four", label:"Four", modifier: -25},
{key: "five", label:"Five", modifier: -30},
{key: "six", label:"Six", modifier: -35},
{key: "seven", label:"Seven", modifier: -40},
{key: "eight", label:"Eight", modifier: -45},
{key: "nine", label:"Nine", modifier: -50},
{key: "ten", label:"Ten", modifier: -55},
{key: "eleven", label:"Eleven", modifier: -60},
{key: "twelve", label:"Twelve", modifier: -65},
{key: "thirteen", label:"Thirteen", modifier: -70},
{key: "fourteen", label:"Fourteen", modifier: -75},
{key: "fifteen", label:"Fifteen", modifier: -80}
rmfrp.stats = {
agility: {
fullname: "Agility",
shortname: "Ag"
constitution: {
fullname: "Constitution",
shortname: "Co"
memory: {
fullname: "Memory",
shortname: "Me"
reasoning: {
fullname: "Reasoning",
shortname: "Re"
self_discipline: {
fullname: "Self Discipline",
shortname: "SD"
empathy: {
fullname: "Empathy",
shortname: "Em"
intuition: {
fullname: "Intuition",
shortname: "In"
presence: {
fullname: "Presence",
shortname: "Pr"
quickness: {
fullname: "Quickness",
shortname: "Qu"
strength: {
fullname: "Strength",
shortname: "St"
rmfrp.skill_designations = {
None: "None",
Occupational: "Occupational",
Everyman: "Everyman",
Restricted: "Restricted"
rmfrp.armor_values = {
"1": "1",
"2": "2",
"3": "3",
"4": "4",
"5": "5",
"6": "6",
"7": "7",
"8": "8",
"9": "9",
"10": "10",
"11": "11",
"12": "12",
"13": "13",
"14": "14",
"15": "15",
"16": "16",
"17": "17",
"18": "18",
"19": "19",
"20": "20"
rmfrp.keyToCriticalTable ={
K: "krush",
P: "puncture",
S: "slash",
U: "unbalance",
G: "grapple"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
export function registerGetSceneControlButtonsHook() {
Hooks.on("getSceneControlButtons", getSceneControlButtons);
function getSceneControlButtons(controls) {
if (canvas == null) {
name: "fvtt-rolemaster-frp",
title: "Rolemaster FRP System",
icon: "fas fa-r",
layer: "ControlsLayer",
tools: [
name: "rmfrpdiceroller",
title: "Dice Roller",
icon: "fas fa-dice",
onClick: () => { return new game.rmfrp.applications.RMSSToolsDiceRoller().render(true); },
button: true
activeTool: "rmfrpdiceroller"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Feeble. Vou'regetting old.\n+OH",
"B": "Maybe next time....\n+OH",
"C": "Barely madeit.\n+1H",
"D": "Great move.\n+2H",
"E": "Light blow, but foe's thinksit's your best.\n+2H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Vouhit foe's forehead.\n+1H",
"B": "A glancingblow.\n+1H",
"C": "Vou pull at foe's hair.\n+2H",
"D": "Vou gain the initiativenext round.\n+2H",
"E": "Things just failed to connect right.\n+3H-X"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Pushfoe withthe punch. Vou receiveinitiative next round.\n+1H",
"B": "Deflected blow, but you gainthe initiativenext round.\n+2H",
"C": "Vou move quickly after blocking punch.Vou gain theinitiativenext round.\n+2H",
"D": "Use your body likea broom. Foeis unbalanced.\n+2H-X",
"E": "Vou blackfoe's forearm. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.\n+4H-X"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe steps aside unbalanced.Vou gain the initiativenext round.\n+2H",
"B": "Vaur backhand is powerful.Strikefoe across his face.Vou unbalance him.\n+2H-X",
"C": "Stepinto foeto knock him down. Bash tosideunbalances foe.\n+3H-X",
"D": "Elbow to foe's side sends him reeling. Vaur follow-up swing misses.\n+4H-2X",
"E": "Duck incloseandhammer foe's side. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.\n+5H-'Q"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Good placement. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.\n+3H",
"B": "Pushfoe back and kick his leg. Vou gain theinitiative next round.\n+3H-X",
"C": "Vou trytosweep your foe off his feet.\n+4H-X-(+10)",
"D": "Vou trip foe. He shuffles a full15 feet beforehegets his balance.\n+5H-'Q-X",
"E": "Cheap shot to foe's sidebruises ribs. Foe crashes into the nearest obstacle.\n+8H- 'Q - 4(-20)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Slight abrasion. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.\n+4H",
"B": "Leg strike unsteadies foe. Vou stomp foe's feet for an extra advantage.\n+4H-X",
"C": "Boat to calf hits hard. Vou havethe initiativenext round.\n+5H- 'Q- (-20)",
"D": "Vou go in low and strikefoein hiscalf. H stumbles back withanasty bruise.\n+6H- 2-Q",
"E": "Striketo the back of foe's leggives youa back attacknext round.\n+10H- a"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Glancing blow to foe's back. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext three rounds.\n+5H",
"B": "Foe lunges past you and youcorne down on his back. He realizes hispain.\n+5H- 'Q",
"C": "Vou grab foe andbring your knee into foe's side. Strikelifts foe up and sends foe reeling.\n+6H- 0- (+5)",
"D": "Pull foe off balanceand hammer himin theback witha solid fist.\n+10H-O®",
"E": "Vou bashfoe brutally. Vaur strike is solid.\n+10H--a®"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Strikelands solid to thechest. Foe leaps back on the defensive.\n+5H-X",
"B": "Vou strikefoe in his chest. Foereels.\n+6H- 'Q",
"C": "Classic gripto foe's collar garment. Vou punch himhard. He stumblesback 5 feet.\n+8H- 2-Q",
"D": "Chest strikecauses deepbruise. Foe looks very surprised.\n+10H- a®- (-10)",
"E": "Chest woundknocks foe down. Vaur attack puts you inthe placehe was just standing.\n+10H-2'Q®"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Foe kicks out at you and you strike his leg in response.\n+5H- 'Q",
"B": "Vou duck down andstrikeacross at foe. Blow to thighleaves abad bruise.\n+6H-2O",
"C": "Striketo foe's thigh. Vaur fist hitshard.\n+BH-20®",
"D": "Bring your forearmdown on foe's thigh, withmost of your weight behind it. Vou have theinitiativenext round.\n+10H-2-a®",
"E": "Vou do not know what a sweep ora throw is, but this surely seems like one. Vou slamfoe to the ground.\n+10H-30®"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Armstrikegives foe abruised bicep. Vou are cruel.\n+6H- (X-25)",
"B": "Vou black foe's guardand punch him in theface. He just stands there.\n+6H--a®",
"C": "Catchweaponarmandstrikeit across your ownknee. Foe drops his weapon.\n+8H- 2-a®- (+5)",
"D": "Striketo nervein foe's upper armcauses him to drop whatever he is carrying.\n+10H- 2-a®- (+5)",
"E": "Strong shoulder strikeanda follow-up striketo the face.\n+10H-4-a®"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Grapplefoe's weapon armandjerk his weapon free. Foe goes twisting and spinning out of your grasp.\n+BH-6-Q-(-15)",
"B": "Hammer foe in hiskidneys. Vou know he is in pain. He gripshis side and falls down. Finish him, thepain will not last.\n+18H- 3-Q- 6(-60)",
"C": "Nasty strike to foe's mouthknocks out 2 teethand reduces foe's appearance, by 5, when hesmiles.\n+9H- 6-a®- (-45)",
"D": "Driveyour finger into foe's eye, causing blindness. Thereisa 10%chance that thisaffliction is permanent.\n+15H-(-60)",
"E": "Face strikeis so hard foe's cheekboneis shattered.Theshards mortally wound foe. He diesafter 10 rounds of agony.\n(+10)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Blow to abdomen. Foe bends over and throws up.\n+4H-2-a®",
"B": "Blow to foe's chest. Vou havemastered the common punch.\n+8H--a®",
"C": "Strong blow to foe's forearmcauses fracture.\n+10H-2-a®",
"D": "Smash foe's hip. Vou have theinitiative next round.\n+12H- 20®- (-10)",
"E": "Throw foe into a solidabject. Hefalls down.\n+12H"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Leg strikedamages muscleand sends foe stumbling back.\n+6H- 3-Q",
"B": "Calf strike deliversa deep bruise. Foe looks down at thedamage, forgetting about you.\n+10H-2O-®",
"C": "A light punch unbalances foe. A kickto foe's leg knocks him down. He falls forward under you.\n+10H- 2-a®- (+5)",
"D": "Leg strikecauses foe to fall. Voupush him to hinder his landingandhe sprains his ankle.\n+12H- 3-Q- (-20)",
"E": "Snap palminto placeagainst foe's knee. Tendonand cartilagedamage. Foehas difficulty standing.\n+15H- 5-Q- (-50)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has anything that resemblesa shield, it is broken.\n+BH-2-a®",
"B": "Vou snap foe's armaround like\na noodle. His wrist is strained withthe impact.\n+10H-2-a®- (+5)",
"C": "Gripfoe's weaponarmanddrivehisfist against a hard surface. Hand is fractured. Foe isdisarmed.\n+10H- 3-Q- (-30)",
"D": "Strong blow to foe's weaponarm fractures his wrist. Thepainmakes his hand useless.\n+15H- 30- (-30)",
"E": "Fierce blow to foe's weaponarm breaks bone. Arm isuseless. Use arm as leverageto flip foe onto his stomach.\n+18H-•-2a®"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Precision striketo foe's arm disarms him. Weapon hand is fractured. Foe is in pain.\n+8H- 2-a®- (-25)",
"B": "Hand strike jams foe's fingers into their sockets.Ouch! Foe drops everything in his hands.\n+10H-3-Q- (-15)",
"C": "Strong blow to foe's armfractures shoulder. Vou hit his shoulder one moretimetomake your point.\n+1OH- 3-a®- (-20)",
"D": "Grab foe's weaponarm and pull him over. Vaur kicktotheribs finally drops him to theground.\n+15H-3-a®",
"E": "Shoulder strikebreaks foe's collar bone. Miscellaneous internai organ damage.\n+18H- 6-a®- •- (-30)"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Two brutal punches to foe's face. This barrageleaves foe confused and swingingin the wrong direction.\n+8H- 3-a®- (+20)",
"B": "Grab foe's weaponarmandbeat onit without concern for therest of foe. Foe is disarmedas ligaments aretorn and muscles are pulled.\n+10H- 4-Q- (-25)",
"C": "Accuratechest strikeknocks windout of foe. He falls over on you and you knock him off withanupper eut. He stand back up andstumbles5 feet.\n+12H- 3-a®- (-30)",
"D": "Blow to front of foe's neck. His head snaps back, but it does not breakhis neck. Foe cannot speak for 2-20 hours. He yells in silence.\n+18H-6O",
"E": "Nasty blow ruptures stomach. Foe is knockeddown. Internai bleeding is mortal. Foe will diein 20 rounds. He is still active.\n+20H- 'Q- 1o•-(-50)"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Head strikebreaks foe's nase. Appearancedropsby 5 due to black eyes.\n+10H- 3-a®- (-25)",
"B": "Landa solid shot to foe's head. Foeis definitely impressed. He steps toward you to keepfrom falling.\n+12H- 8-a®- (-40)",
"C": "Precisionstrike to foe's head sends him to theground. Vou canactually see the stars spinning around his head.\n+15H- 9-a®- (-35)",
"D": "Strong blow to face cracks jawbone. Ow! Jaw is stuck open and foe appears permanently surprisedabout something.\n+20H- 90- (-30)- (+10)",
"E": "Blow to foe's side. Bruiseribs, akidney and alung. Foe managesto remain standing. Oh that hurts ya know!\n+25H- 6-a®- (-75)"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Blow to solar plexuscauses foe to vomit. He falls tohisknees. Foe is unable to do anythingbut retch. Do you have pity?\n+10H",
"B": "Groin strikeis solid. Voukick himagain. Vaur strikeleaves foe helpless. Really unkind.\n+18H-12-a®",
"C": "Strikefoe in hishead. If hehas a helm, you pull it off and hit him withit. He is knocked out for 4 hours. If foe has no helm, you knock him out for 5 rounds.\n+20H",
"D": "Strong blow to theabdomen causes internai bleedingandorgan damage. Foe makes it ahabit of spitting blood.\n+25H- •",
"E": "Grip foe's neck. Vou shakehimviolently, while attempting to chokehim. Hepasses out. Vou canfinishhimif youwant.\n+30 hits- • - (+20)"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Elbow foe's face and then punch him hard.Heis paralyzed fromthe neck down for 2 days. He falls instantly to theground.\n+13H",
"B": "Striketo foe's head. If hehas no helm, he is in a coma for 10-100 days.\nIf foe has a helmit leavesa bruise onhis head. Foe drops and is unconscious.\n+20H",
"C": "Mighty strikecrashes into foe's head.\nIf hehas a helmet, he is unconscious for1-10 days. If hehas no helmet, skull collapses andbrainisdead.\n+25H- •",
"D": "Gripfoe's arm and pound on foe's head. One shot hitshard. Crushing striketo foe's temple. Foe dies instantly.",
"E": "Vaur strikeis frightening. Foe's head snaps to one side. Foecannot breathe. He looks uponthe world one last time and then dies. Vouare horrifiedat his doom."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
// Parse all the JSON files in the tables directory and create a JS file with the tables
// Create on one object per table with file name as ket and the table data in a field table
// This is a one-time script to create the tables.js file
// Run this script with `node create-js-table.js`
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
const tablesDir = path.join(__dirname, './');
const tables = {};
fs.readdirSync(tablesDir).forEach(file => {
const table = require(path.join(tablesDir, file));
console.log(`Processing ${file} ${table}`);
//tables[file] = table;
//fs.writeFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'tables.js'), `module.exports = ${JSON.stringify(tables, null, 2)};`);
console.log('Tables created');a
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Foe escapes like the wind.\n+0H",
"B": "Your attack falls short.\n+0H",
"C": "Your fingernails deal a vicious wound.\n+1H",
"D": "A little elbow before you lose your grip.\n+2H",
"E": "You grip strand of foe’s hair. It breaks.\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Grab foe’s arm. Oops. Try again.\n+0H",
"B": "Your grip fails.\n+2H",
"C": "Foe grabs, misses. You have initiative.\n+3H",
"D": "This was not a special moment.\n+4H",
"E": "You have initiative next round.\n+5H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "You impede foe’s combat stance. You have the initiative.\n+0H",
"B": "Foe collides with your attack before you get a grip. Small bruise.\n+2H",
"C": "You cannot get a good grip, foe hurts himself evading. You have initiative.\n+4H",
"D": "Grab foe's head. If foe has helm, you twist it. Otherwise, you gain initiative.\nwith helm: ∑",
"E": "Lame attack, but foe is concerned. He moves back.\n+6H – π"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe breaks free of a weak grip. You have the initiative next round.\n+0H",
"B": "Grab foe and give him a weak punch. He thinks you are dangerous.\nπ",
"C": "Foe recovers, continues his defense by sweeping his weapon at your feet.\nπ",
"D": "Push foe, unbalancing him. You have initiative for 2 rounds.\n—",
"E": "Strong passing blow near foe's head. His violent evasion is not productive.\n+3H – ∑"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Almost get a grip on foe's arm. He avoids his mistake. You gain the initiative next round.\n+3H",
"B": "You grip foe's shield arm. Foe's strike toward your head makes you let go of him. He keeps a distance.\nπ(-20)",
"C": "Collide with foe. You push him away and he stumbles back 5 feet. It went better than you could have hoped.\n+2H – ∑",
"D": "Hard, but poorly placed. Foe bounces back out of your grip. He looks like he does not recognize you.\n+3H – ∑",
"E": "Uncoordinated attack and a little luck, allows foe to escape your grasp. You have initiative for 2 rounds.\n∑"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Grip to lower back. Foe wards off your attack and prepares for your next move.\nπ",
"B": "Grip fails, but bash does not. You unbalance your foe. You have the initiative.\n+4H – π",
"C": "Your attack is almost comical as you seek any little grip you can get. All the tiny tugs finally have an effect on foe.\n∑π",
"D": "Strike to foe's shield arm. If foe has no shield, you immobilize arm for 6 rounds.\nwith shield: +3H",
"E": "Attack to upper leg. Foe spins to break free. He is disoriented badly. It takes a moment for him to see you.\n∑∏"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Hinder foe’s weapon arm. Foe violently frees himself and takes a defensive stance.\nπ",
"B": "Pull foe over, he breaks free. He is having trouble recovering. Your heart is broken.\n5H – ∑",
"C": "Grab foe's waist. Your grip appeared to be strong, but now it is losing its advantage. Your foe is working free.\n3(-25)",
"D": "Painful grip on foe's hand. You do not break anything, but he thinks so. You have initiative for 4 rounds.\n3(-30)",
"E": "You and foe collide. He breaks your grip and stumbles away. You bounce back and miss a good opportunity.\n2∑∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "You get in close and grab at foe's hair. He is daunted and steps back to escape your reach.\nπ(-20)",
"B": "Grip to foe's garments. They rip and you lose a hopeful hold. Foe is carried back by his break-away.\n+7H – ∑",
"C": "Grapple foe's leg and try to lift it up off the ground. Foe slips away, but is off balance while recovering.\n∑∏",
"D": "Catch foe's waist garments and pull him in. He is in trouble. He seeks to strike your hand and break your hold.\n3(-50)",
"E": "Grip to shield arm. Foe drops his shield as he wails in pain. You try to stay serious.\n+5H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Foe spins away and comes back to face you. He is unbalanced.\n+3H – ∑",
"B": "Foe spins out of your grasp. However, spin nullifies his conterattack.\n∑π",
"C": "Short fingers render thigh hold ineffectual. Try lower next time.\n+3H – ∑∏",
"D": "Grip foe's side and shake him like a rattle. He is disoriented, but gets free.\n+6H – 3∑",
"E": "Grasp around foe's leg proves effective. Foe is unbalanced for a moment.\n∑∏ – 3(-25)"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Grip to arm gives foe a bruised bicep. Foe shakes free and prepares for your assault.\n+3H – π(-20",
"B": "Slipping grasp around foe’s waist is weak. He breaks your grip and stumbles out of your way.\n2∑",
"C": "Grab foe around waist. Just when you think your grip is iron, he begins to break free. You might still prevail.\n+3H – 3(-50)",
"D": "Clumsy bear hug around foe. Foe can do little to escape for the moment. Both his arms are pinned.\n2∏ – π(-20)",
"E": "You find yourself on foe’s shield side. If he has a shield, you are stymied.\nw/o shield: +7H – 3∑∏"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Strike foe’s weapon, disarming him. Foe fails to recover weapon. He has put himself in a bad spot.\n+3H – 2∑",
"B": "You grab foe’s weapon arm and make him drop it with a violent shake. Foe strains wrist trying to break free.\n2∑ – (-25)",
"C": "Grab foe, he falls down and you follow. You knock him prone to stand back up. He is down for 1 round.\n+5H",
"D": "Grab leg and flip foe to ground, pinning him. Prone and immobile for 2 rounds, he might surrender.\n+6H",
"E": "Grasp foe around neck and bring him to ground. Muscles and tendons tear. Foe is prone and immobilized for 3 rounds.\n+3H – ∑"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Passing chest strike. Foe eludes grapple, keeps defensive stance.\n2π(-20)",
"B": "Grip foe's neck. Push foe's chin back steadily. He should act soon, or...\n1(-10) – 1(-20) – 1(-30)",
"C": "Grab foe's shield arm. If foe has shield you grapple it. Until dropped: (-50)\nw/o shield: 3(-40)",
"D": "Foe barely escapes immobilization, but must recover from the ordeal.\n+7H – 2∏",
"E": "You almost disarm foe and trip him. He uses weapon arm to prevent his fall.\n2∑∏ – 1(-75)"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Grab an exposed garment. Uneasy grip impedes foe's actions.\n+5H – 2(-50)",
"B": "Weak hold around foe's waist. He brings his knee up and you lose your grip. Foe does not recover quickly.\n+4H – 3(-50)",
"C": "Very strong grip around foe's waist. Foe is held at a great disadvanatge. He might get free.\n2∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "You grapple foe in a brutal way. Hold proves to be excellent. You have him. What next?\n∑∏ – 3(-70)",
"E": "Foe evades your grasp by falling to the ground. A clever ploy. Smile at your good fortune.\n+9H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Grapple foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, you pull it down. If foe has no shield, you immobilize his arm.\n+2H – 4(-50)",
"B": "Entangle foe's shield arm. If foe has shield, your grip makes it impossible to use. Until shield dropped: (-30)\nIf no shield his arm is entangled.\n(-40)",
"C": "Entangle foe's weapon arm. His weapon is held immobile. He cannot use it, but he will not drop it. He tries to knee you to escape, this fails.\n2∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "Entangle foe's weapon arm. Foe hangs onto his weapon, but the arm is immobilized. You try to make him strike himself. It fails.\n+4H",
"E": "Grab foe's weapon arm and beat on it, without concern foe the rest of foe. Foe is disarmed. You tear ligaments and pull muscles.\n3∑ – (-40)"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Useful grip on foe's neck. Foe's face turns red. He cannot breath easily. Slowly he breaks your grip.\n+5H – 2∑ – 2(-25)",
"B": "Grip around foe's waist unbalances him. You have the initiative. Foe shares much profanity with you.\n6(-50)",
"C": "Brutal grip around foe's chest, leaves bruises all over him. Your assault has created much confusion.\n+3H – 3∑∏ – (-5)",
"D": "Grab knee and send foe down. He breaks his fall by breaking his shield arm. He is disarmed and prone.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (-10)",
"E": "Entangle both of foe's arms and pin them to his body. Foe cannot move his\narms and he looks ready to surrender.\n10(-75)"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Grasp foe's leg, lifting it off the ground for a moment. You have the initiative for 6 rounds.\n+3H – 3∑",
"B": "Entangle foe's leg and send him down. He does not hit hard. He pulls a muscle in his leg struggling.\n2∑∏ – (-10)",
"C": "Your assault is strong and lucky. As you grapple foe, you stomp his foot. He falls hard, breaking his shoulder.\n+10H – 6∑ – (-40)",
"D": "Tie up both of foe's arms. He is immobile and cannot fight back effectively. You have him now.\n+10H – 9∑∏",
"E": "Foe stumbles, with your assistance, and falls. His weapon breaks on impact. If foe has no chest armor, he takes a\"D\" Krush.\n+3H – ∑"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Entangle foe’s leg. Foe is knocked down. Foe lands on his weapon arm. He kicks and breaks free.\n+4H – 2∑∏",
"B": "Pull foe’s legs together. He goes down, hitting hard and dropping his weapon. He feebly attempts to crawl for it.\n2∑∏ – 4(-25)",
"C": "Painfully immobilize weapon arm. Foe cannot surrender quickly enough to avoid the damage and pain.\n+15H – 4∑∏ – 8(-95)",
"D": "Grapple foe’s legs and send him over. He hits his head in the fall. You get little resistance after that.\n+10H – 30∑∏",
"E": "Wrap up foe’s legs. Foe tumbles to the ground like a ragdoll breaking both arms and an ankle. Foe is knocked out.\n+20H – (-95)"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Ride foe down and immobilize him. He can do nothing for 12 rounds. You are prone also, while holding him down.",
"B": "Entangle foe’s arm and flip him to ground, fracturing his leg. You immobilize him completely. He is prone, face down and still conscious.\n(-40)",
"C": "Entangle foe's legs. Grapple weapon arm and break it on an available surface. You send foe to the ground. He falls very hard and is knocked out.\n+20H – 10∑∏ – (-30)",
"D": "Crushing grip around foe's neck. If no neck armor, foe dies in 6 rounds from your mortal grip. Foe is disarmed.\nwith neck armor: 3∑∏",
"E": "Attack results in strangling hold. Foe flails legs in desperation. Foe is unable to break free and dies after 9 rounds of helpless struggling. Grim.\n+3H – ∑"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Foe’s legs are entangled long enough to make him fall. He is knocked out for 5 rounds.\n+9H – (+20)",
"B": "Grip foe’s neck in a vicious hold. If foe cannot break your grip in 4 rounds, he will begin to pass out from suffocation.\n+10H – ∑ – (-40)",
"C": "Grip foe’s head and jerk it around. If foe has no neck armor, he dies.\nno neck armor: +5H – 5∑∏ – (-75)",
"D": "Grapple foe's head. His skull is fractured during this assault. If he has no helm, he is in a coma for 30 days.\nwith helmet: +3H – 9∑∏",
"E": "Crush foe's windpipe and pull the head from his body. You are mighty.\n1(+25)"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Not very impressive.\n+0H",
"B": "Your grip fails you.\n+0H",
"C": "Practice this one.\n+1H",
"D": "Strike blunted by clothing.\n+2H",
"E": "Destroy one of foe's silly decorations.\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "The strike lost something in the translation.\n+0H",
"B": "Thud.\n+2H",
"C": "You should have swung much harder.\n+3H",
"D": "Foe steps right, then left, and almost evades your blow.\n+4H",
"E": "Blow is forceful, not hard. Foe is unbalanced. You have initiative.\n+6H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Foe evades your much of your swing. You have initiative.\n+3H",
"B": "Foe evades frantically. You have the initiative next round.\n+3H",
"C": "Really solid strike to foe's shield side. You have initiative.\n+7H",
"D": "Shot close to foe's throat. He seeks to avoid your next strike.\n+5H – (π-10)",
"E": "Foe raises an arm to block your strike. He does himself harm. You profit.\n+6H – ∑ – (+5)"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe steps back 5 feet. He is out of position.\n+2H – π",
"B": "Foe is concerned with his own preservation. He steps back 5 feet.\n+4H – (π-10)",
"C": "Blow to foe's waist. He spins sideways.\n+6H – (π-20)",
"D": "Glancing blow takes skin with it. You have initiative next round.\n+5H – (-5)",
"E": "Strong blow breaks foe's guard. He is unbalanced.\n∑∏ – (+10)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Foe tries to duck under your strike. You knock him back.\n+3H – π – (+5)",
"B": "Foe loses some resolve from your solid strike.\n+4H – (π-20)",
"C": "Disorient foe with a tricky shot. He is at a loss for words.\n+5H – ∑",
"D": "Foe goes airborne to evade your strike. He is stumbling back.\n+4H – ∑∏",
"E": "Solid shot breaks foe's ribs. You have initiative next round.\n+6H – (-10)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Bust foe's shin. You have initiative.\nwith leg greaves: +9H w/o leg greaves: +6H – (-5)",
"B": "Blow to foe's left calf. You gain initiative.\nwith leg greaves: +9H – 2π w/o leg greaves: +6H – 2(-20)",
"C": "Catch foe in lower leg. You gain initiative, while foe regains footing.\n+9H – 2(-25)",
"D": "Light swing to foe's leg. Foe's calf is bruised. You have the initiative.\n+10H – (-10)",
"E": "Blow to upper leg. Minor fracture. You have initiative.\n+12H – (-10)"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Foe steps under your blow. You catch him in the back.\n+4H – (π-25)",
"B": "Solid blow to back. Foe seeks to avoid this attack again. He has lost his way.\n+6H – (π-25)",
"C": "He leans to your shield side and you hit him in the back. You have the initiative for 2 rounds.\n+5H – ∑∏",
"D": "Catch foe in shoulder blade. Foe drops his guard and reels from your blow.\n+10H – ∑∏",
"E": "Glancing strike to lower back. Foe turns away to avoid the damage. Foe uses his weapon for balance.\n+15H – ∑∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Blow to foe's chest. Foe leans sideways in pain.\n+5H – (π-25)",
"B": "Foe recoils before your blow impacts. He steps back 5 feet to defend himself.\n+6H – 2π",
"C": "Hard strike to chest, armor does not help.\n+5H – ∑ – (-10)",
"D": "Blow to foe's ribs. It hurts him to raise his arms. Foe cannot lean over.\n+10H – (-15)",
"E": "Blow to chest. He seeks to regain his wind and survive your onslaught.\n+15H – 2∑ – (-15)"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Blow to foe's waist sends a piece of equipment flying. Foe recoils.\n+5H – (π-25)",
"B": "Strike passes under shield arm and lands on foe's thigh. Big bruise.\n+6H – π – (-5)",
"C": "Strike grazes across left thigh and lands on right. It lands solid.\n+6H – π – (-5) – (+10)",
"D": "Miss foe's arm and strike his thigh. He stumbles and drops something.\n+6H – ∑ – (-10)",
"E": "Blow to foe's thigh causes his right leg to falter for a moment.\n+10H – ∑∏ – (-10)"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Strike to weapon forearm.\nwith arm greaves: +8H – π w/o arm greaves: +5H – ∑",
"B": "Blow to foe's forearm. The strike is solid. The pain is certain.\n+9H – ∑ – (-10)",
"C": "Catch foe in mid-swing and disarm him. His weapon tumbles behind you.\n+8H – ∑",
"D": "Blow to forearm. Blow tears clothing, but not skin. Arm is bruised.\n+10H – ∑∏ – (-10)",
"E": "Strike foe's weapon arm with a titanic blow. Foe drops his weapon and reels.\n+10H – ∑ – (-15)"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Shatter shoulder in foe's shield arm. Arm is quite useless. Foe drops shield, if he has one.\n+8H – 2∑∏",
"B": "Drive elbow backwards and break it. Arm is useless. Foe drops weapon, leans way over, and yells out.\n3∑∏",
"C": "That does it for him. Your strike lands on foe's knee. The knee buckles and foe goes down hard.\n+9H – 3∑∏ – (-90)",
"D": "Masterful strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he is dead. If he has a helm, he is knocked out for 4 hours.\n+20H",
"E": "Crush what was once foe’s head; he dies instantly. If foe has a helm, it is destroyed also. You are speckled with blood.\n+15H – (+10)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Solid strike to foe's chest. Knocks the breath out of foe.\n+8H – 3∑ – ∏",
"B": "Bloom! Shot strikes foe's upper chest. Foe stumbles.\n+10H – 2∑∏ – (-10)",
"C": "Strike to chest causes a host of trouble.\n+10H – 3∑ – 2∏ – (-10)",
"D": "Blow to shoulder.\nwith shoulder armor: +6H – ∑∏ w/o shoulder armor: 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"E": "Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it is broken. If not, arm is broken."
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Shot takes foe in lower leg. He fails to jump over it.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"B": "Strike to foe's right achilles tendon. Oh that hurts ya know!\n+10H – 2∑ – ∏ – (-35)",
"C": "Strike twists foe's knee.\n+10H – 2∑∏ – (-40)",
"D": "Blow lands with a crack. Leg bone is broken. Major cartilage damage.\n+12H – 2∑∏ – (-50)",
"E": "Blow to foe's hip bonebreaks it. Help! Foe has fallen and cannot get up.\n+15H – 3∑ – (-75)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Blow to foe's shield arm destroys shield. If no shield, arm is broken.",
"B": "Blow to foe's shield arm breaks wrist. Hand is useless. Foe drops shield.\n+6H – ∑",
"C": "Blow to foe's weapon arm. A metal armguard is bent and the arm is useless until until the armor is removed.\n+9H – ∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "Blow breaks foe's weapon arm.\nSling foe's weapon to the right 5 feet. Foe's arm is useless. Tendon damage.\n+8H – ∑∏",
"E": "Slap foe's arm and elbow around like string. Joint is shattered. Arm is useless. Foe should have stayed in bed.\n+9H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Blow to foe's side sends him stumbling 5 feet to your right.\n+10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"B": "Blow thunders as it connects. Foe's ribs crackle in response. It hurts.\n+12H – 2∑∏ – (-25)",
"C": "Foe yells out before the impact and is silenced by the blow. Ribs crack.\n+12H – 3∑∏ – (-40)",
"D": "Blow lands on foe's side. He goes down hard. Victory is close.\n+15H – 3∑∏ – (+10)",
"E": "Blow to foe's armpit. Crush ribs and destroy organs. Foe dies in 3 rounds.\n+30H"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Strike foe in lower back. Muscles and cartilege are damaged.\n+12H – 3∑∏ – (-25)",
"B": "Foe makes a mistake and pays. You send him prone with a fell strike. Tendons are smashed.\n4∑∏ – (-30)",
"C": "Powerful blow sweeps foe onto his back. Bones break and muscles tear.\n+20H – 6∑ – (-50)",
"D": "Blow to foe's neck. If foe has a throat protector, he is paralyzed from the neck down. If not, he dies in two rounds.\n+25H",
"E": "Neck strike shatters bone and severs an artery. Foe cannot breath. Foe is inactive and suffocates in 12 rounds.\n—"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Break foe's nose.\nwith nose guard: +10H – 2∑∏ w/o nose guard: +15H – 3∑∏",
"B": "Strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he falls into a coma for 3 weeks.\n+20H – 12∑",
"C": "Blow to thigh. Compound fracture severs an artery. Foe goes down hard and dies in 12 rounds.\n+9H",
"D": "Strike comes down on the shield shoulder of foe. Arm shatters. Foe dies from shock and blood loss in 9 rounds.\n—",
"E": "Blast to foe's back. A bone is driven into vital organs. Foe is down and dies in six rounds.\n+25H"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Blow to foe's head. If foe has no helm, he is dead. If foe has a helm, he is knocked down.\n+20H – 6∑",
"B": "Blast foe's chest. Send ribcage into heart. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.\n(+20)",
"C": "Blow to foe's abdomen. Strike destroys a variety of organs. Poor fool expires after 6 rounds of inactivity.\n—",
"D": "Crush foe's chest cavity. He grips your arm, looks into your eyes, then drops and dies in 3 rounds.\n(+25)",
"E": "Blow to foe's face. If visored, the visor is driven into his face and foe dies in 10 rounds. Without a visor, he dies instantly. You have half the round left.\n+30H – (+20)"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Crush foe's jaw. Drive bone through brain. Foe dies instantly.\n+50H – (+20)",
"B": "Blow snaps neck. Foe is paralyzed from the shoulders down.\n+25H – 15∑",
"C": "Strike to forehead. Destroy foe's eyes. Send his helm flying. Foe is spun about.\n+30H – 24∑∏",
"D": "Blast to foe's heart. It stops. He dies. You consider yourself to be deadly. Fine work. You are ready to slay.\n+25H",
"E": "Blow turns hip to dust. Foe falls down. Attempts to stand. Falls again and dies in 6 rounds.\n+35H – 2∑ – 6(-30)"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"normal": "Weapon shatters on foe's solid form.\n+12H",
"magic": "You fumble your weapon (roll on the fumble table).\n+15H",
"mithril": "Your weapon bites hard, but you move poorly. Lose initiative.\n+18H",
"holy arms": "Glancing blow shakes you up. You suffer a -10 penalty next round.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Blade touches foe's exposed skin. Your weapon hisses.\n+5H"
"Score": "06-10",
"normal": "Solid, but futile.\n+3H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's side. Pretty sparks.\n+4H",
"mithril": "Your weapon glances off foe's side and leaves a measurable wound.\n+5H",
"holy arms": "Your swing lands lightly. You had hoped for better.\n+9H",
"slaying": "Your blow is solid, but lands on a well protected area.\n+10H"
"Score": "11-20",
"normal": "Hardly enough for victory. Weak side strike.\n+6H",
"magic": "Your blade guides itself in, but you miss the opportunity.\n+8H",
"mithril": "Blow shoulder. It's well placed, but you'll need a lucky shot at this pace.\n+9H",
"holy arms": "Your strike lands solid and righteous. You wish it had landed a little more.\n+12H",
"slaying": "A mortal blow poorly placed. Maybe you're holding it wrong?\n+15H"
"Score": "21-30",
"normal": "Strong blow to foe's forearm yields its measure.\n+9H",
"magic": "You give out an epic strike, but foe is an epic creature.\n+10H",
"mithril": "You strike is solid, but your grip fails on impact.\n+12H",
"holy arms": "You trip foe and slam his shin with your weapon. You are not being noble.\n+15H",
"slaying": "Bruise to foe's shoulder is made worse by your weapon's strong enchantment.\n+20H"
"Score": "31-40",
"normal": "Strike to beast's chest. Some unseen piece of protection blocks your attack.\n+12H",
"magic": "Hard strike to foe's thigh. It glances off. You really wish that had landed better.\n+15H",
"mithril": "Your strike lands in a critical spot on foe's abdomen. You are unable to mortally wound him, for the moment.\n+20H",
"holy arms": "Your weapon sparks against the beast's hide and he realizes its mighty blessing.\n+25H",
"slaying": "Your weapon strikes foe like a clap of thunder, clawing at his very essence.\n+30H"
"Score": "41-50",
"normal": "Strike lands upon foe's side. He responds by leaping back away from you.\n+15H",
"magic": "Your blade bites into foe's skin with a hiss. Foe roars out at you. You ready yourself for what comes next.\n+18H",
"mithril": "Hack at foe's neck, landing on his shoulder. He moves before the strike bites deeper.\n+25H",
"holy arms": "Heavy blow with all of your weight behind it hits foe in his side.\n+30H",
"slaying": "Your weapon drives deep into foe's abdomen. Blood pours out of foe. He looks looks like a statue in a fountain.\n+12H – ∏ – 5∫"
"Score": "51-65",
"normal": "Blow crashes into foe's leg. The damage is obvious by the look on his face.\n+20H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's back. It concerns him greatly. Good luck.\n+5H – ∑",
"mithril": "Grip foe's hide for leverage, before you strike. Blow lands solid, but he throws you clear.\n+30H",
"holy arms": "Strike lands lightly against foe's shoulder. You have the initiative for 3 rounds. Foe's blood gets all over you.\n+10H – π – 2∫",
"slaying": "Cave in the side of foe's head. Foe is down and dies in 2 rounds. Your foot is pinned under him for a round.\n—"
"Score": 66,
"normal": "Well placed strike to foe's neck severs the jugular vein. Foe falls and dies in 6 rounds.\n—",
"magic": "Vicious strike to abdomenal region destroys a variety of organs. Foe falls over with a crash. He dies in 3 rounds.\n+30H",
"mithril": "Strike to foe's heart. He dies instantly. You hit him one more time to make sure he is dead. Very clean kill.\n—",
"holy arms": "Drive home your attack right between your foe's eyes. He dies instantly. You have half the round left.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Chest wound knocks foe down.\n+10H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "67-70",
"normal": "Foe's leg catches your failing strike at the right moment. The leg is bruised badly.\n+25H",
"magic": "Blow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Foe almost falls over on you. You leap clear.\n+30H",
"mithril": "Strike to foe's thigh. Despite his size, it sends him back. Your Mithril bites deep and leaves a painful wound.\n+15H – 2∑ – (-20) – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Foe loses his footing with your solid strike. He takes time to gain his balance. You are in good position.\n+20H – 2∑∏ – (+10)",
"slaying": "Plunge weapon into foe's heart. Your weapon seems to know the way. The wound is instantly mortal. He dies.\n+20H – (+10)"
"Score": "71-80",
"normal": "Arm strike gives foe a bruise.\n+30H",
"magic": "Minor forearm wound. The beast's guard is down for an instant. Press your attack.\n+13H – 3∑∏",
"mithril": "Tear him up! Your strike lands along foe's arm. The wound is bleeding everywhere. It's all over you, as well.\n+20H – 2∑∏ – 3∫",
"holy arms": "Tear open foe's leg with a brutal side swing. Foe is unbalanced and bleeding. His guard goes down.\n+9H – ∑∏ – 3∫ – (-10)",
"slaying": "Strike comes up under foe's arm. Blow breaks bones in upper arm. Arm is useless. Foe stumbles back.\n+15H – 3∑"
"Score": "81-90",
"normal": "Strong blast to foe's stomach staggers foe. His guard drops for a moment. You have a chance.\n+20H – 2∑∏ – (+10)",
"magic": "Hard blow to foe's back. If foe has wings they are damaged. If not, foe has broken ribs.\n+22H – 3∑ – ∏",
"mithril": "Reverse your strike to catch foe in his lower leg. He stumbles back out of reach.\n+15H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-20)",
"holy arms": "With a mighty cross swing you strike foe's head. If he has a helm (or hard head) you knock him out. If he has no helm, you behead him and he dies.",
"slaying": "You see the opportunity you have needed. A legendary strike to foe's chest destroys heart and other vital organs. He drops and dies instantly."
"Score": "91-95",
"normal": "Strong blow to foe's leg yields a gaping wound. If foe has blood, you see a lot of it.\n+18H – 3∑ – 5∫ –(-10)",
"magic": "You strike at foe's face. It hits and causes him some difficulty.\n+5H – 3∫ – (-25) – (+20)",
"mithril": "Weapon impacts upon foe's head with unmatched force. Foe comes over and is knocked out.\n+30H – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Your victory strike. Your weapon crashes into foe's chest and downs him for 2 rounds. He dies in 6 rounds.\n—",
"slaying": "Blow to foe's leg slashes an artery open. Foe falls gripping his leg. He is inactive for 12 sad rounds and then dies.\n—"
"Score": "96-98",
"normal": "Plunge your weapon into foe's heart. Foe dies instantly, and falls on you. You are pinned for 6 rounds and +20H!",
"magic": "Your weapon plunges into foe's chest. He drops and dies in 3 rounds. Your weapon is stuck in him for 12 rounds.\n+25H",
"mithril": "Strike foe in his head and destroy his brain. If that's not power, what is? You have half the round left to act.\n—",
"holy arms": "Strike foe in his ear. He dies next round. You are very confident in your combat skills.\n+15H – (+25)",
"slaying": "True to its name, your weapon slays foe by crushing his skull. Parts of bone fly in all directions. Not a pretty sight. Foe drops instantly to the ground."
