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No commits in common. "v11" and "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon-11.0.11" have entirely different histories.

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# 12.0
## 12.0.9 - Le scriptorium d'Astrobazzarh
- ajout d'une fonction avancée pour exporter les personnages dans un format csv
## 12.0.8 - La quincaillerie d'Astrobazzarh
- le propriétaire est indiqué dans les feuilles d'équipements/compétences/...
- Ecaille d'efficacité
- l'écaille d'efficacité est prise en compte même si on n'utilise pas le ciblage en combat
- l'écaille d'efficacité est prise en compte pour l'initiative
- Corrections
- l'état général est pris en compte pour les initiatives
- le tooltip de l'initiative affiche correctement l'initiative
## 12.0.7 - La propriété d'Astrobazzarh
- correction des opérations faites à la création d'un Item:
- la durée des queues/rencontres/souffles
- les effets draconiques d'un souffle/queue
- mise à jour des points de tâche des blessures lors des soins
- pas d'expérience sur les particulières quand aucun MJ n'est connecté
- Le drag&drop d'un acteur depuis la liste des acteurs sur la fiche
d'une entité incarnée permet d'accorder le personnage
- Les messages pour résister aux possessions/conjuration sont envoyées
au défenseur
- Les messages pour résister aux empoignades sont envoyées au défenseur
- la commande /voyage affiche maintenant le total de fatigue pour chaque voyageur
- la commande /voyage affiche maintenant les compétences liées au terrain
## 12.0.6 - Le bazar d'Astrobazzarh
- Corrections de l'inventaire en bazar:
- un problème pouvait survenir en déplaçant les objets
l'inventaire, qui fait qu'un conteneur se retrouve récursivement dans son
propre contenu, ce qui empêche d'ouvrir la feuille d'acteur.
- un objet non-conteneur pouvait dans certains cas avoir un pseudo contenu
- un objet pouvait être considéré comme contenu, sans être présent dans un
conteneur (et donc non affiché)
- vider les conteneurs supprime correctement toutes les informations liées
aux conteneurs/contenus
- Les messages pour les tirages dans le compendium utilisent le "roll mode"
courant pour leur visibilité
- Fix: restaurer la compatibilité Foundry 11
## 12.0.5 - Les mauvais jours d'Astrobazzarh
- Fix: on peut de nouveau ouvrir l'édition de calendrier
- Fix: on ne peut plus ouvrir plusieurs fenêtres de lancer de sort
- Fix: Failed to execute 'getComputedStyle' on 'Window'
## 12.0.4 - La plaie d'Astrobazzarh
- **Support V12**
- Fix: les boutons d'encaissement dans le tchat fonctionnent de nouveau
- Fix warnings sur "Die" et AudioHelper
## 12.0.3 - L'hémorragie d'Astrobazzarh
- **Support V12**
- On peut de nouveau ouvrir un acteur blessé après redémarrage du monde
- On peut de nouveau ouvrir les Items avec une rareté par environnement
- Le choix de ne plus afficher les demandes de suppression est bien pris en compte
## 12.0.2 - Les pluies d'Astrobazzarh
- **Support V12**
- correction des actions techniques déleguées au MJ qui bloquaient les fenêtre de lancer de dés des joueurs (et plein d'autres)
- la fenêtre de calendrier s'ouvre correctement
- les dés draconiques peuvent de nouveau faire plus que 0
- adaptation de la fenêtre de recherche
- correction des comparaisons de version pour les migrations automatiques
- correction des roll.eveluate: l'option async est maintenant standard
- correction des templates liés aux selections
- correction de l'ajustement de luminosité de la scène selon l'heure
- correction des images d'effets sur les tokens
- correction de la vente par le tchat: seul le premier acheteur pouvait acheter
- correction d'erreurs intempestives 'User ... lacks permission to update ...'
# 11.2
## 11.2.21 - Le questionnement d'Akarlikarlikar
- Une confirmation spécifique est demandée pour monter dans les terres médianes en cas de rencontre en attente
- L'expérience en caractéristique sur les jets de chance et rêve actuels est mise dans la caractéristique correspondante
- Les effets s'appliquent correctement sur les créatures
- La date et l'heure (draconiques) sont affichées dans les messages du tchat
## 11.2.20 - Le soulagement d'Akarlikarlikar
- L'option "ajout de la difficulté d'attaque à l'encaissement" est affichée comme un modificateur d'encaissement
- Les options d'encaissement alternatives fonctionnent avec la validation de l'encaissement par le gardien
- La fenêtre d'astrologie du gardien affiche toutes les heures lues par un personnage
- Si aucune expérience n'est gagnée, les autres effets à appliquer (comme la récupération de seuil après avoir vaincu un rêve de Dragon) s'appliquent normalement
- Les tooltips de Foundry sont lisibles
- On n'accorde plus les entités de cauchemar deux fois quand le gardien valide les encaissements
- Les messages de récupération de rêve en cas de Rêve de Dragon sont clarifiés
## 11.2.19 - Les hémorroïdes d'Akarlikarlikar
- La validation des jets d'encaissement par le Gardien fonctionne de nouveau
## 11.2.18 - Le bourrichon d'Akarlikarlikar
- Les différentes listes de la feuille de personnage ont maintenant le bouton pour envoyer dans le tchat
## 11.2.17 - Le cache-oeil d'Akarlikarlikar
- Le titre des fenêtre d'objet affiche de nouveau le type traduit
- Les tooltips des boutons edit/delete sont maintenant en Français
- La case à cocher "Cacher les points de tâches" fonctionne de nouveau
- Les personnages non-liés ne sont plus dans les liste de personnages joueurs pour le repos, le stress, la fatigue
- L'utilisation de Thanatos est visible dans l'onglet Haut-Rêve pour indiquer que la prochaine queue est une ombre
- La fenêtre des TMRs ne devrait plus afficher une zone noire au lieu de la carte.
## 11.2.16 - Le Tri d'Akarlikarlikar
- Tri alphabétique des items dans la fenêtre de création
- Mise à jour comptage de monde
## 11.2.15 - La Table d'Akarlikarlikar
- Tirage automatique de la foce d'une rencontre (via la commande /tmrr)
- Ajout de boutons pour ajouter des blessures "complètes" (ie avec perte d'endurance/vie)
## 11.2.14 - Les petits pas d'Akarlikarlikar
- Correction sur la gestion de la surprise
- Ordre des messages sur les cases humides
## 11.2.13 - Les cent pas d'Akarlikarlikar
- Ajout de la commande /voyage pour gérer la fatigue de marche des voyageurs
## 11.2.12 - Le somnifère d'Akarlikarlikar
- Fix: les potions enchantées n'empêchent plus de finir correctement Château Dormant
## 11.2.11 - Le miroir d'Akarlikarlikar
- Changement des images de compétence de créatures morsure/pinces pour être dans le thème
- Suppression de la bordure autour des portraits d'acteurs, remplacés par un légèr éclaircissement du fond
- Fix: le refoulement ajoute correctement un souffle et revient à 0 en cas d'échec
## 11.2.10 - Les expériences d'Akarlikarlikar
- En cas d'expérience des caractéristiques dérivées,
- si plusieurs caractéristiques pourraient recevoir l'expérience, une fenêtre demande au joueur
- si une seule caractéristique peut recevoir de l'expérience, c'est attribué automatiquement
- Si la force est au maximum pour la taille personnage, on ne peut plus gagner d'expérience
## 11.2.9 - La barbe d'Akarlikarlikar
- Amélioration des textes de tooltips
- Les tooltips sont plus dans le thème de couleur du système Rêve de Dragon
- Ajouts d'icones pour les attaque/initiative/soins dans les raccourcis sur les tokens (HUD)
- Ajout d'une icône et transformation en bouton du lien pour accéder à l'astrologie et aux chiffres astraux
- Suppression de message de log inutile sur chaque point de coeur
- On peut désactiver l'ajustement astrologique sur les jets de chance (pour des jts de chances non liés à une heure)- Fix: suppression de quelques cas d'erreur lors de l'ouverture des TMR
- Fix: suppression du warning de depréciation effects flags.core.statusId
- Les sorts en réserve en fleuve sont indiqués sur toutes les cases fleuve
- Changement de l'icône d'état d'empoignade pour suivre les couleurs des autres icônes d'état
## 11.2.8 - L'éclairage d'Akarlikarlikar
- l'ajustement de la lumière jour/nuit s'étale sur moins de temps (vaisseau et Lyre)
- les nouveaux tooltips ne masquent plus l'information d'expérience
- les jets de dés pour maîtriser les rencontres fonctionnent de nouveau
## 11.2.7 - Les explications d'Akarlikarlikar
- Ajout de tooltips sur la plupart des boutons, liens clickables, objets, tâches, ...
- Fix: on peut de nouveau regarder l'inventaire avec les droits limités/observateur
## 11.2.6 - Les réveils difficiles d'Akarlikarlikar
- Les changements de points de Cœur sont temporaires jusqu'à fin Château Dormant
- Fix: tous les petits fixes (feuille qui s'ouvre plus, compagnons animaux, potions qui bloquent Château Dormant, ...)
## 11.2.2 - Les tendres moments d'Akarlikarlikar
- On peut maintenant avoir des points de Cœur pour des suivants/compagnons
- diminuer les points de coeurs fait perdre du moral
- on peut proposer un tendre moment
- les jets de volonté peuvent être ajustés selon les points de Cœur
- Fixes
- La résistance est de 1 par défaut pour les équipements
- Les armes de créatures sont de nouveau utilisables depuis les tokens
- Pas de notifications de signe draconique quand on regarde les TMR sans monter
- Correction d'un problème de contextes WebGL causé par des ouvertures/fermetures de TMRs
- On peut maintenant prendre un objet d'un acteur-token pour l'ajouter à un autre acteur
- On ne peut plus donner d'objets d'un acteur à un acteur-token
- L'état général est correctement calculé, affiché, et utilisé pour les animaux
- On peut ajouter des blessures manuellement aux animaux
- Le texte de la carte de Tarot "Le Gibet" est corrigé
- Sur Firefox, le calendrier est correctement initialisé, les ajustements astrologiques
ne bloquent plus les jets de dés
## v11.2.1 - La technique d'Akarlikarlikar
- On peut créer des armes pour Corps à corps et Esquive. Barreaux de chaise, armes improvisées, techniques d'art martiaux, pas de côté pour faire trébucher l'adversaire... A vous de voir comment imaginer de nouvelles "armes".
- Les armes avec une résistance de 0 ne peuvent pas être utilisées, une image et un rappel indiquent qu'elles sont cassées
Vu qu'elles ne peuvent pas être utilisées, permet de savoir pourquoi
## v11.2.0 - Les Terres médianes d'Akarlikarlikar
- Les TMRs sont redimensionables
- Nouveaux graphismes plus lisibles dans les TMRs
- Nouveau code couleur des icônes dans les TMR:
- noir: case innaccessible
- rouge: empêche l'usage du haut-rêve
- vert: bonus de tête de dragon permanent
- bleu: la case doit être vaincue
- blanc: effet temporaire (sort en réserve, présent des cités)
- Fix: les déplacements aléatoires prennent bien compte des colonnes paires/impaires
- Fix: Le Tricollet prend deux "L"
- Fix: Les jets d'encaissement forcés par le gardien à un résultat inférieur à 11 ne peuvent plus donner un deuxième d10 négatif
# v11.1
## v11.1.6 - Les dissections de Werther de Zloth
- Fix: on peut de nouveau donner des compétences aux créatures
- Fix: le délai de guérison d'une blessure rétrogradée est correctement appliqué
- Fix: l'encaissement à valider par le MJ fonctionne de nouveau
## v11.1.5 - Werther de Zloth l'Onirique
- Fixes:
- la demande de défense ne marchait plus
- la tête réserve extensible crée bien une case de réserve extensible (à modifier)
- le souffle trou noir ajoute bien une case de trou noir
- la queue urgence draconique ne se transforme plus en idée fixe s'il y a des sorts en réserve
- l'ajout d'une nouvelle queue ne supprime plus l'insomnie
- Amélioration des jets de vie
- un 1 sur le jet de vie est une réussite même si le personnage est dans le coma
- le temps avant le prochain jet est calculé et affiché
- un 20 sur le jet de vie signifie la mort immédiate
- si on dépasse le S.Const, le personnage est bien indiqué comme mort
- pas de jets de vie pour les morts
## v11.1.4 - Werther de Zloth l'Onirique
- Ajout du facteur de significative à côté du pourcentage dans le résultat des jets de dés pour rappeler que le pourcentage n'est pas diviasé
- Fix: dans les TMRs, les tooltips affichent bien les informations de tous les effets sur la case
- Fix: la fatigue et l'éthylisme sont de nouveau pris en compte dans le calcul de l'éthylisme
- Fix: Le MJ peut correctement masquer les points de tâche requis
- Fix: le jet d'appréciation n'utilise pas la compétence
- Fix: la qualité négative n'est pas exotique, elle est juste mauvaise: on n'utilise pas la cuisine pour se retenir de jeter l'assiette
- Esthétique: ne pas afficher "+0" pour les ajustements de jets/encaissement
## v11.1.2 - Les vertèbres de Werther de Zloth
- Fix: les jets d'encaissement fonctionnent de nouveau normalement
- Macro "Mon personnage" permettant au joueur d'accéder à sa feuille de personnage depuis la barre de macros
## v11.1.1 - Les fumebols de Werther de Zloth
- Fix: on peut de nouveau afficher les vues détaillées
- Fix: on peut ouvrir les sacs et contenants portés par les véhicules et créatures
- Fix: cuisiner du gibier prend maintenant bien les proportaions en compte
## v11.1.0 - Les choix de Werther de Zloth
- Les options suivantes peuvent être désactivées:
- La transformation de stress à Château Dormant
- La récuperation de chance à Château Dormant
- La récupération d'éthylisme
- La récupération de rêve (y compris fleurs de rêve et Rêves de Dragon: la rencontre a lieu, mais ne donne pas de rêve)
- Le jet de moral de Château Dormant
- Séparation des véhicules dans leur propre acteur
- Séparation des entités dans leur propre acteur
- Séparation des créatures dans leur propre acteur
- La fenêtre de signes draconiques ne sélectionne plus tout les haut-rêvants par défaut
- Un nouveau personnage a automatiquement son token relié
- corrections de bugs
- si on n'utilise pas les règles de fatigues, un reflet de rêve pouvait garder le Haut-rêvant dans les TMRs pour toujours
- certaines macros ne marchaient pas pour les créatures/entités/véhicules/commerces
- en cas de charge, les particulières sont toujours en force (p125)
# v11.0 # v11.0
## v11.0.28 - les fractures de Khrachtchoum
- La gravité de la blessure est affichée dans le résumé de l'encaissement
- Lors du changement d'acteur pendant le round
- le message annonçant le joueur dont c'est le tour ne contient plus d'informations de santé
- un message avec les informations de santé est envoyé au Gardienn et au propriétaire du token.acteur
- le jet de vie est bien fait par le token si besoin
- seul les propriétaires peuvent faire les jets de vie
- Amélioration de la fenêtre de jets
- le type de dégâts pour les attaques est toujours affiché
- le moral est indiqué avant l'icone d'appel au moral
## v11.0.27 - Khrachtchoum le méticuleux
- le tooltip dans les TMR reste visible si on ne bouge pas la souris
- le surencombrement n'affecte QUE les actions physiques
- on peut de nouveau fabriquer une potion depuis la fenêtre d'édition de l'herbe
- si les TMR sont minimisées alors qu'une action est requise, elles sont bien réaffichées lorsque l'action est faite
## v11.0.26 - le crépuscule de Khrachtchoum
- gestion correcte des TMRs
- les TMRs ne sont jamais minimisées (par le système) quand le haut-rêvant est en demi-rêve
- lorsqu'une fenêtre liée aux demi-rêve est affichée, cliquer sur les TMRs n'a pas d'effet
- les lancers de sorts et lectures de signes sont affichées en premier plan
- Les effets qui ouvrent une fenêtre sont bien affichés en premier plan
- en cas de rencontre suivie de maîtrises/conquêtes, les fenêtres s'enchaînent
- Le drag&drop vers la barre de macro est corrigé
- pour les créatures, possibilités d'avoir les attaques ou autres compétences
- pour les personnages, les macros sont créées:
- pour les compétences
- pour le corps à corps, trois macros sont créées: compétence, pugilat, empoignade
- pour les armes
- deux macros sont créées pour les armes à 1/2 mains
- deux macros sont créées pour les armes de mélée et lancer
- 4 macros si votre arbalête se lance, tire, et se manie à 1 ou 2 mains...
- les jets de compétences d'attaque des créatures fonctionnent de nouveau
## v11.0.25 - la vision du rêve de Khrachtchoum
- Les TMRs restent affichées tant que le Haut-rêvant est en demi-rêve
## v11.0.24 - les couleurs de Khrachtchoum
- nouvelle carte des TMRs
## v11.0.23 - la lumière de Khrachtchoum
- ajustement automatique de la luminosité selon l'heure pour les scènes:
- avec une vision des tokens (sinon: ce n'est pas une scène de carte pour tokens)
- avec illumination globale (correspondant à une illumination extérieure)
- quand lampe "allumée" dans la fenêtre du calendrier
## v11.0.22 - les automatismes de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux
- Macro pour attaquer avec les compétences de créatures
## v11.0.20
- Macro pour attaquer avec les armes des personnages
## v11.0.17
- Fix: les actions de commerce ne s'appliquait pas bien aux personnages des tokens non liés
## v11.0.15 - L'apprentissage de Khrachtchoum
- Fix: l'expérience ne s'appliquait plus sur certaines réussites particulières (régression depuis la 11.0.7)
## v11.0.14 - Les pincettes de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux
- Correction du calcul de la place restante lors de l'ajout dans un conteneur
## v11.0.13 - La multiplication de l'eau de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux
- Correction de la vente depuis un commerce ayant des quantités illimitées
## v11.0.12 - Les poids de la mesure de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux
- Correction des malus de surencombrement
- Le malus armure est correctement affiché dans l'onglet des caractéristiques
- Correction d'orthographe et amélioration des messages des oeuvres d'art
## v11.0.11 - Les bleus de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux ## v11.0.11 - Les bleus de Khrachtchoum le Problémeux
- si le gardien configure le sommeil, les joueurs sont notifiés que chateau dormant vient de passer - si le gardien configure le sommeil, les joueurs sont notifiés que chateau dormant vient de passer

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d="m 373.563,18.406 c -15.616,-0.167 -27.91,4.622 -32.563,14.75 -22.778,49.605 -48.743,87.14 -79.094,117.28 3.047,1.015 6.046,2.29 8.938,3.783 12.987,6.708 25.268,17.78 35.312,30.843 10.044,13.062 17.85,28.114 20.78,43.5 0.746,3.908 1.16,7.885 1.158,11.843 38.97,-24.36 85.058,-41.223 140.875,-51.312 14.91,-2.697 23.652,-28.632 21.405,-58.656 l -35.156,-1 30.56,-24.813 C 481.63,90.117 474.765,75.87 464.623,63.904 449.095,45.59 428.193,32.528 407.903,25.218 l -25.963,15.594 2.812,-21.5 c -3.875,-0.55 -7.61,-0.87 -11.188,-0.907 z M 246.938,166.562 c -1.063,0.052 -2.06,0.226 -3,0.47 -11.976,10.254 -24.61,19.597 -37.938,28.28 0.842,0.33 1.67,0.667 2.5,1.032 14.123,6.192 27.438,17.145 38.47,30.625 13.356,16.322 23.62,36.94 25.624,57.75 10.334,-10.367 21.24,-19.943 32.844,-28.72 4.096,-6.555 4.93,-14.468 3.125,-23.938 -2.184,-11.46 -8.642,-24.43 -17.25,-35.625 -8.61,-11.194 -19.38,-20.622 -29.063,-25.625 -6.052,-3.126 -11.154,-4.45 -15.313,-4.25 z m -61.907,43.282 c -1.385,0.053 -2.69,0.27 -3.968,0.562 -37,20.762 -79.088,37.985 -127.312,56 0.574,0.042 1.14,0.093 1.72,0.156 10.627,1.156 21.076,5.008 31.155,10.875 L 124.313,261 108.5,293.72 c 5.995,5.432 11.803,11.477 17.344,18 20.76,24.434 37.964,55.865 47.094,88.092 0.002,0.01 -0.003,0.022 0,0.032 2.98,10.508 5.11,20.916 6.312,31 20.99,-48.438 44.38,-89.26 72.344,-123 7.3,-21.48 -2.186,-48.408 -19.063,-69.03 -9.44,-11.538 -20.976,-20.718 -31.53,-25.345 -5.936,-2.604 -11.27,-3.808 -15.97,-3.626 z m 141.626,54.844 c -7.31,5.05 -14.462,10.51 -21.437,16.312 39.16,9.26 60.953,35.722 80.655,62.156 10.464,14.04 20.598,28.11 33.125,40.688 24.19,9.147 43.17,6.38 63.906,-14.938 -92.165,-27.78 -96.11,-92.61 -156.25,-104.22 z M 48.594,284.906 c -10.873,0.225 -18.26,5.755 -23.344,16.594 -5.81,12.387 -7.114,32.47 0.438,57.063 5.75,18.73 16.52,37.718 28.75,51.625 12.23,13.906 25.9,22.076 35.374,22.406 h 0.032 c 3.717,0.13 6.553,-0.682 8.812,-2.75 l -0.187,-0.188 2.093,-2.094 c 0.793,-1.168 1.52,-2.548 2.187,-4.187 2.81,-6.9 3.28,-18.552 -1.844,-33 -6.885,-19.417 -19.12,-31.932 -33.375,-34.78 l -22.968,-4.564 19.813,-12.5 38.47,-24.186 c -16.65,-16.822 -34.55,-27.607 -49.376,-29.22 -1.7,-0.184 -3.323,-0.25 -4.876,-0.218 z m 236.25,5.406 -24.53,25.375 c 100.442,17.878 55.45,141.005 159.31,176.188 l -24.78,-57.28 c 32.766,16.15 67.39,22.623 97.72,12.03 -135.77,-41.948 -96.32,-126.983 -207.72,-156.313 z m -169.47,38.22 -25.968,16.343 c 13.18,8.5 23.21,22.565 29.125,39.25 2.57,7.244 4.133,14.205 4.75,20.78 l 23.44,-23.374 c -8.08,-19.19 -19.035,-37.566 -31.345,-53 z m 38.376,72.374 -42.063,42 -0.156,-0.156 c -4.255,3.942 -9.456,6.765 -15.186,7.938 23.268,14.873 44.644,19.346 56.812,9.562 4.26,-3.426 7.043,-8.36 8.47,-14.406 -0.41,-12.684 -2.602,-26.615 -6.657,-40.906 -0.382,-1.346 -0.806,-2.686 -1.22,-4.032 z"
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@ -1,56 +1,55 @@
{ {
"TYPES": { "TYPES": {
"Actor": { "Actor": {
"personnage": "Personnage", "Personnage": "Personnage",
"creature": "Créature", "Creature": "Créature",
"entite": "Entité de cauchemar", "Entite": "Entité de cauchemar",
"commerce": "Commerce", "Commerce": "Commerce",
"vehicule": "Véhicule" "Vehicule": "Véhicule"
}, },
"Item": { "Item": {
"arme": "Arme", "Arme": "Arme",
"armure": "Armure", "Armure": "Armure",
"blessure": "Blessure", "Blessure": "Blessure",
"casetmr": "Case TMR spéciale", "Casetmr": "TMR spéciale",
"chant": "Chant", "Chant": "Chant",
"competence": "Compétence", "Competence": "Compétence",
"competencecreature": "Compétence de créature", "Competencecreature": "Compétence de créature",
"conteneur": "Conteneur", "Conteneur": "Conteneur",
"danse": "Danse", "Danse": "Danse",
"empoignade": "Empoignade", "Extraitpoetique": "Extrait poetique",
"extraitpoetique": "Extrait poetique", "Faune": "Faune",
"faune": "Faune", "Gemme": "Gemme",
"gemme": "Gemme", "Herbe": "Herbe",
"herbe": "Herbe", "Ingredient": "Ingrédient",
"ingredient": "Ingrédient", "Jeu": "Jeu",
"jeu": "Jeu", "Livre": "Livre",
"livre": "Livre", "Maladie": "Maladie",
"maladie": "Maladie", "Meditation": "Méditation",
"meditation": "Méditation", "Monnaie": "Monnaie",
"monnaie": "Monnaie", "Munition": "Munition",
"munition": "Munition", "Musique": "Musique",
"musique": "Musique", "Nombreastral": "Nombre astral",
"nombreastral": "Nombre astral", "Nourritureboisson": "Nourriture & boisson",
"nourritureboisson": "Nourriture & boisson", "Objet": "Objet",
"objet": "Objet", "Oeuvre": "Oeuvre",
"oeuvre": "Oeuvre", "Ombre": "Ombre de Thanatos",
"ombre": "Ombre de Thanatos", "Plante": "Plante",
"plante": "Plante", "Poison": "Poison",
"poison": "Poison", "Possession": "Possession",
"possession": "Possession", "Potion": "Potion",
"potion": "Potion", "Queue": "Queue de Dragon",
"queue": "Queue de Dragon", "Recettealchimique": "Recette alchimique",
"recettealchimique": "Recette alchimique", "Recettecuisine": "Recette de cuisine",
"recettecuisine": "Recette de cuisine", "Rencontre": "Rencontre TMR",
"rencontre": "Rencontre TMR", "Service": "Service",
"service": "Service", "Signedraconique": "Signe draconique",
"signedraconique": "Signe draconique", "Sort": "Sort",
"sort": "Sort", "Sortreserve": "Sort en réserve",
"sortreserve": "Sort en réserve", "Souffle": "Souffle de Dragon",
"souffle": "Souffle de Dragon", "Tache": "Tâche",
"tache": "Tâche", "Tarot": "Carte de tarot",
"tarot": "Carte de tarot", "Tete": "Tête de Dragon"
"tete": "Tête de Dragon"
} }
}, },

View File

@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
import { SYSTEM_RDD } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
const DETAIL_VENTE = 'detailVente';
const NB_LOTS = 'nbLotss';
export class ChatVente {
static getDetailVente(chatMessageId) {
const chatMessage = game.messages.get(chatMessageId)
if (!chatMessage) {
return undefined;
const nbLots = chatMessage.getFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, NB_LOTS)
const detail = foundry.utils.duplicate(chatMessage.getFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, DETAIL_VENTE))
if (!detail.item) {
ui.notifications.warn("Impossible d'acheter: informations sur l'objet manquantes")
return undefined;
const vendeur = detail.vendeurId ? game.actors.get(detail.vendeurId) : undefined;
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(detail,
alias: vendeur?.name ??,
nbLots: nbLots,
chatMessageIdVente: chatMessageId
static getDetailAchatVente(chatMessageId) {
const acheteur = RdDUtility.getSelectedActor()
const detail = ChatVente.getDetailVente(chatMessageId)
if (!acheteur && !detail.vendeur) {"Pas d'acheteur ni de vendeur, aucun changement");
return undefined;
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(detail, { acheteur })
static async diminuerQuantiteAchatVente(chatMessageId, quantite) {
const chatMessage = game.messages.get(chatMessageId)
const vente = ChatVente.getDetailVente(chatMessageId)
vente.nbLots = Math.max(0, vente.nbLots - quantite)
await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, NB_LOTS, vente.nbLots)
const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-vente-item.html', vente);
chatMessage.update({ content: html });
static async displayAchatVente(vente) {
const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-vente-item.html', vente);
const chatMessage = await ChatMessage.create(RdDUtility.chatDataSetup(html))
await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, NB_LOTS, vente.nbLots)
await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, DETAIL_VENTE, {
item: vente.item,
properties: vente.item.getProprietes(),
vendeurId: vente.vendeurId,
tailleLot: vente.tailleLot,
quantiteIllimite: vente.quantiteIllimite,
prixLot: vente.prixLot

View File

@ -1,18 +1,21 @@
import { RdDBaseActorReveSheet } from "./base-actor-reve-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSangSheet } from "./base-actor-sang-sheet.js";
/** /**
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications * Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet} * @extends {ActorSheet}
*/ */
export class RdDCreatureSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet { export class RdDActorCreatureSheet extends RdDActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDBaseActorSangSheet.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-creature-sheet.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-creature-sheet.html",
width: 640, height: 720 width: 640,
}, { inplace: false }) height: 720,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }]
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */

View File

@ -1,17 +1,20 @@
import { RdDBaseActorReveSheet } from "./base-actor-reve-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js"; import { RdDSheetUtility } from "./rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
export class RdDActorEntiteSheet extends RdDBaseActorReveSheet { export class RdDActorEntiteSheet extends RdDActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDBaseActorReveSheet.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-entite-sheet.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-entite-sheet.html",
width: 640, height: 720, width: 640,
}, { inplace: false }) height: 720,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }]
} }
async getData() { async getData() {
let formData = await super.getData(); let formData = await super.getData();
formData.resonances = => game.actors.get(actorId)) formData.resonances = => game.actors.get(actorId))
@ -45,23 +48,18 @@ export class RdDActorEntiteSheet extends RdDBaseActorReveSheet {
const actorId ="actor-id"); const actorId ="actor-id");
if (actorId) { if (actorId) {
const actorResonance = game.actors.get(actorId); const actorResonance = game.actors.get(actorId);
RdDUtility.confirmSubActeurDelete(this, actorResonance, li, () => { RdDUtility.confirmerSuppressionSubacteur(this, actorResonance, li, () => {
console.log('Delete : ', actorId); console.log('Delete : ', actorId);
this.deleteSubActeur(actorId); this.removeSubacteur(actorId);
RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(this, li); RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(this, li);
}); });
} }
}); });
} }
async _onDropActor(event, dragData) { async removeSubacteur(actorId) {
const dropActor = fromUuidSync(dragData.uuid)
super._onDropActor(event, dragData)
async deleteSubActeur(actorId) {
let newResonances = => id != actorId); let newResonances = => id != actorId);
await{ 'system.sante.resonnance.actors': newResonances }, { renderSheet: false }); await{ 'system.sante.resonnance.actors': newResonances }, { renderSheet: false });
} }
} }

View File

@ -11,48 +11,52 @@ import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "./rdd-sheet-utility.js"; import { RdDSheetUtility } from "./rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js"; import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { MAINS_DIRECTRICES } from "./actor.js"; import { MAINS_DIRECTRICES } from "./actor.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReveSheet } from "./actor/base-actor-reve-sheet.js"; import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./actor/base-actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js"; import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js"; import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js"; import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSangSheet } from "./actor/base-actor-sang-sheet.js";
import { RdDCoeur } from "./coeur/rdd-coeur.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/** /**
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications * Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet} * @extends {ActorSheet}
*/ */
export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet { export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDBaseActorReveSheet.defaultOptions, { RdDUtility.initAfficheContenu();
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-sheet.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-sheet.html",
width: 550, width: 550,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }],
showCompNiveauBase: false, showCompNiveauBase: false,
vueDetaillee: false,
vueArchetype: false, vueArchetype: false,
}, { inplace: false }); });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() { async getData() {
let formData = await super.getData(); let formData = await super.getData();
foundry.utils.mergeObject(formData, { mergeObject(formData,
editable: this.isEditable, editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked", cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
effects: => foundry.utils.deepClone(e)),
limited:, limited:,
owner:, owner:,
biographie: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }), biographie: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }),
notes: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }), notes: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }),
}); });
foundry.utils.mergeObject(formData.calc, { mergeObject(formData.calc, {
surenc:, surenc:,
surprise: RdDBonus.find(, surprise: RdDBonus.find(,
resumeBlessures:, resumeBlessures:,
caracTotal: RdDCarac.computeTotal(,, caracTotal: RdDCarac.computeTotal(,,
surEncombrementMessage: ? "Sur-Encombrement!" : "", surEncombrementMessage:,
}) })
this.timerRecherche = undefined; this.timerRecherche = undefined;
@ -76,12 +80,9 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
}); });
// toujours avoir une liste d'armes (pour mettre esquive et corps à corps) // toujours avoir une liste d'armes (pour mettre esquive et corps à corps)
const actor =; formData.combat = duplicate(formData.armes ?? []);
formData.combat = foundry.utils.duplicate(formData.armes);
RdDItemArme.computeNiveauArmes(formData.combat, formData.competences); RdDItemArme.computeNiveauArmes(formData.combat, formData.competences);
formData.combat.push(RdDItemArme.mainsNues(actor)); RdDItemArme.ajoutCorpsACorps(formData.combat, formData.competences, formData.system.carac);
formData.esquives ="Esquive"); formData.esquives ="Esquive");
formData.combat = RdDCombatManager.listActionsArmes(formData.combat, formData.competences, formData.system.carac); formData.combat = RdDCombatManager.listActionsArmes(formData.combat, formData.competences, formData.system.carac);
formData.empoignades =; formData.empoignades =;
@ -110,47 +111,42 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
return formData; return formData;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) { activateListeners(html) {
super.activateListeners(html); super.activateListeners(html);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".appliquerFatigue"), ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".appliquerFatigue"), ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue"));
this.html.find('.subacteur-open').click(async event => {
const subActorId = RdDSheetUtility.getEventItemData(event, 'subactor-id');
this.html.find('.show-hide-competences').click(async event => {
this.options.showCompNiveauBase = !this.options.showCompNiveauBase;
this.html.find('.visu-tmr').click(async event =>"visu"))
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return; if (!this.options.editable) return;
this.html.find('.sheet-possession-attack').click(async event => { this.html.find('.item-action').click(async event => {
const poss = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event, const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,; item?.actionPrincipale(, async () => this.render())
}) });
this.html.find('.subacteur-coeur-toggle a').click(async event => {
const subActorIdactorId = RdDSheetUtility.getEventItemData(event, 'subactor-id')
const coeurNombre = $(event.currentTarget).data('numero-coeur')
RdDCoeur.toggleSubActeurCoeur(, subActorIdactorId, coeurNombre)
this.html.find('.subacteur-tendre-moment').click(async event => {
const subActorId = RdDSheetUtility.getEventItemData(event, 'subactor-id')
RdDCoeur.startSubActeurTendreMoment(, subActorId)
this.html.find('.subacteur-delete').click(async event => { this.html.find('.subacteur-delete').click(async event => {
const li = RdDSheetUtility.getEventElement(event); const li = RdDSheetUtility.getEventElement(event);
const subActorId ="subactor-id"); const actorId ="actor-id");
this.deleteSubActeur(subActorId, li); if (actorId) {
}) const subActor = game.actors.get(actorId);
RdDUtility.confirmerSuppressionSubacteur(this, subActor, li, () => {
console.log('Delete : ',;;
RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(this, li);
this.html.find('.experiencelog-delete').click(async event => {
const li = this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.parents(".experiencelog");
const key = Number("key") ?? -1);
await, 1);
this.html.find('.experiencelog-delete-previous').click(async event => {
const li = this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.parents(".experiencelog");
const key = Number("key") ?? -1);
await, key + 1);
this.html.find("input.derivee-value[name='system.compteurs.stress.value']").change(async event => { this.html.find("input.derivee-value[name='system.compteurs.stress.value']").change(async event => {"stress", parseInt(;"stress", parseInt(;
}); });
@ -158,11 +154,30 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {"experience", parseInt(;"experience", parseInt(;
}); });
this.html.find('.creer-tache').click(async event => this.createEmptyTache()); this.html.find('.encaisser-direct').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.creer-une-oeuvre').click(async event => this.selectTypeOeuvreToCreate());;
this.html.find('.sheet-possession-attack').click(async event => {
const poss = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
this.html.find('.remise-a-neuf').click(async event => {
if (game.user.isGM) {;
this.html.find('.creer-tache').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-legere').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 2)); this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-legere').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 2));
this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-grave').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 4)); this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-grave').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 4));
this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-critique').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 6)); this.html.find('.creer-tache-blessure-critique').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createTacheSoinBlessure(, 6));
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-legere').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 2));
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-grave').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 4));
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-critique').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 6));
this.html.find('.creer-une-oeuvre').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.blessure-premierssoins-done').change(async event => { this.html.find('.blessure-premierssoins-done').change(async event => {
const blessure = this.getBlessure(event); const blessure = this.getBlessure(event);
@ -182,44 +197,87 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
}); });
// Equip Inventory Item // Equip Inventory Item
this.html.find('.item-equip').click(async event => this.html.find('.item-equip').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.chance-actuelle').click(async event =>'chance-actuelle'));
this.html.find('.chance-appel').click(async event =>
this.html.find('[name="jet-astrologie"]').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.tache-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.meditation-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.chant-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.danse-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.musique-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.oeuvre-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.jeu-label a').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.recettecuisine-label a').click(async event =>
if (game.user.isGM) {
// experience log
this.html.find('.experiencelog-delete').click(async event => {
const li = this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.parents(".experiencelog");
const key = Number("key") ?? -1);
await, 1);
}); });
this.html.find('.experiencelog-delete-previous').click(async event => {
const li = this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.parents(".experiencelog"); // Roll Carac
const key = Number("key") ?? -1); this.html.find('.carac-label a').click(async event => {
await, key + 1); let caracName =;;
}); });
// Boutons spéciaux MJs
this.html.find('.forcer-tmr-aleatoire').click(async event =>"Action MJ")) this.html.find('.chance-actuelle').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.afficher-tmr').click(async event =>'chance-actuelle');
this.html.find('.chance-appel').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('[name="jet-astrologie"]').click(async event => {;
// Roll Skill
this.html.find('a.competence-label').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.tache-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.meditation-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.chant-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.danse-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.musique-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.oeuvre-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.jeu-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.recettecuisine-label a').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.subacteur-label a').click(async event => {
let actorId = RdDSheetUtility.getEventItemData(event, 'actor-id');
let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
if (actor) {
} }
// Boutons spéciaux MJs
this.html.find('.forcer-tmr-aleatoire').click(async event => {"Action MJ");
this.html.find('.afficher-tmr').click(async event => {;
// Points de reve actuel // Points de reve actuel
this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel a').click(async event =>'reve-actuel', true)) this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel a').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.empoignade-label a').click(async event => RdDEmpoignade.onAttaqueEmpoignadeFromItem(RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,'reve-actuel', true);
this.html.find('.arme-label a').click(async event => });
// Suite empoignade
this.html.find('.empoignade-label a').click(async event => {
let emp = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,
// Roll Weapon1
this.html.find('.arme-label a').click(async event => {
let arme = this._getEventArmeCombat(event);;
// Initiative pour l'arme // Initiative pour l'arme
this.html.find('.arme-initiative a').click(async event => { this.html.find('.arme-initiative a').click(async event => {
let combatant = game.combat.combatants.find(c => ==; let combatant = game.combat.combatants.find(c => ==;
@ -230,33 +288,72 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {"Impossible de lancer l'initiative sans être dans un combat.");"Impossible de lancer l'initiative sans être dans un combat.");
} }
}); });
// Display TMR // Display TMR, visualisation
this.html.find('.visu-tmr').click(async event => {"visu");
this.html.find('.monte-tmr').click(async event =>"normal")) // Display TMR, normal
this.html.find('.monte-tmr-rapide').click(async event =>"rapide")) this.html.find('.monte-tmr').click(async event => {"normal");
this.html.find('.repos').click(async event => await // Display TMR, fast
this.html.find('.monte-tmr-rapide').click(async event => {"rapide");
this.html.find('.carac-xp-augmenter').click(async event =>"augmenter.", ""))) this.html.find('.repos').click(async event => {
this.html.find('.competence-xp-augmenter').click(async event => await;
this.html.find('.competence-stress-augmenter').click(async event => });
this.html.find('.delete-active-effect').click(async event => {
if (game.user.isGM) {
let effect = this.html.find(event.currentTarget).parents(".active-effect").data('effect');;
this.html.find('.enlever-tous-effets').click(async event => {
if (game.user.isGM) {
this.html.find('.carac-xp-augmenter').click(async event => {
let caracName ="augmenter.", "");;
this.html.find('.competence-xp-augmenter').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.competence-stress-augmenter').click(async event => {;
if (this.options.vueDetaillee) { if (this.options.vueDetaillee) {
// On carac change // On carac change
this.html.find('.carac-value').change(async event => {
let caracName =".value", "").replace("system.carac.", "");, parseInt(;
this.html.find('input.carac-xp').change(async event => { this.html.find('input.carac-xp').change(async event => {
let caracName =".xp", "").replace("system.carac.", ""); let caracName =".xp", "").replace("system.carac.", "");, parseInt(;, parseInt(;
}); });
// On competence change
this.html.find('.competence-value').change(async event => {
let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value;
//console.log("Competence changed :", compName);, parseInt(;
// On competence xp change // On competence xp change
this.html.find('input.competence-xp').change(async event => { this.html.find('input.competence-xp').change(async event => {
let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value; let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value;, parseInt(;, parseInt(;
}); });
// On competence xp change
this.html.find('input.competence-xp-sort').change(async event => { this.html.find('input.competence-xp-sort').change(async event => {
let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value; let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value;, parseInt(;, parseInt(;
}); });
this.html.find('.toggle-archetype').click(async event => { this.html.find('.toggle-archetype').click(async event => {
this.options.vueArchetype = !this.options.vueArchetype; this.options.vueArchetype = !this.options.vueArchetype;
this.render(true); this.render(true);
@ -266,28 +363,92 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value; let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value;, parseInt(;, parseInt(;
}); });
this.html.find('.nouvelle-incarnation').click(async event =>
} }
this.html.find('.nouvelle-incarnation').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.show-hide-competences').click(async event => {
this.options.showCompNiveauBase = !this.options.showCompNiveauBase;
this.html.find('.vue-detaillee').click(async event => {
this.options.vueDetaillee = !this.options.vueDetaillee;
// On pts de reve change // On pts de reve change
this.html.find('.pointsreve-value').change(async event =>{ "system.reve.reve.value": event.currentTarget.value })) this.html.find('.pointsreve-value').change(async event => {
this.html.find('.seuil-reve-value').change(async event => let reveValue = event.currentTarget.value;{ "system.reve.reve.value": reveValue });
this.html.find('.stress-test').click(async event => // On seuil de reve change
this.html.find('.moral-malheureux').click(async event =>'malheureuse')) this.html.find('.seuil-reve-value').change(async event => {
this.html.find('.moral-neutre').click(async event =>'neutre')) console.log("seuil-reve-value", event.currentTarget)
this.html.find('.moral-heureux').click(async event =>'heureuse'));
this.html.find('.ethylisme-test').click(async event => });
this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel-plus').click(async event => // On stress change
this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel-moins').click(async event => this.html.find('.compteur-edit').change(async event => {
this.html.find('.fatigue-plus').click(async event =>"fatigue", 1)) let fieldName =;
this.html.find('.fatigue-moins').click(async event =>"fatigue", -1)), parseInt(;
this.html.find('.stress-test').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.moral-malheureux').click(async event => {'malheureuse');
this.html.find('.moral-neutre').click(async event => {'neutre');
this.html.find('.moral-heureux').click(async event => {'heureuse');
this.html.find('.ethylisme-test').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.jet-vie').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.jet-endurance').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.vie-plus').click(async event => {"vie", 1);
this.html.find('.vie-moins').click(async event => {"vie", -1);
this.html.find('.endurance-plus').click(async event => {"endurance", 1);
this.html.find('.endurance-moins').click(async event => {"endurance", -1);
this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel-plus').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.ptreve-actuel-moins').click(async event => {;
this.html.find('.fatigue-plus').click(async event => {"fatigue", 1);
this.html.find('.fatigue-moins').click(async event => {"fatigue", -1);
} }
getBlessure(event) { getBlessure(event) {
const blessureId = this.html.find(event.currentTarget).parents(".item-blessure").data('item-id'); const itemId = this.html.find(event.currentTarget).parents(".item-blessure").data('item-id');
return, 'blessure'); const blessure =, 'blessure');
return blessure;
} }
isCompetenceAffichable(competence) { isCompetenceAffichable(competence) {
@ -301,21 +462,6 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
super._onDropActor(event, dragData); super._onDropActor(event, dragData);
} }
openSubActeur(actorId) {
deleteSubActeur(actorId, li) {
if (actorId) {
const subActor = game.actors.get(actorId);
RdDUtility.confirmSubActeurDelete(this, subActor, li, () => {
console.log('Delete : ',;;
RdDUtility.slideOnDelete(this, li);
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async selectTypeOeuvreToCreate() { async selectTypeOeuvreToCreate() {
let types = RdDItem.getTypesOeuvres(); let types = RdDItem.getTypesOeuvres();
@ -385,7 +531,7 @@ export class RdDActorSheet extends RdDBaseActorSangSheet {
async _onSplitItem(item, split) { async _onSplitItem(item, split) {
if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) { if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) {
await item.diminuerQuantite(split); await item.diminuerQuantite(split);
const splitItem = foundry.utils.duplicate(item); const splitItem = duplicate(item);
splitItem.system.quantite = split; splitItem.system.quantite = split;
await'Item', [splitItem]) await'Item', [splitItem])
} }