"Score": "99-100",
"normal": "Strike through foe's lungs. Foe falls down and dies after 6 rounds.\nAllies get a bonus!\n+24H – (+20)",
"magic": "Hard but flat strike. Your weapon takes much of the impact. In addition to his wound, your weapon is broken.\n+35H – ∑∏",
"mithril": "You find a weak point and hammer foe's neck. Your weapon sticks in foe for 2 rounds, while he struggles to breathe. He dies in 6 rounds.",
"holy arms": "Your precision surgery blinds foe. He quickly loses his direction and is in trouble.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (-100)",
"slaying": "Strike foe in his face. His cheek bones collapse. His neck is a bloody pulp. He dies a round later. Your weapon is lodged in foe."
"Score": "101-150",
"normal": "Awesome strike to shoulder sends foe stumbling. He has trouble getting his balance back.\n+50H – 3∑∏ – (-35)",
"magic": "Strike foe in the side of his head. Foe stumbles back a few feet before he falls to the ground. He is out for 3 hours.\n+20H – (+10)",
"mithril": "Catch foe in chin with all your weight behind the weapon. Head snaps back and chin shatters. Foe is knocked out for 30 days.",
"holy arms": "You miss foe's weapon arm, but the strike lands on foe's knee. The results are acceptable.\n+3H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-30)",
"slaying": "Sever a vein in foe's forelimb. He falls to his knees. Blood is everywhere. He dies in 6 rounds.\n+20H – 6∑∏ – 12∫"
"Score": "151-175",
"normal": "Strike drives bone into kidneys and liver. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds. What a pity.\n—",
"magic": "Strike shatters foe's jaw and sends it up into his brain. Foe is dead before he hits the ground. Half round left to act.\n—",
"mithril": "Strike foe in the abdomen. The wound is mortal. A variety of important organs are destroyed on impact. Foe drops and\ndies after 6 rounds.",
"holy arms": "Smooth strike to foe's cheek. Just as he was about to deal you a deadly blow, you crush the side of his head. He dies. You have half the round left.",
"slaying": "You almost sever foe's head, with a mighty blow to his neck. Foe is inactive and dies in 5 rounds.\n(+20)"
"Score": "176 -200",
"normal": "Strike to bowels destroys foe's abdomenal areas. Foe's blood is all over you. Foe dies in 12 rounds.\n+35H – (+15)",
"magic": "Shot along side foe's head penetrates his ear and he dies in 3 rounds.\nYou are mighty in battle.\n+10H – (+20)",
"mithril": "Death comes swiftly! Your strike severs an artery in foe's leg. Foe fights for 2 rounds, then drops and dies in 6 rounds.",
"holy arms": "Strike penetrates to foe's spine. Spine is broken and foe is paralyzed from the waist down. You will not have trouble killing him.",
"slaying": "Strike to abdomen damages a variety of organs. Internal bleeding will kill foe in 4 rounds. You have half the round to act.\n(+20)"
"Score": "201-250",
"normal": "Blow to foe's forearm severs a vein. Foe dies in 7 rounds from shock and blood loss. He is still standing.\n+15H – 6∑ – (-30)",
"magic": "Strike to foe's back. Hit severs spine. Foe is paralyzed from the neck down. Sadly, your weapon is broken.\n+15H",
"mithril": "Heart strike. Your foe dies in true epic form. He tumbles backwards and lands with a thunderous sound. Your strike knocks you to your knees. Foe is dead.",
"holy arms": "Your weapon swings out and hammers foe's evil heart. He expires and your sword sings a joyful note. All who see your mighty deed are inspired by it.",
"slaying": "Snap foe's head and break his neck. Foe drops and dies. You may direct another attack at anything you can reach.\n—"
"Score": "251+",
"normal": "You grapple your foe and deal him a mighty blow. You are knocked out. Foe is also impaired.\n+35H – 3∑∏",
"magic": "Strike through foe's eye proves fatal. He dies immediately. You avoid his fall.\n+20H – (+25)",
"mithril": "You blind foe with a vicious crossing strike to the eyes. He grips his face and falls to his kness.\n+10H – 6∑ – (-100)",
"holy arms": "Strike to foe's ribs puntures a lung. Foe is knocked out. Your weapon is stuck in foe for 6 rounds. Good luck.\n—",
"slaying": "Drive foe's eyes back into his skull, with\na cross strike. Foe is blind and prone. Foe is in pain. He does not even try to get up.\n+6H – 24∑∏"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Strike loses its power.",
"B": "Fine artistry, but no extra damage.",
"C": "Glancing blow makes a strange sound.\n+1H",
"D": "You impress foe with your form.",
"E": "How did you botch this beautiful strike?\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Strike slows to a tap.\nYou maneuver for a better position. You have initiative.",
"B": "Your master would be so embarrassed.\n+2H",
"C": "Not so solid a strike.\n+3H",
"D": "Foe steps out of most of the strike.",
"E": "Glancing strike makes foe respect you.\n+5H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "",
"B": "Blow to shoulder. Foe steps back and yields the initiative to you.",
"C": "Forceful. Foe steps back. You have initiative.\n+5H",
"D": "Kick foe's side. He stumbles out of the way. You have the initiative.",
"E": "You strike foe to unbalance him before you attempt a killing blow.\n+7H – ∑"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "You take an open shot to foe's side. You have initiative.\n+4H",
"B": "Good shot! You have initiative for 2 rounds.",
"C": "Hard strike. Foe lashes out to avoid your next attack.\n+6H – π",
"D": "Foe blocks your attack. He falls back to recover from your onslaught.\n+8H – (π-10)",
"E": "Snappy double shot to ribs. Crack! Ribs are fractured.\n+5H – ∑ – (-10)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Light, but well placed strike. You are already starting your next attack.\n+5H – π",
"B": "Strong, but poorly aimed strike forces foe to defend himself energetically.\n+6H – π",
"C": "Grab foe and bring your knee into his ribs. The force of the strike throws him from your grasp.\n+6H – ∑",
"D": "Blow to chest. Use your forehead in a brutal way to subdue foe. You have initiative for 3 rounds.\n+3H – ∑",
"E": "Side strike jars foe's kidneys. Heavy bruise to muscles. Foe steps right into that one. He is in pain.\n(-20)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Mild strike to foe's chest. He can see your next strike coming and he attempts to block it.\n+6H – (π-10)",
"B": "Chest strike. Foe makes a strange noise on impact. He blocks and recovers.\n+7H – (π-20)",
"C": "Clever feint finds an opening in foe's guard. Your strike is light and fast. Bruise foe's chest.\n+8H – ∑",
"D": "Chest strike. Foe falls forward onto one knee in front of you. His guard is down for a moment.\n+5H – ∑∏",
"E": "Strike is solid. It turns foe around. You have a clean shot at foe's back next round, if you hurry.\n∑"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Foe is confused by your attack. He steps back to parry your next strike.\n+6H – (π-25)",
"B": "Glancing kick to foe's back. The effects are reasonable for your modest effort.\n+5H – ∑",
"C": "Step to the side and catch foe in his back. He stumbles forward. His guard is down.\n∑∏",
"D": "Solid chest strike. The impact confuses foe greatly. His ribs are fractured. He hates you.\n+3H – 2∑ – (-10)",
"E": "Draw down foe's defenses with a feint and then hammer him in chest. Your tactics are acceptable.\n+5H – 2∑ – ∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Strike bends foe's hip in an odd direction. He is unbalanced.\n+3H – ∑",
"B": "Side strike sends foe stumbling to the left 5 feet. He recovers to face you.\n+6H – ∑",
"C": "With a circular block and a focused central strike you break foe's defenses.\n∑∏ – (+20)",
"D": "Textbook shot to foe's upper leg. The bruise is deep. Foe does not fall down.\n+6H – (-25)",
"E": "Hip strike spins foe. He is suspicious of gravity and struggles to stay standing.\n+5H – 3∑"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Fist to chest. A solid punch. Foe is rattled a little.\n+5H – ∑",
"B": "Boom! Good shot to foe's stomach. He almost loses his lunch.\n+3H –2∑",
"C": "Strong wheel kick sends foe 10 feet in any desired direction.\n+8H – 2∑",
"D": "Back strike. Foe attempts to flee and then changes his mind.\n+4H – 3∑",
"E": "Shoulder strike. Foe is badly unbalances and unable to defend himself.\n2∑ – ∏ – (-10)"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Blow on top of foe's foot is slightly misplaced, but quick. Bruise toe and mash toe nails.\n+5H – 5(-20)",
"B": "Kick in back of foe's leg. He stumbles, but does not fall. You move to gain advantage.\n+7H – 2∑",
"C": "Brutal strike to upper leg. The bruise is deep. The pain makes it hard for foe to stand on the leg.\n+5H – (-25)",
"D": "Blow strikes a nerve in foe's upper leg. He is not in pain, but his leg is numb.\n2∑ – 6(-25)",
"E": "Draw out foe's weapon arm. You strike cleanly to disarm him. Textbook.\n+3H"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Strike Achilles tendon. Foe almost falls. He recovers his balance, but the pain is strong.\n+7H – 2∑ –(-50)",
"B": "Strike foe in his forehead. The shock sprains neck and fractures foe's jaw. He cannot seem to close his jaw.\n+4H – 9∑ – (-50)",
"C": "Knife hand strike breaks foe's weapon arm, leaving it useless. Follow-up punch to solar plexus knocks foe out.\n—",
"D": "Grip foe's weapon arm. Dislocate the arm and then break it. Use your\nadvantage to pull foe over and kick him in the face. Foe is knocked out.\n(+20)",
"E": "Simultaneous palm strike to both of foe's ears. Destroy foe's hearing and balance.\n24∑ – (-95)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Weak spearhand to foe's side. It yields an excellent effect.\n+2H – 2∑",
"B": "Spear hand strike to chest. Elbow shot to foe's side causes some confusion.\n+3H – 3∑",
"C": "Strong knife hand to upper portion of foe's shield arm. Arm is broken.\n—",
"D": "Press your attack under the bottom of foe's ribcage. Knock the wind out of foe.\n2∑∏",
"E": "Elbow to solar plexus and back of fist to foe's face. Foe drops.\n+5H - 3∑ – 2∏"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Knife hand, spear hand combination. Foe must roll a weapon fumble.",
"B": "Hammer foe's weapon arm as it passes near you. The bruise is deep. Foe holds tight to his weapon.\n+6H – 2∑ – (-20)",
"C": "Strike to back of lower leg. Foe struggles to keep balance. He is unable to defend himself.\n2∑∏",
"D": "Firm flat palm strike to foe's collarbone. Bone is broken. Foe guard is down. It hurts him to raise his arm.\n2∑∏ – (-25)",
"E": "Kick foe's knee in backwards. Tendons and muscles are torn. Foe yells out frightfully in response.\n+5H – 3∑ – (-50)"
"Score": "",
"A": "",
"B": "",
"C": "",
"D": "",
"E": ""
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it is broken. If foe has no shield, his arm is broken.\n+6H – ∑",
"B": "You find an opening and strike the back of foe's knee. The impact damages tendons and unbalances foe.\n2∑ – (-25)",
"C": "You turn a block into a strike to foe's weapon arm. Foe is disarmed. Strike damages cartilage.\n∑ – (-10)",
"D": "Stirke and grip area behind foe's knee. Tendon and cartilage damage insures your success.\n(-75)",
"E": "Front kick to midsection doubles foe over. You follow with a knee strike which breaks foe's nose and knocks foe out.\n—"
"Score": "",
"A": "",
"B": "",
"C": "",
"D": "",
"E": ""
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Kick to foe's weapon arm. Foe is disarmed. Your strike does little else.\n+3H",
"B": "Kick foe's weapon arm and send weapon flying 5 feet away. You break 2 of foe's weapons.\n+3H – 2∑ – (-20)",
"C": "Heel kick breaks bone in foe's foot. Foe has trouble standing. His foot looks bad.\n2∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "Kick to foe's leg is clean and mean. Leg is broken above the knee. Foe falls over slowly.\n+5H – 5∑∏ – (-75)",
"E": "Powerful strike shatters knee and then disjoints it. Foe drops. Oh that hurts!\n+15H – 12∑∏ – (-80)"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Fluid move followed by a leaping kick to foe's back knocks foe down. He is shaken and tries to stand.\n3∑",
"B": "Wheel kick knocks foe flat. Smash tendons and tear muscle. You spin clear with too much energy.\n9∑ – (-30)",
"C": "Clean strike to lower leg rips Achilles tendon and drops foe.\n+10H – 9∑ – (-80)",
"D": "Open-handed blow to foe's adam's apple crushes foe's windpipe. Foe dies in 18 rounds of shock and asphyxiation.\n—",
"E": "Round house kick to kidneys drops foe to his knees. You grip foe's neck and snap it very effectively. Foe dies in 9 rounds.\n—"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Strike to nerve in foe's leg. Foe's leg buckles. He does not fall, he crouches down in pain.\n+8H – 2∑∏ – 6(-40)",
"B": "Strike to foe's knee shatters joint. Foe drops down hard. He grips his knee and spits out an oath.\n4∑∏ – (-85)",
"C": "Flying kick to foe's back. You knock foe down, disarm him, and leave him in trouble.\n12∑∏",
"D": "Jab to foe's eyes blinds him. Crescent kick sends foe 10 feet in the direction you select.\n10∑ – (-100)",
"E": "Strike to abdomen ruptures spleen. Foe spits out blood instantly. He drops and dies in 12 rounds.\n(+10)"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "You block foe's attack. You then follow-up with a side strike that knocks foe down. Foe hits hard and loses his direction.\n3∑∏",
"B": "Roundhouse kick knocks foe out and fractures collarbone. Neck is sprained and shoulder muscles are bruised.\n20∑∏ –20(-100)",
"C": "Kick to foe's solar plexus. He stumbles back 10 feet. He falls very hard.\n+30H – 30∑∏",
"D": "Round house kick catches foe in back of head. You slam foe's head into the ground. Severe concussion. Foe dies of hemorrhage in 9 rounds.\n—",
"E": "Double palmstrike to foe's nose breaks cartilage and drives bone into brain.\nThe effects are rapid. Foe dies after 6 rounds prone and immobile.\n—"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Gooseneck strike. Foe's inner ear ruptured. Foe stands there while your follow-up strike knocks him down and out!\n(-75)",
"B": "Knife hand strike to foe's weapon arm breaks bone. Kick to lower back breaks foe's backbone, leaving foe paralyzed from the waist down.\n+5H",
"C": "Sweep lays foe out and heel strike to foe's sternum collapses the ribcage. Foe is helpless and dies in 4 rounds.\n—",
"D": "Gooosh! Awesome spear hand strike finds seam, penetrates solar plexus and ruptures the heart. Foe dies instantly.\n—",
"E": "Disarm foe and use his weapon to kill him.\nA follow-up strike breaks his neck and you send him 5 feet in any direction. He is dead twice.\n—"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Acrobatic, but no extra damage.\n+0H",
"B": "You look like you are trying to sweep yourself. Fortunately, you fail.\n+0H",
"C": "Clever strike exposes foe's garment tags and washing instructions.\n+1H",
"D": "You forget you are a master martial artist and attack at rank 1.\n+2H",
"E": "Your attack looked deadly, but failed to connect.\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Rip your pants and miss an opportunity.\n+1H",
"B": "Your attack is little more than a clumsy grip.\n+1H",
"C": "You slip in a punch, after failing your sweep.\n+2H",
"D": "It looks like you're sparring. Your foe is serious.\n+3H",
"E": "Knee to thigh. Unbalance foe. You have the initiative.\n+4H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "You get to a better position and you have the initiative next round.\n+1H",
"B": "Your attack is deflected, but you gain the initiative next round.\n+3H",
"C": "Your form confuses foe greatly. He responds slowly, you have initiative.\n(+20)",
"D": "Foe steps out of your assault and puts up a determined defense.\n+4H – π",
"E": "Base your grip on a garment that tears off. You miss a good throw.\n∑ – (+10)"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Your attack causes foe to seek saftey behind his weapon.\n+2H – π",
"B": "Foe is dazzled by your form. He seeks to avoid your onslaught.\n(π-10)",
"C": "Foe fights back and pushes you clear. He unbalances himself in the process.\n+3H – (π-20)",
"D": "Your attack causes foe to strike himself lightly. You are happy with the result.\n+4H – ∑",
"E": "A soft strike and a hard punch leaves an openning for you to exploit.\n+2H – ∑∏"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Foe leaps back from your attempts. He needs some time to recover.\n+2H – (π-10)",
"B": "You almost connect your grapple with the force of a kick. Foe escapes and wards you away.\n+3H – (π-20)",
"C": "Solid strike is not a sweep. Your foe stands listless for a moment and then recovers.\n+4H – ∑",
"D": "Sweep almost takes foe off his feet. He drops down on one knee, but struggles back to his feet.\n+4H – ∑∏",
"E": "Sweep foe over. He spends some time trying to recover his balance. You recover and prepare for an opportunity.\n2∑"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Sweep is little more than a threatening kick. Foe steps back.\n+3H – (π-20)",
"B": "Sweep bruises foe's leg. Foe limps clear of your attack.\n+4H – 3(-25)",
"C": "Sweep to foe's legs. Foe jumps over some of your assault, but not all of it. Leg is bruised. You have initiative.\n(-10)",
"D": "Sweep strikes foe's calf. Foe does not fall, but the bruise is heavy. Foe is in pain.\n+5H – (-20)",
"E": "Sweep takes foe down on one knee. He breaks free and stands in pain. Try a shot to that bruise and you have him.\n+5H – ∑ – (-20)"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Foe jumps over your assault. He strikes out at you in defense.\n+4H – (π-25)",
"B": "Your sweep pushes foe to the side. He recovers at bay.\n+5H – ∑",
"C": "Sweep foe over. He does not fall. You look for a good opening, while foe recovers.\n+4H – 2∑",
"D": "Foe's feet come out from under him. He makes a remarkable recovery, but it's not that remarkable.\n+5H – ∑∏",
"E": "You almost disarm foe. He bends down to recover his weapon. You have the advantage. Finish him.\n+7H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Foe must step back 3 feet to avoid your sweep.\n+5H – (π-30)",
"B": "Throw knocks the wind out of foe. It fails to knock him down.\n+6H – ∑",
"C": "Steady grip sends foe stumbling. Your follow up misses, but who is perfect?\n+6H – 2∑",
"D": "You step in and grab foe. The impact breaks ribs. You fail to throw him down as planned.\n+6H – ∑ – (-20)",
"E": "Stumble foe in the direction of your choice 5 feet. Foe does not fall, but he looks like he will.\n3∑"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "You try to throw foe, but he breaks free. Foe is unbalanced.\n+6H – ∑",
"B": "Grip foe's weapon hand and sprain his finger. Foe keeps hold of his weapon.\n∑ – (-10)",
"C": "Your attack breaks foe's guard down. You see an open spot.\n∑∏",
"D": "Sweep nearly knocks foe down. Foe drops his guard to avoid falling.\n+7H – ∑∏",
"E": "Your sweep is effective. Foe is sent reeling. Why he does not fall is a mystery.\n+9H – 3∑"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "You throw foe down, but he gets up quickly. Your killing blow misses him.\n+7H – ∑",
"B": "You grip foe's weapon arm, pulling and twisting it brutally. Foe breaks free, he is bruised badly.\n+3H – ∑ – (-20)",
"C": "Your sweep results in an attempt at throwing foe's arm. He is disarmed. His arm, however, stays attached.\n+3H – ∑",
"D": "You attempt a throw. Foe avoids your main attack, but you steal his weapon when he blocks with it.\n2∑",
"E": "Excellent throw sends foe falling on his weapon arm. He is disarmed. He must roll over to stand. You should have fun.\n3∑"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Throw dislocates foe's shield shoulder. Foe does not fall, but his shoulder is in pain.\n3∑∏ – (-50)",
"B": "Nifty throw. You have foe pinned, on his face, and in an armlock. Foe is disarmed and immobilized.\n+9H",
"C": "Strike to foe's shins sweeps his legs up and behind him. Foe comes down on his knees. Both are broken. Foe falls over helpless.\n+15H – 6∑∏ –(-80)",
"D": "You use your body to lift foe up and throw him into the ground. He hits head first. If he has a helm, he is knocked out. If no helm, foe is paralyzed from the waist down.\n+10H – 4∑∏ – (-90)",
"E": "Perfect throw sends foe flying over your shoulder. He lands how you want him to, within 10 feet. If you like, he dies on impact. If not, he is knocked out.\n—"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Hard, but less than smooth throw attempt. Foe is unbalanced.\n+7H – 2∑",
"B": "Strong throw. Foe is left a second behind you and confused. You have initiative for 6 rounds.\n+8H",
"C": "Glancing kick to foe's face. Your recovery strikes foe in side. Foe steps back 5 feet to recover.\n2∑ – (-10)",
"D": "You make it look simple. You throw foe down on his shield shoulder. Break collar bone and arm. Arm is useless.\n+5H – 2∑ – (-20)",
"E": "Foe lands on shield arm. If foe has shield, it is broken. If foe has no shield, arm is shattered and useless.\nwith shield: +20H w/o shield: +10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Fall bruises foe's thigh. He gets back to his feet instantly.\n+2H – 2∑∏ – (-5)",
"B": "Fall from throw tears ligaments in foe's leg. Foe rises with some difficulty.\n+5H – ∑∏ – (-10)",
"C": "You sweep foe down and grip his leg to keep it from breaking his fall. He strains a muscle trying to break free.\n2∑∏ – (-25)",
"D": "You assist foe in falling very hard.\nFoe's leg is fractured. He rolls away from you to get off his wounded leg.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (-30)",
"E": "You sweep foe over. Foe falls and breaks his hip. You strike at foe's mild hip fracture for advantage.\n2∑∏ – (-40)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Foe falls on his shield side. If he has a shield, it is broken. If no shield, arm is sprained.\n2∑ – (-10)",
"B": "Foe breaks his fall with his weapon hand. He sprains two fingers when landing.\n2∑ – (-25)",
"C": "You knock foe over and ride him down. He throws you off, but lands on his shield arm. He dislocates his shoulder.\n+6H – 6π – (-40)",
"D": "You throw foe down hard and deadly. He lands on his back and cracks his shoulder blade.\n+9H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"E": "You send foe over backwards. He stumbles 10 feet. He falls on his elbow . Joint is shattered. Arm is useless.\n4∑ – ∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Sweep unbalances foe and puts you in a good position for your next strike.\n+3H – 3∑ – (+25)",
"B": "Sweep knocks foe 10 feet to side. If foe has a cloak or cape, he falls down. If not, foe is facing the wrong way.\n+9H – 2∑∏",
"C": "Sweep staggers foe. You step in close for better position. Foe is oblivious to your advantage.\n2∑∏ – (+30)",
"D": "Your throwing grip lands on foe's weapon hand. You tear tendons and muscles in his wrist. He drops his weapon. Arm is useless.\n+10H",
"E": "Throw foe with a running assault. You carry him a good 10 feet to land on his face. As he yells dirt shovels into his mouth. You try not to laugh.\n+5H – 6∑∏"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Foe lands on his back. He rolls over and stands up. Bruised muscles. The damage is done.\n2∑∏ – (-20)",
"B": "Foe lands on his back. He realizes that he is in peril. The impact tears tendons and breaks bones.\n2∑∏ – (-25)",
"C": "Strike to legs. Throw foe to the ground. He will always remember this one. Foe has cracked a vertebrae.\n3∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "Throw foe down. You immobilize him in an arm lock. It will take a special move to get out of your grip.\n6∑∏",
"E": "Throw sends foe flying into an available enemy within 10 feet. Both are knocked down and confused.\n+9H – 3∑∏"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Foe breaks his nose on a piece of equipment when you throw him. He is down and confused.\n+7H – 2∑∏ – (-25)",
"B": "Fall breaks ribs, and disarms foe. Foe hits the ground rolling. His attempts to stand facing in the wrong direction.\n12∑∏ – (-30)",
"C": "Sweep downs foe and you put him in a leg-breaking hold. You pin foe and may break his leg at your leasure.\n+9H – 15∏",
"D": "Throw bashes foe against nearby hard surface. Foe is knocked out. You may kill him when you like. He is at your mercy.\n+10H",
"E": "Sly rolling throw sends foe into air. You guide foe to the ground. He is knocked unconscious and disarmed.\n—"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Excellent throw sends foe down on his head. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out.\n9∑",
"B": "With but one strike, you disarm foe , knock him out and kick him onto his back. You're not a dragon yet.\n+20H",
"C": "Throw foe against a hard surface of your choice. Crack skull. If foe has helm, he is in a coma. If no helm, he dies in 1 round.\n—",
"D": "Your attack breaks foe's ribs. You throw him down and impale him on his broken ribs. He dies in 6 rounds.\n—",
"E": "You grapple your foe firmly, sweep his feet out from under him and then throw him to the ground. The impact breaks his neck. He dies instantly.\n(+25)"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Snazzy throw. Foe is knocked down with a controlled grip. You may finish him or hold him\nimmobile and helpless.\n—",
"B": "Fabulous throw sends foe flying. Foe's neck is broken on impact and he dies after rolling 15 feet. You are a mighty warrior to all who see your work.\n—",
"C": "Bring foe down with your knee under his back. You break his back and paralyze him from the shoulders down. You take a deadly looking stance.\n—",
"D": "Foe lunges toward you in a threatening move. A brutal grapple from below breaks foe's back, as you throw him. He is paralyzed from the neck down.\n—",
"E": "Using but half the round, you use a rolling throw to send foe against an available hard surface of your choice. Foe dies from many wounds instantly.\n(+25)"
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
"01-05";"Feeble. Vou'regetting old.
+OH";"Maybe next time....
+OH";"Barely madeit.
+1H";"Great move.
+2H";"Light blow, but foe's thinksit's your best.
"06-10";"Vouhit foe's forehead.
+1H";"A glancingblow.
+1H";"Vou pull at foe's hair.
+2H";"Vou gain the initiativenext round.
+2H";"Things just failed to connect right.
"11-15";"Pushfoe withthe punch. Vou receiveinitiative next round.
+1H";"Deflected blow, but you gainthe initiativenext round.
+2H";"Vou move quickly after blocking punch.Vou gain theinitiativenext round.
+2H";"Use your body likea broom. Foeis unbalanced.
+2H-X";"Vou blackfoe's forearm. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.
"16-20";"Foe steps aside unbalanced.Vou gain the initiativenext round.
+2H";"Vaur backhand is powerful.Strikefoe across his face.Vou unbalance him.
+2H-X";"Stepinto foeto knock him down. Bash tosideunbalances foe.
+3H-X";"Elbow to foe's side sends him reeling. Vaur follow-up swing misses.
+4H-2X";"Duck incloseandhammer foe's side. Vou gainthe initiativenext round.
"21-35";"Good placement. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.
+3H";"Pushfoe back and kick his leg. Vou gain theinitiative next round.
+3H-X";"Vou trytosweep your foe off his feet.
+4H-X-(+10)";"Vou trip foe. He shuffles a full15 feet beforehegets his balance.
+5H-'Q-X";"Cheap shot to foe's sidebruises ribs. Foe crashes into the nearest obstacle.
+8H- 'Q - 4(-20)"
"36-45";"Slight abrasion. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext two rounds.
+4H";"Leg strike unsteadies foe. Vou stomp foe's feet for an extra advantage.
+4H-X";"Boat to calf hits hard. Vou havethe initiativenext round.
+5H- 'Q- (-20)";"Vou go in low and strikefoein hiscalf. H stumbles back withanasty bruise.
+6H- 2-Q";"Striketo the back of foe's leggives youa back attacknext round.
+10H- a"
"46-50";"Glancing blow to foe's back. Vou gain the initiativefor thenext three rounds.
+5H";"Foe lunges past you and youcorne down on his back. He realizes hispain.
+5H- 'Q";"Vou grab foe andbring your knee into foe's side. Strikelifts foe up and sends foe reeling.
+6H- 0- (+5)";"Pull foe off balanceand hammer himin theback witha solid fist.
+10H-O®";"Vou bashfoe brutally. Vaur strike is solid.
"51-55";"Strikelands solid to thechest. Foe leaps back on the defensive.
+5H-X";"Vou strikefoe in his chest. Foereels.
+6H- 'Q";"Classic gripto foe's collar garment. Vou punch himhard. He stumblesback 5 feet.
+8H- 2-Q";"Chest strikecauses deepbruise. Foe looks very surprised.
+10H- a®- (-10)";"Chest woundknocks foe down. Vaur attack puts you inthe placehe was just standing.
"56-60";"Foe kicks out at you and you strike his leg in response.
+5H- 'Q";"Vou duck down andstrikeacross at foe. Blow to thighleaves abad bruise.
+6H-2O";"Striketo foe's thigh. Vaur fist hitshard.
+BH-20®";"Bring your forearmdown on foe's thigh, withmost of your weight behind it. Vou have theinitiativenext round.
+10H-2-a®";"Vou do not know what a sweep ora throw is, but this surely seems like one. Vou slamfoe to the ground.
"61-65";"Armstrikegives foe abruised bicep. Vou are cruel.
+6H- (X-25)";"Vou black foe's guardand punch him in theface. He just stands there.
+6H--a®";"Catchweaponarmandstrikeit across your ownknee. Foe drops his weapon.
+8H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Striketo nervein foe's upper armcauses him to drop whatever he is carrying.
+10H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Strong shoulder strikeanda follow-up striketo the face.
66;"Grapplefoe's weapon armandjerk his weapon free. Foe goes twisting and spinning out of your grasp.
+BH-6-Q-(-15)";"Hammer foe in hiskidneys. Vou know he is in pain. He gripshis side and falls down. Finish him, thepain will not last.
+18H- 3-Q- 6(-60)";"Nasty strike to foe's mouthknocks out 2 teethand reduces foe's appearance, by 5, when hesmiles.
+9H- 6-a®- (-45)";"Driveyour finger into foe's eye, causing blindness. Thereisa 10%chance that thisaffliction is permanent.
+15H-(-60)";"Face strikeis so hard foe's cheekboneis shattered.Theshards mortally wound foe. He diesafter 10 rounds of agony.
"67-70";"Blow to abdomen. Foe bends over and throws up.
+4H-2-a®";"Blow to foe's chest. Vou havemastered the common punch.
+8H--a®";"Strong blow to foe's forearmcauses fracture.
+10H-2-a®";"Smash foe's hip. Vou have theinitiative next round.
+12H- 20®- (-10)";"Throw foe into a solidabject. Hefalls down.
"71-75";"Leg strikedamages muscleand sends foe stumbling back.
+6H- 3-Q";"Calf strike deliversa deep bruise. Foe looks down at thedamage, forgetting about you.
+10H-2O-®";"A light punch unbalances foe. A kickto foe's leg knocks him down. He falls forward under you.
+10H- 2-a®- (+5)";"Leg strikecauses foe to fall. Voupush him to hinder his landingandhe sprains his ankle.
+12H- 3-Q- (-20)";"Snap palminto placeagainst foe's knee. Tendonand cartilagedamage. Foehas difficulty standing.
+15H- 5-Q- (-50)"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has anything that resemblesa shield, it is broken.
+BH-2-a®";"Vou snap foe's armaround like
a noodle. His wrist is strained withthe impact.
+10H-2-a®- (+5)";"Gripfoe's weaponarmanddrivehisfist against a hard surface. Hand is fractured. Foe isdisarmed.
+10H- 3-Q- (-30)";"Strong blow to foe's weaponarm fractures his wrist. Thepainmakes his hand useless.
+15H- 30- (-30)";"Fierce blow to foe's weaponarm breaks bone. Arm isuseless. Use arm as leverageto flip foe onto his stomach.
"81-85";"Precision striketo foe's arm disarms him. Weapon hand is fractured. Foe is in pain.
+8H- 2-a®- (-25)";"Hand strike jams foe's fingers into their sockets.Ouch! Foe drops everything in his hands.
+10H-3-Q- (-15)";"Strong blow to foe's armfractures shoulder. Vou hit his shoulder one moretimetomake your point.
+1OH- 3-a®- (-20)";"Grab foe's weaponarm and pull him over. Vaur kicktotheribs finally drops him to theground.
+15H-3-a®";"Shoulder strikebreaks foe's collar bone. Miscellaneous internai organ damage.
+18H- 6-a®- •- (-30)"
"86-90";"Two brutal punches to foe's face. This barrageleaves foe confused and swingingin the wrong direction.
+8H- 3-a®- (+20)";"Grab foe's weaponarmandbeat onit without concern for therest of foe. Foe is disarmedas ligaments aretorn and muscles are pulled.
+10H- 4-Q- (-25)";"Accuratechest strikeknocks windout of foe. He falls over on you and you knock him off withanupper eut. He stand back up andstumbles5 feet.
+12H- 3-a®- (-30)";"Blow to front of foe's neck. His head snaps back, but it does not breakhis neck. Foe cannot speak for 2-20 hours. He yells in silence.
+18H-6O";"Nasty blow ruptures stomach. Foe is knockeddown. Internai bleeding is mortal. Foe will diein 20 rounds. He is still active.
+20H- 'Q- 1o•-(-50)"
"91-95";"Head strikebreaks foe's nase. Appearancedropsby 5 due to black eyes.
+10H- 3-a®- (-25)";"Landa solid shot to foe's head. Foeis definitely impressed. He steps toward you to keepfrom falling.
+12H- 8-a®- (-40)";"Precisionstrike to foe's head sends him to theground. Vou canactually see the stars spinning around his head.
+15H- 9-a®- (-35)";"Strong blow to face cracks jawbone. Ow! Jaw is stuck open and foe appears permanently surprisedabout something.
+20H- 90- (-30)- (+10)";"Blow to foe's side. Bruiseribs, akidney and alung. Foe managesto remain standing. Oh that hurts ya know!
+25H- 6-a®- (-75)"
"96-99";"Blow to solar plexuscauses foe to vomit. He falls tohisknees. Foe is unable to do anythingbut retch. Do you have pity?
+10H";"Groin strikeis solid. Voukick himagain. Vaur strikeleaves foe helpless. Really unkind.
+18H-12-a®";"Strikefoe in hishead. If hehas a helm, you pull it off and hit him withit. He is knocked out for 4 hours. If foe has no helm, you knock him out for 5 rounds.
+20H";"Strong blow to theabdomen causes internai bleedingandorgan damage. Foe makes it ahabit of spitting blood.
+25H- •";"Grip foe's neck. Vou shakehimviolently, while attempting to chokehim. Hepasses out. Vou canfinishhimif youwant.
+30 hits- • - (+20)"
100;"Elbow foe's face and then punch him hard.Heis paralyzed fromthe neck down for 2 days. He falls instantly to theground.
+13H";"Striketo foe's head. If hehas no helm, he is in a coma for 10-100 days.
If foe has a helmit leavesa bruise onhis head. Foe drops and is unconscious.
+20H";"Mighty strikecrashes into foe's head.
If hehas a helmet, he is unconscious for1-10 days. If hehas no helmet, skull collapses andbrainisdead.
+25H- •";"Gripfoe's arm and pound on foe's head. One shot hitshard. Crushing striketo foe's temple. Foe dies instantly.";"Vaur strikeis frightening. Foe's head snaps to one side. Foecannot breathe. He looks uponthe world one last time and then dies. Vouare horrifiedat his doom."
module/criticals_data/origdata/4.13 weapon fumble table.xlsx
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module/criticals_data/origdata/4.14 non-weapon fumble table.xlsx
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
;"Arms";"arms";"and spears";"arms";"arms";"Weapons"
"01-25";"Your palm is sweaty. Maybe you will improve.";"My that weapon is heavy! You lose the opportunity to take a swing.";"You snag your own clothes and lose the opportunity to take a swing.";"Your mount's tack tangles your weapon. You lose the opportunity to take a strike.";"Your grip is weak. You elect not to attack because of control.";"Sweat trickles into your eye. You elect not to attack. Good choice."
"26-30";"Klutzy. Drop your weapon. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new one next round.";"Your weapon flies. Take four rounds to recover it; or draw a new one next round.";"Fumble your delivery and your weapon is out of position. You lose the option to attack.";"Can't find the right angle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).";"You fumble your delivery but hang onto your weapon. You have -10 to your next attack.";"Your ten thumbs just cannot handle loading. You must reload your weapon."
"31-40";"Your feet get tangled. You miss the opportunity to get in that vital blow.";"Your mind is wandering. Spend the rest of the round clearing your head.";"You just look clumsy. Your feet are sliding. You are stunned for one round.";"You slip in the saddle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).";"Your feet are really tangled up. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but can still parry.";"Your ammunition slips away. You must reload."
"31-40";"You are over-extended and strain a muscle. Take 1d5 hits.";"Stumble over an imaginary dead turtle. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but you can still parry.";"Your weapon is spinning for two rounds. You can still parry at -10.";"Your mount dodges an unseen foe. You are stunned for 2 rounds.";"You begin juggling your weapon because of a bad grip. Your lack of control stuns you for 3 rounds.";"You notice that your ammunition is faulty. After removing it you discover you were wrong. Reload it."
"51-60";"You try to impress your opponent with a spin manuever. Too bad. Lose two rounds while you recover.";"Your combination of acrobatics and attacks is unimpressive. Lose two rounds of attacks, but you can still parry.";"You stagger into a nearby fixed object. You are stunned and unable to parry for two rounds.";"You lose your grip on your weapon. Luckily, it is tangled in your mount's tack. Your lack of grace stuns you for three rounds.";"Poor release. Weapon travels 2d10 feet to the left of the target.";"Your ammunition keeps jumping off of your weapon! Try melee next time."
"61-65";"You snag your clothes with your weapon, causing it to slip from your hand. Spend two rounds juggling it.";"Your weapon flies from your hands, but you are able to catch it before it flies totally away. Lose two rounds of attack.";"Your shaft tangles in your legs. You almost fall down in an impressive feat of entangling. Your next attack is at -20.";"Your poor mount stumbles. You are stunned for two rounds.";"Very poor release sends your weapon straight up! You duck for cover while your weapon checks for breakage.";"Your weapon slips from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
67;"You execute a perfect attack—against closest ally (yourself if no one else is around). Ally takes 1d10 hits and a 'B' critical.";"Acrobatic manuever leaves you flat on your back. Take 2d10 hits and an 'E' Krush critical.";"Your weapon must check for breakage as you slam it into the ground! You are stunned for six rounds because of the impact.";"Your swing slices the tack of your mount. You and your saddle take your leave of the poor beast. Take an 'A' Krush critical.";"Your ferocious scream is followed by silence as you hit yourself. Take a 'D' Krush critical.";"Take an 'A' Krush critical from the sudden release. Your weapon snaps cleanly into two pieces."
"67-70";"You trip over that uneven surface. Spend two rounds staggering. You can still parry.";"You gracefully drop your weapon to the ground. You are able to kick it back into your hand, but you lose two rounds while doing it.";"Your weapon seems to have a mind of it's own! Your next attack is at -50 as your try and get it under control.";"Your tack has loosened! You suddenly slip sideways. You are stunned for two rounds.";"You cannot control your aim—your weapon flies 2d10 feet to the right of the intended target.";"Your grip fails you and your weapon flies from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
"71-80";"You are distracted by that pixie in the corner. You lose 2 rounds of attacks.";"You strain your shoulders in a mighty swing (that misses). You are stunned for two rounds.";"Your ineptitude is obvious to all. You lose 3 rounds of attacks and are stunned for 2 rounds.";"Your weapon goes straight into the ground (check for breakage).";"Just as you are about to release, you step into an imaginary hole in the ground. Lose 3 rounds getting up from the ground.";"Your bowstring breaks! Draw a new weapon or put a new string on this one."
"81-85";"You are suddenly very winded. Take two rounds to relax.";"You lose your grip as you begin your swing. Your weapon is trying to slip away. Spend three rounds gaining control. You can still parry.";"Clumsy move narrowly misses your own head. You misses your own head. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds (try a bow next time).";"Your weapon flies out of your hand! Draw a new one.";"Your weapon drops to the ground as you begin to aim. Take four rounds to recover this one; or draw a new one.";"Your weapon bites back when you fire. Your shot misses everything, but you are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds."
"86-90";"Hopefully, you will learn that dancing is not appropriate in combat. Your are stunned for two rounds by your lack of ability.";"You pulled something on that last swing and now it begins to hurt! You are stunned for three rounds while you recover.";"There it goes! Your weapon skitters away. Take six rounds to recover it; or draw a new one.";"Your weapon must check for breakage as it hits the hardest part of your foe. You take 2d10 hits from the blast.";"Your poor and weak release sends the weapon up two feet. It immediately comes down and hits you. You take no damage, but are stunned for six rounds.";"You release too soon! Your arrow falls 3d10 feet short of the target. In addition, you spend two rounds trying to finds more ammunition."
"91-95";"You fall down as your swing goes wide. You are stunned for three rounds.";"You fall and narrowly miss gutting yourself! You are stunned for four rounds.";"You fall and smack your head on the ground. You are down for four rounds and stunned for three.";"Your mount bucks unexpectedly just as you were about to swing. You find yourself stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.";"Your weapon flies behind you 4d10 feet!";"Your shot goes astray as you slip and fall during your release. You are stunned for six rounds and unable to parry for two rounds."
"96-99";"The excitement is just too much! Your momentary frenzy leaves you stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.";"You trip and fall. You are down for four rounds and unable to parry for three.";"Your shoulder doesn't bend that way! You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. You now fight at -25.";"Your mount jumps wildly. You take 4d10 hits from the impact and are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.";"You trip as you release. Your shot goes off wildly and you are stunned for twelve rounds.";"Your weapon shatters (as you don't realize your own strength)! You are stunned for 4 rounds."
100;"You attempt to maim yourself. Take a 'D' critical.";"Worst move seen in ages! You are out for 2 days with a groin injury. There is a 50% chance your foes will be out for 3 rounds, laughing.";"Your weapon breaks and one end hits you in the head. You are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.";"You can't stay on your mount! You fall and take a 'D' crush critical.";"You accidently hit yourself in the delivery. Take a 'D' Krush critical.";"Poor execution. You take 5 hits as the weapon hits you. You are permanently
maimed and are bleeding 2 hits per round."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
"Score";"MA STRIKES";"MA Sweeps";"brawling";"animal"
"01-25";"Target is VERY fast. Lose the opportunity to attack.";"Your grip on foe's arm is tenuous at best. Try again next round.";"You stop for a breather. Try again next round.";"Your foe's defenses seem more formidable. Try again next round."
"26-30";"Stumble on your own two feet. Take the rest of the round to regain balance.";"Your attack is weak and off-balanced. Spend the remainder of the round recovering.";"You are distracted by that rather attractive person over there. Lose your opportunity to attack.";"His sudden movement surprised you. You lose the opportunity to attack."
"31-40";"You thought you knew what you were doing. Spend the remainder of the round remembering how to do that move.";"You stub your toe during delivery. You fail to connect and spend the remainder of this round stunned.";"The object you were holding is suddenly shattered! You are stunned for the remainder of this round.";"You attack too quickly, coming away with only cloth. You are stunned the remainder of the round."
"41-50";"Overextend yourself. Spend next round parrying while your muscles recover.";"You lose your balance during the throw. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.";"You duck just in time! Spend the next round parrying while you find a new opening.";"You realize that this foe may be too much. You must attack a different foe next round."
"51-60";"In the flurry, you have forgotten your best moves. May only make Strike I attacks for two rounds.";"Ill-timed sweep results in your attempt to trip the ground. This stuns you for two rounds.";"There was a chair here a minute ago! You may only make Small attacks for the next two rounds.";"You must change opponents next round. In addition, you can only make Small attacks for two rounds."
"61-65";"Mistake in attack causes awkward position and slight muscle spasms. You must parry for two rounds.";"Foe's deft move leaves you trying to throw the air. You must parry for two rounds while looking for the right opening.";"Your attack misses widely. You nearly trip yourself and stagger. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.";"You are confused. All attacks for the next three rounds are at half offense while you orient."
66;"What were you thinking! You strike the nearest solid object that isn't your opponent. Give yourself an 'A' Krush critical.";"Acrobatic move leaves you flat on your back! Take an 'A' Krush critical.";"Someone blindsides you just as you were about to strike! Take an 'A' Brawling critical.";"The wind changes and you smell food! You must disengage and seek out an easier source of food!"
"67-70";"Bad positioning. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.";"Foe is just too powerful! You contemplate your last last lesson while parrying for the next two rounds.";"You catch a chair that someone threw. You can only parry for two rounds while you get unentangled from the furniture.";"You are distracted by a fly that keeps buzzing your head. You can only use half your normal attack ability for two rounds."
"71-80";"Attempt at an advanced technique stuns you for the remainder of the round and next round.";"Foe easily avoids your clumsy sweep. You are out of position and are stunned and unable to parry for one round.";"Your pugilistic attempts are humorous. You are stunned for two rounds as you punch that post when your foe ducks.";"That shiney piece of metal keeps distracting you. You suffer a -50 for two rounds."
"81-85";"Your knee connects with foe's solid bone, causing an interesting sensation. You are stunned for one round and unable to parry for two rounds.";"You've suddenly forgotten the follow though move on that throw. You lose three rounds of action while trying to remember it.";"The crowd pushes you into the wall. You lose three rounds of action as you seek to get free of the crowd.";"Was that your babies crying? Suffer a
-50 for three rounds before you you discover it was that mocking bird again."
"86-90";"You ""know"" that your strike was amazing. However, foe is lucky to have blocked it. You are stunned for two rounds by his intuition.";"You suddenly understand what your teacher has been telling you all those years! You are stunned for two rounds. Go ahead; reminisce.";"Was that someone flying overhead? You are stunned for two rounds as a large object just passed over your head.";"You are intimidated by foe's sudden surge of strength. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Suffer a -50 for two rounds while you seek a way to disengage."
"91-95";"You twist your ankle in a recovery. You fall and manage to stun yourself in the process.";"Your ""graceful"" sweep results in your own fall. You are stunned for two rounds, though you quickly jump to your feet.";"You slip on a wet spot on the floor. You go down hard. You are stunned for two rounds while you crawl for cover.";"Your unexected jump surprised not only your foe, but also yourself. You land wrong. Take an 'A' Krush critical."
"96-99";"In the excitement, you try to make your two feet be in three places at once. You fall, stunning yourself for three rounds. You are unable to parry for two rounds.";"Your indecision causes you to attempt two different throws at once. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. Quick thinking!";"As you duck a blow, you lose your footing. You fall down, stunned for three rounds and unable to parry for two.";"You duck to one side to avoid foe's attack. Unfortunately, you get tangled up in the underbrush. You suffer a -50 to all actions for three rounds."
100;"You forget even the most basic of moves. You throw yourself at your opponent, giving yourself a 'B' Krush critical.";"Awkward sweep results in you going down and slamming your head. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.";"Someone unexpectedly slams into your back. You hit your head on a table as you fall. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.";"Run away! You must turn tail and run. Survival instincts say its time to leave the scene. Foe gets an attack at your back as you leave."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"01-05";"Foe escapes like the wind.
+0H";"Your attack falls short.
+0H";"Your fingernails deal a vicious wound.
+1H";"A little elbow before you lose your grip.
+2H";"You grip strand of foe’s hair. It breaks.
"06-10";"Grab foe’s arm. Oops. Try again.
+0H";"Your grip fails.
+2H";"Foe grabs, misses. You have initiative.
+3H";"This was not a special moment.
+4H";"You have initiative next round.
"11-15";"You impede foe’s combat stance. You have the initiative.
+0H";"Foe collides with your attack before you get a grip. Small bruise.
+2H";"You cannot get a good grip, foe hurts himself evading. You have initiative.
+4H";"Grab foe's head. If foe has helm, you twist it. Otherwise, you gain initiative.
with helm: ∑";"Lame attack, but foe is concerned. He moves back.
+6H – π"
"16-20";"Foe breaks free of a weak grip. You have the initiative next round.
+0H";"Grab foe and give him a weak punch. He thinks you are dangerous.
π";"Foe recovers, continues his defense by sweeping his weapon at your feet.
π";"Push foe, unbalancing him. You have initiative for 2 rounds.
—";"Strong passing blow near foe's head. His violent evasion is not productive.
+3H – ∑"
"21-35";"Almost get a grip on foe's arm. He avoids his mistake. You gain the initiative next round.
+3H";"You grip foe's shield arm. Foe's strike toward your head makes you let go of him. He keeps a distance.
π(-20)";"Collide with foe. You push him away and he stumbles back 5 feet. It went better than you could have hoped.
+2H – ∑";"Hard, but poorly placed. Foe bounces back out of your grip. He looks like he does not recognize you.
+3H – ∑";"Uncoordinated attack and a little luck, allows foe to escape your grasp. You have initiative for 2 rounds.
"36-45";"Grip to lower back. Foe wards off your attack and prepares for your next move.
π";"Grip fails, but bash does not. You unbalance your foe. You have the initiative.
+4H – π";"Your attack is almost comical as you seek any little grip you can get. All the tiny tugs finally have an effect on foe.
∑π";"Strike to foe's shield arm. If foe has no shield, you immobilize arm for 6 rounds.
with shield: +3H";"Attack to upper leg. Foe spins to break free. He is disoriented badly. It takes a moment for him to see you.
"46-50";"Hinder foe’s weapon arm. Foe violently frees himself and takes a defensive stance.
π";"Pull foe over, he breaks free. He is having trouble recovering. Your heart is broken.
5H – ∑";"Grab foe's waist. Your grip appeared to be strong, but now it is losing its advantage. Your foe is working free.
3(-25)";"Painful grip on foe's hand. You do not break anything, but he thinks so. You have initiative for 4 rounds.
3(-30)";"You and foe collide. He breaks your grip and stumbles away. You bounce back and miss a good opportunity.
"51-55";"You get in close and grab at foe's hair. He is daunted and steps back to escape your reach.
π(-20)";"Grip to foe's garments. They rip and you lose a hopeful hold. Foe is carried back by his break-away.
+7H – ∑";"Grapple foe's leg and try to lift it up off the ground. Foe slips away, but is off balance while recovering.
∑∏";"Catch foe's waist garments and pull him in. He is in trouble. He seeks to strike your hand and break your hold.
3(-50)";"Grip to shield arm. Foe drops his shield as he wails in pain. You try to stay serious.
+5H – 2∑∏"
"56-60";"Foe spins away and comes back to face you. He is unbalanced.
+3H – ∑";"Foe spins out of your grasp. However, spin nullifies his conterattack.
∑π";"Short fingers render thigh hold ineffectual. Try lower next time.
+3H – ∑∏";"Grip foe's side and shake him like a rattle. He is disoriented, but gets free.
+6H – 3∑";"Grasp around foe's leg proves effective. Foe is unbalanced for a moment.
∑∏ – 3(-25)"
"61-65";"Grip to arm gives foe a bruised bicep. Foe shakes free and prepares for your assault.
+3H – π(-20";"Slipping grasp around foe’s waist is weak. He breaks your grip and stumbles out of your way.
2∑";"Grab foe around waist. Just when you think your grip is iron, he begins to break free. You might still prevail.
+3H – 3(-50)";"Clumsy bear hug around foe. Foe can do little to escape for the moment. Both his arms are pinned.
2∏ – π(-20)";"You find yourself on foe’s shield side. If he has a shield, you are stymied.
w/o shield: +7H – 3∑∏"
66;"Strike foe’s weapon, disarming him. Foe fails to recover weapon. He has put himself in a bad spot.
+3H – 2∑";"You grab foe’s weapon arm and make him drop it with a violent shake. Foe strains wrist trying to break free.
2∑ – (-25)";"Grab foe, he falls down and you follow. You knock him prone to stand back up. He is down for 1 round.
+5H";"Grab leg and flip foe to ground, pinning him. Prone and immobile for 2 rounds, he might surrender.
+6H";"Grasp foe around neck and bring him to ground. Muscles and tendons tear. Foe is prone and immobilized for 3 rounds.
+3H – ∑"
"67-70";"Passing chest strike. Foe eludes grapple, keeps defensive stance.
2π(-20)";"Grip foe's neck. Push foe's chin back steadily. He should act soon, or...
1(-10) – 1(-20) – 1(-30)";"Grab foe's shield arm. If foe has shield you grapple it. Until dropped: (-50)
w/o shield: 3(-40)";"Foe barely escapes immobilization, but must recover from the ordeal.
+7H – 2∏";"You almost disarm foe and trip him. He uses weapon arm to prevent his fall.
2∑∏ – 1(-75)"
"71-75";"Grab an exposed garment. Uneasy grip impedes foe's actions.
+5H – 2(-50)";"Weak hold around foe's waist. He brings his knee up and you lose your grip. Foe does not recover quickly.
+4H – 3(-50)";"Very strong grip around foe's waist. Foe is held at a great disadvanatge. He might get free.
2∑∏ – (-50)";"You grapple foe in a brutal way. Hold proves to be excellent. You have him. What next?
∑∏ – 3(-70)";"Foe evades your grasp by falling to the ground. A clever ploy. Smile at your good fortune.
+9H – 2∑∏"
"76-80";"Grapple foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, you pull it down. If foe has no shield, you immobilize his arm.
+2H – 4(-50)";"Entangle foe's shield arm. If foe has shield, your grip makes it impossible to use. Until shield dropped: (-30)
If no shield his arm is entangled.
(-40)";"Entangle foe's weapon arm. His weapon is held immobile. He cannot use it, but he will not drop it. He tries to knee you to escape, this fails.
2∑∏ – (-50)";"Entangle foe's weapon arm. Foe hangs onto his weapon, but the arm is immobilized. You try to make him strike himself. It fails.
+4H";"Grab foe's weapon arm and beat on it, without concern foe the rest of foe. Foe is disarmed. You tear ligaments and pull muscles.
3∑ – (-40)"
"81-85";"Useful grip on foe's neck. Foe's face turns red. He cannot breath easily. Slowly he breaks your grip.
+5H – 2∑ – 2(-25)";"Grip around foe's waist unbalances him. You have the initiative. Foe shares much profanity with you.
6(-50)";"Brutal grip around foe's chest, leaves bruises all over him. Your assault has created much confusion.
+3H – 3∑∏ – (-5)";"Grab knee and send foe down. He breaks his fall by breaking his shield arm. He is disarmed and prone.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (-10)";"Entangle both of foe's arms and pin them to his body. Foe cannot move his
arms and he looks ready to surrender.
"86-90";"Grasp foe's leg, lifting it off the ground for a moment. You have the initiative for 6 rounds.
+3H – 3∑";"Entangle foe's leg and send him down. He does not hit hard. He pulls a muscle in his leg struggling.
2∑∏ – (-10)";"Your assault is strong and lucky. As you grapple foe, you stomp his foot. He falls hard, breaking his shoulder.
+10H – 6∑ – (-40)";"Tie up both of foe's arms. He is immobile and cannot fight back effectively. You have him now.
+10H – 9∑∏";"Foe stumbles, with your assistance, and falls. His weapon breaks on impact. If foe has no chest armor, he takes a""D"" Krush.
+3H – ∑"
"91-95";"Entangle foe’s leg. Foe is knocked down. Foe lands on his weapon arm. He kicks and breaks free.
+4H – 2∑∏";"Pull foe’s legs together. He goes down, hitting hard and dropping his weapon. He feebly attempts to crawl for it.
2∑∏ – 4(-25)";"Painfully immobilize weapon arm. Foe cannot surrender quickly enough to avoid the damage and pain.
+15H – 4∑∏ – 8(-95)";"Grapple foe’s legs and send him over. He hits his head in the fall. You get little resistance after that.
+10H – 30∑∏";"Wrap up foe’s legs. Foe tumbles to the ground like a ragdoll breaking both arms and an ankle. Foe is knocked out.
+20H – (-95)"
"96-99";"Ride foe down and immobilize him. He can do nothing for 12 rounds. You are prone also, while holding him down.";"Entangle foe’s arm and flip him to ground, fracturing his leg. You immobilize him completely. He is prone, face down and still conscious.
(-40)";"Entangle foe's legs. Grapple weapon arm and break it on an available surface. You send foe to the ground. He falls very hard and is knocked out.
+20H – 10∑∏ – (-30)";"Crushing grip around foe's neck. If no neck armor, foe dies in 6 rounds from your mortal grip. Foe is disarmed.
with neck armor: 3∑∏";"Attack results in strangling hold. Foe flails legs in desperation. Foe is unable to break free and dies after 9 rounds of helpless struggling. Grim.
+3H – ∑"
100;"Foe’s legs are entangled long enough to make him fall. He is knocked out for 5 rounds.
+9H – (+20)";"Grip foe’s neck in a vicious hold. If foe cannot break your grip in 4 rounds, he will begin to pass out from suffocation.
+10H – ∑ – (-40)";"Grip foe’s head and jerk it around. If foe has no neck armor, he dies.
no neck armor: +5H – 5∑∏ – (-75)";"Grapple foe's head. His skull is fractured during this assault. If he has no helm, he is in a coma for 30 days.
with helmet: +3H – 9∑∏";"Crush foe's windpipe and pull the head from his body. You are mighty.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
"01-05";"Not very impressive.
+0H";"Your grip fails you.
+0H";"Practice this one.
+1H";"Strike blunted by clothing.
+2H";"Destroy one of foe's silly decorations.
"06-10";"The strike lost something in the translation.
+2H";"You should have swung much harder.
+3H";"Foe steps right, then left, and almost evades your blow.
+4H";"Blow is forceful, not hard. Foe is unbalanced. You have initiative.
"11-15";"Foe evades your much of your swing. You have initiative.
+3H";"Foe evades frantically. You have the initiative next round.
+3H";"Really solid strike to foe's shield side. You have initiative.
+7H";"Shot close to foe's throat. He seeks to avoid your next strike.
+5H – (π-10)";"Foe raises an arm to block your strike. He does himself harm. You profit.
+6H – ∑ – (+5)"
"16-20";"Foe steps back 5 feet. He is out of position.
+2H – π";"Foe is concerned with his own preservation. He steps back 5 feet.
+4H – (π-10)";"Blow to foe's waist. He spins sideways.
+6H – (π-20)";"Glancing blow takes skin with it. You have initiative next round.
+5H – (-5)";"Strong blow breaks foe's guard. He is unbalanced.
∑∏ – (+10)"
"21-35";"Foe tries to duck under your strike. You knock him back.
+3H – π – (+5)";"Foe loses some resolve from your solid strike.
+4H – (π-20)";"Disorient foe with a tricky shot. He is at a loss for words.
+5H – ∑";"Foe goes airborne to evade your strike. He is stumbling back.
+4H – ∑∏";"Solid shot breaks foe's ribs. You have initiative next round.
+6H – (-10)"
"36-45";"Bust foe's shin. You have initiative.
with leg greaves: +9H w/o leg greaves: +6H – (-5)";"Blow to foe's left calf. You gain initiative.
with leg greaves: +9H – 2π w/o leg greaves: +6H – 2(-20)";"Catch foe in lower leg. You gain initiative, while foe regains footing.
+9H – 2(-25)";"Light swing to foe's leg. Foe's calf is bruised. You have the initiative.
+10H – (-10)";"Blow to upper leg. Minor fracture. You have initiative.
+12H – (-10)"
"46-50";"Foe steps under your blow. You catch him in the back.
+4H – (π-25)";"Solid blow to back. Foe seeks to avoid this attack again. He has lost his way.
+6H – (π-25)";"He leans to your shield side and you hit him in the back. You have the initiative for 2 rounds.
+5H – ∑∏";"Catch foe in shoulder blade. Foe drops his guard and reels from your blow.
+10H – ∑∏";"Glancing strike to lower back. Foe turns away to avoid the damage. Foe uses his weapon for balance.
+15H – ∑∏"
"51-55";"Blow to foe's chest. Foe leans sideways in pain.
+5H – (π-25)";"Foe recoils before your blow impacts. He steps back 5 feet to defend himself.
+6H – 2π";"Hard strike to chest, armor does not help.
+5H – ∑ – (-10)";"Blow to foe's ribs. It hurts him to raise his arms. Foe cannot lean over.
+10H – (-15)";"Blow to chest. He seeks to regain his wind and survive your onslaught.
+15H – 2∑ – (-15)"
"56-60";"Blow to foe's waist sends a piece of equipment flying. Foe recoils.
+5H – (π-25)";"Strike passes under shield arm and lands on foe's thigh. Big bruise.
+6H – π – (-5)";"Strike grazes across left thigh and lands on right. It lands solid.
+6H – π – (-5) – (+10)";"Miss foe's arm and strike his thigh. He stumbles and drops something.
+6H – ∑ – (-10)";"Blow to foe's thigh causes his right leg to falter for a moment.
+10H – ∑∏ – (-10)"
"61-65";"Strike to weapon forearm.
with arm greaves: +8H – π w/o arm greaves: +5H – ∑";"Blow to foe's forearm. The strike is solid. The pain is certain.
+9H – ∑ – (-10)";"Catch foe in mid-swing and disarm him. His weapon tumbles behind you.
+8H – ∑";"Blow to forearm. Blow tears clothing, but not skin. Arm is bruised.
+10H – ∑∏ – (-10)";"Strike foe's weapon arm with a titanic blow. Foe drops his weapon and reels.
+10H – ∑ – (-15)"
66;"Shatter shoulder in foe's shield arm. Arm is quite useless. Foe drops shield, if he has one.
+8H – 2∑∏";"Drive elbow backwards and break it. Arm is useless. Foe drops weapon, leans way over, and yells out.
3∑∏";"That does it for him. Your strike lands on foe's knee. The knee buckles and foe goes down hard.
+9H – 3∑∏ – (-90)";"Masterful strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he is dead. If he has a helm, he is knocked out for 4 hours.
+20H";"Crush what was once foe’s head; he dies instantly. If foe has a helm, it is destroyed also. You are speckled with blood.
+15H – (+10)"
"67-70";"Solid strike to foe's chest. Knocks the breath out of foe.
+8H – 3∑ – ∏";"Bloom! Shot strikes foe's upper chest. Foe stumbles.
+10H – 2∑∏ – (-10)";"Strike to chest causes a host of trouble.
+10H – 3∑ – 2∏ – (-10)";"Blow to shoulder.
with shoulder armor: +6H – ∑∏ w/o shoulder armor: 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it is broken. If not, arm is broken."
"71-75";"Shot takes foe in lower leg. He fails to jump over it.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Strike to foe's right achilles tendon. Oh that hurts ya know!
+10H – 2∑ – ∏ – (-35)";"Strike twists foe's knee.
+10H – 2∑∏ – (-40)";"Blow lands with a crack. Leg bone is broken. Major cartilage damage.
+12H – 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Blow to foe's hip bonebreaks it. Help! Foe has fallen and cannot get up.
+15H – 3∑ – (-75)"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield arm destroys shield. If no shield, arm is broken.";"Blow to foe's shield arm breaks wrist. Hand is useless. Foe drops shield.
+6H – ∑";"Blow to foe's weapon arm. A metal armguard is bent and the arm is useless until until the armor is removed.
+9H – ∑∏ – (-50)";"Blow breaks foe's weapon arm.
Sling foe's weapon to the right 5 feet. Foe's arm is useless. Tendon damage.
+8H – ∑∏";"Slap foe's arm and elbow around like string. Joint is shattered. Arm is useless. Foe should have stayed in bed.
+9H – 2∑∏"
"81-85";"Blow to foe's side sends him stumbling 5 feet to your right.
+10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Blow thunders as it connects. Foe's ribs crackle in response. It hurts.
+12H – 2∑∏ – (-25)";"Foe yells out before the impact and is silenced by the blow. Ribs crack.
+12H – 3∑∏ – (-40)";"Blow lands on foe's side. He goes down hard. Victory is close.
+15H – 3∑∏ – (+10)";"Blow to foe's armpit. Crush ribs and destroy organs. Foe dies in 3 rounds.
"86-90";"Strike foe in lower back. Muscles and cartilege are damaged.
+12H – 3∑∏ – (-25)";"Foe makes a mistake and pays. You send him prone with a fell strike. Tendons are smashed.
4∑∏ – (-30)";"Powerful blow sweeps foe onto his back. Bones break and muscles tear.
+20H – 6∑ – (-50)";"Blow to foe's neck. If foe has a throat protector, he is paralyzed from the neck down. If not, he dies in two rounds.
+25H";"Neck strike shatters bone and severs an artery. Foe cannot breath. Foe is inactive and suffocates in 12 rounds.
"91-95";"Break foe's nose.
with nose guard: +10H – 2∑∏ w/o nose guard: +15H – 3∑∏";"Strike to foe's head. If he has no helm, he falls into a coma for 3 weeks.
+20H – 12∑";"Blow to thigh. Compound fracture severs an artery. Foe goes down hard and dies in 12 rounds.
+9H";"Strike comes down on the shield shoulder of foe. Arm shatters. Foe dies from shock and blood loss in 9 rounds.
—";"Blast to foe's back. A bone is driven into vital organs. Foe is down and dies in six rounds.
"96-99";"Blow to foe's head. If foe has no helm, he is dead. If foe has a helm, he is knocked down.
+20H – 6∑";"Blast foe's chest. Send ribcage into heart. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.
(+20)";"Blow to foe's abdomen. Strike destroys a variety of organs. Poor fool expires after 6 rounds of inactivity.
—";"Crush foe's chest cavity. He grips your arm, looks into your eyes, then drops and dies in 3 rounds.
(+25)";"Blow to foe's face. If visored, the visor is driven into his face and foe dies in 10 rounds. Without a visor, he dies instantly. You have half the round left.
+30H – (+20)"
100;"Crush foe's jaw. Drive bone through brain. Foe dies instantly.
+50H – (+20)";"Blow snaps neck. Foe is paralyzed from the shoulders down.
+25H – 15∑";"Strike to forehead. Destroy foe's eyes. Send his helm flying. Foe is spun about.
+30H – 24∑∏";"Blast to foe's heart. It stops. He dies. You consider yourself to be deadly. Fine work. You are ready to slay.
+25H";"Blow turns hip to dust. Foe falls down. Attempts to stand. Falls again and dies in 6 rounds.
+35H – 2∑ – 6(-30)"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
"Score";"normal";"magic";"mithril";"holy arms";"slaying"
"01-05";"Weapon shatters on foe's solid form.
+12H";"You fumble your weapon (roll on the fumble table).
+15H";"Your weapon bites hard, but you move poorly. Lose initiative.
+18H";"Glancing blow shakes you up. You suffer a -10 penalty next round.
+20H";"Blade touches foe's exposed skin. Your weapon hisses.
"06-10";"Solid, but futile.
+3H";"Blow to foe's side. Pretty sparks.
+4H";"Your weapon glances off foe's side and leaves a measurable wound.
+5H";"Your swing lands lightly. You had hoped for better.
+9H";"Your blow is solid, but lands on a well protected area.
"11-20";"Hardly enough for victory. Weak side strike.
+6H";"Your blade guides itself in, but you miss the opportunity.
+8H";"Blow shoulder. It's well placed, but you'll need a lucky shot at this pace.
+9H";"Your strike lands solid and righteous. You wish it had landed a little more.
+12H";"A mortal blow poorly placed. Maybe you're holding it wrong?
"21-30";"Strong blow to foe's forearm yields its measure.
+9H";"You give out an epic strike, but foe is an epic creature.
+10H";"You strike is solid, but your grip fails on impact.
+12H";"You trip foe and slam his shin with your weapon. You are not being noble.
+15H";"Bruise to foe's shoulder is made worse by your weapon's strong enchantment.
"31-40";"Strike to beast's chest. Some unseen piece of protection blocks your attack.
+12H";"Hard strike to foe's thigh. It glances off. You really wish that had landed better.
+15H";"Your strike lands in a critical spot on foe's abdomen. You are unable to mortally wound him, for the moment.
+20H";"Your weapon sparks against the beast's hide and he realizes its mighty blessing.
+25H";"Your weapon strikes foe like a clap of thunder, clawing at his very essence.
"41-50";"Strike lands upon foe's side. He responds by leaping back away from you.
+15H";"Your blade bites into foe's skin with a hiss. Foe roars out at you. You ready yourself for what comes next.
+18H";"Hack at foe's neck, landing on his shoulder. He moves before the strike bites deeper.
+25H";"Heavy blow with all of your weight behind it hits foe in his side.
+30H";"Your weapon drives deep into foe's abdomen. Blood pours out of foe. He looks looks like a statue in a fountain.
+12H – ∏ – 5∫"
"51-65";"Blow crashes into foe's leg. The damage is obvious by the look on his face.
+20H";"Blow to foe's back. It concerns him greatly. Good luck.
+5H – ∑";"Grip foe's hide for leverage, before you strike. Blow lands solid, but he throws you clear.
+30H";"Strike lands lightly against foe's shoulder. You have the initiative for 3 rounds. Foe's blood gets all over you.
+10H – π – 2∫";"Cave in the side of foe's head. Foe is down and dies in 2 rounds. Your foot is pinned under him for a round.
66;"Well placed strike to foe's neck severs the jugular vein. Foe falls and dies in 6 rounds.
—";"Vicious strike to abdomenal region destroys a variety of organs. Foe falls over with a crash. He dies in 3 rounds.
+30H";"Strike to foe's heart. He dies instantly. You hit him one more time to make sure he is dead. Very clean kill.
—";"Drive home your attack right between your foe's eyes. He dies instantly. You have half the round left.
+20H";"Chest wound knocks foe down.
+10H – 2∑∏"
"67-70";"Foe's leg catches your failing strike at the right moment. The leg is bruised badly.
+25H";"Blow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Foe almost falls over on you. You leap clear.
+30H";"Strike to foe's thigh. Despite his size, it sends him back. Your Mithril bites deep and leaves a painful wound.
+15H – 2∑ – (-20) – (+10)";"Foe loses his footing with your solid strike. He takes time to gain his balance. You are in good position.
+20H – 2∑∏ – (+10)";"Plunge weapon into foe's heart. Your weapon seems to know the way. The wound is instantly mortal. He dies.
+20H – (+10)"
"71-80";"Arm strike gives foe a bruise.
+30H";"Minor forearm wound. The beast's guard is down for an instant. Press your attack.
+13H – 3∑∏";"Tear him up! Your strike lands along foe's arm. The wound is bleeding everywhere. It's all over you, as well.
+20H – 2∑∏ – 3∫";"Tear open foe's leg with a brutal side swing. Foe is unbalanced and bleeding. His guard goes down.
+9H – ∑∏ – 3∫ – (-10)";"Strike comes up under foe's arm. Blow breaks bones in upper arm. Arm is useless. Foe stumbles back.
+15H – 3∑"
"81-90";"Strong blast to foe's stomach staggers foe. His guard drops for a moment. You have a chance.
+20H – 2∑∏ – (+10)";"Hard blow to foe's back. If foe has wings they are damaged. If not, foe has broken ribs.
+22H – 3∑ – ∏";"Reverse your strike to catch foe in his lower leg. He stumbles back out of reach.
+15H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-20)";"With a mighty cross swing you strike foe's head. If he has a helm (or hard head) you knock him out. If he has no helm, you behead him and he dies.";"You see the opportunity you have needed. A legendary strike to foe's chest destroys heart and other vital organs. He drops and dies instantly."
;;;;"+30H";"+25H – (+15)"
"91-95";"Strong blow to foe's leg yields a gaping wound. If foe has blood, you see a lot of it.
+18H – 3∑ – 5∫ –(-10)";"You strike at foe's face. It hits and causes him some difficulty.
+5H – 3∫ – (-25) – (+20)";"Weapon impacts upon foe's head with unmatched force. Foe comes over and is knocked out.
+30H – (+10)";"Your victory strike. Your weapon crashes into foe's chest and downs him for 2 rounds. He dies in 6 rounds.
—";"Blow to foe's leg slashes an artery open. Foe falls gripping his leg. He is inactive for 12 sad rounds and then dies.
"96-98";"Plunge your weapon into foe's heart. Foe dies instantly, and falls on you. You are pinned for 6 rounds and +20H!";"Your weapon plunges into foe's chest. He drops and dies in 3 rounds. Your weapon is stuck in him for 12 rounds.
+25H";"Strike foe in his head and destroy his brain. If that's not power, what is? You have half the round left to act.
—";"Strike foe in his ear. He dies next round. You are very confident in your combat skills.
+15H – (+25)";"True to its name, your weapon slays foe by crushing his skull. Parts of bone fly in all directions. Not a pretty sight. Foe drops instantly to the ground."
100";"Strike through foe's lungs. Foe falls down and dies after 6 rounds.
Allies get a bonus!
+24H – (+20)";"Hard but flat strike. Your weapon takes much of the impact. In addition to his wound, your weapon is broken.
+35H – ∑∏";"You find a weak point and hammer foe's neck. Your weapon sticks in foe for 2 rounds, while he struggles to breathe. He dies in 6 rounds.";"Your precision surgery blinds foe. He quickly loses his direction and is in trouble.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (-100)";"Strike foe in his face. His cheek bones collapse. His neck is a bloody pulp. He dies a round later. Your weapon is lodged in foe."
;;;"+20H – 6∑∏";;"—"
150";"Awesome strike to shoulder sends foe stumbling. He has trouble getting his balance back.
+50H – 3∑∏ – (-35)";"Strike foe in the side of his head. Foe stumbles back a few feet before he falls to the ground. He is out for 3 hours.
+20H – (+10)";"Catch foe in chin with all your weight behind the weapon. Head snaps back and chin shatters. Foe is knocked out for 30 days.";"You miss foe's weapon arm, but the strike lands on foe's knee. The results are acceptable.
+3H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-30)";"Sever a vein in foe's forelimb. He falls to his knees. Blood is everywhere. He dies in 6 rounds.
+20H – 6∑∏ – 12∫"
175";"Strike drives bone into kidneys and liver. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds. What a pity.
—";"Strike shatters foe's jaw and sends it up into his brain. Foe is dead before he hits the ground. Half round left to act.
—";"Strike foe in the abdomen. The wound is mortal. A variety of important organs are destroyed on impact. Foe drops and
dies after 6 rounds.";"Smooth strike to foe's cheek. Just as he was about to deal you a deadly blow, you crush the side of his head. He dies. You have half the round left.";"You almost sever foe's head, with a mighty blow to his neck. Foe is inactive and dies in 5 rounds.
"176 -
200";"Strike to bowels destroys foe's abdomenal areas. Foe's blood is all over you. Foe dies in 12 rounds.
+35H – (+15)";"Shot along side foe's head penetrates his ear and he dies in 3 rounds.
You are mighty in battle.
+10H – (+20)";"Death comes swiftly! Your strike severs an artery in foe's leg. Foe fights for 2 rounds, then drops and dies in 6 rounds.";"Strike penetrates to foe's spine. Spine is broken and foe is paralyzed from the waist down. You will not have trouble killing him.";"Strike to abdomen damages a variety of organs. Internal bleeding will kill foe in 4 rounds. You have half the round to act.
;;;"+5H – 2(-20)";"+20H";
250";"Blow to foe's forearm severs a vein. Foe dies in 7 rounds from shock and blood loss. He is still standing.
+15H – 6∑ – (-30)";"Strike to foe's back. Hit severs spine. Foe is paralyzed from the neck down. Sadly, your weapon is broken.
+15H";"Heart strike. Your foe dies in true epic form. He tumbles backwards and lands with a thunderous sound. Your strike knocks you to your knees. Foe is dead.";"Your weapon swings out and hammers foe's evil heart. He expires and your sword sings a joyful note. All who see your mighty deed are inspired by it.";"Snap foe's head and break his neck. Foe drops and dies. You may direct another attack at anything you can reach.
;;;"+20H – 2(+15)";"+25H – 3(+20)";
"251+";"You grapple your foe and deal him a mighty blow. You are knocked out. Foe is also impaired.
+35H – 3∑∏";"Strike through foe's eye proves fatal. He dies immediately. You avoid his fall.
+20H – (+25)";"You blind foe with a vicious crossing strike to the eyes. He grips his face and falls to his kness.
+10H – 6∑ – (-100)";"Strike to foe's ribs puntures a lung. Foe is knocked out. Your weapon is stuck in foe for 6 rounds. Good luck.
—";"Drive foe's eyes back into his skull, with
a cross strike. Foe is blind and prone. Foe is in pain. He does not even try to get up.
+6H – 24∑∏"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
"01-05";"Strike loses its power.";"Fine artistry, but no extra damage.";"Glancing blow makes a strange sound.
+1H";"You impress foe with your form.";"How did you botch this beautiful strike?
"06-10";"Strike slows to a tap.
You maneuver for a better position. You have initiative.";"Your master would be so embarrassed.
+2H";"Not so solid a strike.
+3H";"Foe steps out of most of the strike.";"Glancing strike makes foe respect you.
"11-15";;"Blow to shoulder. Foe steps back and yields the initiative to you.";"Forceful. Foe steps back. You have initiative.
+5H";"Kick foe's side. He stumbles out of the way. You have the initiative.";"You strike foe to unbalance him before you attempt a killing blow.
+7H – ∑"
"16-20";"You take an open shot to foe's side. You have initiative.
+4H";"Good shot! You have initiative for 2 rounds.";"Hard strike. Foe lashes out to avoid your next attack.
+6H – π";"Foe blocks your attack. He falls back to recover from your onslaught.
+8H – (π-10)";"Snappy double shot to ribs. Crack! Ribs are fractured.
+5H – ∑ – (-10)"
"21-35";"Light, but well placed strike. You are already starting your next attack.
+5H – π";"Strong, but poorly aimed strike forces foe to defend himself energetically.
+6H – π";"Grab foe and bring your knee into his ribs. The force of the strike throws him from your grasp.
+6H – ∑";"Blow to chest. Use your forehead in a brutal way to subdue foe. You have initiative for 3 rounds.
+3H – ∑";"Side strike jars foe's kidneys. Heavy bruise to muscles. Foe steps right into that one. He is in pain.
"36-45";"Mild strike to foe's chest. He can see your next strike coming and he attempts to block it.
+6H – (π-10)";"Chest strike. Foe makes a strange noise on impact. He blocks and recovers.
+7H – (π-20)";"Clever feint finds an opening in foe's guard. Your strike is light and fast. Bruise foe's chest.
+8H – ∑";"Chest strike. Foe falls forward onto one knee in front of you. His guard is down for a moment.
+5H – ∑∏";"Strike is solid. It turns foe around. You have a clean shot at foe's back next round, if you hurry.
"46-50";"Foe is confused by your attack. He steps back to parry your next strike.
+6H – (π-25)";"Glancing kick to foe's back. The effects are reasonable for your modest effort.
+5H – ∑";"Step to the side and catch foe in his back. He stumbles forward. His guard is down.
∑∏";"Solid chest strike. The impact confuses foe greatly. His ribs are fractured. He hates you.
+3H – 2∑ – (-10)";"Draw down foe's defenses with a feint and then hammer him in chest. Your tactics are acceptable.
+5H – 2∑ – ∏"
"51-55";"Strike bends foe's hip in an odd direction. He is unbalanced.
+3H – ∑";"Side strike sends foe stumbling to the left 5 feet. He recovers to face you.
+6H – ∑";"With a circular block and a focused central strike you break foe's defenses.
∑∏ – (+20)";"Textbook shot to foe's upper leg. The bruise is deep. Foe does not fall down.
+6H – (-25)";"Hip strike spins foe. He is suspicious of gravity and struggles to stay standing.
+5H – 3∑"
"56-60";"Fist to chest. A solid punch. Foe is rattled a little.
+5H – ∑";"Boom! Good shot to foe's stomach. He almost loses his lunch.
+3H –2∑";"Strong wheel kick sends foe 10 feet in any desired direction.
+8H – 2∑";"Back strike. Foe attempts to flee and then changes his mind.
+4H – 3∑";"Shoulder strike. Foe is badly unbalances and unable to defend himself.
2∑ – ∏ – (-10)"
"61-65";"Blow on top of foe's foot is slightly misplaced, but quick. Bruise toe and mash toe nails.
+5H – 5(-20)";"Kick in back of foe's leg. He stumbles, but does not fall. You move to gain advantage.
+7H – 2∑";"Brutal strike to upper leg. The bruise is deep. The pain makes it hard for foe to stand on the leg.
+5H – (-25)";"Blow strikes a nerve in foe's upper leg. He is not in pain, but his leg is numb.
2∑ – 6(-25)";"Draw out foe's weapon arm. You strike cleanly to disarm him. Textbook.
66;"Strike Achilles tendon. Foe almost falls. He recovers his balance, but the pain is strong.
+7H – 2∑ –(-50)";"Strike foe in his forehead. The shock sprains neck and fractures foe's jaw. He cannot seem to close his jaw.
+4H – 9∑ – (-50)";"Knife hand strike breaks foe's weapon arm, leaving it useless. Follow-up punch to solar plexus knocks foe out.
—";"Grip foe's weapon arm. Dislocate the arm and then break it. Use your
advantage to pull foe over and kick him in the face. Foe is knocked out.
(+20)";"Simultaneous palm strike to both of foe's ears. Destroy foe's hearing and balance.
24∑ – (-95)"
"67-70";"Weak spearhand to foe's side. It yields an excellent effect.
+2H – 2∑";"Spear hand strike to chest. Elbow shot to foe's side causes some confusion.
+3H – 3∑";"Strong knife hand to upper portion of foe's shield arm. Arm is broken.
—";"Press your attack under the bottom of foe's ribcage. Knock the wind out of foe.
2∑∏";"Elbow to solar plexus and back of fist to foe's face. Foe drops.