View File

@ -1,31 +1,21 @@
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./base-actor-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDActorVehiculeSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet { export class RdDActorVehiculeSheet extends RdDActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDBaseActorSheet.defaultOptions, { RdDUtility.initAfficheContenu();
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-vehicule-sheet.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-vehicule-sheet.html",
width: 640, height: 720, width: 640,
}, { inplace: false }) height: 720,
} tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }]
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() {
let formData = await super.getData();
editable: this.isEditable,
cssClass: this.isEditable ? "editable" : "locked",
effects: => foundry.utils.deepClone(e)),
}); });
this.timerRecherche = undefined;
return formData;
} }
activateListeners(html) { activateListeners(html) {

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./base-actor-sheet.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet}
export class RdDBaseActorReveSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet {
/** @override */
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDBaseActorSheet.defaultOptions, {
width: 550
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return;
this.html.find('.encaisser-direct').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.carac-label a').click(async event =>;
this.html.find('a.competence-label').click(async event =>;
this.html.find('.endurance-plus').click(async event =>"endurance", 1));
this.html.find('.endurance-moins').click(async event =>"endurance", -1));
if (game.user.isGM) {
this.html.find('.remise-a-neuf').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.delete-active-effect').click(async event =>".active-effect").data('effect')));
this.html.find('.enlever-tous-effets').click(async event => await;

View File

@ -1,503 +0,0 @@
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { DialogValidationEncaissement } from "../dialog-validation-encaissement.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../item-competence.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "../rdd-empoignade.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "../rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDEncaisser } from "../rdd-roll-encaisser.js";
import { RdDRoll } from "../rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./base-actor.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
import { StatusEffects } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Targets } from "../targets.js";
import { RdDPossession } from "../rdd-possession.js";
import { RdDCombat } from "../rdd-combat.js";
import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js";
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, SHOW_DICE, SYSTEM_RDD } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItemArme } from "../item-arme.js";
img: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession.webp',
name: 'Sans draconic',
system: {
niveau: 0,
defaut_carac: "reve-actuel",
* Classe de base pour les acteurs disposant de rêve (donc, pas des objets)
* - Entités de rêve
* - Créatures de "sang": créatures et humanoides
export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
getCaracChanceActuelle() {
return {
label: 'Chance actuelle',
value: this.getChanceActuel(),
type: "number"
getCaracReveActuel() {
return {
label: 'Rêve actuel',
value: this.getReveActuel(),
type: "number"
getReveActuel() { return this.getReve() }
getChanceActuel() { return this.getChance() }
getReve() { return Number(this.system.carac.reve?.value ?? 0) }
getForce() { return this.getReve() }
getTaille() { return Number(this.system.carac.taille?.value ?? 0) }
getAgilite() { return this.getForce() }
getChance() { return this.getReve() }
getMoralTotal() { return 0 }
getBonusDegat() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.plusdom?.value ?? 0) }
getProtectionNaturelle() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.protection?.value ?? 0) }
getSConst() { return 0 }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEncombrementMax() { return 0 }
isSurenc() { return false }
computeMalusSurEncombrement() { return 0 }
ajustementAstrologique() { return 0 }
getMalusArmure() { return 0 }
getEnduranceActuelle() {
return Number(this.system.sante?.endurance?.value ?? 0);
async jetEndurance(resteEndurance = undefined) { return { jetEndurance: 0, sonne: false } }
isDead() { return false }
blessuresASoigner() { return [] }
getEtatGeneral(options = { ethylisme: false }) { return 0 }
async computeArmure(attackerRoll) { return this.getProtectionNaturelle() }
async remiseANeuf() { }
async appliquerAjoutExperience(rollData, hideChatMessage = 'show') { }
async santeIncDec(name, inc, isCritique = false) { }
async finDeRound(options = { terminer: false }) {
await this.$finDeRoundSuppressionEffetsTermines(options);
await this.finDeRoundBlessures();
await this.$finDeRoundSupprimerObsoletes();
await this.$finDeRoundEmpoignade();
async $finDeRoundSuppressionEffetsTermines(options) {
for (let effect of this.getEffects()) {
if (effect.duration.type !== 'none' && (effect.duration.remaining <= 0 || options.terminer)) {
await effect.delete();
ChatMessage.create({ content: `${} n'est plus ${Misc.lowerFirst(game.i18n.localize(effect.system.label))} !` });
async finDeRoundBlessures() {
async $finDeRoundSupprimerObsoletes() {
const obsoletes = []
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp <= 0))
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].filter(it => it.system.compteur < -2 || it.system.compteur > 2))
.map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', obsoletes);
async $finDeRoundEmpoignade() {
const immobilisations = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp >= 2 && it.system.empoigneurid ==;
immobilisations.forEach(emp => RdDEmpoignade.onImmobilisation(this,
async setSonne(sonne = true) { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetence(idOrName, options = {}) {
if (idOrName instanceof Item) {
return idOrName.isCompetence() ? idOrName : undefined
return RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(this.items, idOrName, options)
getCompetences(name) {
return RdDItemCompetence.findCompetences(this.items, name)
getCompetenceCorpsACorps(options = {}) {
return this.getCompetence("Corps à corps", options)
getCompetencesEsquive() {
return this.getCompetences("esquive")
getArmeParade(armeParadeId) {
const item = armeParadeId ? this.getEmbeddedDocument('Item', armeParadeId) : undefined;
return RdDItemArme.getArme(item);
getDraconicOuPossession() {
getPossession(possessionId) {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].find(it => it.system.possessionid == possessionId);
getPossessions() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession];
getEmpoignades() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCreatureCompetence(idOrName, fieldName, value) {
let competence = this.getCompetence(idOrName);
if (competence) {
function getFieldPath(fieldName) {
switch (fieldName) {
case "niveau": return 'system.niveau';
case "dommages": return 'system.dommages';
case "carac_value": return 'system.carac_value';
return undefined
const path = getFieldPath(fieldName);
if (path) {
await competence.update({ [path]: value });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isEffectAllowed(effectId) { return false }
getEffects(filter = e => true) {
return this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").filter(filter);
getEffect(effectId) {
return this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").find(it => it.statuses?.has(effectId));
async setEffect(effectId, status) {
if (this.isEffectAllowed(effectId)) {
const effect = this.getEffect(effectId);
if (!status && effect) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', []);
if (status && !effect) {
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [StatusEffects.prepareActiveEffect(effectId)]);
async removeEffect(id) {
const effect = this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").find(it => == id);
if (effect) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', [id]);
async removeEffects(filter = e => true) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
const ids = this.getEffects(filter).map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', ids);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getSurprise(isCombat = undefined) {
let niveauSurprise = this.getEffects()
.map(effect => StatusEffects.valeurSurprise(effect, isCombat))
.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
if (niveauSurprise > 1) {
return 'totale';
if (niveauSurprise == 1) {
return 'demi';
return '';
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async computeEtatGeneral() {
// Par défaut, on ne calcule pas d'état général, seuls les personnages/créatures sont affectés
this.system.compteurs.etat.value = 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async openRollDialog({ name, label, template, rollData, callbackAction }) {
const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(this, rollData,
{ html: template, close: async html => await this._onCloseRollDialog(html) },
name: name,
label: label,
callbacks: [
{ action: callbackAction }
return dialog
createEmptyCallback() {
return {
condition: r => false,
action: r => { }
createCallbackExperience() { return this.createEmptyCallback(); }
createCallbackAppelAuMoral() { return this.createEmptyCallback(); }
async _onCloseRollDialog(html) { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async roll() {
const carac = this.getCarac()
const selectedCaracName = ['apparence', 'perception', 'force', 'reve'].find(it => carac[it] != undefined)
await this.openRollDialog({
name: `jet-${}`,
label: `Jet de ${}`,
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll.html',
rollData: {
carac: carac,
selectedCarac: carac[selectedCaracName],
selectedCaracName: selectedCaracName,
competences: this.itemTypes['competence']
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCaracResult(r)
getCarac() {
// TODO: le niveau d'une entité de cauchemar devrait être exclu...
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(this.system.carac,
'reve-actuel': this.getCaracReveActuel(),
'chance-actuelle': this.getCaracChanceActuelle()
{ inplace: false })
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCarac(caracName, jetResistance = undefined) {
let selectedCarac = this.getCaracByName(caracName)
await this.openRollDialog({
name: 'jet-' + caracName,
label: 'Jet ' + Grammar.apostrophe('de', selectedCarac.label),
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html',
rollData: {
selectedCarac: selectedCarac,
competences: this.itemTypes['competence'],
jetResistance: jetResistance ? caracName : undefined
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCaracResult(r)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async $onRollCaracResult(rollData) {
// Final chat message
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-general.html');
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCompetence(idOrName, options = { tryTarget: true, arme: undefined }) {
const competence = this.getCompetence(idOrName);
let rollData = { carac: this.system.carac, competence: competence, arme: options.arme }
if (competence.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
const arme = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(competence)
if (arme && options.tryTarget && Targets.hasTargets()) {
Targets.selectOneToken(target => {
if (arme.action == "possession") {
RdDPossession.onAttaquePossession(target, this, competence)
else {
RdDCombat.rddCombatTarget(target, this).attaque(competence, arme)
// Transformer la competence de créature
await this.openRollDialog({
name: 'jet-competence',
label: 'Jet ' + Grammar.apostrophe('de',,
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-competence.html',
rollData: rollData,
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCompetence(r, options)
async $onRollCompetence(rollData, options) {
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-competence.html')
if (options?.onRollAutomate) {
/** --------------------------------------------
* @param {*} arme item d'arme/compétence de créature
* @param {*} categorieArme catégorie d'attaque à utiliser: competence (== melee), lancer, tir; naturelle, possession
* @returns
rollArme(arme, categorieArme = "competence") {
const compToUse = this.$getCompetenceArme(arme, categorieArme)
if (!RdDItemArme.isArmeUtilisable(arme)) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Arme inutilisable: ${} a une résistance de 0 ou moins`)
if (!Targets.hasTargets()) {
settingConfirmer: "confirmer-combat-sans-cible",
content: `<p>Voulez vous faire un jet de ${compToUse} sans choisir de cible valide?
<br>Tous les jets de combats devront être gérés à la main
title: 'Ne pas utiliser les automatisation de combat',
buttonLabel: "Pas d'automatisation",
onAction: async () => {
this.rollCompetence(compToUse, { tryTarget: false, arme: arme })
Targets.selectOneToken(target => {
if (Targets.isTargetEntite(target)) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer une entité non incarnée avec votre ${}!!!!`);
const competence = this.getCompetence(compToUse)
if (competence.isCompetencePossession()) {
return RdDPossession.onAttaquePossession(target, this, competence);
RdDCombat.rddCombatTarget(target, this).attaque(competence, arme);
$getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName) {
return RdDItemArme.getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName)
verifierForceMin(item) {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async resetItemUse() { }
async incDecItemUse(itemId, inc = 1) { }
getItemUse(itemId) { return 0; }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async encaisser() { await RdDEncaisser.encaisser(this) }
async encaisserDommages(rollData, attacker = undefined, show = undefined) {
if (attacker && !await attacker.accorder(this, 'avant-encaissement')) {
const armure = await this.computeArmure(rollData);
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('validation-encaissement-gr')){
await this.encaisserDommagesValidationGR(rollData, armure, attacker?.id, show);
else {
const jet = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, { showDice: SHOW_DICE });
await this.$onEncaissement(jet, show, attacker);
async encaisserDommagesValidationGR(rollData, armure, attackerId, show) {
if (!game.user.isGM) {
tokenId: this.token?.id,
method: 'encaisserDommagesValidationGR',
args: [rollData, armure, attackerId, show]
} else {
const attacker = game.actors.get(attackerId);
DialogValidationEncaissement.validerEncaissement(this, rollData, armure,
jet => this.$onEncaissement(jet, show, attacker));
async $onEncaissement(jet, show, attacker) {
await this.onAppliquerJetEncaissement(jet, attacker);
await this.$afficherEncaissement(jet, show);
async onAppliquerJetEncaissement(encaissement, attacker) { }
async $afficherEncaissement(encaissement, show) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(encaissement, {
hasPlayerOwner: this.hasPlayerOwner,
show: show ?? {}
await ChatUtility.createChatWithRollMode(, {
roll: encaissement.roll,
content: await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-encaissement.html', encaissement)
if (!encaissement.hasPlayerOwner && encaissement.endurance != 0) {
encaissement = foundry.utils.duplicate(encaissement);
encaissement.isGM = true;
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM"),
content: await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-encaissement.html', encaissement)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async accorder(entite, when = 'avant-encaissement') {
if (when != game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "accorder-entite-cauchemar")
|| entite == undefined
|| !entite.isEntite([ENTITE_INCARNE])
|| entite.isEntiteAccordee(this)) {
return true;
const rolled = await RdDResolutionTable.roll(this.getReveActuel(), - Number(entite.system.carac.niveau.value));
const rollData = {
rolled: rolled,
selectedCarac: this.system.carac.reve
if (rolled.isSuccess) {
await entite.setEntiteReveAccordee(this);
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-accorder-cauchemar.html');
if (rolled.isPart) {
await this.appliquerAjoutExperience(rollData, true);
return rolled.isSuccess;
isEntiteAccordee(attacker) { return true }
async setEntiteReveAccordee(actor) {
ui.notifications.error("Impossible de s'accorder à " + + ": ce n'est pas une entité incarnée");

View File

@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "../item/blessure.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReveSheet } from "./base-actor-reve-sheet.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
* @extends {ActorSheet}
export class RdDBaseActorSangSheet extends RdDBaseActorReveSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
activateListeners(html) {
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return;
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-legere').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 2));
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-grave').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 4));
this.html.find('.creer-blessure-critique').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(, 6));
this.html.find('.subir-blessure-contusion').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.applyFullBlessure(, 2));
this.html.find('.subir-blessure-legere').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.applyFullBlessure(, 2));
this.html.find('.subir-blessure-grave').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.applyFullBlessure(, 4));
this.html.find('.subir-blessure-critique').click(async event => RdDItemBlessure.applyFullBlessure(, 6));
this.html.find('.jet-vie').click(async event =>
this.html.find('.jet-endurance').click(async event => await this.jetEndurance())
this.html.find('.vie-plus').click(async event =>"vie", 1))
this.html.find('.vie-moins').click(async event =>"vie", -1))
async jetEndurance() {
const endurance =
const result = await;
content: `Jet d'Endurance : ${result.jetEndurance} / ${endurance}
<br>${} a ${result.sonne ? 'échoué' : 'réussi'} son Jet d'Endurance ${result.sonne ? 'et devient Sonné' : ''}`,
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(

View File

@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
import { MAX_ENDURANCE_FATIGUE, RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReve } from "./base-actor-reve.js";
import { RdDDice } from "../rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "../item/blessure.js";
* Classe de base pour les acteurs qui peuvent subir des blessures
* - créatures
* - humanoides
export class RdDBaseActorSang extends RdDBaseActorReve {
getForce() { return Number(this.system.carac.force?.value ?? 0) }
getBonusDegat() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.plusdom?.value ?? 0) }
getProtectionNaturelle() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.protection?.value ?? 0) }
getSConst() { return 0 }
getEnduranceMax() { return Math.max(1, Math.min(this.system.sante.endurance.max, MAX_ENDURANCE_FATIGUE)) }
getFatigueActuelle() {
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
return Math.max(0, Math.min(this.getFatigueMax(), this.system.sante.fatigue?.value ?? 0));
return 0;
getFatigueRestante() { return this.getFatigueMax() - this.getFatigueActuelle() }
getFatigueMin() { return this.system.sante.endurance.max - this.system.sante.endurance.value }
getFatigueMax() { return this.getEnduranceMax() * 2 }
malusFatigue() {
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
return RdDUtility.calculMalusFatigue(this.getFatigueActuelle(), this.getEnduranceMax())
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEncombrementMax() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.encombrement?.value ?? 0) }
isSurenc() { return this.computeMalusSurEncombrement() < 0 }
computeMalusSurEncombrement() {
return Math.min(0, Math.floor(this.getEncombrementMax() - this.encTotal));
isDead() { return this.system.sante.vie.value < -this.getSConst() }
nbBlessuresLegeres() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isLegere()).length }
nbBlessuresGraves() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isGrave()).length }
nbBlessuresCritiques() { return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.blessure].filter(it => it.isCritique()).length }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeResumeBlessure() {
const nbLegeres = this.nbBlessuresLegeres()
const nbGraves = this.nbBlessuresGraves()
const nbCritiques = this.nbBlessuresCritiques()
if (nbLegeres + nbGraves + nbCritiques == 0) {
return "Aucune blessure";
let resume = "Blessures:";
if (nbLegeres > 0) {
resume += " " + nbLegeres + " légère" + (nbLegeres > 1 ? "s" : "");
if (nbGraves > 0) {
if (nbLegeres > 0)
resume += ",";
resume += " " + nbGraves + " grave" + (nbGraves > 1 ? "s" : "");
if (nbCritiques > 0) {
if (nbGraves > 0 || nbLegeres > 0)
resume += ",";
resume += " une CRITIQUE !";
return resume;
blessuresASoigner() { return [] }
async computeArmure(attackerRoll) { return this.getProtectionNaturelle() }
async remiseANeuf() { }
async appliquerAjoutExperience(rollData, hideChatMessage = 'show') { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async onAppliquerJetEncaissement(encaissement, attacker) {
const santeOrig = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.sante);
const blessure = await this.ajouterBlessure(encaissement, attacker); // Will update the result table
const perteVie = await this.santeIncDec("vie", -encaissement.vie);
const perteEndurance = await this.santeIncDec("endurance", -encaissement.endurance, blessure?.isCritique());
foundry.utils.mergeObject(encaissement, {
resteEndurance: perteEndurance.newValue,
sonne: perteEndurance.sonne,
jetEndurance: perteEndurance.jetEndurance,
endurance: perteEndurance.perte,
vie: santeOrig.vie.value - perteVie.newValue,
blessure: blessure
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async santeIncDec(name, inc, isCritique = false) {
if (name == 'fatigue' && !ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
const sante = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.system.sante)
let compteur = sante[name];
if (!compteur) {
let result = {
sonne: false,
let minValue = name == "vie" ? -this.getSConst() - 1 : 0;
result.newValue = Math.max(minValue, Math.min(compteur.value + inc, compteur.max));
//console.log("New value ", inc, minValue, result.newValue);
let fatigue = 0;
if (name == "endurance") {
if (result.newValue == 0 && inc < 0 && !isCritique) { // perte endurance et endurance devient 0 (sauf critique) -> -1 vie
result.perteVie = true;
result.newValue = Math.max(0, result.newValue);
if (inc > 0) { // le max d'endurance s'applique seulement à la récupération
result.newValue = Math.min(result.newValue, this._computeEnduranceMax())
const perte = compteur.value - result.newValue;
result.perte = perte;
if (perte > 1) {
// Peut-être sonné si 2 points d'endurance perdus d'un coup
foundry.utils.mergeObject(result, await this.jetEndurance(result.newValue));
} else if (inc > 0) {
await this.setSonne(false);
if (sante.fatigue && inc < 0) { // Each endurance lost -> fatigue lost
fatigue = perte;
compteur.value = result.newValue;
// If endurance lost, then the same amount of fatigue cannot be recovered
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") && sante.fatigue && fatigue > 0) {
sante.fatigue.value = Math.max(sante.fatigue.value + fatigue, this.getFatigueMin());
await this.update({ "system.sante": sante })
if (this.isDead()) {
await this.setEffect(STATUSES.StatusComma, true);
return result
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_computeEnduranceMax() {
const diffVie = this.system.sante.vie.max - this.system.sante.vie.value;
const maxEndVie = this.system.sante.endurance.max - (diffVie * 2);
const nbGraves = this.countBlessures(it => it.isGrave()) > 0
const nbCritiques = this.countBlessures(it => it.isCritique()) > 0
const maxEndGraves = Math.floor(this.system.sante.endurance.max / (2 * nbGraves));
const maxEndCritiques = nbCritiques > 0 ? 1 : this.system.sante.endurance.max;
return Math.max(0, Math.min(maxEndVie, maxEndGraves, maxEndCritiques));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async ajouterBlessure(encaissement, attacker = undefined) {
if (encaissement.gravite < 0) return;
if (encaissement.gravite > 0) {
while (this.countBlessures(it => it.system.gravite == encaissement.gravite) >= RdDItemBlessure.maxBlessures(encaissement.gravite) && encaissement.gravite <= 6) {
// Aggravation
encaissement.gravite += 2
if (encaissement.gravite > 2) {
encaissement.vie += 2;
const endActuelle = this.getEnduranceActuelle();
const blessure = await RdDItemBlessure.createBlessure(this, encaissement.gravite, encaissement.dmg.loc.label, attacker);
if (blessure.isCritique()) {
encaissement.endurance = endActuelle;
if (blessure.isMort()) {
this.setEffect(STATUSES.StatusComma, true);
encaissement.mort = true;
content: `<img class="chat-icon" src="icons/svg/skull.svg" data-tooltip="charge" />
<strong>${} vient de succomber à une seconde blessure critique ! Que les Dragons gardent son Archétype en paix !</strong>`
return blessure;
async supprimerBlessures(filterToDelete) {
const toDelete = this.filterItems(filterToDelete, ITEM_TYPES.blessure)
.map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', toDelete);
countBlessures(filter = it => !it.isContusion()) {
return this.filterItems(filter, 'blessure').length
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async jetDeVie() {
if (this.isDead()) {
ChatMessage.create({ content: `Jet de Vie: ${} est déjà mort, ce n'est pas la peine d'en rajouter !!!!!`, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( });
const jetDeVie = await RdDDice.roll("1d20");
const sConst = this.getSConst();
const vie = this.system.sante.vie.value;
const isCritique = this.nbBlessuresCritiques() > 0;
const isGrave = this.nbBlessuresGraves();
const isEchecTotal = == 20;
const isSuccess = == 1 || <= vie;
const perte = isSuccess ? 0 : 1 + (isEchecTotal ? vie + sConst : 0)
const prochainJet = ( == 1 && vie > 0 ? 20 : 1) * (isCritique ? 1 : isGrave > 0 ? sConst : 0)
let msgText = `Jet de Vie: <strong>${} / ${vie}</strong>`
if (isSuccess) {
msgText += "<br>Réussi, pas de perte de point de vie."
} else {
msgText += `<br>Echoué, perte ${perte} point de vie`;
await this.santeIncDec("vie", -perte);
if (this.isDead()) {
msgText += `<br><strong>${} est mort !!!!</strong>`;
else if (prochainJet > 0) {
msgText += `<br>Prochain jet de vie dans ${prochainJet} ${isCritique ? 'round' : 'minute'}${prochainJet > 1 ? 's' : ''} ${isCritique ? '(état critique)' : '(état grave)'}`
ChatMessage.create({ content: msgText, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async jetEndurance(resteEndurance = undefined) {
const jetEndurance = (await RdDDice.roll("1d20")).total;
const sonne = jetEndurance == 20 || jetEndurance > (resteEndurance ?? this.system.sante.endurance.value)
if (sonne) {
await this.setSonne();
return { jetEndurance, sonne }
async finDeRoundBlessures() {
const nbGraves = this.filterItems(it => it.isGrave(), 'blessure').length;
if (nbGraves > 0) {
// Gestion blessure graves : -1 pt endurance par blessure grave
await this.santeIncDec("endurance", -nbGraves);
async setSonne(sonne = true) {
if (!game.combat && sonne) {`${} est hors combat, il ne reste donc pas sonné`);
await this.setEffect(STATUSES.StatusStunned, sonne);
getSonne() {
return this.getEffect(STATUSES.StatusStunned);
isEffectAllowed(effectId) { return true }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async computeEtatGeneral() { this.system.compteurs.etat.value = this.malusVie() + this.malusFatigue() + this.malusEthylisme() }
getEtatGeneral(options = { ethylisme: false }) { return this.system.compteurs.etat.value }
malusVie() { return Math.min(this.system.sante.vie.value - this.system.sante.vie.max, 0) }
malusEthylisme() { return 0 }

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { DialogSplitItem } from "../dialog-split-item.js"; import { DialogSplitItem } from "../dialog-split-item.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js"; import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js"; import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js"; import { RdDItem, TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js"; import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -15,19 +15,23 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(ActorSheet.defaultOptions, { RdDUtility.initAfficheContenu();
return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"], classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-sheet.html",
width: 550,
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }], tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }], dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }],
showCompNiveauBase: false,
vueDetaillee: false vueDetaillee: false
}, { inplace: false }) });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() { async getData() {
Monnaie.validerMonnaies(['monnaie']); Monnaie.validerMonnaies(['monnaie']);;;
let formData = { let formData = {
title: this.title, title: this.title,
id:, id:,
@ -37,8 +41,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
system:, system:,
description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }), description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }),
notesmj: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }), notesmj: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(, { async: true }),
options: RdDSheetUtility.mergeDocumentRights(this.options,, this.isEditable), options: RdDSheetUtility.mergeDocumentRights(this.options,, this.isEditable)
} }
RdDBaseActorSheet.filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData,; RdDBaseActorSheet.filterItemsPerTypeForSheet(formData,;
@ -51,7 +54,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
this.objetVersConteneur = RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires); this.objetVersConteneur = RdDUtility.buildArbreDeConteneurs(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
this._appliquerRechercheObjets(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires); this._appliquerRechercheObjets(formData.conteneurs, formData.inventaires);
formData.conteneurs = RdDUtility.conteneursRacine(formData.conteneurs); formData.conteneurs = RdDUtility.conteneursRacine(formData.conteneurs);
formData.competences.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) formData.competences.filter(it => it.type == TYPES.competencecreature)
.forEach(it => it.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(it)) .forEach(it => it.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(it))
return formData; return formData;
} }
@ -136,10 +139,9 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
RdDUtility.toggleAfficheContenu(this.getItemId(event)); RdDUtility.toggleAfficheContenu(this.getItemId(event));
this.render(true); this.render(true);
}); });
this.html.find('.actor-montrer').click(async event =>;
this.html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.sheet.render(true)) this.html.find('.item-edit').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.sheet.render(true))
this.html.find('.item-montrer').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.postItemToChat()); this.html.find('.item-montrer').click(async event => this.getItem(event)?.postItemToChat());
this.html.find('.actor-montrer').click(async event =>;
this.html.find('.recherche') this.html.find('.recherche')
.each((index, field) => { .each((index, field) => {
this._rechercheSelectArea(field); this._rechercheSelectArea(field);
@ -147,16 +149,9 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
.keyup(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event)) .keyup(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event))
.change(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event)); .change(async event => this._rechercherKeyup(event));
this.html.find('.recherche').prop("disabled", false); this.html.find('.recherche').prop("disabled", false);
// Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable
if (!this.options.editable) return; if (!this.options.editable) return;
this.html.find('.item-action').click(async event => {
const item = RdDSheetUtility.getItem(event,;
item?.actionPrincipale(, async () => this.render())
this.html.find('.item-split').click(async event => { this.html.find('.item-split').click(async event => {
const item = this.getItem(event); const item = this.getItem(event);
RdDSheetUtility.splitItem(item,; RdDSheetUtility.splitItem(item,;
@ -172,26 +167,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
this.html.find('.nettoyer-conteneurs').click(async event => { this.html.find('.nettoyer-conteneurs').click(async event => {;;
}); });
this.html.find('.vue-detaillee').click(async event => {
this.options.vueDetaillee = !this.options.vueDetaillee;
if (this.options.vueDetaillee) {
// On carac change
this.html.find('.carac-value').change(async event => {
let caracName =".value", "").replace("system.carac.", "");, parseInt(;
// On competence change
this.html.find('.competence-value').change(async event => {
let compName = event.currentTarget.attributes.compname.value;
//console.log("Competence changed :", compName);, parseInt(;
} }
_rechercherKeyup(event) { _rechercherKeyup(event) {
@ -313,7 +288,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActorSheet extends ActorSheet {
async _onSplitItem(item, split) { async _onSplitItem(item, split) {
if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) { if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) {
await item.diminuerQuantite(split); await item.diminuerQuantite(split);
const splitItem = foundry.utils.duplicate(item); const splitItem = duplicate(item);
splitItem.system.quantite = split; splitItem.system.quantite = split;
await'Item', [splitItem]) await'Item', [splitItem])
} }

View File

@ -1,47 +1,38 @@
import { ChatVente } from "../achat-vente/chat-vente.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "../constants.js"; import { SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "../constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js"; import { Monnaie } from "../item-monnaie.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"; import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDAudio } from "../rdd-audio.js"; import { RdDAudio } from "../rdd-audio.js";
import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js"; import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "../settings/system-compendiums.js"; import { SystemCompendiums } from "../settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { APP_ASTROLOGIE_REFRESH } from "../sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor { export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
static _findCaracNode(carac, name) {
return Object.entries(carac)
.filter(it => Grammar.equalsInsensitive(it[1].label, name))
.map(it => it[0])
.find(it => it)
static $findCaracByName(carac, name) {
const caracList = Object.entries(carac);
let entry = Misc.findFirstLike(name, caracList, { mapper: it => it[0], description: 'caractéristique' });
if (!entry || entry.length == 0) {
entry = Misc.findFirstLike(name, caracList, { mapper: it => it[1].label, description: 'caractéristique' });
return entry && entry.length > 0 ? carac[entry[0]] : undefined;
static getDefaultImg(itemType) { static getDefaultImg(itemType) {
return game.system.rdd.actorClasses[itemType]?.defaultIcon ?? defaultItemImg[itemType]; return game.system.rdd.actorClasses[itemType]?.defaultIcon ?? defaultItemImg[itemType];
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static init() { static init() {
Hooks.on("preUpdateItem", (item, change, options, id) => Misc.documentIfResponsible(item.parent)?.onPreUpdateItem(item, change, options, id)) Hooks.on("preUpdateItem", (item, change, options, id) => RdDBaseActor.getParentActor(item)?.onPreUpdateItem(item, change, options, id));
Hooks.on("createItem", (item, options, id) => Misc.documentIfResponsible(item.parent)?.onCreateItem(item, options, id)) Hooks.on("createItem", (item, options, id) => RdDBaseActor.getParentActor(item)?.onCreateItem(item, options, id));
Hooks.on("deleteItem", (item, options, id) => Misc.documentIfResponsible(item.parent)?.onDeleteItem(item, options, id)) Hooks.on("deleteItem", (item, options, id) => RdDBaseActor.getParentActor(item)?.onDeleteItem(item, options, id));
Hooks.on("updateActor", (actor, change, options, actorId) => Misc.documentIfResponsible(actor)?.onUpdateActor(change, options, actorId)) Hooks.on("updateActor", (actor, change, options, actorId) => actor.onUpdateActor(change, options, actorId));
} }
static onSocketMessage(sockmsg) { static onSocketMessage(sockmsg) {
switch (sockmsg.msg) { switch (sockmsg.msg) {
case "msg_remote_actor_call": case "msg_remote_actor_call":
return RdDBaseActor.onRemoteActorCall(, sockmsg.userId); return RdDBaseActor.onRemoteActorCall(, sockmsg.userId);
case "msg_reset_nombre_astral":
case "msg_refresh_nombre_astral":
} }
} }
@ -59,7 +50,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
static onRemoteActorCall(callData, userId) { static onRemoteActorCall(callData, userId) {
if (userId == { if (userId == {
const actor = RdDBaseActor.getRealActor(callData?.actorId, callData?.tokenId); const actor = game.actors.get(callData?.actorId);
if (Misc.isOwnerPlayerOrUniqueConnectedGM(actor)) { // Seul le joueur choisi effectue l'appel: le joueur courant si propriétaire de l'actor, ou le MJ sinon if (Misc.isOwnerPlayerOrUniqueConnectedGM(actor)) { // Seul le joueur choisi effectue l'appel: le joueur courant si propriétaire de l'actor, ou le MJ sinon
const args = callData.args; const args = callData.args;`RdDBaseActor.onRemoteActorCall: pour l'Actor ${callData.actorId}, appel de RdDBaseActor.${callData.method}(`, ...args, ')');`RdDBaseActor.onRemoteActorCall: pour l'Actor ${callData.actorId}, appel de RdDBaseActor.${callData.method}(`, ...args, ')');
@ -68,22 +59,12 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
} }
static getRealActor(actorId, tokenId) { static getParentActor(document) {
if (tokenId) { return document?.parent instanceof Actor ? document.parent : undefined
let token = canvas.tokens.get(tokenId)
if (token) {
} }
return game.actors.get(actorId)
isPersonnageJoueur() { return false }
static extractActorMin = (actor) => { return { id: actor?.id, type: actor?.type, name: actor?.name, img: actor?.img }; };
/** /**
* Cette methode surcharge Actor.create() pour ajouter si besoin des Items par défaut: * Cet methode surcharge Actor.create() pour ajouter si besoin des Items par défaut:
* compétences et monnaies. * compétences et monnaies.
* *
* @param {Object} actorData template d'acteur auquel ajouter des informations. * @param {Object} actorData template d'acteur auquel ajouter des informations.
@ -112,7 +93,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
constructor(docData, context = {}) { constructor(docData, context = {}) {
if (!context.rdd?.ready) { if (!context.rdd?.ready) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(context, { rdd: { ready: true } }); mergeObject(context, { rdd: { ready: true } });
const ActorConstructor = game.system.rdd.actorClasses[docData.type]; const ActorConstructor = game.system.rdd.actorClasses[docData.type];
if (ActorConstructor) { if (ActorConstructor) {
if (!docData.img) { if (!docData.img) {
@ -121,68 +102,14 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
return new ActorConstructor(docData, context); return new ActorConstructor(docData, context);
} }
} }
context.rdd = undefined
super(docData, context); super(docData, context);
} }
findCaracByName(name) { isCreatureEntite() { return this.type == 'creature' || this.type == 'entite'; }
name = Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(name) isCreature() { return this.type == 'creature'; }
switch (name) { isEntite() { return this.type == 'entite'; }
case 'reve-actuel': case 'reve actuel': isPersonnage() { return this.type == 'personnage'; }
return this.system.carac.reve isVehicule() { return this.type == 'vehicule'; }
case 'chance-actuelle': case 'chance actuelle':
return this.system.carac.chance
case 'vie':
return this.system.sante.vie
const carac = this.system.carac;
return RdDBaseActor.$findCaracByName(carac, name);
getCaracByName(name) {
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(name)) {
case 'reve-actuel': case 'reve actuel':
return this.getCaracReveActuel();
case 'chance-actuelle': case 'chance-actuelle':
return this.getCaracChanceActuelle();
return this.findCaracByName(name);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _preCreate(data, options, user) {
await super._preCreate(data, options, user);
// Configure prototype token settings
const prototypeToken = {};
if (this.type === "personnage") Object.assign(prototypeToken, {
sight: { enabled: true }, actorLink: true, disposition: CONST.TOKEN_DISPOSITIONS.FRIENDLY
this.updateSource({ prototypeToken });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
prepareData() {
async prepareActorData() { }
async computeEtatGeneral() { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
findPlayer() {
return game.users.players.find(player => && player.character?.id ==;
isCreatureEntite() { return this.isCreature() || this.isEntite() }
isCreature() { return false }
isEntite(typeentite = []) { return false }
isVehicule() { return false }
isPersonnage() { return false }
getItem(id, type = undefined) { getItem(id, type = undefined) {
const item = this.items.get(id); const item = this.items.get(id);
if (type == undefined || (item?.type == type)) { if (type == undefined || (item?.type == type)) {
@ -191,8 +118,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
listeSuivants(filter = suivant => true) { return [] }
listeSuivants(filter = suivant => true) { return [] }
listItems(type = undefined) { return (type ? this.itemTypes[type] : this.items); } listItems(type = undefined) { return (type ? this.itemTypes[type] : this.items); }
filterItems(filter, type = undefined) { return (type ? this.itemTypes[type] : this.items)?.filter(filter) ?? []; } filterItems(filter, type = undefined) { return (type ? this.itemTypes[type] : this.items)?.filter(filter) ?? []; }
findItemLike(idOrName, type) { findItemLike(idOrName, type) {
@ -201,7 +126,9 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
getMonnaie(id) { return this.findItemLike(id, 'monnaie'); } getMonnaie(id) { return this.findItemLike(id, 'monnaie'); }
getEncombrementMax() { return 0 }
recompute() { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async onPreUpdateItem(item, change, options, id) { } async onPreUpdateItem(item, change, options, id) { }
@ -220,7 +147,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
async creerObjetParMJ(object){ async creerObjetParMJ(object){
if (!Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { if (!Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) {
RdDBaseActor.remoteActorCall({ RdDBaseActor.remoteActorCall({
tokenId: this.token?.id,
actorId:, actorId:,
method: 'creerObjetParMJ', method: 'creerObjetParMJ',
args: [object] args: [object]
@ -230,18 +156,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [object]) await this.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [object])
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async cleanupConteneurs() {
if (Misc.isOwnerPlayerOrUniqueConnectedGM(this)) {
let updates = this.itemTypes['conteneur']
.filter(c => c.system.contenu.filter(id => this.getItem(id) == undefined).length > 0)
.map(c => { return { _id: c._id, 'system.contenu': c.system.contenu.filter(id => this.getItem(id) != undefined) } });
if (updates.length > 0) {
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", updates)
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
getFortune() { getFortune() {
return Monnaie.getFortune(this.itemTypes['monnaie']); return Monnaie.getFortune(this.itemTypes['monnaie']);
@ -252,7 +166,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
let item = this.getItem(id); let item = this.getItem(id);
if (item && item.isInventaire()) { if (item && item.isInventaire()) {
const quantite = Math.max(0, item.system.quantite + value); const quantite = Math.max(0, item.system.quantite + value);
await item.update({ 'system.quantite': quantite }); await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': quantite }]);
} }
} }
@ -306,7 +220,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
if (fromActorId && !game.user.isGM) { if (fromActorId && !game.user.isGM) {
RdDBaseActor.remoteActorCall({ RdDBaseActor.remoteActorCall({
userId: Misc.connectedGMOrUser(), userId: Misc.connectedGMOrUser(),
tokenId: this.token?.id,
actorId:, actorId:,
method: 'ajouterSols', args: [sols, fromActorId] method: 'ajouterSols', args: [sols, fromActorId]
}); });
@ -352,7 +265,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', vendeur ? `Le vendeur n'a pas plus de ${} !`: `Impossible de retrouver: ${} !`); ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', vendeur ? `Le vendeur n'a pas plus de ${} !`: `Impossible de retrouver: ${} !`);
return; return;
} }
if (vendeur && !vendeur.verifierQuantite(itemVendu, quantite)) { if (vendeur && !this.verifierQuantite(itemVendu, quantite)) {
ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', `Le vendeur n'a pas assez de ${} !`); ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', `Le vendeur n'a pas assez de ${} !`);
return return
} }
@ -360,13 +273,16 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', `Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour payer ${Math.ceil(cout / 100)} sols !`); ChatUtility.notifyUser(achat.userId, 'warn', `Vous n'avez pas assez d'argent pour payer ${Math.ceil(cout / 100)} sols !`);
return; return;
} }
await vendeur?.vendre(itemVendu, quantite, cout); await this.decrementerVente(vendeur, itemVendu, quantite, cout);
await acheteur?.acheter(itemVendu, quantite, cout, achat) if (acheteur) {
await acheteur.depenserSols(cout);
const createdItemId = await acheteur.creerQuantiteItem(itemVendu, quantite);
await acheteur.consommerNourritureAchetee(achat, achat.vente, createdItemId);
if (cout > 0) { if (cout > 0) {
RdDAudio.PlayContextAudio("argent"); RdDAudio.PlayContextAudio("argent");
} }
const chatAchatItem = foundry.utils.duplicate(achat.vente); const chatAchatItem = duplicate(achat.vente);
chatAchatItem.quantiteTotal = quantite; chatAchatItem.quantiteTotal = quantite;
ChatMessage.create({ ChatMessage.create({
user: achat.userId, user: achat.userId,
@ -376,26 +292,24 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
}); });
if (!achat.vente.quantiteIllimite) { if (!achat.vente.quantiteIllimite) {
if (achat.vente.nbLots <= achat.choix.nombreLots) { if (achat.vente.quantiteNbLots <= achat.choix.nombreLots) {
ChatUtility.removeChatMessageId(achat.chatMessageIdVente); ChatUtility.removeChatMessageId(achat.chatMessageIdVente);
} }
else if (achat.chatMessageIdVente) { else if (achat.chatMessageIdVente) {
await ChatVente.diminuerQuantiteAchatVente(achat.chatMessageIdVente, achat.choix.nombreLots) = itemVendu.getProprietes();
achat.vente.quantiteNbLots -= achat.choix.nombreLots;
achat.vente.jsondata = JSON.stringify(achat.vente.item);
const messageVente = game.messages.get(achat.chatMessageIdVente);
messageVente.update({ content: await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-vente-item.html', achat.vente) });
} }
} }
} }
async vendre(item, quantite, cout) { async decrementerVente(vendeur, itemVendu, quantite, cout) {
await this.ajouterSols(cout); if (vendeur) {
await this.decrementerQuantiteItem(item, quantite); await vendeur.ajouterSols(cout);
} await vendeur.decrementerQuantiteItem(itemVendu, quantite);
async acheter(item, quantite, cout, achat) {
await this.depenserSols(cout)
const createdItemId = await this.creerQuantiteItem(item, quantite)
if (achat.choix.consommer && item.type == 'nourritureboisson' && createdItemId != undefined) {
achat.choix.doses = achat.choix.nombreLots;
await this.consommerNourritureboisson(createdItemId, achat.choix, achat.vente.actingUserId);
} }
} }
@ -404,32 +318,35 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
verifierQuantite(item, quantiteDemande) { verifierQuantite(item, quantiteDemande) {
const disponible = this.getQuantiteDisponible(item); const disponible = item?.getQuantite();
return disponible == undefined || disponible >= quantiteDemande; return disponible == undefined || disponible >= quantiteDemande;
} }
async consommerNourritureboisson(itemId, choix, userId) { } async consommerNourritureAchetee(achat, vente, createdItemId) {
if (achat.choix.consommer && vente.item.type == 'nourritureboisson' && createdItemId != undefined) {
achat.choix.doses = achat.choix.nombreLots;
await this.consommerNourritureboisson(createdItemId, achat.choix, vente.actingUserId);
async decrementerQuantiteItem(item, quantite, options = { supprimerSiZero: true }) { async decrementerQuantiteItem(item, quantite, options = { supprimerSiZero: true }) {
if (item.isService()) { if (item.isService()) {
return; return;
} }
const itemId =;
let resteQuantite = (item.system.quantite ?? 1) - quantite; let resteQuantite = (item.system.quantite ?? 1) - quantite;
if (resteQuantite <= 0) { if (resteQuantite <= 0) {
if (options.supprimerSiZero) { if (options.supprimerSiZero) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", []); await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", []);
} }
else { else {
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ _id: itemId, 'system.quantite': 0 }]); await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': 0 }]);
} }
if (resteQuantite < 0) { if (resteQuantite < 0) {
ui.notifications.warn(`La quantité de ${} était insuffisante, l'objet a donc été supprimé`) ui.notifications.warn(`La quantité de ${} était insuffisante, l'objet a donc été supprimé`)
} }
} }
else if (resteQuantite > 0) { else if (resteQuantite > 0) {
const realItem = this.getItem(
realItem.update({ 'system.quantite': resteQuantite });
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': resteQuantite }]); await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': resteQuantite }]);
} }
} }
@ -441,7 +358,7 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
type: item.type, type: item.type,
img: item.img, img: item.img,
name:, name:,
system: foundry.utils.mergeObject(item.system, { quantite: isItemEmpilable ? quantite : undefined }, { inplace: false }) system: mergeObject(item.system, { quantite: isItemEmpilable ? quantite : undefined })
}; };
const newItems = isItemEmpilable ? [baseItem] : Array.from({ length: quantite }, (_, i) => baseItem); const newItems = isItemEmpilable ? [baseItem] : Array.from({ length: quantite }, (_, i) => baseItem);
const items = await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", newItems); const items = await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", newItems);
@ -450,6 +367,14 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
computeMalusSurEncombrement() {
return 0;
getEncombrementMax() {
return 0;
async computeEncTotal() { async computeEncTotal() {
if (!this.pack) { if (!this.pack) {
this.encTotal = => it.getEncTotal()).reduce(Misc.sum(), 0); this.encTotal = => it.getEncTotal()).reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
@ -458,10 +383,6 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
return 0; return 0;
} }
getEncTotal() {
return Math.floor(this.encTotal ?? 0);
async createItem(type, name = undefined) { async createItem(type, name = undefined) {
if (!name) { if (!name) {
name = 'Nouveau ' + Misc.typeName('Item', type); name = 'Nouveau ' + Misc.typeName('Item', type);
@ -474,15 +395,14 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
async processDropItem(params) { async processDropItem(params) {
const targetActorId = const targetActorId =;
const sourceActorId = params.sourceActorId const sourceActorId = params.sourceActorId;
const sourceTokenId = params.sourceTokenId const itemId = params.itemId;
const itemId = params.itemId const destId = params.destId;
const destId = params.destId const srcId = params.srcId;
const srcId = params.srcId
if (sourceActorId && sourceActorId != targetActorId) { if (sourceActorId && sourceActorId != targetActorId) {
console.log("Moving objects", sourceActorId, sourceTokenId, targetActorId, itemId); console.log("Moving objects", sourceActorId, targetActorId, itemId);
this.moveItemsBetweenActors(itemId, sourceActorId, sourceTokenId); this.moveItemsBetweenActors(itemId, sourceActorId);
return false; return false;
} }
let result = true; let result = true;
@ -527,45 +447,77 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
conteneurPeutContenir(dest, moved) { conteneurPeutContenir(dest, item) {
if (!dest) { if (!dest) {
return true; return true;
} }
if (!dest.isConteneur()) { if (!dest.isConteneur()) {
return false; return false;
} }
if (moved.isConteneurContenu(dest)) { const destData = dest
ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de déplacer un conteneur parent (${}) dans un de ses contenus ${} !`); if (this._isConteneurContenu(item, dest)) {
return false; ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de déplacer un conteneur parent (${}) dans un de ses contenus ${} !`);
return false; // Loop detected !
} }
// Calculer le total actuel des contenus // Calculer le total actuel des contenus
const encContenu = dest.getEncContenu(); let encContenu = this.getRecursiveEnc(dest) - Number(destData.system.encombrement);
const newEnc = moved.getEncTotal(); // Calculer le total actuel du nouvel objet let newEnc = this.getRecursiveEnc(item); // Calculer le total actuel du nouvel objet
const placeDisponible = Misc.keepDecimals(dest.system.capacite - encContenu - newEnc, 4)
// Teste si le conteneur de destination a suffisament de capacité pour recevoir le nouvel objet // Teste si le conteneur de destination a suffisament de capacité pour recevoir le nouvel objet
if (placeDisponible < 0) { if (Number(destData.system.capacite) < encContenu + newEnc) {
ui.notifications.warn( ui.notifications.warn(
`Le conteneur ${} a une capacité de ${dest.system.capacite}, et contient déjà ${encContenu}. `Le conteneur ${} a une capacité de ${destData.system.capacite}, et contient déjà ${encContenu}.
Impossible d'y ranger: ${} d'encombrement ${newEnc}!`); Impossible d'y ranger: ${} d'encombrement ${newEnc}!`);
return false; return false;
} }
return true; return true;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Ajoute un item dans un conteneur, sur la base de leurs ID */ _isConteneurContenu(item, conteneur) {
async ajouterDansConteneur(item, conteneur, onAjouterDansConteneur) { if (item?.isConteneur()) { // Si c'est un conteneur, il faut vérifier qu'on ne le déplace pas vers un sous-conteneur lui appartenant
if (conteneur?.isConteneur()) { for (let id of item.system.contenu) {
item.estContenu = true; let subObjet = this.getItem(id);
const nouveauContenu = [...conteneur.system.contenu,]; if (subObjet?.id == {
await conteneur.update({ 'system.contenu': nouveauContenu }); return true; // Loop detected !
} }
else { if (subObjet?.isConteneur()) {
return this._isConteneurContenu(subObjet, conteneur);
return false;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getRecursiveEnc(objet) {
if (!objet) {
return 0;
const tplData = objet.system;
if (objet.type != 'conteneur') {
return Number(tplData.encombrement) * Number(tplData.quantite);
const encContenus = => this.getRecursiveEnc(this.getItem(idContenu)));
return encContenus.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0)
+ Number(tplData.encombrement) /* TODO? Number(tplData.quantite) -- on pourrait avoir plusieurs conteneurs...*/
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Ajoute un item dans un conteneur, sur la base
* de leurs ID */
async ajouterDansConteneur(item, conteneur, onAjouterDansConteneur) {
if (!conteneur) {
// TODO: afficher
item.estContenu = false; item.estContenu = false;
await conteneur?.update({ 'system.-=contenu': undefined }) }
else if (conteneur.isConteneur()) {
item.estContenu = true;
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{
'system.contenu': [...conteneur.system.contenu,]
} }
} }
@ -583,14 +535,9 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
if (item.estContenu) { if (item.estContenu) {
item.estContenu = undefined; item.estContenu = undefined;
} }
if (item.system.contenu != undefined) { if (item.type == 'conteneur' && item.system.contenu.length > 0) {
if (item.type == 'conteneur') {
corrections.push({ _id:, 'system.contenu': [] }); corrections.push({ _id:, 'system.contenu': [] });
} }
else {
corrections.push({ _id:, 'system.-=contenu': undefined });
} }
if (corrections.length > 0) { if (corrections.length > 0) {
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', corrections); await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', corrections);
@ -624,31 +571,28 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/** /** Supprime un item d'un conteneur, sur la base
* Supprime un item d'un conteneur, sur la base de leurs ID * de leurs ID */
async enleverDeConteneur(item, conteneur, onEnleverDeConteneur) { async enleverDeConteneur(item, conteneur, onEnleverDeConteneur) {
if (conteneur) { if (conteneur?.isConteneur()) {
if (conteneur.isConteneur()) { item.estContenu = false;
const contenu = conteneur.system.contenu.filter(id => id !=; await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{
await conteneur.update({ 'system.contenu': contenu }); _id:,
'system.contenu': conteneur.system.contenu.filter(id => id !=
onEnleverDeConteneur(); onEnleverDeConteneur();
} }
else {
await conteneur.update({ 'system.-=contenu': undefined })
item.estContenu = false;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async moveItemsBetweenActors(itemId, sourceActorId, sourceTokenId) { async moveItemsBetweenActors(itemId, sourceActorId) {
let sourceActor = RdDBaseActor.getRealActor(sourceActorId, sourceTokenId) let itemsList = []
let itemsList = [{ id: itemId, conteneurId: undefined }] let sourceActor = game.actors.get(sourceActorId);
itemsList.push({ id: itemId, conteneurId: undefined }); // Init list
sourceActor.buildSubConteneurObjetList(itemId, itemsList); // Get itemId list sourceActor.buildSubConteneurObjetList(itemId, itemsList); // Get itemId list
const itemsDataToCreate = => sourceActor.getItem( const itemsDataToCreate = => sourceActor.getItem(
.map(it => foundry.utils.duplicate(it)) .map(it => duplicate(it))
.map(it => { it.system.contenu = []; return it; }); .map(it => { it.system.contenu = []; return it; });
let newItems = await this.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', itemsDataToCreate); let newItems = await this.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', itemsDataToCreate);
@ -657,17 +601,20 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
for (let item of itemsList) { // Second boucle pour traiter la remise en conteneurs for (let item of itemsList) { // Second boucle pour traiter la remise en conteneurs
// gestion conteneur/contenu // gestion conteneur/contenu
if (item.conteneurId) { // l'Objet était dans un conteneur if (item.conteneurId) { // l'Objet était dans un conteneur
const newConteneurId = itemMap[item.conteneurId]; let newConteneurId = itemMap[item.conteneurId]; // Get conteneur
const newConteneur = this.getItem(newConteneurId); let newConteneur = this.getItem(newConteneurId);
const newItemId = itemMap[]; // Get newItem
let newItemId = itemMap[]; // Get newItem
console.log('New conteneur filling!', newConteneur, newItemId, item); console.log('New conteneur filling!', newConteneur, newItemId, item);
const nouveauContenu = [...newConteneur.system.contenu, newItemId] let contenu = duplicate(newConteneur.system.contenu);
await newConteneur.update({ 'system.contenu': nouveauContenu }) contenu.push(newItemId);
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id: newConteneurId, 'system.contenu': contenu }]);
} }
} }
const deletedItemIds = => for (let item of itemsList) {
await sourceActor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', deletedItemIds); await sourceActor.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', []);
} }
_buildMapOldNewId(itemsList, newItems) { _buildMapOldNewId(itemsList, newItems) {
@ -693,20 +640,5 @@ export class RdDBaseActor extends Actor {
.then(html => ChatMessage.create(RdDUtility.chatDataSetup(html, modeOverride))); .then(html => ChatMessage.create(RdDUtility.chatDataSetup(html, modeOverride)));
} }
actionImpossible(action) {`${} ne peut pas faire cette action: ${action}`)
async roll() { this.actionImpossible("jet de caractéristiques") }
async jetEthylisme() { this.actionImpossible("jet d'éthylisme") }
async rollAppelChance() { this.actionImpossible("appel à la chance") }
async jetDeMoral() { this.actionImpossible("jet de moral") }
async actionPrincipale(item, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
switch (item.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return await item.sheet.render(true);
return undefined
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
import { DialogItemAchat } from "../achat-vente/dialog-item-achat.js"; import { DialogItemAchat } from "../dialog-item-achat.js";
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js"; import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { RdDSheetUtility } from "../rdd-sheet-utility.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./base-actor-sheet.js"; import { RdDBaseActorSheet } from "./base-actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDCommerce } from "./commerce.js";
/** /**
* Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications * Extend the basic ActorSheet with some very simple modifications
@ -11,11 +13,14 @@ export class RdDCommerceSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: ["rdd", "sheet", "actor"],
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-actor-sheet.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-actor-sheet.html",
width: 600, height: 720, width: 600,
tabs: [] height: 720,
}, { inplace: false }) tabs: [],
dragDrop: [{ dragSelector: ".item-list .item", dropSelector: undefined }]
} }
get title() { get title() {
if ( && != { if ( && != {
@ -27,7 +32,7 @@ export class RdDCommerceSheet extends RdDBaseActorSheet {
async getData() { async getData() {
const formData = await super.getData(); const formData = await super.getData();
if ( && != { if ( && != {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(formData, mergeObject(formData,
{ {
title:, title:,
token: { token: {

View File

@ -7,8 +7,18 @@ export class RdDCommerce extends RdDBaseActor {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/services/commerce.webp"; return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/services/commerce.webp";
} }
prepareData() {
prepareDerivedData() {
canReceive(item) { canReceive(item) {
return item.isInventaire('all'); if (item.isInventaire('all')) {
return true;
return super.canReceive(item);
} }
getQuantiteDisponible(item) { getQuantiteDisponible(item) {
@ -18,14 +28,14 @@ export class RdDCommerce extends RdDBaseActor {
verifierFortune(cout) { verifierFortune(cout) {
return this.system.illimite || super.verifierFortune(cout); return this.system.illimite || super.verifierFortune(cout);
} }
async depenserSols(cout) { async depenserSols(cout) {
if (this.system.illimite) { if (this.system.illimite) {
return return
} }
await super.depenserSols(cout) await super.depenserSols(cout)
} }
async consommerNourritureboisson(itemId, choix, userId) {
async consommerNourritureAchetee(achat, vente, createdItemId) {
// ne pas consommer pour un commerce // ne pas consommer pour un commerce
} }

View File

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import { ENTITE_INCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDBaseActorSang } from "./base-actor-sang.js";
export class RdDCreature extends RdDBaseActorSang {
static get defaultIcon() {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/creatures/bramart.svg";
isCreature() { return true }
canReceive(item) {
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature || item.isInventaire();
async remiseANeuf() {
await this.removeEffects(e => true);
await this.supprimerBlessures(it => true);
await this.update({
'system.sante.endurance.value': this.system.sante.endurance.max,
'system.sante.vie.value': this.system.sante.vie.max,
'system.sante.fatigue.value': 0
async finDeRoundBlessures() {
const nbGraves = this.filterItems(it => it.isGrave(), 'blessure').length;
if (nbGraves > 0) {
// Gestion blessure graves : -1 pt endurance par blessure grave
await this.santeIncDec("endurance", -nbGraves);

View File

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
import { ENTITE_INCARNE, ENTITE_NONINCARNE } from "../constants.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDEncaisser } from "../rdd-roll-encaisser.js";
import { STATUSES } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDBaseActorReve } from "./base-actor-reve.js";
export class RdDEntite extends RdDBaseActorReve {
static get defaultIcon() {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/darquoine.webp";
canReceive(item) {
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature
isEntite(typeentite = []) {
return (typeentite.length == 0 || typeentite.includes(this.system.definition.typeentite));
isNonIncarnee() { return this.isEntite([ENTITE_NONINCARNE]) }
getReveActuel() {
return Misc.toInt(this.system.carac.reve?.value)
getForce() { return this.getReve() }
getAgilite() { return this.getReve() }
getChance() { return this.getReve() }
getDraconicOuPossession() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature]
.filter(it => it.system.categorie == 'possession')
.sort(Misc.descending(it => it.system.niveau))
.find(it => true);
async remiseANeuf() {
await this.removeEffects(e => true);
if (!this.isNonIncarnee()) {
await this.update({
'system.sante.endurance.value': this.system.sante.endurance.max
isDead() {
return this.isNonIncarnee() ? false : this.system.sante.endurance.value <= 0
async santeIncDec(name, inc, isCritique = false) {
if (name == 'endurance' && !this.isNonIncarnee()) {
const oldValue = this.system.sante.endurance.value;
const endurance = Math.max(0,
Math.min(oldValue + inc,
await this.update({ "system.sante.endurance.value": endurance })
await this.setEffect(STATUSES.StatusComma, endurance <= 0);
return {
perte: oldValue - endurance,
newValue: endurance
return {}
async encaisser() {
if (this.isNonIncarnee()) {
await RdDEncaisser.encaisser(this)
isEffectAllowed(effectId) {
return [STATUSES.StatusComma].includes(effectId);
async onAppliquerJetEncaissement(encaissement, attacker) {
const perteEndurance = await this.santeIncDec("endurance", -encaissement.endurance);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(encaissement, {
resteEndurance: perteEndurance.newValue,
endurance: perteEndurance.perte
isEntiteAccordee(attacker) {
if (this.isEntite([ENTITE_INCARNE])) {
let resonnance = this.system.sante.resonnance
return (resonnance.actors.find(it => it ==
return true
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async setEntiteReveAccordee(actor) {
if (this.isEntite([ENTITE_INCARNE])) {
if (this.system.sante.resonnance.actors.find(it => it == {
// déjà accordé
await this.update({ "system.sante.resonnance.actors": [...this.system.sante.resonnance.actors,] })
else {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ export const XP_TOPIC = {
export class ExperienceLog { export class ExperienceLog {
static async add(actor, topic, from, to, raison, manuel = false) { static async add(actor, topic, from, to, raison, manuel = false) {
if (!actor.isPersonnageJoueur()) { if (!actor.hasPlayerOwner || !actor.isPersonnage()) {
return return
} }
if (from == to) { if (from == to) {

View File

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
import { ACTOR_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM, OptionsAvancees } from "../../settings/options-avancees.js"
import { Mapping } from "./mapping.js"
const IMG_SCRIPTARIUM = '<img class="context-menu-img" src="systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/styles/img/ui/scriptarium.svg">'
export class ExportScriptarium {
static init() {
ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE = new ExportScriptarium()
constructor() {
this.mapping = Mapping.getMapping()
Hooks.on("getActorDirectoryFolderContext", (actorDirectory, menus) => { ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE.onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) })
Hooks.on("getActorDirectoryEntryContext", (actorDirectory, menus) => { ExportScriptarium.INSTANCE.onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) })
onActorDirectoryMenu(actorDirectory, menus) {
name: 'Export Personnages',
condition: (target) => game.user.isGM &&
OptionsAvancees.isUsing(EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM) &&
this.$getActors(actorDirectory, target).length > 0,
callback: target => this.exportActors(this.$getActors(actorDirectory, target), this.$getTargetName(actorDirectory, target))
$getTargetName(actorDirectory, target) {
const li = target.closest(".directory-item")
const folderId ="folderId")
const actorId ="documentId")
return actorId
? game.actors.get(actorId).name
: actorDirectory.folders.find(it => == folderId).name
$getActors(actorDirectory, target) {
const li = target.closest(".directory-item")
const folderId ="folderId")
const actorId ="documentId")
const actors = actorId
? [game.actors.get(actorId)]
: folderId
? actorDirectory.folders.find(it => == folderId).contents
: []
return actors.filter(it => it.type == ACTOR_TYPES.personnage)
exportActors(actors, targetName) {
const eol = '\n'
const header = Misc.join(this.getHeaderLine(), ';')
const actorLines = => Misc.join(this.getActorLine(actor), ';'))
const data = Misc.join([header, ...actorLines], eol)
const filename = `scriptarium-${targetName?.slugify()}.csv`;
saveDataToFile(data, "text/csv;charset=utf-8", `${filename}`);
getHeaderLine() {
return => it.column)
getActorLine(actor) {
const context = Mapping.prepareContext(actor)
return => it.getter(actor, context))
//.map(it => JSON.stringify(it))
.map(it => this.$escapeQuotes(it))
.map(it => it.replaceAll("\n", " ").replaceAll("\r", ""))
$escapeQuotes(it) {
it = '' + it
if (it.includes('"') || it.includes(';')) {
return `"${it.replaceAll('"', '\\"')}"`
return it

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@ -1,308 +0,0 @@
import { Grammar } from "../../grammar.js"
import { RdDItemArme } from "../../item-arme.js"
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../../item-competence.js"
import { RdDItemSort } from "../../item-sort.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../../item.js"
import { Misc } from "../../misc.js"
import { RdDTimestamp } from "../../time/rdd-timestamp.js"
import { RdDBonus } from "../../rdd-bonus.js"
const NIVEAU_BASE = {
"generale": -4,
"particuliere": -8,
"specialisee": -11,
"connaissance": -11,
"draconic": -11,
"melee": -6,
"tir": -8,
"lancer": -8,
class ColumnMappingFactory {
static createMappingArme(part, i) {
return { column: `arme-${part}-${i}`, getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getArme(actor, context, part, i) }
static createMappingSort(part, i) {
return { column: `sort-${part}-${i}`, getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getSort(actor, context, part, i) }
const NB_ARMES = 10
const NB_SORTS = 20
const TABLEAU_ARMES = [...Array(NB_ARMES).keys()]
const TABLEAU_SORTS = [...Array(NB_SORTS).keys()]
const MAPPING_BASE = [
{ column: "ID", getter: (actor, context) => },
{ column: "name", getter: (actor, context) => },
// { column: "biographie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.biographie },
{ column: "taille", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.taille.value },
{ column: "apparence", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.apparence.value },
{ column: "constitution", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.constitution.value },
{ column: "force", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.force.value },
{ column: "agilite", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.agilite.value },
{ column: "dexterite", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.dexterite.value },
{ column: "vue", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.vue.value },
{ column: "ouie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.ouie.value },
{ column: "odoratgout", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.odoratgout.value },
{ column: "volonte", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.volonte.value },
{ column: "intellect", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.intellect.value },
{ column: "empathie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.empathie.value },
{ column: "reve", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.reve.value },
{ column: "chance", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.chance.value },
{ column: "melee", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.melee.value },
{ column: "tir", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.tir.value },
{ column: "lancer", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.lancer.value },
{ column: "derobee", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.carac.derobee.value },
{ column: "vie", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.sante.vie.max },
{ column: "plusdom", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.attributs.plusdom.value },
{ column: "protectionnaturelle", getter: (actor, context) => },
{ column: "endurance", getter: (actor, context) => actor.system.sante.endurance.max },
{ column: "description", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getDescription(actor) },
{ column: "armure", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "protection", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getProtectionArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "malus-armure", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getMalusArmure(actor, context) },
{ column: "esquive", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getEsquiveNiveau(context) },
{ column: "competences", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getCompetences(actor, CATEGORIES_COMPETENCES) },
{ column: "draconic", getter: (actor, context) => Mapping.getCompetences(actor, CATEGORIES_DRACONIC) },
const MAPPING_ARMES = => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('name', i))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('niveau', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('init', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingArme('dommages', i)))
const MAPPING_SORTS = => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('voie', i))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('description', i)))
.concat( => ColumnMappingFactory.createMappingSort('bonus', i)))
export class Mapping {
static getMapping() {
return MAPPING
static prepareContext(actor) {
return {
armes: Mapping.prepareArmes(actor),
armure: Mapping.prepareArmure(actor),
esquive: Mapping.prepareEsquive(actor),
sorts: Mapping.prepareSorts(actor)
static prepareArmes(actor) {
const armes = actor.items.filter(it => it.type == ITEM_TYPES.arme)
return =>
arme.system.tir != "" ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'tir') : undefined,
arme.system.lancer = "" ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'lancer') : undefined,
arme.system.unemain ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'unemain') : undefined,
arme.system.deuxmains ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'deuxmains') : undefined,
!(arme.system.unemain || arme.system.deuxmains) ? Mapping.prepareArme(actor, arme, 'competence') : undefined
.filter(it => it != undefined)
).reduce((a, b) => a.concat(b), [])
static prepareArme(actor, arme, maniement) {
const nameCompArme = RdDItemArme.getCompetenceArme(arme, maniement)
const competence = actor.getCompetence(nameCompArme)
if (RdDItemCompetence.isNiveauBase(competence)) {
return undefined
const dmgArme = RdDItemArme.dommagesReels(arme, maniement)
const dommages = dmgArme + RdDBonus.bonusDmg(actor, maniement, dmgArme)
return {
niveau: Misc.toSignedString(competence.system.niveau),
init: Mapping.calculBaseInit(actor, competence.system.categorie) + competence.system.niveau,
dommages: Misc.toSignedString(dommages)
static calculBaseInit(actor, categorie) {
const mapping = MAPPING_BASE.find(it => it.column == categorie)
if (mapping) {
switch (categorie) {
case 'melee':
case 'tir':
case 'lancer':
const caracteristique = Number(actor.system.carac[categorie].value)
return Math.floor(caracteristique / 2)
return 0
static prepareArmure(actor) {
const armures = actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.armure].filter(it => it.system.equipe)
if (armures.length > 1) {
console.warn(`${} a équipé ${armures.length} armures, seule la première sera considérée`)
if (armures.length > 0) {
const armure = armures[0]
return {
malus: armure.system.malus ?? 0
return {
name: '',
malus: 0
static prepareEsquive(actor) {
const esquives = actor.getCompetences("Esquive")
if (esquives.length > 0) {
const esquive = esquives[0]
return {
niveau: Misc.toSignedString(esquive.system.niveau)
return undefined
static prepareSorts(actor) {
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.sort].map(it => Mapping.prepareSort(it))
static prepareSort(sort) {
return {
voie: RdDItemSort.getCodeDraconic(sort),
description: Mapping.descriptionSort(sort),
bonus: Mapping.bonusCase(sort)
static descriptionSort(sort) {
const ptSeuil = Array(sort.system.coutseuil).map(it => '*')
const caseTMR = sort.system.caseTMRspeciale.length > 0 ? sort.system.caseTMRspeciale : sort.system.caseTMR
return `${}${ptSeuil} (${caseTMR}) R${sort.system.difficulte} r${sort.system.ptreve}`
static bonusCase(sort) {
const list = RdDItemSort.bonuscaseStringToList(sort.system.bonuscase).sort(Misc.descending(it => it.bonus))
if (list.length > 0) {
const bonus = list[0]
return `+${bonus.bonus}% en ${}`
return ''
static getDescription(actor) {
const sexe = actor.system.sexe
const sexeFeminin = sexe.length > 0 && sexe.charAt(0).toLowerCase() == 'f' ? 'Née' : 'Né'
const race = ['', 'humain'].includes(Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(actor.system.race)) ? '' : (actor.system.race + ' ')
const heure = actor.system.heure
const hn = `${sexeFeminin} à l'heure ${RdDTimestamp.definition(heure).avecArticle}`
const age = actor.system.age ? `${actor.system.age} ans` : undefined
const taille = actor.system.taille
const poids = actor.system.poids
const cheveux = actor.system.cheveux ? `cheveux ${actor.system.cheveux}` : undefined
const yeux = actor.system.yeux ? `yeux ${actor.system.yeux}` : undefined
const beaute = actor.system.beaute ? `Beauté ${actor.system.beaute}` : undefined
const list = [race, hn, age, taille, poids, cheveux, yeux, beaute]
return Misc.join(list.filter(it => it), ', ')
static getArmure(actor, context) {
return context.armure?.name ?? ''
static getProtectionArmure(actor, context) {
return Number(context?.armure?.protection ?? 0) + Number(
static getMalusArmure(actor, context) {
return context?.armure?.malus ?? 0
static getEsquiveNiveau(context) {
if (context.esquive) {
const niveau = context.esquive.niveau + context.armure.malus
return niveau > 0 ? ('+' + niveau) : ('' + niveau)
return ''
static getCompetences(actor, categories) {
const competences = Mapping.getCompetencesCategorie(actor, categories)
if (competences.length == 0) {
return ''
const byCartegories = Mapping.competencesByCategoriesByNiveau(competences, categories)
const txtByCategories = Object.values(byCartegories)
.map(it => it.competencesParNiveau)
.map(byNiveau => {
const niveaux = Object.keys(byNiveau).map(it => Number(it)).sort(Misc.ascending())
if (niveaux.length == 0) {
return ''
const txtCategorieByNiveau = => {
const names = Misc.join(byNiveau[niveau].map(it =>, ', ')
return names + ' ' + Misc.toSignedString(niveau)
const txtCategorie = Misc.join(txtCategorieByNiveau, ' / ')
return txtCategorie
}).filter(it => it != '')
return Misc.join(txtByCategories, ' / ')
static competencesByCategoriesByNiveau(competences, categories) {
return => {
return {
categorie: c,
competencesParNiveau: Misc.classify(
competences.filter(comp => comp.system.categorie == c),
comp => comp.system.niveau)
static getArme(actor, context, part, numero) {
if (numero < context.armes.length) {
return context.armes[numero][part] ?? ''
return ''
static getCompetencesCategorie(actor, categories) {
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competence]
.filter(it => categories.includes(it.system.categorie))
.filter(it => !RdDItemCompetence.isNiveauBase(it))
static getSort(actor, context, part, numero) {
if (numero < context.sorts.length) {
return context.sorts[numero][part]
return ''

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./base-actor.js";
export class RdDVehicule extends RdDBaseActor {
static get defaultIcon() {
return "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/vehicules/charette.webp";
isVehicule() { return true }
canReceive(item) {
return item.isInventaire();
getEncombrementMax() {
return this.system.capacite_encombrement;
async vehicleIncDec(name, inc) {
if (!['resistance', 'structure'].includes(name)) {
const newValue = this.system.etat[name].value + inc;
if (0 <= newValue && newValue <= this.system.etat[name].max) {
await this.update({ [`system.etat.${name}.value`]: newValue })

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "./constants.js"; import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "./constants.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
/** /**
@ -119,10 +118,9 @@ export class ChatUtility {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(...names) { static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) {
let recipients = [...ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM')] let recep1 = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name) || [];
names.forEach(name => recipients.push(...ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name))) return recep1.concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM'));
return recipients
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -132,7 +130,7 @@ export class ChatUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) { static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) {
let chatGM = foundry.utils.duplicate(chatOptions); let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions);
chatGM.whisper = ChatUtility.getUsers(user => user.isGM); chatGM.whisper = ChatUtility.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatGM.content = "Message aveugle de " + + "<br>" + chatOptions.content; chatGM.content = "Message aveugle de " + + "<br>" + chatOptions.content;
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM); console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM);
@ -149,13 +147,14 @@ export class ChatUtility {
} }
static async setMessageData(chatMessage, key, flag) { static async setMessageData(chatMessage, key, flag) {
if (flag && chatMessage.isAuthor) { if (flag) {
await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, key, flag) await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, key, JSON.stringify(flag));
} }
} }
static getMessageData(chatMessage, key) { static getMessageData(chatMessage, key) {
return chatMessage.getFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, key); const json = chatMessage.getFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, key);
return json ? JSON.parse(json) : undefined;
} }
static getChatMessage(event) { static getChatMessage(event) {
@ -163,19 +162,4 @@ export class ChatUtility {
return game.messages.get(chatMessageId); return game.messages.get(chatMessageId);
} }
static async onRenderChatMessage(chatMessage, html, data) {
const rddTimestamp = chatMessage.getFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, 'rdd-timestamp')
if (rddTimestamp) {
const timestamp = new RdDTimestamp(rddTimestamp);
const timestampData = timestamp.toCalendrier();
const dateHeure = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/date-heure.hbs', timestampData);
html.find('header.message-header .message-sender').after(dateHeure)
static async onCreateChatMessage(chatMessage, options, id) {
if (chatMessage.isAuthor) {
await chatMessage.setFlag(SYSTEM_RDD, 'rdd-timestamp', game.system.rdd.calendrier.getTimestamp());
} }

View File

@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
import { RdDBaseActor } from "../actor/base-actor.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
const INFO_COEUR = 'info-coeur';
export class RdDCoeur {
static registerChatCallbacks(html) {
html.on("click", 'a.accepter-tendre-moment', event => {
html.on("click", 'a.refuser-tendre-moment', event => {
html.on("click", 'a.perdre-point-coeur-douceur', event => {
static addTagsInfoCoeur(infoCoeur, chatMessage = undefined) {
if (chatMessage) {
infoCoeur.chatMessageId =
else {
chatMessage = game.messages.get(infoCoeur.chatMessageId)
ChatUtility.setMessageData(chatMessage, INFO_COEUR, infoCoeur);
static extractInfoCoeur(event) {
return ChatUtility.getMessageData(ChatUtility.getChatMessage(event), INFO_COEUR)
static getInfoCoeur(sourceActorId, targetActorId) {
const sourceActor = game.actors.get(sourceActorId)
const targetActor = game.actors.get(targetActorId)
if (sourceActor && targetActor) {
return {
source: {
actor: RdDBaseActor.extractActorMin(sourceActor),
coeur: sourceActor.getPointsCoeur(targetActorId),
target: {
actor: RdDBaseActor.extractActorMin(targetActor),
coeur: targetActor.getPointsCoeur(sourceActorId),
return {}
static async toggleSubActeurCoeur(actorId, subActorId, toggleCoeur) {
const actor = game.actors.get(actorId)
const amoureux = actor.getSuivant(subActorId)
if (toggleCoeur <= amoureux.coeur) {
if (toggleCoeur > amoureux.prochainCoeur) {
toggleCoeur = amoureux.coeur
else {
toggleCoeur = amoureux.coeur - 1
else if (toggleCoeur <= amoureux.prochainCoeur) {
toggleCoeur = Math.max(amoureux.coeur, toggleCoeur - 1)
actor.setPointsCoeur(subActorId, Math.max(0, Math.min(toggleCoeur, 4)))
static async applyCoeurChateauDormant(actor, message) {
const newSuivants = foundry.utils.duplicate(actor.system.subacteurs.suivants)
let count = 0
newSuivants.forEach(async link => {
const suivant = game.actors.get(
const prochainCoeur = link.prochainCoeur ?? 0;
const coeurCourant = link.coeur ?? 0;
const diff = prochainCoeur - coeurCourant
if (diff < 0) {
await actor.moralIncDec(-4);
link.coeur = Math.max(0, coeurCourant - 1)
link.prochainCoeur = link.coeur
message.content += `<br>Votre c&oelig;ur brisé pour ${} vous fait perdre 4 points de moral, il vous reste ${link.coeur} points de C&oelig;ur.`
else if (diff > 0) {
link.coeur = Math.min(prochainCoeur, 4)
message.content += `<br>Votre c&oelig;ur bat fort, vous avez maintenant ${link.coeur} points de C&oelig;ur pour ${}.`
link.prochainCoeur = link.coeur
if (count > 0) {
await actor.update({ 'system.subacteurs.suivants': newSuivants });
static async startSubActeurTendreMoment(actorId, subActeurId) {
const infoCoeur = RdDCoeur.getInfoCoeur(actorId, subActeurId)
if ( {
// TODO: passer par une fenêtre pour saisir sa proposition (lieu, heure, ...)
const chatHtml = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/coeur/chat-proposer-tendre-moment.hbs`, infoCoeur)
const chatMessage = await ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
content: chatHtml
RdDCoeur.addTagsInfoCoeur(infoCoeur, chatMessage)
static async accepterTendreMoment(infoCoeur) {
const target = game.actors.get(
if (!target.isOwner) {
ui.notifications.warn(`vous ne pouvez pas accepter pour ${}`)
ChatUtility.removeChatMessageId(infoCoeur.chatMessageId) = (await (new Roll('1d6').evaluate())).total
infoCoeur.source.jetTendre = (await (new Roll('1d6').evaluate())).total
const diff = Math.abs(infoCoeur.source.jetTendre -
for (let amoureux of [infoCoeur.source,]) {
const actorAmoureux = game.actors.get(;
amoureux.situation = diff <= amoureux.coeur ? 'heureux' : 'neutre'
amoureux.gainMoral = await actorAmoureux.jetDeMoral(amoureux.situation)
const chatHtml = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/coeur/chat-accepter-tendre-moment.hbs`, infoCoeur)
const chatMessage = await ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(infoCoeur.source?,,
content: chatHtml
RdDCoeur.addTagsInfoCoeur(infoCoeur, chatMessage)
static async refuserTendreMoment(infoCoeur) {
const target = game.actors.get(
if (!target.isOwner) {
ui.notifications.warn(`vous ne pouvez pas refuser pour ${}`)
const chatHtml = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/coeur/chat-refuser-tendre-moment.hbs`, infoCoeur)
await ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(infoCoeur.source?,,
content: chatHtml
static async perdreEnDouceur(infoCoeur, actorId) {
const [amoureux, partenaire] = ( == actorId
? [infoCoeur.source,]
: ( == actorId
? [, infoCoeur.source]
: [undefined, undefined]))
if (amoureux.perteCoeur) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Le point de c&oelig;ur a déjà été perdu`)
else if (amoureux.coeur > 0) {
const actor = game.actors.get(actorId)
if (actor.isOwner) {
await actor.setPointsCoeur(partenaire?, amoureux.coeur - 1, { immediat: true })
amoureux.perteCoeur = true

View File

@ -8,46 +8,3 @@ export const SHOW_DICE = 'show';
export const ENTITE_INCARNE = 'incarne'; export const ENTITE_INCARNE = 'incarne';
export const ENTITE_NONINCARNE = 'nonincarne'; export const ENTITE_NONINCARNE = 'nonincarne';
export const ENTITE_BLURETTE = 'blurette'; export const ENTITE_BLURETTE = 'blurette';
export const RDD_CONFIG = {
niveauEthylisme : [
{value: "1", label: "Aucun"},
{value: "0", label: "Eméché (0)"},
{value: "-1", label: "Gris (-1)"},
{value: "-2", label: "Pinté (-2)"},
{value: "-3", label: "Pas Frais (-3)"},
{value: "-4", label: "Ivre (-4)"},
{value: "-5", label: "Bu (-5)"},
{value: "-6", label: "Complètement fait (-6)"},
{value: "-7", label: "Ivre mort (-7)"}
categorieEntite: {
"cauchemar": "Cauchemar",
"reve": "Rêve"
typeEntite: {
"incarne": "Incarnée",
"nonincarne": "Non Incarnée",
"blurette": "Blurette"
heuresRdD : [
{value : "vaisseau", label: "Vaisseau", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd01.webp"},
{value : "sirene", label: "Sirène", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd02.webp"},
{value : "faucon", label: "Faucon", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd03.webp"},
{value : "couronne", label: "Couronne", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd04.webp"},
{value : "dragon", label: "Dragon", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd05.webp"},
{value : "epees", label: "Epées", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd06.webp"},
{value : "lyre", label: "Lyre", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd07.webp"},
{value : "serpent", label: "Serpent", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd08.webp"},
{value : "poissonacrobate", label: "Poisson Acrobate", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd09.webp"},
{value : "araignee", label: "Araignée", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd10.webp"},
{value : "roseau", label: "Roseau", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd11.webp"},
{value : "chateaudormant", label: "Chateau Dormant", img: "modules/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/heures/hd12.webp"}
raretes: [
{value: "Commune", label: "Commune"},
{value: "Frequente", label: "Fréquente"},
{value: "Rare", label: "Rare"},
{value: "Rarissime", label: "Rarissime"}

View File

@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
export class DialogChoixXpCarac extends Dialog {
static async choix(actor, xpData, caracs) {
caracs = => foundry.utils.mergeObject({ ajout: 0 }, it))
xpData = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ reste: xpData.xpCarac }, xpData)
const dialogData = {
title: `Choisissez la répartition d'expérience`,
content: await renderTemplate("systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-choix-xp-carac.hbs", {
caracDerivee: actor.findCaracByName(xpData.caracName),
const dialogOptions = {
classes: ["rdd-dialog-select"],
width: 400,
height: 'fit-content',
'z-index': 99999
new DialogChoixXpCarac(dialogData, dialogOptions, actor, xpData, caracs).render(true)
constructor(dialogData, dialogOptions, actor, xpData, caracs) {
dialogData = foundry.utils.mergeObject(dialogData, {
default: 'appliquer',
buttons: {
'appliquer': { icon:'<i class="fa-solid fa-check"></i>', label: "Ajouter la répartition", callback: it => this.appliquerSelection() }
super(dialogData, dialogOptions) = actor
this.xpData = xpData
this.caracs = caracs
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html
this.html.find("li.xpCarac-option .xpCarac-moins").click(event =>
this.ajouterXp(event, -1)
this.html.find("li.xpCarac-option .xpCarac-plus").click(event =>
this.ajouterXp(event, 1)
async ajouterXp(event, delta) {
const liCarac = this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.parents("li.xpCarac-option")
const label = liCarac?.data("carac-label")
const carac = this.caracs.find(c => c.label == label)
if (carac.ajout + delta < 0) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de diminuer les points à répartir en ${carac.label} en dessous de 0`)
if (this.xpData.reste - delta < 0) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Il ne reste plus de points à répartir en ${carac.label}`)
carac.ajout += delta
this.xpData.reste -= delta
async appliquerSelection() {
if (this.xpData.reste > 0) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Il vous reste ${this.xpData.reste} points à répartir`)
this.caracs.filter(c => c.ajout > 0).forEach(c => {
const xpData = { caracName: c.label, xpCarac: c.ajout }
await super.close()
async close() { }
_getHeaderButtons() { return [] }

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ export class DialogChronologie extends Dialog {
heure: RdDTimestamp.definition(this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='chronologie.heure']").val()), heure: RdDTimestamp.definition(this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='chronologie.heure']").val()),
minute: this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='chronologie.minute']").val(), minute: this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='chronologie.minute']").val(),
}, },
dateReel: this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='dateReel']").val().replace('T', ' ') dateReel: this.html.find("form.rdddialogchrono :input[name='dateReel']").val()
} }
} }

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ export class DialogCreateSigneDraconique extends Dialog {
.map(actor => ({ .map(actor => ({
id:, id:,
name:, name:,
selected: false selected: true
})) }))
}; };

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ export class DialogFabriquerPotion extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static prepareData(actor, item) { static prepareData(actor, item) {
let potionData = foundry.utils.duplicate(item) let potionData = duplicate(item)
potionData.nbBrinsSelect = RdDUtility.buildListOptions( potionData.nbBrinsSelect = RdDUtility.buildListOptions(
DialogFabriquerPotion.nombreBrinsMinimum(item), DialogFabriquerPotion.nombreBrinsMinimum(item),
DialogFabriquerPotion.nombreBrinsOptimal(item)); DialogFabriquerPotion.nombreBrinsOptimal(item));