+5H - 3∑ – 2∏"
"71-75";"Knife hand, spear hand combination. Foe must roll a weapon fumble.";"Hammer foe's weapon arm as it passes near you. The bruise is deep. Foe holds tight to his weapon.
+6H – 2∑ – (-20)";"Strike to back of lower leg. Foe struggles to keep balance. He is unable to defend himself.
2∑∏";"Firm flat palm strike to foe's collarbone. Bone is broken. Foe guard is down. It hurts him to raise his arm.
2∑∏ – (-25)";"Kick foe's knee in backwards. Tendons and muscles are torn. Foe yells out frightfully in response.
+5H – 3∑ – (-50)"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it is broken. If foe has no shield, his arm is broken.
+6H – ∑";"You find an opening and strike the back of foe's knee. The impact damages tendons and unbalances foe.
2∑ – (-25)";"You turn a block into a strike to foe's weapon arm. Foe is disarmed. Strike damages cartilage.
∑ – (-10)";"Stirke and grip area behind foe's knee. Tendon and cartilage damage insures your success.
(-75)";"Front kick to midsection doubles foe over. You follow with a knee strike which breaks foe's nose and knocks foe out.
"81-85";"Kick to foe's weapon arm. Foe is disarmed. Your strike does little else.
+3H";"Kick foe's weapon arm and send weapon flying 5 feet away. You break 2 of foe's weapons.
+3H – 2∑ – (-20)";"Heel kick breaks bone in foe's foot. Foe has trouble standing. His foot looks bad.
2∑∏ – (-50)";"Kick to foe's leg is clean and mean. Leg is broken above the knee. Foe falls over slowly.
+5H – 5∑∏ – (-75)";"Powerful strike shatters knee and then disjoints it. Foe drops. Oh that hurts!
+15H – 12∑∏ – (-80)"
"86-90";"Fluid move followed by a leaping kick to foe's back knocks foe down. He is shaken and tries to stand.
3∑";"Wheel kick knocks foe flat. Smash tendons and tear muscle. You spin clear with too much energy.
9∑ – (-30)";"Clean strike to lower leg rips Achilles tendon and drops foe.
+10H – 9∑ – (-80)";"Open-handed blow to foe's adam's apple crushes foe's windpipe. Foe dies in 18 rounds of shock and asphyxiation.
—";"Round house kick to kidneys drops foe to his knees. You grip foe's neck and snap it very effectively. Foe dies in 9 rounds.
"91-95";"Strike to nerve in foe's leg. Foe's leg buckles. He does not fall, he crouches down in pain.
+8H – 2∑∏ – 6(-40)";"Strike to foe's knee shatters joint. Foe drops down hard. He grips his knee and spits out an oath.
4∑∏ – (-85)";"Flying kick to foe's back. You knock foe down, disarm him, and leave him in trouble.
12∑∏";"Jab to foe's eyes blinds him. Crescent kick sends foe 10 feet in the direction you select.
10∑ – (-100)";"Strike to abdomen ruptures spleen. Foe spits out blood instantly. He drops and dies in 12 rounds.
"96-99";"You block foe's attack. You then follow-up with a side strike that knocks foe down. Foe hits hard and loses his direction.
3∑∏";"Roundhouse kick knocks foe out and fractures collarbone. Neck is sprained and shoulder muscles are bruised.
20∑∏ –20(-100)";"Kick to foe's solar plexus. He stumbles back 10 feet. He falls very hard.
+30H – 30∑∏";"Round house kick catches foe in back of head. You slam foe's head into the ground. Severe concussion. Foe dies of hemorrhage in 9 rounds.
—";"Double palmstrike to foe's nose breaks cartilage and drives bone into brain.
The effects are rapid. Foe dies after 6 rounds prone and immobile.
100;"Gooseneck strike. Foe's inner ear ruptured. Foe stands there while your follow-up strike knocks him down and out!
(-75)";"Knife hand strike to foe's weapon arm breaks bone. Kick to lower back breaks foe's backbone, leaving foe paralyzed from the waist down.
+5H";"Sweep lays foe out and heel strike to foe's sternum collapses the ribcage. Foe is helpless and dies in 4 rounds.
—";"Gooosh! Awesome spear hand strike finds seam, penetrates solar plexus and ruptures the heart. Foe dies instantly.
—";"Disarm foe and use his weapon to kill him.
A follow-up strike breaks his neck and you send him 5 feet in any direction. He is dead twice.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
"01-05";"Acrobatic, but no extra damage.
+0H";"You look like you are trying to sweep yourself. Fortunately, you fail.
+0H";"Clever strike exposes foe's garment tags and washing instructions.
+1H";"You forget you are a master martial artist and attack at rank 1.
+2H";"Your attack looked deadly, but failed to connect.
"06-10";"Rip your pants and miss an opportunity.
+1H";"Your attack is little more than a clumsy grip.
+1H";"You slip in a punch, after failing your sweep.
+2H";"It looks like you're sparring. Your foe is serious.
+3H";"Knee to thigh. Unbalance foe. You have the initiative.
"11-15";"You get to a better position and you have the initiative next round.
+1H";"Your attack is deflected, but you gain the initiative next round.
+3H";"Your form confuses foe greatly. He responds slowly, you have initiative.
(+20)";"Foe steps out of your assault and puts up a determined defense.
+4H – π";"Base your grip on a garment that tears off. You miss a good throw.
∑ – (+10)"
"16-20";"Your attack causes foe to seek saftey behind his weapon.
+2H – π";"Foe is dazzled by your form. He seeks to avoid your onslaught.
(π-10)";"Foe fights back and pushes you clear. He unbalances himself in the process.
+3H – (π-20)";"Your attack causes foe to strike himself lightly. You are happy with the result.
+4H – ∑";"A soft strike and a hard punch leaves an openning for you to exploit.
+2H – ∑∏"
"21-35";"Foe leaps back from your attempts. He needs some time to recover.
+2H – (π-10)";"You almost connect your grapple with the force of a kick. Foe escapes and wards you away.
+3H – (π-20)";"Solid strike is not a sweep. Your foe stands listless for a moment and then recovers.
+4H – ∑";"Sweep almost takes foe off his feet. He drops down on one knee, but struggles back to his feet.
+4H – ∑∏";"Sweep foe over. He spends some time trying to recover his balance. You recover and prepare for an opportunity.
"36-45";"Sweep is little more than a threatening kick. Foe steps back.
+3H – (π-20)";"Sweep bruises foe's leg. Foe limps clear of your attack.
+4H – 3(-25)";"Sweep to foe's legs. Foe jumps over some of your assault, but not all of it. Leg is bruised. You have initiative.
(-10)";"Sweep strikes foe's calf. Foe does not fall, but the bruise is heavy. Foe is in pain.
+5H – (-20)";"Sweep takes foe down on one knee. He breaks free and stands in pain. Try a shot to that bruise and you have him.
+5H – ∑ – (-20)"
"46-50";"Foe jumps over your assault. He strikes out at you in defense.
+4H – (π-25)";"Your sweep pushes foe to the side. He recovers at bay.
+5H – ∑";"Sweep foe over. He does not fall. You look for a good opening, while foe recovers.
+4H – 2∑";"Foe's feet come out from under him. He makes a remarkable recovery, but it's not that remarkable.
+5H – ∑∏";"You almost disarm foe. He bends down to recover his weapon. You have the advantage. Finish him.
+7H – 2∑∏"
"51-55";"Foe must step back 3 feet to avoid your sweep.
+5H – (π-30)";"Throw knocks the wind out of foe. It fails to knock him down.
+6H – ∑";"Steady grip sends foe stumbling. Your follow up misses, but who is perfect?
+6H – 2∑";"You step in and grab foe. The impact breaks ribs. You fail to throw him down as planned.
+6H – ∑ – (-20)";"Stumble foe in the direction of your choice 5 feet. Foe does not fall, but he looks like he will.
"56-60";"You try to throw foe, but he breaks free. Foe is unbalanced.
+6H – ∑";"Grip foe's weapon hand and sprain his finger. Foe keeps hold of his weapon.
∑ – (-10)";"Your attack breaks foe's guard down. You see an open spot.
∑∏";"Sweep nearly knocks foe down. Foe drops his guard to avoid falling.
+7H – ∑∏";"Your sweep is effective. Foe is sent reeling. Why he does not fall is a mystery.
+9H – 3∑"
"61-65";"You throw foe down, but he gets up quickly. Your killing blow misses him.
+7H – ∑";"You grip foe's weapon arm, pulling and twisting it brutally. Foe breaks free, he is bruised badly.
+3H – ∑ – (-20)";"Your sweep results in an attempt at throwing foe's arm. He is disarmed. His arm, however, stays attached.
+3H – ∑";"You attempt a throw. Foe avoids your main attack, but you steal his weapon when he blocks with it.
2∑";"Excellent throw sends foe falling on his weapon arm. He is disarmed. He must roll over to stand. You should have fun.
66;"Throw dislocates foe's shield shoulder. Foe does not fall, but his shoulder is in pain.
3∑∏ – (-50)";"Nifty throw. You have foe pinned, on his face, and in an armlock. Foe is disarmed and immobilized.
+9H";"Strike to foe's shins sweeps his legs up and behind him. Foe comes down on his knees. Both are broken. Foe falls over helpless.
+15H – 6∑∏ –(-80)";"You use your body to lift foe up and throw him into the ground. He hits head first. If he has a helm, he is knocked out. If no helm, foe is paralyzed from the waist down.
+10H – 4∑∏ – (-90)";"Perfect throw sends foe flying over your shoulder. He lands how you want him to, within 10 feet. If you like, he dies on impact. If not, he is knocked out.
"67-70";"Hard, but less than smooth throw attempt. Foe is unbalanced.
+7H – 2∑";"Strong throw. Foe is left a second behind you and confused. You have initiative for 6 rounds.
+8H";"Glancing kick to foe's face. Your recovery strikes foe in side. Foe steps back 5 feet to recover.
2∑ – (-10)";"You make it look simple. You throw foe down on his shield shoulder. Break collar bone and arm. Arm is useless.
+5H – 2∑ – (-20)";"Foe lands on shield arm. If foe has shield, it is broken. If foe has no shield, arm is shattered and useless.
with shield: +20H w/o shield: +10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)"
"71-75";"Fall bruises foe's thigh. He gets back to his feet instantly.
+2H – 2∑∏ – (-5)";"Fall from throw tears ligaments in foe's leg. Foe rises with some difficulty.
+5H – ∑∏ – (-10)";"You sweep foe down and grip his leg to keep it from breaking his fall. He strains a muscle trying to break free.
2∑∏ – (-25)";"You assist foe in falling very hard.
Foe's leg is fractured. He rolls away from you to get off his wounded leg.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (-30)";"You sweep foe over. Foe falls and breaks his hip. You strike at foe's mild hip fracture for advantage.
2∑∏ – (-40)"
"76-80";"Foe falls on his shield side. If he has a shield, it is broken. If no shield, arm is sprained.
2∑ – (-10)";"Foe breaks his fall with his weapon hand. He sprains two fingers when landing.
2∑ – (-25)";"You knock foe over and ride him down. He throws you off, but lands on his shield arm. He dislocates his shoulder.
+6H – 6π – (-40)";"You throw foe down hard and deadly. He lands on his back and cracks his shoulder blade.
+9H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"You send foe over backwards. He stumbles 10 feet. He falls on his elbow . Joint is shattered. Arm is useless.
4∑ – ∏"
"81-85";"Sweep unbalances foe and puts you in a good position for your next strike.
+3H – 3∑ – (+25)";"Sweep knocks foe 10 feet to side. If foe has a cloak or cape, he falls down. If not, foe is facing the wrong way.
+9H – 2∑∏";"Sweep staggers foe. You step in close for better position. Foe is oblivious to your advantage.
2∑∏ – (+30)";"Your throwing grip lands on foe's weapon hand. You tear tendons and muscles in his wrist. He drops his weapon. Arm is useless.
+10H";"Throw foe with a running assault. You carry him a good 10 feet to land on his face. As he yells dirt shovels into his mouth. You try not to laugh.
+5H – 6∑∏"
"86-90";"Foe lands on his back. He rolls over and stands up. Bruised muscles. The damage is done.
2∑∏ – (-20)";"Foe lands on his back. He realizes that he is in peril. The impact tears tendons and breaks bones.
2∑∏ – (-25)";"Strike to legs. Throw foe to the ground. He will always remember this one. Foe has cracked a vertebrae.
3∑∏ – (-50)";"Throw foe down. You immobilize him in an arm lock. It will take a special move to get out of your grip.
6∑∏";"Throw sends foe flying into an available enemy within 10 feet. Both are knocked down and confused.
+9H – 3∑∏"
"91-95";"Foe breaks his nose on a piece of equipment when you throw him. He is down and confused.
+7H – 2∑∏ – (-25)";"Fall breaks ribs, and disarms foe. Foe hits the ground rolling. His attempts to stand facing in the wrong direction.
12∑∏ – (-30)";"Sweep downs foe and you put him in a leg-breaking hold. You pin foe and may break his leg at your leasure.
+9H – 15∏";"Throw bashes foe against nearby hard surface. Foe is knocked out. You may kill him when you like. He is at your mercy.
+10H";"Sly rolling throw sends foe into air. You guide foe to the ground. He is knocked unconscious and disarmed.
"96-99";"Excellent throw sends foe down on his head. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out.
9∑";"With but one strike, you disarm foe , knock him out and kick him onto his back. You're not a dragon yet.
+20H";"Throw foe against a hard surface of your choice. Crack skull. If foe has helm, he is in a coma. If no helm, he dies in 1 round.
—";"Your attack breaks foe's ribs. You throw him down and impale him on his broken ribs. He dies in 6 rounds.
—";"You grapple your foe firmly, sweep his feet out from under him and then throw him to the ground. The impact breaks his neck. He dies instantly.
100;"Snazzy throw. Foe is knocked down with a controlled grip. You may finish him or hold him
immobile and helpless.
—";"Fabulous throw sends foe flying. Foe's neck is broken on impact and he dies after rolling 15 feet. You are a mighty warrior to all who see your work.
—";"Bring foe down with your knee under his back. You break his back and paralyze him from the shoulders down. You take a deadly looking stance.
—";"Foe lunges toward you in a threatening move. A brutal grapple from below breaks foe's back, as you throw him. He is paralyzed from the neck down.
—";"Using but half the round, you use a rolling throw to send foe against an available hard surface of your choice. Foe dies from many wounds instantly.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
"01-05";"Foe avoids most of the attack.
+0H";"Glancing blow. Nothing extra.";"Foe dances clear of the worst.";"Strike bounces off.";"Strike lands flat."
"06-10";"Strike failed to connect well.
+1H";"Panck!";"Nick your weapon and your foe.";"Strike lands without energy.";"Shot unbalances foe. You have initiative.
"11-15";"Strike causes foe to flinch. You gain initiative next round.
+1H";"Foe questions his resolve. You gain initiative next round.";"Foe's evasion puts him out of position. You gain initiative next round.
+5H";"Foe evades and maneuvers for a better position.
+2H – π";"Foe is fearful of your skill and steps back from your mighty onslaught.
+3H – π"
"16-20";"Foe steps back defensively.
+1H-π";"For steps back and avoids the worst.
+2H – (π-10)";"Blow to foe's side. If foe has a belt it is severed.
+3H – (π-20)";"Precise strike to foe's side. You have the initiative for 1 round.
(-10)";"Foe vibrates from the impact of the strike.
∑ – (+20)"
"21-35";"Convince foe of his peril by just missing his abdomen.
+2H – π (+10)";"Foe is uncertain about your next attack. He choses to let you make the first move (you gain the initiative).
+2H – 2π";"Strike crosses foe's head. If he has a helm it is knocked off and dented.
∑ – ∫";"You wound foe in hip. Strike strips equipment from right side of waist.
∑ – 2∫";"Deal foe a measurable blow to his side. Any one container on your foe now has a hole in it.
+2H – 2∫ – (-10)"
"36-45";"Nick foe's calf with long follow through.
∫";"Cheap shot to foe's shin.
with leg greaves:+5H – π w/o leg greaves: +2H – ∫";"Strike along foe's calf. The damage takes a moment to show.";"Close call for foe's groin.
with waist armor: +4H – ∑ w/o waist armor: 3∫";"Strike to upper leg rips clothing.
with leg armor: +3H – π w/o leg armor: +2H – 3∫"
"46-50";"Foe's evasion exposes his back to your strike.
+2H – (π-30)";"Blow to back damages any equipment worn there.
∑ – ∫";"Lower back strike sends foe reeling. His guard is still up.
2∑ – ∫";"Light strike pins foe's weapon arm to his side.
+6H – ∑∏";"Strike to side. If foe has armor, the blow tears it open and exposes skin.
with abdomen armor: +8H – ∑ – ∫ w/o abdomen armor: +4H – ∑∏ – 4∫"
"51-55";"Strike to foe's chest and he looks impressed.
(π-25) – 2∫";"Solid strike to foe's chest. Blood from wound ruins any heraldry.
+3H – 2∫ – 2π";"Strike toward chest. If foe has a shield, it is out of position for the rest of the round.
+3H – 2∑ – 2∫";"Solid chest strike leaves bruises and blood.
+5H – π – 3∫ – (-15)";"Foe goes low to evade your attack. Strike takes foe down on one knee. Finish him.
+5H – ∑∏ – (-10)"
"56-60";"Minor thigh wound. It could have been better.
+2H – ∑ – 2∫";"Thigh wound does some damage.
+3H – ∑∏ – 2∫";"Strike to foe's thigh.
with leg armor: +8H – ∑∏ – ∫ w/o leg armor: +5H – 2∑ – 2∫– (-10)";"Strike foe in abdomen.
with abdomen armor: +5H – 2∏ w/o abdomen armor: +3H – ∑∏ – 3∫";"Blow to foe's side. He stumbles to your right 10 feet.
+6H – ∑∏ – 5∫"
"61-65";"Minor forearm wound numbs foe's grip.
+2H – 2∫ –(-10)";"Forearm strike shakes foe up. Foe attempts a recovery.
+2H – ∑ – 2∫ – (-10)";"Solid strike to foe's right forearm.
with arm greaves: +5H – 2∑∏ w/o arm greaves: +3H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-10)";"Blow to foe's weapon arm. Arm is numb.
+3H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-10)";"Catch foe's forearm. The wound opens up nicely. Foe is in pain.
+5H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-15)"
66;"Strike to foe's shield shoulder. Arm is useless. That must really hurt!
3∑ – (+10)";"Foe blocks your attack with his elbow. Elbow is shattered. Shield arm is useless.
+3H – 4∑ – 2π";"Strike shatters foe's knee. Foe crumbles to the ground. He is down for 3 rounds.
2∑∏ – (-90)";"Strike to head kills foe, if he has no helm. If he has a helm he in knocked out for 6 hours.
+10H";"Strike through both of foe's lungs. Foe drops and passes out. He dies 6 rounds later.
"67-70";"Strike along foe's neck.
+5H – 3∑ – ∏";"Strike to foe's neck. It's not enough for a kill.
2∑ –3∫ – (-5)";"Strike along foe's neck. Foe is frantic to evade death.
4∑ – 2∏ – (+15)";"Strike down foe's defenses with a blow to both arms.
+3H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Shot raises foe's arm up, severing many muscles and tendons. Arm is useless.
6∑ – 3∫"
"71-75";"Strike to lower leg.
with leg greave: +5H – 3π – (-10) w/o leg greave: +3H – ∑∏ – (-25)";"Strike to foe's calf. Slash muscle. Foe almost falls down.
+3H – 2∑∏ – (-40)";"Destructive strike to lower leg. If foe has leg armor, it is torn free.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Excellent blow to lower leg slashes muscles and cartilage. Foe falls prone.
+6H – 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Strike plunges into leg with deadly effect. Foe drops, gripping his leg in pain.
3∑∏ – (-75)"
"76-80";"Strike foe in upper arm. You tear his pretty clothes.
+3H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-25)";"Strike to shield side. If foe has shield, your weapon is stuck in it for a round.
3∑ – 3∫ – (-30)";"Strike through muscle in shield arm. If foe has a shield, he drops it.
6∑ – 3∫ – (-25)";"Strike to foe's shield arm. Arm is useless.
+12H – 6∑ – 3∫";"Strike foe in weapon arm, the bone is broken. Arm is useless.
+10H - 3∑∏"
"81-85";"Deep wound in foe's side. Well, it looked like a killing blow.
6∑ – 5∫ – (+20)";"Tear open foe's side in a graphic display of violence.
+6H – 3∑∏ – 5∫ – (-25)";"Strike bites into foe's ribs. The impact sounds truly terrible.
+6H – 3∑∏ – (-25) – 5∫";"Major abdomenal wound. Blood pours out in frightening quantities.
+10H – 3∑∏ – 6∫ – (-20)";"Strike to foe's back severs a vein. Foe goes to his knees and dies in 12 rounds.
"86-90";"Catch foe in the back. He drops his guard and stumbles foward.
2∑∏ – 2∫ – (-20)";"Strike to foe's head. If foe has no helm he dies. If foe has helm, he falls to his knees.
+6H – 2∑∏";"Strike impacts on foe's head. If he has no helm, he dies. Helm is destroyed.
+6H – 2∑∏";"Strike through foes kidneys. Foe is down and immobile for 2 hours, then he dies.
+9H";"Strike plunges in just below foe's collarbone Foe drops and dies in 12 rounds."
"91-95";"Strike to foe's ear. Foe hears at -50.
with helmet: +5H – 4∑ – ∏ w/o helmet: +3H – 2∫ – 2∑∏";"Strike to foe's hip.
with waist armor: +7H – ∑ – (-10) w/o waist armor: +5H – ∑ – 3∫ – (-25)";"Strike to chest. If foe has plate chest armor, he drops and dies in 9 rounds. If not, he dies instantly.
—";"Strike through foe's side spills his guts on the floor. Foe fights on normally for 6 rounds, then dies.
—";"Your weapon passes through the arm and sticks out the other side. Foe dies in 12 rounds.
"96-99";"Strike to nose. There is a permanent scar. Foe's eyes are crossed for a moment.
3∑∏ – 3∫";"Strike through foe's cheek and throat. Foe drops and dies after 9 rounds of incapacity.
(+20)";"Strike through foe's neck breaks backbone and severs spine. Foe is paralyzed from the neck down.";"Strike plunges into doomed foe's chest and emerges from the other side. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.
—";"Shot through heart sends foe reeling back 10 feet to a place suitable for death. Your weapon is stuck in reeling foe.
100;"Strike through neck. Sever vein and artery. Foe cannot breath. Foe drops and dies of heart failure.
—";"Strike plunges into foe's eye. Foe dies instantly. Foe remains standing for a moment until he realizes this.
all allies get +10 for 1 round";"Shot through both ears proves effective. Foe dies instantly. Pretty shot.
6(+20)";"Strike through brain makes life difficult for foe. You have a half round left to act.
(+20)";"Strike to foe's eye. Foe dies instantly. Carry on soldier.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"01-05";"Weak strike.
+0H";"Feeble strike falls clear of target.
+0H";"Firm shot. Good recovery. Try again.
+1H";"Strike lands poorly.
+2H";"Your attack is weak.
"06-10";"Good form, but it disappoints.
+1H";"Hard strike with no edge. Foe steps clear before you sort it out.
+2H";"Strike foe with more force than edge.
+3H";"An opening appears and all you can to is smack foe lightly.
+4H";"Unbalance foe. You receive initiative next round.
"11-15";"Blade misses foe's face by inches. You receive initiative next round.
+1H";"Foe steps quickly out of your reach. You receive initiative next round.
+3H";"Blow to foe's side yields the initiative to you next round.
+6H";"You force your opponent back. He keeps you at bay with wild swings.
+3H – π";"You push aside foe's weapon and force him back.
+4H – π"
"16-20";"Strike passes under foe's arm. It fails to bite deep. He recoils.
+1H – π";"Blow to foe's side. Foe defends energetically.
+2H – (π-10)";"Your assault catches foe in side and forces him back 5 feet.
+4H – (π-20)";"You lean in and slash foe's side. You receive initiative next round.
+2H – (-10)";"Strong blow to foe's ribs. Foe drops his guard and almost his weapon.
∑∏ – (+10)"
"21-35";"Foe's evasion puts him out of an aggressive posture.
+2H – π – (+10)";"Foe is shaken by your blow to his side. His defensive measures look clumsy.
+2H – (π-20)";"You break foe's rib with a lightning strike to his chest. He recovers quickly. His shield side still faces you.
+3H – ∑";"Arm and chest strike. Foe cannot defend himself for a moment. You step around his shielded side.
+3H – ∑∏";"Foe avoids your main effort, but you nick him on your recovery. Foe receives minor side wound and stumbles back 10 feet.
+3H – ∫ – (-10)"
"36-45";"Minor thigh wound. Cut foe with the smallest of slashes.
∫";"Strike foe in shin. If he doesn't have greaves, you slash open foe's shin.
with leg greaves: +2H – π w/o leg greaves: +2H – ∫";"The blow does nothing more than open a wide cut in foe.
+2H – 2∫";"Foe blocks your attack on his chest. You slash foe's upper area.
+3H – 2∫";"Blow to foe's upper leg. Leg armor helps block the blow.
with leg greaves: +5H w/o leg greaves: +3H – 3∫"
"46-50";"Blow to foe's back. Foe attempts to ward you off with a wild swing.
+2H – (π-30)";"Foe twists oddly to avoid your attack. Blow strikes foe's back.
+4H – (π-30)";"Blow to foe's back. Foe twists out of it and you turn your weapon to magnify the wound. Foe yells out.
+3H – ∑∏ – ∫";"Reach long and catch foe in his lower back. He twists out of it, but is unbalanced.
+3H – ∑∏ – 2∫";"Strike to foe's stomach. He doubles over in pain and you pull your sword clean with one more sweep.
+4H – ∑∏ – 3∫"
"51-55";"Blow to foe's chest. Foe stumbles back and puts up a feeble guard.
+2H – (π-25) – ∫";"Quality strike. Minor chest wound. If foe has armor, he only staggers. If not, the wound is effective.
with chest armor: +4H – π w/o chest armor: +3H – 2π – ∫ – (-5)";"Blow lands solidly upon foe's chest. You get some slashing action, but not a mortal wound.
+4H – π – 2∫ – (-10)";"Heavy blow to upper torso. Wound falls open and foe is in pain. His guard is still up, amazingly enough.
+5H – π – 3∫ – (-15)";"Cut foe open with little grace. You are unsure of your success until you see all the blood coming out of his chest.
+6H – 2∑ – 4∫ – (-10)"
"56-60";"You recover from your initial swing and bring edge across foe's thigh.
+3H – π – 2∫";"Edge makes contact well enough. Minor thigh wound.
+4H – 2π – 2∫";"Strike to side slips down onto foe's thigh. The wound is effective.
+5H – ∑ – 2∫";"Tip of your blade gets a hit on foe's thigh. You twist your weapon.
+6H – 2∑ – 2∫";"Thigh wound. Your blow cuts deep and severs an important vein.
+8H – 2∑ – 5∫"
"61-65";"You feign high and strike low. Slash foe in back of upper leg.
+3H – 2∫ – (-10)";"Nick foe in his forearm. Wound bleeds surprisingly strongly.
+4H – ∑ – 2∫ – (-10)";"Catch part of foe's forearm. You make a long slice in foe's arm.
+4H – ∑ – 3∫ – (-10)";"You are lucky to strike foe's forearm while recovering from a lunge.
+4H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-10)";"Foe tries to disarm you and pays with a nasty cut to his forearm.
+6H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-15)"
66;"Foe blocks your attack with his shield arm. Shoulder is broken and arm is useless. You have initiative.
+9H – 3∑ – (+10)";"Your strike misses torso and breaks foe's elbow. Foe drops his weapon and his weapon arm is useless.
+8H – 4∑ – 2∏";"Your swing falls short when foe leaps back. You shatter foe's knee. Foe is knocked down.
+6H – 3∏ – (-90)";"You knock foe out for 6 hours with a strike to side of head. If foe has no helm, you kill him instantly.
+15H";"Block foe's weapon arm away and then sever it. Foe drops immediately and expires in 12 rounds. Good shot!
+12H – (+10)"
"67-70";"Strike lands close against foe's neck. Foe is horrified.
+6H – 3∑ – ∏";"Your attempt to behead foe almost works. Neck strike. Foe is not happy.
+7H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-5)";"Slash foe's neck. Your weapon cuts neck garments (and armor) free.
+8H – 4∑ – 2∏ – (+10)";"You strike foe's shoulder and slash muscles.
+5H – 3∑ – (-20) – (+10)";"Slash tendons and crush the bones in foe's shield arm shoulder. Arm is useless.
4∑ – 2∫"
"71-75";"Blow falls on lower leg. Slash tendons. Poor sucker.
+4H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-30)";"Slash muscle in foe's calf. Foe is in too much pain to regain footing quickly.
+6H – 3∑ – ∏ – (-40)";"Slash muscle and tendons in foe's lower leg. Foe stumbles forward into you with his guard down.
+7H – 2∑∏ – (-45)";"Slash muscle and sever tendons in foe's lower leg. He can't stand much longer. His guard is feeble.
3∑ – 2∏ – (-50)";"Slash foe's lower leg and sever muscle and tendons. Foe will fall without something to lean against.
+8H – 6∑ – (-70)"
"76-80";"Foe goes low, but you still catch his upper arm. It's a bleeder.
+5H – 2∑∏ – 3∫ – (-25)";"Foe moves his shield arm too slowly. You gladly slash his arm.
+6H – 2∑∏ – 3∫ – (-30)";"You come in high and fast. Slash muscle and tendons in foe's shield arm. Foe's arm is useless.
+9H – 6∑ – 4∫";"Foe mistakenly brings his weapon arm across your blade. Sever tendons.
Foe's arm is limp and useless.
+10H – 4∑ – 2∏";"Foe reaches out to block your blow. You sever two fingers and break his shield arm making it useless.
+12H – 3∑∏"
"81-85";"Foe steps right into your swing. You make a large wound.
+6H – 5∑ – 6∫ – (+20)";"Your edge bites half its width into foe. Open up a terrible wound. Blood goes everywhere.
+7H – 2∑∏ – 6∫";"You follow your training well. You extend on your slashing arc. Strike lands against foe's side.
+8H – 2∑∏ – 4∫ – (-20)";"You plunge your weapon into foe's stomach. Major abdomenal wound. Foe is instantly pale from blood loss.
+10H – 4∑ – 2∏ – 8∫ – (-10)";"Sever opponent's hand. Sad. Foe is down and in shock for 12 rounds, then dies.
+5H – 12∑∏"
"86-90";"Foe turns out and away from your swing. You still catch his side.
+8H – 2∑∏ – 2∫ – (-10)";"Strike to back. Foe goes prone trying to avoid your strike. He gets up facing the wrong direction.
+10H – 3∑∏ – 3∫";"Blast to back breaks bone. Foe stumbles forward before falling down. He is having trouble standing.
+9H – 4∑∏ – (-10)";"Your attempt to disarm foe is even more effective. Sever opponent's hand. Foe is in shock for 6 rounds and then dies.
+6H – 6∑∏";"Meat chopping strike severs foe's leg. Foe drops and lapses in unconsciousness. Foe dies in 9 rounds.
+15H – (+10)"
"91-95";"Blow to foe's head. If no helmet,
cut off foe's ear (all hearing ability is halved).
with helmet: +3H – 2∑∏ w/o helmet: +3H – 3∑ – ∏ – 3∫";"Strike to foe's hip. The blow has little edge, but much impact. Your blow staggers foe. His recovery is slow.
+7H – 3∑ – ∏ – (-20) – (+10)";"Chop the top of foe's thigh. Sever foe's leg. Foe drops immediately and dies in 6 rounds due to shock and blood loss.
+20H";"Sever foe's weapon arm and bury your sword into foe's side. Foe falls prone. Foe is in shock for 12 rounds, then dies.
+15H – 9∑∏";"Sever foe's spine. Foe collapses, paralyzed from the neck down permanently.
"96-99";"The tip of your weapon slashes foe's nose. Minor wound and a permanent scar.
+2H – 6∑ – 2∫ – (-30)";"Strike to foe's head breaks skull and causes massive brain damage. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.
+20H";"You cleave shield and arm in half Foe attempts to catch his falling arm. Foe is in shock for 12 rounds then dies.
+18H – 12∑∏";"Slash foe's side. Foe dies in 3 rounds due to internal organ damage. Foe is down and unconscious immediately.
+20H";"Strike to foe's head destroys brain and makes life difficult for the poor fool. Foe expires in a heap—immediately.
100;"Strike severs carotid artery and jugular vein, breaking foe's neck. Foe dies in 6 rounds of agony.
—";"Disembowel foe, killing him instantly. 25% chance your weapon is stuck in opponent for 1 round.
—";"Strike up, in, and across foe's forehead. Destroy foe's eyes. Foe flips onto his back in pain.
+5H – 30∑∏";"Impale foe in heart. Foe dies instantly. Heart is destroyed. 25% chance your weapon is stuck in for 2 rounds.
+12H";"Very close! Strike to foe's groin area. All vital organs are destroyed immediately. Foe dies after 24 rounds of agony.
+10H – 12∑∏"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
"01-05";"Your concern for damaging foe hinders you.
+0H";"Your attempt is poorly planned.
+0H";"Your concern for foe is heart warming.
+0H";"Nothing graceful about this attack. Foe does not even flinch.
+1H";"Strike to neck pinches a nerve. What did you do to him? Foe is unconscious.
"06-10";"You pull your punch.
+0H";"You're being too delicate. Bust him!
+1H";"You will need to make a fist.
+1H";"Pow! Right in the kisser.
+2H";"You simply hit foe in the face.
"11-15";"Mishandle strike. Try again.
+1H";"Your strike lands on foe's shoulder. Attack is of little profit.
+1H";"Blow to foe's chest. If foe is 2 feet tall or shorter, he is unconscious.
+2H";"Blow to foe's chest. If foe is 3 feet tall or shorter, he is unconscious.
+3H";"Boom! Crash! Pow! Crack! It looked impressive.
"16-20";"Foe's guard comes up and blocks your assault.
+1H – π";"You attempt to kick foe in groin. You miss, but the threat is enough.
+2H – π";"Side strike unbalances foe. He will recover quickly.
+4H – π";"Blow to foe's side sends him reeling. He recovers and gets his guard up.
+3H – π – 4(-10)";"Strike to foe's side. Cheap shot, executed with grace.
+3H – 4(-25)"
"21-35";"Awkward positioning spoils your strike.
+1H – π";"You miss foe's head and strike his shoulder. He is unbalanced.
+2H – 2(-20)";"Chest strike. He almost falls, but foe grabs you for balance. Ooops!
+3H – ∑";"You trip foe and slam his shin. Simple, yet effective.
+6H – 2∑";"Foe leaves himself open. Your strike hits his side and breaks some ribs.
+3H – ∑ – (-10)"
"36-45";"Move in close. You gain the initiative next round.
+2H";"Blow lands on foe's shield hand.You gain the initiative.
+3H – (-5)";"You entangle foe's legs, but he breaks free. You push him clear.
+5H – 3∑ – 3(-10)";"Step on foe's foot and try to push him over. You gain the initiative next round.
+3H – 2(-25)";"You experiment with a knee strike to foe. It fails to be very effective.
+6H – 2∑"
"46-50";"Strike to foe's chest. He is having some trouble.
+2H – 3(-10)";"Back strike. Your position is better. Foe seeks to keep you at bay.
+3H – ∑ – 2π";"Lower back strike sends foe reeling. He needs another shot to the kidneys.
+5H – ∑∏";"Back strike adds insult to the injury. Foe spins around to face you.
+3H – ∑∏";"Hard shot to foe's side causes a pain generated panic. His guard is down.
+7H – ∑∏"
"51-55";"Stike falls on foe's leg. He shakes it off.
+2H – ∑";"Your strike was less than you hoped. It still disorients your foe.
+3H – ∑";"Hammer foe's thigh. Pain is in his eyes. Bruise muscles.
+4H – ∑∏ – (-10)";"Chest strike causes deep bruise. Foe grabs at the pain in his chest.
+5H – ∑∏";"Chest wound knocks foe down. He lands on his back.. He looks to be recovering.
+8H – ∑∏ – 3(-10)"
"56-60";"Blow lightly strikes foe's head. He puts you at bay with a masterful turn.
+3H – 6(-10)";"Shoulder strike lands lightly. You put more shove into it than strike. Foe is frantic to regain his balance.
+3H – π – 4(-10)";"Good strike. Foe has trouble getting his act together. He stumbles around for some time trying to defend himself.
+4H – 4∑π – (-10)";"Hard blow to foe's thigh. Foe falls down, but rebounds to his feet. You had hoped he would stay down.
+5H – 2∑";"Solid and strong, you bash foe in his stomach. He recoils 10 feet from you. He keeps his footing.
+8H – 3∑ – ∏"
"61-65";"Backhand to foe's side. He steps 5 feet to the right, avoiding your reach.
+3H – ∑";"Hard blow to foe's side. He is weakened by the pain. He doubles over in response to the assault.
+6H – ∑ – 4(-30)";"You grip foe's arm and shake it until he drops his weapon. Foe kicks himself free. At least you disarmed him.
+1H";"Catch foe in the middle of a swing. He drops his weapon and grips his arm. His forearm has a huge bruise.
+5H – 2∑∏ – (+20)";"Solid and effective, your blow lands on foe's neck. A nerve is pinched. Foe falls unconscious for 3 hours.
+10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)"
66;"Classic shot between foe's shoulder blades. He hurts.
+9H – 2∑∏ – 4(-10)";"Grab foe's weapon arm and force it the wrong way. Foe is disarmed. Elbow is strained.
+12H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Bring foe down to his knees and slam his head down. He is virtually unconscious. He is yours. Finish him.
+12H – 10∑∏ – 6(-80)";"Solid strike to foe's head. The strike is enough to knock foe out. He falls down and out for 6 hours.
+15H – 6∑";"Brutal, but effective shot to foe's face. His head snaps back and then flops forward. He falls unconscious.
+24H – (-20)"
"67-70";"Chest strike is solid. Knock the wind out of your foe. He struggles to evade.
+3H – 3(-20)";"Strong forearm assault drives foe back off his footing. He slips down to one knee.
+5H – 4∑∏ – 4(-40)";"Strong blow to foe's chest breaks ribs. Your attack has little grace. Foe looks to be devastated.
+5H – 2∑ – (-20)";"Smash foe's shoulder, breaking it. Arm is useless. Foe struggles to stand. The pain is too much for him.
+6H – 2∑∏ – (-35)";"You attack lands unexpectedly on foe's shoulder. It is fractured. Foe drops his guard in response to the pain.
+9H – 2∑∏ – (-30)"
"71-75";"Side strike damages a muscle. Foe is disabled for the moment.
+4H – 2∑";"You try to kick foe off his feet. The strike lands on foe's calf. Deep bruise.
+5H – ∑ – (-30)";"You assault foe's foot. He is unable to stand on it.
+5H – ∑∏ – (-20)";"Leg strike causes foe to fall and fracture his leg.
+10H – ∑∏ – (-55)";"Strike to foe's thigh causes him to fall. Blow creates a terrible bruise.
+9H – 3∑∏ – (-40)"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it should check for breakage.
with shield: +8H – 2(-20) w/o shield: +4H – 2∑∏";"Heavy handed attack. It looks like you're going for a kill. Foe avoids the worst.
Blow to foe's shield arm.
+6H – 2∑∏ – 7(-10)";"Strike to foe's arm causes him to fall with a fracture. You punch at his head for added effect.
+6H – 3∑ – 6(-30)";"Strong blow to foe's weapon arm disarms him and causes him to fall. He lands hard and breaks a rib.
+7H – 3∑ – (-25)";"Fierce blow to foe's weapon arm disarms him and sends him sprawling. You have his weapon.
+10H – 4∑∏"
"81-85";"Strong grip and a shot to the side make for an effective combination. Foe is disabled for an instant.
+5H – ∑∏ – (+10)";"Side strike knocks foe down. He pulls you over with him. You fail to pummel him into submission. You have a great position.
+6H – 3∑ – (+10)";"Strong blow to foe's side. Foe drops his weapon to react to the pain. You move to block him from its recovery. Foe gives ground with little concern.
+6H – 6∑";"Strike to foe's side sends him to the ground. While falling, he fractures his ankle. Foe goes unconscious from the pain.
+7H – 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Side strike knocks foe down. You hit him in the face as he falls. In the fall, he breaks his leg.
+10H – 6∑∏ – (-50)"
"86-90";"Your attack is part grapple and sweep. You push foe off balance.
+6H – 3∑∏";"Hard strike to the back of foe's neck terminates foe's conscious thoughts. He drops. Foe's shoulder blade is bruised.
+8H – (-30)";"Strong blow to foe's back knocks him off his feet. Foe lands hard and is knocked out by the impact. You have him now.
+10H – 6∑ – (+20)";"Blow to foe's back knocks him to the ground. His weapon slides across the floor. He hit very hard. Foe goes unconscious for 5 rounds.