View File

@ -1,12 +1,34 @@
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { ChatVente } from "./chat-vente.js";
export class DialogItemAchat extends Dialog { export class DialogItemAchat extends Dialog {
static preparerAchat(chatButton) { static preparerAchat(chatButton) {
return ChatVente.getDetailAchatVente(RdDUtility.findChatMessageId(chatButton)) const vendeurId = chatButton.attributes['data-vendeurId']?.value;
const vendeur = vendeurId ? game.actors.get(vendeurId) : undefined;
const acheteur = RdDUtility.getSelectedActor();
const json = chatButton.attributes['data-jsondata']?.value;
if (!acheteur && !vendeur) {"Pas d'acheteur ni de vendeur, aucun changement");
return undefined;
} }
if (!json) {
ui.notifications.warn("Impossible d'acheter: informations sur l'objet manquantes")
return undefined;
return {
item: JSON.parse(json),
nbLots: parseInt(chatButton.attributes['data-quantiteNbLots']?.value),
tailleLot: parseInt(chatButton.attributes['data-tailleLot']?.value ?? 1),
prixLot: Number(chatButton.attributes['data-prixLot']?.value ?? 0),
quantiteIllimite: chatButton.attributes['data-quantiteIllimite']?.value == 'true',
chatMessageIdVente: RdDUtility.findChatMessageId(chatButton),
static async onAcheter({ item, vendeur, acheteur, tailleLot, prixLot, nbLots, quantiteIllimite, chatMessageIdVente }) { static async onAcheter({ item, vendeur, acheteur, tailleLot, prixLot, nbLots, quantiteIllimite, chatMessageIdVente }) {
const venteData = { const venteData = {
@ -16,21 +38,17 @@ export class DialogItemAchat extends Dialog {
acheteur, acheteur,
tailleLot, tailleLot,
quantiteIllimite, quantiteIllimite,
nbLots, quantiteNbLots: nbLots,
choix: { seForcer: false, supprimerSiZero: true }, choix: { seForcer: false, supprimerSiZero: true },
prixLot, prixLot,
isVente: prixLot > 0, isVente: prixLot > 0,
isConsommable: item.type == 'nourritureboisson' && acheteur?.isPersonnage(), isConsommable: item.type == 'nourritureboisson' && acheteur?.isPersonnage(),
chatMessageIdVente chatMessageIdVente
} };
if (venteData.vendeur?.id == venteData.acheteur?.id) {"Inutile de se vendre à soi-même")
DialogItemAchat.changeNombreLots(venteData, 1) DialogItemAchat.changeNombreLots(venteData, 1);
const html = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-item-achat.html`, venteData) const html = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-item-achat.html`, venteData);
new DialogItemAchat(html, venteData).render(true) new DialogItemAchat(html, venteData).render(true);
} }
static changeNombreLots(venteData, nombreLots) { static changeNombreLots(venteData, nombreLots) {
@ -98,18 +116,18 @@ export class DialogItemAchat extends Dialog {
this.venteData.choix.seForcer = event.currentTarget.checked; this.venteData.choix.seForcer = event.currentTarget.checked;
} }
setNombreLots(nbLots) { setNombreLots(nombreLots) {
if (!this.venteData.quantiteIllimite) { if (!this.venteData.quantiteIllimite) {
if (!this.venteData.quantiteIllimite && nbLots > this.venteData.nbLots) { if (!this.venteData.quantiteIllimite && nombreLots > this.venteData.quantiteNbLots) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Seulement ${this.venteData.nbLots} lots disponibles, vous ne pouvez pas en prendre ${nbLots}`) ui.notifications.warn(`Seulement ${this.venteData.quantiteNbLots} lots disponibles, vous ne pouvez pas en prendre ${nombreLots}`)
} }
nbLots = Math.min(nbLots, this.venteData.nbLots); nombreLots = Math.min(nombreLots, this.venteData.quantiteNbLots);
} }
DialogItemAchat.changeNombreLots(this.venteData, nbLots); DialogItemAchat.changeNombreLots(this.venteData, nombreLots);
this.html.find(".nombreLots").val(nbLots); this.html.find(".nombreLots").val(nombreLots);
this.html.find(".prixTotal").text(this.venteData.prixTotal); this.html.find(".prixTotal").text(this.venteData.prixTotal);
this.html.find("").text(this.venteData.totalSust); this.html.find("").text(this.venteData.totalSust);
this.html.find("").text(this.venteData.totalDesaltere); this.html.find("").text(this.venteData.totalDesaltere);

View File

@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ export class DialogConsommer extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static prepareData(actor, item) { static prepareData(actor, item) {
let consommerData = { let consommerData = {
item: foundry.utils.duplicate(item), item: duplicate(item),
cuisine: actor.getCompetence('cuisine'), cuisine: actor.getCompetence('cuisine'),
choix: { choix: {
doses: 1, doses: 1,

View File

@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
import { HtmlUtility } from "../html-utility.js"; import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ChatVente } from "./chat-vente.js";
export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog { export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog {
static async display({ item, quantiteMax = undefined }) { static async display({ item, callback, quantiteMax = undefined }) {
const quantite = quantiteMax ?? item.getQuantite() ?? 1; const quantite = quantiteMax ?? item.getQuantite() ?? 1;
const isOwned = item.parent;
const venteData = { const venteData = {
item: item, item: item,
alias: ??, alias: ??,
vendeurId:, vendeurId:,
prixOrigine: item.calculerPrixCommercant(), prixOrigine: item.calculerPrixCommercant(),
prixUnitaire: item.calculerPrixCommercant(), prixUnitaire: item.calculerPrixCommercant(),
prixLot: item.calculerPrixCommercant(), prixLot: item.calculerPrixCommercant(),
tailleLot: 1, tailleLot: 1,
nbLots: quantite, quantiteNbLots: quantite,
maxLots: quantite, quantiteMaxLots: quantite,
quantiteMax: quantite, quantiteMax: quantite,
quantiteIllimite: item.isItemCommerce() ? quantiteMax == undefined : !item.parent, quantiteIllimite: item.isItemCommerce() ? quantiteMax == undefined : !isOwned,
isOwned: item.parent, isOwned: isOwned,
} };
const html = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-item-vente.html`, venteData); const html = await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-item-vente.html`, venteData);
return new DialogItemVente(venteData, html).render(true); return new DialogItemVente(venteData, html, callback).render(true);
} }
constructor(venteData, html) { constructor(venteData, html, callback) {
let options = { classes: ["dialogvente"], width: 400, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999 }; let options = { classes: ["dialogvente"], width: 400, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999 };
let conf = { let conf = {
@ -35,6 +34,7 @@ export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog {
}; };
super(conf, options); super(conf, options);
this.callback = callback;
this.venteData = venteData; this.venteData = venteData;
} }
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog {
this.html = html; this.html = html;
this.html.find(".tailleLot").change(event => this.setTailleLot(Number(event.currentTarget.value))); this.html.find(".tailleLot").change(event => this.setTailleLot(Number(event.currentTarget.value)));
this.html.find(".nbLots").change(event => this.setNbLots(Number(event.currentTarget.value))); this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots").change(event => this.setNbLots(Number(event.currentTarget.value)));
this.html.find(".quantiteIllimite").change(event => this.setQuantiteIllimite(event.currentTarget.checked)); this.html.find(".quantiteIllimite").change(event => this.setQuantiteIllimite(event.currentTarget.checked));
this.html.find(".prixLot").change(event => this.setPrixLot(Number(event.currentTarget.value))); this.html.find(".prixLot").change(event => this.setPrixLot(Number(event.currentTarget.value)));
@ -52,24 +52,16 @@ export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog {
async onProposer(it) { async onProposer(it) {
this.updateVente(this.getChoixVente()); this.updateVente(this.getChoixVente());
this.venteData["properties"] = this.venteData.item.getProprietes();
if (this.venteData.isOwned) {
if (this.venteData.nbLots * this.venteData.tailleLot > this.venteData.quantiteMax) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Vous avez ${this.venteData.quantiteMax} ${}, ce n'est pas suffisant pour vendre ${this.venteData.nbLots} de ${this.venteData.tailleLot}`)
await ChatVente.displayAchatVente(this.venteData)
} }
updateVente(update) { updateVente(update) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(this.venteData, update); mergeObject(this.venteData, update);
} }
getChoixVente() { getChoixVente() {
return { return {
nbLots: Number(this.html.find(".nbLots").val()), quantiteNbLots: Number(this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots").val()),
tailleLot: Number(this.html.find(".tailleLot").val()), tailleLot: Number(this.html.find(".tailleLot").val()),
quantiteIllimite: this.html.find(".quantiteIllimite").is(':checked'), quantiteIllimite: this.html.find(".quantiteIllimite").is(':checked'),
prixLot: Number(this.html.find(".prixLot").val()) prixLot: Number(this.html.find(".prixLot").val())
@ -85,26 +77,26 @@ export class DialogItemVente extends Dialog {
const maxLots = Math.floor(this.venteData.quantiteMax / tailleLot); const maxLots = Math.floor(this.venteData.quantiteMax / tailleLot);
this.updateVente({ this.updateVente({
tailleLot, tailleLot,
nbLots: Math.min(maxLots, this.venteData.nbLots), quantiteNbLots: Math.min(maxLots, this.venteData.quantiteNbLots),
maxLots: maxLots, quantiteMaxLots: maxLots,
prixLot: (tailleLot * this.venteData.prixOrigine).toFixed(2) prixLot: (tailleLot * this.venteData.prixOrigine).toFixed(2)
}); });
this.html.find(".prixLot").val(this.venteData.prixLot); this.html.find(".prixLot").val(this.venteData.prixLot);
this.html.find(".nbLots").val(this.venteData.nbLots); this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots").val(this.venteData.quantiteNbLots);
this.html.find(".nbLots").attr("max", this.venteData.maxLots) this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots").attr("max", this.venteData.quantiteMaxLots)
} }
setNbLots(nbLots) { setNbLots(nbLots) {
this.updateVente({ this.updateVente({
nbLots: this.venteData.isOwned ? Math.max(0, Math.min(nbLots, this.venteData.maxLots)) : nbLots quantiteNbLots: this.venteData.isOwned ? Math.max(0, Math.min(nbLots, this.venteData.quantiteMaxLots)) : nbLots
}) })
this.html.find(".nbLots").val(this.venteData.nbLots); this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots").val(this.venteData.quantiteNbLots);
} }
setQuantiteIllimite(checked) { setQuantiteIllimite(checked) {
this.updateVente({ quantiteIllimite: checked }) this.updateVente({ quantiteIllimite: checked })
this.html.find(".label-quantiteIllimite").text(this.venteData.quantiteIllimite ? "Illimités" : "disponibles"); this.html.find(".label-quantiteIllimite").text(this.venteData.quantiteIllimite ? "Illimités" : "disponibles");
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".nbLots"), !this.venteData.quantiteIllimite) HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".quantiteNbLots"), !this.venteData.quantiteIllimite)
} }
} }

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@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
export class DialogSelectTarget extends Dialog {
constructor(html, onSelectTarget, targets) {
const options = {
classes: ["rdd-dialog-select-target"],
width: 'fit-content',
height: 'fit-content',
'max-height': 600,
'z-index': 99999
const conf = {
title: "Choisir une cible",
content: html,
buttons: {}
super(conf, options);
this.onSelectTarget = onSelectTarget;
this.targets = targets;
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html;
this.html.find("").click((event) => {
targetSelected(tokenId) {
const target = this.targets.find(it => == tokenId);
if (target) {

View File

@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
export class DialogSelect extends Dialog {
static extractIdNameImg(it) { return { id:, name:, img: it.img } }
static async select(selectData, onSelectChoice) {
const html = await renderTemplate("systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-select.html", selectData)
const dialogData = {
title: selectData.title ?? selectData.label,
content: html,
buttons: {}
const dialogOptions = {
classes: ["rdd-dialog-select"],
width: 'fit-content',
height: 'fit-content',
'max-height': 600,
'z-index': 99999
new DialogSelect(dialogData, dialogOptions, selectData, onSelectChoice).render(true)
constructor(dialogData, dialogOptions, selectionData, onSelectChoice) {
super(dialogData, dialogOptions)
this.selectionData = selectionData
this.onSelectChoice = onSelectChoice
activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html
this.html.find("").click(event =>
choiceSelected(selectedId) {
const selected = this.selectionData.find(it => == selectedId)
if (selected) {

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@ -7,19 +7,20 @@ import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
*/ */
export class DialogValidationEncaissement extends Dialog { export class DialogValidationEncaissement extends Dialog {
static async validerEncaissement(actor, rollData, armure, onEncaisser) { static async validerEncaissement(actor, rollData, armure, show, attackerId, onEncaisser) {
let encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, { showDice: HIDE_DICE }); let encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, { showDice: HIDE_DICE });
const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-validation-encaissement.html', { const html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-validation-encaissement.html', {
actor: actor, actor: actor,
rollData: rollData, rollData: rollData,
encaissement: encaissement encaissement: encaissement,
show: show
}); });
const dialog = new DialogValidationEncaissement(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, onEncaisser); const dialog = new DialogValidationEncaissement(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, show, attackerId, onEncaisser);
dialog.render(true); dialog.render(true);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
constructor(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, onEncaisser) { constructor(html, actor, rollData, armure, encaissement, show, attackerId, onEncaisser) {
// Common conf // Common conf
let buttons = { let buttons = {
"valider": { label: "Valider", callback: html => this.onValider() }, "valider": { label: "Valider", callback: html => this.onValider() },
@ -46,6 +47,8 @@ export class DialogValidationEncaissement extends Dialog {
this.rollData = rollData; this.rollData = rollData;
this.armure = armure; this.armure = armure;
this.encaissement = encaissement; this.encaissement = encaissement; = show;
this.attackerId = attackerId;
this.onEncaisser = onEncaisser; this.onEncaisser = onEncaisser;
this.forceDiceResult = {total: encaissement.roll.result }; this.forceDiceResult = {total: encaissement.roll.result };
} }
@ -64,6 +67,6 @@ export class DialogValidationEncaissement extends Dialog {
async onValider() { async onValider() {
this.encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(this.rollData, this.armure, { showDice: SHOW_DICE, forceDiceResult: this.forceDiceResult}); this.encaissement = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(this.rollData, this.armure, { showDice: SHOW_DICE, forceDiceResult: this.forceDiceResult});
this.onEncaisser(this.encaissement) this.onEncaisser(this.encaissement,, this.attackerId)
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js" import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js"; import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
const nomCategorieParade = { const nomCategorieParade = {
@ -20,35 +20,19 @@ const nomCategorieParade = {
export class RdDItemArme extends Item { export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
static isArme(item) { static isArme(item) {
return item.type == ITEM_TYPES.arme || RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item); return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item) || item.type == 'arme';
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getArme(arme) { static getArme(arme) {
switch (arme ? arme.type : '') { switch (arme ? arme.type : '') {
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: return arme; case 'arme': return arme;
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: case 'competencecreature':
return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(arme); return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(arme);
} }
return RdDItemArme.mainsNues(); return RdDItemArme.mainsNues();
} }
static getCompetenceArme(arme, maniement) {
switch (arme.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
switch (maniement) {
case 'competence': return arme.system.competence;
case 'unemain': return RdDItemArme.competence1Mains(arme);
case 'deuxmains': return RdDItemArme.competence2Mains(arme);
case 'tir': return arme.system.tir;
case 'lancer': return arme.system.lancer;
return undefined
static computeNiveauArmes(armes, competences) { static computeNiveauArmes(armes, competences) {
for (const arme of armes) { for (const arme of armes) {
arme.system.niveau = RdDItemArme.niveauCompetenceArme(arme, competences); arme.system.niveau = RdDItemArme.niveauCompetenceArme(arme, competences);
@ -84,14 +68,14 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
return armeData.system.categorie_parade; return armeData.system.categorie_parade;
} }
// pour compatibilité avec des personnages existants // pour compatibilité avec des personnages existants
if (armeData.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature || armeData.system.categorie == 'creature') { if (armeData.type == 'competencecreature' || armeData.system.categorie == 'creature') {
return armeData.system.categorie_parade || (armeData.system.isparade ? 'armes-naturelles' : ''); return armeData.system.categorie_parade || (armeData.system.isparade ? 'armes-naturelles' : '');
} }
if (!armeData.type.match(/arme|competencecreature/)) { if (!armeData.type.match(/arme|competencecreature/)) {
return ''; return '';
} }
if (armeData.system.competence == undefined) { if (armeData.system.competence == undefined) {
return ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature; return 'competencecreature';
} }
let compname = armeData.system.competence.toLowerCase(); let compname = armeData.system.competence.toLowerCase();
if (compname.match(/^(dague de jet|javelot|fouet|arc|arbalête|fronde|hache de jet|fléau)$/)) return ''; if (compname.match(/^(dague de jet|javelot|fouet|arc|arbalête|fronde|hache de jet|fléau)$/)) return '';
@ -148,65 +132,48 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
return true; return true;
} }
static dommagesReels(arme, maniement) {
switch (maniement) {
case 'tir':
case 'lancer':
case 'competence':
return Number(arme.system.dommages)
if (arme.system.unemain && arme.system.deuxmains) {
const containsSlash = !Number.isInteger(arme.system.dommages) && arme.system.dommages.includes("/")
if (!containsSlash) {"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");
return Number(arme.system.dommages)
const tableauDegats = arme.system.dommages.split("/");
return Number(tableauDegats[maniement == 'unemain' ? 0 : 1])
return Number(arme.system.dommages);
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static armeUneOuDeuxMains(arme, aUneMain) { static armeUneOuDeuxMains(armeData, aUneMain) {
if (arme && !arme.system.cac) { if (armeData && !armeData.system.cac) {
arme = foundry.utils.duplicate(arme); armeData.system.unemain = armeData.system.unemain || !armeData.system.deuxmains;
arme.system.dommagesReels = RdDItemArme.dommagesReels(arme, aUneMain ? 'unemain' : 'deuxmains') const uneOuDeuxMains = armeData.system.unemain && armeData.system.deuxmains;
const containsSlash = !Number.isInteger(armeData.system.dommages) && armeData.system.dommages.includes("/");
if (containsSlash) { // Sanity check
armeData = duplicate(armeData);
const tableauDegats = armeData.system.dommages.split("/");
if (aUneMain)
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(tableauDegats[0]);
else // 2 mains
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(tableauDegats[1]);
} }
return arme; else {
armeData.system.dommagesReels = Number(armeData.system.dommages);
} }
static competence1Mains(arme) { if (uneOuDeuxMains != containsSlash) {
return arme.system.competence.replace(" 2 mains", " 1 main");"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");
} }
static competence2Mains(arme) { return armeData;
return arme.system.competence.replace(" 1 main", " 2 mains");
} }
static isArmeUtilisable(arme) { static isArmeUtilisable(arme) {
switch (arme.type) { return arme.type == 'arme' && arme.system.equipe && (arme.system.resistance > 0 || arme.system.portee_courte > 0);
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: return arme.system.equipe && (arme.system.resistance > 0 || arme.system.portee_courte > 0)
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: return true
return false
} }
static ajoutCorpsACorps(armes, actor) { static ajoutCorpsACorps(armes, competences, carac) {
armes.push(RdDItemArme.mainsNues(actor)); let corpsACorps = competences.find(it => == 'Corps à corps') ?? { system: { niveau: -6 } };
armes.push(RdDItemArme.empoignade(actor)); let init = RdDCombatManager.calculInitiative(corpsACorps.system.niveau, carac['melee'].value);
armes.push(RdDItemArme.mainsNues({ niveau: corpsACorps.system.niveau, initiative: init }));
armes.push(RdDItemArme.empoignade({ niveau: corpsACorps.system.niveau, initiative: init }));
} }
static corpsACorps(actor) { static corpsACorps(mainsNuesActor) {
let competence = actor?.getCompetenceCorpsACorps() ?? { system: { niveau: -6 } }; const corpsACorps = {
let melee = actor ? actor.system.carac['melee'].value : 0
return {
_id: competence?.id,
name: 'Corps à corps', name: 'Corps à corps',
type: ITEM_TYPES.arme,
img: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp', img: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp',
system: { system: {
initiative: RdDCombatManager.calculInitiative(competence.system.niveau, melee),
equipe: true, equipe: true,
rapide: true, rapide: true,
force: 0, force: 0,
@ -214,23 +181,23 @@ export class RdDItemArme extends Item {
dommagesReels: 0, dommagesReels: 0,
mortalite: 'non-mortel', mortalite: 'non-mortel',
competence: 'Corps à corps', competence: 'Corps à corps',
resistance: 1,
deuxmains: true,
categorie_parade: 'sans-armes' categorie_parade: 'sans-armes'
} }
} };
mergeObject(corpsACorps.system, mainsNuesActor ?? {}, { overwrite: false });
return corpsACorps;
} }
static mainsNues(actor) { static mainsNues(mainsNuesActor) {
const mainsNues = RdDItemArme.corpsACorps(actor) const mainsNues = RdDItemArme.corpsACorps(mainsNuesActor) = 'Mains nues' = 'Mains nues'
mainsNues.system.cac = 'pugilat' mainsNues.system.cac = 'pugilat'
mainsNues.system.baseInit = 4 mainsNues.system.baseInit = 4
return mainsNues; return mainsNues;
} }
static empoignade(actor) { static empoignade(mainsNuesActor) {
const empoignade = RdDItemArme.corpsACorps(actor) const empoignade = RdDItemArme.corpsACorps(mainsNuesActor) = 'Empoignade' = 'Empoignade'
empoignade.system.cac = 'empoignade' empoignade.system.cac = 'empoignade'
empoignade.system.baseInit = 3 empoignade.system.baseInit = 3

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@ -79,9 +79,10 @@ export class RdDItemCompetence extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isCompetenceArme(competence) { static isCompetenceArme(competence) {
if (competence.isCompetence() && !competence.isCorpsACorps() && !competence.isEsquive()) { if (competence.isCompetence()) {
switch (competence.system.categorie) { switch (competence.system.categorie) {
case 'melee': case 'melee':
return !Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent('esquive');
case 'tir': case 'tir':
case 'lancer': case 'lancer':
return true; return true;
@ -92,10 +93,10 @@ export class RdDItemCompetence extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isArmeUneMain(competence) { static isArmeUneMain(competence) {
return competence.isCompetenceArme() &&"1 main"); return RdDItemCompetence.isCompetenceArme(competence) &&"1 main");
} }
static isArme2Main(competence) { static isArme2Main(competence) {
return competence.isCompetenceArme() &&"2 main"); return RdDItemCompetence.isCompetenceArme(competence) &&"2 main");
} }
static isThanatos(competence) { static isThanatos(competence) {
@ -199,7 +200,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetence extends Item {
if (idOrName == undefined || idOrName == "") { if (idOrName == undefined || idOrName == "") {
return RdDItemCompetence.sansCompetence(); return RdDItemCompetence.sansCompetence();
} }
options = foundry.utils.mergeObject(options, { preFilter: it => it.isCompetence(), description: 'compétence' }, { overwrite: false, inplace: false }); options = mergeObject(options, { preFilter: it => it.isCompetence(), description: 'compétence' }, { overwrite: false });
return RdDItemCompetence.findFirstItem(list, idOrName, options); return RdDItemCompetence.findFirstItem(list, idOrName, options);
} }
@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetence extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static computeResumeArchetype(competences) { static computeResumeArchetype(competences) {
const computed = foundry.utils.duplicate(limitesArchetypes); const computed = duplicate(limitesArchetypes);
computed.forEach(it => { it.nombre = 0; it.reste = it.nombreMax; }); computed.forEach(it => { it.nombre = 0; it.reste = it.nombreMax; }); => Math.max(0, it.system.niveau_archetype)) => Math.max(0, it.system.niveau_archetype))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { RdDItem, TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js"; import { RdDCombatManager } from "./rdd-combat.js";
const categories = { const categories = {
@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
if (categorieAttaque != undefined) { if (categorieAttaque != undefined) {
// si c'est un Item compétence: cloner pour ne pas modifier la compétence // si c'est un Item compétence: cloner pour ne pas modifier la compétence
let arme = item.clone(); let arme = item.clone();
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(arme, { mergeObject(arme,
action: item.isCompetencePossession() ? 'possession' : 'attaque', action: item.isCompetencePossession() ? 'possession' : 'attaque',
system: { system: {
competence:, competence:,
@ -47,42 +48,28 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
force: 0, force: 0,
rapide: true, rapide: true,
} }
}, { inplace: false }); });
return arme;
} }
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isCompetenceAttaque(item) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee":
case "tir":
case "lancer":
case "naturelle":
case "possession":
return true
return undefined
static getCategorieAttaque(item) { static getCategorieAttaque(item) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) { if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) { switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee": case "melee":
case "tir": case "tir":
case "lancer": case "lancer":
case "naturelle": case "naturelle":
case "possession": case "possession":
case "parade":
return item.system.categorie return item.system.categorie
} }
} }
return undefined return undefined
} }
static isDommages(item) { static isDommages(item) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) { if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) { switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee": case "melee":
case "tir": case "tir":
@ -94,7 +81,7 @@ export class RdDItemCompetenceCreature extends Item {
return false return false
} }
static isParade(item) { static isParade(item) {
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) { if (item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
switch (item.system.categorie) { switch (item.system.categorie) {
case "melee": case "melee":
case "naturelle": case "naturelle":

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ export class Monnaie {
} }
static creerDeniers(fortune) { static creerDeniers(fortune) {
const deniers = foundry.utils.duplicate(MONNAIE_ETAIN); const deniers = duplicate(MONNAIE_ETAIN);
deniers.system.quantite = fortune; deniers.system.quantite = fortune;
return deniers; return deniers;
} }

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js"; import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"; import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
/** /**
* Extend the basic ItemSheet for RdD specific items * Extend the basic ItemSheet for RdD specific items
@ -39,12 +39,12 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
/** @override */ /** @override */
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
classes: [SYSTEM_RDD, "sheet", "item"], classes: [SYSTEM_RDD, "sheet", "item"],
template: RdDItemSheet.defaultTemplate(RdDItemSheet.ITEM_TYPE), template: RdDItemSheet.defaultTemplate(RdDItemSheet.ITEM_TYPE),
width: 550, width: 550,
height: 550 height: 550
}, { inplace: false }); });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -53,8 +53,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
} }
get title() { get title() {
const owner = (this.item.parent instanceof Actor) ? `(${})` : ''; return `${Misc.typeName('Item', this.item.type)}: ${}`;
return `${Misc.typeName('Item', this.item.type)}: ${} ${owner}`;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -99,9 +98,9 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.item.system.description, { async: true }), description: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.item.system.description, { async: true }),
descriptionmj: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.item.system.descriptionmj, { async: true }), descriptionmj: await TextEditor.enrichHTML(this.item.system.descriptionmj, { async: true }),
isComestible: this.item.getUtilisationCuisine(), isComestible: this.item.getUtilisationCuisine(),
options: RdDSheetUtility.mergeDocumentRights(this.options, this.item, this.isEditable), options: RdDSheetUtility.mergeDocumentRights(this.options, this.item, this.isEditable)
} }
if (this.item.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) { if (this.item.type == TYPES.competencecreature) {
formData.isparade = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isParade(this.item) formData.isparade = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isParade(this.item)
formData.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(this.item) formData.isdommages = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isDommages(this.item)
} }
@ -109,12 +108,12 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
const competences = await SystemCompendiums.getCompetences('personnage'); const competences = await SystemCompendiums.getCompetences('personnage');
formData.categories = this.item.getCategories() formData.categories = this.item.getCategories()
if (this.item.type == 'tache' || this.item.type == 'livre' || this.item.type == 'meditation' || this.item.type == 'oeuvre') { if (this.item.type == 'tache' || this.item.type == 'livre' || this.item.type == 'meditation' || this.item.type == 'oeuvre') {
formData.caracList = foundry.utils.duplicate(game.model.Actor.personnage.carac) formData.caracList = duplicate(game.system.model.Actor.personnage.carac)
formData.caracList["reve-actuel"] = foundry.utils.duplicate(game.model.Actor.personnage.reve.reve) formData.caracList["reve-actuel"] = duplicate(game.system.model.Actor.personnage.reve.reve)
formData.competences = competences; formData.competences = competences;
} }
if (this.item.type == 'arme') { if (this.item.type == 'arme') {
formData.competences = competences.filter(it => it.isCompetenceArme()) formData.competences = competences.filter(it => RdDItemCompetence.isCompetenceArme(it))
} }
if (['sort', 'sortreserve'].includes(this.item.type)) { if (['sort', 'sortreserve'].includes(this.item.type)) {
formData.competences = competences.filter(it => RdDItemCompetence.isDraconic(it)); formData.competences = competences.filter(it => RdDItemCompetence.isDraconic(it));
@ -196,8 +195,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
this.html.find('.creer-tache-livre').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).creerTacheDepuisLivre(this.item)); this.html.find('.creer-tache-livre').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).creerTacheDepuisLivre(this.item));
this.html.find('.consommer-potion').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).consommerPotion(this.item, this.getActionRenderItem())); this.html.find('.consommer-potion').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).consommerPotion(this.item, this.getActionRenderItem()));
this.html.find('.creer-potion-base').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).actionHerbe(this.item)); this.html.find('.creer-potion-base').click((event) => this._getEventActor(event).dialogFabriquerPotion(this.item));
this.html.find('input[name="system.cacher_points_de_tache"]').change(async event => await this.item.update({ 'system.cacher_points_de_tache': event.currentTarget.checked }));
this.html.find('.alchimie-tache a').click((event) => { this.html.find('.alchimie-tache a').click((event) => {
let actor = this._getEventActor(event); let actor = this._getEventActor(event);
@ -229,7 +227,7 @@ export class RdDItemSheet extends ItemSheet {
}); });
} }
const updateItemTimestamp = (path, timestamp) => this.item.update({ [path]: foundry.utils.duplicate(timestamp) }) const updateItemTimestamp = (path, timestamp) => this.item.update({ [path]: duplicate(timestamp) })
RdDTimestamp.handleTimestampEditor(this.html, 'system.temporel.debut', updateItemTimestamp); RdDTimestamp.handleTimestampEditor(this.html, 'system.temporel.debut', updateItemTimestamp);
RdDTimestamp.handleTimestampEditor(this.html, 'system.temporel.fin', updateItemTimestamp); RdDTimestamp.handleTimestampEditor(this.html, 'system.temporel.fin', updateItemTimestamp);

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@ -1,43 +1,9 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
{ code: 'O', label: "Voie d'Oniros", short: 'Oniros' },
{ code: 'H', label: "Voie d'Hypnos", short: 'Hypnos' },
{ code: 'N', label: "Voie de Narcos", short: 'Narcos' },
{ code: 'T', label: "Voie de Thanatos", short: 'Thanatos' },
{ code: 'O/H/N/T', label: "Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos/Thanatos", short: 'Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos/Thanatos' },
{ code: 'O/H/N', label: "Oniros/Hypnos/Narcos" }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDItemSort extends Item { export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
static getDraconicsSort(draconicList, sort) {
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent( {
case "lecture d'aura":
case "detection d'aura":
return draconicList;
case "annulation de magie":
return draconicList.filter(it => !RdDItemCompetence.isThanatos(it));
return [RdDItemCompetence.getVoieDraconic(draconicList, sort.system.draconic)];
static getCodeDraconic(sort) {
switch (Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent( {
case "lecture d'aura":
case "detection d'aura":
return 'O/H/N/T'
case "annulation de magie":
return 'O/H/N'
const voie = VOIES_DRACONIC.find(it => it.label.includes(sort.system.draconic))
return voie?.code ?? sort.system.draconic
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isDifficulteVariable(sort) { static isDifficulteVariable(sort) {
return sort && (sort.system.difficulte.toLowerCase() == "variable"); return sort && (sort.system.difficulte.toLowerCase() == "variable");
@ -65,9 +31,9 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static buildBonusCaseList(bonuscase, newCase) { static buildBonusCaseList(bonuscase, newCase) {
const list = RdDItemSort.bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase) const list = RdDItemSort._bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase)
if (newCase) { if (newCase) {
list.push({ case: "Nouvelle", bonus: 0 }) return list.concat({ case: "Nouvelle", bonus: 0 });
} }
return list; return list;
} }
@ -78,7 +44,7 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
*/ */
static getBonusCaseList(item, newCase = false) { static getBonusCaseList(item, newCase = false) {
// Gestion spéciale case bonus // Gestion spéciale case bonus
if (item.type == ITEM_TYPES.sort) { if (item.type == 'sort') {
return RdDItemSort.buildBonusCaseList(item.system.bonuscase, newCase); return RdDItemSort.buildBonusCaseList(item.system.bonuscase, newCase);
} }
return undefined; return undefined;
@ -138,11 +104,8 @@ export class RdDItemSort extends Item {
.sort(Misc.ascending()) .sort(Misc.ascending())
.join(','); .join(',');
} }
static bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase) { static _bonuscaseStringToList(bonuscase) {
if (bonuscase == undefined || bonuscase == '') { return (bonuscase ?? '').split(',').map(it => {
return []
return bonuscase.split(',').map(it => {
const b = it.split(':'); const b = it.split(':');
return { case: b[0], bonus: b[1] }; return { case: b[0], bonus: b[1] };
}); });

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { DialogItemVente } from "./achat-vente/dialog-item-vente.js"; import { DialogItemVente } from "./dialog-item-vente.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js"; import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js"; import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js";
@ -9,15 +9,7 @@ import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js"; import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"; import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
export const ACTOR_TYPES = { export const TYPES = {
personnage: 'personnage',
creature: 'creature',
entite: 'entite',
commerce: 'commerce',
vehicule: 'vehicule'
export const ITEM_TYPES = {
competence: 'competence', competence: 'competence',
competencecreature: 'competencecreature', competencecreature: 'competencecreature',
empoignade: 'empoignade', empoignade: 'empoignade',
@ -64,33 +56,33 @@ export const ITEM_TYPES = {
} }
const typesInventaireMateriel = [ const typesInventaireMateriel = [
ITEM_TYPES.arme, TYPES.arme,
ITEM_TYPES.armure, TYPES.armure,
ITEM_TYPES.conteneur, TYPES.conteneur,
ITEM_TYPES.faune, TYPES.faune,
ITEM_TYPES.gemme, TYPES.gemme,
ITEM_TYPES.herbe, TYPES.herbe,
ITEM_TYPES.plante, TYPES.plante,
ITEM_TYPES.ingredient, TYPES.ingredient,
ITEM_TYPES.livre, TYPES.livre,
ITEM_TYPES.monnaie, TYPES.monnaie,
ITEM_TYPES.munition, TYPES.munition,
ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson, TYPES.nourritureboisson,
ITEM_TYPES.objet, TYPES.objet,
ITEM_TYPES.potion, TYPES.potion,
] ]
const typesInventaire = { const typesInventaire = {
materiel: typesInventaireMateriel, materiel: typesInventaireMateriel,
all: ['service'].concat(typesInventaireMateriel), all: ['service'].concat(typesInventaireMateriel),
} }
const typesObjetsOeuvres = [ITEM_TYPES.oeuvre, ITEM_TYPES.recettecuisine, ITEM_TYPES.musique, ITEM_TYPES.chant, ITEM_TYPES.danse, ITEM_TYPES.jeu] const typesObjetsOeuvres = [TYPES.oeuvre, TYPES.recettecuisine, TYPES.musique, TYPES.chant, TYPES.danse, TYPES.jeu]
const typesObjetsDraconiques = [ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre, ITEM_TYPES.souffle, ITEM_TYPES.tete, ITEM_TYPES.signedraconique, ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve, ITEM_TYPES.rencontre] const typesObjetsDraconiques = [TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre, TYPES.souffle, TYPES.tete, TYPES.signedraconique, TYPES.sortreserve, TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsConnaissance = [ITEM_TYPES.meditation, ITEM_TYPES.recettealchimique, ITEM_TYPES.sort] const typesObjetsConnaissance = [TYPES.meditation, TYPES.recettealchimique, TYPES.sort]
const typesObjetsEffet = [ITEM_TYPES.possession, ITEM_TYPES.poison, ITEM_TYPES.maladie, ITEM_TYPES.blessure] const typesObjetsEffet = [TYPES.possession, TYPES.poison, TYPES.maladie, TYPES.blessure]
const typesObjetsCompetence = [ITEM_TYPES.competence, ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature] const typesObjetsCompetence = [TYPES.competence, TYPES.competencecreature]
const typesObjetsTemporels = [ITEM_TYPES.blessure, ITEM_TYPES.poison, ITEM_TYPES.maladie, ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre, ITEM_TYPES.souffle, ITEM_TYPES.signedraconique, ITEM_TYPES.rencontre] const typesObjetsTemporels = [TYPES.blessure, TYPES.poison, TYPES.maladie, TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre, TYPES.souffle, TYPES.signedraconique, TYPES.rencontre]
const typesObjetsEquipable = [ITEM_TYPES.arme, ITEM_TYPES.armure, ITEM_TYPES.objet]; const typesObjetsEquipable = [TYPES.arme, TYPES.armure, TYPES.objet];
const typesEnvironnement = typesInventaireMateriel; const typesEnvironnement = typesInventaireMateriel;
const encBrin = 0.00005; // un brin = 1 décigramme = 1/10g = 1/10000kg = 1/20000 enc const encBrin = 0.00005; // un brin = 1 décigramme = 1/10g = 1/10000kg = 1/20000 enc
const encPepin = 0.0007; /* un pépin de gemme = 1/10 cm3 = 1/1000 l = 3.5/1000 kg = 7/2000 kg = 7/1000 enc const encPepin = 0.0007; /* un pépin de gemme = 1/10 cm3 = 1/1000 l = 3.5/1000 kg = 7/2000 kg = 7/1000 enc
@ -149,12 +141,12 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
static isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field) { static isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field) {
switch (field) { switch (field) {
case 'quantite': case 'quantite':
if ([ITEM_TYPES.conteneur].includes(type)) { if ([TYPES.conteneur].includes(type)) {
return false; return false;
} }
break; break;
case 'cout': case 'cout':
if ([ITEM_TYPES.monnaie].includes(type)) { if ([TYPES.monnaie].includes(type)) {
return game.user.isGM; return game.user.isGM;
} }
break; break;
@ -185,7 +177,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
constructor(docData, context = {}) { constructor(docData, context = {}) {
if (!context.rdd?.ready) { if (!context.rdd?.ready) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(context, { rdd: { ready: true } }); mergeObject(context, { rdd: { ready: true } });
const ItemConstructor = game.system.rdd.itemClasses[docData.type]; const ItemConstructor = game.system.rdd.itemClasses[docData.type];
if (ItemConstructor) { if (ItemConstructor) {
if (!docData.img) { if (!docData.img) {
@ -197,21 +189,20 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
if (!docData.img) { if (!docData.img) {
docData.img = RdDItem.getDefaultImg(docData.type); docData.img = RdDItem.getDefaultImg(docData.type);
} }
context.rdd = undefined
super(docData, context); super(docData, context);
} }
getUniteQuantite() { getUniteQuantite() {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.monnaie: return "(Pièces)" case TYPES.monnaie: return "(Pièces)"
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.herbe:
switch (this.system.categorie) { switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'Repos': case 'Soin': case 'Alchimie': case 'Repos': case 'Soin':
return "(Brins)" return "(Brins)"
case 'Cuisine': return ''; case 'Cuisine': return '';
} }
return ''; return '';
case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: return "(Pépins ou Brins)" case TYPES.ingredient: return "(Pépins ou Brins)"
} }
return ''; return '';
} }
@ -220,52 +211,36 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
return typesObjetsEquipable.includes(this.type) return typesObjetsEquipable.includes(this.type)
} }
isCompetencePersonnage() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.competence } isCompetencePersonnage() { return this.type == TYPES.competence }
isCompetenceCreature() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature } isCompetenceCreature() { return this.type == TYPES.competencecreature }
isConteneur() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.conteneur; } isConteneur() { return this.type == TYPES.conteneur; }
isMonnaie() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.monnaie; } isMonnaie() { return this.type == TYPES.monnaie; }
isPotion() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.potion; } isPotion() { return this.type == TYPES.potion; }
isNourritureBoisson() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson; } isNourritureBoisson() { return this.type == TYPES.nourritureboisson; }
isService() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.service; } isService() { return this.type == TYPES.service; }
isCompetence() { return typesObjetsCompetence.includes(this.type) } isCompetence() { return typesObjetsCompetence.includes(this.type) }
isEsquive() { isCompetencePossession() { return TYPES.competencecreature == this.type && this.system.categorie == "possession" }
return (this.isCompetence()
&& this.system.categorie == 'melee'
&& Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'Esquive'));
isCorpsACorps() {
return this.isCompetence()
&& this.system.categorie == 'melee'
&& Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'Corps à Corps')
isCompetenceArme() {
return this.isCompetence() && ['melee', 'tir', 'lancer'].includes(this.system.categorie)
isCompetencePossession() { return ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature == this.type && this.system.categorie == "possession" }
isTemporel() { return typesObjetsTemporels.includes(this.type) } isTemporel() { return typesObjetsTemporels.includes(this.type) }
isOeuvre() { return typesObjetsOeuvres.includes(this.type) } isOeuvre() { return typesObjetsOeuvres.includes(this.type) }
isDraconique() { return RdDItem.getItemTypesDraconiques().includes(this.type) } isDraconique() { return RdDItem.getItemTypesDraconiques().includes(this.type) }
isQueueDragon() { return [ITEM_TYPES.queue, ITEM_TYPES.ombre].includes(this.type) } isQueueDragon() { return [TYPES.queue, TYPES.ombre].includes(this.type) }
isEffet() { return typesObjetsEffet.includes(this.type) } isEffet() { return typesObjetsEffet.includes(this.type) }
isConnaissance() { return typesObjetsConnaissance.includes(this.type) } isConnaissance() { return typesObjetsConnaissance.includes(this.type) }
isInventaire(mode = 'materiel') { return RdDItem.getItemTypesInventaire(mode).includes(this.type); } isInventaire(mode = 'materiel') { return RdDItem.getItemTypesInventaire(mode).includes(this.type); }
isBoisson() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson; } isBoisson() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson; }
isAlcool() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson && this.system.alcoolise; } isAlcool() { return this.isNourritureBoisson() && this.system.boisson && this.system.alcoolise; }
isHerbeAPotion() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.herbe && (this.system.categorie == 'Soin' || this.system.categorie == 'Repos'); } isHerbeAPotion() { return this.type == TYPES.herbe && (this.system.categorie == 'Soin' || this.system.categorie == 'Repos'); }
isBlessure() { return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.blessure } isBlessure() { return this.type == TYPES.blessure }
isPresentDansMilieux(milieux) { isPresentDansMilieux(milieux) {
return this.getEnvironnements(milieux).length > 0 return this.getEnvironnements(milieux).length > 0
} }
getCategories() { getCategories() {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.competence: return RdDItemCompetence.getCategories() case TYPES.competence: return RdDItemCompetence.getCategories()
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategories() case TYPES.competencecreature: return RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategories()
} }
return {} return {}
} }
@ -326,8 +301,8 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
const timestampFin = await this.calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(timestampDebut); const timestampFin = await this.calculerFinPeriodeTemporel(timestampDebut);
await actor.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ await actor.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{
_id:, _id:,
'system.temporel.debut': foundry.utils.duplicate(timestampDebut), 'system.temporel.debut': duplicate(timestampDebut),
'system.temporel.fin': foundry.utils.duplicate(timestampFin), 'system.temporel.fin': duplicate(timestampFin),
}]) }])
} }
} }
@ -349,15 +324,15 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUtilisation() { getUtilisation() {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: case TYPES.potion:
switch (this.system.categorie) { switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Alchimie': case 'AlchimieEnchante': case 'AlchimieAutre': return 'alchimie' case 'Alchimie': case 'AlchimieEnchante': case 'AlchimieAutre': return 'alchimie'
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine' case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine'
case 'Remede': case 'Repos': case 'ReposEnchante': case 'Soin': case 'SoinEnchante': return 'soins' case 'Remede': case 'Repos': case 'ReposEnchante': case 'Soin': case 'SoinEnchante': return 'soins'
} }
return ''; return '';
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return 'cuisine'; case TYPES.nourritureboisson: return 'cuisine';
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case ITEM_TYPES.faune: case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: case ITEM_TYPES.plante: case TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.faune: case TYPES.ingredient: case TYPES.plante:
switch (this.system.categorie) { switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine'; case 'Cuisine': return 'cuisine';
case 'Toxique': case 'Poison': return 'poison'; case 'Toxique': case 'Poison': return 'poison';
@ -372,9 +347,9 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getUtilisationCuisine() { getUtilisationCuisine() {
if (this.getUtilisation() == 'cuisine') { if (this.getUtilisation() == 'cuisine') {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: case TYPES.nourritureboisson:
return 'pret'; return 'pret';
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case ITEM_TYPES.faune: case ITEM_TYPES.ingredient: case ITEM_TYPES.plante: case TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.faune: case TYPES.ingredient: case TYPES.plante:
return 'brut'; return 'brut';
} }
} }
@ -382,7 +357,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
} }
isCristalAlchimique() { isCristalAlchimique() {
return this.type == ITEM_TYPES.objet && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'cristal alchimique') && this.system.quantite > 0; return this.type == TYPES.objet && Grammar.includesLowerCaseNoAccent(, 'cristal alchimique') && this.system.quantite > 0;
} }
isMagique() { isMagique() {
@ -410,26 +385,16 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getEnc() { getEnc() {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.service: case TYPES.service:
return 0; return 0;
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: case TYPES.herbe:
return this.getEncHerbe(); return this.getEncHerbe();
case ITEM_TYPES.gemme: case TYPES.gemme:
return encPepin * this.system.taille; return encPepin * this.system.taille;
} }
return Math.max(this.system.encombrement ?? 0, 0); return Math.max(this.system.encombrement ?? 0, 0);
} }
getEncContenu() {
return this.getContenu()
.map(it => it.getRecursiveEnc())
.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
getRecursiveEnc() {
return this.getEncTotal() + this.getEncContenu()
getEncHerbe() { getEncHerbe() {
switch (this.system.categorie) { switch (this.system.categorie) {
case 'Repos': case 'Soin': case 'Alchimie': case 'Repos': case 'Soin': case 'Alchimie':
@ -439,18 +404,6 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
} }
getContenu() {
if (this.isConteneur()) {
return =>;
return []
isConteneurContenu(conteneur) {
return this.getContenu()
.find(it => == || it.isConteneurContenu(conteneur))
valeurTotale() { valeurTotale() {
return (this.isService() ? 1 : this.getQuantite()) * this.valeur() return (this.isService() ? 1 : this.getQuantite()) * this.valeur()
} }
@ -492,19 +445,19 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
getActionPrincipale(options = { warnIfNot: true }) { getActionPrincipale(options = { warnIfNot: true }) {
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.conteneur: return 'Ouvrir'; case TYPES.conteneur: return 'Ouvrir';
} }
if ( { if ( {
const warn = options.warnIfNot; const warn = options.warnIfNot;
if (this.getUtilisationCuisine() == 'brut') { if (this.getUtilisationCuisine() == 'brut') {
return 'Cuisiner'; return 'Utiliser';
} }
switch (this.type) { switch (this.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.nourritureboisson: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(this.system.boisson ? 'Boire' : 'Manger', warn); case TYPES.nourritureboisson: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(this.system.boisson ? 'Boire' : 'Manger', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.potion: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Consommer', warn); case TYPES.potion: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Boire', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.livre: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Lire', warn); case TYPES.livre: return this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Lire', warn);
case ITEM_TYPES.herbe: return this.isHerbeAPotion() ? this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Décoction', warn) : undefined; case TYPES.herbe: return this.isHerbeAPotion() ? this._actionOrWarnQuantiteZero('Décoction', warn) : undefined;
case ITEM_TYPES.queue: case ITEM_TYPES.ombre: return this.system.refoulement > 0 ? 'Refouler' : undefined; case TYPES.queue: case TYPES.ombre: return this.system.refoulement > 0 ? 'Refouler' : undefined;
} }
} }
return undefined; return undefined;
@ -512,8 +465,19 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async actionPrincipale(actor, onActionItem = async () => { }) { async actionPrincipale(actor, onActionItem = async () => { }) {
if (!this.getActionPrincipale()) { return } if (!this.getActionPrincipale()) {
await actor?.actionPrincipale(this, onActionItem); return;
if (await actor.actionNourritureboisson(this, onActionItem)) {
switch (this.type) {
case TYPES.potion: return await actor.consommerPotion(this, onActionItem);
case TYPES.livre: return await actor.actionLire(this);
case TYPES.conteneur: return await this.sheet.render(true);
case TYPES.herbe: return await actor.actionHerbe(this, onActionItem);
case TYPES.queue: case TYPES.ombre: return await actor.actionRefoulement(this);
} }
_actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(actionName, warn) { _actionOrWarnQuantiteZero(actionName, warn) {
@ -547,7 +511,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
_id:, _id:,
'system.quantite': this.system.quantite * sust, 'system.quantite': this.system.quantite * sust,
'system.encombrement': Misc.keepDecimals(this.system.encombrement / sust, 2), 'system.encombrement': Misc.keepDecimals(this.system.encombrement / sust, 2),
'system.cout': Math.max(0, Misc.keepDecimals(this.system.cout / sust, 2)), 'system.cout': Misc.keepDecimals(this.system.cout / sust, 2),
'system.sust': 1 'system.sust': 1
}]) }])
} }
@ -630,7 +594,23 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
ui.notifications.warn(`Votre ${} n'est pas vide, pas possible de le proposer`); ui.notifications.warn(`Votre ${} n'est pas vide, pas possible de le proposer`);
return; return;
} }
await DialogItemVente.display({ item: this, quantiteMax }) await DialogItemVente.display({
item: this,
callback: async (vente) => {
vente["properties"] = this.getProprietes();
if (vente.isOwned) {
if (vente.quantiteNbLots * vente.tailleLot > vente.quantiteMax) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Vous avez ${vente.quantiteMax} ${}, ce n'est pas suffisant pour vendre ${vente.quantiteNbLots} de ${vente.tailleLot}`)
vente.jsondata = JSON.stringify(vente.item);
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-vente-item.html', vente);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -780,7 +760,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
`<b>Périodicité</b>: ${this.system.periodicite}`, `<b>Périodicité</b>: ${this.system.periodicite}`,
`<b>Fatigue</b>: ${this.system.fatigue}`, `<b>Fatigue</b>: ${this.system.fatigue}`,
`<b>Difficulté</b>: ${this.system.difficulte}`, `<b>Difficulté</b>: ${this.system.difficulte}`,
RdDItem.propertyIfDefined('Points de Tâche', this.system.points_de_tache, !this.system.cacher_points_de_tache), RdDItem.propertyIfDefined('Points de Tâche', this.system.points_de_tache, this.system.cacher_points_de_tache),
`<b>Points de Tâche atteints</b>: ${this.system.points_de_tache_courant}`] `<b>Points de Tâche atteints</b>: ${this.system.points_de_tache_courant}`]
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -789,7 +769,7 @@ export class RdDItem extends Item {
`<b>Compétence</b>: ${this.system.competence}`, `<b>Compétence</b>: ${this.system.competence}`,
`<b>Auteur</b>: ${this.system.auteur}`, `<b>Auteur</b>: ${this.system.auteur}`,
`<b>Difficulté</b>: ${this.system.difficulte}`, `<b>Difficulté</b>: ${this.system.difficulte}`,
RdDItem.propertyIfDefined('Points de Tâche', this.system.points_de_tache, !this.system.cacher_points_de_tache), RdDItem.propertyIfDefined('Points de Tâche', this.system.points_de_tache, this.system.cacher_points_de_tache),
...this._inventaireTemplateChatData() ...this._inventaireTemplateChatData()
] ]
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import { RdDItem } from "../item.js"; import { RdDItem } from "../item.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"; import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "../time/rdd-timestamp.js"; import { RdDTimestamp } from "../time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
type: "tache", type: "tache",
@ -15,10 +14,10 @@ const TACHES_SOIN_BLESSURE = {
} }
const definitionsBlessures = [ const definitionsBlessures = [
{ type: "contusion", gravite: 0, endurance: "1d4", vie: 0, label: 'Contusion/éraflure', max: 100, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/eraflure.webp" }, { type: "contusion", gravite: 0, label: 'Contusion/éraflure', max: 100, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/eraflure.webp" },
{ type: "legere", gravite: 2, endurance: "1d6", vie: 0, label: 'Légère', max: 5, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" }, { type: "legere", gravite: 2, label: 'Légère', max: 5, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" },
{ type: "grave", gravite: 4, endurance: "2d6", vie: -2, label: 'Grave', max: 2, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" }, { type: "grave", gravite: 4, label: 'Grave', max: 2, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" },
{ type: "critique", gravite: 6, endurance: "-100", vie: -4, label: 'Critique', max: 1, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" }, { type: "critique", gravite: 6, label: 'Critique', max: 1, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/blessure.webp" },
{ type: "mort", gravite: 8, label: 'Mort', max: 1, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/mort.webp" } { type: "mort", gravite: 8, label: 'Mort', max: 1, icon: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/sante/mort.webp" }
] ]
@ -39,34 +38,8 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
ui.notifications.warn(`Pas de tâche de soins pour une blessure ${gravite}`) ui.notifications.warn(`Pas de tâche de soins pour une blessure ${gravite}`)
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(BASE_TACHE_SOIN_BLESSURE, tache, { inplace: false }) return mergeObject(duplicate(BASE_TACHE_SOIN_BLESSURE), tache)
} }
static async applyFullBlessure(actor, gravite) {
const definition = RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite)
let lostEndurance = 0
let lostVie = 0
if (definition.endurance) {
lostEndurance = await new Roll(definition.endurance).roll().total;
actor.santeIncDec("endurance", -Number(lostEndurance));
if (definition.vie) {
lostVie = definition.vie
actor.santeIncDec("vie", definition.vie)
await this.createBlessure(actor, gravite)
content: `Blessure ${definition.label} appliquée à ${}`+
`<br>Perte d'endurance : ${lostEndurance}`+
`<br>Perte de Vie : ${lostVie}`,
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(
static async createBlessure(actor, gravite, localisation = '', attacker) { static async createBlessure(actor, gravite, localisation = '', attacker) {
const definition = RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite) const definition = RdDItemBlessure.getDefinition(gravite)
const blessure = { const blessure = {
@ -106,12 +79,12 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
} }
async setSoinsBlessure(systemUpdate = {}) { async setSoinsBlessure(systemUpdate = {}) {
systemUpdate = foundry.utils.mergeObject(systemUpdate, this.system, { overwrite: false }) systemUpdate = mergeObject(systemUpdate, this.system, { overwrite: false }),
systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done = systemUpdate.premierssoins.done && systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done = systemUpdate.premierssoins.done && systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done
await this.update({ await this.update({
img: this.getImgSoins(systemUpdate.gravite, systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done), img: this.getImgSoins(systemUpdate.gravite, systemUpdate.soinscomplets.done),
system: systemUpdate system: systemUpdate
}) });
} }
async recuperationBlessure({ actor, timestamp, message, isMaladeEmpoisonne, blessures }) { async recuperationBlessure({ actor, timestamp, message, isMaladeEmpoisonne, blessures }) {
@ -134,18 +107,15 @@ export class RdDItemBlessure extends RdDItem {
if (rolled.isETotal) { if (rolled.isETotal) {
message.content += ` -- une blessure ${label} s'infecte (temps de guérison augmenté de ${gravite} jours, perte de vie)`; message.content += ` -- une blessure ${label} s'infecte (temps de guérison augmenté de ${gravite} jours, perte de vie)`;
await actor.santeIncDec("vie", -1); await actor.santeIncDec("vie", -1);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(update, { mergeObject(update, {
system: { fin: { indexDate: timestamp.addJours(gravite).indexDate } } system: { fin: { indexDate: timestamp.addJours(gravite).indexDate } }
}); });
} }
else { else {
if (!isMaladeEmpoisonne && rolled.isSuccess && this.peutRetrograder(graviteMoindre, moindres)) { if (!isMaladeEmpoisonne && rolled.isSuccess && this.peutRetrograder(graviteMoindre, moindres)) {
message.content += ` -- une blessure ${label} cicatrise`; message.content += ` -- une blessure ${label} cicatrise`;
foundry.utils.mergeObject(update, { mergeObject(update, {
system: { system: { gravite: graviteMoindre, fin: { indexDate: timestamp.addJours(graviteMoindre).indexDate } }
gravite: graviteMoindre,
temporel: { fin: { indexDate: timestamp.addJours(graviteMoindre).indexDate } }
}); });
} }
else { else {

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class RdDItemMaladie extends RdDItem {
await'Item', [{ await'Item', [{
_id:, _id:,
'system.temporel.fin': foundry.utils.duplicate(timestampFin), 'system.temporel.fin': duplicate(timestampFin),
}]) }])
} }
} }

View File

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ const TYPE_ITEMS_NATURELS = ["faune", "herbe", "plante", "ingredient"];
export class RdDItemInventaireSheet extends RdDItemSheet { export class RdDItemInventaireSheet extends RdDItemSheet {
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDItemSheet.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(RdDItemSheet.defaultOptions, {
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "informations" }] tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "informations" }]
}, { inplace: false }) });
} }
setPosition(options = {}) { setPosition(options = {}) {
@ -23,10 +23,9 @@ export class RdDItemInventaireSheet extends RdDItemSheet {
async getData() { async getData() {
const formData = await super.getData(); const formData = await super.getData();
foundry.utils.mergeObject(formData, { return mergeObject(formData, {
milieux: await game.system.rdd.environnement.autresMilieux(this.item) milieux: await game.system.rdd.environnement.autresMilieux(this.item)
}) });
return formData
} }
activateListeners(html) { activateListeners(html) {

View File

@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ export class RdDRencontreItemSheet extends RdDItemSheet {
static get ITEM_TYPE() { return "rencontre" }; static get ITEM_TYPE() { return "rencontre" };
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }] tabs: [{ navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "carac" }]
}, { inplace: false }) });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ export class RdDRencontreItemSheet extends RdDItemSheet {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async getData() { async getData() {
const formData = await super.getData(); const formData = await super.getData();
foundry.utils.mergeObject(formData, { mergeObject(formData, {
effets: { effets: {
succes: { succes: {
liste: RdDRencontre.getEffetsSucces(), liste: RdDRencontre.getEffetsSucces(),
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ export class RdDRencontreItemSheet extends RdDItemSheet {
select: RdDRencontre.mapEffets(this.item.system.echec.effets) select: RdDRencontre.mapEffets(this.item.system.echec.effets)
} }
} }
}) });
return formData; return formData;
} }

View File

@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { LOG_HEAD, SYSTEM_RDD } from "./constants.js"; import { LOG_HEAD, SYSTEM_RDD } from "./constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js"; import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Monnaie } from "./item-monnaie.js"; import { Monnaie } from "./item-monnaie.js";
import { RdDItem, ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { RdDItem, TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js"; import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js"; import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js";
class Migration { class Migration {
get code() { return "sample"; } get code() { return "sample"; }
@ -71,17 +70,17 @@ class _10_0_16_MigrationSortsReserve extends Migration {
get version() { return "10.0.16"; } get version() { return "10.0.16"; }
async migrate() { async migrate() {
const actors = game.actors.filter((actor) => actor.type == "personnage" && (actor.system.reve?.reserve?.list?.length ?? 0 > 0)) await game.actors
Promise.all( it => await this.convertirSortsReserveActeur(it))) .filter((actor) => actor.type == "personnage")
} .filter((actor) => actor.system.reve?.reserve?.list?.length ?? 0 > 0)
.forEach(async (actor) => {
async convertirSortsReserveActeur(actor) {
const sortsReserve =; const sortsReserve =;
console.log(`${LOG_HEAD} Migration des sorts en réserve de ${}`, sortsReserve); console.log(`${LOG_HEAD} Migration des sorts en réserve de ${}`, sortsReserve);
await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", sortsReserve, { await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", sortsReserve, {
renderSheet: false, renderSheet: false,
}); });
await actor.update({ 'system.reve.reserve': undefined }); await actor.update({ 'system.reve.reserve': undefined })
} }
conversionSortReserve(it) { conversionSortReserve(it) {
@ -190,7 +189,7 @@ class _10_2_5_ArmesTirLancer extends Migration {
get version() { return "10.2.5"; } get version() { return "10.2.5"; }
migrateArmeTirLancer(it) { migrateArmeTirLancer(it) {
let updates = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ _id: }, this.getMapping(it).updates); let updates = mergeObject({ _id: }, this.getMapping(it).updates);
console.log(, updates); console.log(, updates);
return updates; return updates;
} }
@ -365,7 +364,7 @@ class _10_4_6_ServicesEnCommerces extends Migration {
const item = await RdDItem.getCorrespondingItem(serviceRefItem); const item = await RdDItem.getCorrespondingItem(serviceRefItem);
const itemToCreate = { const itemToCreate = {
name:, img: item.img, type: item.type, name:, img: item.img, type: item.type,
system: foundry.utils.mergeObject({ cout: serviceRefItem.system.cout, quantite: serviceRefItem.system.quantite }, item.system, { overwrite: false }) system: mergeObject({ cout: serviceRefItem.system.cout, quantite: serviceRefItem.system.quantite }, item.system, { overwrite: false })
}; };
return itemToCreate; return itemToCreate;
} }
@ -465,7 +464,7 @@ class _10_7_19_CategorieCompetenceCreature extends Migration {
async migrate() { async migrate() {
await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items
.filter(it => ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature == it.type) .filter(it => TYPES.competencecreature == it.type)
.map(it => this.migrateCompetenceCreature(it)) .map(it => this.migrateCompetenceCreature(it))
); );
} }
@ -502,34 +501,19 @@ class _10_7_19_PossessionsEntiteVictime extends Migration {
async migrate() { async migrate() {
await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items await this.applyItemsUpdates(items => items
.filter(it => ITEM_TYPES.possession == it.type) .filter(it => TYPES.possession == it.type)
.map(it => this.migratePossession(it)) .map(it => this.migratePossession(it))
); );
} }
migratePossession(it) { migratePossession(it) {
return { return { _id:,
'system.entite.actorid': it.system.possesseurid, 'system.entite.actorid': it.system.possesseurid,
'system.victime.actorid': it.system.possedeid 'system.victime.actorid': it.system.possedeid
} }
} }
} }
class _11_2_20_MigrationAstrologie extends Migration {
get code() { return "migration-astrologie" }
get version() { return "11.2.20" }
async migrate() {
const nombresAstraux = game.system.rdd.calendrier.getNombresAstraux()
nombresAstraux.forEach(na => {
na.lectures = na.valeursFausses
na.valeursFausses = undefined
await game.system.rdd.calendrier.setNombresAstraux(nombresAstraux)
export class Migrations { export class Migrations {
static getMigrations() { static getMigrations() {
return [ return [
@ -548,7 +532,6 @@ export class Migrations {
new _10_7_0_MigrationBlessures(), new _10_7_0_MigrationBlessures(),
new _10_7_19_CategorieCompetenceCreature(), new _10_7_19_CategorieCompetenceCreature(),
new _10_7_19_PossessionsEntiteVictime(), new _10_7_19_PossessionsEntiteVictime(),
new _11_2_20_MigrationAstrologie(),
]; ];
} }
@ -563,18 +546,15 @@ export class Migrations {
} }
migrate() { migrate() {
let currentVersion = game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "systemMigrationVersion") const currentVersion = game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "systemMigrationVersion");
if (currentVersion.startsWith("v")) { if (isNewerVersion(game.system.version, currentVersion)) {
currentVersion = currentVersion.substring(1)
if (foundry.utils.isNewerVersion(game.system.version, currentVersion)) {
// if (true) { /* comment previous and uncomment here to test before upgrade */ // if (true) { /* comment previous and uncomment here to test before upgrade */
const migrations = Migrations.getMigrations().filter(m => foundry.utils.isNewerVersion(m.version, currentVersion)); const migrations = Migrations.getMigrations().filter(m => isNewerVersion(m.version, currentVersion));
if (migrations.length > 0) { if (migrations.length > 0) {
migrations.sort((a, b) => this.compareVersions(a, b)); migrations.sort((a, b) => this.compareVersions(a, b));
migrations.forEach(async (m) => { migrations.forEach(async (m) => {
`${LOG_HEAD} Executing migration ${m.code}: version ${currentVersion} is lower than ${m.version}` `Executing migration ${m.code}: version ${currentVersion} is lower than ${m.version}`
); );
await m.migrate(); await m.migrate();
}); });
@ -582,7 +562,9 @@ export class Migrations {
`Migrations done, version will change to ${game.system.version}` `Migrations done, version will change to ${game.system.version}`
); );
} else { } else {
console.log(`${LOG_HEAD} No migration needeed, version will change to ${game.system.version}` console.log(
`No migration needeed, version will change to ${game.system.version}`
); );
} }
@ -592,7 +574,7 @@ export class Migrations {
game.system.version game.system.version
); );
} else { } else {
console.log(`${LOG_HEAD} No system version changed`); console.log(LOG_HEAD + `No system version changed`);
} }
} }

View File

@ -23,10 +23,6 @@ export class Misc {
return isPositiveNumber ? "+" + number : number return isPositiveNumber ? "+" + number : number
} }
static modulo(n, m) {
return ((n % m) + m) % m;
static sum() { static sum() {
return (a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b); return (a, b) => Number(a) + Number(b);
} }
@ -46,7 +42,7 @@ export class Misc {
} }
static typeName(type, subType) { static typeName(type, subType) {
return subType ? game.i18n.localize(`TYPES.${type}.${subType}`) return subType ? game.i18n.localize(`TYPES.${type}.${Misc.upperFirst(subType)}`)
: ''; : '';
} }
@ -67,8 +63,8 @@ export class Misc {
static keepDecimals(num, decimals) { static keepDecimals(num, decimals) {
if (decimals <= 0 || decimals > 6) return num; if (decimals <= 0 || decimals > 6) return num;
const power10n = Math.pow(10, parseInt(decimals)); const decimal = Math.pow(10, parseInt(decimals));
return Math.round(num * power10n) / power10n; return Math.round(num * decimal) / decimal;
} }
static getFractionHtml(diviseur) { static getFractionHtml(diviseur) {
@ -166,47 +162,15 @@ export class Misc {
} }
static firstConnectedGM() { static firstConnectedGM() {
if (foundry.utils.isNewerVersion(game.release.version, '12.0')) { return game.users.filter(u => u.isGM && => => u.isGM &&;
return game.users.activeGM
return game.users.find(u => u.isGM &&;
} }
static connectedGMs() { static isOwnerPlayer(actor, user = undefined) {
return game.users.filter(u => u.isGM &&; return actor.testUserPermission(user ?? game.user, CONST.DOCUMENT_PERMISSION_LEVELS.OWNER)
} }
/** static isOwnerPlayerOrUniqueConnectedGM(actor, user = undefined) {
* This helper method allows to get the docuument, for a single user (either first connected GM, or the owner return Misc.isOwnerPlayer(actor, user) ?? Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM();
* if there is no connected GMs), or else return undefined.
* This allows for example update hooks that should apply modifications to actors to be called only for one
* user (preventing the "User ... lacks permission to update Item" that was occuring on hooks when Item updates
* were triggering other changes)
* @param {*} document the Document with is potentially an Actor
* @returns the actor if either the game.user is the first connected GM, or if the game.user is the owner
* and there is no connected GM
static documentIfResponsible(document) {
if (foundry.utils.isNewerVersion(game.release.version, '12.0')) {
if (game.users.activeGM || (Misc.connectedGMs().length == 0 && Misc.isOwnerPlayer(document)))
return document
else if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM() || (Misc.connectedGMs().length == 0 && Misc.isOwnerPlayer(document))) {
return document
return undefined
static isOwnerPlayer(document) {
return document.testUserPermission && document.testUserPermission(game.user, CONST.DOCUMENT_OWNERSHIP_LEVELS.OWNER)
static isOwnerPlayerOrUniqueConnectedGM(actor) {
return Misc.isOwnerPlayer(actor) ?? Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM();
} }
/** /**
@ -232,7 +196,7 @@ export class Misc {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static findFirstLike(value, elements, options = {}) { static findFirstLike(value, elements, options = {}) {
options = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ options = mergeObject({
mapper: it =>, mapper: it =>,
preFilter: it => true, preFilter: it => true,
description: 'valeur', description: 'valeur',
@ -241,7 +205,6 @@ export class Misc {
const subset = this.findAllLike(value, elements, options); const subset = this.findAllLike(value, elements, options);
if (subset.length == 0) { if (subset.length == 0) {
console.log(`Aucune ${options.description} pour ${value}`);
return undefined return undefined
} }
if (subset.length == 1) { if (subset.length == 1) {
@ -257,7 +220,7 @@ export class Misc {
} }
static findAllLike(value, elements, options = {}) { static findAllLike(value, elements, options = {}) {
options = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ options = mergeObject({
mapper: it =>, mapper: it =>,
preFilter: it => true, preFilter: it => true,
description: 'valeur', description: 'valeur',

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ export class RdDAudio {
if ( audioData ) { if ( audioData ) {
let audioPath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/sounds/" + audioData.file; let audioPath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/sounds/" + audioData.file;
console.log(`foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon | Playing Sound: ${audioPath}`) console.log(`foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon | Playing Sound: ${audioPath}`){ src: audioPath }, audioData.isGlobal);{ src: audioPath }, audioData.isGlobal);
} }
} }
} }

View File

@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ export class RdDBonus {
} }
static isAjustementAstrologique(rollData) {
return RdDCarac.isChance(rollData.selectedCarac) ||
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isDefenseAttaqueFinesse(rollData) { static isDefenseAttaqueFinesse(rollData) {
if (rollData.isEmpoignade && rollData.rolled?.isPart) { if (rollData.isEmpoignade && rollData.rolled?.isPart) {
@ -31,19 +35,21 @@ export class RdDBonus {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static dmg(rollData, actor, isEntiteIncarnee = false) { static dmg(rollData, dmgActor, isEntiteIncarnee = false) {
const dmgArme = RdDBonus.dmgArme(rollData.arme) let dmg = { total: 0 };
let dmg = { if (rollData.arme && == "esquive") {
total: 0, // Specific case management
dmgArme: dmgArme, ui.notifications.warn("Calcul de bonus dégats sur esquive !");
penetration: RdDBonus._peneration(rollData), } else {
dmgTactique: RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.tactique), dmg.dmgArme = RdDBonus._dmgArme(rollData);
dmgParticuliere: RdDBonus._dmgParticuliere(rollData), dmg.penetration = RdDBonus._peneration(rollData);
dmgSurprise: RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.ajustements?.attaqueDefenseurSurpris.used), dmg.dmgTactique = RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.tactique);
mortalite: RdDBonus._calculMortalite(rollData, isEntiteIncarnee), dmg.dmgParticuliere = RdDBonus._dmgParticuliere(rollData);
dmgActor: RdDBonus.bonusDmg(actor, rollData.selectedCarac?.label.toLowerCase(), dmgArme) dmg.dmgSurprise = RdDBonus.dmgBonus(rollData.ajustements?.attaqueDefenseurSurpris.used);
} dmg.dmgActor = rollData.selectedCarac ? RdDBonus._dmgPerso(dmgActor, rollData.selectedCarac.label, dmg.dmgArme) : 0; = dmg.dmgSurprise + dmg.dmgTactique + dmg.dmgArme + dmg.dmgActor + dmg.dmgParticuliere; = dmg.dmgSurprise + dmg.dmgTactique + dmg.dmgArme + dmg.dmgActor + dmg.dmgParticuliere;
dmg.mortalite = RdDBonus._calculMortalite(rollData, isEntiteIncarnee)
return dmg; return dmg;
} }
@ -71,11 +77,11 @@ export class RdDBonus {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static dmgArme(arme) { static _dmgArme(rollData) {
if (arme) { if (rollData.arme) {
let dmgBase = arme.system.dommagesReels ?? Number(arme.system.dommages ?? 0); let dmgBase = rollData.arme.system.dommagesReels ?? Number(rollData.arme.system.dommages ?? 0);
//Le bonus dégats magiques ne peut pas faire dépasser le bonus de l'arme (cf p.278) //Le bonus dégats magiques ne peut pas faire dépasser le bonus de l'arme (cf p.278)
return dmgBase + Math.min(dmgBase, arme.system.magique ? arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0); return dmgBase + Math.min(dmgBase, rollData.arme.system.magique ? rollData.arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0);
} }
return 0; return 0;
} }
@ -86,14 +92,10 @@ export class RdDBonus {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static bonusDmg(actor, categorie, dmgArme) { static _dmgPerso(dmgActor, categorie, dmgArme) {
const dmgActor = actor.getBonusDegat()
if (categorie == undefined) {
return 0
switch (categorie) { switch (categorie) {
case "tir": return 0; case "Tir": return 0;
case "lancer": return Math.max(0, Math.min(dmgArme, dmgActor)); case "Lancer": return Math.max(0, Math.min(dmgArme, dmgActor));
} }
return dmgActor; return dmgActor;
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js"; import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
const TABLE_CARACTERISTIQUES_DERIVEES = { const tableCaracDerivee = {
// xp: coût pour passer du niveau inférieur à ce niveau // xp: coût pour passer du niveau inférieur à ce niveau
1: { xp: 3, poids: "moins de 1kg", plusdom: -5, sconst: 0.5, sust: 0.1 }, 1: { xp: 3, poids: "moins de 1kg", plusdom: -5, sconst: 0.5, sust: 0.1 },
2: { xp: 3, poids: "1-5", plusdom: -4, sconst: 0.5, sust: 0.3 }, 2: { xp: 3, poids: "1-5", plusdom: -4, sconst: 0.5, sust: 0.3 },
@ -58,10 +58,6 @@ export class RdDCarac {
selectedCarac?.label.match(/(Apparence|Force|Agilité|Dextérité|Vue|Ouïe|Odorat-Goût|Empathie|Dérobée|Mêlée|Tir|Lancer)/); selectedCarac?.label.match(/(Apparence|Force|Agilité|Dextérité|Vue|Ouïe|Odorat-Goût|Empathie|Dérobée|Mêlée|Tir|Lancer)/);
} }
static getCaracDerivee(value) {
return TABLE_CARACTERISTIQUES_DERIVEES[Math.min(Math.max(Number(value), 1), 32)];
static computeTotal(carac, beaute = undefined) { static computeTotal(carac, beaute = undefined) {
const total = Object.values(carac ?? {}).filter(c => !c.derivee) const total = Object.values(carac ?? {}).filter(c => !c.derivee)
.map(it => parseInt(it.value)) .map(it => parseInt(it.value))
@ -77,7 +73,7 @@ export class RdDCarac {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculSConst(constitution) { static calculSConst(constitution) {
return RdDCarac.getCaracDerivee(constitution).sconst; return Number(tableCaracDerivee[Number(constitution)].sconst);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -88,7 +84,7 @@ export class RdDCarac {
} }
static getCaracXp(targetValue) { static getCaracXp(targetValue) {
return RdDCarac.getCaracDerivee(targetValue)?.xp ?? 200; return tableCaracDerivee[targetValue]?.xp ?? 200;
} }
@ -101,4 +97,37 @@ export class RdDCarac {
return Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(selectedCarac?.label)?.match(/(apparence|force|agilite|dexterite|vue|ouie|odorat|empathie|melee|tir|lancer|derobee)/); return Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(selectedCarac?.label)?.match(/(apparence|force|agilite|dexterite|vue|ouie|odorat|empathie|melee|tir|lancer|derobee)/);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static computeCarac(system) {
system.carac.force.value = Math.min(system.carac.force.value, parseInt(system.carac.taille.value) + 4);
system.carac.derobee.value = Math.floor(parseInt(((21 - system.carac.taille.value)) + parseInt(system.carac.agilite.value)) / 2);
let bonusDomKey = Math.floor((parseInt(system.carac.force.value) + parseInt(system.carac.taille.value)) / 2);
bonusDomKey = Math.min(Math.max(bonusDomKey, 0), 32); // Clamp de securite
let tailleData = tableCaracDerivee[bonusDomKey];
system.attributs.plusdom.value = tailleData.plusdom;
system.attributs.sconst.value = RdDCarac.calculSConst(system.carac.constitution.value);
system.attributs.sust.value = tableCaracDerivee[Number(system.carac.taille.value)].sust;
system.attributs.encombrement.value = (parseInt(system.carac.force.value) + parseInt(system.carac.taille.value)) / 2;
system.carac.melee.value = Math.floor((parseInt(system.carac.force.value) + parseInt(system.carac.agilite.value)) / 2);
system.carac.tir.value = Math.floor((parseInt(system.carac.vue.value) + parseInt(system.carac.dexterite.value)) / 2);
system.carac.lancer.value = Math.floor((parseInt(system.carac.tir.value) + parseInt(system.carac.force.value)) / 2);
system.sante.vie.max = Math.ceil((parseInt(system.carac.taille.value) + parseInt(system.carac.constitution.value)) / 2);
system.sante.vie.value = Math.min(system.sante.vie.value, system.sante.vie.max)
system.sante.endurance.max = Math.max(parseInt(system.carac.taille.value) + parseInt(system.carac.constitution.value), parseInt(system.sante.vie.max) + parseInt(system.carac.volonte.value));
system.sante.endurance.value = Math.min(system.sante.endurance.value, system.sante.endurance.max);
system.sante.fatigue.max = system.sante.endurance.max * 2;
system.sante.fatigue.value = Math.min(system.sante.fatigue.value, system.sante.fatigue.max);
system.reve.reve.max = system.carac.reve.value;
system.compteurs.chance.max = system.carac.chance.value;
} }

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@ -75,12 +75,6 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
} }
} }
} }
static calculAjustementInit(actor, arme) {
const efficacite = (arme?.system.magique) ? arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0
const etatGeneral = actor.getEtatGeneral() ?? 0
return efficacite + etatGeneral
/************************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************************/
async rollInitiative(ids, formula = undefined, messageOptions = {}) { async rollInitiative(ids, formula = undefined, messageOptions = {}) {
@ -90,14 +84,12 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
// calculate initiative // calculate initiative
for (let cId = 0; cId < ids.length; cId++) { for (let cId = 0; cId < ids.length; cId++) {
const combatant = this.combatants.get(ids[cId]); const combatant = this.combatants.get(ids[cId]);
const ajustement = RdDCombatManager.calculAjustementInit(, undefined); let rollFormula = formula ?? RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, 10, 0, 0);
let rollFormula = formula ?? RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, 10, 0, ajustement);
if (!formula) { if (!formula) {
if ( == 'creature' || == 'entite') { if ( == 'creature' || == 'entite') {
const competence = => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isCompetenceAttaque(it)) const competence = => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(it))
if (competence) { if (competence) {
rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, competence.system.carac_value, competence.system.niveau, etatGeneral); rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, competence.system.carac_value, competence.system.niveau, 0);
} }
} else { } else {
const armeCombat =['arme'].find(it => it.system.equipe) const armeCombat =['arme'].find(it => it.system.equipe)
@ -117,9 +109,8 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
if (competence && competence.system.defaut_carac) { if (competence && competence.system.defaut_carac) {
const carac =[competence.system.defaut_carac].value; const carac =[competence.system.defaut_carac].value;
const niveau = competence.system.niveau; const niveau = competence.system.niveau;
const bonusEcaille = (armeCombat?.system.magique) ? armeCombat.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0;
const ajustement = RdDCombatManager.calculAjustementInit(, armeCombat) rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, carac, niveau, bonusEcaille);
rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(2, carac, niveau, ajustement);
} else { } else {
ui.notifications.warn(`Votre arme ${} n'a pas de compétence renseignée`); ui.notifications.warn(`Votre arme ${} n'a pas de compétence renseignée`);
} }
@ -128,7 +119,7 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
//console.log("Combatat", c); //console.log("Combatat", c);
const roll = combatant.getInitiativeRoll(rollFormula); const roll = combatant.getInitiativeRoll(rollFormula);
if (! { if (! {
await roll.evaluate(); roll.evaluate({ async: false });
} }
const total = Math.max(, 0.00); const total = Math.max(, 0.00);
console.log("Compute init for", rollFormula, roll, total, combatant); console.log("Compute init for", rollFormula, roll, total, combatant);
@ -137,7 +128,8 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
// Send a chat message // Send a chat message
let rollMode = messageOptions.rollMode || game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"); let rollMode = messageOptions.rollMode || game.settings.get("core", "rollMode");
let messageData = foundry.utils.mergeObject({ let messageData = mergeObject(
speaker: { speaker: {
scene: canvas.scene._id, scene: canvas.scene._id,
actor:, actor:,
@ -145,9 +137,12 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
alias:, alias:,
sound: CONFIG.sounds.dice, sound: CONFIG.sounds.dice,
}, },
flavor: `${} a fait son jet d'Initiative (${messageOptions.initInfo})<br>`, flavor: `${} a fait son jet d'Initiative (${messageOptions.initInfo})
}, },
messageOptions); messageOptions
roll.toMessage(messageData, { rollMode, create: true }); roll.toMessage(messageData, { rollMode, create: true });
RdDCombatManager.processPremierRoundInit(); RdDCombatManager.processPremierRoundInit();
@ -176,7 +171,8 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
if (arme.system.unemain && arme.system.deuxmains && !dommages.includes("/")) { if (arme.system.unemain && arme.system.deuxmains && !dommages.includes("/")) {"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");"Les dommages de l'arme à 1/2 mains " + + " ne sont pas corrects (ie sous la forme X/Y)");
} }
if (arme.system.unemain && arme.system.competence) { if ((arme.system.unemain && arme.system.competence) ||
(arme.system.competence.toLowerCase().includes("corps à corps"))) {
actions.push(RdDCombatManager.$prepareAttaqueArme({ actions.push(RdDCombatManager.$prepareAttaqueArme({
arme: arme, arme: arme,
infoMain: "(1 main)", infoMain: "(1 main)",
@ -191,7 +187,7 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
arme: arme, arme: arme,
infoMain: "(2 mains)", infoMain: "(2 mains)",
dommagesReel: Number(tableauDommages[1]), dommagesReel: Number(tableauDommages[1]),
competence: RdDItemArme.competence2Mains(arme), competence: arme.system.competence.replace(" 1 main", " 2 mains"),
carac: carac, carac: carac,
competences: competences competences: competences
})); }));
@ -223,23 +219,18 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
static $prepareAttaqueArme(infoAttaque) { static $prepareAttaqueArme(infoAttaque) {
const comp = infoAttaque.competences.find(c => == infoAttaque.competence); const comp = infoAttaque.competences.find(c => == infoAttaque.competence);
const arme = infoAttaque.arme; const attaque = duplicate(infoAttaque.arme);
const attaque = foundry.utils.duplicate(arme);
attaque.action = 'attaque'; attaque.action = 'attaque';
attaque.system.competence = infoAttaque.competence; attaque.system.competence = infoAttaque.competence;
attaque.system.dommagesReels = infoAttaque.dommagesReel; attaque.system.dommagesReels = infoAttaque.dommagesReel;
attaque.system.infoMain = infoAttaque.infoMain; attaque.system.infoMain = infoAttaque.infoMain;
attaque.system.niveau = comp.system.niveau; attaque.system.niveau = comp.system.niveau;
attaque.system.initiative = RdDCombatManager.calculInitiative(comp.system.niveau, infoAttaque.carac[comp.system.defaut_carac].value);
const ajustement = (arme?.parent?.getEtatGeneral() ?? 0) + (arme?.system.magique) ? arme.system.ecaille_efficacite : 0;
attaque.system.initiative = RdDCombatManager.calculInitiative(comp.system.niveau, infoAttaque.carac[comp.system.defaut_carac].value, ajustement);
return attaque; return attaque;
} }
static listActionsCreature(competences) { static listActionsCreature(competences) {
return competences return => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(it))
.filter(it => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isCompetenceAttaque(it))
.map(it => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(it))
.filter(it => it != undefined); .filter(it => it != undefined);
} }
@ -267,10 +258,11 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
actions = RdDCombatManager.listActionsCreature(actor.itemTypes['competencecreature']); actions = RdDCombatManager.listActionsCreature(actor.itemTypes['competencecreature']);
} else if (actor.isPersonnage()) { } else if (actor.isPersonnage()) {
// Recupération des items 'arme' // Recupération des items 'arme'
const competences = actor.itemTypes['competence'];
const armes = actor.itemTypes['arme'].filter(it => RdDItemArme.isArmeUtilisable(it)) const armes = actor.itemTypes['arme'].filter(it => RdDItemArme.isArmeUtilisable(it))
.concat(RdDItemArme.empoignade(actor)) .concat(RdDItemArme.empoignade())
.concat(RdDItemArme.mainsNues(actor)); .concat(RdDItemArme.mainsNues());
const competences = actor.itemTypes['competence'];
actions = RdDCombatManager.listActionsArmes(armes, competences, actor.system.carac); actions = RdDCombatManager.listActionsArmes(armes, competences, actor.system.carac);
if (actor.system.attributs.hautrevant.value) { if (actor.system.attributs.hautrevant.value) {
@ -336,8 +328,8 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
} }
} }
options = [ options = [
{ name: "Incrémenter initiative", condition: true, icon: '<i class="fa-solid fa-plus"></i>', callback: target => { RdDCombatManager.incDecInit('combatant-id'), +0.01); } }, { name: "Incrémenter initiative", condition: true, icon: '<i class="fas fa-plus"></i>', callback: target => { RdDCombatManager.incDecInit('combatant-id'), +0.01); } },
{ name: "Décrémenter initiative", condition: true, icon: '<i class="fa-solid fa-minus"></i>', callback: target => { RdDCombatManager.incDecInit('combatant-id'), -0.01); } } { name: "Décrémenter initiative", condition: true, icon: '<i class="fas fa-minus"></i>', callback: target => { RdDCombatManager.incDecInit('combatant-id'), -0.01); } }
].concat(options); ].concat(options);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -347,6 +339,7 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
ui.notifications.warn(`Le combatant ${} n'est pas associé à un acteur, impossible de déterminer ses actions de combat!`) ui.notifications.warn(`Le combatant ${} n'est pas associé à un acteur, impossible de déterminer ses actions de combat!`)
return []; return [];
} }
let initInfo = ""; let initInfo = "";
let initOffset = 0; let initOffset = 0;
let caracForInit = 0; let caracForInit = 0;
@ -381,9 +374,9 @@ export class RdDCombatManager extends Combat {
initOffset = RdDCombatManager._baseInitOffset(compData.system.categorie, action); initOffset = RdDCombatManager._baseInitOffset(compData.system.categorie, action);
} }
let malus =; // Prise en compte état général
// Cas des créatures et entités vs personnages // Cas des créatures et entités vs personnages
const ajustement = RdDCombatManager.calculAjustementInit(, action) let rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(initOffset, caracForInit, compNiveau, malus);
let rollFormula = RdDCombatManager.formuleInitiative(initOffset, caracForInit, compNiveau, ajustement);
// Garder la trace de l'arme/compétence utilisée pour l'iniative // Garder la trace de l'arme/compétence utilisée pour l'iniative
combatant.initiativeData = { arme: action } // pour reclasser l'init au round 0 combatant.initiativeData = { arme: action } // pour reclasser l'init au round 0
game.combat.rollInitiative(combatantId, rollFormula, { initInfo: initInfo }); game.combat.rollInitiative(combatantId, rollFormula, { initInfo: initInfo });
@ -457,7 +450,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) {
let turn = combat.turns.find(t => t.token?.id == combat.current.tokenId); let turn = combat.turns.find(t => t.token?.id == combat.current.tokenId);
if (turn?.actor) { if (turn?.actor) {
RdDCombat.displayActorCombatStatus(combat,,; RdDCombat.displayActorCombatStatus(combat,;
// TODO Playaudio for player?? // TODO Playaudio for player??
} }
} }
@ -521,12 +514,8 @@ export class RdDCombat {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static _callJetDeVie(event) { static _callJetDeVie(event) {
let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actorId'].value; let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actorId'].value;
let tokenId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-tokenId'].value; let actor = game.actors.get(actorId);
let token = canvas.tokens.get(tokenId) actor.jetVie();
const actor = token?.actor ?? game.actors.get(actorId);
if (actor?.isOwner) {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -552,7 +541,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
} }
}); });
} }
html.on("click", '', event => { html.on("click", '#chat-jet-vie', event => {
event.preventDefault(); event.preventDefault();
RdDCombat._callJetDeVie(event); RdDCombat._callJetDeVie(event);
}); });
@ -761,11 +750,11 @@ export class RdDCombat {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async attaque(competence, arme) { async attaque(competence, arme) {
if (!await this.attacker.accorder(this.defender, 'avant-attaque')) { if (!await this.attacker.accorder(this.defender, 'avant-attaque')) {
return return;
} }
if (arme.system.cac == 'empoignade') { if (arme.system.cac == 'empoignade') {
RdDEmpoignade.onAttaqueEmpoignade(this.attacker, this.defender) RdDEmpoignade.onAttaqueEmpoignade(this.attacker, this.defender)
return return;
} }
RdDEmpoignade.checkEmpoignadeEnCours(this.attacker) RdDEmpoignade.checkEmpoignadeEnCours(this.attacker)
@ -798,9 +787,9 @@ export class RdDCombat {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_prepareAttaque(competence, arme) { _prepareAttaque(competence, arme) {
let rollData = { let rollData = {
passeArme: foundry.utils.randomID(16), passeArme: randomID(16),
mortalite: arme?.system.mortalite, mortalite: arme?.system.mortalite,
competence: competence, competence: competence.clone(),
surprise: this.attacker.getSurprise(true), surprise: this.attacker.getSurprise(true),
surpriseDefenseur: this.defender.getSurprise(true), surpriseDefenseur: this.defender.getSurprise(true),
targetToken: Targets.extractTokenData(, targetToken: Targets.extractTokenData(,
@ -831,8 +820,8 @@ export class RdDCombat {
// finesse seulement en mélée, pour l'empoignade, ou si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum // finesse seulement en mélée, pour l'empoignade, ou si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum
// rapidité seulement en mêlée, si l'arme le permet, et si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum // rapidité seulement en mêlée, si l'arme le permet, et si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum
const isForce = !rollData.arme.system.empoignade; const isForce = !rollData.arme.system.empoignade;
const isFinesse = rollData.tactique != 'charge' && (rollData.arme.system.empoignade || isMeleeDiffNegative); const isFinesse = rollData.arme.system.empoignade || isMeleeDiffNegative;
const isRapide = rollData.tactique != 'charge' && !rollData.arme.system.empoignade && isMeleeDiffNegative && rollData.arme.system.rapide; const isRapide = !rollData.arme.system.empoignade && isMeleeDiffNegative && rollData.arme.system.rapide;
// si un seul choix possible, le prendre // si un seul choix possible, le prendre
if (isForce && !isFinesse && !isRapide) { if (isForce && !isFinesse && !isRapide) {
return await this.choixParticuliere(rollData, "force"); return await this.choixParticuliere(rollData, "force");
@ -864,7 +853,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
async _onAttaqueNormale(attackerRoll) { async _onAttaqueNormale(attackerRoll) {
console.log("RdDCombat.onAttaqueNormale >>>", attackerRoll); console.log("RdDCombat.onAttaqueNormale >>>", attackerRoll);
attackerRoll.dmg = RdDBonus.dmg(attackerRoll, this.attacker, this.defender.isEntite()); attackerRoll.dmg = RdDBonus.dmg(attackerRoll, this.attacker.getBonusDegat(), this.defender.isEntite());
let defenderRoll = { attackerRoll: attackerRoll, passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme, show: {} } let defenderRoll = { attackerRoll: attackerRoll, passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme, show: {} } = { = {
cible: ? : 'la cible', cible: ? : 'la cible',
@ -892,12 +881,12 @@ export class RdDCombat {
this.removeChatMessageActionsPasseArme(attackerRoll.passeArme); this.removeChatMessageActionsPasseArme(attackerRoll.passeArme);
if (essaisPrecedents) { if (essaisPrecedents) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(attackerRoll.essais, essaisPrecedents, { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(attackerRoll.essais, essaisPrecedents, { overwrite: true });
} }
// # utilisation esquive // # utilisation esquive
const corpsACorps = this.defender.getCompetenceCorpsACorps({ onMessage: it =>, this.defender) }); const corpsACorps = this.defender.getCompetence("Corps à corps", { onMessage: it =>, this.defender) });
const esquives = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.defender.getCompetencesEsquive()) const esquives = duplicate(this.defender.getCompetences("esquive", { onMessage: it =>, this.defender) }))
esquives.forEach(e => e.system.nbUsage = e?._id ? this.defender.getItemUse(e._id) : 0); esquives.forEach(e => e.system.nbUsage = e?._id ? this.defender.getItemUse(e._id) : 0);
const paramChatDefense = { const paramChatDefense = {
@ -1055,7 +1044,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme, passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme,
diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre, diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre,
attackerRoll: attackerRoll, attackerRoll: attackerRoll,
competence: this.defender.getCompetence(competenceParade), competence: this.defender.getCompetence(competenceParade).clone(),
arme: armeParade, arme: armeParade,
surprise: this.defender.getSurprise(true), surprise: this.defender.getSurprise(true),
needParadeSignificative: ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('categorieParade') && RdDItemArme.needParadeSignificative(attackerRoll.arme, armeParade), needParadeSignificative: ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('categorieParade') && RdDItemArme.needParadeSignificative(attackerRoll.arme, armeParade),
@ -1136,7 +1125,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme, passeArme: attackerRoll.passeArme,
diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre, diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre,
attackerRoll: attackerRoll, attackerRoll: attackerRoll,
competence: competence, competence: competence.clone(),
surprise: this.defender.getSurprise(true), surprise: this.defender.getSurprise(true),
surpriseDefenseur: this.defender.getSurprise(true), surpriseDefenseur: this.defender.getSurprise(true),
carac: this.defender.system.carac, carac: this.defender.system.carac,
@ -1289,7 +1278,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
attackerRoll.defenderTokenId = defenderTokenId; attackerRoll.defenderTokenId = defenderTokenId;
await this.computeRecul(defenderRoll); await this.computeRecul(defenderRoll);
await this.defender.encaisserDommages(attackerRoll, this.attacker, defenderRoll?.show); this.defender.encaisserDommages(attackerRoll, this.attacker, defenderRoll?.show);
} }
else { // envoi à un GM: les joueurs n'ont pas le droit de modifier les personnages qu'ils ne possèdent pas else { // envoi à un GM: les joueurs n'ont pas le droit de modifier les personnages qu'ils ne possèdent pas
game.socket.emit(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, { game.socket.emit(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, {
@ -1305,7 +1294,7 @@ export class RdDCombat {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async displayActorCombatStatus(combat, actor, tokenId) { static async displayActorCombatStatus(combat, actor) {
let formData = { let formData = {
combatId: combat._id, combatId: combat._id,
alias:, alias:,
@ -1314,19 +1303,12 @@ export class RdDCombat {
blessuresStatus: actor.computeResumeBlessure(), blessuresStatus: actor.computeResumeBlessure(),
SConst: actor.getSConst(), SConst: actor.getSConst(),
actorId:, actorId:,
actor: actor,
tokenId: tokenId,
isGrave: actor.countBlessures(it => it.isGrave()) > 0, isGrave: actor.countBlessures(it => it.isGrave()) > 0,
isCritique: actor.countBlessures(it => it.isCritique()) > 0 isCritique: actor.countBlessures(it => it.isCritique()) > 0
} }
await ChatMessage.create({
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-turn-acteur.hbs`, formData), ChatUtility.createChatWithRollMode(, {
alias: content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-turn-summary.html`, formData)
await ChatMessage.create({
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-turn-sante.hbs`, formData),
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
}); });
} }
} }