+12H – (-10)";"Nasty blow to face. Foe is knocked
down. Foe's lips curl up in a ball and froth comes out of his mouth. You are frightened. Foe goes unconscious.
+15H – ∫ – (-30)"
"91-95";"Strike lands solid upon foe's neck. His neck is sprained. He falls down and has difficulty getting up.
+7H – 2∑∏ – (-20)";"Your knuckles go into foe's temples and cause a painful overload to foe's brain. He falls gripping his head for 2 rounds and passes out.
+10H – 6∑ – (-30)";"Overwhelming blow knocks foe down. He fumbles his weapon and hits hard trying to recover it. Foe goes unconscious on impact.";"Grip foe's arm and hold it, while striking him in the face until he goes unconscious. Foe is unconscious for 15 rounds.
+15H – (-20)";"Strike to shoulder breaks the collar bone. Foe knocks himself out with a graceless fall. You strike his head to make sure.
"96-99";"Solid strike turns foe's head and it pinches a nerve in his neck. Foe falls over and goes unconscious.
+8H – (-30)";"Fracture foe's skull with a lucky strike. Foe falls unconscious. The swelling will kill him in 2 hours.
+12H – 2∑∏ – (-50)";"Blow lands on foe's forehead. His head snaps back and he loses consciousnes. He then drops hard on the ground and hits his head.
+10H – 5∫ – (-40)";"Strong blow to the abdomen causes foe to fall to the ground. He hits his head. Foe goes into a coma for 1 month.
+17H";"Your haste to get the advantage makes your attack deadly. You snap foe's neck. Foe falls and dies in 15 rounds.
100;"You pop foe on his head in what looks like a playful strike. He pauses 1 round, then passes out.
+5H";"Strong blow to foe's back knocks him down and paralyzes him. Serious nerve damage. Foe is unconscious.
+15H – (-60)";"Severe chest strike. Foe falls, breaking his arm and hitting his head. He goes into a coma for 2 weeks.
+20H";"Pummel foe's head. He falls unconscious in a nice spot on the ground.
+25H";"Textbook subdual. You strike foe on his head. He settles to the ground in a silent move. He is unconscious for 10 hours.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
"Score";"normal";"magic";"mithril";"holy arms";"slaying"
"01-05";"You strike the terrible beast hard. Your weapon breaks in half.
+10H";"Your weapon is knocked from your hand. It will take 2 rounds to recover.
+10H";"Your strike is powerful. You fumble the rest of the round.
+10H";"Your strike is powerful, but your grip was terrible. Roll a fumble for yourself.
+10H";"The numbing recoil of your strike to foe's chest sends you stumbling back.
"06-10";"A decoration pops off your weapon with impact to foe's side.
+2H";"Your weapon hits at a bad angle. Check for weapon breakage. Bum Luck.
+3H";"Your weapon lands uneven across foe's shoulder. Make a breakage check.
+4H";"Blow foe's arm. Ready for a better strike. You gain the initiative next round.
+6H";"Strike lands at a bad angle. You check for weapon breakage.
"11-20";"You are daunted by the beast's gaze and swing weakly.";"Your blow was deflected, but you gain the initiative next round.
+4H";"Acceptable strike to foe's leg.You gain the initiative next round.
+5H";"Back strike. Weapon seems to damage by touch only.
+8H";"Blow to back. You gain the initiative next round.
"21-30";"This terrible creature's hide deflects the strongest blows.
+4H";"Glancing side blow. A spark of light reminds you your weapon is magical.
+5H";"Glancing blow smears mithril like chalk across beast's hide.
+6H";"Your strike is solid and flat, but foe is not slowed at all.
+10H";"Sparks fly from your weapon as it embraces your foe."
"31-40";"Solid strike to foe's side with your common weapon fails to penetrate.
+5H";"Foe is unbalanced. You gain the initiative next round.
+6H";"Solid, but nowhere near a vital spot. Bruise foe's calf muscle.
+7H";"You strike the fell titan in the chest. He yells back at you.
+12H";"Boom! Solid without question. Try a vital spot next time.
"41- 50";"Your strike was more of a last minute parry to avoid the beast's.
+6H";"You deal out a sharp and hard leg strike. Foe steps back to look at his leg.
+7H";"Strike lands on foe's horn. The vibration has some effect.
+8H";"You step under his assault and strike him hard in the abdomen.
+15H";"Rip sinew, hair, horn and scale with a glancing blow to side.
"51-65";"Two light and quick shots to foe's forearm, provides a modest result.
+7H";"Blow to foe's back. Foe's hide is tough there. You need more strength.
+8H";"Your strike thumps foe on his nose. He is insulted, but not wounded badly.
+9H";"The vile beast leans foward. You strike at his snout in frantic response.
+18H";"Unexpected weak spot found with your strike to foe's side.
66;"Strike foe's neck with the flat of your weapon during a moment of opportunity.
+20H";"You step under foe's lunge and use the force against him. Strike to under belly. He feels the pain instantly.
+12H – 3∫ – (-10)";"Shin strike. Skin is torn open and bone is bruised. This one hurts. You have initiative.
+15H – 5∫ – (-10)";"Your blow lands against foe's shoulder. You are pleased with the effect. Blood pours from the wound.
∑∏ – 10 ∫ – (-15)";"Your weapon seems to dig into foe's chest and devour his heart. Foe dies instantly. You are covered with blood.
+50H – (+20)"
"67-70";"Solid strike on foe's leg. You move quickly away to avoid the retaliation.
+8H";"Blow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Your weapon cracks and bends. It will break after one more strike.
+9H";"Hammering foe's thigh gets you some respect. You have the initiative.
+10H";"Hard blow to foe's thigh. He stumbles, but does not fall. You have the initiative next round.
+20H";"Flat strike to foe's upper body. Heavy blow breaks some bones. Foe's guard is down.
+30H – 2∑∏"
"71-80";"Solid strike to foe's head just bounces off.";"Minor forearm wound.The beast used its forearm for defense. Foe soaks up the damage.
+10H";"Blow to foe's upper arm. This strike had few vices, but it was weak. Get it together.
+15H";"Catch foe in his exposed leg. You come down hard on it. He will have a bruise. It slows him. You have the initiative.
+13H – 5∫ – (-10) – (+10)";"Hard glancing strike crosses foe's shoulder and chest. Shoulder is slashed and chest is bruised.
+24H – 3∑∏ – 5∫ – (-20)"
"81-90";"Violent strike to foe's forearm. Foe is bruised. Your weapon must make a breakage check.
+10H";"Blow to foe's arm joint lands poorly. Foe will have a bruise. You think that you know what went wrong.
+15H";"Your strike hit no vitals, but you can hear the ribs in foe's side crackle. Foe fights on in some pain.
+20H";"To make this strike land well, you almost climb onto foe. You deal out a brutal srike to his neck and leap back.
+12H – π – 4∫ – (+20)";"Just when your swing looked to be failing your weapon took control and crashed into foe's thigh.
+25H – 3∑∏ – 20∫ – (-25)"
"91-95";"Well placed and hard. Try a vital spot next time.
+15H";"Blow is placed solidly against foe's side. The thick hide there protects him well.
+20H";"Slash at foe's neck fails to land very hard. You have the initiative for 2 rounds.
+12H – 4∫ – (+20)";"You have a uncomfortable opportunity to strike foe in his mouth. If foe has a breath weapon, he may not use it.
+25H – 2∑∏ – 3∫";"Your master strike lands against foe's neck. Doom is in his face.
He drops and dies in 3 rounds.
"96-98";"Blow severs vein and artery in foe's upper leg. He drops and dies
after 12 inactive rounds. Awesome!
—";"You are a mighty warrior. Your strike hits foe's neck and breaks it. Bones are crushed and the spine in broken. Foe drops in 1 round and dies. -25";"Blow to lower skull area. Foe dies instantly. He stumbles on for 1 round, until he realizes this.
(+20)";"Weapon bites into foe's skull. He just comes apart. He dies in 6 rounds. Your weapon is stuck. Foe rolls over and takes your weapon out of reach. all allies get (+10)";"Your weapon plunges into foe's chest making the nature of its forging certain. He dies a terrible and swift death. Take 12 rounds to reclaim your weapon. +40H"
100";"You step into the right spot and rip open foe's side. Your blow shatters some ribs.
+30H – 10∫ – (-25)";"A little bird shows you the flaw in foe's armor. Your strike plunges into this vulnerable spot killing foe instantly.
—";"Crush the bones in foe's neck with a mighty blow. Foe drops and dies in 1 round.
+5H";"Strike through foe's heart kills him instantly. You are too close. He pins you under him as he dies.
+20H";"Foe's eye is in reach and you ram your weapon home. Foe dies after 3 rounds of inactivity. You have half the round left.
150";"Glancing strike to foe's abdomen loses much of the impact on foe's hide.
+12H – 1∫ – (+10)";"Wound foe along his side with an excellent strike. Foe leaps back away from your weapon.
+13H – 2∫ – (+20)";"Graceful assault knocks down foe's defenses. He just cannot get his guard up.
+30H – 3∑∏ – (+10)";"Brutal strike to foe's forearm. He reels from your presence. You are his bane.
+30H – 2∑∏";"Strike to foe's leg severs a vein and tears muscles. Foe flails around for 6 rounds before he dies.
+20H – 6∑∏"
175";"Your weapon wounds deep and cuts muscles and tendons. Foe's wound bleeds heavily.
+20H – 5∫ – (-20)";"You pop foe on his head with some useful results. Foe is confused just long enough for a blow.
+25H – ∑∏ – (-20)";"Incredible strike across foe's calf trips him to the ground. The bigger they are….
+25H – 2∑∏ – (+10)";"Vicious blow to forehead sends foe to the ground. If he falls on stone, he is in a coma.
+40H – 6∑∏";"Awesome blow to foe's neck. His neck and back are broken. Foe drops and suffocates in 12 rounds.
+25H – (+20)"
200";"Foe presents a weak spot and you strike. Blow lands at the base of the neck. Tendons are damaged.
+15H – (-25) – (+20)";"Solid shot to foe's chest. Foe is down. You take an 'A' Unbalancing Critical result, because you are so close.
+20H – 2∏ – (+25)";"Brutal strike to foe's side. You rip him open and he is hating life. His blood gets all over you.
+28H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)";"Strike to foe's abdomen. Foe has the biggest bruise you have ever seen.
+25H – 9∑∏ – (-25)";"Clean strike to foe's eye kills him in one round. He fights on for 1 round before he realizes he is dead.
+24H – (-20)"
250";"When your strike lands on foe's back, bones crackle and pop. Internal damage is certain.
+35H – 2∑ – 10∫ – (-30)";"Rip open foe's abdomen. Blood covers you. This cruel wound will not be healed easily.
+35H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)";"Vicious blow to foe's leg. You can hear the mithril in your weapon talking, as you rip foe open.
+30H – 6∑∏ – 12∫ – (-50)";"You duck around foe's side and catch him in the ear. Blow collapses skull. Foe dies of massive brain damage in 3 rounds.+15H – (+20)";"Foe steps right into your swing. You tear open foe's abdomenal and drop him in a heap. You are entangled in his fall. Foe dies in 4 rounds from shock. +35H"
"251+";"Foe lowers his eyes within your reach and you strike with great skill and fury. He is blinded.
+20H – 6∑∏ – (–100)";"You leap up and slam foe in the eye. He does not realize he is dead yet. Next round he will. Your weapon is stuck for a round. -20";"Awe inspiring strike drives bone through both lungs. Foe realizes his doom before falling into a coma. He dies in 18 rounds. —";"Your mighty blow is the stuff epics are made of. Foe's spine is broken. He dies in 2 rounds.
+50H";"Strike to side kills foe after a chain reaction of bones shatter. You are covered with blood."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
"01-05";"Dubious strike.";"You throw up some dust.";"You're not very good, are you?";"Get it right next time!
+0H";"You did very poorly."
"06-10";"Zip. Less than effective.";"You leap. Foe moves. You land. It had good form.
+0H";"Look over there! Baby eagles!";"Your slash tears off a piece of fur or cloth.
+1H";"Strike is not solid or well placed."
"11-15";"Feeble.";"You almost got a real grip.";"You really tear up foe's garments. Try his skin next time.
+1H";"Slash to neck, pulls off any necklaces foe is wearing.
+1H";"Entangle your claws in foe's clothes. You struggle to pull free."
"16-20";"Victory to the oppressed!";"Your lunge for foe's throat was blocked by his arm.
+1H";"Glance off foe and grip the air. He steps out of your strike.
+1H";"Solid chest strike yields a bruise.
+2H";"Light cutting strike. It has a little effect, but you taste blood.
+2H – ∫"
"21-35";"Jolly deadly attack.";"You get in close, but foe kicks you clear before your strike turns deadly.
+2H";"Strike catches foe in waist. His equipment blocks some damage.";"The recoil from a missed strike lands against foe's back. It is a mild scratch.
+3H";"Scratch foe in calf. It turns into a bleeder and you are very pleased.
+2H – ∫"
"36-45";"Cruel blow for nature.";"Attempt to disembowel falls short. Foe guards his stomach well.";"Light grip. Foe breaks free, damaging himself. You are pleased.
+2H – ∫";"Strike to foe's lower leg. If foe has no leg armor, you cause him pain.
w/o leg greaves: +5H – ∫";"Solid shot to leg. Foe watches you break the skin on his thigh.
+3H – ∫"
"46-50";"Poor follow through. You lose a claw. Your attack is dubious.
+4H – 2(-5)";"Slash to foe's side does no cut deep. He turns to avoid the worst.
+3H";"Solid strike to side does not break the skin. Foe turns to face you better.
+4H";"Unexpected puncture in foe's side. You are pleased. Foe grips his side.
+3H – ∫";"You bring a powerful blow around against foe's back. He leaps back away.
+5H – π – ∫"
"51-55";"Leaping chest strike yields some measurable damage.
+3H";"Good little gash, produces an effective wound.
+3H – ∫";"Mild strike to chest catches in a soft spot. You are surprised at its effect.
+4H – 2∫";"Slash foe's stomach. If foe's has no metal armor, you tear him open badly.
w/o abdomen armor: +5H – 3∫";"Grip to foe's shield arm garments. Foe is unable to use his shield arm for 1 round.
+6H – 1∫"
"56-60";"Light wound to thigh. Garments are torn. Promises are made.
+1H – ∫";"Scratch foe's skin, but you do not break the skin.";"Your original strike misses, but foe's thigh is available as a consolation.
+4H – ∑ – 2∫";"Your strike catches the back of foe's thigh. Foe is unbalanced for a moment.
+6H – ∑ – 2∫";"You rip open foe's thigh. The look on his face tells you victory is near.
+7H – ∑ – 3∫"
"61-65";"Mild forearm wound. You are doing very well, keep it up.
+2H – 2∫";"Raking forearm strike leaves a nasty scar. It bites deep enough to bleed.
+3H – 2∫";"Foe blocks you with his arm and you tear it up as payment. The damage is substantial, before foe breaks free.
+3H – 2π – 2∫";"Grip to foe's forearm. Foe flails his arm around trying to shake you off. You let go and move to a better position.
+5H – 2π – 2∫ – (+10)";"Slash across foe's chest and upper arm. Strike causes a bruise and then opens up a gaping wound on foe's shield arm.
+6H – 2∑ – 3∫"
66;"You find a nice vulnerable spot to rip open. Foe leaps back from your cluches. He unbalances himself to escape your assault.";"Your strike grips foe's calf. He pulls away from you violently. His actions further damage the wound. You do your best, before he breaks free.";"Violent move assaults foe's arm, wrist and shoulder. Foe is shaken by the vicious strike. He drops his weapon and leaps back 10 feet. You stay with your quarry looking for an advantage.";"Astounding head strike. If foe has no helm, you make a bloody mess of foe's scalp. To further your advantage you push foe's head sideways.";"Bizarre strike to eyes destroys 1 eye and leaves the other blind for 2 days. Foe is down and helpless for an hour. He will need assistance to even stand. His appearance is modified by -20."
"67-70";"Slash to foe's shoulder. It's not deadly, but it is a start.
+3H – π –∫";"Claw scratches acrossed a piece of metal. That screeching sound!
+4H – ∑ – ∫";"Pull foe off balance with a grasp to his shoulder. He steps away and stumbles.
+5H – ∑ – 2∫ – 1(-20)";"Graceful slash to foe's shoulder sweeps blood onto foe's face. Foe is unsteady.
+6H – ∑∏ – 2∫";"Inspired shoulder strike sends foe reeling. You tear tendons and cause pain.
+7H – 2∑∏ – (-20)"
"71-75";"You attempt to assault foe's lower leg. You have the initiative.
with leg armor: +4H w/o leg armor: +1H – 2∫";"Assault foe's shin. If foe has no armor, you tear his shin up. Foe struggles to throw you off.";"You slash into a muscle on foe's calf. You have the initiative next round.
2∑ – 2∫ – (-20)";"Lower leg strike. If foe has no leg armor, heavy bruise. Foe stumbles back to avoid you.with leg armor: +3H – ∑ w/o leg armor: 2∑ – ∏";"Vicious leg wound bleeds hard. Foe's attempt to stop the bleeding gets it all over his hands.
+5H – 3∑ – 4∫"
"76-80";"Weak, but precise strike to foe's arm. Foe shakes you off, but you do some damage anyway.
+3H – ∑ – ∫";"Strong, but imprecise arm strike. The wound is of moderate size. You are proud to have created it.
+5H – 2∫ – (-15)";"You take a shot at foe's forearm. It lands well. A muscle and tendon are slashed. He holds on to his weapon.
+5H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-25)";"Grab foe's arm. Foe struggles violently to make you let go. You rend his arm without mercy. He gets free and stumbles back. You win this round. +5H – 3∑ – 2∫ – (-25)";"Sly arm strike gives foe a troublesome wound. What looks like a tiny wound is producing much blood. Foe does not fall down, but he stumbles much. +5H – 3∑ – 2∫ – (-25)"
"81-85";"Strike at foe's face. He panics and stumbles back 5 feet. You fall clear and prepare for another strike.
+4H – ∑ –2∫";"Flying face strike.
with facial armor: +3H – π w/o facial armor: 3∑ – 3∫";"Head strike. Foe's helm is knocked off. If foe has no helm, he has a vicious cut. with helmet: +3H – ∑ w/o helmet: +2H – ∑ – 3∫ – (-40)
to his scalp.";"Acrobatic face strike. If foe has no facial armor he will get some, when his nose heals. with facial armor: +5H w/o facial armor: 3∑ – 3∫ – (-40)";"Slash between foe's fingers. If foe has a metal gauntlet on, he is fine.
+8H – 9∑ –3∫"
"86-90";"Sudden well placed blow makes you feel you are mighty in battle.
Your foe is convinced.
+6H – 2∑";"Slash foe's neck. He thinks you just killed him. The wound is not mortal. Foe stumbles away fearful of death.
+5H – 3∑ – 2∫";"Shoulder strike unbalances foe and spins him around. He is frantic to turn around and face you. You move the other direction to prolong the effect. +6H – 2∑∏";"Strong grip to foe's weapon arm. He tries to throw you clear, but cannot. He finally drops his weapon . You lose your grip on him at the same time. +5H – ∑";"Rend open foe's lower back with a quick double slash. Both wounds are deep and nasty. Blood pours out all over you and foe, making the combat seem brutal. +4H – 3∑ – ∏ – 3∫ – (-40)"
"91-95";"Leaping head stike. If foe has no helm, face and left ear is slashed.
+3H – 2∑ – (-30)";"Foe blocks your attack with his arm so you slash it in place of your original target. Foe realizes his mistake.
+5H – 3∑∏ – 2∫";"Strike lands near neck and cheek. Foe is disoriented and recoils from your onslaught.
+3H – 2∑∏ – 2∫ – (-20)";"Clean strike, you cleave the thumb on foe's weapon arm. His arm is less than useful. Foe drops his weapon.
2∑∏ – (-50)";"Dazzling leap knocks foe down. Foe hits on his back. Foe is disarmed and unconscious.
"96-99";"Insulting strike to foe's nose.
If foe has no nose guard, his nose is shredded. Foe reels from your onslaught. 9∑ – 3∫";"Strike to foe's forehead. Foe is blinded, until the bleeding is stopped. Foe is off guard trying to stop the bleeding. Now is your chance. 3∑∏ – 3∫ – (-40)";"Epic slash to foe's Achilles tendon. Foe falls down. He is almost helpless. His attempts to crawl away fail. You have him now. +5H – 6∑∏ – (-75)";"Strike foe in face. If foe has a visored helm, he is blinded and helpless for a week while the swelling lasts. If foe does not have a visored helm, he loses 1 eye and is blind in the other. -100";"Head strike is deadly. Slash open foe's head and send him down. He hits hard. The shock of your strike and the concussion of the fall is too much for him to handle. He dies in 9 rounds. —"
100;"Strike at foe's eyes. Without a visored helm, foe loses one of his eyes.
+15H – 3∑∏ – (-75)";"Foe leaps back to avoid a slash to the throat, too late. He falls down. You expose some muscle and make a mess.
6∑∏ – 3∫ – (-50)";"Severe head strike. If foe has a helm he is unconscious for 1-10 days. Without a helm, foe is dead.
+25H – ∫";"Strike to foe's eyes. Foe is blinded permanently. Foe is at your mercy.
+10H – 6∑∏ – 2∫ – (-95)";"Unbelievable strike to foe's neck. Vein and artery severed. Foe dies after 6 rounds of inactivity.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
"01-05";"You and your foe both stumble.
+0H";"You lunge 5 feet past your foe.";"Try again. What will your friends say?
+0H";"""You're not very good, are you?""
+1H";"You made a good sound effect."
"06-10";"Foe recognizes this assault from grade school.
+0H";"Your opponent stands firmly in front of you.
+1H";"When your attempt starts to fail, you slip in a punch.
+2H";"Your grip is neither firm or effective. Foe breaks free.
+3H";"It is solid, even if randomly placed."
"11-15";"Powerful strike fails to land solid. It still does some damage.
+3H";"Weak side strike glances off kidneys. It could have been great.
+4H";"Knuckle foe's arm. You will need to do better than this.
+5H";"Back strike. It has little imagination. You might as well punch.
+6H";"Strike lands on shoulder blade."
"16-20";"Foe seeks to push you away. He lashes out in defensive manner.
+4H – π";"Glancing side blow. You unbalance your foe. He recovers quickly.
+4H – π";"Strike side. Foe moves back to block your next attack.
+5H – π";"Blow to foe's side sends him reeling. Foe checks wound for the damage.
+7H – (-10)";"Blow to foe's side unbalances him and destroys equipment there.
+8H – 1(-20)"
"21-35";"On line strike, but weak. Foe steps back and feigns an attack to draw off your assault.
+4H – π";"Your strike makes foe's footing uncertain. He pushes you clear and begins to right himself.
+5H – 1(-20)";"Shot to foe's chest. His lungs hesitate. He coughs it off and regains his footing.
+6H – ∑";"Quick shot to chest causes foe to hesitate in pain.He still knows you're there.
+8H – ∑";"Crack! Foe's rib reports damage to him in an unsubtle way. He is in pain.
+9H – ∑ – 1(-10)"
"36-45";"Light bash breaks foe's focus. You have the initiative next round.
+4H";"You salvage your attack by tripping foe. You have the initiative next round.
+5H – 2(-5)";"Grab foe's shoulder, while you bring your knee up to knock him over.
+5H – 1(-40)";"Strike to calf. Wound impairs foe's movements. You have the initiative.
+7H – (-25)";"Hard glancing blow to foe's leg.
with leg armor: +12H w/o leg armor: +8H – 2∑"
"46-50";"Attempt to spin foe's around
almost succeeds. Weak grip to side.
+5H – π(-10)";"Your assault threatens to succeed. Your foe goes defensive to avoid your attack.
+5H – π(-20)";"Boom! Foe is hit in the face. He reels back 5 feet trying to regain his footing. His guard is down.
+6H – ∑∏";"Double strike to both arms breaks foe's defense. He is open to attack and is having trouble recovering.
+8H – ∑∏";"Shot in back staggers foe for an instant. His guard drops and he is sadly unprotected.
+12H – ∑∏"
"51-55";"Firm press to foe's chest. He give ground happily. Watch his weapon.
+5H – π(-20)";"Grab foe and bring knee up to cause damage. Foe blocks some of the force.
+5H – ∑";"Push foe's knee backwards. Foe struggles to avoid the pain.
+6H – ∑∏";"Strike to chest takes wind out of foe. Foe's guard goes down.
+10H – ∑∏";"Knock foe over as if he was a sack of beans. He hits and starts to stand up.
+12H – ∑∏"
"56-60";"Strike thigh. Foe is pushed back.
with thigh armor: +7H w/o thigh armor: +5H – ∑";"Foe bumps his thigh while blocking your attack. He steps back.
+6H – π(-30)";"Skipping calf strike. Foe does not give ground.
with leg armor: +9H w/o leg armor: +7H – 2∑ – (-10)";"Miss foe's side and strike his thigh. You have initiative for 3 rounds.
+12H – 2∑";"Strike causes foe to fumble his stride. He almost falls down. Foe is recovering.
+14H – 3∑"
"61-65";"Foe's arm is pinned for a moment. He recovers by twisting you off.
+6H – ∑";"Bend weapon arm in the wrong direction. Foe drops his weapon.";"Excellent placement. Strike to weapon arm disarms foe. Foe is in great peril.
+6H – 2∑";"You catch foe's counter thrust and disarm him with a bash to the arm.
+7H – 2∑ – (+20)";"Bash foe in shoulder making him spin. You push him for good measure.
+13H – 2∑∏"
66;"Shoulder strike sends foe spinning. He comes all the way around before stopping. Well placed shot.
+7H – 2∑∏";"Stirke to foe's elbow numbs it. He drops his weapon and grips his elbow. He forgets you are still attacking him.
+8H – 2∑∏";"Strike to foe's leg sends him down. Foe's knee is broken and his doom is at hand. He falls to the ground helpless.
+9H – 3∑∏ – (-90)";"Hard strike to head. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out for 24 hours. If he has a helm, he is knocked back 10 feet.
6∑";"Knock foe back with a blow to the jaw. Foe loses balance and falls. he hits his head and goes unconscious.
"67-70";"Hasty press upon foe's chest produces excellent results. Foe is unbalanced.
+6H – 2(-50)";"Grab loose piece of foe's garments and use it to throw him around. Foe is confused.
+7H - ∏";"Strike to foe's ribs. Foe's ribs crack and foe shows the pain. His war effort is impaired.
+8H – 2∑ – (-20)";"Break foe's collar bone. Spin foe around. He is disoriented and out of position.
+10H – ∑∏ – (-25)";"Shoulder strike blasts foe down. He lands on his stomach and tries to roll over.
Minor fracture.
2∑∏ – (-10)"
"71-75";"Hammer foe's lower leg. He has trouble standing, but manages.
+7H – 2∑";"Solid damage to foe's calf. His attempts to avoid the pain make him an easier target.
+9H – (-10)";"Bruise foe's leg. Muscles suffer damage and foe limps back from your
+10H – ∑∏ – (-20)";"Lift foe up into the air. You send him sprawling on the ground. He drops his weapon.
+12H – ∑∏ –(-75)";"Knock foe down with a blow to the thigh. He lands on his wespon and takes some time to get off it.
+15H – 3∑∏"
"76-80";"Blow to foe's shield side. If foe has a shield, it is torn away.
+12H – 2∑";"Grab foe's shield arm for leverage. You treat it badly, trying to unbalance foe.
+10H – 2∑ – (-10)";"Heavy blow to foe's weapon arm. Mild fracture. Foe is knocked back 5 feet.
+11H – 3∑ – (-25)";"Sweep foe to the side and knock him over. He breaks his ankle.
+11H – (-50)";"Strike to foe's shield arm. Foe stumbles 3 feet and falls down. Foe is disarmed.
+15H – 4∑∏"
"81-85";"Side strike. Disoriented foe strikes out for you in the wrong direction. You move to take advantage.
+12H – ∑∏ – (+10)";"Good shot to foe's side sends him stumble to the right 3 feet. It must have really hurt.
+15H – 3∑";"Strike to foe's side. He almost goes down, but recovers by dropping everything in his shield arm.
6∑";"Brutal strike sends foe down. You step on his weapon arm and hold it down. Foe should surrender.
+12H – 6∑∏";"Awesome side shot sends foe tripping sideways. He goes down rolling and breaks a leg.
6∑∏ –(-50)"
"86-90";"Elbow to the back. Foe stumbles 5 feet sideways. Foe cannot seem to get his head clear.
+13H – 3∑ – (+20)";"You really hammer foe. He reels back 10 feet. He almost went down. You move in to finish him.
+12H – 2∑∏";"Precise blow sends foe down. Foe is face down and disarmed.
+14H –6∑ – (+20)";"Strike foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield it is broken. If not the arm is broken.
+10H – 9∑";"Cruel blow to foe's head. Foe sees stars.
Foe is knocked back 10 feet, but remains standing.
+20H – 12∑∏"
"91-95";"Head strike. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out for 2 hours. If foe has a helm, he is better off.
3∑";"Blow to side of foe's head. Strike damages his ear and balance. Foe is impaired for 3 weeks.
+9H – 6∑ – (-50)";"Spin foe around. He ends up 10 feet from you and facing the wrong direction. Foe fumbles his weapon.";"Foe stumbles back from you 10 feet and takes a full round to fall. He hits hard and fractures an arm. He is down.
+10H – 8∑∏ – (-30)";"Blow to foe's shield shoulder. If foe has no shield, he is knocked down,has a useless arm, and passes out.
"96-99";"Strike to foe's stomach. He bends down in pain and you send him sprawling on his face. He hits harder than you could have hoped.
+10H – 3∏";"Bash foe in his side. His legs forget to follow as he steps back. He falls in an embarrassing prone position. He has no clue to what happened.
6∑∏";"Smooth and snazzy strike sends foe down on his knees. His weapon goes flying. Foe has blacked out. He stares straight ahead without blinking.
—";"Strike head and shatter foe's helm. Pieces fly in all diections. If foe has no helm he is in a coma foe 4 weeks.
+9H – 6∑";"Solid strike snaps foe's neck. He falls back 5 feet, spins, and tumbles to the ground. He dies of shock and suffocation in 3 rounds.
100;"Brutal hip strike knocks foe down. Fall tears tendons, and fractures bone in leg. The pain his great.
Foe is incoherent for 9 hours.
(-90)";"Send foe flying 10 feet. He lands on his face. The twisting of his neck causes nerve damage. He is paralyzed from the waist down.
—";"Powerful strike flips foe into the air before smashing him to the ground. Foe breaks both arms and hits his head. Foe is in a coma for 2 months.
—";"Savage blow to foe's head. Foe is knocked down. He falls into a coma and dies in 12 rounds due to a severed vein.
(+20)";"Frightening strike to foe's head. Temple crushed, neck broken. Foe lands 20 feet away. He dies instantly.
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
local lfs = require "lfs"
local json = require "dkjson"
local _CRIT_KEYS = {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"}
local function process_values(rest, condition)
-- Get the +XH (with X being a number)
if not rest then
return {}
local damage = rest:match("%+(%d*)H")
-- π = mustparry
local mustparry = false
if rest:match("– π") then
mustparry = 1
if rest:match("– (%d)π") then
mustparry = rest:match("– (%d*)π")
local mustparry_duration = false
local mustparry_value = false
local duration, value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((π%-?%d+)%)")
if duration or value then
mustparry_duration = tonumber(duration) or 1
mustparry_value = tonumber(value)
-- ∑ = stunned
local stunned = false
local match = rest:match("– (%d*)∑")
if match then
stunned = tonumber(match) or 1
-- ∏ = cannot parry
local cannot_parry = false
match = rest:match("– (%d*)∑?∏")
if match then
cannot_parry = tonumber(match) or 1
match = rest:match("– (%d*)∏")
if match then
cannot_parry = tonumber(match) or 1
-- ∫ = wounds per rounds
local wounds_per_round = false
match = rest:match("– (%d?)∫")
if match then
wounds_per_round = tonumber(match) or 1
-- Round penalty
local round_penalty_duration = false
local nbRounds, round_penalty_value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((%-?%d+)%)")
if nbRounds or round_penalty_value then
round_penalty_duration = tonumber(nbRounds) or 1
round_penalty_value = tonumber(round_penalty_value)
-- Round bonus
local round_bonus_duration = false
local nbRounds, round_bonus_value = rest:match("– (%d?)%((%+?%d+)%)")
if nbRounds or round_bonus_value then
round_bonus_duration = tonumber(nbRounds) or 1
round_bonus_value = tonumber(round_bonus_value)
print(rest, damage, mustparry, stunned, cannot_parry, wounds_per_round, round_penalty_duration, round_penalty_value,
round_bonus_duration, round_bonus_value)
return {
condition = condition or "none",
damage = damage,
mustparry = mustparry,
stunned = stunned,
cannot_parry = cannot_parry,
wounds_per_round = wounds_per_round,
round_penalty_duration = round_penalty_duration,
round_penalty_value = round_penalty_value,
round_bonus_duration = round_bonus_duration,
round_bonus_value = round_bonus_value,
mustparry_duration = mustparry_duration,
mustparry_value = mustparry_value
local all_criticals = {}
local function process_line(line)
local effects = {}
-- Get description (ie all text befire the first \n)
local desc = line:match("([^\n]+)")
-- Get the rest of the text
local rest = line:match("\n(.+)")
if rest then
if rest:match("with ") then
local reasonwith, with, reasonwithout, without = rest:match("(with[^:]*): ([^w]+)(w/o[^:]*): (.+)")
print("SPLITTEW WITH", desc)
effects[1] = process_values(with, reasonwith)
effects[2] = process_values(without, reasonwithout)
effects[1] = process_values(rest)
print("NO REST", desc)
return desc, effects
-- Loop thru all JSON files in the criticals_data directory
for file in lfs.dir("./") do
if file:match("json$") then
local json_file ="./" .. file, "r")
local json_data = json_file:read("*a")
local crit = {
name = string.match(file, "([%w_]+).json"),
criticals = {}
local rows = json.decode(json_data)
if not rows then
print("Error decoding JSON file: " .. file)
for _, c in ipairs(rows) do
local new_crit = {
score = c.Score,
isCreature = false,
levels = {}
-- Process tables with A-E criticals
local isWeapon = true
for _, key in ipairs(_CRIT_KEYS) do
local line = c[key]
if not line then
isWeapon = false
local desc, effects = process_line(line)
new_crit.levels[key] = {
key = key,
description = desc,
effects = effects
-- Creatures table
if not isWeapon then
new_crit.isCreature = true
for key, line in pairs(c) do
if key ~= "Score" then
local desc, effects = process_line(line)
new_crit.levels[key] = {
key = key,
description = desc,
effects = effects
table.insert(crit.criticals, new_crit)
all_criticals[] = crit
-- Convert to JSON
local json_data = json.encode(all_criticals, {
indent = true
-- Write the whole json_data to a single file
local json_file ="criticals.json", "w+")
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Foe avoids most of the attack.\n+0H",
"B": "Glancing blow. Nothing extra.",
"C": "Foe dances clear of the worst.",
"D": "Strike bounces off.",
"E": "Strike lands flat."
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Strike failed to connect well.\n+1H",
"B": "Panck!",
"C": "Nick your weapon and your foe.",
"D": "Strike lands without energy.",
"E": "Shot unbalances foe. You have initiative.\n+5H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Strike causes foe to flinch. You gain initiative next round.\n+1H",
"B": "Foe questions his resolve. You gain initiative next round.",
"C": "Foe's evasion puts him out of position. You gain initiative next round.\n+5H",
"D": "Foe evades and maneuvers for a better position.\n+2H – π",
"E": "Foe is fearful of your skill and steps back from your mighty onslaught.\n+3H – π"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe steps back defensively.\n+1H-π",
"B": "For steps back and avoids the worst.\n+2H – (π-10)",
"C": "Blow to foe's side. If foe has a belt it is severed.\n+3H – (π-20)",
"D": "Precise strike to foe's side. You have the initiative for 1 round.\n(-10)",
"E": "Foe vibrates from the impact of the strike.\n∑ – (+20)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Convince foe of his peril by just missing his abdomen.\n+2H – π (+10)",
"B": "Foe is uncertain about your next attack. He choses to let you make the first move (you gain the initiative).\n+2H – 2π",
"C": "Strike crosses foe's head. If he has a helm it is knocked off and dented.\n∑ – ∫",
"D": "You wound foe in hip. Strike strips equipment from right side of waist.\n∑ – 2∫",
"E": "Deal foe a measurable blow to his side. Any one container on your foe now has a hole in it.\n+2H – 2∫ – (-10)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Nick foe's calf with long follow through.\n∫",
"B": "Cheap shot to foe's shin.\nwith leg greaves:+5H – π w/o leg greaves: +2H – ∫",
"C": "Strike along foe's calf. The damage takes a moment to show.",
"D": "Close call for foe's groin.\nwith waist armor: +4H – ∑ w/o waist armor: 3∫",
"E": "Strike to upper leg rips clothing.\nwith leg armor: +3H – π w/o leg armor: +2H – 3∫"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Foe's evasion exposes his back to your strike.\n+2H – (π-30)",
"B": "Blow to back damages any equipment worn there.\n∑ – ∫",
"C": "Lower back strike sends foe reeling. His guard is still up.\n2∑ – ∫",
"D": "Light strike pins foe's weapon arm to his side.\n+6H – ∑∏",
"E": "Strike to side. If foe has armor, the blow tears it open and exposes skin.\nwith abdomen armor: +8H – ∑ – ∫ w/o abdomen armor: +4H – ∑∏ – 4∫"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Strike to foe's chest and he looks impressed.\n(π-25) – 2∫",
"B": "Solid strike to foe's chest. Blood from wound ruins any heraldry.\n+3H – 2∫ – 2π",
"C": "Strike toward chest. If foe has a shield, it is out of position for the rest of the round.\n+3H – 2∑ – 2∫",
"D": "Solid chest strike leaves bruises and blood.\n+5H – π – 3∫ – (-15)",
"E": "Foe goes low to evade your attack. Strike takes foe down on one knee. Finish him.\n+5H – ∑∏ – (-10)"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Minor thigh wound. It could have been better.\n+2H – ∑ – 2∫",
"B": "Thigh wound does some damage.\n+3H – ∑∏ – 2∫",
"C": "Strike to foe's thigh.\nwith leg armor: +8H – ∑∏ – ∫ w/o leg armor: +5H – 2∑ – 2∫– (-10)",
"D": "Strike foe in abdomen.\nwith abdomen armor: +5H – 2∏ w/o abdomen armor: +3H – ∑∏ – 3∫",
"E": "Blow to foe's side. He stumbles to your right 10 feet.\n+6H – ∑∏ – 5∫"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Minor forearm wound numbs foe's grip.\n+2H – 2∫ –(-10)",
"B": "Forearm strike shakes foe up. Foe attempts a recovery.\n+2H – ∑ – 2∫ – (-10)",
"C": "Solid strike to foe's right forearm.\nwith arm greaves: +5H – 2∑∏ w/o arm greaves: +3H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-10)",
"D": "Blow to foe's weapon arm. Arm is numb.\n+3H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-10)",
"E": "Catch foe's forearm. The wound opens up nicely. Foe is in pain.\n+5H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-15)"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Strike to foe's shield shoulder. Arm is useless. That must really hurt!\n3∑ – (+10)",
"B": "Foe blocks your attack with his elbow. Elbow is shattered. Shield arm is useless.\n+3H – 4∑ – 2π",
"C": "Strike shatters foe's knee. Foe crumbles to the ground. He is down for 3 rounds.\n2∑∏ – (-90)",
"D": "Strike to head kills foe, if he has no helm. If he has a helm he in knocked out for 6 hours.\n+10H",
"E": "Strike through both of foe's lungs. Foe drops and passes out. He dies 6 rounds later.\n(+10)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Strike along foe's neck.\n+5H – 3∑ – ∏",
"B": "Strike to foe's neck. It's not enough for a kill.\n2∑ –3∫ – (-5)",
"C": "Strike along foe's neck. Foe is frantic to evade death.\n4∑ – 2∏ – (+15)",
"D": "Strike down foe's defenses with a blow to both arms.\n+3H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"E": "Shot raises foe's arm up, severing many muscles and tendons. Arm is useless.\n6∑ – 3∫"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Strike to lower leg.\nwith leg greave: +5H – 3π – (-10) w/o leg greave: +3H – ∑∏ – (-25)",
"B": "Strike to foe's calf. Slash muscle. Foe almost falls down.\n+3H – 2∑∏ – (-40)",
"C": "Destructive strike to lower leg. If foe has leg armor, it is torn free.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (-50)",
"D": "Excellent blow to lower leg slashes muscles and cartilage. Foe falls prone.\n+6H – 2∑∏ – (-50)",
"E": "Strike plunges into leg with deadly effect. Foe drops, gripping his leg in pain.\n3∑∏ – (-75)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Strike foe in upper arm. You tear his pretty clothes.\n+3H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-25)",
"B": "Strike to shield side. If foe has shield, your weapon is stuck in it for a round.\n3∑ – 3∫ – (-30)",
"C": "Strike through muscle in shield arm. If foe has a shield, he drops it.\n6∑ – 3∫ – (-25)",
"D": "Strike to foe's shield arm. Arm is useless.\n+12H – 6∑ – 3∫",
"E": "Strike foe in weapon arm, the bone is broken. Arm is useless.\n+10H - 3∑∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Deep wound in foe's side. Well, it looked like a killing blow.\n6∑ – 5∫ – (+20)",
"B": "Tear open foe's side in a graphic display of violence.\n+6H – 3∑∏ – 5∫ – (-25)",
"C": "Strike bites into foe's ribs. The impact sounds truly terrible.\n+6H – 3∑∏ – (-25) – 5∫",
"D": "Major abdomenal wound. Blood pours out in frightening quantities.\n+10H – 3∑∏ – 6∫ – (-20)",
"E": "Strike to foe's back severs a vein. Foe goes to his knees and dies in 12 rounds.\n—"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Catch foe in the back. He drops his guard and stumbles foward.\n2∑∏ – 2∫ – (-20)",
"B": "Strike to foe's head. If foe has no helm he dies. If foe has helm, he falls to his knees.\n+6H – 2∑∏",
"C": "Strike impacts on foe's head. If he has no helm, he dies. Helm is destroyed.\n+6H – 2∑∏",
"D": "Strike through foes kidneys. Foe is down and immobile for 2 hours, then he dies.\n+9H",
"E": "Strike plunges in just below foe's collarbone Foe drops and dies in 12 rounds."