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import { RdDRollTables } from "./rdd-rolltables.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { FenetreRechercheTirage } from "./tirage/fenetre-recherche-tirage.js"; import { FenetreRechercheTirage } from "./tirage/fenetre-recherche-tirage.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { DialogFatigueVoyage } from "./voyage/dialog-fatigue-voyage.js";
const rddRollNumeric = /^(\d+)\s*([\+\-]?\d+)?\s*(s)?/; const rddRollNumeric = /^(\d+)\s*([\+\-]?\d+)?\s*(s)?/;
@ -77,7 +76,6 @@ export class RdDCommands {
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "desir"], func: (content, msg, params) => RdDRollTables.getDesirLancinant('chat'), descr: "Tire un Désir Lancinant" }); this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "desir"], func: (content, msg, params) => RdDRollTables.getDesirLancinant('chat'), descr: "Tire un Désir Lancinant" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "rencontre"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.getRencontreTMR(params), descr: `Détermine une rencontre dans les TMR (synonyme de "/tmrr")` }); this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirer", "rencontre"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.getRencontreTMR(params), descr: `Détermine une rencontre dans les TMR (synonyme de "/tmrr")` });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirage"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.tirage(), descr: "Ouvre la fenêtre de recherche et tirage" }); this.registerCommand({ path: ["/tirage"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.tirage(), descr: "Ouvre la fenêtre de recherche et tirage" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/voyage"], func: (content, msg, params) =>, params), descr: "Gérer le voyage" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/sommeil"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.sommeil(msg, params), descr: "Prépare le passage de journée pour chateau dormant" }); this.registerCommand({ path: ["/sommeil"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.sommeil(msg, params), descr: "Prépare le passage de journée pour chateau dormant" });
this.registerCommand({ path: ["/meteo"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.getMeteo(msg, params), descr: "Propose une météo marine" }); this.registerCommand({ path: ["/meteo"], func: (content, msg, params) => this.getMeteo(msg, params), descr: "Propose une météo marine" });
@ -463,13 +461,14 @@ export class RdDCommands {
let motif = params.slice(1, params.length - 2); let motif = params.slice(1, params.length - 2);
let name = params[params.length - 1]; let name = params[params.length - 1];
const personnages = game.actors.filter(actor => actor.isPersonnageJoueur());
if (name == undefined) { if (name == undefined) {
for (let actor of personnages) { for (let actor of game.actors) {
// TODO: ne plus stresser les entités de cauchemar!
await actor.distribuerStress('stress', stress, motif); await actor.distribuerStress('stress', stress, motif);
} }
} else { } else {
let actor = Misc.findActor(name, personnages) ?? Misc.findPlayer(name)?.character //console.log(stressValue, nomJoueur);
let actor = Misc.findActor(name, game.actors.filter(it => it.hasPlayerOwner)) ?? Misc.findPlayer(name)?.character
if (actor) { if (actor) {
await actor.distribuerStress('stress', stress, motif); await actor.distribuerStress('stress', stress, motif);
} }
@ -486,13 +485,10 @@ export class RdDCommands {
} }
async tirage() { async tirage() {
FenetreRechercheTirage.create() FenetreRechercheTirage.create();
async voyage() {
} }
async sommeil() { async sommeil() {
DialogChateauDormant.create() DialogChateauDormant.create();
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js"; import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
export class RdDConfirm { export class RdDConfirm {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static confirmer(options, autresActions) { static confirmer(options, autresActions) {
if (options.settingConfirmer && !ReglesOptionnelles.isSet(options.settingConfirmer)) { options.bypass = options.bypass || !(options.settingConfirmer == undefined || ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing(options.settingConfirmer));
return options.onAction() if (options.bypass) {
} }
else {
let buttons = { let buttons = {
"action": RdDConfirm._createButtonAction(options), "action": RdDConfirm._createButtonAction(options),
"cancel": RdDConfirm._createButtonCancel() "cancel": RdDConfirm._createButtonCancel()
}; };
if (options.settingConfirmer) { if (options.settingConfirmer) {
buttons = foundry.utils.mergeObject(RdDConfirm._createButtonActionSave(options), buttons); buttons = mergeObject(RdDConfirm._createButtonActionSave(options), buttons);
} }
if (autresActions) { if (autresActions) {
buttons = foundry.utils.mergeObject(autresActions, buttons, { inplace: false }); buttons = mergeObject(autresActions, buttons);
} }
const dialogDetails = { const dialogDetails = {
title: options.title, title: options.title,
@ -24,6 +27,7 @@ export class RdDConfirm {
}; };
new Dialog(dialogDetails, { width: 150 * Object.keys(buttons).length }).render(true); new Dialog(dialogDetails, { width: 150 * Object.keys(buttons).length }).render(true);
} }
static _createButtonCancel() { static _createButtonCancel() {
return { icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>', label: "Annuler" }; return { icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>', label: "Annuler" };

View File

@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ export class DeTMR extends Die {
super(termData); super(termData);
} }
async evaluate(options) { async evaluate() {
await super.evaluate(options); super.evaluate();
this.explode("x=8"); this.explode("x=8");
return this; return this;
} }
@ -73,8 +73,8 @@ export class DeDraconique extends Die {
super(termData); super(termData);
} }
async evaluate(options) { async evaluate() {
await super.evaluate(options); super.evaluate();
this.explode("x=7"); this.explode("x=7");
return this; return this;
} }
@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ export class RdDDice {
static async roll(formula, options = { showDice: SHOW_DICE, rollMode: undefined }) { static async roll(formula, options = { showDice: SHOW_DICE, rollMode: undefined }) {
const roll = new Roll(RdDDice._formulaOrFake(formula, options)); const roll = new Roll(RdDDice._formulaOrFake(formula, options));
await roll.evaluate(); await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
await this.showDiceSoNice(roll, options); await this.showDiceSoNice(roll, options);
return roll; return roll;
} }
@ -197,26 +197,49 @@ export class RdDDice {
function terms1d100(total) { function terms1d100(total) {
const unites = total % 10; const unites = total % 10;
const dizaines = Math.floor(total / 10); const dizaines = Math.floor(total / 10);
return [ return [{
{ type: "d100", result: dizaines, resultLabel: dizaines * 10, vectors: [], options: {}, d100Result: total }, resultLabel: dizaines * 10,
{ type: "d10", result: unites, resultLabel: unites, vectors: [], options: {}, d100Result: total } d100Result: total,
]; result: dizaines,
type: "d100",
vectors: [],
options: {}
resultLabel: unites,
d100Result: total,
result: unites,
type: "d10",
vectors: [],
options: {}
} }
async function terms2d10(total) { async function terms2d10(total) {
if (total>20 || total<2) { return undefined } if (total>20 || total<2) { return undefined }
const first = await RdDDice.fakeD10(Math.min(10, total - 1)); let first = await RdDDice.d10();
const second = total - first; let second = Math.min(total-first, 10);
return [ first = Math.max(first, total-second);
{ type: "d10", result: first, resultLabel: first, vectors: [], options: {} }, return [{
{ type: "d10", result: second, resultLabel: second, vectors: [], options: {} } resultLabel:first,
]; result: first,
type: "d10",
vectors: [],
options: {}
resultLabel: second,
result: second,
type: "d10",
vectors: [],
options: {}
} }
} }
static async fakeD10(faces) { static async d10() {
let roll = new Roll(`1d${faces}`); let roll = new Roll('1d10');
await roll.evaluate(); await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
return; return;
} }

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js"; import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js"; import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -92,23 +92,23 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static isEmpoignadeEnCours(actor) { static isEmpoignadeEnCours(actor) {
return actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.pointsemp > 0) return actor.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.pointsemp > 0)
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getEmpoignadeById(actor, id) { static getEmpoignadeById(actor, id) {
let emp = actor.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.empoignadeid == id) let emp = actor.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it => it.system.empoignadeid == id)
return emp && foundry.utils.duplicate(emp) || undefined; return emp && duplicate(emp) || undefined;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getEmpoignade(attacker, defender) { static getEmpoignade(attacker, defender) {
let emp = attacker.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].find(it => let emp = attacker.itemTypes[TYPES.empoignade].find(it =>
(it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid == || (it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid == ||
(it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid == (it.system.empoigneurid == && it.system.empoigneid ==
) )
if (emp) { if (emp) {
return foundry.utils.duplicate(emp); return duplicate(emp);
} }
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
let rollData = { let rollData = {
mode, empoignade, attacker, defender, mode, empoignade, attacker, defender,
isEmpoignade: true, isEmpoignade: true,
competence: attacker.getCompetenceCorpsACorps(), competence: attacker.getCompetence("Corps à corps").clone(),
selectedCarac: attacker.system.carac.melee, selectedCarac: attacker.system.carac.melee,
malusTaille: RdDEmpoignade.getMalusTaille(empoignade, attacker, defender) malusTaille: RdDEmpoignade.getMalusTaille(empoignade, attacker, defender)
} }
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
mode: "immobilise", mode: "immobilise",
empoignade, attacker, defender, empoignade, attacker, defender,
isEmpoignade: true, isEmpoignade: true,
competence: attacker.getCompetenceCorpsACorps() competence: attacker.getCompetence("Corps à corps").clone()
} }
const msg = await ChatMessage.create({ const msg = await ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
@ -248,7 +248,7 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
if (rollData.rolled.isPart) { if (rollData.rolled.isPart) {
rollData.particuliere = "finesse"; rollData.particuliere = "finesse";
} }
let msg = await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, defender, 'chat-empoignade-resultat.html'); let msg = await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, attacker, 'chat-empoignade-resultat.html');
RdDEmpoignade.$storeRollEmpoignade(msg, rollData); RdDEmpoignade.$storeRollEmpoignade(msg, rollData);
} }
@ -267,12 +267,12 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
return return
} }
empoignade = foundry.utils.duplicate(empoignade) empoignade = duplicate(empoignade)
let defenderRoll = { let defenderRoll = {
mode, attacker, defender, empoignade, attackerRoll, mode, attacker, defender, empoignade, attackerRoll,
diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre, diffLibre: attackerRoll.diffLibre,
attaqueParticuliere: attackerRoll.particuliere, attaqueParticuliere: attackerRoll.particuliere,
competence: defender.getCompetence(competenceName), competence: defender.getCompetence(competenceName).clone(),
surprise: defender.getSurprise(true), surprise: defender.getSurprise(true),
carac: defender.system.carac, carac: defender.system.carac,
selectedCarac: defender.system.carac[carac], selectedCarac: defender.system.carac[carac],
@ -427,7 +427,7 @@ export class RdDEmpoignade {
name: "Empoignade en cours de " + + ' sur ' +, name: "Empoignade en cours de " + + ' sur ' +,
type: 'empoignade', type: 'empoignade',
img: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession2.webp", img: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/entites/possession2.webp",
system: { description: "", empoignadeid: foundry.utils.randomID(16), compteempoigne: 0, empoigneurid:, empoigneid:, ptsemp: 0, empoigneurname:, empoignename: } system: { description: "", empoignadeid: randomID(16), compteempoigne: 0, empoigneurid:, empoigneid:, ptsemp: 0, empoigneurname:, empoignename: }
}, },
{ {
temporary: true temporary: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
export class RdDHerbes extends Item { export class RdDHerbes extends Item {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async onReady() { static async initializeHerbes() {
this.herbesSoins = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Soin'); this.herbesSoins = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Soin');
this.herbesRepos = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Repos'); this.herbesRepos = await RdDHerbes.listCategorieHerbes('Repos');
} }

View File

@ -1,17 +1,12 @@
import { RdDItemArme } from "./item-arme.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
export class RdDHotbar { export class RdDHotbar {
static async createItemMacro(item, slot, armeCompetence = undefined) { static async addToHotbar(item, slot) {
const itemName =; let command = `game.system.rdd.RdDHotbar.rollMacro("${}", "${item.type}");`;
let macroName = itemName + RdDHotbar.$macroNameSuffix(armeCompetence); let macro = game.macros.contents.find(m => ( === && (m.command === command));
let command = `game.system.rdd.RdDHotbar.rollMacro("${itemName}", "${item.type}", "${armeCompetence}");`
let macro = game.macros.contents.find(m => ( === itemName) && (m.command === command));
if (!macro) { if (!macro) {
macro = await Macro.create({ macro = await Macro.create({
name: macroName, name:,
type: "script", type: "script",
img: item.img, img: item.img,
command: command command: command
@ -20,95 +15,41 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
await game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot); await game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot);
} }
static $macroNameSuffix(armeCompetence) {
switch (armeCompetence) {
case 'unemain': return ' (1 main)';
case 'deuxmains': return ' (2 main)';
case 'tir': return ' (tir)';
case 'lancer': return ' (lancer)';
case 'pugilat': return ' (pugilat)';
case 'empoignade': return ' (empoignade)';
return ''
static async addToHotbar(item, slot) {
switch (item?.type ?? '') {
case ITEM_TYPES.arme:
// Les armes peuvent avoir plusieurs usages
if (item.system.competence != '') {
if (item.system.unemain) {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'unemain')
if (item.system.deuxmains) {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'deuxmains')
if (item.system.lancer != '') {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'lancer')
if (item.system.tir != '') {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'lancer')
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
const categorie = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.getCategorieAttaque(item) ?? 'competence';
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot, categorie)
case ITEM_TYPES.competence:
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'competence')
if (item.isCorpsACorps()) {
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'pugilat')
await this.createItemMacro(item, slot++, 'empoignade')
else if (item.isCompetenceArme()) {`${} est une compétence d'arme, la macro n'est pas liée à un arme.<br>
Créez la macro depuis l'arme ou l'onglet combat pour garder les automatisations de combat.`);
/** /**
* Create a macro when dropping an entity on the hotbar * Create a macro when dropping an entity on the hotbar
* Item - open roll dialog for item * Item - open roll dialog for item
* Actor - open actor sheet * Actor - open actor sheet
* Journal - open journal sheet * Journal - open journal sheet
*/ */
static init() { static initDropbar() {
Hooks.on('hotbarDrop', (bar, documentData, slot) => { Hooks.on("hotbarDrop", (bar, documentData, slot) => {
// Create item macro if rollable item - weapon, spell, prayer, trait, or skill // Create item macro if rollable item - weapon, spell, prayer, trait, or skill
if (documentData.type == 'Item') { if (documentData.type == "Item") {
const item = fromUuidSync(documentData.uuid) ?? let item = fromUuidSync(documentData.uuid)
console.log('DROP', documentData, item) if (item == undefined) {
switch (item?.type) { item =
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: }
case ITEM_TYPES.competence: console.log("DROP", documentData, item)
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature: if (!item || (item.type != "arme" && item.type != "competence")) {
return true
this.addToHotbar(item, slot) this.addToHotbar(item, slot)
return false return false
} }
return true return true
}) })
} }
/** Roll macro */ /** Roll macro */
static rollMacro(itemName, itemType, categorieArme = 'competence') { static rollMacro(itemName, itemType, bypassData) {
const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker(); const speaker = ChatMessage.getSpeaker();
let actor; let actor;
if (speaker.token) actor = game.actors.tokens[speaker.token]; if (speaker.token) actor = game.actors.tokens[speaker.token];
if (!actor) actor = game.actors.get(; if (!actor) actor = game.actors.get(;
if (!actor) {
return ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de trouver le personnage concerné`);
let item = actor?.items.find(it => === itemName && it.type == itemType) ?? undefined; let item = actor?.items.find(it => === itemName && it.type == itemType) ?? undefined;
if (!item) { if (!item) {
return ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de trouver l'objet de cette macro`); return ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de trouver l'objet de cette macro`);
@ -116,23 +57,10 @@ export class RdDHotbar {
// Trigger the item roll // Trigger the item roll
switch (item.type) { switch (item.type) {
case ITEM_TYPES.arme: case "arme":
return actor.rollArme(item, categorieArme); return actor.rollArme(item);
case ITEM_TYPES.competence: case "competence":
if (item.isCorpsACorps()) { return actor.rollCompetence(itemName);
switch (categorieArme) {
case 'pugilat':
return actor.rollArme(RdDItemArme.mainsNues(actor), 'competence');
case 'empoignade':
return actor.rollArme(RdDItemArme.empoignade(actor), 'competence');
return actor.rollCompetence(item);
case ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature:
return item.system.iscombat && !item.system.isparade
? actor.rollArme(item, categorieArme)
: actor.rollCompetence(item);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,72 +1,64 @@
import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js" import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "./constants.js";
import { Migrations } from './migrations.js' import { Migrations } from './migrations.js';
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js" import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js" import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js" import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js";
import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js" import { RdDCalendrier } from "./time/rdd-calendrier.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js" import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { DialogChronologie } from "./dialog-chronologie.js" import { DialogChronologie } from "./dialog-chronologie.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js" import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js" import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js";
import { RdDCommands } from "./rdd-commands.js" import { RdDCommands } from "./rdd-commands.js";
import { RdDCombatManager, RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js" import { RdDCombatManager, RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js" import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
import { StatusEffects } from "./settings/status-effects.js" import { StatusEffects } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js" import { RdDCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js" import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDHotbar } from "./rdd-hotbar-drop.js" import { RdDHotbar } from "./rdd-hotbar-drop.js"
import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js" import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js";
import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js" import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js" import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js" import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js" import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js" import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js";
import { Environnement } from "./environnement.js" import { Environnement } from "./environnement.js";
import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js" import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js" import { RdDBaseActor } from "./actor/base-actor.js";
import { RdDCommerce } from "./actor/commerce.js" import { RdDCommerce } from "./actor/commerce.js";
import { RdDEntite } from "./actor/entite.js" import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js";
import { RdDVehicule } from "./actor/vehicule.js" import { RdDCommerceSheet } from "./actor/commerce-sheet.js";
import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js" import { RdDActorCreatureSheet } from "./actor-creature-sheet.js";
import { RdDCommerceSheet } from "./actor/commerce-sheet.js" import { RdDActorVehiculeSheet } from "./actor-vehicule-sheet.js";
import { RdDCreatureSheet } from "./actor/creature-sheet.js" import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor-entite-sheet.js";
import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor/entite-sheet.js"
import { RdDActorVehiculeSheet } from "./actor/vehicule-sheet.js"
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js" import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js" import { RdDItemBlessure } from "./item/blessure.js";
import { RdDItemService } from "./item/service.js" import { RdDItemService } from "./item/service.js";
import { RdDItemMaladie } from "./item/maladie.js" import { RdDItemMaladie } from "./item/maladie.js";
import { RdDItemPoison } from "./item/poison.js" import { RdDItemPoison } from "./item/poison.js";
import { RdDItemSigneDraconique } from "./item/signedraconique.js" import { RdDItemSigneDraconique } from "./item/signedraconique.js";
import { RdDItemQueue } from "./item/queue.js" import { RdDItemQueue } from "./item/queue.js";
import { RdDItemOmbre } from "./item/ombre.js" import { RdDItemOmbre } from "./item/ombre.js";
import { RdDItemSouffle } from "./item/souffle.js" import { RdDItemSouffle } from "./item/souffle.js";
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js" import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js";
import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js" import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js";
import { RdDBlessureItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-blessure.js" import { RdDBlessureItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-blessure.js";
import { RdDServiceItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-service.js" import { RdDServiceItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-service.js";
import { RdDRencontreItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-rencontre.js" import { RdDRencontreItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-rencontre.js";
import { RdDHerbeItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-herbe.js" import { RdDHerbeItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-herbe.js";
import { RdDPlanteItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-plante.js" import { RdDPlanteItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-plante.js";
import { RdDIngredientItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-ingredient.js" import { RdDIngredientItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-ingredient.js";
import { RdDFauneItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-faune.js" import { RdDFauneItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-faune.js";
import { RdDConteneurItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-conteneur.js" import { RdDConteneurItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-conteneur.js";
import { RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-signedraconique.js" import { RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet } from "./item/sheet-signedraconique.js";
import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./item/sheet-base-inventaire.js" import { RdDItemInventaireSheet } from "./item/sheet-base-inventaire.js";
import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js" import { AppAstrologie } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RdDItemArmure } from "./item/armure.js" import { RdDItemArmure } from "./item/armure.js";
import { AutoAdjustDarkness as AutoAdjustDarkness } from "./time/auto-adjust-darkness.js"
import { RdDCreature } from "./actor/creature.js"
import { RdDTMRDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-dialog.js"
//import { RdDActorExportSheet } from "./actor/actor-export-sheet.js"
import { OptionsAvancees } from "./settings/options-avancees.js"
import { ExportScriptarium } from "./actor/export-scriptarium/export-scriptarium.js"
/** /**
* RdD system * RdD system
@ -76,16 +68,14 @@ import { ExportScriptarium } from "./actor/export-scriptarium/export-scriptarium
export class SystemReveDeDragon { export class SystemReveDeDragon {
static start() { static start() {
const system = new SystemReveDeDragon() const system = new SystemReveDeDragon();
Hooks.once('init', async () => await system.onInit()) Hooks.once('init', async () => await system.onInit());
Hooks.once('diceSoNiceReady', (dice3d) => RdDDice.diceSoNiceReady(dice3d)) Hooks.once('diceSoNiceReady', (dice3d) => RdDDice.diceSoNiceReady(dice3d));
Hooks.once('ready', () => system.onReady())
} }
constructor() { constructor() {
this.config = RDD_CONFIG this.RdDUtility = RdDUtility;
this.RdDUtility = RdDUtility this.RdDHotbar = RdDHotbar;
this.RdDHotbar = RdDHotbar
this.itemClasses = { this.itemClasses = {
armure: RdDItemArmure, armure: RdDItemArmure,
blessure: RdDItemBlessure, blessure: RdDItemBlessure,
@ -100,10 +90,10 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
} }
this.actorClasses = { this.actorClasses = {
commerce: RdDCommerce, commerce: RdDCommerce,
creature: RdDCreature, creature: RdDActor,
entite: RdDEntite, entite: RdDActor,
personnage: RdDActor, personnage: RdDActor,
vehicule: RdDVehicule, vehicule: RdDActor,
} }
} }
@ -111,42 +101,42 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async onInit() { async onInit() {
game.system.rdd = this game.system.rdd = this;
this.AppAstrologie = AppAstrologie this.AppAstrologie = AppAstrologie;
console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`) console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`);
// preload handlebars templates // preload handlebars templates
RdDUtility.preloadHandlebarsTemplates() RdDUtility.preloadHandlebarsTemplates();
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
this.initSystemSettings() this.initSystemSettings();
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
// Set an initiative formula for the system // Set an initiative formula for the system
CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { CONFIG.Combat.initiative = {
formula: "1+(1d6/10)", formula: "1+(1d6/10)",
decimals: 2 decimals: 2
} };
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, async (sockmsg) => { game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, async (sockmsg) => {
console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg) console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg);
try { try {
RdDUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg) RdDUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg);
RdDCombat.onSocketMessage(sockmsg) RdDCombat.onSocketMessage(sockmsg);
ChatUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg) ChatUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg);
RdDBaseActor.onSocketMessage(sockmsg) RdDBaseActor.onSocketMessage(sockmsg);
} catch (e) { } catch (e) {
console.error('game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID) Exception: ', sockmsg, ' => ', e) console.error('game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID) Exception: ', sockmsg, ' => ', e)
} }
}) });
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
// Define custom Entity classes // Define custom Entity classes
CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = RdDBaseActor CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = RdDBaseActor;
CONFIG.Item.documentClass = RdDItem CONFIG.Item.documentClass = RdDItem;
resolutionTable: RdDResolutionTable.resolutionTable, resolutionTable: RdDResolutionTable.resolutionTable,
carac_array: RdDUtility.getCaracArray(), carac_array: RdDUtility.getCaracArray(),
@ -156,31 +146,30 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
// Register sheet application classes // Register sheet application classes
Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet) Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet);
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCommerceSheet, { types: ["commerce"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCommerceSheet, { types: ["commerce"], makeDefault: true });
//Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorExportSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: false }) Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorVehiculeSheet, { types: ["vehicule"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorVehiculeSheet, { types: ["vehicule"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true });
Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true }) Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet);
Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet)
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDRencontreItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDRencontreItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDConteneurItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDConteneurItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDHerbeItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDHerbeItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDFauneItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDFauneItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDPlanteItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDPlanteItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDIngredientItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDIngredientItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDServiceItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDServiceItemSheet);
RdDItemSheet.register(RdDBlessureItemSheet) RdDItemSheet.register(RdDBlessureItemSheet);
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemInventaireSheet, { Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemInventaireSheet, {
types: [ types: [
"objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "potion", "munition", "objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "potion", "munition",
"monnaie", "nourritureboisson", "gemme", "monnaie", "nourritureboisson", "gemme",
], makeDefault: true ], makeDefault: true
}) });
Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemSheet, { Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemSheet, {
types: [ types: [
"competence", "competencecreature", "competence", "competencecreature",
@ -189,32 +178,30 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"nombreastral", "tache", "maladie", "poison", "possession", "nombreastral", "tache", "maladie", "poison", "possession",
"tarot", "extraitpoetique", "empoignade" "tarot", "extraitpoetique", "empoignade"
], makeDefault: true ], makeDefault: true
}) });
CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = RdDCombatManager CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = RdDCombatManager;
// préparation des différents modules // préparation des différents modules
AutoAdjustDarkness.init() RdDTimestamp.init();
RdDTimestamp.init() RdDCalendrier.init();
RdDCalendrier.init() SystemCompendiums.init();
SystemCompendiums.init() DialogChronologie.init();
DialogChronologie.init() ReglesOptionnelles.init();
ReglesOptionnelles.init() RdDUtility.init();
OptionsAvancees.init() RdDDice.init();
RdDUtility.init() RdDCommands.init();
RdDDice.init() RdDCombatManager.init();
RdDCommands.init() RdDTokenHud.init();
RdDCombatManager.init() RdDBaseActor.init();
RdDTokenHud.init() RdDCompendiumOrganiser.init();
EffetsDraconiques.init() EffetsDraconiques.init()
TMRUtility.init() TMRUtility.init();
await RdDTMRDialog.init() RdDHotbar.initDropbar();
RdDHotbar.init() RdDPossession.init();
RdDPossession.init() TMRRencontres.init();
TMRRencontres.init() Environnement.init();
ExportScriptarium.init() Hooks.once('ready', () => this.onReady());
} }
initSystemSettings() { initSystemSettings() {
@ -230,7 +217,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"avant-encaissement": "Avant l'encaissement", "avant-encaissement": "Avant l'encaissement",
}, },
default: "avant-encaissement" default: "avant-encaissement"
}) });
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "supprimer-dialogues-combat-chat", { game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "supprimer-dialogues-combat-chat", {
@ -240,7 +227,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
config: true, config: true,
default: true, default: true,
type: Boolean type: Boolean
}) });
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "activer-sons-audio", { game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "activer-sons-audio", {
@ -250,8 +237,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
config: true, config: true,
default: true, default: true,
type: Boolean type: Boolean
}) });
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "appliquer-famine-soif", { game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "appliquer-famine-soif", {
name: "Notifier de la famine et la soif pour", name: "Notifier de la famine et la soif pour",
@ -265,7 +251,7 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
"famine-soif": "la famine et la soif", "famine-soif": "la famine et la soif",
}, },
default: "aucun" default: "aucun"
}) });
} }
async onReady() { async onReady() {
@ -273,47 +259,71 @@ export class SystemReveDeDragon {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
game.system.rdd.calendrier = new RdDCalendrier() // CSS patch for v9
if (game.version) {
let sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); = "min-content";
game.system.rdd.calendrier = new RdDCalendrier();
if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) {
new Migrations().migrate() new Migrations().migrate();
this.messageDeBienvenue() this.messageDeBienvenue();
import("").then(moduleCounter => { this.registerUsageCount(SYSTEM_RDD);
console.log("ClassCounter loaded", moduleCounter)
}).catch(err =>
console.log("No stats available, giving up.")
} }
StatusEffects.onReady() StatusEffects.onReady();
RdDHerbes.onReady() RdDHerbes.initializeHerbes();
RdDDice.onReady() RdDDice.onReady();
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/* Affiche/Init le calendrier */ /* Affiche/Init le calendrier */
game.system.rdd.calendrier.display() game.system.rdd.calendrier.display();
// Avertissement si joueur sans personnage // Avertissement si joueur sans personnage
if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) { if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {"Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !")"Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !");
ChatMessage.create({ ChatMessage.create({
content: "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le joueur " + + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage !", content: "<b>ATTENTION</b> Le joueur " + + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage !",
user: user:
}) });
} }
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
messageDeBienvenue() { messageDeBienvenue() {
if (game.user.isGM) { if (game.user.isGM) {
ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining('<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd">') ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining('<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd">');
ChatMessage.create({ ChatMessage.create({
user:, user:,
content: `<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd"><span class="rdd-roll-part">Bienvenue dans le Rêve des Dragons !</span> content: `<div id="message-bienvenue-rdd"><span class="rdd-roll-part">Bienvenue dans le Rêve des Dragons !</span>
<br>Vous trouverez quelques informations pour démarrer dans ce document : @Compendium[foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.rappel-des-regles.7uGrUHGdPu0EmIu2]{Documentation MJ/Joueurs} <br>Vous trouverez quelques informations pour démarrer dans ce document : @Compendium[foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.rappel-des-regles.7uGrUHGdPu0EmIu2]{Documentation MJ/Joueurs}
<br>La commande <code>/aide</code> dans le chat permet de voir les commandes spécifiques à Rêve de Dragon.</div> <br>La commande <code>/aide</code> dans le chat permet de voir les commandes spécifiques à Rêve de Dragon.</div>
` }) ` });
} }
} }
SystemReveDeDragon.start() /* -------------------------------------------- */
// Register world usage statistics
async registerUsageCount(registerKey) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
game.settings.register("world", "world-key", {
name: "Unique world key",
scope: "world",
config: false,
default: "NONE",
type: String
let worldKey = game.settings.get("world", "world-key")
if (worldKey == undefined || worldKey == "") {
worldKey = randomID(32)
game.settings.set("world", "world-key", worldKey)
let regURL = `"${registerKey}"&worldKey="${worldKey}"&version="${game.release.generation}.${}"&system="${}"&systemversion="${game.system.version}"`
/* -------------------------------------------- */

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ const temperatures = [
export class RdDMeteo { export class RdDMeteo {
static async getForce() { static async getForce() {
const roll = new Roll(`1dr`); const roll = new Roll(`1dr`);
await roll.evaluate(); await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
return; return;
} }
@ -67,14 +67,14 @@ export class RdDMeteo {
static async getTemperature() { static async getTemperature() {
const degre = await RdDMeteo.getForce(); const degre = await RdDMeteo.getForce();
const rollChaudFroid = new Roll('1d2'); const rollChaudFroid = new Roll('1d2');
await rollChaudFroid.evaluate(); await rollChaudFroid.evaluate({ async: true });
const chaudFroid = == 1; const chaudFroid = == 1;
return ? degre : -degre; return ? degre : -degre;
} }
static async getDirection(direction) { static async getDirection(direction) {
const roll = new Roll(`1d16`); const roll = new Roll(`1d16`);
await roll.evaluate(); await roll.evaluate({ async: true });
switch ( % 16) { switch ( % 16) {
case 0: return 'Nord'; case 0: return 'Nord';
case 1: return 'Nord Nord Est'; case 1: return 'Nord Nord Est';

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js"; import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js"; import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "./item-competencecreature.js";
import { Targets } from "./targets.js"; import { Targets } from "./targets.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js"; import { TYPES } from "./item.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
/* On part du principe qu'une entité démarre tjs /* On part du principe qu'une entité démarre tjs
@ -20,11 +20,11 @@ export class RdDPossession {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static searchPossessionFromEntite(attacker, defender) { static searchPossessionFromEntite(attacker, defender) {
let poss = attacker.items.find(poss => poss.type == ITEM_TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==; let poss = attacker.items.find(poss => poss.type == TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
if (!poss) { if (!poss) {
poss = defender.items.find(poss => poss.type == ITEM_TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==; poss = defender.items.find(poss => poss.type == TYPES.possession && poss.system.victime.actorid ==;
} }
return poss && foundry.utils.duplicate(poss) || undefined; return poss && duplicate(poss) || undefined;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
let rollData = { let rollData = {
mode: "attaque", mode: "attaque",
isECNIDefender: false, isECNIDefender: false,
competence: competence, competence: competence.clone(),
possession: possession, possession: possession,
attacker: attacker, attacker: attacker,
defender: defender, defender: defender,
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async onConjurerPossession(attacker, possession) { static async onConjurerPossession(attacker, possession) {
possession = foundry.utils.duplicate(possession); possession = duplicate(possession);
RdDPossession.$updateEtatPossession(possession) RdDPossession.$updateEtatPossession(possession)
const defender = game.actors.get(possession.system.entite.actorid); const defender = game.actors.get(possession.system.entite.actorid);
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
ui.notifications.warn("Une erreur s'est produite : Aucune possession trouvée !!") ui.notifications.warn("Une erreur s'est produite : Aucune possession trouvée !!")
return return
} }
possession = foundry.utils.duplicate(possession) possession = duplicate(possession)
// Update for draconic roll // Update for draconic roll
let rollData = { let rollData = {
mode: "defense", mode: "defense",
@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
} }
const possession = (rollData.isECNIDefender ? rollData.attacker : rollData.defender).getPossession(rollData.possession.system.possessionid) const possession = (rollData.isECNIDefender ? rollData.attacker : rollData.defender).getPossession(rollData.possession.system.possessionid)
RdDPossession.storePossessionAttaque(possession, rollData) RdDPossession.storePossessionAttaque(possession, rollData)
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, rollData.defender, 'chat-resultat-possession.html'); await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, rollData.attacker, 'chat-resultat-possession.html');
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
rollData.possession = possession rollData.possession = possession
RdDPossession.$updateEtatPossession(rollData.possession) RdDPossession.$updateEtatPossession(rollData.possession)
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, rollData.attacker, 'chat-resultat-possession.html') await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, rollData.defender, 'chat-resultat-possession.html')
if (rollData.possession.isPosseder || rollData.possession.isConjurer) { if (rollData.possession.isPosseder || rollData.possession.isConjurer) {
// conjuration // conjuration
victime.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [rollData.possession._id]) victime.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [rollData.possession._id])
@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ export class RdDPossession {
system: { system: {
description: "", typepossession:, description: "", typepossession:,
possede: false, possede: false,
possessionid: foundry.utils.randomID(16), possessionid: randomID(16),
entite: { actorid: }, entite: { actorid: },
victime: { actorid: }, victime: { actorid: },
compteur: 0 compteur: 0

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const reussites = [
const reussiteInsuffisante = { code: "notSign", isPart: false, isSign: false, isSuccess: false, isEchec: true, isEPart: false, isETotal: false, ptTache: 0, ptQualite: -2, quality: "Réussite insuffisante", condition: (target, roll) => false } const reussiteInsuffisante = { code: "notSign", isPart: false, isSign: false, isSuccess: false, isEchec: true, isEPart: false, isETotal: false, ptTache: 0, ptQualite: -2, quality: "Réussite insuffisante", condition: (target, roll) => false }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
const CARAC_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION = 40; const caracMaximumResolution = 60;
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDResolutionTable { export class RdDResolutionTable {
static resolutionTable = static resolutionTable =
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static build() { static build() {
let table = [] let table = []
for (var caracValue = 0; caracValue <= CARAC_MAXIMUM_RESOLUTION; caracValue++) { for (var caracValue = 0; caracValue <= caracMaximumResolution; caracValue++) {
table[caracValue] = this._computeRow(caracValue); table[caracValue] = this._computeRow(caracValue);
} }
return table; return table;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
} }
static actorChatName(actor) { static actorChatName(actor) {
return actor?.name ??; return actor?.userName ??;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async roll(caracValue, finalLevel, rollData = {}) { static async roll(caracValue, finalLevel, rollData = {}) {
let chances = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.computeChances(caracValue, finalLevel)); let chances = duplicate(this.computeChances(caracValue, finalLevel));
this._updateChancesWithBonus(chances, rollData.bonus, finalLevel); this._updateChancesWithBonus(chances, rollData.bonus, finalLevel);
this._updateChancesFactor(chances, rollData.diviseurSignificative); this._updateChancesFactor(chances, rollData.diviseurSignificative);
chances.showDice = rollData.showDice; chances.showDice = rollData.showDice;
@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
static _updateChancesFactor(chances, diviseur) { static _updateChancesFactor(chances, diviseur) {
if (chances.level > -11 && diviseur && diviseur > 1) { if (chances.level > -11 && diviseur && diviseur > 1) {
let newScore = Math.floor(chances.score / diviseur); let newScore = Math.floor(chances.score / diviseur);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(chances, this._computeCell(undefined, newScore), { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(chances, this._computeCell(undefined, newScore), { overwrite: true });
} }
} }
@ -166,27 +166,27 @@ export class RdDResolutionTable {
static _updateChancesWithBonus(chances, bonus, finalLevel) { static _updateChancesWithBonus(chances, bonus, finalLevel) {
if (bonus && finalLevel > -11) { if (bonus && finalLevel > -11) {
let newScore = Number(chances.score) + bonus; let newScore = Number(chances.score) + bonus;
foundry.utils.mergeObject(chances, this._computeCell(undefined, newScore), { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(chances, this._computeCell(undefined, newScore), { overwrite: true });
} }
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static significativeRequise(chances) { static significativeRequise(chances) {
chances.roll = Math.floor(chances.score / 2); chances.roll = Math.floor(chances.score / 2);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(chances, reussites.find(x => x.code == 'sign'), { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(chances, reussites.find(x => x.code == 'sign'), { overwrite: true });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static succesRequis(chances) { static succesRequis(chances) {
chances.roll = chances.score; chances.roll = chances.score;
foundry.utils.mergeObject(chances, reussites.find(x => x.code == 'norm'), { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(chances, reussites.find(x => x.code == 'norm'), { overwrite: true });
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async rollChances(chances, diviseur, forceDiceResult = -1) { static async rollChances(chances, diviseur, forceDiceResult = -1) {
chances.forceDiceResult = forceDiceResult <= 0 || forceDiceResult > 100 ? undefined : { total: forceDiceResult }; chances.forceDiceResult = forceDiceResult <= 0 || forceDiceResult > 100 ? undefined : { total: forceDiceResult };
chances.roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100", chances); chances.roll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1d100", chances);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(chances, this.computeReussite(chances, chances.roll, diviseur), { overwrite: true }); mergeObject(chances, this.computeReussite(chances, chances.roll, diviseur), { overwrite: true });
return chances; return chances;
} }

View File

@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ export class RdDRollResolutionTable extends Dialog {
diffLibre: 0, diffLibre: 0,
use: { conditions:true, libre:true } use: { conditions:true, libre:true }
} }
foundry.utils.mergeObject(rollData, defRollData, { overwrite: false }); mergeObject(rollData, defRollData, { overwrite: false });
for (let i = 1; i < 21; i++) { for (let i = 1; i < 21; i++) {
const key = `${i}`; const key = `${i}`;
rollData.carac[key] = { type: "number", value: i, label: key } rollData.carac[key] = { type: "number", value: i, label: key }
@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ export class RdDRollResolutionTable extends Dialog {
async updateRollResult() { async updateRollResult() {
let rollData = this.rollData; let rollData = this.rollData;
rollData.caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value) rollData.caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value)
rollData.finalLevel = Misc.toInt(rollData.diffConditions) + Misc.toInt(rollData.diffLibre); rollData.finalLevel = this._computeFinalLevel(rollData);
const htmlTable = await RdDResolutionTable.buildHTMLTable({ const htmlTable = await RdDResolutionTable.buildHTMLTable({
carac: rollData.caracValue, carac: rollData.caracValue,
@ -129,6 +129,12 @@ export class RdDRollResolutionTable extends Dialog {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_computeFinalLevel(rollData) {
const diffConditions = Misc.toInt(rollData.diffConditions);
const diffLibre = Misc.toInt(rollData.diffLibre);
return diffLibre + diffConditions;
async close() { async close() {
await super.close(); await super.close();

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
const html = await renderTemplate(dialogConfig.html, rollData); const html = await renderTemplate(dialogConfig.html, rollData);
let options = { classes: ["rdd-roll-dialog"], width: 650, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999, close: html => { } }; let options = { classes: ["rdd-roll-dialog"], width: 600, height: 'fit-content', 'z-index': 99999, close: html => {} };
if (dialogConfig.close) { if (dialogConfig.close) {
options.close = dialogConfig.close; options.close = dialogConfig.close;
} }
@ -37,22 +37,21 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
difficultesLibres: CONFIG.RDD.difficultesLibres, difficultesLibres: CONFIG.RDD.difficultesLibres,
etat: actor.getEtatGeneral(), etat: actor.getEtatGeneral(),
moral: actor.getMoralTotal(), /* La valeur du moral pour les jets de volonté */ moral: actor.getMoralTotal(), /* La valeur du moral pour les jets de volonté */
amoureux: actor.listeSuivants(it => it.coeur > 0),
carac: actor.system.carac, carac: actor.system.carac,
finalLevel: 0, finalLevel: 0,
diffConditions: 0, diffConditions: 0,
diffLibre: rollData.competence?.system.default_diffLibre ?? 0, diffLibre: rollData.competence?.system.default_diffLibre ?? 0,
perteMoralEchec: false, /* Pour l'affichage dans le chat */ perteMoralEchec: false, /* Pour l'affichage dans le chat */
use: { use: {
astrologique: true,
moral: false, /* Est-ce que le joueur demande d'utiliser le moral ? Utile si le joueur change plusieurs fois de carac associée. */ moral: false, /* Est-ce que le joueur demande d'utiliser le moral ? Utile si le joueur change plusieurs fois de carac associée. */
libre: true, libre: true,
coeur: undefined,
conditions: true, conditions: true,
surenc: actor.isSurenc(), surenc: actor.isSurenc(),
encTotal: true encTotal: true
}, },
isMalusEncombrementTotal: RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence), isMalusEncombrementTotal: RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence),
malusArmureValue: actor.getMalusArmure(),
surencMalusValue: actor.computeMalusSurEncombrement(),
encTotal: actor.getEncTotal(), encTotal: actor.getEncTotal(),
ajustementAstrologique: actor.ajustementAstrologique(), ajustementAstrologique: actor.ajustementAstrologique(),
surprise: actor.getSurprise(false), surprise: actor.getSurprise(false),
@ -65,7 +64,7 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
defaultRollData.carac["reve-actuel"] = actor.system.reve.reve defaultRollData.carac["reve-actuel"] = actor.system.reve.reve
} }
foundry.utils.mergeObject(rollData, defaultRollData, { recursive: true, overwrite: false }); mergeObject(rollData, defaultRollData, { recursive: true, overwrite: false });
if (rollData.forceCarac) { if (rollData.forceCarac) {
rollData.carac = rollData.forceCarac; rollData.carac = rollData.forceCarac;
} }
@ -177,15 +176,6 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
this.rollData.competence = this.rollData.competences.find(it => == competence); this.rollData.competence = this.rollData.competences.find(it => == competence);
this.updateRollResult(html); this.updateRollResult(html);
}); });
this.html.find('.select-suivant-coeur').change((event) => {
const selectedActorId = event.currentTarget.value;
this.rollData.use.coeur =
if (this.rollData.use.coeur) {
this.html.find(".utilisation-coeur img.selected-suivant-coeur").attr('src', this.rollData.use.coeur?.img)
this.html.find(".utilisation-coeur img.selected-suivant-coeur").attr('title', this.rollData.use.coeur?.name)
this.html.find('.roll-signedraconique').change((event) => { this.html.find('.roll-signedraconique').change((event) => {
let sortKey = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value); let sortKey = Misc.toInt(event.currentTarget.value);
this.setSelectedSigneDraconique(this.rollData.signes[sortKey]); this.setSelectedSigneDraconique(this.rollData.signes[sortKey]);
@ -197,7 +187,7 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog - Cout reve", ptreve); console.log("RdDRollSelectDialog - Cout reve", ptreve);
this.updateRollResult(html); this.updateRollResult(html);
}); });
this.html.find("input.check-mortalite").change((event) => { this.html.find("[name='mortalite']").change((event) => {
this.rollData.dmg.mortalite = event.currentTarget.checked ? "non-mortel" : "mortel"; this.rollData.dmg.mortalite = event.currentTarget.checked ? "non-mortel" : "mortel";
this.updateRollResult(html); this.updateRollResult(html);
}); });
@ -215,10 +205,6 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
this.rollData[attribute] = event.currentTarget.checked; this.rollData[attribute] = event.currentTarget.checked;
this.updateRollResult(html); this.updateRollResult(html);
}); });
this.html.find('input.use-astrologique').change((event) => {
this.rollData.use.astrologique = event.currentTarget.checked;
this.html.find('input.use-encTotal').change((event) => { this.html.find('input.use-encTotal').change((event) => {
this.rollData.use.encTotal = event.currentTarget.checked; this.rollData.use.encTotal = event.currentTarget.checked;
this.updateRollResult(html); this.updateRollResult(html);
@ -305,34 +291,35 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateRollResult(html) { async updateRollResult(html) {
const rollData = this.rollData; let rollData = this.rollData;
rollData.dmg = rollData.attackerRoll?.dmg ?? RdDBonus.dmg(rollData, rollData.dmg = rollData.attackerRoll?.dmg ?? RdDBonus.dmg(rollData,
rollData.caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value) rollData.caracValue = parseInt(rollData.selectedCarac.value)
rollData.dmg.mortalite = rollData.dmg.mortalite ?? 'mortel'; rollData.mortalite = rollData.attackerRoll?.dmg.mortalite ?? rollData.dmg.mortalite ?? rollData.mortalite ?? 'mortel';
rollData.use.appelAuMoral = && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac); rollData.use.appelAuMoral = && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac);
let dmgText = Misc.toSignedString(;
switch (rollData.mortalite) {
case 'non-mortel': dmgText = `(${dmgText}) non-mortel`; break;
case 'empoignade': dmgText = `empoignade`; break;
RollDataAjustements.calcul(rollData,; RollDataAjustements.calcul(rollData,;
rollData.finalLevel = this._computeFinalLevel(rollData);
const resolutionTable = await RdDResolutionTable.buildHTMLTable(RdDResolutionTable.subTable(rollData.caracValue, rollData.finalLevel)) const resolutionTable = await RdDResolutionTable.buildHTMLTable(RdDResolutionTable.subTable(rollData.caracValue, rollData.finalLevel))
const adjustements = await this.buildAjustements(rollData); const adjustements = await this.buildAjustements(rollData);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".use-encTotal"), rollData.ajustements.encTotal.visible && RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac)); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".use-encTotal"), rollData.ajustements.encTotal.visible && RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac));
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".use-surenc"), rollData.ajustements.surenc.visible && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac)); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".use-surenc"), rollData.ajustements.surenc.visible && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac));
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".use-astrologique"), rollData.ajustements.astrologique.visible);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".utilisation-moral"), rollData.use.appelAuMoral); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".utilisation-moral"), rollData.use.appelAuMoral);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".divAppelAuMoral"), rollData.use.appelAuMoral); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".divAppelAuMoral"), rollData.use.appelAuMoral);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".utilisation-coeur"), rollData.ajustements.coeur.visible); HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".diffMoral"), rollData.ajustements.moralTotal.used);
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".utilisation-coeur img.selected-suivant-coeur"), rollData.ajustements.coeur.visible && rollData.use.coeur != undefined)
// HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".diffMoral"), rollData.ajustements.moral.used);
// Mise à jour valeurs // Mise à jour valeurs
this.html.find(".dialog-roll-title").text(this._getTitle(rollData)); this.html.find(".dialog-roll-title").text(this._getTitle(rollData));
this.html.find("input.check-mortalite").prop('checked', rollData.dmg.mortalite == 'non-mortel'); this.html.find("[name='mortalite']").prop('checked', rollData.mortalite == 'non-mortel');
this.html.find("label.dmg-arme-actor").text(rollData.dmg.mortalite == 'empoignade' ? 'empoignade' : Misc.toSignedString(; this.html.find(".dmg-arme-actor").text(dmgText);
// this.html.find("[name='dmg-arme-actor']").text(rollData.dmg.mortalite == 'empoignade'? 'empoignade': Misc.toSignedString( );
// this.html.find("[name='arme-mortalite']").text(rollData.dmg.mortalite);
this.html.find("div.placeholder-ajustements").empty().append(adjustements); this.html.find("div.placeholder-ajustements").empty().append(adjustements);
this.html.find("div.placeholder-resolution").empty().append(resolutionTable) this.html.find("div.placeholder-resolution").empty().append(resolutionTable)
} }
@ -343,6 +330,30 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
return await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-ajustements.html`, rollData); return await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-ajustements.html`, rollData);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_computeFinalLevel(rollData) {
return RollDataAjustements.sum(rollData.ajustements);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_computeDiffCompetence(rollData) {
if (rollData.competence) {
return Misc.toInt(rollData.competence.system.niveau);
if (rollData.draconicList) {
return Misc.toInt(rollData.competence.system.niveau);
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_computeMalusArmure(rollData) {
let malusArmureValue = 0;
if (rollData.malusArmureValue && (rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Agilité" || rollData.selectedCarac.label == "Dérobée")) {
malusArmureValue = rollData.malusArmureValue;
return malusArmureValue;
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_getTitle(rollData) { _getTitle(rollData) {
const carac = rollData.selectedCarac.label; const carac = rollData.selectedCarac.label;
@ -350,19 +361,16 @@ export class RdDRoll extends Dialog {
return carac; return carac;
} }
const compName =; const compName =;
if (rollData.draconicList && rollData.selectedSort) {
return compName + " - " +;
// If a weapon is there, add it in the title
const niveau = Misc.toSignedString(rollData.competence.system.niveau) const niveau = Misc.toSignedString(rollData.competence.system.niveau)
if (compName == carac) { if (compName == carac) {
// cas des créatures // cas des créatures
return `${carac} Niveau ${niveau}` return carac + " Niveau " + niveau
} }
if (rollData.draconicList && rollData.selectedSort) { const armeTitle = (rollData.arme) ? " (" + + ") " : "";
// cas de lancer de sort return carac + "/" + compName + armeTitle + " Niveau " + niveau
return `${} Niveau ${niveau} ${}`
if (rollData.arme && != compName) {
// ajouter l'arme au titre si son nom n'est pas la compétence
return `${carac} / ${compName} (${}) Niveau ${niveau}`
return `${carac} / ${compName} Niveau ${niveau}`
} }
} }

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ export class RdDSheetUtility {
} }
foundry.utils.mergeObject(options, newOptions); mergeObject(options, newOptions);
return options; return options;
} }
@ -43,17 +43,11 @@ export class RdDSheetUtility {
item = await RdDItem.getCorrespondingItem(item); item = await RdDItem.getCorrespondingItem(item);
} }
if (actor.canReceive(item)) { if (actor.canReceive(item)) {
if (!actor.prototypeToken.actorLink && actor.token) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Impossible de donner ${} à ${}, c'est un acteur temporaire
<br>La suppression de son token entraînera la perte définitive de ${}.`)
return { return {
destId: destItemId, destId: destItemId,
targetActorId:, targetActorId:,
itemId:, itemId:,
sourceActorId:, sourceActorId:,
srcId: objetVersConteneur[], srcId: objetVersConteneur[],
onEnleverConteneur: () => { delete objetVersConteneur[]; }, onEnleverConteneur: () => { delete objetVersConteneur[]; },
onAjouterDansConteneur: (itemId, conteneurId) => { objetVersConteneur[itemId] = conteneurId; } onAjouterDansConteneur: (itemId, conteneurId) => { objetVersConteneur[itemId] = conteneurId; }
@ -76,7 +70,7 @@ export class RdDSheetUtility {
static async _onSplitItem(item, split, actor) { static async _onSplitItem(item, split, actor) {
if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) { if (split >= 1 && split < item.system.quantite) {
await item.diminuerQuantite(split); await item.diminuerQuantite(split);
const splitItem = foundry.utils.duplicate(item); const splitItem = duplicate(item);
// todo: ajouter dans le même conteneur? // todo: ajouter dans le même conteneur?
splitItem.system.quantite = split; splitItem.system.quantite = split;
await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [splitItem]) await actor.createEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [splitItem])

View File

@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
import { SHOW_DICE, SYSTEM_RDD } from "./constants.js"; import { SHOW_DICE } from "./constants.js";
import { RollDataAjustements } from "./rolldata-ajustements.js"; import { RollDataAjustements } from "./rolldata-ajustements.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { tmrConstants } from "./tmr-constants.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js"; import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDTMRRencontreDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-rencontre-dialog.js"; import { RdDTMRRencontreDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-rencontre-dialog.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js";
@ -16,43 +17,20 @@ import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js"; import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js";
import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js"; import { RdDRencontre } from "./item/rencontre.js";
import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js"; import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "./item.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
code: 'tmr-display-size',
range: {
min: 32,
max: 128,
step: 8,
def: 64,
clamp: (size, inc = 0) => Math.max(TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.range.min, Math.min(size + (inc * TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.range.step), TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.range.max)),
get: () => TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.clamp(game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.code) ?? TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.def),
set: (size) => game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.code, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.clamp(size)),
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog { export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
static async init() {
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.code, {
name: 'Taille des cases des TMR',
hint: "Taille en pixel des cases des TMR (réglable directement dans la fenêtre des TMR)",
scope: "client",
config: true,
default: TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.def,
type: Number,
range: TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.range
static async create(actor, tmrData) { static async create(actor, tmrData) {
await PixiTMR.init()
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-tmr.html', tmrData); let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-tmr.html', tmrData);
if (tmrData.mode != 'visu' && !game.user.isGM) {
if (tmrData.mode != 'visu') {
// Notification au MJ
ChatMessage.create({ content: + " est monté dans les TMR en mode : " + tmrData.mode, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") }); ChatMessage.create({ content: + " est monté dans les TMR en mode : " + tmrData.mode, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") });
} }
return new RdDTMRDialog(html, actor, tmrData)
return new RdDTMRDialog(html, actor, tmrData);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -60,142 +38,40 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
const dialogConf = { const dialogConf = {
title: "Terres Médianes de Rêve", title: "Terres Médianes de Rêve",
content: html, content: html,
buttons: {} buttons: {
closeButton: { label: "Fermer", callback: html => this.close(html) }
default: "closeButton"
} }
const dialogOptions = { const dialogOptions = {
classes: ["tmrdialog"], classes: ["tmrdialog"],
width: 'fit-content', width: 920, height: 980,
height: 'fit-content',
'max-height': 1024,
'z-index': 40 'z-index': 40
} }
super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); super(dialogConf, dialogOptions);
this.tmrdata = foundry.utils.duplicate(tmrData);
this.tmrdata = duplicate(tmrData); = actor; = actor; = this; // reference this app in the actor structure = this; // reference this app in the actor structure
this.viewOnly = tmrData.mode == "visu" this.viewOnly = tmrData.mode == "visu"
this.fatigueParCase = this.viewOnly ? 0 :; this.fatigueParCase = this.viewOnly || !ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") ? 0 :;
this.cumulFatigue = 0; this.cumulFatigue = 0;
this.loadRencontres(); this.loadRencontres();
this.loadCasesSpeciales(); this.loadCasesSpeciales();
this.allTokens = []; this.allTokens = [];
this.rencontreState = 'aucune'; this.rencontreState = 'aucune';
this.subdialog = undefined this.pixiApp = new PIXI.Application({ width: 720, height: 860 });
this.displaySize = undefined
this.pixiTMR = new PixiTMR(this, this.pixiApp);
this.callbacksOnAnimate = [];
if (!this.viewOnly) { if (!this.viewOnly) {
this._tellToGM( + " monte dans les terres médianes (" + tmrData.mode + ")"); this._tellToGM( + " monte dans les terres médianes (" + tmrData.mode + ")");
} }
this.callbacksOnAnimate = [];
const displaySize = TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.clamp(game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.code) ?? TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.def);
this.pixiTMR = new PixiTMR(this, displaySize);
resizePixiTMR(displaySize) { // load the texture we need
if (displaySize != this.displaySize) { this.pixiTMR.load((loader, resources) => this.createPixiSprites());
this.displaySize = displaySize
this.allTokens = []
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html;
// this.activateTMRSize()
this.html.find('div.tmr-size a.tmr-size-zoom-minus*').click(event => {
this.html.find('div.tmr-size a.tmr-size-zoom-plus*').click(event => {
if (this.viewOnly) {
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".appliquerFatigue"), ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue"));
this.html.find('form.tmr-dialog *').click(event => this.subdialog?.bringToTop());
// Roll Sort
this.html.find('.lancer-sort').click(event => this.lancerUnSort());
this.html.find('.lire-signe-draconique').click(event =>;
this.html.find('img.tmr-move').click(event => this.deplacementTMR(this.html.find(event.currentTarget)?.data('move')));
// Gestion du cout de montée en points de rêve
this.cumulFatigue += this.fatigueParCase;
// Le reste...
lancerUnSort() {
if (this.subdialog) {
return this.forceTMRContinueAction();
async onDeplacement() {
await this.manageRencontre(TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getCoordActor()));
addTMRMap() {
const tmrCell = document.getElementsByClassName("tmr-map")[0];
tmrCell.childNodes.forEach(node => tmrCell.removeChild(node))
$changeTMRSize(inc) {
let displaySize = TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.clamp(this.displaySize, inc)
if (displaySize != this.displaySize) {
game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.code, TMR_DISPLAY_SIZE.clamp(displaySize))
async forceTMRDisplay() {
if (this.rendered) {
bringSubDialogToTop() {
if (this.subdialog?.bringToTop && this.subdialog?.element[0]) {
async restoreTMRAfterAction() {
this.subdialog = undefined
await this.maximize()
forceTMRContinueAction() {
ui.notifications.warn('Vous devez finir votre action avant de continuer dans les TMR');
setTMRPendingAction(dialog) {
this.subdialog = dialog
} }
isDemiReveCache() { isDemiReveCache() {
@ -208,11 +84,11 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
get sortsReserve() { get sortsReserve() {
return[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve]; return['sortreserve'];
} }
getSortsReserve(coord) { getSortsReserve(coord) {
return[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale return['sortreserve'].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale
TMRUtility.getTMR(coord).type == 'fleuve' TMRUtility.getTMR(coord).type == 'fleuve'
? it => TMRUtility.getTMR(it.system.coord).type == 'fleuve' ? it => TMRUtility.getTMR(it.system.coord).type == 'fleuve'
: it => it.system.coord == coord : it => it.system.coord == coord
@ -221,14 +97,14 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
loadRencontres() { loadRencontres() {
this.rencontresExistantes =; this.rencontresExistantes =;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
createPixiSprites() { createPixiSprites() {
this.pixiTMR.setup() EffetsDraconiques.carteTmr.createSprite(this.pixiTMR);
this.updateTokens() this.updateTokens();
this.forceDemiRevePositionView() this.forceDemiRevePositionView();
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -237,9 +113,13 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
this.demiReve = this._tokenDemiReve(); this.demiReve = this._tokenDemiReve();
this._trackToken(this.demiReve); this._trackToken(this.demiReve);
} }
this._getTokensCasesTmr().forEach(t => this._trackToken(t)) let tokens = this._getTokensCasesTmr()
this._getTokensRencontres().forEach(t => this._trackToken(t)) .concat(this._getTokensRencontres())
this._getTokensSortsReserve().forEach(t => this._trackToken(t)) .concat(this._getTokensSortsReserve());
for (let t of tokens) {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -258,21 +138,26 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_getTokensCasesTmr() { _getTokensCasesTmr() {
return Misc.concat( => return => this._tokenCaseSpeciale(c)).filter(token => token);
Draconique.get(caseSpeciale.system.specific)?.token(this.pixiTMR, caseSpeciale, () => caseSpeciale.system.coord)
} }
_getTokensRencontres() { _getTokensRencontres() {
return Misc.concat( => return => this._tokenRencontre(it));
EffetsDraconiques.rencontre.tokens(this.pixiTMR, rencontre, () => rencontre.system.coord) }
)) _getTokensSortsReserve() {
return['sortreserve'].map(it => this._tokenSortEnReserve(it));
} }
_getTokensSortsReserve() { /* -------------------------------------------- */
const sortsReserve =[ITEM_TYPES.sortreserve]; _tokenRencontre(rencontre) {
return Misc.concat( => return EffetsDraconiques.rencontre.token(this.pixiTMR, rencontre, () => rencontre.system.coord);
EffetsDraconiques.sortReserve.tokens(this.pixiTMR, sortReserve, () => sortReserve.system.coord))) }
_tokenCaseSpeciale(casetmr) {
const caseData = casetmr;
const draconique = Draconique.get(caseData.system.specific);
return draconique?.token(this.pixiTMR, caseData, () => caseData.system.coord);
_tokenSortEnReserve(sortReserve) {
return EffetsDraconiques.sortReserve.token(this.pixiTMR, sortReserve, () => sortReserve.system.coord);
} }
_tokenDemiReve() { _tokenDemiReve() {
@ -280,36 +165,86 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
forceDemiRevePositionView() { forceDemiRevePositionView() {
this.notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(this._getCoordActor()); this.notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(this._getActorCoord());
this._trackToken(this.demiReve); this._trackToken(this.demiReve);
} }
_getCoordActor() { _getActorCoord() {
return; return;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async deplacementTMR(move) { async moveFromKey(move) {
if (this.subdialog) { let oddq = TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(this._getActorCoord());
return this.forceTMRContinueAction();
if (move == 'top') oddq.row -= 1;
if (move == 'bottom') oddq.row += 1;
if (move.includes('left')) oddq.col -= 1;
if (move.includes('right')) oddq.col += 1;
if (oddq.col % 2 == 1) {
if (move == 'top-left') oddq.row -= 1;
if (move == 'top-right') oddq.row -= 1;
} else {
if (move == 'bottom-left') oddq.row += 1;
if (move == 'bottom-right') oddq.row += 1;
} }
const coordOrig = this._getCoordActor(); let targetCoord = TMRUtility.oddqToCoordTMR(oddq);
const coordTarget = TMRUtility.deplacement(coordOrig, move); await this._deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, 'normal');
await this._deplacerDemiReve(coordTarget, 'normal');
this.checkQuitterTMR(); this.checkQuitterTMR();
} }
calculCoutMonteeTMR() { /* -------------------------------------------- */
return ((this.tmrdata.isRapide && !EffetsDraconiques.isDeplacementAccelere( ? -2 : -1) -; async activateListeners(html) {
this.html = html;
if (this.viewOnly) {
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".appliquerFatigue"), ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue"));
// Roll Sort
this.html.find('.lancer-sort').click((event) => {;
this.html.find('.lire-signe-draconique').click((event) => {;
this.html.find('#dir-top').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top"));
this.html.find('#dir-top-left').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top-left"));
this.html.find('#dir-top-right').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top-right"));
this.html.find('#dir-bottom-left').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom-left"));
this.html.find('#dir-bottom-right').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom-right"));
this.html.find('#dir-bottom').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom"));
// Gestion du cout de montée en points de rêve
let reveCout = ((this.tmrdata.isRapide && !EffetsDraconiques.isDeplacementAccelere( ? -2 : -1) -;
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
this.cumulFatigue += this.fatigueParCase;
// Le reste...
let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getActorCoord());
await this.manageRencontre(tmr);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateValuesDisplay() { async updateValuesDisplay() {
if (this.viewOnly || !this.rendered) { if (!this.rendered) {
return; return;
} }
const coord = this._getCoordActor(); const coord = this._getActorCoord();
HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".lire-signe-draconique"),; HtmlUtility.showControlWhen(this.html.find(".lire-signe-draconique"),;
let ptsreve = document.getElementById("tmr-pointsreve-value"); let ptsreve = document.getElementById("tmr-pointsreve-value");
@ -336,9 +271,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async close() { async close() {
if (this.subdialog) {
return this.forceTMRContinueAction()
this.descenteTMR = true; this.descenteTMR = true;
if ( { if ( { = undefined; // Cleanup reference = undefined; // Cleanup reference
@ -346,12 +278,9 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
await, false) await, false)
this._tellToGM( + " a quitté les terres médianes"); this._tellToGM( + " a quitté les terres médianes");
} }
await"appliquer-fatigue") ? "fatigue" : "endurance"), await"fatigue", this.cumulFatigue)
} }
await super.close(); await super.close();
this.pixiTMR = undefined
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -364,7 +293,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
switch (action) { switch (action) {
case 'derober': case 'derober':
await this.derober(); await this.derober();
return; return;
case 'refouler': case 'refouler':
await this.refouler(); await this.refouler();
@ -377,7 +305,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
break; break;
} }
await this.postRencontre(tmr); await this.postRencontre(tmr);
} }
async derober() { async derober() {
@ -391,7 +318,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
async refouler() { async refouler() {
console.log("-> refouler", this.currentRencontre); console.log("-> refouler", this.currentRencontre);
await, `${this.currentRencontre.system.genre == 'f' ? 'une' : 'un'} ${}`); await, `${this.currentRencontre.system.genre == 'f' ? 'une' : 'un'} ${}`);
await await; // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary
this.updateTokens(); this.updateTokens();
this.updateValuesDisplay(); this.updateValuesDisplay();
this.nettoyerRencontre(); this.nettoyerRencontre();
@ -401,7 +328,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
async ignorerRencontre() { async ignorerRencontre() {
console.log("-> ignorer", this.currentRencontre); console.log("-> ignorer", this.currentRencontre);
this._tellToGM( + " a ignoré: " +; this._tellToGM( + " a ignoré: " +;
await await; // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary
this.updateTokens(); this.updateTokens();
this.updateValuesDisplay(); this.updateValuesDisplay();
this.nettoyerRencontre(); this.nettoyerRencontre();
@ -416,27 +343,35 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
$marquerCasesTMR(listCoordTMR) { $marquerCasesTMR(listCoordTMR) {
this.currentRencontre.locList = foundry.utils.duplicate(listCoordTMR); // And track of allowed location = []; // Keep track of rectangles to delete it = => this.pixiTMR.addMarkTMR(coordTMR)) this.currentRencontre.locList = duplicate(listCoordTMR); // And track of allowed location
for (let coordTMR of listCoordTMR) {
const rect = this._getCaseRectangleCoord(coordTMR);
const rectDraw = new PIXI.Graphics();
rectDraw.beginFill(0xffff00, 0.3);
// set the line style to have a width of 5 and set the color to red
rectDraw.lineStyle(5, 0xff0000);
// draw a rectangle
rectDraw.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h);
this.pixiApp.stage.addChild(rectDraw);; // garder les objets pour gestion post-click
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
checkQuitterTMR() { checkQuitterTMR() {
if ( { if ( {
this._tellToGM("Vous êtes mort : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this._tellToGM("Vous êtes mort : vous quittez les Terres médianes !");
this.close(); this.close();
return true; return true;
} }
const resteAvantInconscience = - - this.cumulFatigue;
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") && resteAvantInconscience <= 0) {
? ( <= this.cumulFatigue)
: ( <= this.cumulFatigue)
) {
this._tellToGM("Vous vous écroulez de fatigue : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this._tellToGM("Vous vous écroulez de fatigue : vous quittez les Terres médianes !");
this.quitterLesTMRInconscient(); this.quitterLesTMRInconscient();
return true; return true;
} }
if ( == 0) { if ( == 0) {
this._tellToGM("Vos Points de Rêve sont à 0 : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this._tellToGM("Vos Points de Rêve sont à 0 : vous quittez les Terres médianes !");
this.quitterLesTMRInconscient(); this.quitterLesTMRInconscient();
@ -455,7 +390,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
async maitriserRencontre() { async maitriserRencontre() {
console.log("-> maitriser", this.currentRencontre); console.log("-> maitriser", this.currentRencontre);
await await;
this.updateTokens(); this.updateTokens();
let rencontreData = { let rencontreData = {
@ -467,7 +402,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
nbRounds: 1, nbRounds: 1,
canClose: false, canClose: false,
selectedCarac: { label: "reve-actuel" }, selectedCarac: { label: "reve-actuel" },
tmr: TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getCoordActor()) tmr: TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getActorCoord())
} }
await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData); await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData);
@ -545,7 +480,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_rollPresentCite(rencData) { _rollPresentCite(rencData) {
let rolled = RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(rencData.reve, 0); let rolled = RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(rencData.reve, 0);
foundry.utils.mergeObject(rolled, { caracValue: rencData.reve, finalLevel: 0, roll: rolled.score }); mergeObject(rolled, { caracValue: rencData.reve, finalLevel: 0, roll: rolled.score });
RdDResolutionTable.succesRequis(rolled); RdDResolutionTable.succesRequis(rolled);
return rolled; return rolled;
} }
@ -586,7 +521,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
this.descenteTMR = false; this.descenteTMR = false;
this.currentRencontre = undefined; this.currentRencontre = undefined;
if (await this._presentCite(tmr)) { if (this._presentCite(tmr)) {
return; return;
} }
this.currentRencontre = await this._jetDeRencontre(tmr); this.currentRencontre = await this._jetDeRencontre(tmr);
@ -596,9 +531,8 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
await this.maitriserRencontre(); await this.maitriserRencontre();
} }
else { else {
const dialog = new RdDTMRRencontreDialog(, this.currentRencontre, tmr); let dialog = new RdDTMRRencontreDialog(this, this.currentRencontre, tmr);
await dialog.render(true); dialog.render(true);
} }
} }
else { else {
@ -607,15 +541,12 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async _presentCite(tmr) { _presentCite(tmr) {
const presentCite = this.casesSpeciales.find(c => EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.isCase(c, tmr.coord)); const presentCite = this.casesSpeciales.find(c => EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.isCase(c, tmr.coord));
if (presentCite) { if (presentCite) {
const caseData = presentCite; const caseData = presentCite;
const dialog = await EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.choisirUnPresent(caseData, present => { EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.choisirUnPresent(caseData, (present => this._utiliserPresentCite(presentCite, present, tmr)));
this._utiliserPresentCite(presentCite, present, tmr)
} }
return presentCite; return presentCite;
} }
@ -641,6 +572,8 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
presentCite: presentCite presentCite: presentCite
}; };
await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData); await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData);
this.postRencontre(tmr); this.postRencontre(tmr);
} }
@ -650,18 +583,16 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
if (rencontre) { if (rencontre) {
return game.system.rdd.rencontresTMR.calculRencontre(rencontre, tmr); return game.system.rdd.rencontresTMR.calculRencontre(rencontre, tmr);
} }
const coordTMR = (this.isDemiReveCache() let locTMR = (this.isDemiReveCache()
? TMRUtility.getTMRType(tmr.coord) + " ??" ? TMRUtility.getTMRType(tmr.coord) + " ??"
: tmr.label + " (" + tmr.coord + ")"); : tmr.label + " (" + tmr.coord + ")");
this.setTMRPendingAction({ bringToTop: () => { } }) let myRoll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dt", { showDice: SHOW_DICE });
const myRoll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dt", { showDice: SHOW_DICE });
if (myRoll == 7) { if (myRoll == 7) {
this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Rencontre en " + coordTMR); this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Rencontre en " + locTMR);
return await game.system.rdd.rencontresTMR.getRencontreAleatoire(tmr, return await game.system.rdd.rencontresTMR.getRencontreAleatoire(tmr,
} else { } else {
this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Pas de rencontre en " + coordTMR); this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Pas de rencontre en " + locTMR);
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
} }
@ -688,7 +619,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
if (this.isCaseHumide(tmr)) { if (this.isCaseHumide(tmr)) {
let rollData = { let rollData = {
actor:, actor:,
competence: foundry.utils.duplicate(, competence: duplicate(,
tmr: tmr, tmr: tmr,
canClose: false, canClose: false,
diffLibre: -7, diffLibre: -7,
@ -707,6 +638,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
async _resultatMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData) { async _resultatMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData) {
await this.souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData);
if (rollData.rolled.isSuccess && rollData.double) { if (rollData.rolled.isSuccess && rollData.double) {
rollData.previous = { rolled: rollData.rolled, ajustements: rollData.ajustements }; rollData.previous = { rolled: rollData.rolled, ajustements: rollData.ajustements };
rollData.double = undefined; rollData.double = undefined;
@ -721,7 +653,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
if (rollData.rolled.isEchec) { if (rollData.rolled.isEchec) {
await this.close(); await this.close();
} }
await this.souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -813,7 +744,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
async _conquerir(tmr, options) { async _conquerir(tmr, options) {
let rollData = { let rollData = {
actor:, actor:,
competence: foundry.utils.duplicate(, competence: duplicate(,
tmr: tmr, tmr: tmr,
canClose: options.canClose ?? false, canClose: options.canClose ?? false,
diffLibre: options.difficulte ?? -7, diffLibre: options.difficulte ?? -7,
@ -846,22 +777,22 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async _maitriserTMR(rollData, callbackMaitrise) { async _maitriserTMR(rollData, callbackMaitrise) {
this.minimize(); // Hide
rollData.isTMRCache =; rollData.isTMRCache =;
const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(, rollData, const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(, rollData,
{ {
html: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-maitrise-tmr.html', html: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-maitrise-tmr.html',
close: html => { this.maximize(); } // Re-display TMR
}, },
{ {
name: rollData.maitrise.verbe, label: rollData.maitrise.action, name: rollData.maitrise.verbe, label: rollData.maitrise.action,
callbacks: [ callbacks: [,,
{ action: r => { this.restoreTMRAfterAction() } },
{ action: callbackMaitrise } { action: callbackMaitrise }
] ]
} }
); );
dialog.render(true); dialog.render(true);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -929,11 +860,14 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
nettoyerRencontre() { nettoyerRencontre() {
// Suppression des dessins des zones possibles if (!this.currentRencontre) return; // Sanity check
this.currentRencontre?.graphics?.forEach(graphic => this.pixiTMR.removeGraphic(graphic)) if ( {
// Nettoyage de la structureet de l'état for (let drawRect of { // Suppression des dessins des zones possibles
this.currentRencontre = undefined; this.pixiApp.stage.removeChild(drawRect);
this.rencontreState = 'aucune'; }
this.currentRencontre = undefined; // Nettoyage de la structure
this.rencontreState = 'aucune'; // Et de l'état
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -961,8 +895,8 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
isConnaissanceFleuve(tmrApp, nextTMR) { isConnaissanceFleuve(currentTMR, nextTMR) {
return TMRUtility.getTMR(tmrApp).type == 'fleuve' && return TMRUtility.getTMR(currentTMR).type == 'fleuve' &&
TMRUtility.getTMR(nextTMR).type == 'fleuve' && TMRUtility.getTMR(nextTMR).type == 'fleuve' &&
EffetsDraconiques.isConnaissanceFleuve(; EffetsDraconiques.isConnaissanceFleuve(;
} }
@ -972,21 +906,22 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
if (this.viewOnly) { if (this.viewOnly) {
return; return;
} }
if (this.subdialog) { let clickOddq = RdDTMRDialog._computeEventOddq(event.nativeEvent);
return this.forceTMRContinueAction() await this._onClickTMRPos(clickOddq); // Vérifier l'état des compteurs reve/fatigue/vie
} }
const currentCoord = this._getCoordActor()
const currentOddq = TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(currentCoord)
const targetOddq = this.pixiTMR.computeEventOddq(event)
const targetCoord = TMRUtility.oddqToCoordTMR(targetOddq)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async _onClickTMRPos(clickOddq) {
let currentOddq = TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(this._getActorCoord());
let targetCoord = TMRUtility.oddqToCoordTMR(clickOddq);
let currentCoord = TMRUtility.oddqToCoordTMR(currentOddq);
// Validation de la case de destination (gestion du cas des rencontres qui peuvent téléporter) // Validation de la case de destination (gestion du cas des rencontres qui peuvent téléporter)
const typeDeplacement = this._calculDeplacement(targetCoord, currentCoord, currentOddq, targetOddq); let deplacementType = this._calculDeplacement(targetCoord, currentCoord, currentOddq, clickOddq);
if (this.isDemiReveCache()) { if (this.isDemiReveCache()) {
if (this.isTerreAttache(targetCoord) if (this.isTerreAttache(targetCoord)
|| this.isConnaissanceFleuve(currentCoord, targetCoord) || this.isConnaissanceFleuve(currentCoord, targetCoord)
|| typeDeplacement == 'changeur') { || deplacementType == 'changeur') {
// déplacement possible // déplacement possible
await; await;
this.demiReve = this._tokenDemiReve(); this.demiReve = this._tokenDemiReve();
@ -1001,17 +936,17 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
} }
switch (typeDeplacement) { switch (deplacementType) {
case 'normal': case 'normal':
case 'changeur': case 'changeur':
case 'passeur': case 'passeur':
await this._deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, typeDeplacement); await this._deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, deplacementType);
break; break;
case 'messager': case 'messager':
await this._messagerDemiReve(targetCoord); await this._messagerDemiReve(targetCoord);
break; break;
default: default:
ui.notifications.error("Vous ne pouvez vous déplacer que sur des cases adjacentes à votre position ou valides dans le cas d'une rencontre"); ui.notifications.error("Vous ne pouvez pas vous déplacer que sur des cases adjacentes à votre position ou valides dans le cas d'une rencontre");
console.log("STATUS :", this.rencontreState, this.currentRencontre); console.log("STATUS :", this.rencontreState, this.currentRencontre);
} }
@ -1040,11 +975,9 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async _messagerDemiReve(targetCoord) { async _messagerDemiReve(targetCoord) {
/* /*
TODO: TODO: si la case a un sort en réserve, lancer ce sort.
Si la case a un sort en réserve, lancer ce sort.
Si la case est le demi-rêve, ne pas lancer de sort. Si la case est le demi-rêve, ne pas lancer de sort.
Si un lancement de sort est en cours, trouver un moyen de réafficher cette fenêtre Si un lancement de sort est en cours, trouver un moyen de réafficher cette fenêtre si on essaie de lancer un sort (ou bloquer le lancer de sort)
si on essaie de lancer un sort (ou bloquer le lancer de sort)
*/ */
this.notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(targetCoord); this.notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(targetCoord);
await; await;
@ -1061,9 +994,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async _deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, deplacementType) { async _deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, deplacementType) {
if (this.subdialog) {
return this.forceTMRContinueAction()
if (this.currentRencontre != 'normal') { if (this.currentRencontre != 'normal') {
this.nettoyerRencontre(); this.nettoyerRencontre();
} }
@ -1089,7 +1019,7 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
async notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(coord) { async notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(coord) {
if (!this.viewOnly && { if ( {
ChatMessage.create({ ChatMessage.create({
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(,
content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-signe-draconique-resonance.html`, { alias:, typeTMR: TMRUtility.getTMRType(coord) }) content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-signe-draconique-resonance.html`, { alias:, typeTMR: TMRUtility.getTMRType(coord) })
@ -1113,10 +1043,6 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async positionnerDemiReve(coord) { async positionnerDemiReve(coord) {
if (this.subdialog) {
return this.forceTMRContinueAction()
await; await;
this.forceDemiRevePositionView(); this.forceDemiRevePositionView();
let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMR(coord); let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMR(coord);
@ -1125,21 +1051,37 @@ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_removeTokens(filter = it => true) { static _computeEventOddq(origEvent) {
this.allTokens.filter(filter).forEach(token => this.pixiTMR.removeToken(token)) console.log("EVENT", origEvent)
let canvasRect =;
let x = origEvent.clientX - canvasRect.left;
let y = origEvent.clientY -;
let col = Math.floor(x / tmrConstants.cellw); // [From 0 -> 12]
y -= col % 2 == 0 ? tmrConstants.col1_y : tmrConstants.col2_y;
let row = Math.floor(y / tmrConstants.cellh); // [From 0 -> 14]
return { col: col, row: row };
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Retourne les coordonnées x, h, w, h du rectangle d'une case donnée */
_getCaseRectangleCoord(coord) {
return this.pixiTMR.getCaseRectangle(TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(coord));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_removeTokens(filter) {
const tokensToRemove = this.allTokens.filter(filter);
for (let token of tokensToRemove) {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
_trackToken(token) { _trackToken(token) {
if (!token) {
if (this.demiReve === token && this.isDemiReveCache()) { if (this.demiReve === token && this.isDemiReveCache()) {
return; return;
} }
this.pixiTMR.positionToken(token); this.pixiTMR.setPosition(token.sprite, TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(token.coordTMR()));
if (!this.allTokens.includes(token)) {
this.allTokens.push(token); this.allTokens.push(token);
} }
} }