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Strike to foe's ear. Foe hears at -50.\nwith helmet: +5H – 4∑ – ∏ w/o helmet: +3H – 2∫ – 2∑∏",
"B": "Strike to foe's hip.\nwith waist armor: +7H – ∑ – (-10) w/o waist armor: +5H – ∑ – 3∫ – (-25)",
"C": "Strike to chest. If foe has plate chest armor, he drops and dies in 9 rounds. If not, he dies instantly.\n—",
"D": "Strike through foe's side spills his guts on the floor. Foe fights on normally for 6 rounds, then dies.\n—",
"E": "Your weapon passes through the arm and sticks out the other side. Foe dies in 12 rounds.\n12∑"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Strike to nose. There is a permanent scar. Foe's eyes are crossed for a moment.\n3∑∏ – 3∫",
"B": "Strike through foe's cheek and throat. Foe drops and dies after 9 rounds of incapacity.\n(+20)",
"C": "Strike through foe's neck breaks backbone and severs spine. Foe is paralyzed from the neck down.",
"D": "Strike plunges into doomed foe's chest and emerges from the other side. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.\n—",
"E": "Shot through heart sends foe reeling back 10 feet to a place suitable for death. Your weapon is stuck in reeling foe.\n—"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Strike through neck. Sever vein and artery. Foe cannot breath. Foe drops and dies of heart failure.\n—",
"B": "Strike plunges into foe's eye. Foe dies instantly. Foe remains standing for a moment until he realizes this.\nall allies get +10 for 1 round",
"C": "Shot through both ears proves effective. Foe dies instantly. Pretty shot.\n6(+20)",
"D": "Strike through brain makes life difficult for foe. You have a half round left to act.\n(+20)",
"E": "Strike to foe's eye. Foe dies instantly. Carry on soldier.\n(+25)"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Weak strike.\n+0H",
"B": "Feeble strike falls clear of target.\n+0H",
"C": "Firm shot. Good recovery. Try again.\n+1H",
"D": "Strike lands poorly.\n+2H",
"E": "Your attack is weak.\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Good form, but it disappoints.\n+1H",
"B": "Hard strike with no edge. Foe steps clear before you sort it out.\n+2H",
"C": "Strike foe with more force than edge.\n+3H",
"D": "An opening appears and all you can to is smack foe lightly.\n+4H",
"E": "Unbalance foe. You receive initiative next round.\n+5H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Blade misses foe's face by inches. You receive initiative next round.\n+1H",
"B": "Foe steps quickly out of your reach. You receive initiative next round.\n+3H",
"C": "Blow to foe's side yields the initiative to you next round.\n+6H",
"D": "You force your opponent back. He keeps you at bay with wild swings.\n+3H – π",
"E": "You push aside foe's weapon and force him back.\n+4H – π"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Strike passes under foe's arm. It fails to bite deep. He recoils.\n+1H – π",
"B": "Blow to foe's side. Foe defends energetically.\n+2H – (π-10)",
"C": "Your assault catches foe in side and forces him back 5 feet.\n+4H – (π-20)",
"D": "You lean in and slash foe's side. You receive initiative next round.\n+2H – (-10)",
"E": "Strong blow to foe's ribs. Foe drops his guard and almost his weapon.\n∑∏ – (+10)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Foe's evasion puts him out of an aggressive posture.\n+2H – π – (+10)",
"B": "Foe is shaken by your blow to his side. His defensive measures look clumsy.\n+2H – (π-20)",
"C": "You break foe's rib with a lightning strike to his chest. He recovers quickly. His shield side still faces you.\n+3H – ∑",
"D": "Arm and chest strike. Foe cannot defend himself for a moment. You step around his shielded side.\n+3H – ∑∏",
"E": "Foe avoids your main effort, but you nick him on your recovery. Foe receives minor side wound and stumbles back 10 feet.\n+3H – ∫ – (-10)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Minor thigh wound. Cut foe with the smallest of slashes.\n∫",
"B": "Strike foe in shin. If he doesn't have greaves, you slash open foe's shin.\nwith leg greaves: +2H – π w/o leg greaves: +2H – ∫",
"C": "The blow does nothing more than open a wide cut in foe.\n+2H – 2∫",
"D": "Foe blocks your attack on his chest. You slash foe's upper area.\n+3H – 2∫",
"E": "Blow to foe's upper leg. Leg armor helps block the blow.\nwith leg greaves: +5H w/o leg greaves: +3H – 3∫"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Blow to foe's back. Foe attempts to ward you off with a wild swing.\n+2H – (π-30)",
"B": "Foe twists oddly to avoid your attack. Blow strikes foe's back.\n+4H – (π-30)",
"C": "Blow to foe's back. Foe twists out of it and you turn your weapon to magnify the wound. Foe yells out.\n+3H – ∑∏ – ∫",
"D": "Reach long and catch foe in his lower back. He twists out of it, but is unbalanced.\n+3H – ∑∏ – 2∫",
"E": "Strike to foe's stomach. He doubles over in pain and you pull your sword clean with one more sweep.\n+4H – ∑∏ – 3∫"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Blow to foe's chest. Foe stumbles back and puts up a feeble guard.\n+2H – (π-25) – ∫",
"B": "Quality strike. Minor chest wound. If foe has armor, he only staggers. If not, the wound is effective.\nwith chest armor: +4H – π w/o chest armor: +3H – 2π – ∫ – (-5)",
"C": "Blow lands solidly upon foe's chest. You get some slashing action, but not a mortal wound.\n+4H – π – 2∫ – (-10)",
"D": "Heavy blow to upper torso. Wound falls open and foe is in pain. His guard is still up, amazingly enough.\n+5H – π – 3∫ – (-15)",
"E": "Cut foe open with little grace. You are unsure of your success until you see all the blood coming out of his chest.\n+6H – 2∑ – 4∫ – (-10)"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "You recover from your initial swing and bring edge across foe's thigh.\n+3H – π – 2∫",
"B": "Edge makes contact well enough. Minor thigh wound.\n+4H – 2π – 2∫",
"C": "Strike to side slips down onto foe's thigh. The wound is effective.\n+5H – ∑ – 2∫",
"D": "Tip of your blade gets a hit on foe's thigh. You twist your weapon.\n+6H – 2∑ – 2∫",
"E": "Thigh wound. Your blow cuts deep and severs an important vein.\n+8H – 2∑ – 5∫"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "You feign high and strike low. Slash foe in back of upper leg.\n+3H – 2∫ – (-10)",
"B": "Nick foe in his forearm. Wound bleeds surprisingly strongly.\n+4H – ∑ – 2∫ – (-10)",
"C": "Catch part of foe's forearm. You make a long slice in foe's arm.\n+4H – ∑ – 3∫ – (-10)",
"D": "You are lucky to strike foe's forearm while recovering from a lunge.\n+4H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-10)",
"E": "Foe tries to disarm you and pays with a nasty cut to his forearm.\n+6H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-15)"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Foe blocks your attack with his shield arm. Shoulder is broken and arm is useless. You have initiative.\n+9H – 3∑ – (+10)",
"B": "Your strike misses torso and breaks foe's elbow. Foe drops his weapon and his weapon arm is useless.\n+8H – 4∑ – 2∏",
"C": "Your swing falls short when foe leaps back. You shatter foe's knee. Foe is knocked down.\n+6H – 3∏ – (-90)",
"D": "You knock foe out for 6 hours with a strike to side of head. If foe has no helm, you kill him instantly.\n+15H",
"E": "Block foe's weapon arm away and then sever it. Foe drops immediately and expires in 12 rounds. Good shot!\n+12H – (+10)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Strike lands close against foe's neck. Foe is horrified.\n+6H – 3∑ – ∏",
"B": "Your attempt to behead foe almost works. Neck strike. Foe is not happy.\n+7H – 2∑ – 3∫ – (-5)",
"C": "Slash foe's neck. Your weapon cuts neck garments (and armor) free.\n+8H – 4∑ – 2∏ – (+10)",
"D": "You strike foe's shoulder and slash muscles.\n+5H – 3∑ – (-20) – (+10)",
"E": "Slash tendons and crush the bones in foe's shield arm shoulder. Arm is useless.\n4∑ – 2∫"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Blow falls on lower leg. Slash tendons. Poor sucker.\n+4H – 2∑ – 2∫ – (-30)",
"B": "Slash muscle in foe's calf. Foe is in too much pain to regain footing quickly.\n+6H – 3∑ – ∏ – (-40)",
"C": "Slash muscle and tendons in foe's lower leg. Foe stumbles forward into you with his guard down.\n+7H – 2∑∏ – (-45)",
"D": "Slash muscle and sever tendons in foe's lower leg. He can't stand much longer. His guard is feeble.\n3∑ – 2∏ – (-50)",
"E": "Slash foe's lower leg and sever muscle and tendons. Foe will fall without something to lean against.\n+8H – 6∑ – (-70)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Foe goes low, but you still catch his upper arm. It's a bleeder.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – 3∫ – (-25)",
"B": "Foe moves his shield arm too slowly. You gladly slash his arm.\n+6H – 2∑∏ – 3∫ – (-30)",
"C": "You come in high and fast. Slash muscle and tendons in foe's shield arm. Foe's arm is useless.\n+9H – 6∑ – 4∫",
"D": "Foe mistakenly brings his weapon arm across your blade. Sever tendons.Foe's arm is limp and useless.\n+10H – 4∑ – 2∏",
"E": "Foe reaches out to block your blow. You sever two fingers and break his shield arm making it useless.\n+12H – 3∑∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Foe steps right into your swing. You make a large wound.\n+6H – 5∑ – 6∫ – (+20)",
"B": "Your edge bites half its width into foe. Open up a terrible wound. Blood goes everywhere.\n+7H – 2∑∏ – 6∫",
"C": "You follow your training well. You extend on your slashing arc. Strike lands against foe's side.\n+8H – 2∑∏ – 4∫ – (-20)",
"D": "You plunge your weapon into foe's stomach. Major abdomenal wound. Foe is instantly pale from blood loss.\n+10H – 4∑ – 2∏ – 8∫ – (-10)",
"E": "Sever opponent's hand. Sad. Foe is down and in shock for 12 rounds, then dies.\n+5H – 12∑∏"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Foe turns out and away from your swing. You still catch his side.\n+8H – 2∑∏ – 2∫ – (-10)",
"B": "Strike to back. Foe goes prone trying to avoid your strike. He gets up facing the wrong direction.\n+10H – 3∑∏ – 3∫",
"C": "Blast to back breaks bone. Foe stumbles forward before falling down. He is having trouble standing.\n+9H – 4∑∏ – (-10)",
"D": "Your attempt to disarm foe is even more effective. Sever opponent's hand. Foe is in shock for 6 rounds and then dies.\n+6H – 6∑∏",
"E": "Meat chopping strike severs foe's leg. Foe drops and lapses in unconsciousness. Foe dies in 9 rounds.\n+15H – (+10)"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Blow to foe's head. If no helmet, cut off foe's ear (all hearing ability is halved).\nwith helmet: +3H – 2∑∏ w/o helmet: +3H – 3∑ – ∏ – 3∫",
"B": "Strike to foe's hip. The blow has little edge, but much impact. Your blow staggers foe. His recovery is slow.\n+7H – 3∑ – ∏ – (-20) – (+10)",
"C": "Chop the top of foe's thigh. Sever foe's leg. Foe drops immediately and dies in 6 rounds due to shock and blood loss.\n+20H",
"D": "Sever foe's weapon arm and bury your sword into foe's side. Foe falls prone. Foe is in shock for 12 rounds, then dies.\n+15H – 9∑∏",
"E": "Sever foe's spine. Foe collapses, paralyzed from the neck down permanently.\n+20H"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "The tip of your weapon slashes foe's nose. Minor wound and a permanent scar.\n+2H – 6∑ – 2∫ – (-30)",
"B": "Strike to foe's head breaks skull and causes massive brain damage. Foe drops and dies in 6 rounds.\n+20H",
"C": "You cleave shield and arm in half Foe attempts to catch his falling arm. Foe is in shock for 12 rounds then dies.\n+18H – 12∑∏",
"D": "Slash foe's side. Foe dies in 3 rounds due to internal organ damage. Foe is down and unconscious immediately.\n+20H",
"E": "Strike to foe's head destroys brain and makes life difficult for the poor fool. Foe expires in a heap—immediately.\n—"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Strike severs carotid artery and jugular vein, breaking foe's neck. Foe dies in 6 rounds of agony.\n—",
"B": "Disembowel foe, killing him instantly. 25% chance your weapon is stuck in opponent for 1 round.\n—",
"C": "Strike up, in, and across foe's forehead. Destroy foe's eyes. Foe flips onto his back in pain.\n+5H – 30∑∏",
"D": "Impale foe in heart. Foe dies instantly. Heart is destroyed. 25% chance your weapon is stuck in for 2 rounds.\n+12H",
"E": "Very close! Strike to foe's groin area. All vital organs are destroyed immediately. Foe dies after 24 rounds of agony.\n+10H – 12∑∏"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "Your concern for damaging foe hinders you.\n+0H",
"B": "Your attempt is poorly planned.\n+0H",
"C": "Your concern for foe is heart warming.\n+0H",
"D": "Nothing graceful about this attack. Foe does not even flinch.\n+1H",
"E": "Strike to neck pinches a nerve. What did you do to him? Foe is unconscious.\n+3H"
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "You pull your punch.\n+0H",
"B": "You're being too delicate. Bust him!\n+1H",
"C": "You will need to make a fist.\n+1H",
"D": "Pow! Right in the kisser.\n+2H",
"E": "You simply hit foe in the face.\n+3H"
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Mishandle strike. Try again.\n+1H",
"B": "Your strike lands on foe's shoulder. Attack is of little profit.\n+1H",
"C": "Blow to foe's chest. If foe is 2 feet tall or shorter, he is unconscious.\n+2H",
"D": "Blow to foe's chest. If foe is 3 feet tall or shorter, he is unconscious.\n+3H",
"E": "Boom! Crash! Pow! Crack! It looked impressive.\n+3H"
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe's guard comes up and blocks your assault.\n+1H – π",
"B": "You attempt to kick foe in groin. You miss, but the threat is enough.\n+2H – π",
"C": "Side strike unbalances foe. He will recover quickly.\n+4H – π",
"D": "Blow to foe's side sends him reeling. He recovers and gets his guard up.\n+3H – π – 4(-10)",
"E": "Strike to foe's side. Cheap shot, executed with grace.\n+3H – 4(-25)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "Awkward positioning spoils your strike.\n+1H – π",
"B": "You miss foe's head and strike his shoulder. He is unbalanced.\n+2H – 2(-20)",
"C": "Chest strike. He almost falls, but foe grabs you for balance. Ooops!\n+3H – ∑",
"D": "You trip foe and slam his shin. Simple, yet effective.\n+6H – 2∑",
"E": "Foe leaves himself open. Your strike hits his side and breaks some ribs.\n+3H – ∑ – (-10)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Move in close. You gain the initiative next round.\n+2H",
"B": "Blow lands on foe's shield hand.You gain the initiative.\n+3H – (-5)",
"C": "You entangle foe's legs, but he breaks free. You push him clear.\n+5H – 3∑ – 3(-10)",
"D": "Step on foe's foot and try to push him over. You gain the initiative next round.\n+3H – 2(-25)",
"E": "You experiment with a knee strike to foe. It fails to be very effective.\n+6H – 2∑"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Strike to foe's chest. He is having some trouble.\n+2H – 3(-10)",
"B": "Back strike. Your position is better. Foe seeks to keep you at bay.\n+3H – ∑ – 2π",
"C": "Lower back strike sends foe reeling. He needs another shot to the kidneys.\n+5H – ∑∏",
"D": "Back strike adds insult to the injury. Foe spins around to face you.\n+3H – ∑∏",
"E": "Hard shot to foe's side causes a pain generated panic. His guard is down.\n+7H – ∑∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Stike falls on foe's leg. He shakes it off.\n+2H – ∑",
"B": "Your strike was less than you hoped. It still disorients your foe.\n+3H – ∑",
"C": "Hammer foe's thigh. Pain is in his eyes. Bruise muscles.\n+4H – ∑∏ – (-10)",
"D": "Chest strike causes deep bruise. Foe grabs at the pain in his chest.\n+5H – ∑∏",
"E": "Chest wound knocks foe down. He lands on his back.. He looks to be recovering.\n+8H – ∑∏ – 3(-10)"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Blow lightly strikes foe's head. He puts you at bay with a masterful turn.\n+3H – 6(-10)",
"B": "Shoulder strike lands lightly. You put more shove into it than strike. Foe is frantic to regain his balance.\n+3H – π – 4(-10)",
"C": "Good strike. Foe has trouble getting his act together. He stumbles around for some time trying to defend himself.\n+4H – 4∑π – (-10)",
"D": "Hard blow to foe's thigh. Foe falls down, but rebounds to his feet. You had hoped he would stay down.\n+5H – 2∑",
"E": "Solid and strong, you bash foe in his stomach. He recoils 10 feet from you. He keeps his footing.\n+8H – 3∑ – ∏"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Backhand to foe's side. He steps 5 feet to the right, avoiding your reach.\n+3H – ∑",
"B": "Hard blow to foe's side. He is weakened by the pain. He doubles over in response to the assault.\n+6H – ∑ – 4(-30)",
"C": "You grip foe's arm and shake it until he drops his weapon. Foe kicks himself free. At least you disarmed him.\n+1H",
"D": "Catch foe in the middle of a swing. He drops his weapon and grips his arm. His forearm has a huge bruise.\n+5H – 2∑∏ – (+20)",
"E": "Solid and effective, your blow lands on foe's neck. A nerve is pinched. Foe falls unconscious for 3 hours.\n+10H – 2∑∏ – (-20)"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Classic shot between foe's shoulder blades. He hurts.\n+9H – 2∑∏ – 4(-10)",
"B": "Grab foe's weapon arm and force it the wrong way. Foe is disarmed. Elbow is strained.\n+12H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"C": "Bring foe down to his knees and slam his head down. He is virtually unconscious. He is yours. Finish him.\n+12H – 10∑∏ – 6(-80)",
"D": "Solid strike to foe's head. The strike is enough to knock foe out. He falls down and out for 6 hours.\n+15H – 6∑",
"E": "Brutal, but effective shot to foe's face. His head snaps back and then flops forward. He falls unconscious.\n+24H – (-20)"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Chest strike is solid. Knock the wind out of your foe. He struggles to evade.\n+3H – 3(-20)",
"B": "Strong forearm assault drives foe back off his footing. He slips down to one knee.\n+5H – 4∑∏ – 4(-40)",
"C": "Strong blow to foe's chest breaks ribs. Your attack has little grace. Foe looks to be devastated.\n+5H – 2∑ – (-20)",
"D": "Smash foe's shoulder, breaking it. Arm is useless. Foe struggles to stand. The pain is too much for him.\n+6H – 2∑∏ – (-35)",
"E": "You attack lands unexpectedly on foe's shoulder. It is fractured. Foe drops his guard in response to the pain.\n+9H – 2∑∏ – (-30)"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Side strike damages a muscle. Foe is disabled for the moment.\n+4H – 2∑",
"B": "You try to kick foe off his feet. The strike lands on foe's calf. Deep bruise.\n+5H – ∑ – (-30)",
"C": "You assault foe's foot. He is unable to stand on it.\n+5H – ∑∏ – (-20)",
"D": "Leg strike causes foe to fall and fracture his leg.\n+10H – ∑∏ – (-55)",
"E": "Strike to foe's thigh causes him to fall. Blow creates a terrible bruise.\n+9H – 3∑∏ – (-40)"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Blow to foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield, it should check for breakage.\nwith shield: +8H – 2(-20) w/o shield: +4H – 2∑∏",
"B": "Heavy handed attack. It looks like you're going for a kill. Foe avoids the worst.\nBlow to foe's shield arm.\n+6H – 2∑∏ – 7(-10)",
"C": "Strike to foe's arm causes him to fall with a fracture. You punch at his head for added effect.\n+6H – 3∑ – 6(-30)",
"D": "Strong blow to foe's weapon arm disarms him and causes him to fall. He lands hard and breaks a rib.\n+7H – 3∑ – (-25)",
"E": "Fierce blow to foe's weapon arm disarms him and sends him sprawling. You have his weapon.\n+10H – 4∑∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Strong grip and a shot to the side make for an effective combination. Foe is disabled for an instant.\n+5H – ∑∏ – (+10)",
"B": "Side strike knocks foe down. He pulls you over with him. You fail to pummel him into submission. You have a great position.\n+6H – 3∑ – (+10)",
"C": "Strong blow to foe's side. Foe drops his weapon to react to the pain. You move to block him from its recovery. Foe gives ground with little concern.\n+6H – 6∑",
"D": "Strike to foe's side sends him to the ground. While falling, he fractures his ankle. Foe goes unconscious from the pain.\n+7H – 2∑∏ – (-50)",
"E": "Side strike knocks foe down. You hit him in the face as he falls. In the fall, he breaks his leg.\n+10H – 6∑∏ – (-50)"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Your attack is part grapple and sweep. You push foe off balance.\n+6H – 3∑∏",
"B": "Hard strike to the back of foe's neck terminates foe's conscious thoughts. He drops. Foe's shoulder blade is bruised.\n+8H – (-30)",
"C": "Strong blow to foe's back knocks him off his feet. Foe lands hard and is knocked out by the impact. You have him now.\n+10H – 6∑ – (+20)",
"D": "Blow to foe's back knocks him to the ground. His weapon slides across the floor. He hit very hard. Foe goes unconscious for 5 rounds.\n+12H – (-10)",
"E": "Nasty blow to face. Foe is knocked\ndown. Foe's lips curl up in a ball and froth comes out of his mouth. You are frightened. Foe goes unconscious.\n+15H – ∫ – (-30)"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Strike lands solid upon foe's neck. His neck is sprained. He falls down and has difficulty getting up.\n+7H – 2∑∏ – (-20)",
"B": "Your knuckles go into foe's temples and cause a painful overload to foe's brain. He falls gripping his head for 2 rounds and passes out.\n+10H – 6∑ – (-30)",
"C": "Overwhelming blow knocks foe down. He fumbles his weapon and hits hard trying to recover it. Foe goes unconscious on impact.",
"D": "Grip foe's arm and hold it, while striking him in the face until he goes unconscious. Foe is unconscious for 15 rounds.\n+15H – (-20)",
"E": "Strike to shoulder breaks the collar bone. Foe knocks himself out with a graceless fall. You strike his head to make sure.\n+17H"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Solid strike turns foe's head and it pinches a nerve in his neck. Foe falls over and goes unconscious.\n+8H – (-30)",
"B": "Fracture foe's skull with a lucky strike. Foe falls unconscious. The swelling will kill him in 2 hours.\n+12H – 2∑∏ – (-50)",
"C": "Blow lands on foe's forehead. His head snaps back and he loses consciousnes. He then drops hard on the ground and hits his head.\n+10H – 5∫ – (-40)",
"D": "Strong blow to the abdomen causes foe to fall to the ground. He hits his head. Foe goes into a coma for 1 month.\n+17H",
"E": "Your haste to get the advantage makes your attack deadly. You snap foe's neck. Foe falls and dies in 15 rounds.\n+25H"
"Score": 100,
"A": "You pop foe on his head in what looks like a playful strike. He pauses 1 round, then passes out.\n+5H",
"B": "Strong blow to foe's back knocks him down and paralyzes him. Serious nerve damage. Foe is unconscious.\n+15H – (-60)",
"C": "Severe chest strike. Foe falls, breaking his arm and hitting his head. He goes into a coma for 2 weeks.\n+20H",
"D": "Pummel foe's head. He falls unconscious in a nice spot on the ground.\n+25H",
"E": "Textbook subdual. You strike foe on his head. He settles to the ground in a silent move. He is unconscious for 10 hours.\n(+20)"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"normal": "You strike the terrible beast hard. Your weapon breaks in half.\n+10H",
"magic": "Your weapon is knocked from your hand. It will take 2 rounds to recover.\n+10H",
"mithril": "Your strike is powerful. You fumble the rest of the round.\n+10H",
"holy arms": "Your strike is powerful, but your grip was terrible. Roll a fumble for yourself.\n+10H",
"slaying": "The numbing recoil of your strike to foe's chest sends you stumbling back.\n+10H"
"Score": "06-10",
"normal": "A decoration pops off your weapon with impact to foe's side.\n+2H",
"magic": "Your weapon hits at a bad angle. Check for weapon breakage. Bum Luck.\n+3H",
"mithril": "Your weapon lands uneven across foe's shoulder. Make a breakage check.\n+4H",
"holy arms": "Blow foe's arm. Ready for a better strike. You gain the initiative next round.\n+6H",
"slaying": "Strike lands at a bad angle. You check for weapon breakage.\n+8H"
"Score": "11-20",
"normal": "You are daunted by the beast's gaze and swing weakly.",
"magic": "Your blow was deflected, but you gain the initiative next round.\n+4H",
"mithril": "Acceptable strike to foe's leg.You gain the initiative next round.\n+5H",
"holy arms": "Back strike. Weapon seems to damage by touch only.\n+8H",
"slaying": "Blow to back. You gain the initiative next round.\n+10H"
"Score": "21-30",
"normal": "This terrible creature's hide deflects the strongest blows.\n+4H",
"magic": "Glancing side blow. A spark of light reminds you your weapon is magical.\n+5H",
"mithril": "Glancing blow smears mithril like chalk across beast's hide.\n+6H",
"holy arms": "Your strike is solid and flat, but foe is not slowed at all.\n+10H",
"slaying": "Sparks fly from your weapon as it embraces your foe."
"Score": "31-40",
"normal": "Solid strike to foe's side with your common weapon fails to penetrate.\n+5H",
"magic": "Foe is unbalanced. You gain the initiative next round.\n+6H",
"mithril": "Solid, but nowhere near a vital spot. Bruise foe's calf muscle.\n+7H",
"holy arms": "You strike the fell titan in the chest. He yells back at you.\n+12H",
"slaying": "Boom! Solid without question. Try a vital spot next time.\n+15H"
"Score": "41- 50",
"normal": "Your strike was more of a last minute parry to avoid the beast's.\n+6H",
"magic": "You deal out a sharp and hard leg strike. Foe steps back to look at his leg.\n+7H",
"mithril": "Strike lands on foe's horn. The vibration has some effect.\n+8H",
"holy arms": "You step under his assault and strike him hard in the abdomen.\n+15H",
"slaying": "Rip sinew, hair, horn and scale with a glancing blow to side.\n+18H"
"Score": "51-65",
"normal": "Two light and quick shots to foe's forearm, provides a modest result.\n+7H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's back. Foe's hide is tough there. You need more strength.\n+8H",
"mithril": "Your strike thumps foe on his nose. He is insulted, but not wounded badly.\n+9H",
"holy arms": "The vile beast leans foward. You strike at his snout in frantic response.\n+18H",
"slaying": "Unexpected weak spot found with your strike to foe's side.\n+20H"
"Score": 66,
"normal": "Strike foe's neck with the flat of your weapon during a moment of opportunity.\n+20H",
"magic": "You step under foe's lunge and use the force against him. Strike to under belly. He feels the pain instantly.\n+12H – 3∫ – (-10)",
"mithril": "Shin strike. Skin is torn open and bone is bruised. This one hurts. You have initiative.\n+15H – 5∫ – (-10)",
"holy arms": "Your blow lands against foe's shoulder. You are pleased with the effect. Blood pours from the wound.\n∑∏ – 10 ∫ – (-15)",
"slaying": "Your weapon seems to dig into foe's chest and devour his heart. Foe dies instantly. You are covered with blood.\n+50H – (+20)"
"Score": "67-70",
"normal": "Solid strike on foe's leg. You move quickly away to avoid the retaliation.\n+8H",
"magic": "Blow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Your weapon cracks and bends. It will break after one more strike.\n+9H",
"mithril": "Hammering foe's thigh gets you some respect. You have the initiative.\n+10H",
"holy arms": "Hard blow to foe's thigh. He stumbles, but does not fall. You have the initiative next round.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Flat strike to foe's upper body. Heavy blow breaks some bones. Foe's guard is down.\n+30H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "71-80",
"normal": "Solid strike to foe's head just bounces off.",
"magic": "Minor forearm wound.The beast used its forearm for defense. Foe soaks up the damage.\n+10H",
"mithril": "Blow to foe's upper arm. This strike had few vices, but it was weak. Get it together.\n+15H",
"holy arms": "Catch foe in his exposed leg. You come down hard on it. He will have a bruise. It slows him. You have the initiative.\n+13H – 5∫ – (-10) – (+10)",
"slaying": "Hard glancing strike crosses foe's shoulder and chest. Shoulder is slashed and chest is bruised.\n+24H – 3∑∏ – 5∫ – (-20)"
"Score": "81-90",
"normal": "Violent strike to foe's forearm. Foe is bruised. Your weapon must make a breakage check.\n+10H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's arm joint lands poorly. Foe will have a bruise. You think that you know what went wrong.\n+15H",
"mithril": "Your strike hit no vitals, but you can hear the ribs in foe's side crackle. Foe fights on in some pain.\n+20H",
"holy arms": "To make this strike land well, you almost climb onto foe. You deal out a brutal srike to his neck and leap back.\n+12H – π – 4∫ – (+20)",
"slaying": "Just when your swing looked to be failing your weapon took control and crashed into foe's thigh.\n+25H – 3∑∏ – 20∫ – (-25)"
"Score": "91-95",
"normal": "Well placed and hard. Try a vital spot next time.\n+15H",
"magic": "Blow is placed solidly against foe's side. The thick hide there protects him well.\n+20H",
"mithril": "Slash at foe's neck fails to land very hard. You have the initiative for 2 rounds.\n+12H – 4∫ – (+20)",
"holy arms": "You have a uncomfortable opportunity to strike foe in his mouth. If foe has a breath weapon, he may not use it.\n+25H – 2∑∏ – 3∫",
"slaying": "Your master strike lands against foe's neck. Doom is in his face.\nHe drops and dies in 3 rounds.\n+35H"
"Score": "96-98",
"normal": "Blow severs vein and artery in foe's upper leg. He drops and dies\nafter 12 inactive rounds. Awesome!\n—",
"magic": "You are a mighty warrior. Your strike hits foe's neck and breaks it. Bones are crushed and the spine in broken. Foe drops in 1 round and dies. -25",
"mithril": "Blow to lower skull area. Foe dies instantly. He stumbles on for 1 round, until he realizes this.\n(+20)",
"holy arms": "Weapon bites into foe's skull. He just comes apart. He dies in 6 rounds. Your weapon is stuck. Foe rolls over and takes your weapon out of reach. all allies get (+10)",
"slaying": "Your weapon plunges into foe's chest making the nature of its forging certain. He dies a terrible and swift death. Take 12 rounds to reclaim your weapon. +40H"
"Score": "99-100",
"normal": "You step into the right spot and rip open foe's side. Your blow shatters some ribs.\n+30H – 10∫ – (-25)",
"magic": "A little bird shows you the flaw in foe's armor. Your strike plunges into this vulnerable spot killing foe instantly.\n—",
"mithril": "Crush the bones in foe's neck with a mighty blow. Foe drops and dies in 1 round.\n+5H",
"holy arms": "Strike through foe's heart kills him instantly. You are too close. He pins you under him as he dies.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Foe's eye is in reach and you ram your weapon home. Foe dies after 3 rounds of inactivity. You have half the round left.\n(+25)"
"Score": "101-150",
"normal": "Glancing strike to foe's abdomen loses much of the impact on foe's hide.\n+12H – 1∫ – (+10)",
"magic": "Wound foe along his side with an excellent strike. Foe leaps back away from your weapon.\n+13H – 2∫ – (+20)",
"mithril": "Graceful assault knocks down foe's defenses. He just cannot get his guard up.\n+30H – 3∑∏ – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Brutal strike to foe's forearm. He reels from your presence. You are his bane.\n+30H – 2∑∏",
"slaying": "Strike to foe's leg severs a vein and tears muscles. Foe flails around for 6 rounds before he dies.\n+20H – 6∑∏"
"Score": "151-175",
"normal": "Your weapon wounds deep and cuts muscles and tendons. Foe's wound bleeds heavily.\n+20H – 5∫ – (-20)",
"magic": "You pop foe on his head with some useful results. Foe is confused just long enough for a blow.\n+25H – ∑∏ – (-20)",
"mithril": "Incredible strike across foe's calf trips him to the ground. The bigger they are….\n+25H – 2∑∏ – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Vicious blow to forehead sends foe to the ground. If he falls on stone, he is in a coma.\n+40H – 6∑∏",
"slaying": "Awesome blow to foe's neck. His neck and back are broken. Foe drops and suffocates in 12 rounds.\n+25H – (+20)"
"Score": "176-200",
"normal": "Foe presents a weak spot and you strike. Blow lands at the base of the neck. Tendons are damaged.\n+15H – (-25) – (+20)",
"magic": "Solid shot to foe's chest. Foe is down. You take an 'A' Unbalancing Critical result, because you are so close.\n+20H – 2∏ – (+25)",
"mithril": "Brutal strike to foe's side. You rip him open and he is hating life. His blood gets all over you.\n+28H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)",
"holy arms": "Strike to foe's abdomen. Foe has the biggest bruise you have ever seen.\n+25H – 9∑∏ – (-25)",
"slaying": "Clean strike to foe's eye kills him in one round. He fights on for 1 round before he realizes he is dead.\n+24H – (-20)"
"Score": "201-250",
"normal": "When your strike lands on foe's back, bones crackle and pop. Internal damage is certain.\n+35H – 2∑ – 10∫ – (-30)",
"magic": "Rip open foe's abdomen. Blood covers you. This cruel wound will not be healed easily.\n+35H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)",
"mithril": "Vicious blow to foe's leg. You can hear the mithril in your weapon talking, as you rip foe open.\n+30H – 6∑∏ – 12∫ – (-50)",
"holy arms": "You duck around foe's side and catch him in the ear. Blow collapses skull. Foe dies of massive brain damage in 3 rounds.+15H – (+20)",
"slaying": "Foe steps right into your swing. You tear open foe's abdomenal and drop him in a heap. You are entangled in his fall. Foe dies in 4 rounds from shock. +35H"
"Score": "251+",
"normal": "Foe lowers his eyes within your reach and you strike with great skill and fury. He is blinded.\n+20H – 6∑∏ – (–100)",
"magic": "You leap up and slam foe in the eye. He does not realize he is dead yet. Next round he will. Your weapon is stuck for a round. -20",
"mithril": "Awe inspiring strike drives bone through both lungs. Foe realizes his doom before falling into a coma. He dies in 18 rounds. —",
"holy arms": "Your mighty blow is the stuff epics are made of. Foe's spine is broken. He dies in 2 rounds.\n+50H",
"slaying": "Strike to side kills foe after a chain reaction of bones shatter. You are covered with blood."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"normal": "You strike the terrible beast hard. Your weapon breaks in half.\n+10H",
"magic": "Your weapon is knocked from your hand. It will take 2 rounds to recover.\n+10H",
"mithril": "Your strike is powerful. You fumble the rest of the round.\n+10H",
"holy arms": "Your strike is powerful, but your grip was terrible. Roll a fumble for yourself.\n+10H",
"slaying": "The numbing recoil of your strike to foe's chest sends you stumbling back.\n+10H"
"Score": "06-10",
"normal": "A decoration pops off your weapon with impact to foe's side.\n+2H",
"magic": "Your weapon hits at a bad angle. Check for weapon breakage. Bum Luck.\n+3H",
"mithril": "Your weapon lands uneven across foe's shoulder. Make a breakage check.\n+4H",
"holy arms": "Blow foe's arm. Ready for a better strike. You gain the initiative next round.\n+6H",
"slaying": "Strike lands at a bad angle. You check for weapon breakage.\n+8H"
"Score": "11-20",
"normal": "You are daunted by the beast's gaze and swing weakly.",
"magic": "Your blow was deflected, but you gain the initiative next round.\n+4H",
"mithril": "Acceptable strike to foe's leg.You gain the initiative next round.\n+5H",
"holy arms": "Back strike. Weapon seems to damage by touch only.\n+8H",
"slaying": "Blow to back. You gain the initiative next round.\n+10H"
"Score": "21-30",
"normal": "This terrible creature's hide deflects the strongest blows.\n+4H",
"magic": "Glancing side blow. A spark of light reminds you your weapon is magical.\n+5H",
"mithril": "Glancing blow smears mithril like chalk across beast's hide.\n+6H",
"holy arms": "Your strike is solid and flat, but foe is not slowed at all.\n+10H",
"slaying": "Sparks fly from your weapon as it embraces your foe."
"Score": "31-40",
"normal": "Solid strike to foe's side with your common weapon fails to penetrate.\n+5H",
"magic": "Foe is unbalanced. You gain the initiative next round.\n+6H",
"mithril": "Solid, but nowhere near a vital spot. Bruise foe's calf muscle.\n+7H",
"holy arms": "You strike the fell titan in the chest. He yells back at you.\n+12H",
"slaying": "Boom! Solid without question. Try a vital spot next time.\n+15H"
"Score": "41- 50",
"normal": "Your strike was more of a last minute parry to avoid the beast's.\n+6H",
"magic": "You deal out a sharp and hard leg strike. Foe steps back to look at his leg.\n+7H",
"mithril": "Strike lands on foe's horn. The vibration has some effect.\n+8H",
"holy arms": "You step under his assault and strike him hard in the abdomen.\n+15H",
"slaying": "Rip sinew, hair, horn and scale with a glancing blow to side.\n+18H"
"Score": "51-65",
"normal": "Two light and quick shots to foe's forearm, provides a modest result.\n+7H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's back. Foe's hide is tough there. You need more strength.\n+8H",
"mithril": "Your strike thumps foe on his nose. He is insulted, but not wounded badly.\n+9H",
"holy arms": "The vile beast leans foward. You strike at his snout in frantic response.\n+18H",
"slaying": "Unexpected weak spot found with your strike to foe's side.\n+20H"
"Score": 66,
"normal": "Strike foe's neck with the flat of your weapon during a moment of opportunity.\n+20H",
"magic": "You step under foe's lunge and use the force against him. Strike to under belly. He feels the pain instantly.\n+12H – 3∫ – (-10)",
"mithril": "Shin strike. Skin is torn open and bone is bruised. This one hurts. You have initiative.\n+15H – 5∫ – (-10)",
"holy arms": "Your blow lands against foe's shoulder. You are pleased with the effect. Blood pours from the wound.\n∑∏ – 10 ∫ – (-15)",
"slaying": "Your weapon seems to dig into foe's chest and devour his heart. Foe dies instantly. You are covered with blood.\n+50H – (+20)"
"Score": "67-70",
"normal": "Solid strike on foe's leg. You move quickly away to avoid the retaliation.\n+8H",
"magic": "Blow to thigh leaves a bad bruise. Your weapon cracks and bends. It will break after one more strike.\n+9H",
"mithril": "Hammering foe's thigh gets you some respect. You have the initiative.\n+10H",
"holy arms": "Hard blow to foe's thigh. He stumbles, but does not fall. You have the initiative next round.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Flat strike to foe's upper body. Heavy blow breaks some bones. Foe's guard is down.\n+30H – 2∑∏"
"Score": "71-80",
"normal": "Solid strike to foe's head just bounces off.",
"magic": "Minor forearm wound.The beast used its forearm for defense. Foe soaks up the damage.\n+10H",
"mithril": "Blow to foe's upper arm. This strike had few vices, but it was weak. Get it together.\n+15H",
"holy arms": "Catch foe in his exposed leg. You come down hard on it. He will have a bruise. It slows him. You have the initiative.\n+13H – 5∫ – (-10) – (+10)",
"slaying": "Hard glancing strike crosses foe's shoulder and chest. Shoulder is slashed and chest is bruised.\n+24H – 3∑∏ – 5∫ – (-20)"
"Score": "81-90",
"normal": "Violent strike to foe's forearm. Foe is bruised. Your weapon must make a breakage check.\n+10H",
"magic": "Blow to foe's arm joint lands poorly. Foe will have a bruise. You think that you know what went wrong.\n+15H",
"mithril": "Your strike hit no vitals, but you can hear the ribs in foe's side crackle. Foe fights on in some pain.\n+20H",
"holy arms": "To make this strike land well, you almost climb onto foe. You deal out a brutal srike to his neck and leap back.\n+12H – π – 4∫ – (+20)",
"slaying": "Just when your swing looked to be failing your weapon took control and crashed into foe's thigh.\n+25H – 3∑∏ – 20∫ – (-25)"
"Score": "91-95",
"normal": "Well placed and hard. Try a vital spot next time.\n+15H",
"magic": "Blow is placed solidly against foe's side. The thick hide there protects him well.\n+20H",
"mithril": "Slash at foe's neck fails to land very hard. You have the initiative for 2 rounds.\n+12H – 4∫ – (+20)",
"holy arms": "You have a uncomfortable opportunity to strike foe in his mouth. If foe has a breath weapon, he may not use it.\n+25H – 2∑∏ – 3∫",
"slaying": "Your master strike lands against foe's neck. Doom is in his face.\nHe drops and dies in 3 rounds.\n+35H"
"Score": "96-98",
"normal": "Blow severs vein and artery in foe's upper leg. He drops and dies\nafter 12 inactive rounds. Awesome!\n—",
"magic": "You are a mighty warrior. Your strike hits foe's neck and breaks it. Bones are crushed and the spine in broken. Foe drops in 1 round and dies. -25",
"mithril": "Blow to lower skull area. Foe dies instantly. He stumbles on for 1 round, until he realizes this.\n(+20)",
"holy arms": "Weapon bites into foe's skull. He just comes apart. He dies in 6 rounds. Your weapon is stuck. Foe rolls over and takes your weapon out of reach. all allies get (+10)",
"slaying": "Your weapon plunges into foe's chest making the nature of its forging certain. He dies a terrible and swift death. Take 12 rounds to reclaim your weapon. +40H"
"Score": "99-100",
"normal": "You step into the right spot and rip open foe's side. Your blow shatters some ribs.\n+30H – 10∫ – (-25)",
"magic": "A little bird shows you the flaw in foe's armor. Your strike plunges into this vulnerable spot killing foe instantly.\n—",
"mithril": "Crush the bones in foe's neck with a mighty blow. Foe drops and dies in 1 round.\n+5H",
"holy arms": "Strike through foe's heart kills him instantly. You are too close. He pins you under him as he dies.\n+20H",
"slaying": "Foe's eye is in reach and you ram your weapon home. Foe dies after 3 rounds of inactivity. You have half the round left.\n(+25)"
"Score": "101-150",
"normal": "Glancing strike to foe's abdomen loses much of the impact on foe's hide.\n+12H – 1∫ – (+10)",
"magic": "Wound foe along his side with an excellent strike. Foe leaps back away from your weapon.\n+13H – 2∫ – (+20)",
"mithril": "Graceful assault knocks down foe's defenses. He just cannot get his guard up.\n+30H – 3∑∏ – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Brutal strike to foe's forearm. He reels from your presence. You are his bane.\n+30H – 2∑∏",
"slaying": "Strike to foe's leg severs a vein and tears muscles. Foe flails around for 6 rounds before he dies.\n+20H – 6∑∏"
"Score": "151-175",
"normal": "Your weapon wounds deep and cuts muscles and tendons. Foe's wound bleeds heavily.\n+20H – 5∫ – (-20)",
"magic": "You pop foe on his head with some useful results. Foe is confused just long enough for a blow.\n+25H – ∑∏ – (-20)",
"mithril": "Incredible strike across foe's calf trips him to the ground. The bigger they are….\n+25H – 2∑∏ – (+10)",
"holy arms": "Vicious blow to forehead sends foe to the ground. If he falls on stone, he is in a coma.\n+40H – 6∑∏",
"slaying": "Awesome blow to foe's neck. His neck and back are broken. Foe drops and suffocates in 12 rounds.\n+25H – (+20)"
"Score": "176-200",
"normal": "Foe presents a weak spot and you strike. Blow lands at the base of the neck. Tendons are damaged.\n+15H – (-25) – (+20)",
"magic": "Solid shot to foe's chest. Foe is down. You take an 'A' Unbalancing Critical result, because you are so close.\n+20H – 2∏ – (+25)",
"mithril": "Brutal strike to foe's side. You rip him open and he is hating life. His blood gets all over you.\n+28H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)",
"holy arms": "Strike to foe's abdomen. Foe has the biggest bruise you have ever seen.\n+25H – 9∑∏ – (-25)",
"slaying": "Clean strike to foe's eye kills him in one round. He fights on for 1 round before he realizes he is dead.\n+24H – (-20)"
"Score": "201-250",
"normal": "When your strike lands on foe's back, bones crackle and pop. Internal damage is certain.\n+35H – 2∑ – 10∫ – (-30)",
"magic": "Rip open foe's abdomen. Blood covers you. This cruel wound will not be healed easily.\n+35H – 3∑∏ – 10∫ – (-40)",
"mithril": "Vicious blow to foe's leg. You can hear the mithril in your weapon talking, as you rip foe open.\n+30H – 6∑∏ – 12∫ – (-50)",
"holy arms": "You duck around foe's side and catch him in the ear. Blow collapses skull. Foe dies of massive brain damage in 3 rounds.+15H – (+20)",
"slaying": "Foe steps right into your swing. You tear open foe's abdomenal and drop him in a heap. You are entangled in his fall. Foe dies in 4 rounds from shock. +35H"
"Score": "251+",
"normal": "Foe lowers his eyes within your reach and you strike with great skill and fury. He is blinded.\n+20H – 6∑∏ – (–100)",
"magic": "You leap up and slam foe in the eye. He does not realize he is dead yet. Next round he will. Your weapon is stuck for a round. -20",
"mithril": "Awe inspiring strike drives bone through both lungs. Foe realizes his doom before falling into a coma. He dies in 18 rounds. —",
"holy arms": "Your mighty blow is the stuff epics are made of. Foe's spine is broken. He dies in 2 rounds.\n+50H",
"slaying": "Strike to side kills foe after a chain reaction of bones shatter. You are covered with blood."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
"Score": "01-05",
"A": "You and your foe both stumble.\n+0H",
"B": "You lunge 5 feet past your foe.",
"C": "Try again. What will your friends say?\n+0H",
"D": "You're not very good, are you?\"\n+1H",
"E": "You made a good sound effect."
"Score": "06-10",
"A": "Foe recognizes this assault from grade school.\n+0H",
"B": "Your opponent stands firmly in front of you.\n+1H",
"C": "When your attempt starts to fail, you slip in a punch.\n+2H",
"D": "Your grip is neither firm or effective. Foe breaks free.\n+3H",
"E": "It is solid, even if randomly placed."
"Score": "11-15",
"A": "Powerful strike fails to land solid. It still does some damage.\n+3H",
"B": "Weak side strike glances off kidneys. It could have been great.\n+4H",
"C": "Knuckle foe's arm. You will need to do better than this.\n+5H",
"D": "Back strike. It has little imagination. You might as well punch.\n+6H",
"E": "Strike lands on shoulder blade."
"Score": "16-20",
"A": "Foe seeks to push you away. He lashes out in defensive manner.\n+4H – π",
"B": "Glancing side blow. You unbalance your foe. He recovers quickly.\n+4H – π",
"C": "Strike side. Foe moves back to block your next attack.\n+5H – π",
"D": "Blow to foe's side sends him reeling. Foe checks wound for the damage.\n+7H – (-10)",
"E": "Blow to foe's side unbalances him and destroys equipment there.\n+8H – 1(-20)"
"Score": "21-35",
"A": "On line strike, but weak. Foe steps back and feigns an attack to draw off your assault.\n+4H – π",
"B": "Your strike makes foe's footing uncertain. He pushes you clear and begins to right himself.\n+5H – 1(-20)",
"C": "Shot to foe's chest. His lungs hesitate. He coughs it off and regains his footing.\n+6H – ∑",
"D": "Quick shot to chest causes foe to hesitate in pain.He still knows you're there.\n+8H – ∑",
"E": "Crack! Foe's rib reports damage to him in an unsubtle way. He is in pain.\n+9H – ∑ – 1(-10)"
"Score": "36-45",
"A": "Light bash breaks foe's focus. You have the initiative next round.\n+4H",
"B": "You salvage your attack by tripping foe. You have the initiative next round.\n+5H – 2(-5)",
"C": "Grab foe's shoulder, while you bring your knee up to knock him over.\n+5H – 1(-40)",
"D": "Strike to calf. Wound impairs foe's movements. You have the initiative.\n+7H – (-25)",
"E": "Hard glancing blow to foe's leg.\nwith leg armor: +12H w/o leg armor: +8H – 2∑"
"Score": "46-50",
"A": "Attempt to spin foe's around\nalmost succeeds. Weak grip to side.\n+5H – π(-10)",
"B": "Your assault threatens to succeed. Your foe goes defensive to avoid your attack.\n+5H – π(-20)",
"C": "Boom! Foe is hit in the face. He reels back 5 feet trying to regain his footing. His guard is down.\n+6H – ∑∏",
"D": "Double strike to both arms breaks foe's defense. He is open to attack and is having trouble recovering.\n+8H – ∑∏",
"E": "Shot in back staggers foe for an instant. His guard drops and he is sadly unprotected.\n+12H – ∑∏"
"Score": "51-55",
"A": "Firm press to foe's chest. He give ground happily. Watch his weapon.\n+5H – π(-20)",
"B": "Grab foe and bring knee up to cause damage. Foe blocks some of the force.\n+5H – ∑",
"C": "Push foe's knee backwards. Foe struggles to avoid the pain.\n+6H – ∑∏",
"D": "Strike to chest takes wind out of foe. Foe's guard goes down.\n+10H – ∑∏",
"E": "Knock foe over as if he was a sack of beans. He hits and starts to stand up.\n+12H – ∑∏"
"Score": "56-60",
"A": "Strike thigh. Foe is pushed back.\nwith thigh armor: +7H w/o thigh armor: +5H – ∑",
"B": "Foe bumps his thigh while blocking your attack. He steps back.\n+6H – π(-30)",
"C": "Skipping calf strike. Foe does not give ground.\nwith leg armor: +9H w/o leg armor: +7H – 2∑ – (-10)",
"D": "Miss foe's side and strike his thigh. You have initiative for 3 rounds.\n+12H – 2∑",
"E": "Strike causes foe to fumble his stride. He almost falls down. Foe is recovering.\n+14H – 3∑"
"Score": "61-65",
"A": "Foe's arm is pinned for a moment. He recovers by twisting you off.\n+6H – ∑",
"B": "Bend weapon arm in the wrong direction. Foe drops his weapon.",
"C": "Excellent placement. Strike to weapon arm disarms foe. Foe is in great peril.\n+6H – 2∑",
"D": "You catch foe's counter thrust and disarm him with a bash to the arm.\n+7H – 2∑ – (+20)",
"E": "Bash foe in shoulder making him spin. You push him for good measure.\n+13H – 2∑∏"
"Score": 66,
"A": "Shoulder strike sends foe spinning. He comes all the way around before stopping. Well placed shot.\n+7H – 2∑∏",
"B": "Stirke to foe's elbow numbs it. He drops his weapon and grips his elbow. He forgets you are still attacking him.\n+8H – 2∑∏",
"C": "Strike to foe's leg sends him down. Foe's knee is broken and his doom is at hand. He falls to the ground helpless.\n+9H – 3∑∏ – (-90)",
"D": "Hard strike to head. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out for 24 hours. If he has a helm, he is knocked back 10 feet.\n6∑",
"E": "Knock foe back with a blow to the jaw. Foe loses balance and falls. he hits his head and goes unconscious.\n+30H"
"Score": "67-70",
"A": "Hasty press upon foe's chest produces excellent results. Foe is unbalanced.\n+6H – 2(-50)",
"B": "Grab loose piece of foe's garments and use it to throw him around. Foe is confused.\n+7H - ∏",
"C": "Strike to foe's ribs. Foe's ribs crack and foe shows the pain. His war effort is impaired.\n+8H – 2∑ – (-20)",
"D": "Break foe's collar bone. Spin foe around. He is disoriented and out of position.\n+10H – ∑∏ – (-25)",
"E": "Shoulder strike blasts foe down. He lands on his stomach and tries to roll over.\nMinor fracture.\n2∑∏ – (-10)"
"Score": "71-75",
"A": "Hammer foe's lower leg. He has trouble standing, but manages.\n+7H – 2∑",
"B": "Solid damage to foe's calf. His attempts to avoid the pain make him an easier target.\n+9H – (-10)",
"C": "Bruise foe's leg. Muscles suffer damage and foe limps back from your\nreach.\n+10H – ∑∏ – (-20)",
"D": "Lift foe up into the air. You send him sprawling on the ground. He drops his weapon.\n+12H – ∑∏ –(-75)",
"E": "Knock foe down with a blow to the thigh. He lands on his wespon and takes some time to get off it.\n+15H – 3∑∏"
"Score": "76-80",
"A": "Blow to foe's shield side. If foe has a shield, it is torn away.\n+12H – 2∑",
"B": "Grab foe's shield arm for leverage. You treat it badly, trying to unbalance foe.\n+10H – 2∑ – (-10)",
"C": "Heavy blow to foe's weapon arm. Mild fracture. Foe is knocked back 5 feet.\n+11H – 3∑ – (-25)",
"D": "Sweep foe to the side and knock him over. He breaks his ankle.\n+11H – (-50)",
"E": "Strike to foe's shield arm. Foe stumbles 3 feet and falls down. Foe is disarmed.\n+15H – 4∑∏"
"Score": "81-85",
"A": "Side strike. Disoriented foe strikes out for you in the wrong direction. You move to take advantage.\n+12H – ∑∏ – (+10)",
"B": "Good shot to foe's side sends him stumble to the right 3 feet. It must have really hurt.\n+15H – 3∑",
"C": "Strike to foe's side. He almost goes down, but recovers by dropping everything in his shield arm.\n6∑",
"D": "Brutal strike sends foe down. You step on his weapon arm and hold it down. Foe should surrender.\n+12H – 6∑∏",
"E": "Awesome side shot sends foe tripping sideways. He goes down rolling and breaks a leg.\n6∑∏ –(-50)"
"Score": "86-90",
"A": "Elbow to the back. Foe stumbles 5 feet sideways. Foe cannot seem to get his head clear.\n+13H – 3∑ – (+20)",
"B": "You really hammer foe. He reels back 10 feet. He almost went down. You move in to finish him.\n+12H – 2∑∏",
"C": "Precise blow sends foe down. Foe is face down and disarmed.\n+14H –6∑ – (+20)",
"D": "Strike foe's shield arm. If foe has a shield it is broken. If not the arm is broken.\n+10H – 9∑",
"E": "Cruel blow to foe's head. Foe sees stars.\nFoe is knocked back 10 feet, but remains standing.\n+20H – 12∑∏"
"Score": "91-95",
"A": "Head strike. If foe has no helm, he is knocked out for 2 hours. If foe has a helm, he is better off.\n3∑",
"B": "Blow to side of foe's head. Strike damages his ear and balance. Foe is impaired for 3 weeks.\n+9H – 6∑ – (-50)",
"C": "Spin foe around. He ends up 10 feet from you and facing the wrong direction. Foe fumbles his weapon.",
"D": "Foe stumbles back from you 10 feet and takes a full round to fall. He hits hard and fractures an arm. He is down.\n+10H – 8∑∏ – (-30)",
"E": "Blow to foe's shield shoulder. If foe has no shield, he is knocked down,has a useless arm, and passes out.\n6∑"
"Score": "96-99",
"A": "Strike to foe's stomach. He bends down in pain and you send him sprawling on his face. He hits harder than you could have hoped.\n+10H – 3∏",
"B": "Bash foe in his side. His legs forget to follow as he steps back. He falls in an embarrassing prone position. He has no clue to what happened.\n6∑∏",
"C": "Smooth and snazzy strike sends foe down on his knees. His weapon goes flying. Foe has blacked out. He stares straight ahead without blinking.\n—",
"D": "Strike head and shatter foe's helm. Pieces fly in all diections. If foe has no helm he is in a coma foe 4 weeks.\n+9H – 6∑",
"E": "Solid strike snaps foe's neck. He falls back 5 feet, spins, and tumbles to the ground. He dies of shock and suffocation in 3 rounds.\n—"
"Score": 100,
"A": "Brutal hip strike knocks foe down. Fall tears tendons, and fractures bone in leg. The pain his great.\nFoe is incoherent for 9 hours.\n(-90)",
"B": "Send foe flying 10 feet. He lands on his face. The twisting of his neck causes nerve damage. He is paralyzed from the waist down.\n—",
"C": "Powerful strike flips foe into the air before smashing him to the ground. Foe breaks both arms and hits his head. Foe is in a coma for 2 months.\n—",
"D": "Savage blow to foe's head. Foe is knocked down. He falls into a coma and dies in 12 rounds due to a severed vein.\n(+20)",
"E": "Frightening strike to foe's head. Temple crushed, neck broken. Foe lands 20 feet away. He dies instantly.\n3(+20)"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
export class RMFRPActor extends Actor {
/** @override */
/** @override */
prepareData() {
prepareData() {
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
prepareDerivedData() {
prepareDerivedData() {
const actorData = this;
const actorData = this;
const systemData = actorData.system;
const systemData = actorData.system;
const flags = actorData.flags.rmss || {};
const flags = actorData.flags.rmfrp || {};
// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// things organized.
// things organized.
@ -27,6 +27,14 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
_prepareCharacterData(actorData) {
_prepareCharacterData(actorData) {
if (actorData.type !== "character") return;
if (actorData.type !== "character") return;
console.log("*****Flag", this.getFlag("world", "importing"));
if (this.getFlag("world", "importing")) {
return; // Don't calculate skill bonuses if we are importing
// Calculate Stat Bonuses for the Actor
// Calculate Stat Bonuses for the Actor
@ -38,6 +46,31 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
// Iterate through and apply Skill Category Bonuses for Skill items
// Iterate through and apply Skill Category Bonuses for Skill items
getStunnedModifier() {
if (this.system.state.stunned) {
return Math.min(-50 + (3*this.system.stats.self_discipline.stat_bonus), 0)
} else {
return 0;
computeWoundsMalus() {
// Compute % of wounds
let percent = 100 - (this.system.attributes.hits.current*100/this.system.attributes.hits.max);
let modifier = 0;
if (percent > 25 && percent < 50) {
modifier = -10;
} else if (percent >= 51 && percent < 75) {
modifier = -20;
} else if (percent >= 76) {
modifier = -30;
this.system.modifiers.woundsModifier = modifier;
console.log(`rmfrp | actor.js | Wounds Malus: ${this.system.modifiers.woundsModifier} ${percent}`);
@ -51,6 +84,56 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
const data =;
const data =;
// This checks to see if you have a Rollable Table called "Basic Stat Bonus Table" and uses it to calculate the basic stat bonuses.
calculateBasicStatBonus(actorData) {
const systemData = actorData.system;
for (const table of game.tables) {
if ( === "Basic Stat Bonus Table") {
for (const result of table.results) {
if (actorData.system.stats.agility.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.agility.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.agility.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.constitution.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.constitution.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.constitution.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.memory.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.memory.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.memory.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.reasoning.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.reasoning.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.reasoning.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.self_discipline.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.self_discipline.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.self_discipline.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.empathy.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.empathy.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.empathy.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.intuition.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.intuition.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.intuition.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.presence.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.presence.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.presence.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.quickness.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.quickness.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.quickness.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
if (actorData.system.stats.strength.temp >= Number(result.range[0]) && actorData.system.stats.strength.basic_bonus <= Number(result.range[1])) {
actorData.system.stats.strength.basic_bonus = parseInt(result.text, 10);
// Tally each stat bonus and populate the total field.
// Tally each stat bonus and populate the total field.
calculateStatBonuses(actorData) {
calculateStatBonuses(actorData) {
const systemData = actorData.system;
const systemData = actorData.system;
@ -155,10 +238,8 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
calculateSkillBonuses() {
calculateSkillBonuses() {
for (const item of this.items) {
for (const item of this.items) {
if (item.type === "skill") {
if (item.type === "skill") {
console.log(`rmss | actor.js | Calculating skill bonus for Skill: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | actor.js | Calculating skill bonus for Skill: ${}`);
console.log(`rmss | actor.js | Updating Skill Category Bonus for Skill: ${}`);
console.log(`rmss | actor.js | Updating Skill Total Bonus for Skill: ${}`);
@ -169,7 +250,7 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
for (const item of this.items) {
for (const item of this.items) {
if (item.type === "skill_category") {
if (item.type === "skill_category") {
console.log(`rmss | actor.js | Calculating Skill Category Stat Bonuses for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | actor.js | Calculating Skill Category Stat Bonuses for: ${}`);
// Get all the applicable stats for this skill category
// Get all the applicable stats for this skill category
let app_stat_1 = item.system.app_stat_1;
let app_stat_1 = item.system.app_stat_1;
let app_stat_2 = item.system.app_stat_2;
let app_stat_2 = item.system.app_stat_2;
@ -181,51 +262,35 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
let applicable_stat_bonus = 0;
let applicable_stat_bonuses = [];
let app_stat_1_found = false;
let app_stat_2_found = false;
let app_stat_3_found = false;
// Iterate through the applicable stats and find their full names
// Iterate through the applicable stats and find their full names
for (const stat in CONFIG.rmss.stats) {
for (const stat in CONFIG.rmfrp.stats) {
// If the configured App Stat matches the one of the stats in config
// If the configured App Stat matches the one of the stats in config
if (app_stat_1 === CONFIG.rmss.stats[stat].shortname) {
if (app_stat_1 === CONFIG.rmfrp.stats[stat].shortname) {
app_stat_1_found = true;
// Add the Stat Bonus to the array
// Get the Stat Bonus
applicable_stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus + this.system.stats[stat].stat_bonus;
if (app_stat_2 === CONFIG.rmss.stats[stat].shortname) {
if (app_stat_2 === CONFIG.rmfrp.stats[stat].shortname) {
app_stat_2_found = true;
// Add the Stat Bonus to the array
applicable_stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus + this.system.stats[stat].stat_bonus;
if (app_stat_3 === CONFIG.rmss.stats[stat].shortname) {
if (app_stat_3 === CONFIG.rmfrp.stats[stat].shortname) {
app_stat_3_found = true;
// Add the Stat Bonus to the array
applicable_stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus + this.system.stats[stat].stat_bonus;
// Compute the total bonus for the applicable stats
if (app_stat_1_found === true && app_stat_2_found === true && app_stat_3_found === true) {
let applicable_stat_bonus = 0;
// Apply the update if we found stat bonuses for every applicable stat
for (const bonus of applicable_stat_bonuses) {
item.system.stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus;
applicable_stat_bonus += bonus;
// Update the total in the Item
else if (app_stat_1_found === true && app_stat_2_found === true && app_stat_3_found === false) {
// Apply the update if we found stat bonuses for every applicable stat
// Apply the update if we found stat bonuses for the first two applicable stats
if ( item.system.stat_bonus != applicable_stat_bonus ) {
item.system.stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus;
item.system.stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus;
// Update the total in the Item
else if (app_stat_1_found === true && app_stat_2_found === false && app_stat_3_found === false) {
// Apply the update if we found stat bonuses for the first applicable stat
item.system.stat_bonus = applicable_stat_bonus;
// Update the total in the Item
// Update the total in the Item
@ -237,12 +302,14 @@ export class RMSSActor extends Actor {
getOwnedItemsByType(item_type) {
getOwnedItemsByType(item_type) {
let ownedItems = {None: "None"};
let ownedItems = {None: "None"};
console.log(`rmss | actor.js | Getting owned ${item_type} for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | actor.js | Getting owned ${item_type} for: ${}`);
for (const item of this.items) {
for (const item of this.items) {
if (item.type === item_type) {
if (item.type === item_type) {
ownedItems[item._id] =;
ownedItems[item._id] =;
// sort the ownedItems by name
ownedItems = Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(ownedItems).sort((a,b) => a[1].localeCompare(b[1])));
return (ownedItems);
return (ownedItems);
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
export class RMSSItem extends Item {
import { RMFRPUtility } from "../rmfrp-utility.js";
export class RMFRPItem extends Item {
/** @override */
/** @override */
prepareData() {
prepareData() {
@ -6,7 +8,7 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
// the following, in order: data reset (to clear active effects),
// the following, in order: data reset (to clear active effects),
// prepareBaseData(), prepareEmbeddedDocuments() (including active effects),
// prepareBaseData(), prepareEmbeddedDocuments() (including active effects),
// prepareDerivedData().
// prepareDerivedData().
console.log(`rmss | item.js | prepareData for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | item.js | prepareData for: ${}`);
@ -18,25 +20,25 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
if (!"(Copy)"))
if (!"(Copy)"))
if (this.type === "armor") {
if (this.type === "armor") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/armor.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/armor.svg"});
else if (this.type === "weapon") {
else if (this.type === "weapon") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/weapon.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/weapon.svg"});
else if (this.type === "skill") {
else if (this.type === "skill") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/skill.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/skill.svg"});
else if (this.type === "skill_category") {
else if (this.type === "skill_category") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/skill_category.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/skill_category.svg"});
else if (this.type === "spell") {
else if (this.type === "spell") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/spell.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/spell.svg"});
else if (this.type === "herb_or_poison") {
else if (this.type === "herb_or_poison") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/herb_or_poison.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/herb_or_poison.svg"});
else if (this.type === "transport") {
else if (this.type === "transport") {
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/rmss/assets/default/transport.svg"});
await this.updateSource({img: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/assets/default/transport.svg"});
@ -44,10 +46,11 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
prepareDerivedData() {
prepareDerivedData() {
const itemData = this;
const itemData = this;
const systemData = itemData.system;
const systemData = itemData.system;
const flags = itemData.flags.rmss || {};
if (this.parent?.getFlag("world", "importing")) {
return; // Don't calculate skill bonuses if we are importing
// Make separate methods for each item type to keep things organized.
// Make separate methods for each item type to keep things organized.
if (itemData.type === "skill") {
if (itemData.type === "skill") {
@ -59,14 +62,15 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
_prepareSkillCategoryData(itemData) {
_prepareSkillCategoryData(itemData) {
if (itemData.type !== "skill_category") return;
if (itemData.type !== "skill_category") return;
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Preparing Skill Category Data for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | item.js | Preparing Skill Category Data for: ${}`);
// Calculate Skill Category Total Bonus
// Calculate Skill Category Total Bonus
_prepareSkillData(itemData) {
_prepareSkillData(itemData) {
if (itemData.type !== "skill") return;
if (itemData.type !== "skill") return;
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Preparing Skill Data for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | item.js | Preparing Skill Data for: ${}`);
// Make modifications to data here. For example:
// Make modifications to data here. For example:
// const systemData = itemData.system;
// const systemData = itemData.system;
// Calculate Skill Category Bonus
// Calculate Skill Category Bonus
@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
calculateSkillCategoryTotalBonus(itemData) {
calculateSkillCategoryTotalBonus(itemData) {
if (this.type === "skill_category") {
if (this.type === "skill_category") {
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Calculating Skill Category Total Bonus for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | item.js | Calculating Skill Category Total Bonus for: ${}`);
const systemData = itemData.system;
const systemData = itemData.system;
itemData.system.total_bonus = Number(systemData.rank_bonus)
itemData.system.total_bonus = Number(systemData.rank_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.stat_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.stat_bonus)
@ -90,7 +94,7 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
calculateSkillTotalBonus(itemData) {
calculateSkillTotalBonus(itemData) {
if (this.type === "skill") {
if (this.type === "skill") {
const systemData = itemData.system;
const systemData = itemData.system;
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Calculating Skill Total Bonus for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | item.js | Calculating Skill Total Bonus for: ${}`);
itemData.system.total_bonus = Number(systemData.rank_bonus)
itemData.system.total_bonus = Number(systemData.rank_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.category_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.category_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.item_bonus)
+ Number(systemData.item_bonus)
@ -100,19 +104,19 @@ export class RMSSItem extends Item {
calculateSelectedSkillCategoryBonus(itemData) {
calculateSelectedSkillCategoryBonus(itemData) {
if (this.isEmbedded === null) {
// Find the relevant skill category
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Skill ${} has no owner. Not calculating Skill Category bonus`);
if (!this.parent) { return; } // Only if attached to an actor
let skillC = this.parent?.items || RMFRPUtility.getSkillCategories();
if (skillC) {
const items = this.parent.items;
let item = skillC.find(it => it.type == "skill_category" && == itemData.system.category.toLowerCase());
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Skill ${} has owner, calculating skill category bonus.`);
if (item) {
for (const item of items) {
this.system.category_bonus = item.system.total_bonus;
if (item.type === "skill_category" && item._id === itemData.system.category) {
} else {
console.log(`rmss | item.js | Calculating Skill Category bonus for skill: ${}`);
ui.notifications.warn(`Skill Category ${itemData.system.category} not found for Skill ${}`);
this.system.category_bonus = item.system.total_bonus;
} else {
|"No Skill Categories found. Please create a Skill Category.");
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
"Score": "01-25",
"MA STRIKES": "Target is VERY fast. Lose the opportunity to attack.",
"MA Sweeps": "Your grip on foe's arm is tenuous at best. Try again next round.",
"brawling": "You stop for a breather. Try again next round.",
"animal": "Your foe's defenses seem more formidable. Try again next round."
"Score": "26-30",
"MA STRIKES": "Stumble on your own two feet. Take the rest of the round to regain balance.",
"MA Sweeps": "Your attack is weak and off-balanced. Spend the remainder of the round recovering.",
"brawling": "You are distracted by that rather attractive person over there. Lose your opportunity to attack.",
"animal": "His sudden movement surprised you. You lose the opportunity to attack."
"Score": "31-40",
"MA STRIKES": "You thought you knew what you were doing. Spend the remainder of the round remembering how to do that move.",
"MA Sweeps": "You stub your toe during delivery. You fail to connect and spend the remainder of this round stunned.",
"brawling": "The object you were holding is suddenly shattered! You are stunned for the remainder of this round.",
"animal": "You attack too quickly, coming away with only cloth. You are stunned the remainder of the round."
"Score": "41-50",
"MA STRIKES": "Overextend yourself. Spend next round parrying while your muscles recover.",
"MA Sweeps": "You lose your balance during the throw. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"brawling": "You duck just in time! Spend the next round parrying while you find a new opening.",
"animal": "You realize that this foe may be too much. You must attack a different foe next round."
"Score": "51-60",
"MA STRIKES": "In the flurry, you have forgotten your best moves. May only make Strike I attacks for two rounds.",
"MA Sweeps": "Ill-timed sweep results in your attempt to trip the ground. This stuns you for two rounds.",
"brawling": "There was a chair here a minute ago! You may only make Small attacks for the next two rounds.",
"animal": "You must change opponents next round. In addition, you can only make Small attacks for two rounds."
"Score": "61-65",
"MA STRIKES": "Mistake in attack causes awkward position and slight muscle spasms. You must parry for two rounds.",
"MA Sweeps": "Foe's deft move leaves you trying to throw the air. You must parry for two rounds while looking for the right opening.",
"brawling": "Your attack misses widely. You nearly trip yourself and stagger. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"animal": "You are confused. All attacks for the next three rounds are at half offense while you orient."
"Score": 66,
"MA STRIKES": "What were you thinking! You strike the nearest solid object that isn't your opponent. Give yourself an 'A' Krush critical.",
"MA Sweeps": "Acrobatic move leaves you flat on your back! Take an 'A' Krush critical.",
"brawling": "Someone blindsides you just as you were about to strike! Take an 'A' Brawling critical.",
"animal": "The wind changes and you smell food! You must disengage and seek out an easier source of food!"
"Score": "67-70",
"MA STRIKES": "Bad positioning. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"MA Sweeps": "Foe is just too powerful! You contemplate your last last lesson while parrying for the next two rounds.",
"brawling": "You catch a chair that someone threw. You can only parry for two rounds while you get unentangled from the furniture.",
"animal": "You are distracted by a fly that keeps buzzing your head. You can only use half your normal attack ability for two rounds."
"Score": "71-80",
"MA STRIKES": "Attempt at an advanced technique stuns you for the remainder of the round and next round.",
"MA Sweeps": "Foe easily avoids your clumsy sweep. You are out of position and are stunned and unable to parry for one round.",
"brawling": "Your pugilistic attempts are humorous. You are stunned for two rounds as you punch that post when your foe ducks.",
"animal": "That shiney piece of metal keeps distracting you. You suffer a -50 for two rounds."
"Score": "81-85",
"MA STRIKES": "Your knee connects with foe's solid bone, causing an interesting sensation. You are stunned for one round and unable to parry for two rounds.",
"MA Sweeps": "You've suddenly forgotten the follow though move on that throw. You lose three rounds of action while trying to remember it.",
"brawling": "The crowd pushes you into the wall. You lose three rounds of action as you seek to get free of the crowd.",
"animal": "Was that your babies crying? Suffer a\n-50 for three rounds before you you discover it was that mocking bird again."
"Score": "",
"MA Sweeps": "",
"brawling": "",
"animal": ""
"Score": "86-90",
"MA STRIKES": "You \"know\" that your strike was amazing. However, foe is lucky to have blocked it. You are stunned for two rounds by his intuition.",
"MA Sweeps": "You suddenly understand what your teacher has been telling you all those years! You are stunned for two rounds. Go ahead; reminisce.",
"brawling": "Was that someone flying overhead? You are stunned for two rounds as a large object just passed over your head.",
"animal": "You are intimidated by foe's sudden surge of strength. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Suffer a -50 for two rounds while you seek a way to disengage."
"Score": "",
"MA Sweeps": "",
"brawling": "",
"animal": ""
"Score": "91-95",
"MA STRIKES": "You twist your ankle in a recovery. You fall and manage to stun yourself in the process.",
"MA Sweeps": "Your \"graceful\" sweep results in your own fall. You are stunned for two rounds, though you quickly jump to your feet.",
"brawling": "You slip on a wet spot on the floor. You go down hard. You are stunned for two rounds while you crawl for cover.",
"animal": "Your unexected jump surprised not only your foe, but also yourself. You land wrong. Take an 'A' Krush critical."
"Score": "96-99",
"MA STRIKES": "In the excitement, you try to make your two feet be in three places at once. You fall, stunning yourself for three rounds. You are unable to parry for two rounds.",
"MA Sweeps": "Your indecision causes you to attempt two different throws at once. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. Quick thinking!",
"brawling": "As you duck a blow, you lose your footing. You fall down, stunned for three rounds and unable to parry for two.",
"animal": "You duck to one side to avoid foe's attack. Unfortunately, you get tangled up in the underbrush. You suffer a -50 to all actions for three rounds."
"Score": 100,
"MA STRIKES": "You forget even the most basic of moves. You throw yourself at your opponent, giving yourself a 'B' Krush critical.",
"MA Sweeps": "Awkward sweep results in you going down and slamming your head. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.",
"brawling": "Someone unexpectedly slams into your back. You hit your head on a table as you fall. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.",
"animal": "Run away! You must turn tail and run. Survival instincts say its time to leave the scene. Foe gets an attack at your back as you leave."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
"Score": "01-25",
"One-handed": "Your palm is sweaty. Maybe you will improve.",
"two-handed": "My that weapon is heavy! You lose the opportunity to take a swing.",
"polearms": "You snag your own clothes and lose the opportunity to take a swing.",
"mounted": "Your mount's tack tangles your weapon. You lose the opportunity to take a strike.",
"thrown": "Your grip is weak. You elect not to attack because of control.",
"Missile": "Sweat trickles into your eye. You elect not to attack. Good choice."
"Score": "26-30",
"One-handed": "Klutzy. Drop your weapon. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new one next round.",
"two-handed": "Your weapon flies. Take four rounds to recover it; or draw a new one next round.",
"polearms": "Fumble your delivery and your weapon is out of position. You lose the option to attack.",
"mounted": "Can't find the right angle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).",
"thrown": "You fumble your delivery but hang onto your weapon. You have -10 to your next attack.",
"Missile": "Your ten thumbs just cannot handle loading. You must reload your weapon."
"Score": "31-40",
"One-handed": "Your feet get tangled. You miss the opportunity to get in that vital blow.",
"two-handed": "Your mind is wandering. Spend the rest of the round clearing your head.",
"polearms": "You just look clumsy. Your feet are sliding. You are stunned for one round.",
"mounted": "You slip in the saddle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).",
"thrown": "Your feet are really tangled up. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but can still parry.",
"Missile": "Your ammunition slips away. You must reload."
"Score": "31-40",
"One-handed": "You are over-extended and strain a muscle. Take 1d5 hits.",
"two-handed": "Stumble over an imaginary dead turtle. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but you can still parry.",
"polearms": "Your weapon is spinning for two rounds. You can still parry at -10.",
"mounted": "Your mount dodges an unseen foe. You are stunned for 2 rounds.",
"thrown": "You begin juggling your weapon because of a bad grip. Your lack of control stuns you for 3 rounds.",
"Missile": "You notice that your ammunition is faulty. After removing it you discover you were wrong. Reload it."
"Score": "51-60",
"One-handed": "You try to impress your opponent with a spin manuever. Too bad. Lose two rounds while you recover.",
"two-handed": "Your combination of acrobatics and attacks is unimpressive. Lose two rounds of attacks, but you can still parry.",
"polearms": "You stagger into a nearby fixed object. You are stunned and unable to parry for two rounds.",
"mounted": "You lose your grip on your weapon. Luckily, it is tangled in your mount's tack. Your lack of grace stuns you for three rounds.",
"thrown": "Poor release. Weapon travels 2d10 feet to the left of the target.",
"Missile": "Your ammunition keeps jumping off of your weapon! Try melee next time."
"Score": "61-65",
"One-handed": "You snag your clothes with your weapon, causing it to slip from your hand. Spend two rounds juggling it.",
"two-handed": "Your weapon flies from your hands, but you are able to catch it before it flies totally away. Lose two rounds of attack.",
"polearms": "Your shaft tangles in your legs. You almost fall down in an impressive feat of entangling. Your next attack is at -20.",
"mounted": "Your poor mount stumbles. You are stunned for two rounds.",
"thrown": "Very poor release sends your weapon straight up! You duck for cover while your weapon checks for breakage.",
"Missile": "Your weapon slips from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
"Score": 67,
"One-handed": "You execute a perfect attack—against closest ally (yourself if no one else is around). Ally takes 1d10 hits and a 'B' critical.",
"two-handed": "Acrobatic manuever leaves you flat on your back. Take 2d10 hits and an 'E' Krush critical.",
"polearms": "Your weapon must check for breakage as you slam it into the ground! You are stunned for six rounds because of the impact.",
"mounted": "Your swing slices the tack of your mount. You and your saddle take your leave of the poor beast. Take an 'A' Krush critical.",
"thrown": "Your ferocious scream is followed by silence as you hit yourself. Take a 'D' Krush critical.",
"Missile": "Take an 'A' Krush critical from the sudden release. Your weapon snaps cleanly into two pieces."
"Score": "67-70",
"One-handed": "You trip over that uneven surface. Spend two rounds staggering. You can still parry.",
"two-handed": "You gracefully drop your weapon to the ground. You are able to kick it back into your hand, but you lose two rounds while doing it.",
"polearms": "Your weapon seems to have a mind of it's own! Your next attack is at -50 as your try and get it under control.",
"mounted": "Your tack has loosened! You suddenly slip sideways. You are stunned for two rounds.",
"thrown": "You cannot control your aim—your weapon flies 2d10 feet to the right of the intended target.",
"Missile": "Your grip fails you and your weapon flies from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
"Score": "71-80",
"One-handed": "You are distracted by that pixie in the corner. You lose 2 rounds of attacks.",
"two-handed": "You strain your shoulders in a mighty swing (that misses). You are stunned for two rounds.",
"polearms": "Your ineptitude is obvious to all. You lose 3 rounds of attacks and are stunned for 2 rounds.",
"mounted": "Your weapon goes straight into the ground (check for breakage).",
"thrown": "Just as you are about to release, you step into an imaginary hole in the ground. Lose 3 rounds getting up from the ground.",
"Missile": "Your bowstring breaks! Draw a new weapon or put a new string on this one."