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
export class RdDTMRRencontreDialog extends Dialog { export class RdDTMRRencontreDialog extends Dialog {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
constructor(actor, rencontre, tmr) { constructor(tmrApp, rencontre, tmr) {
const dialogConf = { const dialogConf = {
title: "Rencontre en TMR!", title: "Rencontre en TMR!",
content: "Vous rencontrez un " + + " de force " + rencontre.system.force + "<br>", content: "Vous rencontrez un " + + " de force " + rencontre.system.force + "<br>",
@ -28,30 +28,23 @@ export class RdDTMRRencontreDialog extends Dialog {
this.toClose = false; this.toClose = false;
this.tmr = tmr; this.tmr = tmr; = actor; this.tmrApp = tmrApp;
this.rencontre = rencontre; this.rencontre = rencontre;
} }
async onButtonAction(action) { async onButtonAction(action) {
this.toClose = true; this.toClose = true;
await; this.tmrApp.onActionRencontre(action, this.tmr, this.rencontre), this.tmr, this.rencontre)
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
async close() { close() {
if ({
if (this.toClose) { if (this.toClose) {
return await super.close(); this.tmrApp.maximize();
return super.close();
} }
else {"Vous devez résoudre la rencontre.");"Vous devez résoudre la rencontre.");
else {
return await super.close();
} }
} }

View File

@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ export class RdDTokenHud {
if (target?.actor) { if (target?.actor) {
const hudSoins = { blessures: ?? [] }; const hudSoins = { blessures: ?? [] };
if (hudSoins.blessures.length > 0) { if (hudSoins.blessures.length > 0) {
// soins
const controlIconTarget = html.find('.control-icon[data-action=combat]'); const controlIconTarget = html.find('.control-icon[data-action=combat]');
await RdDTokenHud._configureSubMenu(controlIconTarget, await RdDTokenHud._configureSubMenu(controlIconTarget,
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/hud-actor-soins.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/hud-actor-soins.hbs',

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import { RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js"; import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { DialogItemAchat } from "./achat-vente/dialog-item-achat.js"; import { DialogItemAchat } from "./dialog-item-achat.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js"; import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "./settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js"; import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js";
import { RdDItem } from "./item.js"; import { RdDItem } from "./item.js";
@ -17,9 +17,6 @@ import { RdDTimestamp } from "./time/rdd-timestamp.js";
import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js"; import { RdDRaretes } from "./item/raretes.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js"; import { RdDEmpoignade } from "./rdd-empoignade.js";
import { ExperienceLog } from "./actor/experience-log.js"; import { ExperienceLog } from "./actor/experience-log.js";
import { RdDCoeur } from "./coeur/rdd-coeur.js";
import { APP_ASTROLOGIE_REFRESH } from "./sommeil/app-astrologie.js";
import { RDD_CONFIG } from "./constants.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
// This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10 // This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10
@ -31,9 +28,9 @@ const ajustementsEncaissement = Misc.intArray(-10, 26);
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
function _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(max) { function _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(max) {
const cycle = [5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0]; const cycle = [5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0];
const fatigue = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; let fatigue = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]];
for (let i = 0; i <= max; i++) { for (let i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
const ligneFatigue = foundry.utils.duplicate(fatigue[i]); const ligneFatigue = duplicate(fatigue[i]);
const caseIncrementee = cycle[i % 6]; const caseIncrementee = cycle[i % 6];
ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee]++; ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee]++;
ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee + 6]++; ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee + 6]++;
@ -47,7 +44,7 @@ function _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(max) {
function _cumulSegmentsFatigue(matrix) { function _cumulSegmentsFatigue(matrix) {
let cumulMatrix = []; let cumulMatrix = [];
for (let line of matrix) { for (let line of matrix) {
let cumul = foundry.utils.duplicate(line); let cumul = duplicate(line);
for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) { for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
cumul[i] += cumul[i - 1]; cumul[i] += cumul[i - 1];
@ -58,13 +55,18 @@ function _cumulSegmentsFatigue(matrix) {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export const MAX_ENDURANCE_FATIGUE = 60; const fatigueMatrix = _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(60);
const fatigueMatrix = _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(MAX_ENDURANCE_FATIGUE);
const cumulFatigueMatrix = _cumulSegmentsFatigue(fatigueMatrix); const cumulFatigueMatrix = _cumulSegmentsFatigue(fatigueMatrix);
const fatigueMalus = [0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7]; // Provides the malus for each segment of fatigue const fatigueMalus = [0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7]; // Provides the malus for each segment of fatigue
const fatigueLineSize = [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; const fatigueLineSize = [3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12];
const fatigueLineMalus = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7]; const fatigueLineMalus = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7];
const fatigueMarche = {
"aise": { "4": 1, "6": 2, "8": 3, "10": 4, "12": 6 },
"malaise": { "4": 2, "6": 3, "8": 4, "10": 6 },
"difficile": { "4": 3, "6": 4, "8": 6 },
"tresdifficile": { "4": 4, "6": 6 }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
const nomEthylisme = ["Emeché", "Gris", "Pinté", "Pas frais", "Ivre", "Bu", "Complètement fait", "Ivre mort"]; const nomEthylisme = ["Emeché", "Gris", "Pinté", "Pas frais", "Ivre", "Bu", "Complètement fait", "Ivre mort"];
@ -96,13 +98,11 @@ const definitionsEncaissement = {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
export class RdDUtility { export class RdDUtility {
// persistent handling of conteneur show/hide
static afficheContenu = {}
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async init() { static async init() {
Hooks.on("renderChatMessage", async (app, html, msg) => await ChatUtility.onRenderChatMessage(app, html, msg)) Hooks.on("renderChatMessage", async (app, html, msg) => RdDUtility.onRenderChatMessage(app, html, msg));
Hooks.on("createChatMessage", async (chatMessage, options, id) => await ChatUtility.onCreateChatMessage(chatMessage, options, id)) Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, chatLog) => RdDUtility.chatListeners(html));
Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, chatLog) => RdDUtility.chatListeners(html))
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -164,16 +164,15 @@ export class RdDUtility {
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-item.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-item.html',
"systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html", "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/inventaire-monnaie.html",
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-animaux.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-animaux.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-suivants.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-suivants.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-vehicules.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/liens-vehicules.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire-item.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor/commerce-inventaire-item.html',
//Items //Items
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/scripts/autocomplete-script.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/scripts/autocomplete-script.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/scripts/autocomplete.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/scripts/autocomplete.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/boutons-comestible.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/boutons-comestible.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/temporel.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/temporel.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/partial-inventaire.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/partial-inventaire.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/partial-environnement.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item/partial-environnement.html',
@ -201,30 +200,23 @@ export class RdDUtility {
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-tmr-effet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-tmr-effet.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-tmr-type.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-tmr-type.html',
// Partials // Partials
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/tirage/liste-resultats-recherche.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/tirage/liste-resultats-recherche.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/time/horloge.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/time/horloge.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/timestamp.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/timestamp.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/periodicite.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/periodicite.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/enum-duree.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/enum-duree.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/compendium-link.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/common/compendium-link.hbs',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-description-overflow.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-description-overflow.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-description-sort.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-description-sort.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-ajustements.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-ajustements.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffLibre.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffLibre.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffFixe.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffFixe.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffCondition.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-diffCondition.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-surenc.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-roll-surenc.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-select-carac.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-select-carac.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-item-hautrevant.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-item-hautrevant.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-item-frequence.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/partial-item-frequence.html',
@ -253,8 +245,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-description.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-description.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-info-appel-au-moral.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-info-appel-au-moral.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-info-distance.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-info-distance.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-turn-acteur.hbs', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-turn-summary.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-competence-xp.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-competence-xp.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-carac-xp.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-actor-carac-xp.html',
'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-potionenchantee-chateaudormant.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-potionenchantee-chateaudormant.html',
@ -263,6 +254,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
]; ];
Handlebars.registerHelper('either', (a, b) => a ?? b); Handlebars.registerHelper('either', (a, b) => a ?? b);
Handlebars.registerHelper('computeResolutionScore', (row, col) => RdDResolutionTable.computePercentage(row, col));
Handlebars.registerHelper('computeResolutionChances', (row, col) => RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(row, col));
Handlebars.registerHelper('upperFirst', str => Misc.upperFirst(str ?? 'Null')); Handlebars.registerHelper('upperFirst', str => Misc.upperFirst(str ?? 'Null'));
Handlebars.registerHelper('lowerFirst', str => Misc.lowerFirst(str ?? 'Null')); Handlebars.registerHelper('lowerFirst', str => Misc.lowerFirst(str ?? 'Null'));
Handlebars.registerHelper('upper', str => str?.toUpperCase() ?? ''); Handlebars.registerHelper('upper', str => str?.toUpperCase() ?? '');
@ -271,10 +264,6 @@ export class RdDUtility {
Handlebars.registerHelper('apostrophe', (article, str) => Grammar.apostrophe(article, str)); Handlebars.registerHelper('apostrophe', (article, str) => Grammar.apostrophe(article, str));
Handlebars.registerHelper('un', str => Grammar.articleIndetermine(str)); Handlebars.registerHelper('un', str => Grammar.articleIndetermine(str));
Handlebars.registerHelper('accord', (genre, ...args) => Grammar.accord(genre, args)); Handlebars.registerHelper('accord', (genre, ...args) => Grammar.accord(genre, args));
Handlebars.registerHelper('RDD_CONFIG', path => RDD_CONFIG[path])
Handlebars.registerHelper('computeResolutionScore', (row, col) => RdDResolutionTable.computePercentage(row, col));
Handlebars.registerHelper('computeResolutionChances', (row, col) => RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(row, col));
Handlebars.registerHelper('buildLigneInventaire', (item, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildLigneInventaire(item, options)); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('buildLigneInventaire', (item, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildLigneInventaire(item, options)); });
Handlebars.registerHelper('buildInventaireConteneur', (actorId, itemId, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildInventaireConteneur(actorId, itemId, options)); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('buildInventaireConteneur', (actorId, itemId, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildInventaireConteneur(actorId, itemId, options)); });
Handlebars.registerHelper('buildContenuConteneur', (item, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildContenuConteneur(item, options)); }); Handlebars.registerHelper('buildContenuConteneur', (item, options) => { return new Handlebars.SafeString(RdDUtility.buildContenuConteneur(item, options)); });
@ -290,7 +279,6 @@ export class RdDUtility {
Handlebars.registerHelper('timestamp-formulesDuree', () => RdDTimestamp.formulesDuree()); Handlebars.registerHelper('timestamp-formulesDuree', () => RdDTimestamp.formulesDuree());
Handlebars.registerHelper('timestamp-formulesPeriode', () => RdDTimestamp.formulesPeriode()); Handlebars.registerHelper('timestamp-formulesPeriode', () => RdDTimestamp.formulesPeriode());
Handlebars.registerHelper('array-includes', (array, value) => array.includes(value));
Handlebars.registerHelper('min', (...args) => Math.min(...args.slice(0, -1))); Handlebars.registerHelper('min', (...args) => Math.min(...args.slice(0, -1)));
Handlebars.registerHelper('regle-optionnelle', (option) => ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing(option)); Handlebars.registerHelper('regle-optionnelle', (option) => ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing(option));
Handlebars.registerHelper('trier', list => list.sort((a, b) =>; Handlebars.registerHelper('trier', list => list.sort((a, b) =>;
@ -300,17 +288,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
Handlebars.registerHelper('isFieldInventaireModifiable', (type, field) => RdDItem.isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field)); Handlebars.registerHelper('isFieldInventaireModifiable', (type, field) => RdDItem.isFieldInventaireModifiable(type, field));
Handlebars.registerHelper('rarete-getChamp', (rarete, field) => RdDRaretes.getChamp(rarete, field)); Handlebars.registerHelper('rarete-getChamp', (rarete, field) => RdDRaretes.getChamp(rarete, field));
Handlebars.registerHelper('plusMoins', diff => (diff > 0 ? '+' : '') + Math.round(diff))
Handlebars.registerHelper('experienceLog-topic', topic => ExperienceLog.labelTopic(topic)); Handlebars.registerHelper('experienceLog-topic', topic => ExperienceLog.labelTopic(topic));
// Handle v12 removal of this helper
Handlebars.registerHelper('select', function (selected, options) {
const escapedValue = RegExp.escape(Handlebars.escapeExpression(selected));
const rgx = new RegExp(' value=[\"\']' + escapedValue + '[\"\']');
const html = options.fn(this);
return html.replace(rgx, "$& selected");
return loadTemplates(templatePaths); return loadTemplates(templatePaths);
} }
@ -340,16 +319,24 @@ export class RdDUtility {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getNomEthylisme(niveauEthylisme) { return niveauEthylisme > 0 ? 'Aucun' : nomEthylisme[-niveauEthylisme] } static getNomEthylisme(niveauEthylisme) {
let index = -niveauEthylisme;
return index < 0 ? 'Aucun' : nomEthylisme[index];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static initAfficheContenu() { // persistent handling of conteneur show/hide
if (!this.afficheContenu)
this.afficheContenu = {};
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static toggleAfficheContenu(conteneurId) { static toggleAfficheContenu(conteneurId) {
RdDUtility.afficheContenu[conteneurId] = !RdDUtility.afficheContenu[conteneurId]; this.afficheContenu[conteneurId] = !this.afficheContenu[conteneurId];
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getAfficheContenu(conteneurId) { static getAfficheContenu(conteneurId) {
if (conteneurId) if (conteneurId)
return RdDUtility.afficheContenu[conteneurId]; return this.afficheContenu[conteneurId];
return undefined; return undefined;
} }
@ -358,18 +345,16 @@ export class RdDUtility {
let objetVersConteneur = {}; let objetVersConteneur = {};
// Attribution des objets aux conteneurs // Attribution des objets aux conteneurs
for (let conteneur of conteneurs) { for (let conteneur of conteneurs) {
if (conteneur.isConteneur()) {
conteneur.subItems = []; conteneur.subItems = [];
for (let id of conteneur.system.contenu ?? []) { for (let id of conteneur.system.contenu ?? []) {
let objet = inventaires.find(objet => (id == objet._id)); let objet = inventaires.find(objet => (id == objet._id));
if (objet) { if (objet) {
objet.estContenu = true; objet.estContenu = true; // Permet de filtrer ce qui est porté dans le template
objetVersConteneur[id] = conteneur._id; objetVersConteneur[id] = conteneur._id;
conteneur.subItems.push(objet); conteneur.subItems.push(objet);
} }
} }
} }
for (let conteneur of conteneurs) { for (let conteneur of conteneurs) {
conteneur.system.encTotal = RdDUtility.calculEncContenu(conteneur, inventaires); conteneur.system.encTotal = RdDUtility.calculEncContenu(conteneur, inventaires);
} }
@ -474,15 +459,18 @@ export class RdDUtility {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static getSegmentsFatigue(maxEndurance) { static getSegmentsFatigue(maxEnd) {
return fatigueMatrix[Math.min(Math.max(maxEndurance, 1), fatigueMatrix.length)]; maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1);
maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, fatigueMatrix.length);
return fatigueMatrix[maxEnd];
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static calculMalusFatigue(fatigue, endurance) { static calculMalusFatigue(fatigue, maxEnd) {
endurance = Math.min(Math.max(endurance, 1), cumulFatigueMatrix.length); maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1);
let segments = cumulFatigueMatrix[endurance]; maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, cumulFatigueMatrix.length);
for (let i = 0; i < segments.length; i++) { let segments = cumulFatigueMatrix[maxEnd];
for (let i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
if (fatigue <= segments[i]) { if (fatigue <= segments[i]) {
return fatigueMalus[i] return fatigueMalus[i]
} }
@ -502,7 +490,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
// Build the nice (?) html table used to manage fatigue. // Build the nice (?) html table used to manage fatigue.
// max should be the endurance max value // max should be the endurance max value
static makeHTMLfatigueMatrix(fatigue, maxEndurance) { static makeHTMLfatigueMatrix(fatigue, maxEndurance) {
const segments = this.getSegmentsFatigue(maxEndurance); let segments = this.getSegmentsFatigue(maxEndurance);
return this.makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments); return this.makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments);
} }
@ -565,54 +553,49 @@ export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, options = { showDice: HIDE_DICE }) { static async jetEncaissement(rollData, armure, options = { showDice: HIDE_DICE }) {
const diff = Math.abs(rollData.diffLibre); let formula = "2d10";
let formula = RdDUtility.formuleEncaissement(diff, options)
const roll = await RdDDice.roll(formula, options);
RdDUtility.remplaceDeMinParDifficulte(roll, diff, options); // Chaque dé fait au minmum la difficulté libre
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-minimum-malus-libre')) {
return await RdDUtility.prepareEncaissement(rollData, roll, armure); if (rollData.diffLibre < 0) {
let valeurMin = Math.abs(rollData.diffLibre);
formula += "min" + valeurMin;
// Chaque dé fait au minmum la difficulté libre
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-ajout-malus-libre')) {
if (rollData.diffLibre < 0) {
let valeurMin = Math.abs(rollData.diffLibre);
formula += "+" + valeurMin;
} }
static remplaceDeMinParDifficulte(roll, diff, options) { let roll = await RdDDice.roll(formula, options);
if (!ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-minimum-malus-libre-simple')) {
// 1 dé fait au minmum la difficulté libre // 1 dé fait au minmum la difficulté libre
const total = options.forceDiceResult?.total; if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-minimum-malus-libre-simple')) {
if (total) { if (rollData.diffLibre < 0) {
const reste = Math.max(total - diff, 1) let valeurMin = Math.abs(rollData.diffLibre);
roll.terms[0].number = reste + diff if (roll.terms[0].results[0].result < valeurMin) {
} roll.terms[0].results[0].result = valeurMin;
else { } else if (roll.terms[0].results[1].result < valeurMin) {
if (roll.terms[0].results[0].result < diff) { roll.terms[0].results[1].result = valeurMin;
roll.terms[0].results[0].result = diff;
} else if (roll.terms[0].results[1].result < diff) {
roll.terms[0].results[1].result = diff;
} }
roll._total = roll.terms[0].results[0].result + roll.terms[0].results[1].result; roll._total = roll.terms[0].results[0].result + roll.terms[0].results[1].result;
} }
} }
static formuleEncaissement(diff, options) { return await RdDUtility.prepareEncaissement(rollData, roll, armure);
// Chaque dé fait au minimum la difficulté libre
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-minimum-malus-libre')) {
return `2d10min${diff}`
return '2d10'
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async prepareEncaissement(rollData, roll, armure) { static async prepareEncaissement(rollData, roll, armure) {
// La difficulté d'ataque s'ajoute aux dégâts const jetTotal = + - armure;
const bonusDegatsDiffLibre = ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('degat-ajout-malus-libre') ? Math.abs(rollData.diffLibre ?? 0) : 0 let encaissement = RdDUtility._selectEncaissement(jetTotal, rollData.dmg.mortalite);
const jetTotal = + - armure + bonusDegatsDiffLibre let over20 = Math.max(jetTotal - 20, 0);
const encaissement = RdDUtility._selectEncaissement(jetTotal, rollData.dmg.mortalite);
const over20 = Math.max(jetTotal - 20, 0);
encaissement.dmg = rollData.dmg; encaissement.dmg = rollData.dmg;
encaissement.dmg.loc = rollData.dmg.loc ?? await RdDUtility.getLocalisation(this.type); encaissement.dmg.loc = rollData.dmg.loc ?? await RdDUtility.getLocalisation(this.type);
encaissement.dmg.loc.label = encaissement.dmg.loc.label ?? 'Corps;'; encaissement.dmg.loc.label = encaissement.dmg.loc.label ?? 'Corps;';
encaissement.dmg.bonusDegatsDiffLibre = bonusDegatsDiffLibre
encaissement.roll = roll; encaissement.roll = roll;
encaissement.armure = armure; encaissement.armure = armure;
encaissement.penetration = rollData.arme?.system.penetration ?? 0; encaissement.penetration = rollData.arme?.system.penetration ?? 0;
@ -628,28 +611,53 @@ export class RdDUtility {
for (let encaissement of table) { for (let encaissement of table) {
if ((encaissement.minimum === undefined || encaissement.minimum <= degats) if ((encaissement.minimum === undefined || encaissement.minimum <= degats)
&& (encaissement.maximum === undefined || degats <= encaissement.maximum)) { && (encaissement.maximum === undefined || degats <= encaissement.maximum)) {
return foundry.utils.duplicate(encaissement); return duplicate(encaissement);
} }
} }
return foundry.utils.duplicate(table[0]); return duplicate(table[0]);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async _evaluatePerte(formula, over20) { static async _evaluatePerte(formula, over20) {
let perte = new Roll(formula, { over20: over20 }); let perte = new Roll(formula, { over20: over20 });
await perte.evaluate(); await perte.evaluate({ async: true });
return; return;
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static currentFatigueMalus(value, max) {
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) {
max = Math.max(1, Math.min(max, 60));
value = Math.min(max * 2, Math.max(0, value));
let fatigueTab = fatigueMatrix[max];
let fatigueRem = value;
for (let idx = 0; idx < fatigueTab.length; idx++) {
fatigueRem -= fatigueTab[idx];
if (fatigueRem <= 0) {
return fatigueMalus[idx];
return -7; // This is the max !
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static async responseNombreAstral(callData) {
let actor = game.actors.get(;
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static onSocketMessage(sockmsg) { static onSocketMessage(sockmsg) {
switch (sockmsg.msg) { switch (sockmsg.msg) {
case "msg_gm_chat_message": case "msg_gm_chat_message":
return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(; return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(;
case "msg_app_astrologie_refresh":
return Hooks.callAll(APP_ASTROLOGIE_REFRESH);
case "msg_request_nombre_astral": case "msg_request_nombre_astral":
return game.system.rdd.calendrier.requestNombreAstral(; return game.system.rdd.calendrier.requestNombreAstral(;
case "msg_response_nombre_astral":
return RdDUtility.responseNombreAstral(;
case "msg_tmr_move": case "msg_tmr_move":
let actor = game.actors.get(; let actor = game.actors.get(;
if (actor.isOwner || game.user.isGM) { if (actor.isOwner || game.user.isGM) {
@ -661,9 +669,8 @@ export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static async chatListeners(html) { static async chatListeners(html) {
RdDCombat.registerChatCallbacks(html) RdDCombat.registerChatCallbacks(html);
RdDEmpoignade.registerChatCallbacks(html) RdDEmpoignade.registerChatCallbacks(html);
// Gestion spécifique message passeurs // Gestion spécifique message passeurs
html.on("click", '.tmr-passeur-coord a', event => { html.on("click", '.tmr-passeur-coord a', event => {
@ -769,7 +776,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static createMonnaie(name, cout, img = "", enc = 0.01) { static createMonnaie(name, cout, img = "", enc = 0.01) {
let piece = { let piece = {
name: name, type: 'monnaie', img: img, _id: foundry.utils.randomID(16), name: name, type: 'monnaie', img: img, _id: randomID(16),
dasystemta: { dasystemta: {
quantite: 0, quantite: 0,
cout: cout, cout: cout,
@ -822,7 +829,7 @@ export class RdDUtility {
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static confirmSubActeurDelete(sheet, subActor, htmlToDelete, onSuppression = () => { }) { static confirmerSuppressionSubacteur(sheet, subActor, htmlToDelete, onSuppression = ()=>{}) {
RdDConfirm.confirmer({ RdDConfirm.confirmer({
settingConfirmer: "confirmation-supprimer-lien-acteur", settingConfirmer: "confirmation-supprimer-lien-acteur",
content: `<p>Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer le lien vers ${} ?</p>`, content: `<p>Etes vous certain de vouloir supprimer le lien vers ${} ?</p>`,
@ -905,4 +912,10 @@ export class RdDUtility {
} }
} }
/*-------------------------------------------- */
static async onRenderChatMessage(app, html, msg) {
//console.log(app, html, msg);
} }

View File

@ -64,44 +64,32 @@ export const referenceAjustements = {
}, },
encTotal: { encTotal: {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac) && RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence), isVisible: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac) && RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence),
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => !rollData.oeuvre && RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac) && RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence) && rollData.use?.encTotal, isUsed: (rollData, actor) => !rollData.oeuvre && RdDCarac.isAgiliteOuDerobee(rollData.selectedCarac) && RdDItemCompetence.isMalusEncombrementTotal(rollData.competence) && rollData.use.encTotal,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Encombrement total', getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Encombrement total',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => -actor.getEncTotal() getValue: (rollData, actor) => -actor.getEncTotal()
}, },
surenc: { surenc: {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac) && actor.isSurenc(), isVisible: (rollData, actor) => actor.isSurenc(),
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.use.surenc && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac), isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.use?.surenc,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Sur-encombrement', getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Sur-encombrement',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.computeMalusSurEncombrement() getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.computeMalusSurEncombrement()
}, },
rituel: {
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => actor.isPersonnage() && ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("astrologie") && rollData.selectedSort?.system.isrituel,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Astrologique',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.ajustementAstrologique()
astrologique: {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => actor.isPersonnage() && ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("astrologie") && RdDCarac.isChance(rollData.selectedCarac),
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isChance(rollData.selectedCarac) && rollData.use.astrologique,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Astrologique',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.ajustementAstrologique()
moral: { moral: {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => actor.isPersonnage() && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac) && rollData.use?.moral, isVisible: (rollData, actor) => actor.isPersonnage() && RdDCarac.isActionPhysique(rollData.selectedCarac) && rollData.use?.moral,
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.use.moral, isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.use?.moral,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Appel au moral', getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Appel au moral',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => 1 getValue: (rollData, actor) => 1
}, },
coeur: {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => actor.isPersonnage() && RdDCarac.isVolonte(rollData.selectedCarac),
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.use.coeur != undefined,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Ajustement de c&oelig;ur',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => -2 * (rollData.use.coeur?.coeur ?? 0)
moralTotal: { moralTotal: {
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isVolonte(rollData.selectedCarac), isUsed: (rollData, actor) => RdDCarac.isVolonte(rollData.selectedCarac),
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Moral', getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Moral',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.getMoralTotal() getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.getMoralTotal()
}, },
astrologique: {
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing("astrologie") && RdDBonus.isAjustementAstrologique(rollData),
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => 'Astrologique',
getValue: (rollData, actor) => actor.ajustementAstrologique()
facteurSign: { facteurSign: {
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.diviseurSignificative > 1, isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.diviseurSignificative > 1,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => Misc.getFractionHtml(rollData.diviseurSignificative), getLabel: (rollData, actor) => Misc.getFractionHtml(rollData.diviseurSignificative),
@ -111,7 +99,7 @@ export const referenceAjustements = {
isVisible: (rollData, actor) => rollData.arme?.system.magique && Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite) > 0, isVisible: (rollData, actor) => rollData.arme?.system.magique && Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite) > 0,
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.arme?.system.magique && Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite) > 0, isUsed: (rollData, actor) => rollData.arme?.system.magique && Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite) > 0,
getLabel: (rollData, actor) => "Ecaille d'Efficacité: ", getLabel: (rollData, actor) => "Ecaille d'Efficacité: ",
getValue: (rollData, actor) => rollData.arme?.system.magique ? Math.max(Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite), 0) : 0, getValue: (rollData, actor) => Math.max(Number(rollData.arme?.system.ecaille_efficacite), 0),
}, },
finesse: { finesse: {
isUsed: (rollData, actor) => RdDBonus.isDefenseAttaqueFinesse(rollData), isUsed: (rollData, actor) => RdDBonus.isDefenseAttaqueFinesse(rollData),
@ -165,9 +153,7 @@ export class RollDataAjustements {
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
static calcul(rollData, actor) { static calcul(rollData, actor) {
// s'assurer de la correction des infos rollData rollData.ajustements = {};
foundry.utils.mergeObject(rollData, { ajustements: {}, use: {} }, { overwrite: false })
for (var key in referenceAjustements) { for (var key in referenceAjustements) {
const reference = referenceAjustements[key]; const reference = referenceAjustements[key];
rollData.ajustements[key] = { rollData.ajustements[key] = {
@ -178,7 +164,7 @@ export class RollDataAjustements {
descr: reference.getDescr && reference.getDescr(rollData, actor) descr: reference.getDescr && reference.getDescr(rollData, actor)
} }
} }
rollData.finalLevel = RollDataAjustements.sum(rollData.ajustements) rollData.finalLevel = RollDataAjustements.sum(rollData.ajustements);
} }
/* -------------------------------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
@ -199,5 +185,4 @@ export class RollDataAjustements {
RdDCarac.isChance(selectedCarac) || RdDCarac.isChance(selectedCarac) ||
(RdDCarac.isReve(selectedCarac) && !rollData.competence); (RdDCarac.isReve(selectedCarac) && !rollData.competence);
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
import { SYSTEM_RDD } from "../constants.js"
import { Misc } from "../misc.js"
export const EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM = 'export-csv-scriptarium'
{ group: 'Menus', name: EXPORT_CSV_SCRIPTARIUM, descr: "Proposer le menu d'export csv Scriptarium (raffraichissement requis)" },
export class OptionsAvancees extends FormApplication {
static init() {
for (const regle of OPTIONS_AVANCEES) {
const name =
const id = OptionsAvancees._getId(name)
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, id, { name: id, scope: regle.scope ?? "world", config: false, default: regle.default == undefined ? true : regle.default, type: Boolean })
game.settings.registerMenu(SYSTEM_RDD, "rdd-options-avancees", {
name: "Configurer les options avancées",
label: "Options avancées",
hint: "Ouvre la fenêtre de configuration des options avancées",
icon: "fas fa-bars",
type: OptionsAvancees
constructor(...args) {
static _getId(name) {
return `rdd-advanced-${name}`
static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, {
id: "options-avancees",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/options-avancees.hbs",
height: 650,
width: 550,
minimizable: false,
closeOnSubmit: true,
title: "Options avancées"
}, { inplace: false })
getData() {
let formData = super.getData()
const regles = OPTIONS_AVANCEES.filter(it => game.user.isGM || it.scope == "client")
.map(it => {
it = foundry.utils.duplicate(it) = OptionsAvancees._getId( = OptionsAvancees.isSet(
return it
formData.regles = regles
formData.groups = Misc.classify(regles, it =>
return formData
static getSettingKey(name){
return `${SYSTEM_RDD}.${this._getId(name)}`
static isUsing(name) {
return OptionsAvancees.isSet(name)
static isSet(name) {
return game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, OptionsAvancees._getId(name))
static set(name, value) {
return game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, OptionsAvancees._getId(name), value ? true : false)
activateListeners(html) {
html.find(".select-option").click((event) => {
if ( {
let id =
let isChecked = event.currentTarget.checked
game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, id, isChecked)
async _updateObject(event, formData) {

View File

@ -4,12 +4,6 @@ import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
const listeReglesOptionnelles = [ const listeReglesOptionnelles = [
{ group: 'Règles générales', name: 'appliquer-fatigue', descr: "Appliquer les règles de fatigue"}, { group: 'Règles générales', name: 'appliquer-fatigue', descr: "Appliquer les règles de fatigue"},
{ group: 'Règles générales', name: 'astrologie', descr: "Appliquer les ajustements astrologiques aux jets de chance et aux rituels"}, { group: 'Règles générales', name: 'astrologie', descr: "Appliquer les ajustements astrologiques aux jets de chance et aux rituels"},
{ group: 'Récupération', name: 'transformation-stress', descr: "Transformer le stress durant Château Dormant"},
{ group: 'Récupération', name: 'recuperation-chance', descr: "Récupérer la chance durant Château Dormant"},
{ group: 'Récupération', name: 'recuperation-ethylisme', descr: "Récupérer l'éthylisme"},
{ group: 'Récupération', name: 'recuperation-reve', descr: "Récupérer le rêve pendant la nuit (les jets sont toujours faits pour les Rêves de Dragons)"},
{ group: 'Récupération', name: 'recuperation-moral', descr: "Le moral revient vers 0 durant Château Dormant"},
{ group: 'Règles de combat', name: 'recul', descr: "Appliquer le recul en cas de particulière en force ou de charge" }, { group: 'Règles de combat', name: 'recul', descr: "Appliquer le recul en cas de particulière en force ou de charge" },
{ group: 'Règles de combat', name: 'resistanceArmeParade', descr: "Faire le jet de résistance des armes lors de parades pouvant les endommager" }, { group: 'Règles de combat', name: 'resistanceArmeParade', descr: "Faire le jet de résistance des armes lors de parades pouvant les endommager" },
@ -26,7 +20,6 @@ const listeReglesOptionnelles = [
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmer-combat-sans-cible', descr: "Confirmer avant une attaque sans cible", scope: "client"}, { group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmer-combat-sans-cible', descr: "Confirmer avant une attaque sans cible", scope: "client"},
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-tmr', descr: "Confirmer pour monter dans les TMR", scope: "client"}, { group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-tmr', descr: "Confirmer pour monter dans les TMR", scope: "client"},
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-tmr-rencontre', descr: "Confirmer pour monter dans les TMR avec rencontre en attente", scope: "client"},
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-refouler', descr: "Confirmer avant de refouler", scope: "client"}, { group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-refouler', descr: "Confirmer avant de refouler", scope: "client"},
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-vider', descr: "Confirmer pour vider l'équipement", scope: "client"}, { group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-vider', descr: "Confirmer pour vider l'équipement", scope: "client"},
{ group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-supprimer-lien-acteur', descr: "Confirmer pour détacher un animal/suivant/véhicule", scope: "client"}, { group: 'Confirmations', name: 'confirmation-supprimer-lien-acteur', descr: "Confirmer pour détacher un animal/suivant/véhicule", scope: "client"},
@ -71,21 +64,23 @@ export class ReglesOptionnelles extends FormApplication {
} }
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { const options = super.defaultOptions;
mergeObject(options, {
id: "regles-optionnelles", id: "regles-optionnelles",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/regles-optionnelles.hbs", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/regles-optionnelles.html",
height: 650, height: 600,
width: 550, width: 450,
minimizable: false, minimizable: false,
closeOnSubmit: true, closeOnSubmit: true,
title: "Règles optionnelles" title: "Règles optionnelles"
}, { inplace: false }) });
return options;
} }
getData() { getData() {
let formData = super.getData(); let formData = super.getData();
const regles = listeReglesOptionnelles.filter(it => game.user.isGM || it.scope == "client").map(it => { const regles = listeReglesOptionnelles.filter(it => game.user.isGM || it.scope == "client").map(it => {
it = foundry.utils.duplicate(it); it = duplicate(it); = ReglesOptionnelles._getIdRegle(; = ReglesOptionnelles._getIdRegle(; = ReglesOptionnelles.isSet(; = ReglesOptionnelles.isSet(;
return it; return it;

View File

@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ const rddStatusEffects = [
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusStunned, label: 'EFFECT.StatusStunned', icon: 'icons/svg/stoned.svg', "duration.rounds": 1 }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusStunned, label: 'EFFECT.StatusStunned', icon: 'icons/svg/stoned.svg', "duration.rounds": 1 },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusBleeding, label: 'EFFECT.StatusBleeding', icon: 'icons/svg/blood.svg' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusBleeding, label: 'EFFECT.StatusBleeding', icon: 'icons/svg/blood.svg' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusProne, label: 'EFFECT.StatusProne', icon: 'icons/svg/falling.svg' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusProne, label: 'EFFECT.StatusProne', icon: 'icons/svg/falling.svg' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusGrappling, tint: '#33cc33', label: 'EFFECT.StatusGrappling', icon: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/empoignade.webp' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusGrappling, tint: '#33cc33', label: 'EFFECT.StatusGrappling', icon: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusGrappled, tint: '#ff9900', label: 'EFFECT.StatusGrappled', icon: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/empoignade.webp' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusGrappled, tint: '#ff9900', label: 'EFFECT.StatusGrappled', icon: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/icons/competence_corps_a_corps.webp' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusRestrained, label: 'EFFECT.StatusRestrained', icon: 'icons/svg/net.svg' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusRestrained, label: 'EFFECT.StatusRestrained', icon: 'icons/svg/net.svg' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusUnconscious, label: 'EFFECT.StatusUnconscious', icon: 'icons/svg/unconscious.svg' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusUnconscious, label: 'EFFECT.StatusUnconscious', icon: 'icons/svg/unconscious.svg' },
{ rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusBlind, label: 'EFFECT.StatusBlind', icon: 'icons/svg/blind.svg' }, { rdd: true, id: STATUSES.StatusBlind, label: 'EFFECT.StatusBlind', icon: 'icons/svg/blind.svg' },
@ -29,16 +29,13 @@ const rddStatusEffects = [
]; ];
const demiReveStatusEffect = rddStatusEffects.find(it => == STATUSES.StatusDemiReve); const demiReveStatusEffect = rddStatusEffects.find(it => == STATUSES.StatusDemiReve);
const statusDemiSurprise = new Set([STATUSES.StatusStunned, STATUSES.StatusProne, STATUSES.StatusRestrained]) const statusDemiSurprise = [STATUSES.StatusStunned, STATUSES.StatusProne, STATUSES.StatusRestrained];
const statusSurpriseTotale = new Set([STATUSES.StatusUnconscious, STATUSES.StatusBlind, STATUSES.StatusComma]) const statusSurpriseTotale = [STATUSES.StatusUnconscious, STATUSES.StatusBlind, STATUSES.StatusComma];
export class StatusEffects extends FormApplication { export class StatusEffects extends FormApplication {
static onReady() { static onReady() {
const rddEffectIds = =>; const rddStatusIds = =>;
rddStatusEffects.forEach(it => { rddStatusEffects.forEach(it => it.flags = { core: { statusId: } });
it.statuses = new Set()
const defaultStatusEffectIds = =>; const defaultStatusEffectIds = =>;
game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects", { game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects", {
name: "use-status-effects", name: "use-status-effects",
@ -57,47 +54,37 @@ export class StatusEffects extends FormApplication {
restricted: true restricted: true
}); });
CONFIG.RDD.allEffects = rddStatusEffects.concat(CONFIG.statusEffects.filter(it => !rddEffectIds.includes(; CONFIG.RDD.allEffects = rddStatusEffects.concat(CONFIG.statusEffects.filter(it => !rddStatusIds.includes(;
StatusEffects._setUseStatusEffects(StatusEffects._getUseStatusEffects()); StatusEffects._setUseStatusEffects(StatusEffects._getUseStatusEffects());
console.log('statusEffects', CONFIG.statusEffects); console.log('statusEffects', CONFIG.statusEffects);
} }
static valeurSurprise(effect, isCombat) { static valeurSurprise(effect, isCombat) {
if (statusSurpriseTotale.intersects(effect.statuses)) { // const id = StatusEffects.statusId(effect);
return 2 if (statusSurpriseTotale.includes(effect.flags?.core?.statusId)) {
return 2;
} }
if (statusDemiSurprise.intersects(effect.statuses)) { return statusDemiSurprise.includes(effect.flags?.core?.statusId) || (isCombat && effect.flags?.core?.statusId == STATUSES.StatusDemiReve) ? 1 : 0;
return 1
if (isCombat && effect.statuses.find(e => e == STATUSES.StatusDemiReve)) {
return 1
return 0
} }
static _getUseStatusEffects() { static _getUseStatusEffects() {
return game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects")?.split(',') ?? []; return game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects")?.split(',') ?? [];
} }
static _setUseStatusEffects(effectIds) { static _setUseStatusEffects(statusIds) {
if (game.user.isGM) { if (game.user.isGM) {
game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects", effectIds.join()); game.settings.set(SYSTEM_RDD, "use-status-effects", statusIds.join());
} }
for (let effect of CONFIG.RDD.allEffects) { for (let effect of CONFIG.RDD.allEffects) { = effect.rdd || effectIds.includes(; = effect.rdd || statusIds.includes(effect.flags?.core?.statusId);
} }
CONFIG.statusEffects = CONFIG.RDD.allEffects.filter(it =>; CONFIG.statusEffects = CONFIG.RDD.allEffects.filter(it =>;
} }
static prepareActiveEffect(effectId) { static status(statusId) {
let status = rddStatusEffects.find(it => == effectId) return rddStatusEffects.find(it => it.flags?.core?.statusId == statusId);
if (status) {
status = foundry.utils.duplicate(status)
status.statuses = [effectId]
return status;
} }
static demiReve() { static demiReve() {
@ -110,7 +97,7 @@ export class StatusEffects extends FormApplication {
static get defaultOptions() { static get defaultOptions() {
const options = super.defaultOptions; const options = super.defaultOptions;
foundry.utils.mergeObject(options, { mergeObject(options, {
id: "status-effects", id: "status-effects",
template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/status-effects.html", template: "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/settings/status-effects.html",
height: 800, height: 800,
@ -125,7 +112,7 @@ export class StatusEffects extends FormApplication {
getData() { getData() {
const used = StatusEffects._getUseStatusEffects(); const used = StatusEffects._getUseStatusEffects();
let formData = super.getData(); let formData = super.getData();
formData.effects = foundry.utils.duplicate(CONFIG.RDD.allEffects); formData.effects = duplicate(CONFIG.RDD.allEffects);
formData.effects.forEach(it => = used.includes( formData.effects.forEach(it => = used.includes(
return formData; return formData;
} }

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More