"Score": "81-85",
"One-handed": "You are suddenly very winded. Take two rounds to relax.",
"two-handed": "You lose your grip as you begin your swing. Your weapon is trying to slip away. Spend three rounds gaining control. You can still parry.",
"polearms": "Clumsy move narrowly misses your own head. You misses your own head. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds (try a bow next time).",
"mounted": "Your weapon flies out of your hand! Draw a new one.",
"thrown": "Your weapon drops to the ground as you begin to aim. Take four rounds to recover this one; or draw a new one.",
"Missile": "Your weapon bites back when you fire. Your shot misses everything, but you are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds."
"Score": "86-90",
"One-handed": "Hopefully, you will learn that dancing is not appropriate in combat. Your are stunned for two rounds by your lack of ability.",
"two-handed": "You pulled something on that last swing and now it begins to hurt! You are stunned for three rounds while you recover.",
"polearms": "There it goes! Your weapon skitters away. Take six rounds to recover it; or draw a new one.",
"mounted": "Your weapon must check for breakage as it hits the hardest part of your foe. You take 2d10 hits from the blast.",
"thrown": "Your poor and weak release sends the weapon up two feet. It immediately comes down and hits you. You take no damage, but are stunned for six rounds.",
"Missile": "You release too soon! Your arrow falls 3d10 feet short of the target. In addition, you spend two rounds trying to finds more ammunition."
"Score": "91-95",
"One-handed": "You fall down as your swing goes wide. You are stunned for three rounds.",
"two-handed": "You fall and narrowly miss gutting yourself! You are stunned for four rounds.",
"polearms": "You fall and smack your head on the ground. You are down for four rounds and stunned for three.",
"mounted": "Your mount bucks unexpectedly just as you were about to swing. You find yourself stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.",
"thrown": "Your weapon flies behind you 4d10 feet!",
"Missile": "Your shot goes astray as you slip and fall during your release. You are stunned for six rounds and unable to parry for two rounds."
"Score": "96-99",
"One-handed": "The excitement is just too much! Your momentary frenzy leaves you stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.",
"two-handed": "You trip and fall. You are down for four rounds and unable to parry for three.",
"polearms": "Your shoulder doesn't bend that way! You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. You now fight at -25.",
"mounted": "Your mount jumps wildly. You take 4d10 hits from the impact and are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.",
"thrown": "You trip as you release. Your shot goes off wildly and you are stunned for twelve rounds.",
"Missile": "Your weapon shatters (as you don't realize your own strength)! You are stunned for 4 rounds."
"Score": 100,
"One-handed": "You attempt to maim yourself. Take a 'D' critical.",
"two-handed": "Worst move seen in ages! You are out for 2 days with a groin injury. There is a 50% chance your foes will be out for 3 rounds, laughing.",
"polearms": "Your weapon breaks and one end hits you in the head. You are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.",
"mounted": "You can't stay on your mount! You fall and take a 'D' crush critical.",
"thrown": "You accidently hit yourself in the delivery. Take a 'D' Krush critical.",
"Missile": "Poor execution. You take 5 hits as the weapon hits you. You are permanently\nmaimed and are bleeding 2 hits per round."
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
export const RMFRP_FUMBLES = {
fumble_non_weapon: [
"score": "01-25",
"ma-strikes": "Target is VERY fast. Lose the opportunity to attack.",
"ma-sweeps": "Your grip on foe's arm is tenuous at best. Try again next round.",
"brawling": "You stop for a breather. Try again next round.",
"animal": "Your foe's defenses seem more formidable. Try again next round."
"score": "26-30",
"ma-strikes": "Stumble on your own two feet. Take the rest of the round to regain balance.",
"ma-sweeps": "Your attack is weak and off-balanced. Spend the remainder of the round recovering.",
"brawling": "You are distracted by that rather attractive person over there. Lose your opportunity to attack.",
"animal": "His sudden movement surprised you. You lose the opportunity to attack."
"score": "31-40",
"ma-strikes": "You thought you knew what you were doing. Spend the remainder of the round remembering how to do that move.",
"ma-sweeps": "You stub your toe during delivery. You fail to connect and spend the remainder of this round stunned.",
"brawling": "The object you were holding is suddenly shattered! You are stunned for the remainder of this round.",
"animal": "You attack too quickly, coming away with only cloth. You are stunned the remainder of the round."
"score": "41-50",
"ma-strikes": "Overextend yourself. Spend next round parrying while your muscles recover.",
"ma-sweeps": "You lose your balance during the throw. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"brawling": "You duck just in time! Spend the next round parrying while you find a new opening.",
"animal": "You realize that this foe may be too much. You must attack a different foe next round."
"score": "51-60",
"ma-strikes": "In the flurry, you have forgotten your best moves. May only make Strike I attacks for two rounds.",
"ma-sweeps": "Ill-timed sweep results in your attempt to trip the ground. This stuns you for two rounds.",
"brawling": "There was a chair here a minute ago! You may only make Small attacks for the next two rounds.",
"animal": "You must change opponents next round. In addition, you can only make Small attacks for two rounds."
"score": "61-65",
"ma-strikes": "Mistake in attack causes awkward position and slight muscle spasms. You must parry for two rounds.",
"ma-sweeps": "Foe's deft move leaves you trying to throw the air. You must parry for two rounds while looking for the right opening.",
"brawling": "Your attack misses widely. You nearly trip yourself and stagger. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"animal": "You are confused. All attacks for the next three rounds are at half offense while you orient."
"score": 66,
"ma-strikes": "What were you thinking! You strike the nearest solid object that isn't your opponent. Give yourself an 'A' Krush critical.",
"ma-sweeps": "Acrobatic move leaves you flat on your back! Take an 'A' Krush critical.",
"brawling": "Someone blindsides you just as you were about to strike! Take an 'A' Brawling critical.",
"animal": "The wind changes and you smell food! You must disengage and seek out an easier source of food!"
"score": "67-70",
"ma-strikes": "Bad positioning. You must parry for two rounds while you recover.",
"ma-sweeps": "Foe is just too powerful! You contemplate your last last lesson while parrying for the next two rounds.",
"brawling": "You catch a chair that someone threw. You can only parry for two rounds while you get unentangled from the furniture.",
"animal": "You are distracted by a fly that keeps buzzing your head. You can only use half your normal attack ability for two rounds."
"score": "71-80",
"ma-strikes": "Attempt at an advanced technique stuns you for the remainder of the round and next round.",
"ma-sweeps": "Foe easily avoids your clumsy sweep. You are out of position and are stunned and unable to parry for one round.",
"brawling": "Your pugilistic attempts are humorous. You are stunned for two rounds as you punch that post when your foe ducks.",
"animal": "That shiney piece of metal keeps distracting you. You suffer a -50 for two rounds."
"score": "81-85",
"ma-strikes": "Your knee connects with foe's solid bone, causing an interesting sensation. You are stunned for one round and unable to parry for two rounds.",
"ma-sweeps": "You've suddenly forgotten the follow though move on that throw. You lose three rounds of action while trying to remember it.",
"brawling": "The crowd pushes you into the wall. You lose three rounds of action as you seek to get free of the crowd.",
"animal": "Was that your babies crying? Suffer a\n-50 for three rounds before you you discover it was that mocking bird again."
"score": "86-90",
"ma-strikes": "You \"know\" that your strike was amazing. However, foe is lucky to have blocked it. You are stunned for two rounds by his intuition.",
"ma-sweeps": "You suddenly understand what your teacher has been telling you all those years! You are stunned for two rounds. Go ahead; reminisce.",
"brawling": "Was that someone flying overhead? You are stunned for two rounds as a large object just passed over your head.",
"animal": "You are intimidated by foe's sudden surge of strength. Perhaps this was a bad idea. Suffer a -50 for two rounds while you seek a way to disengage."
"score": "91-95",
"ma-strikes": "You twist your ankle in a recovery. You fall and manage to stun yourself in the process.",
"ma-sweeps": "Your \"graceful\" sweep results in your own fall. You are stunned for two rounds, though you quickly jump to your feet.",
"brawling": "You slip on a wet spot on the floor. You go down hard. You are stunned for two rounds while you crawl for cover.",
"animal": "Your unexected jump surprised not only your foe, but also yourself. You land wrong. Take an 'A' Krush critical."
"score": "96-99",
"ma-strikes": "In the excitement, you try to make your two feet be in three places at once. You fall, stunning yourself for three rounds. You are unable to parry for two rounds.",
"ma-sweeps": "Your indecision causes you to attempt two different throws at once. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. Quick thinking!",
"brawling": "As you duck a blow, you lose your footing. You fall down, stunned for three rounds and unable to parry for two.",
"animal": "You duck to one side to avoid foe's attack. Unfortunately, you get tangled up in the underbrush. You suffer a -50 to all actions for three rounds."
"score": 100,
"ma-strikes": "You forget even the most basic of moves. You throw yourself at your opponent, giving yourself a 'B' Krush critical.",
"ma-sweeps": "Awkward sweep results in you going down and slamming your head. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.",
"brawling": "Someone unexpectedly slams into your back. You hit your head on a table as you fall. You are stunned and unable to parry for 6 rounds.",
"animal": "Run away! You must turn tail and run. Survival instincts say its time to leave the scene. Foe gets an attack at your back as you leave."
fumble_weapon: [
"score": "01-25",
"one-handed": "Your palm is sweaty. Maybe you will improve.",
"two-handed": "My that weapon is heavy! You lose the opportunity to take a swing.",
"polearms": "You snag your own clothes and lose the opportunity to take a swing.",
"mounted": "Your mount's tack tangles your weapon. You lose the opportunity to take a strike.",
"thrown": "Your grip is weak. You elect not to attack because of control.",
"Missile": "Sweat trickles into your eye. You elect not to attack. Good choice."
"score": "26-30",
"one-handed": "Klutzy. Drop your weapon. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new one next round.",
"two-handed": "Your weapon flies. Take four rounds to recover it; or draw a new one next round.",
"polearms": "Fumble your delivery and your weapon is out of position. You lose the option to attack.",
"mounted": "Can't find the right angle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).",
"thrown": "You fumble your delivery but hang onto your weapon. You have -10 to your next attack.",
"Missile": "Your ten thumbs just cannot handle loading. You must reload your weapon."
"score": "31-40",
"one-handed": "Your feet get tangled. You miss the opportunity to get in that vital blow.",
"two-handed": "Your mind is wandering. Spend the rest of the round clearing your head.",
"polearms": "You just look clumsy. Your feet are sliding. You are stunned for one round.",
"mounted": "You slip in the saddle. You lose 2 rounds of attack (but can still parry).",
"thrown": "Your feet are really tangled up. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but can still parry.",
"Missile": "Your ammunition slips away. You must reload."
"score": "31-40",
"one-handed": "You are over-extended and strain a muscle. Take 1d5 hits.",
"two-handed": "Stumble over an imaginary dead turtle. You lose 2 rounds of attack, but you can still parry.",
"polearms": "Your weapon is spinning for two rounds. You can still parry at -10.",
"mounted": "Your mount dodges an unseen foe. You are stunned for 2 rounds.",
"thrown": "You begin juggling your weapon because of a bad grip. Your lack of control stuns you for 3 rounds.",
"Missile": "You notice that your ammunition is faulty. After removing it you discover you were wrong. Reload it."
"score": "51-60",
"one-handed": "You try to impress your opponent with a spin manuever. Too bad. Lose two rounds while you recover.",
"two-handed": "Your combination of acrobatics and attacks is unimpressive. Lose two rounds of attacks, but you can still parry.",
"polearms": "You stagger into a nearby fixed object. You are stunned and unable to parry for two rounds.",
"mounted": "You lose your grip on your weapon. Luckily, it is tangled in your mount's tack. Your lack of grace stuns you for three rounds.",
"thrown": "Poor release. Weapon travels 2d10 feet to the left of the target.",
"Missile": "Your ammunition keeps jumping off of your weapon! Try melee next time."
"score": "61-65",
"one-handed": "You snag your clothes with your weapon, causing it to slip from your hand. Spend two rounds juggling it.",
"two-handed": "Your weapon flies from your hands, but you are able to catch it before it flies totally away. Lose two rounds of attack.",
"polearms": "Your shaft tangles in your legs. You almost fall down in an impressive feat of entangling. Your next attack is at -20.",
"mounted": "Your poor mount stumbles. You are stunned for two rounds.",
"thrown": "Very poor release sends your weapon straight up! You duck for cover while your weapon checks for breakage.",
"Missile": "Your weapon slips from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
"score": 67,
"one-handed": "You execute a perfect attack—against closest ally (yourself if no one else is around). Ally takes 1d10 hits and a 'B' critical.",
"two-handed": "Acrobatic manuever leaves you flat on your back. Take 2d10 hits and an 'E' Krush critical.",
"polearms": "Your weapon must check for breakage as you slam it into the ground! You are stunned for six rounds because of the impact.",
"mounted": "Your swing slices the tack of your mount. You and your saddle take your leave of the poor beast. Take an 'A' Krush critical.",
"thrown": "Your ferocious scream is followed by silence as you hit yourself. Take a 'D' Krush critical.",
"Missile": "Take an 'A' Krush critical from the sudden release. Your weapon snaps cleanly into two pieces."
"score": "67-70",
"one-handed": "You trip over that uneven surface. Spend two rounds staggering. You can still parry.",
"two-handed": "You gracefully drop your weapon to the ground. You are able to kick it back into your hand, but you lose two rounds while doing it.",
"polearms": "Your weapon seems to have a mind of it's own! Your next attack is at -50 as your try and get it under control.",
"mounted": "Your tack has loosened! You suddenly slip sideways. You are stunned for two rounds.",
"thrown": "You cannot control your aim—your weapon flies 2d10 feet to the right of the intended target.",
"Missile": "Your grip fails you and your weapon flies from your hands. Spend two rounds recovering it; or draw a new weapon."
"score": "71-80",
"one-handed": "You are distracted by that pixie in the corner. You lose 2 rounds of attacks.",
"two-handed": "You strain your shoulders in a mighty swing (that misses). You are stunned for two rounds.",
"polearms": "Your ineptitude is obvious to all. You lose 3 rounds of attacks and are stunned for 2 rounds.",
"mounted": "Your weapon goes straight into the ground (check for breakage).",
"thrown": "Just as you are about to release, you step into an imaginary hole in the ground. Lose 3 rounds getting up from the ground.",
"Missile": "Your bowstring breaks! Draw a new weapon or put a new string on this one."
"score": "81-85",
"one-handed": "You are suddenly very winded. Take two rounds to relax.",
"two-handed": "You lose your grip as you begin your swing. Your weapon is trying to slip away. Spend three rounds gaining control. You can still parry.",
"polearms": "Clumsy move narrowly misses your own head. You misses your own head. You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds (try a bow next time).",
"mounted": "Your weapon flies out of your hand! Draw a new one.",
"thrown": "Your weapon drops to the ground as you begin to aim. Take four rounds to recover this one; or draw a new one.",
"Missile": "Your weapon bites back when you fire. Your shot misses everything, but you are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds."
"score": "86-90",
"one-handed": "Hopefully, you will learn that dancing is not appropriate in combat. Your are stunned for two rounds by your lack of ability.",
"two-handed": "You pulled something on that last swing and now it begins to hurt! You are stunned for three rounds while you recover.",
"polearms": "There it goes! Your weapon skitters away. Take six rounds to recover it; or draw a new one.",
"mounted": "Your weapon must check for breakage as it hits the hardest part of your foe. You take 2d10 hits from the blast.",
"thrown": "Your poor and weak release sends the weapon up two feet. It immediately comes down and hits you. You take no damage, but are stunned for six rounds.",
"Missile": "You release too soon! Your arrow falls 3d10 feet short of the target. In addition, you spend two rounds trying to finds more ammunition."
"score": "91-95",
"one-handed": "You fall down as your swing goes wide. You are stunned for three rounds.",
"two-handed": "You fall and narrowly miss gutting yourself! You are stunned for four rounds.",
"polearms": "You fall and smack your head on the ground. You are down for four rounds and stunned for three.",
"mounted": "Your mount bucks unexpectedly just as you were about to swing. You find yourself stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.",
"thrown": "Your weapon flies behind you 4d10 feet!",
"Missile": "Your shot goes astray as you slip and fall during your release. You are stunned for six rounds and unable to parry for two rounds."
"score": "96-99",
"one-handed": "The excitement is just too much! Your momentary frenzy leaves you stunned and unable to parry for three rounds.",
"two-handed": "You trip and fall. You are down for four rounds and unable to parry for three.",
"polearms": "Your shoulder doesn't bend that way! You are stunned and unable to parry for three rounds. You now fight at -25.",
"mounted": "Your mount jumps wildly. You take 4d10 hits from the impact and are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.",
"thrown": "You trip as you release. Your shot goes off wildly and you are stunned for twelve rounds.",
"Missile": "Your weapon shatters (as you don't realize your own strength)! You are stunned for 4 rounds."
"score": 100,
"one-handed": "You attempt to maim yourself. Take a 'D' critical.",
"two-handed": "Worst move seen in ages! You are out for 2 days with a groin injury. There is a 50% chance your foes will be out for 3 rounds, laughing.",
"polearms": "Your weapon breaks and one end hits you in the head. You are stunned and unable to parry for six rounds.",
"mounted": "You can't stay on your mount! You fall and take a 'D' crush critical.",
"thrown": "You accidently hit yourself in the delivery. Take a 'D' Krush critical.",
"Missile": "Poor execution. You take 5 hits as the weapon hits you. You are permanently\nmaimed and are bleeding 2 hits per round."
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
import { RMFRPUtility } from "./rmfrp-utility.js";
import { RMFRP_ATTACK_TABLES } from "./rmfrp-attack-tables.js";
export class RMFRPProcessTable {
constructor() {
// Load a reference to the rmfrp-tables.json file
this.rmfrpTables = RMFRP_ATTACK_TABLES
// Loop thru the tables and create a definition object, with key, name and min/ax value of each table
this.rmfrpTablesDef = {}
for (let table in this.rmfrpTables) {
let tableData = this.rmfrpTables[table]
// Search min and max values in the tableData
let min = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
let minKey = "";
let max = Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER;
let maxKey = "";
for (let element of tableData) {
if (Number(element.result)) {
let value = Number(element.result)
if (value > max) {
max = value
maxKey = element.result
if (value < min) {
min = value
minKey = element.result
} else if (element.result && element.result.includes("-")) {
let range = element.result.split("-");
if (Number(range[0]) > max) {
max = Number(range[0])
maxKey = element.result
if (Number(range[1]) < min) {
min = Number(range[1])
minKey = element.result
} else {
console.error(`Element is not a number or a range`, element, table)
this.rmfrpTablesDef[table] = {
key: table,
name: RMFRPUtility.capitalizeFirstLetters(table.replace(/_/g, " ")),
min: min,
minKey: minKey,
max: max,
maxKey: maxKey
// Sort rmfrpTablesDef by name
this.rmfrpTablesDef = Object.values(this.rmfrpTablesDef).sort((a, b) =>
getTableDef() {
return this.rmfrpTablesDef;
// Get roll result from table
getAttackRollResult(tableKey, roll, armorValue) {
roll = Number(roll);
if (isNaN(roll)) {
console.error(`Roll ${roll} is not a number`)
return undefined;
let table = this.rmfrpTables[tableKey]
let tableDef = this.rmfrpTablesDef.find(t => t.key == tableKey)
if (!table || !tableDef) {
console.error(`Table ${tableKey} not found`)
return undefined;
// Check min and max values
if (roll < tableDef.min) {
// return the min value
let elem = table.find((element) => element.result == tableDef.minKey);
if (elem) {
return elem[String(armorValue)];
} else {
console.error(`Element ${tableDef.minKey} not found in table ${tableKey}`)
if (roll > tableDef.max) {
// return the max value
let elem = table.find((element) => element.result == tableDef.maxKey);
if (elem) {
return elem[String(armorValue)];
} else {
console.error(`Element ${tableDef.maxKey} not found in table ${tableKey}`)
return table.find((element) => {
if (Number(element.result) ) {
if ( Number(element.result) == Number(roll) ) {
return element[String(armorValue)];
} else if (element.result && element.result.includes("-")) {
// Split the result into a range
let range = element.result.split("-");
if (Number(roll) >= Number(range[0]) && Number(roll) <= Number(range[1])) {
return element[String(armorValue)];
buildFumbleNonWeaponChoices() {
let nonWeapon = CONFIG.rmfrp.fumbles.fumble_non_weapon[0]
let fumblesChoice = []
for (let key in nonWeapon) {
if (key === "score") {
fumblesChoice.push({ key: key, name: RMFRPUtility.capitalizeFirstLetters(key) })
return fumblesChoice
buildFumbleWeaponChoices() {
let weapon = CONFIG.rmfrp.fumbles.fumble_weapon[0]
let fumblesChoice = []
for (let key in weapon) {
if (key === "score") {
fumblesChoice.push({ key: key, name: RMFRPUtility.capitalizeFirstLetters(key) })
return fumblesChoice
getFumbleDef() {
let fumbles = []
for (let key in CONFIG.rmfrp.fumbles) {
fumbles.push({ key: key, name: RMFRPUtility.capitalizeFirstLetters(key.replace(/_/g, " ")) })
return fumbles
getCriticalDef() {
let criticals = []
for (let key in CONFIG.rmfrp.criticals) {
criticals.push({ key: key, name: RMFRPUtility.capitalizeFirstLetters(key.replace(/_/g, " ")) })
return criticals
async getFumbleRollResult(fumble_table, fumble_column) {
let table = CONFIG.rmfrp.fumbles[fumble_table]
if (!table) {
ui.notifications.error("Fumble table not found: " + fumble_table);
console.error(`Fumble table ${fumble_table} not found`)
return undefined;
let roll = new Roll("1d100")
await roll.evaluate()
let score =
// Search the result
for (let fumbleDef of table) {
if (Number(fumbleDef.score) ) {
if (Number(fumbleDef.score) == score) {
return fumbleDef[fumble_column]
} else {
// Score is XX-YY so split it to get the range values
let range = fumbleDef.score.split("-")
if (Number(range[0]) <= score && score <= Number(range[1])) {
return fumbleDef[fumble_column]
return null
async getCriticalResult(tableKey, criticalKey) {
let table = CONFIG.rmfrp.criticals[tableKey]
if (!table) {
console.error(`Critical table ${tableKey} not found`)
return undefined;
let roll = new Roll("1d100")
await roll.evaluate()
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(roll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
let score =
console.log("Critical Roll: ", score)
// Search the result
for (let criticalDef of table.criticals) {
if (Number(criticalDef.score) ) {
if (Number(criticalDef.score) == score) {
let critDef = foundry.utils.duplicate(criticalDef.levels[criticalKey.toUpperCase()])
critDef.diceResult = score
return critDef
} else {
// Score is XX-YY so split it to get the range values
let range = criticalDef.score.split("-")
if (Number(range[0]) <= score && score <= Number(range[1])) {
let critDef = foundry.utils.duplicate(criticalDef.levels[criticalKey.toUpperCase()])
critDef.diceResult = score
return critDef
return null
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
/* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RMFRPUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async init() {
static capitalizeFirstLetters(str) {
return str.toLowerCase().replace(/^\w|\s\w/g, function (letter) {
return letter.toUpperCase();
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async ready() {
this.gameSystem = game.settings.get("fvtt-rolemaster-frp", "game_system");
const skillCategories = await RMFRPUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-rolemaster-frp.skill_categories")
this.skillCategories = => i.toObject()).filter(i => i.system.game_system == "common" || i.system.game_system == this.gameSystem);
// Sort skill categories by name
this.skillCategories.sort((a, b) =>;
static getGameSystem() {
return this.gameSystem;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getSkillCategories() {
return this.skillCategories
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static registerSettings() {
game.settings.register("fvtt-rolemaster-frp", "game_system", {
name: "Game System",
hint: "List of Game Systems",
scope: "world",
default: "rmfrp",
requiresReload: true,
type: String,
config: true,
choices: {
rmfrp: "Rolemaster Fantasy Role Playing (RMFRP)",
merp: "Middle Earth Role Playing (MERP)"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async showDiceSoNice(roll, rollMode) {
if (game.modules.get("dice-so-nice")?.active) {
if (game.dice3d) {
let whisper = null;
let blind = false;
rollMode = rollMode ?? game.settings.get("core", "rollMode");
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": //GM only
blind = true;
case "gmroll": //GM + rolling player
whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
case "roll": //everybody
whisper = this.getUsers(user =>;
case "selfroll":
whisper = [];
await game.dice3d.showForRoll(roll, game.user, true, whisper, blind);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendiumData(compendium) {
const pack = game.packs.get(compendium);
return await pack?.getDocuments() ?? [];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async loadCompendium(compendium, filter = item => true) {
let compendiumData = await RMFRPUtility.loadCompendiumData(compendium);
return compendiumData.filter(filter);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static removeChatMessageId(messageId) {
if (messageId) {
static findChatMessageId(current) {
return RMFRPUtility.getChatMessageId(HeritiersUtility.findChatMessage(current));
static getChatMessageId(node) {
return node?.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id')?.value;
static findChatMessage(current) {
return RMFRPUtility.findNodeMatching(current, it => it.classList.contains('chat-message') && it.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id'))
static findNodeMatching(current, predicate) {
if (current) {
if (predicate(current)) {
return current;
return RMFRPUtility.findNodeMatching(current.parentElement, predicate);
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getUsers(filter) {
return game.users.filter(filter).map(user => user._id);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": return this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
case "gmroll": return this.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name);
case "selfroll": return [];
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) {
let recep1 = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name) || [];
return recep1.concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM'));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) {
let chatGM = foundry.utils.duplicate(chatOptions);
chatGM.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatGM.content = "Blinde message of " + + "<br>" + chatOptions.content;
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM);
game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-rolemaster-frp", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async searchItem(dataItem) {
let item
if (dataItem.pack) {
let id = || dataItem._id
let items = await this.loadCompendium(dataItem.pack, item => == id)
item = items[0] || undefined
} else {
item = game.items.get(
return item
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static loadHandlebarsTemplates() {
const templatePaths = [
return loadTemplates(templatePaths);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static loadHandlebarsHelpers() {
// Handlebars Helpers
Handlebars.registerHelper('count', function (list) {
return list.length;
Handlebars.registerHelper('includes', function (array, val) {
return array.includes(val);
Handlebars.registerHelper('upper', function (text) {
return text.toUpperCase();
Handlebars.registerHelper('lower', function (text) {
return text.toLowerCase()
Handlebars.registerHelper('upperFirst', function (text) {
if (typeof text !== 'string') return text
return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1)
Handlebars.registerHelper('notEmpty', function (list) {
return list.length > 0;
Handlebars.registerHelper('mul', function (a, b) {
return parseInt(a) * parseInt(b);
Handlebars.registerHelper("switch", function (value, options) {
this.switch_value = value;
return options.fn(this);
Handlebars.registerHelper("case", function (value, options) {
if (value === this.switch_value) {
return options.fn(this);
// Handle v12 removal of this helper
Handlebars.registerHelper('select', function (selected, options) {
const escapedValue = RegExp.escape(Handlebars.escapeExpression(selected));
const rgx = new RegExp(' value=[\"\']' + escapedValue + '[\"\']');
const html = options.fn(this);
return html.replace(rgx, "$& selected");
@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
export default class RMFRPPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
// Override Default Options, Set CSS Classes, Set Default Sheet, Set up Sheet Tabs
// Override Default Options, Set CSS Classes, Set Default Sheet, Set up Sheet Tabs
static get defaultOptions() {
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
width: 860,
width: 860,
height: 780,
height: 780,
template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/actors/rmss-character-sheet.html",
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/actors/rmfrp-character-sheet.html",
classes: ["rmss", "sheet", "actor"],
classes: ["rmfrp", "sheet", "actor"],
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "features" }]
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "features" }]
@ -90,11 +90,11 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: -20 ";
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: -20 ";
case (powerpointPercentage < 75):
case (powerpointPercentage < 75):
console.log("Less than 75");
//console.log("Less than 75");
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: -10 ";
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: -10 ";
console.log("Setting Default");
//console.log("Setting Default");
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: 0 ";
context.system.attributes.power_points.modifier = "PP Exhaustion Penalty: 0 ";
@ -117,18 +117,18 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: -15 ";
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: -15 ";
case (exhaustionPercentage < 75):
case (exhaustionPercentage < 75):
console.log("Less than 75");
//console.log("Less than 75");
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: -5 ";
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: -5 ";
console.log("Setting Default");
//console.log("Setting Default");
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: 0 ";
context.system.attributes.exhaustion_points.modifier = "Exhaustion Penalty: 0 ";
_prepareItems(context) {
_prepareItems(context) {
console.log(`rmss | rmss_player_sheet.js | Preparing items for: ${}`);
console.log(`rmfrp | rmfrp_player_sheet.js | Preparing items for: ${}`);
// Initialize containers.
// Initialize containers.
const gear = [];
const gear = [];
const playerskill= [];
const playerskill= [];
@ -167,28 +167,25 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
// Parse skill categories and re+levant skills
for (let s of skillcat) {
s.skills = [];
for (let sk of playerskill) {
if (sk.system.category.toLowerCase() === {
// Sort skills with localcompare
s.skills.sort((a, b) =>;
// Sort all items
// Sort Skill/Skillcat Arrays
skillcat.sort((a, b) =>;
skillcat.sort(function(a, b) {
gear.sort((a, b) =>;
if ( < {
weapons.sort((a, b) =>;
return -1;
armor.sort((a, b) =>;
herbs.sort((a, b) =>;
if ( > {
spells.sort((a, b) =>;
return 1;
return 0;
playerskill.sort(function(a, b) {
if ( < {
return -1;
if ( > {
return 1;
return 0;
// Assign and return
// Assign and return
context.gear = gear;
context.gear = gear;
@ -198,11 +195,15 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
context.armor = armor;
context.armor = armor;
context.herbs = herbs;
context.herbs = herbs;
context.spells = spells;
context.spells = spells;
// Dump context to console
console.log("ACTOR CONTEXT", context);
async renderCharacterSettings(data) {
async renderCharacterSettings(data) {
const configSheet = await renderTemplate("systems/rmss/templates/sheets/actors/dialogs/actor-settings.html", data);
const configSheet = await renderTemplate("systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/actors/dialogs/app_skill_category_importer.html", data);
return (configSheet);
return (configSheet);
@ -215,6 +216,11 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
html.find(".item-roll").click(ev => {
const item ="data-item-id"));
new game.rmfrp.applications.RMFRPToolsDiceRoller(item,;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.isEditable) return;
if (!this.isEditable) return;
@ -229,15 +235,16 @@ export default class RMSSPlayerSheet extends ActorSheet {
// Show Sheet Settings
// Show Skill Category Importer
html.find(".import-skillcats").click(async ev => {
html.find(".import-skillcats").click(async ev => {
let selectOptions = {};
let selectOptions = {};
for (const pack of game.packs) {
for (const pack of game.packs) {
selectOptions[] = pack.metadata.label;
if (pack.metadata.type === "Item") {
selectOptions[] = pack.metadata.label;
new game.rmfrp.applications.RMFRPToolsSCImporter(selectOptions,;
new game.rmss.applications.RMSSActorSheetConfig(selectOptions,;
// Check/Uncheck Favorite Skill
// Check/Uncheck Favorite Skill
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
export default class RMSSActorSheetConfig extends FormApplication {
export default class RMFRPActorSheetConfig extends FormApplication {
constructor(selectOptions, character) {
constructor(selectOptions, character) {
@ -7,10 +7,10 @@ export default class RMSSActorSheetConfig extends FormApplication {
static get defaultOptions() {
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["form"],
classes: ["form"],
popOut: true,
popOut: true,
template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/actors/apps/actor-settings.html"
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/actors/apps/actor-settings.html"
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
import { RMFRPUtility } from "../../rmfrp-utility.js";
export default class RMFRPToolsDiceRoller extends FormApplication {
constructor(item, actor) {
this.item = foundry.utils.duplicate(item);
| = actor;
this.itemName =;
this.characterBonus = Number(item.system.total_bonus);
this.stunnedModifier = actor.getStunnedModifier()
this.rollType = [
{ value: "one_to_onehundred", text: "1-100", selected: false },
{ value: "open_ended", text: "Open-Ended", selected: true },
{ value: "high_open_ended", text: "High Open-Ended", selected: false },
{ value: "low_open_ended", text: "Low Open-Ended", selected: false }
// Process weapon case
if (this.item.type == "skill" && this.item.system.category.includes("Weapon")) {
let weapon = => i.type == "weapon" && this.item._id == i.system.skill);
if ( !weapon ) {
ui.notifications.error("Weapon not found for skill: " +;
this.weapon = weapon
this.characterBonus += Number(weapon.system.weapon_bonus);
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["form"],
title: "Rolemaster Dice Roller",
popOut: true,
width: 480,
height: 440,
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/apps/app_dice_roller.html"
getData() {
// Send data to the template
return {
itemName: this.itemName,
characterBonus: this.characterBonus,
selectOptions: this.rollType,
weapon: this?.weapon,
targetArmorClass: 1,
config: CONFIG.rmfrp,
difficulty: 0,
combatSituation: 0,
lightningModifier: 0,
darknessModifier: 0,
hitsPerRound: 0,
stunnedModifier: this.stunnedModifier
activateListeners(html) {
async _updateObject(event, formData) {
console.log("Rolling Dice");
this.roll(event.submitter?.dataset?.value, formData);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getWeaponCriticalTableName( key) {
return CONFIG.rmfrp.keyToCriticalTable[key.toUpperCase()]
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async roll(rollKey, formData) {
let baseRoll = await new Roll("1d100").roll();
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(baseRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
let rollType = this.rollType.find(r => r.value == rollKey)?.text;
let rollData = {
name: this.itemName,
weapon: this?.weapon,
rollKey: rollKey,
rollType: rollType,
difficulty: Number(formData.difficulty),
targetArmorClass: Number(formData?.targetArmorClass || 1),
combatSituation: Number(formData?.combatSituation || 0),
lightningModifier: Number(formData?.lightningModifier || 0),
darknessModifier: Number(formData?.darknessModifier || 0),
characterBonus: Number(this.characterBonus),
woundsModifier: Number(,
hitsPerRound: Number(formData.hitsPerRound),
stunnedModifier: this.stunnedModifier,
rolls: [baseRoll],
if (baseRoll.result == 66) {
rollData.content = "You rolled a 66!";
// Process the for low open ended rolls
if (rollKey === "open_ended" || rollKey === "low_open_ended") {
if (baseRoll.result < 6) {
rollData.lowopen = true
let newRoll = await new Roll("-1d100").roll();
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(newRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
while (newRoll.result > 95) {
newRoll = await new Roll("-1d100").roll();
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(newRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
// Process the for high open ended rolls
if (rollKey === "open_ended" || rollKey === "high_open_ended") {
if (baseRoll.result > 95) {
rollData.highopen = true
let newRoll = await new Roll("1d100").roll();
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(newRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
while (newRoll.result > 95) {
newRoll = await new Roll("1d100").roll();
await RMFRPUtility.showDiceSoNice(newRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"))
// Compute total of rolls
rollData.totalRolls = rollData.rolls.reduce((acc, roll) => Number(acc) + Number(roll.result), 0);
rollData.totalFinal = rollData.totalRolls + Number(rollData.combatSituation) +
Number(rollData.lightningModifier) +
Number(rollData.darknessModifier) +
Number( +
Number(formData.difficulty) +
Number(rollData.hitsPerRound) +
Number(rollData.stunnedModifier) +
console.log(">>> Roll Data: ", rollData);
// Manage weapon table
if (this.weapon) {
let hasFumble = false
if ( rollData.totalRolls <= this.weapon.system.fumble_value ) {
hasFumble = true
let attackResult = game.rmfrp.attackTables.getAttackRollResult(this.weapon.system.attack_table, rollData.totalFinal, rollData.targetArmorClass)
if ( !attackResult) {
ui.notifications.error("Attack table not found: " + this.weapon.system.attack_table);
if (typeof attackResult == "object") { // Why ?????
attackResult = attackResult[String(rollData.targetArmorClass)];
console.log("Attack Result: ", attackResult);
rollData.attackResult = attackResult;
// Is it a a critical ?
let critical = attackResult.match(/(\d+)(\w)?(\w)?/);
if (critical && critical[2] && critical[3]) {
if ( critical[2] === "F") {
hasFumble = true
} else {
let criticalTable = this.getWeaponCriticalTableName(critical[3])
//let criticalTable = this.weapon.system.critical_table
if ( !criticalTable ) {
ui.notifications.error("Critical table not found for weapon: " +;
let criticalResult = await game.rmfrp.attackTables.getCriticalResult(criticalTable, critical[2]);
rollData.criticalResult = criticalResult;
rollData.criticalTable = criticalTable;
console.log("Critical Result: ", criticalResult);
if (hasFumble) {
let fumbleResult = await game.rmfrp.attackTables.getFumbleRollResult(this.weapon.system.fumble_table, this.weapon.system.fumble_column)
if ( !fumbleResult) {
ui.notifications.error("Fumble table not found: " + this.weapon.system.attack_table);
rollData.fumbleResult = fumbleResult;
// Define the Chat Message Template
let chatTemplate = "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/chat/chat_dice_roll.html";
console.log("Final rollData", rollData)
// Pass the Data through to be used in the Chat Message
let chatData = rollData
// Render the Rolls to the Chat Window
renderTemplate(chatTemplate, chatData).then((html) => {
let chatOptions = {
flavor: rollType,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
content: html,
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
import { RMFRPUtility } from "../../rmfrp-utility.js";
export default class RMFRPToolsSCImporter extends FormApplication {
constructor(selectOptions, character) {
this.selectOptions = selectOptions;
this.character = character;
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["form"],
width: 520,
popOut: true,
title: "Import Skill Categories",
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/apps/app_skill_category_importer.html"
getData() {
// Send data to the template
return {
selectOptions: this.selectOptions
activateListeners(html) {
async _updateObject(event, formData) {
await this.character.setFlag("world", "importing", true);
let itemType = event.submitter.value;
let toDelete = [];
for (const item of this.character.items) {
if (item.type === itemType) {
if (itemType == "skill_category" && item.type === "skill") {
toDelete.push(; // Delete also skill when re-importing skill categories.
await this.character.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", toDelete);
let comp = (itemType == "skill") ? formData.selectOptionsSkills : formData.selectOptionsCategories;
const pack = game.packs.get(comp);
const skillCategoryData = await pack.getIndex();
console.log("Importing New Skills/Skill Categories.");
let newDocuments = [];
let gameSystem = RMFRPUtility.getGameSystem();
for (const sc of skillCategoryData) {
const newitem = await pack.getDocument(sc._id);
if (newitem.type === itemType && (newitem.system.game_system === "common" || newitem.system.game_system === gameSystem)) {
if (newDocuments.length > 0) {
await Item.createDocuments(newDocuments, {parent: this.character});
await this.character.setFlag("world", "importing", false);
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
// Our Item Sheet extends the default
// Our Item Sheet extends the default
export default class RMSSTransportSheet extends ItemSheet {
export default class RMFRPArmorSheet extends ItemSheet {
// Set the height and width
// Set the height and width
static get defaultOptions() {
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
width: 530,
width: 530,
height: 440,
height: 440,
template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-transport-sheet.html",
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/items/rmfrp-armor-sheet.html",
classes: ["rmss", "sheet", "item"]
classes: ["rmfrp", "sheet", "item"]
// If our sheet is called here it is.
// If our sheet is called here it is.
get template() {
get template() {
return "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-transport-sheet.html";
return "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/items/rmfrp-armor-sheet.html";
// Make the data available to the sheet template
// Make the data available to the sheet template
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default class RMSSTransportSheet extends ItemSheet {
editable: this.isEditable,
editable: this.isEditable,
item: baseData.item,
item: baseData.item,
system: baseData.item.system,
system: baseData.item.system,
config: CONFIG.rmss,
config: CONFIG.rmfrp,
enrichedDescription: enrichedDescription
enrichedDescription: enrichedDescription
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
// Our Item Sheet extends the default
// Our Item Sheet extends the default
export default class RMSSHerbAndPoisonSheet extends ItemSheet {
export default class RMFRPHerbAndPoisonSheet extends ItemSheet {
// Set the height and width
// Set the height and width
static get defaultOptions() {
static get defaultOptions() {
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
width: 530,
width: 530,
height: 440,
height: 440,
template: "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-herb-or-poison-sheet.html",
template: "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/items/rmfrp-herb-or-poison-sheet.html",
classes: ["rmss", "sheet", "item"]
classes: ["rmfrp", "sheet", "item"]
// If our sheet is called here it is.
// If our sheet is called here it is.
get template() {
get template() {
return "systems/rmss/templates/sheets/items/rmss-herb-or-poison-sheet.html";
return "systems/fvtt-rolemaster-frp/templates/sheets/items/rmfrp-herb-or-poison-sheet.html";
// Make the data available to the sheet template
// Make the data available to the sheet template
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ export default class RMSSHerbAndPoisonSheet extends ItemSheet {
editable: this.isEditable,
editable: this.isEditable,
item: baseData.item,
item: baseData.item,
system: baseData.item.system,
system: baseData.item.system,
config: CONFIG.rmss,
config: CONFIG.rmfrp,
enrichedDescription: enrichedDescription
enrichedDescription: enrichedDescription